K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRussia / VSC Filing
Ours was received Aug 11 and the last movement was on Aug 18. I went to VJ time line and the projected NO2 is Dec.27 -31. Check it out for your time line but you should get a movement probably about the end of Nov or early Dec. If I remember right on Wednesday there was 21 from Russia waiting between NO1 and NO2 with time lines filled out here.

Ours was first sent in mid July but came back over a minor err and I resent it.
For some unknown reason I have always had the them song from Dr.Zhivago come into my mind when I was wondering IF she and I would ever get married. That was even before I found out her 1st husband was Dr. Tatarinov. It took 5 years of one problem after another to get to Russia to meet Irina and then another 8 months to get another cancer problem cleared up and file the papers. I just look at it this way.

Somewhere, my love,
There will be songs to sing
Although the snow
Covers the hope of spring.

Somewhere a hill
Blossoms in green and gold
And there are dreams
All that your heart can hold

Someday we'll meet again, my love.
Someday whenever the spring breaks through.

You'll come to me
Out of the long ago,
Warm as the wind,
Soft as the kiss of snow.

Till then, my sweet,
Think of me now and then.
God, speed my love
Till you are mine again.

Maybe just maybe with good luck I can pick her up at LAX after a non stop Aeroflot flight out of Moscow before her birthday 60th on May 9.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2010-11-14 22:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow are you getting thru the holidays?
Not worth a s+++. My first wife died 23 years ago this morning of cancer. Christmas and Thanksgiving have not been good since.

Make sure the female in your marriage gets her pap smears... on time every time... :bonk:
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2010-11-28 08:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK-1 Approved! Now it's prep for the interview!
Congratulations on your NOA2.

Since your NOA1 was 2 days ahead of ours and at CSC too maybe there will be movement on ours soon. Maybe they did not put them in File 13 (trash can). Irina and I are at 6 years, 4 months, 1 day into our journey.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2011-01-06 20:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhere is my NOA2
Maganda, we share the same NOA2 date. I hope we get movement soon. Waiting this long makes you feel like they put ours in the trash can though. As for calling I wonder it it would just make them look harder for RFE.

Bob18, you are correct in your thinking.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2011-01-07 16:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCant Wait Any More
Our NOA1 was Aug 11 thats 152 days ago. Last TOUCH 145 days AGO.

It is 2317 days or 6 years, 4 months, 4 days snce we first met on the internet about Sept. 5 2004... Thats the oldest email I can find.

I can write a book on the delays that stopped us from meeting in person for 5 years and 13 days.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2011-01-09 19:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow is your NOA2 waiting time?
Our was 5 months and 2 days. I just got the email at 5 PM today. Text message, well the cell tower must be down as I have only one bar.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2011-01-13 20:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow is your NOA2 waiting time?
Greatest news our I-129F approved email at 5.00 PM today. 156 days from NOA1 THERE IS HOPE FORTHE REST OF YOU
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2011-01-13 19:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPardon but.. what does "touched" mean?
Touched does not mean a lot.

Our NOA1 was Aug 11, 2010

Touched Aug 18, 2010

Jan. 13, 2011 I checked at 2:38 PM Still Aug 18 last touch

Jan 13, 2011 5:00 PM USCIS email
Application Type: I129F , PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

Your Case Status: Post Decision Activity

On January 13, 2011, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E).

WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2011-01-17 14:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports5months today... haven't heard our NOA2 yet!
Think about this,
Did the economy go sour in 07 and rebound in 2010?
Did a bunch of you put off filling or going into this earlier because of the economy and then in 2010 jump on the bandwagon meaning there was huge surge of petitions? Petitions that would have been processed in 08 or 09 that caused a back log.

