IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow to file back taxes?
um actually I would get started ASAP b/c you're going to need those transcripts from the IRS, and even if you just submit copies of your returns you can't submit them until IRS has finished processing them. Right now I'm hoping that the IRS will finish processing my returns by the time that I need them to submit for the AOS, as it is it looks like I might be held up waiting for them :( So I suggest getting those done and submitted asap so that they're ready.
RooshaFemaleQatar2013-02-12 03:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow to file back taxes?
Got to, pay to do your 2010 and 2011 taxes, 2012 is free. Print out everything and send it to the Austin address for overseas filers. Look at this link to get "streamlined" which supposedly processes your returns faster but I called in and they said it'll be 6-8 weeks, maybe longer since I sent in three years worth, but I think the operator I was talking to was an idiot :D There's a questionnaire you need to include along with your tax returns.

Anyway, good luck, let me know if you need more info!
RooshaFemaleQatar2013-02-10 09:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow to file back taxes?
I don't think I pay state taxes as I wasn't a resident in the states for years. I'm pretty sure I only need to do federal taxes. And I need to file foreign income exclusion so that's why I was hoping to be able to use a program that will walk me through the process as I have no idea what forms I'm supposed to use.
RooshaFemaleQatar2012-11-27 09:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow to file back taxes?
So, I haven't filed taxes ever since i moved overseas (seven years ago) :bonk: stupid I know but now of course I need to file. I have to file for 2011, will file for 2012 in Feb and I didn't work in 2010 so that won't be a problem. My only problem is how do I file taxes for 2011? The max extension was 6 months and that deadline passed in October. I've been all over the IRS website and even taxAct but I can't seem to find a clear answer! Does anyone know where to go/what to do? Thanks!
RooshaFemaleQatar2012-11-27 08:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures2012 TAXES - Married Filing Separate?
Married/Separately is the easiest filing status to choose since you won't have to apply for an ITIN, just put NRA in the box where it asks for SSN for your spouse

Married/Jointly will probably give your a bigger return, but you have to go through applying for an ITIN, which is a pain.

If I was in your situation and I didn't need the money from the return ASAP I'd wait until my spouse was in the states with their SSN and THEN file. If she doesn't get here until after April 15, file for an extension. But I'm lazy and hate doing all this paperwork and will almost always do what takes little or no work :P
RooshaFemaleQatar2013-02-16 06:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 G-325A Biographic info. sheet
Other. Then write Form I-130 in the space next to that.
RooshaFemaleQatar2013-02-18 19:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBoth Living Outside US. How To Fulfil Income Requirements?
Your USC wife must file taxes in order to submit them with the Affidavit of Support even though her income will not continue once she leave Canada.

Your co-sponsor can be either a USC or a LPR (legal permanent resident, ie green card holder) and does not need to be related to you.
RooshaFemaleQatar2013-02-20 18:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFilling out the I-130; Question About Addresses and Domicile..
On B2 write your Canadian address, you'll have a strong chance of being expedited. It's not 100% but most overseas filers get expedited.

C18 - I'd just include your parents address, there's no reason to make the question more complicated, just make sure that your parents take care of mail and whatnot since I think that the green card and other important paperwork will be sent there and if it's lost it'll be a headache.

Good Luck!
RooshaFemaleQatar2013-02-23 17:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat happens if you don't get RFE in mail?
Oh, and I TOTALLY forgot to say: under no circumstances should you forget to include Form G-1145 so that they have your email. That's how I got my NOA1, once I had that I then registered on the uscis website for email updates. I also registered my sister's cell for text updates, but we got both at the same time. Our mail is horrid here too.
RooshaFemaleQatar2013-02-23 20:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat happens if you don't get RFE in mail?
Keep your address as abroad, do NOT change it. Two months after you send in your petition call in to USCIS and ask about your case status, specifically if you've been issued an RFE or where your case file is etc. Do this every two weeks or every month. That way, IF you get issued an RFE you'll know about it fairly quickly and then act on that information while not loosing too much time.
RooshaFemaleQatar2013-02-23 17:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAlien number on NOA2 hardcopy
I got the same thing on my NOA2, I just assumed it was a misprint and that it is actually my husband's A number. I don't even know what my A number was, I've been a citizen for 20+ years!!
RooshaFemaleQatar2013-02-17 14:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPetitioner and Beneficiary living together overseas


I think if you had a family member go to the school for you it could get done. Just explain your situation and ask what you can do to make it happen. I sent in our children's grades and immunization records plus their SSA numbers. If you have social security number for your son, I don't see why you couldn't fill out a school registration form? Maybe each state has it's own requirements.

