Middle East and North AfricaEmbassy in Tunis (Tunisia)
QUOTE (Ash * Habibati @ Jan 15 2008, 03:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Okay you're right loool - I remember reading about how it's hard for an American to even visit Libya - but I assume you went there to see him? How was it - it's ashame because I know there are so many beautiful places in that country and would be nice to be able to visit it - too easy for countries to get on the american ####### list anyway lol

Yeah Jihed and I joke about his name and he's asked me before if he should just go by Joe here lol - I'm like noooo habiby you will go by your name, we'll deal with people who are stupid later smile.gif hehe

I am so glad to hear that he is here with you now and that things were all okay for you guys!! I'm going to be so happy when I can say this is all behind us too!!

No, I haven't been to Libya and it's still hard for Americans to visit there. You have to be part of a tour group to get a visa and there is still no embassy.
I have heard from another woman married to a Libyan that it's much easier for the spouse of a Libyan to get a visa and I hope to visit soon inshallah.

I wouldn't count on him going by his name here laughing.gif my husband's name is Yousuf and people act like it's the hardest name in the world to say.... his boss at work can't quite get it so he's resorted to calling him Joseph, since he figured out that's what Yousuf is in English, and now his name at work is Joe! I told him to call them by their names in Arabic to get back at them but he says their names don't translate.... I told him to give them all vulgar names and call them that but he declined tongue.gif

I'm sure you will be reunited soon and you'll find yourself laughing at how much trouble this whole thing was inshallah.

Edited by Alhamdulillah, 15 January 2008 - 04:01 PM.

AlhamdulillahFemaleLibya2008-01-15 16:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaEmbassy in Tunis (Tunisia)
QUOTE (Ash * Habibati @ Jan 15 2008, 03:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks again!!! And thank you for the good luck smile.gif Can always use that!
How long has your husband been in the states with you?
I'm hoping that AP won't take long for Jihed.. he's such a good boy lol and we already got a translated copy of his 'police record 'in Tunisia - which is just what they call "Bulletin N 3 " and it's blank and states no judicial action was ever taken against him.. I'm just hoping being named Jihed isn't going to cause any problems hehehe smile.gif Have a great day!
fi amen allah

He got here in April and got his GC in Oct but it took us a while to apply and then we got held up trying to get another medical exam so it shouldn't have taken that long for AOS.

They let Usamas in and my husband came from a country that was on the US's ####### list for 30 years so I wouldn't worry too much about your husband's name lol

It's good for him to be prepared like that, it will save a lot of time and problems in the long run.
AlhamdulillahFemaleLibya2008-01-15 15:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaEmbassy in Tunis (Tunisia)
QUOTE (Ash * Habibati @ Jan 15 2008, 03:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you for the advice!! But what is AP?? I'm not sure what you meant by that.

AP is Administrative Processing, a fancy name for background and name checks as far as I know. Some people get stuck in that for a while but my husband was only on it for one month and then he got his visa.

Good luck! rose.gif
AlhamdulillahFemaleLibya2008-01-15 15:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaEmbassy in Tunis (Tunisia)
My husband was processed through Tunis but he's not Tunisian. You have to stay on them to make sure they get what you send them and send out what you need but other than that the staff was really friendly (although the interviewer did ask my husband some strange questions about my religion but whatever) and the process went smoothly and quickly.
After the interview, they put my husband on AP for one month and then issued the visa.
AlhamdulillahFemaleLibya2008-01-15 14:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaUm I brought back a souvenir from Algeria
QUOTE (charlesandnessa @ Jan 15 2008, 02:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Great advice, thanks!
AlhamdulillahFemaleLibya2008-01-15 15:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaUm I brought back a souvenir from Algeria
One of my best friends had three children early in life (one died and the others are grown and married now) and a few years ago she wanted another baby so badly but the doctors told her she had some medical problems and that combined with her age would make it impossible to concieve. She kept on praying and praying and she never gave up hope and then, about 7 years ago she had the little baby girl she'd waited so long for. She's in her 40's now and several months ago I was quite surprised to get an email that she was, once again, pregnant! She couldn't believe it, after all the problems she had trying to concieve before, this time she wasn't even trying or thinking about it LOL Of course she wasn't doing anything to prevent it either because who would think they'd get pregnant in their 40's when they've already had problems concieving???? LOL Well, she has a beautiful baby boy now biggrin.gif