It has been 6 years, 4 months, 15 days since Irina and I met on the internet. And it has been 444 days Or 1 year, 2 months, 18 days since I last saw and touched her. I can write a book on delays in our journey which finally got a NOA2 Jan 13. Just look ahead and be thankful for your chance. If you want a tough story. I buried a wife, had 3 divorces, buried a fiancee, had kidney cancer (a casncer that is seldom found before it is too late), boone infection, 2 knee repair operations then replaced 2 knees and a hip from a life time of arthitis, and had prostate cancer since 1987. I learned to get up in the morning and smile and be thankful I was here period.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2011-01-19 22:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhat to do?!

; Hi Brian!!

I just read your post and I can imagine that this is very stressful for you.

You guys have gone such a long way already, and you'll receive your NOA2 within a month or so. It would be stupid to cancel the K1 Visa Process, where you already paid the fee and other oncost, just because of having a big wedding.

As a girl, I also dream(ed) about my princess dream wedding. But like I said, you have to "roeien met de riemen die je hebt" (I don't know the English saying). Use the tools you have, something like that :rolleyes:.

I don't really understand that she is thinking about herself only. Especially this far on the journey. A year is nothing compared to a life time together? Well, why not adding this year to your lives together, it's a whole year, 365 days!! DANG, I would walk over dead bodies to be with Aaron and can't wait for an other year, like most members here.

It's not fair that she doesn't put herself open to alternatives. There is nothing wrong to put everything on PAPER first and save money (AND BE TOGETHER) for her 'dream' wedding. Instead, she wants to be seperate from you for an other year. Doesn't make sense to me at all :blink:. If you love each other, nothing else matters.

Why a big wedding, if your love counts? Does she wants to make a huge impression to her family/friends? Is that what really matters? IMPOV, not really... It's about you and her.

It's selfish of her, and what if things like this happen in your married future? That only her opinion counts?!

You really should talk to her, deal with this as a couple and tell her that she should considder your suggestion. WEDDING IS WEDDING, it's about the wedding vows, not about all the fancy stuff around it. The fancy stuff around it will dissapear after a day, but your promises/vows will last a life time...

Keep us posted, and remember;

Love is a partnership, not some one way street...

xoxox Channah :innocent:

roeien met de riemen die je hebt is make do with what you have Translator is a full text translator.
Over 50 languages including Chinese, French, German, Hindi, Japanese and Spanish available for free online translation.

I like your comment [color="#FF00FF"]Love is a partnership, not some one way street...[/color as it is one thousand percent true. I am here after buring a wife that thought that and then finding 3 that thought it was as one way steet and I was always going the wrong way.
It becomes a living hell to find the vows they took was "all I want is my own way and we will not talk of compromise, I tricked you for my own greed. Just live with it."
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2011-01-26 18:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHell after NOA2
Valentine’s Day is not celebrated in all countries. In fact if you check out this news item from Feb 13, 2011 in southern India it was protested by burning Valentine cards.

. http://www.voanews.c...-116132679.html

Valentine's Day Not Loved in Many Areas of the World
Monday marks the celebration of Valentine’s Day by much of the world.

But it is a celebration that is drawing protests in some areas.

In Southern India, members of a Hindu political party recently gathered to burn Valentine’s Day cards.

One protestor said he is against what he called the "cultural exploitation" of the day. He added people sharing sexual greetings with each other in public in the name of Valentine’s Day should be strongly condemned.

Many Islamic nations, including Saudi Arabia and Iran, have banned the celebration of Valentine’s Day. Iranian officials say they will take action against those who ignore the ban.

That said guy's just don't forget International Woman’s Day. It means so much more in some countries than valentine’s day does here and many in those countries never heard of valentines.

Mr. Florida did you try to learn of her culture and beliefs? Do you expect her to know ours? You give very little to go on. It appears she is very young but you do not appear to be very old or at least emotionally.

Moving to another country and total different cultures is not easy. She is entitled to have reservations. It is a fear of the unknown. I did not or the other 150 guys I shipped out with want to spend 18 months in Asia during Johnson's Southeast Asia War Games. I can understand her fears.