Each COUNTY has it's own rules, it's crazy. And yes, I contacted them and everything, they were very nice about it and sent me all the information I need but they can't register him in school b/c he's coming from overseas so we have to actually go to the registration office in order to have him tested and blah blah. Eh, it's ok, I was just hoping to have that as a bit more proof for domicile. I included all the emails back and forth between the registrar and I so hopefully it should be ok.

Good Luck!
RooshaFemaleQatar2013-02-28 12:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPetitioner and Beneficiary living together overseas


Thank you for your advice. One question which I can not find a clear answer for: my wife and I were considering choosing my mother as the agent on DS-3032 only because she has a US mailing address. Is this wise? I have read that once/if the case gets to the Embassy they might send all correspondence to whomever you have chosen as agent, even if the petitioner and beneficiary both live in-country. That would obviously slow this process down.

We are going to submit our email address as soon as we get our NVC case number (I've been calling every day - 9 days straight) and also send the DS-3032 as an email. After registering for correspondence via email, does anyone know if the NVC still sends snail mail? Some people say that they do, and others say, "no, they won't." If they don't, then I don't have any reason to use my mother's mailing address on DS-3032, do I? If they do send snail mail some of it will eventually come to or remote village, and be opened by who knows who, after we have moved. I really don't want people here having access to that information.

We've already registered our children for school this fall in the US and would like them to have some time to adjust to life in the US first.

Moaning and complaining - I really think that people who have been married eight years shouldn't have their paperwork sent to the NVC. Direct Consular Filing should be an option after the I-130 is approved, especially if both husband and wife are living overseas. That's what I was led to believe when speaking with the consular… apparently that's not the case.


On the same phone call that you get your case number you'll give them your and your wife's email address and after that NVC won't send you anything by snail mail. Is there any problem with designating your mother as the choice of agent? We put my parent's address in the US on the DS-3032 form but so far have been getting all correspondence by email. Whether they sent anything by snail mail I couldn't tell you. It might just be safer to put the US address on the DS-3032, even though you won't need it, but just in case they do send something you don't want some random person seeing it.

How did you manage to register your kids? I'm jealous, our county won't register my son until we're physically there :angry: <_<

I agree about the DCF, I've been overseas for the past 8 years, it just makes more sense for the embassy here to process my case, they "know" us better anyway with all the paperwork and procedures (passport renewals, CRBA, etc) I've had to do through them!

Last but not least, come join the NVC filers! We all hang out in one thread and update each other about cases and whatnot, it'll give you a better idea about when to expect your case number/bill invoice/etc. This is the february thread: http://www.visajourn...-february-2013/ but we move to a new thread every month so there will be a new one in a couple of days for March.
RooshaFemaleQatar2013-02-27 10:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPetitioner and Beneficiary living together overseas
Nothing is abnormal about your case so far. This is how it works, even for those of us living overseas with our spouses :) Unless you're lucky enough to live in a country where USCIS has an office at the US embassy (ie, UK), then you'd be able to file directly with the embassy. But we don't, so we can't!

Go here: http://www.visajourn...-february-2013/ and read everything in the first two posts as well as opening links and reading the wikis there too. Good news is that once you have your case number and you've given email addresses to the NVC all correspondence will be by email so don't worry about changing your address. Start getting together your IV and AOS packages to send them to NVC, and make sure you have a joint sponsor if your income is not from a US source.

Good Luck! I'm also a USC filing from overseas, would be happy to help with any other questions!
RooshaFemaleQatar2013-02-15 05:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Says Just received case... Do I?
Have you read the guides about how to get through NVC? go here: http://www.visajourn...ers-march-2013/ and read the first two posts thoroughly, most of your questions should be answered there and if there's something you're still confused on you can ask in that thread.
RooshaFemaleQatar2013-03-01 20:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED FASTER BECAUSE OF LIVING ABROAD?!