Your story reminded me of her...
AlhamdulillahFemaleLibya2008-01-14 16:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaUm I brought back a souvenir from Algeria
Well congratulations!! And I'm sorry you're not feeling well. Call the nurse hotline or something and find out what medications you can take while you're pregnant.... deff nothing with alcohol!
AlhamdulillahFemaleLibya2008-01-14 16:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaZebibah~when fashion & faith meet
I think the reason this mark appears on some people and not on others is due to the varying degrees of skin sensitivity everyone has and I don't believe this is the mark of prostration mentioned by Allah in the Quran.
My husband and son both have this same mark on their feet.... my husband has had it for a while and my son has recently began developing one (he has eczema like me so hot water can irritate his skin)... because of the way they sit in the prayer.
It's kind of sad if someone would try to make themselves have this mark just to try to make an outward show of their piety.
AlhamdulillahFemaleLibya2008-01-17 11:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaChanging your name to your father in law first name
QUOTE (MrsAmera @ Jan 19 2008, 10:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm afraid this depends on the region. My last name is Mouttaki (my husband's last name) and that is not his father's first name. I'm pretty sure the same holds true through most of West and Northern African Muslim nations (aside from Egypt) as well as the Asiatic Muslims. Maybe do a little more reasearch as this is not the case everywhere and really is true only for the handful or so of levantine countries.

Can't speak for all countries but in Libya this is how people are named. My husband has a tribe name preceded by way too many other names, but on his paperwork in the US it's his name, his father's name, his grandfather's name and his great-grandfather's name as his last name. Some docs leave off the grandfather's name. I thought this was the common manner of naming in any muslim region, regardless of whether they are Arab or not.
AlhamdulillahFemaleLibya2008-01-21 16:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday
QUOTE (polarbear @ Jan 29 2008, 10:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (bridget @ Jan 29 2008, 10:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (yassmine2878 @ Jan 29 2008, 10:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Gak. I feel icky. Had nightmares all night, woke up all sweaty and nauesous. Blech.

I always wish that I had written down some of my scarier nightmares 'cause I swear they'd blow Stephen King out of the water, you know????

Maby that's where he gets his material from blink.gif

I saw an interview with him once... that is where he gets a lot of his material, according to him.
AlhamdulillahFemaleLibya2008-01-29 12:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaCensorship in MENA
Um Hussain said it best in one of "her" plays when "she" was asked:
"What do you love best about America?"
"So much freedom!"
What's the worst thing about America?"
"Too much freedom!"
AlhamdulillahFemaleLibya2008-01-29 13:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaBeing Kind over being right
The ignore feature works wonders.
Also, I agree with others that if you don't want people commenting on what you write then you should limit what you divulge. If you want to discuss private aspects of your life, you'll have to grow a thicker skin and learn to either take what others say with a grain of salt or ignore them. It may not be right but it's just how it is. And this section of VJ is the worst about that. smile.gif
AlhamdulillahFemaleLibya2008-01-25 17:13:00
QUOTE (chaishai @ Jan 24 2008, 03:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Im saying, legally, religiously whatever, you can get married again that fast?

Religiously? I guess that depends on the religion. In Islam there's a waiting period before a woman can remarry. It's not terribly long but it's there.

QUOTE (Ganja_Girl @ Jan 24 2008, 03:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am so sorry Alhamdulillah truly I am, my bad, I saw that and am used to the mean nasty comments so I jumped too fast. I am in the wrong there, and once again please accept my deepest apologies. I love to laugh and I love dark humor, I think laughing is the best medicine.