The K1 is designed to have the person come here for up to 90 days to see if they think they can make the changes in life styles work and to give them time to somewhat get to know each other. The purpose is to let two people decide if they think it will work during the 90 days. It should be approached as come visit and decide. No pressure except the 90 day deadline. If she knew she had that choice and no hard feeling if she went back and you would not be crying about the money and time spent in the relationship it would be easier for her to have come.

About relationships. First and foremost if a man and a woman tell me they live together and never argue or disagree I know something is wrong. They are either lying or one is totally submissive or plain too scared to argue.

It is often the small little things that destroy relationships.

Remember this and it applies to people and love too besides the bird in the T-shirt I bought for my late wife years ago after a problem. If you love something set it free. If it comes back it is yours. If it doesn’t, it never was. .
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2011-02-26 05:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC Touches more each day now
Our K1 was recieved Aug. 11 at CSC.
The NOA1 was Aug. 18 and I just checked and no change. I guess since Irina and I started writing to each other in Sept. of 04 they think there is no reason to hurry.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2010-11-28 09:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures221(g) How it look like
Try this translation site.

If you can copy and paste it should translate it for you.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2010-05-23 13:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129 and services of an international marriage broker?
I have sent an email to SFF and ask them if they were. I may have to call if I can find a number after the 4th is over.

I will put it down on the I-129 and ask them if it is anyway.

Thank you all for your replies.

As for meeting her I met her in Moscow then we flwe to kal;iningrad a few days later. We never parted company betewwn 3 pm Sept 17, 2009 until I got on the train to go to Gdansk Poland to fly home at 7 PM Nov 2, 2009. She did go to the market a few times and left me watching TV. Every time he made or recieved a call she always told me who it was and never left the room to talk.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2010-07-04 13:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129 and services of an international marriage broker?
In Sept 2004 I had an ad in Senior Friend Finder looking to find a woman to ride with me in my semi as I dove cross country. I got a bakers dozen replies from across the USA and one from Irina in Russia. Irina was the only one who read "traveling (and living in) across the USA in a truck". In a couple of weeks all but Irina were gone because I could not either go where they were or could not stop and party for a week.

I could not get time off to catch my last ex and finish my divorce as she had a habit of disappearing when I was home for a couple of days. She didn't even come to the hospital when I had a kidney removed because "the little kids at the day care center she worked at needed her worse that I did". When I quit driving in 2007 and was finally able to get my divorce Irina had retired and moved so her brother set a home stay invite but I was having problems with joints. I ended up having a hip then both knees replaced which took time to recover. Irina had got her residence changed by then and sent another invite but I was not sure I could walk good enough. Next invite got lost in the mail and came after I should have been there. Funny thing a woman was hanging around my place and I told her I was not interested. Get this her friend works in the local post office.

I received the 4th invite and it was in the embassy in SF being processed when I found out I had prostate cancer. Doc gave me as $1700 shot and said go see her. I spend 47 days there and explained to Irina what she could expect and not to expect sex to be normal. "I can get along with just living with you. I only want to not be alone," was her answer. The operation is over and 2 PSA tests were "Less than 0.01" the lowest number that they can legally give as a test result.

I also had trouble with getting a divorce certifies from the state Vital Records department. They said they had no record of it and the court said they had sent it to to the state. It finally came Saturday after 4 trip to VR and 2 to the court house.

[size="3"]Now as I am filling out the I-129 I can not find an answer to the International Marriage Broker question. Is Senior Friend Finder an international marriage broker? It would seem it does not apply to us as we met on line before the act was passed. Second it was her that found me and contacted me when I was not looking for a foreign woman. I think SFF fits into the exception below.[/size]

Page 14 IMB rules
(B) EXCEPTIONS.—Such term does not include—

ii) an entity that provides dating services if its
principal business is not to provide international dating
services between United States citizens or United
States residents and foreign nationals and it charges
comparable rates and offers comparable services to
all individuals it serves regardless of the individual’s
gender or country of citizenship.

Having buried a wife of 23 years and a fiancée and three divorces I have been leery of another marriage but Irina is not any thing like the 3 money hungry b----s I am divorced from. Irina never had children and her first husband, a doctor got his medical assistant pregnant. Second marriage she won't say much about except it was not a pleasant experience and he was a lawyer.