The people overseas are already with there loved one.. so it doesnt even matter if there's takes long..

I tell ya... The poor stay poorer the rich get richer...

Are you F***ing kidding me?!? Who are you to say who should take longer to get processed? And how many times has it been mentioned that overseas filers make up a TINY percentage of immigration that it doesn't even affect the process for anyone else? Or are we just looking for a punching bag?

Also? Their, NOT "there"; theirs NOT "there's". Are you sure you live in the states?
RooshaFemaleQatar2013-03-01 20:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED FASTER BECAUSE OF LIVING ABROAD?!
You do realize that until a year ago USC living overseas could file with the embassy in that country and get a visa for their spouse in as little as 1-2 months? USCIS changed that and now all files are sent to the states for adjudication. Maybe that's why.

Whatever the reason it's really the least thing you should be worried and/or complaining about. What is it your business why people get approved faster, concentrate on your own petition b/c trust me these bad vibes aren't going to get you anywhere. Karma's a B!&%h, don't ever forget that.
RooshaFemaleQatar2013-02-27 19:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew Immigrant Fee ( $ 165.00 ) HOW DO I PAY ?
Do you have a copy of your NOA2? Her A number should be on there. Otherwise maybe you could call into USCIS or NVC and get that information?
RooshaFemaleQatar2013-03-01 22:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFilling out the I-130 To leave Blank or N/A/?
Don't leave things blank, ever. Put N/A or None, depending on the question.
RooshaFemaleQatar2013-03-02 13:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPolice Clearance Certificate Addressed to wrong Embassy!
RooshaFemaleQatar2013-03-03 20:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPolice Clearance Certificate Addressed to wrong Embassy!
Ok so we got the PCC only to see that the "Destination Dept" (as written on the certificate) is to the embassy of my husband's home country. Which of course is NOT what we requested on the form but whatever. So the lady that printed it said that we should get it attested at the embassy and THEN get it attested at what is equivalent to the State Dept. Which sounds stupid to me, b/c what does it matter, the certificate would be the same whether it was addressed to the American Embassy or to Mars, what matters is the content. BUT my husband did bring up a point that any document that is from another country needs to get stamped and attested in order to be used in the States.

So, should I get it stamped? Or no need? I'm thinking no need b/c if that's true then that means I'm going to have to get his birth certificate and our marriage certificate also attested and stamped and blah blah. And I haven't seen any instructions to do that...
RooshaFemaleQatar2013-03-03 02:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDual citizen obtaining domicile as non US resident
Domicile might be the least of your issues. I've been outside the US for the past 8 years so I know exactly where you're coming from, and there's a lot you're going to need to do with regards to the I-864. Here's what you'll need regarding the AOS:

1) Income from US source or a joint sponsor that meets the requirements. Or else you could sponsor on assets. But your current international employment does not count.

2) You're going to need to file taxes for the past 3 years at least in order to file the AOS, even though your income will not be counted. Read this link about overseas filing, might help:

3) You need to provide proof that you're re-establishing domicile, everything you do before moving in order to get settled. You should write up a lease for you and your grandmother to sign. See if you can open a bank account. Do you have kids? Register them in school, or at least contact the registrar and get the information, you can submit those emails as proof. What about work? Are you applying for jobs? Print out emails, phone logs, your profile on employment websites, anything that will show that you're looking.
RooshaFemaleQatar2013-03-03 20:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIRS / ITIN question tax extension
I'd just file married separate until your wife arrives in the states and gets her SSN then you can amend the return and still get that money. You're still delaying when you receive the refund if you file for an extension so I think you'd get the money at around the same time.
RooshaFemaleQatar2013-01-16 03:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresChance of wife traveling to the US after filing

I mean from the CBP guy when i entered, he asked why i was visiting, who i was staying with and we had a chat about my CR1 petition, i asked if he could see any details and he said no, all he can see is dates of visits, any overstays, passport details! said its nothing to do with them! which in a way it isnt.