It's OK, that's why I put the (tongue.gif) I thought it would be understood as a joke.
AlhamdulillahFemaleLibya2008-01-24 15:45:00
QUOTE (Ganja_Girl @ Jan 24 2008, 02:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Gee, sorry, ok for me it is a golden rule. If you see a small mistake on someone else’s part, why not let it ride? Does it make one feel superior to point out others faults? I have learned a long time ago, let others shine, even if their facts our a little off, why point it out right away, what is that about. blink.gif When you point out others peoples faults or mistakes this says nothing about the person you speak of, but speaks volumes on yourself and being a critical person. Sometimes things need to be pointed out, but if you really think about it, most times it is our pride and trying to show others how smart I am. I always try to leave with something positive to say, there is too much suffering and agony in this world why do I need to contribute to this. There is never any reason to be unpleasant towards others. It is not your fault if somebody is unpleasant towards you. Even if you have done something wrong, the person should complain in a correct way so that you can rectify the matter, and not treat you badly. To be horrible towards others is comparable to physical injury and the mental scars may last a lifetime. Sometimes, this will not help. Some people are convinced that they are right and that they have a right to be nasty even because of the smallest error, which you may have done. There are even sadistic people, who enjoy tormenting other people. Such people have often themselves been objects of psychological abuse, and now, when they are not victims any more, they enjoy being the tormenter. I am a therapist and have seen the damage done by nasty people. People often tell me I am not violent, but yet will drive out of the parking lot and cussing at the traffic. Of course in their eyes they are fine, words are nothing. WRONG, words hurt and can and does leave people feeling awful. I have been in therapy with clients, sometimes families, and someone will be carrying around hurt for years about what someone in the family said or did. When they confront the person, that person usually doesn't even remember saying it, and is surprised that the person has held something so close to their heart, when themselves forgotten the incident 5 minutes after if happened. So once again I am so sorry for this not being the OFFICIAL GOLDEN RULE.

It was actually an attempt at lightening the mood in here with a joke.... I see it failed rolleyes.gif
This is why I don't post much in MENA even though my spouse is from the area. smile.gif

Edited by Alhamdulillah, 24 January 2008 - 03:12 PM.

AlhamdulillahFemaleLibya2008-01-24 15:12:00
QUOTE (Ganja_Girl @ Jan 24 2008, 02:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Maybe we should follow the golden rule, if you have nothing positive or supportive say, keep it.

That's not the golden rule BTW tongue.gif
AlhamdulillahFemaleLibya2008-01-24 14:27:00
QUOTE (hamdysherry @ Jun 27 2007, 11:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just a quick question for all the American women, did you pay for your plane ticket over to see your love, or did he pay for you? I understand they are from poor countries, but I am not that rich either, and not a sugar mama. Just really interested, because I have a husband in Egypt, whom I never talked to, but I paid for the plane ticket to see him and now i am paying all of this off working myself to an early grave. I guess I am a little old fashion and would like the man to take care of some of this, but maybe that is not the way things work. So please share with me who pays for what and did you feel kinda of mad if you have to pay all the bills, is it almost like buying a husband. That is how i feel now.

I paid for my ticket to go and see him and he paid all the expenses to support me while I was there. He paid for his own ticket over here and sent me money, while we were waiting for the visa, to help pay my bills. But, my husband doesn't come from a poor country and he had a good job before coming here so maybe it was easier for him than for some others who come from poor conditions.

I guess you have to think about these things before getting married. If you want a man to support you from the beginning of the marriage then you should choose a man who is capable of doing that. It's probably not realistic to want that while you know he lives in a poor country, doesn't have a good job or will have to be out of work for a long time, waiting to get a GC.
AlhamdulillahFemaleLibya2008-01-24 11:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaCar Insurance
Well, here's my update. I sat up last night calling different companies and asking about overseas driving experience and pretty much all of them would let me get something from the DMV in Libya, translated in English of course, for them to qualify him as an experienced driver. Nationwide gave me the best rate at $50 a month for both of us AND both cars. So.... I called Geico this morning just to confirm that there is NOTHING I can give them from Libya to clear this matter up and the girl confirmed that they only count US driving experience. I said "OK, well Nationwide is willing to work with me so I'll be cancelling my policy with you and going with them". The lady sounded surprised and told me she was sorry to be losing my business.
So, I was about to call Nationwide when she called me right back (about two minutes later) and was like "I talked to my manager and found out we CAN take his driving record from Libya if you have it translated and that will bring your premium down to the same price Nationwide is offering you!"
wow.gif good.gif kicking.gif laughing.gif

Edited by Alhamdulillah, 19 March 2008 - 02:55 PM.