She has been a tower of strength through it all. Well one time she lost it. She knew I was in Texas and called me just a sobbing, "Where are you? Are you OK? That terrible storm." She was watching Hurricane Rita tearing up the Texas gulf coast on Russian TV news.
The closest thing to an argument in 5 1/2 years she did yell, "No" at me once on the phone when I told her I had sent her money to get her phone line put into her new apartment so she could have Internet at home. She still had the money when I arrived to met her. She still has only her cell phone and goes to the post office or her brothers to use the internet. She has a masters in accounting. Did I learn much Russian from her during my visit? No, she spoke way too much English.

One other question do they reject or screen for older age? She is 59 and I'm 66 and have my DOT physical (goes with CDL license to drive trucks) good until June of 2012. My family has a lot of people who lived into their 80's & 90's. One emigrated to Salem Mass. in 1629 and died at 82 in 1690. His wife lived to 79.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2010-07-04 09:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurestranslating documents question
I thought I proff read it. Irina said I just do not want to live alone.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2010-07-07 14:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurestranslating documents question
I had Irina's niece (brothers daughter) that lives in Danville, CA translate her divorce documents. Elena still uses her maiden name (or at least she signed it that way) which is the same as Irina's maiden name. Will this raise flags on family connection?

I am just about ready to send the I-129F to USCIS. Elena had been to the US to visit and was back in Russia teaching English when Irina and I met on the internet. Elena came back working as a Realtor in Florida then married and moved to California. Irina does not care whether we live here or Russia. Her words were I just no not want to be alone.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2010-07-07 14:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-797C, Notice of Action
Yes the hardware is something else. I stand at attention at every metal detector I pass with my arms straight out for 10 minutes. I had to make several stops at the court house to get the last divorce certificate do to problems in them getting it sent to state vital records.

ORD and JFK must have had GAY inspectors as they felt every square inch of my lower body. Poland and Russia airports were not bad. 3 checks and no one touched my privates.

Then there was a security check in Kaliningrad.

Sunday Sept. 27, 2009 we went to Yunost Park in Kaliningrad City. Irina said she had never seen security on the gates before. As we approached the gate I pointed to my knees and left hip as they have been replaced. One of the guys nodded his head and I could read his lips as he read the patch on my Jacket. “Owner Operator Independent Drivers Driving Association Life Time Member”. They knew I was American because I was wearing cowboy boots and shirt.
I stepped through the metal detector and knowing it went off I stood waiting for them to search me as I get that all the time here in the US. Irina said “Let’s go they said they do not need to search you”.
A few minutes later while sitting on a park bench talking to Irina and who walks by none other than Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Putina. Just the wife of one of the most powerful men in the world, the former 1st lady and wife of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. No security people within 150 feet on her way to give school children awards. Irina told me who she was after she walked by. Yes we saw her on the news that night and the next day. I have 2 pictures of her I took of her standing on the library steps talking to another woman taken minutes before and found pictures of her on the internet giving the awards after I came home. I had no idea it was her when I took them.
It was the Russian equitant of the US Secret Service at the gate going in to Yunost Park and they knew I was American . Try that in America with US SS protecting a 1st Lady here.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2010-08-02 13:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-797C, Notice of Action
I called Irina and told her I made a mistake and we started laughing. She is one of the easiest persons to live with I have ever known. 47 days with her and I saw nothing bother her.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2010-08-02 03:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-797C, Notice of Action
I sent our I-129F to CSC and they received it July 16. Tonight I went to the post office and I received a I-797C, Notice of Action from the Dallas Texas Service Center dated July 23, mailed July 27. It is a Rejection Notice with my check and the whole package I sent.

It says Your I-129F, fees, and any supporting documentation is being returned to you for the following reason(s:
The application/petition has not been fully completed. One or more of the following felids(s) are not completed:

Part A, Marital Status

It seems since I buried my first wife and have been divorced since I marked both widowed and divorced. The package contains 1 death and 3 divorce certificates.