Well that's news! Thanks for correcting me, and for sharing :)

I still think the potential immigrant should bring lots of ties to home country, esp if they're entering the country with their spouse.
RooshaFemaleQatar2013-03-03 11:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresChance of wife traveling to the US after filing

Are you sure that CBP can see on their system that there is a pending CR1 petition when you enter through immigration ?
i was told when i entered 4 weeks ago that they cant at all.

I've read posts on here that they can! When you say you were told, you mean told by a CBP or by a reputable source? Or from others who have also gone through the process?
RooshaFemaleQatar2013-03-03 09:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresChance of wife traveling to the US after filing
No, she can travel the only difference this time will be that they will see that you've filed the I-130 and so they'll want to see more proof that she's planning on leaving. Meaning she needs to have a letter from her employment that she's coming back, apt lease, return air ticket, anything that will show that she has ties to her home country and will leave. You might try reading in the Canada forum, they'll have more ideas of what to bring to prove that she will return.
RooshaFemaleQatar2013-03-03 04:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence of a bonafide marriage

Good to hear this from someone else in a similar situation. Just to be clear, you literally mailed a pile of all of this stuff (photocopies or printouts, I presume) as part of your I-130 package?

Yup! For the pictures I made a word document, put about 4 pics per page, wrote up captions next to each photo stating date, place and the names of people in the photos.

The receipts and copies of visa were organized according to trip, in chronological order, each one under it's own divider so I could label it clearly. Took me a month to get the whole package together and I already had the forms and pics mostly done from a year ago when we were going to apply but decided not to. It could have been done faster, but I'm lazy :D

Everything in the I-130 was a copy, except for the official forms (i-130 and g325).
RooshaFemaleQatar2013-03-01 20:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence of a bonafide marriage
If you can't find boarding passes for trips (I couldn't either!!) then copies of visa or entry/exit stamps in your passports showing the dates is good too. We didn't have much evidence either but here's what I sent, and I'm living abroad with my spouse also.

a. Bank Statement detailing our joint savings account in Qatar International Bank
b. Letter from husband's employer stating that since he is married he is entitled to round trip airline tickets for me and our son as well as other benefits that a married man would get
c. Copy of our son’s Consular Report of Birth Abroad stating Me as his mother and my husband as his father.
d. 19 pictures from our wedding reception that took place one day after our marriage vows on August 3, 2005 and 26 pictures from various trips and outings during our marriage of seven years.
e. Copies of hotel receipts from our first two nights as a married couple in Doha and our honeymoon trip to Dubai.
f. Copies of visas from our passports showing the three trips taken together during our marriage.
RooshaFemaleQatar2013-02-26 11:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC (post-NOA2)

After about a week (maybe 10 days if you're patient) start calling EVERY DAY until you get your number. Also, read the first two posts on any of the NVC filing threads. I'll include March's here. It's got the information you'll need for this next step. Good luck! :thumbs:


You really need to click this link and read the first two posts, it's step by step information on what to do at NVC so that you can fly through the process. Most (if not all) your questions are answered there.
RooshaFemaleQatar2013-03-09 03:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC level questions
Go here: http://www.visajourn...ers-march-2013/ and read the first two posts, they have all the information you need. There are lots of links to guides also, make sure you read those.
RooshaFemaleQatar2013-03-09 03:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresConflicting answers about G-325A question "This form is submitted in connection with application for"
I did the same as ndu, checked other and wrote in form I-130 and we're at the NVC stage now.
RooshaFemaleQatar2013-03-18 15:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUS CItizen Abroad Tax Help for Spouse Visa
He doesn't necessarily need an ITIN if he chooses married filing separately. And since he's living abroad he can exclude up to $92K of his income from taxes. Plus I think Australia is one of those countries that have a tax treaty with the states.

OP this is going to be confusing, you need to get on the IRS website and start researching. But you'll probably need to file the last 3 years of your taxes, but you probably won't owe anything.