AlhamdulillahFemaleLibya2008-03-19 14:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaCar Insurance
I need help finding the best insurance company to switch to fast! I've had Geico forever but when Yousef got here and got his state issued DL they jumped my monthly premium from $50/mo to $300/mo!!! blink.gif They won't accept his Libyan driving experience. Have any of you found insurance companies that will take driving experience from an Arab country?

Please help!!!
AlhamdulillahFemaleLibya2008-03-18 20:35:00
Middle East and North Africapost your wedding photos here :)
QUOTE (desert_fox @ Mar 19 2008, 08:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
guess I dont know how to post pictures

Funny! That's EXACTLY how I always imagined you! rofl.gif
AlhamdulillahFemaleLibya2008-03-19 20:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaNon-Muslims married to Muslim MENA
QUOTE (mohamed N melinda @ Apr 19 2008, 06:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ok every body one last post here to put end of that
wv accused my marriage isnot Halal and not legal islamically even in Allah eyes
and some here believed her
well if she could post only single ayah from quran or hadith say that marriage provided in it 2 wittiness and dowery and gold as gifts and flat and know for all familly and friends is Haram or not legal islamically so i will agree with her on it
but if she couldnot she dont have to post anything here again or talk about islam
deal smile.gif

AlhamdulillahFemaleLibya2008-04-19 19:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaArab Bashing
I see VJ is still swarming with self proclaimed internet muftis to tell us all how their version of Islam (which no one has heard of in the past 1400 years) is right because they think they're smarter than everyone else.... whistling.gif

There are a lot of fatwa websites and Islamic forums to get answers to these questions or debate your heart out..... I thought this board was for immigration! blink.gif
AlhamdulillahFemaleLibya2008-04-19 18:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaArab/Jewish Baby Names
QUOTE (charlesandnessa @ Apr 25 2008, 09:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Alhamdulillah @ Apr 25 2008, 06:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OMG there are a lot of names I love but I'd have to give birth to a small nation (or at least a town) to use them all LOL

charles must be on the top of your list innocent.gif

I don't even know what Charles means...
AlhamdulillahFemaleLibya2008-04-27 19:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaArab/Jewish Baby Names
OMG there are a lot of names I love but I'd have to give birth to a small nation (or at least a town) to use them all LOL
AlhamdulillahFemaleLibya2008-04-25 18:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaArab/Jewish Baby Names
If we have a boy he will be Umar or Ali and if we have a girl she will be Khadijah or Aisha... their middle and last names will be his.
AlhamdulillahFemaleLibya2008-04-19 18:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaHabibi Arrived Safely
Mabrookalations for you and habibuki!!! I hope everyone is reunited with their loved ones soon! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Edited by Alhamdulillah, 27 April 2008 - 07:16 PM.

AlhamdulillahFemaleLibya2008-04-27 19:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow to Make your husband Happy
I think I missed..... A LOT! unsure.gif
AlhamdulillahFemaleLibya2008-04-27 19:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow to Make your husband Happy
QUOTE (just_Jackie @ Apr 25 2008, 04:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
cous cous blush.gif

I never had couscous.

You are seriously missing out! You absolutely MUST try some!
AlhamdulillahFemaleLibya2008-04-25 19:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA WOMEN: What kind of jobs are your husbands doing/looking into?
My husband is trying to get into the oil industry since that's what he's experienced in but he hasn't had much luck yet.... it's hard to find a job right now if you DO have references in the US much less if you don't have any experience other than back home.
He's been lucky enough to make friends that own businesses so at least he hasn't been out of a job since he got here alhamdulillah.
AlhamdulillahFemaleLibya2008-04-25 18:04:00
Middle East and North Africawwwwwwwwednesday!
Enjoy your trip!
AlhamdulillahFemaleLibya2008-05-28 06:49:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMy wife get frustrated from waiting and want to divorce
QUOTE (mormp3 @ Jul 14 2008, 03:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i cut my hair (being bald), and she not like me to cut my hair like that, i had some problems from my hair cuz it was fall down from hat and gel...
i cut my hair without her "permission" or tell her. cuz she already not like!!
then she got mad and sad and .. and she says what is that why you cut ur hair without telling me, i told it is important to cut cuz the hair is falling down, and i want my hair to grew good...
and then she dicided to go and file the paper of divorce, that hapen before 1 month...