I am just sending a new page one of the I-129F w/ the returned package (less page one) and copy of the I-797C . Would this be the proper course?

It looks like CSC is sending K1's to Texas besides VSC too.

One man who knew my late wife’s family well told me I became too trusting by having such a good first wife and that her family is of impeccable standards. All I could say to him was AMEN. I have taken a slow route with Irina. I find her very much like my late wife in many ways. One thing for sure she has not lied to me like 3 divorcees did.

If I know Irina this will not be a problem, just another setback, like when I had to call her with my invite (4th ) in the SF Russian Embassy waiting for my visa last July and tell her I had prostate cancer. Dr. gave me a $1700 shot and said go see her. Cancer is gone now after robotic surgery and 2 PSA tests of “Less than 0.01” the lowest that they can write down on the test. 1st invite I had to have a hip replaced, 2nd was both knees replaced and the 3rd got lost in the mail until after I was supposed to be in Russia. It seems trouble to Irina is like a rain storm to a duck.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2010-08-02 01:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS check was cashed for K1
I checked my bank account on line tonight about 5 and tried to call Irina with my AT&T calling card. Since the area code for her cell phone is 911 about a third of the time I get a message that I cannot make a call like that to Russia. If you hit the 4 that follows real quick it goes through. It took me several tries but it finally connected. It did not help that I was excited and happy.

She said a very sleepy Hello to me.

I ask her how she was and she says I am sleepy you woke me up.

I said I know it is 2:20 AM in the morning there but I thought you wanted to know that the USCIS check was cashed for our K1 petition today…

I could tell by the way she was laughing and saying thank you she was fully awake INSTANLY.

She had said to call her as soon as I found out anything.

Gets us even for the call she made a few years ago about the same time in the morning because she saw on the news there was an ice storm from Southeast Texas through the Great Lakes into Canada. She knew I was back east driving truck from the last email she had got.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2010-08-13 23:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1
Our K1 visa NOA1 came today. Date on notice Aug 11, 20120.

I sent the package to CSC. It went from there to the Texas Lock Box from there back to me to correct a minor mistake. I sent it back to Texas. They cashed the check and sent it back to CSC. It has been a month since I first sent it to California.

Save time and send yours to the lock box as new instructions have been posted since I sent mine.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2010-08-16 16:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS case status update (UNUSUAL THING HAPPEN)
I had something done to mine on Sunday when it was in the Dallas lockbox before it weas sent to CSC.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2010-09-19 14:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce Decree ?
The State of Utah has one page divorce certificates that are marked Certification of Vital Record. It looks like a Birth certificate but says, "Divorce, Annulment or Dissolution of Marriage". It has all the necessary information and has the state seal. The information is sent to the Utah Department of Health. Office of Vital Records & Statistics by the court involved after you are divorced in Utah.

It states the same words at the bottom as the Birth certificate. “This is an exact reproduction of document registered in the State Office of Vital Statistics. Security features of this official document include: Intaglio Boarder, V & R Images in top cycloids, ultra fibers and hologram image of the Utah State Seal over the words "State of Utah.”

Your state should have the same thing available for you. To find out information google Vital Records under your state name and make sure it is your state health department as there are vital records dot com’s that are willing to take your money.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2010-09-24 23:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFrustrated with the wait and mad as He11!!!!

The first of July I completed all the paperwork and forwarded it to the attorney to double check. The attorney gave his OK and I sent in our K1 in mid July. Our K1 was returned because of a simple error that the attorney should have easily caught. [b][color="#FF0000"](I checked single on my status yet provided a divorce decree from my former marriage which ended in 1983).[/

Carla I hope this helps you feel better; I made about the same mistake. I marked divorced and printed the Adobe PDF then clicked widowed on the PDF also. (Why it allows you to do both is beyond me and the USCIS instructions are as clear as mud.) I came back and without thinking about doing it and made another correction reprinted and sent it to CSC. This was when they were changing to sending them to Texas and had not told anyone yet. So it went from CSC to Texas and they sent it back me because widowed and divorced were both marked. I had the death certificate and divorce papers included. I found the reason for them refusing it made a new first page and returned it to Texas who sent it to CSC. I sent it the first time on July 14 and finally got the NOA1 from CSC on Aug 11. The last touch was Aug. 18 when I suppose the put it in file 13 (trash can).