Good Luck!
RooshaFemaleQatar2013-03-20 07:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBirth Certificate (I-130)
Information about birth certificates according to State Dept website. http://travel.state....5.html?cid=9713

"Available. Reporting of births is voluntary, and records are not uniformly kept, particularly in rural areas. Almost all records of vital statistics of the Karachi Municipality were burned in 1948. Where a record of birth exists, a certificate to that effect may be obtained from the Registrar of Births and Deaths or the Director of Health Services in the municipality or, in rural areas, from the union council, district council or district health officer. Caution should be used, however, in accepting such certificates, since they frequently do not match the original ledgers. Births also may be registered late. In lieu of a birth certificate, Pakistanis often use school records attested by the headmaster or principal of the school or matriculation certificates, both of which identify the father and the date of birth."
RooshaFemaleQatar2013-03-03 06:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInteresting information on taxes

Will the IRS ask for documents stating your income from the foreign country or do you just put down the numbers yourself?

Just put them yourself, you're not required to submit anything as proof.

I don't mean to derail the thread, but my husband works remotely, for a Russian company. How would be go about the taxes?

What do you mean remotely? Please start your own thread (so you can get more views on your question) and also provide more information, most importantly, where he considers his residence is, in the US or abroad?
RooshaFemaleQatar2013-01-28 17:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInteresting information on taxes

I'm finding this, which I think is what is confusing everyone, yes?
Hmm... now I'm confused!

I assume if she moves, basically anytime before december lol then she couldn't claim exemption according to the website.

Now I agree that sounds ridiculous!

That's only if you're using the physical presence test. You can also use the bona fide residence test. I used it for 2012 b/c I spent 3 months on vacation in the USA. Let me find the link on IRS for more info.

Here ya go: that details how to prove foreign residence using the bona fide residence test. Keep in mind then when you will be doing this your wife will be a LPR, so this will apply.

Edited by Roosha, 28 January 2013 - 11:45 AM.

RooshaFemaleQatar2013-01-28 11:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInteresting information on taxes
Even if you report her income it won't be taxed because she was living overseas at the time so it's foreign income. I've worked off and on for the past 7 years and my income is never taxed because I live overseas, ie my residence is overseas. For 2012 you can earn up to $92,000 and none of it will be taxed. So even if she becomes an LPR in 2013 and you file your 2013 taxes as joint, the income that she earned in Japan will not be taxed. There are two tests to determine your overseas residence. The physical presence test where you were out of the country for 330 days out of the year and the bona fide residence test where you answer a couple questions in order to prove that your reside overseas.

The tax treaty stuff and deducting taxes you paid in Japan from taxes you need to pay in the US is another subject. There's no tax treaty with Qatar so I never dealt with that, sorry!
RooshaFemaleQatar2013-01-28 11:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAnother tax question - from someone whose never paid it.
There are no fees for filing late, unless you owe money.

check out this link: and also do research on the IRS website, lots of information there.

Use, they've got all the forms for filing from abroad and also can accommodate foreign spouses.

You're going to question filing status too, choose "married filing separately" as it's the easiest status to file, especially since you know you won't owe any taxes so you don't need to choose "married filing jointly" in order to get a bigger refund. Just put "NRA", which stands for non-resident alien, in the box where they ask for her SSN. If you really want to file jointly with your wife you'll have to apply for an ITIN, and that is a kind of involved, lengthy process, there are a lot of threads on here about it and what paperwork you need, etc. I didn't do it so I don't know exactly what will work if you choose that status.
RooshaFemaleQatar2013-03-26 01:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCheck issue with i 130 ooops
Have you tried calling? Call them and talk to a tier two person, not the first person who answers the phone. They should be able to tell you if the payment went through or what's going on.
RooshaFemaleQatar2013-03-26 03:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEmployment letter

Neither employment letters or pay stubs are necessary... They're not required. But you can send them if you choose. If the employment letter is a problem, stop worrying about it.

That's what I thought too! But unfortunately no, the sponsor has to include proof of employment, according to the checklist for the AOS from DOS (website in my last post above)
RooshaFemaleQatar2013-04-03 22:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEmployment letter
Yes, the point is to prove that you are employed. That means pay stubs and/OR an employment letter.

Instructions for filing AOS on the DOS website:

"Ensure that evidence of current employment or self-employment including a recent pay statement, or a statement from your employer on business stationery, is attached. A letter from your employer must show the date you began employment, the type of work done, and your income."
RooshaFemaleQatar2013-04-03 22:07:00