i want to ask memebers if something hapened like that to you

I get upset when my husband cuts his hair too.... he has the most gorgeous black curls and he is forever cutting them off!!! mad.gif I also can't stand it if he trims his beard but I'd never divorce him because he did unsure.gif Maybe if he shaved it completely off I would (jk) lol
AlhamdulillahFemaleLibya2008-07-15 13:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview Date
Oh ok. Thanks!
AlhamdulillahFemaleLibya2006-08-09 14:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview Date
How long does it normally take to get an interview date after the embassy gets the package back from the non-USC?
AlhamdulillahFemaleLibya2006-08-09 13:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionGood news for Moroccans
The previous poster is correct, you're going to have to sponsor them at some point anyway. I do see advantages to this though. 1) you're not responsible for them if they come over here and skip town as soon as the plane lands (not that any of our fiances would do that ;)) 2) in the event that the USC needs help from their family and the family member denies that help (co-cponsoring) because they don't know the fiance, this gives them 90 days to come over and meet the family and hopefully earn their trust enough to co-sponsor. 3) not as much to collect for the initial interview :P

I've read a post from another member on here that the embassy in Tunis does not require this form for K-1 either and I've called and confirmed this myself. I'm sure other embassies must have this same policy because I've also seen many posts saying they had it for the interview but weren't asked for it.

This topic got moved while I was replying :lol: I think it could have stayed in K-1 since it doesn't really affect anyone who's getting any other type of visa.
AlhamdulillahFemaleLibya2006-11-09 13:36:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWE got THE VISA~
Congratulations!!! :dance: :dancing:
AlhamdulillahFemaleLibya2006-11-14 09:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview in English or native language?
Thank you Yodrak, you are always very helpful to everyone here (F) I think I'll tell him to go ahead and use English if he wants but if he doesn't clearly understand something to ask for the translation immediately. He's pretty fluent in English (I never have a problem understanding anything from him) so I think he'll be fine but I'll remind him to check his pride at the door when he goes there.


Inability of a visa applicant and their petitioner to communicate can be a 'red flag', as you put it.

Inability of a visa applicant and a consular officer to communicate is a different issue. And trying to 'look better' can be a costly mistake. Best to look like yourself, as you are.


So it doesn't look better to the officer if he's able to interview in English?
I thought the language barrier between the USC and the foreign fiance/spouse was a red flag....

AlhamdulillahFemaleLibya2006-11-14 12:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview in English or native language?
So it doesn't look better to the officer if he's able to interview in English?
I thought the language barrier between the USC and the foreign fiance/spouse was a red flag.... I guess I was mistaken.
Thanks for your help everyone! (F)
AlhamdulillahFemaleLibya2006-11-14 09:14:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview in English or native language?
When my fiance goes for his interview, is it more impressive to the consular officer if he uses English the entire time or do they normally conduct the interview in the native language?
I was thinking the language barrier would be a red flag to overcome and so it would be better if he restricted himself to solely English, kind of like proving to them that he will be able to function properly once he's here because he has a clear grasp of the language. Does that make sense?
Please post your experiences here. Thanks! :luv:
AlhamdulillahFemaleLibya2006-11-09 13:28:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTraveling elsewhere after visa issued
Thanks everyone. My fiance has some personal business to attend before he comes here and they told him today that he should have his visa soon :luv:
AlhamdulillahFemaleLibya2006-11-28 17:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTraveling elsewhere after visa issued
If my fiance is issued his fiance visa and then goes on a business trip to the UK before coming to the US on that visa will it affect his fiance visa?
Is he allowed to travel to the UK before using his visa to the US? :help:
AlhamdulillahFemaleLibya2006-11-27 14:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCalling everyone going thru Islamabad Embassy, version 2.0

Thanks alot for the support for trying to reunite with my husband. BYE BYE VJ.

Shon, I've been reading to catch up with your case and I'm sorry to hear your bad news. I have a friend who's also been trying to go thru that embassy for the past 5 years with no progress. The last they heard was that the visa was approved but they lost the file and can't issue it. :sigh: I will keep you in my prayers.
AlhamdulillahFemaleLibya2007-08-06 15:41:00