Even more frustrating Irina sent me 4 invites to get a home stay visa in Russia to visit her. Having been conned by 3 American women after my first wife died I wanted plenty of time with her so as to try to see just who she was and that was the reason for the 90 day home stay visa. As she had moved to be near her brothers we had a year lost as she did not have residence to apply for the invite in Kaliningrad. The first failed because I had to have my left hip replaced, second because my both of my knees had been replaced and not healed enough. The third somehow became lost in the mail and did not arrive until after I should have been in Russia. I blame the local postmaster for the delay as she had a friend that kept coming to my house even though I told her I was not interested. Finally on the fourth invite sent by FED EX not mail I finally received the visa. In all we lost 20 months in just getting the invites and visa plus the year residence. I am sure if she had been a scammer she would have been long gone before the last invite.

I hope this helps you feel not alone in the frustration department. We both should be getting our NOA2’s soon. I wish you success in your endeavor.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2011-01-03 13:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDealing with my RFE
Among the things I sent was copies of the bordering passes when Irina and I flew from Moscow to Kaliningrad seats 19D and 19E plus a copy of my Russian Migration Card. It has Irina listed as host and my passport number on it. You have to carry it with your passport and if you lose it you have a very hard time leaving Russia as you have to give it to the border guard (I took the train to Poland) so you can leave. I did not have it translated as everything is written in Russian then again in English.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2011-01-13 01:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOCTOBER 3 TOUCHED...ANY OF U?
Ours is NOA1 Aug. 11 and a touch AUG 18 and nothing since at CSC...
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2011-01-09 19:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow long apart?
437 days or 1 year, 2 months, 12 days since I last saw or touched her. I spent 46 days with her in 2009 departing Nov 2. Last thing she said to me, "I will wait for you." It has been 156 days or 5 months, 3 days since NOA1.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2011-01-13 18:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSent out initial I-129F packet 1/3/11, how long until notification of acceptance?
Texas checks it to see if it is correct then if it is sends it to your service center and they will send you your NOA1 if it is acepted otherwise you will get it back from Texas.

There will be NO movement Monday Jan. 17 as it is MLK day so that adds another waiting day.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2011-01-17 00:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures2011 Poverty Guidelines
I quote the following from SSA.

"Your Social Security benefits are protected againts infltion. By law, they increase when there is a rise in the cost of living. The government measures changes in the cost of living through the Depatment of Labor's Consumee Price Index (CPI) The CPI has not risen since the last cost of living adjustment was determinded in 2008. As a results,your benefits will not increse in 2011."

The CPI is used in figuring the Poverty Guidelines so don't expect to see an increse by much. If they do raise the PG and not the SS benefits and you are 6 months past NOA1 forget calling your Senator as the lines will be full of calls from SS recipants wopndering where their checks did not go up.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2011-01-17 01:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 application and visit visa
After the K1 gets into the system immigration may think she is trying to immigrate and stop her at the boarder if she drives or airport and force her to go back. This has been discussed here a lot. Do a search of the posts.
You cannot get a K1 then marry in any foreign country as it voids the K1. If you marry in Canada you would file CR1 which takes longer. Do a search of the posts here too.

You can only marry once unless you divorce but many couples do what is called renewing their vows. Most do it on special occasions like their 25th wedding anniversary and a few others I know of have after an “unfaithful event”...
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2011-01-19 23:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPassport Pages
I sent a copy of my state issued Birth certificate and the pages of my Passport that were used during my Russian visit and a notation that all the other pages were blank.

The only other time I have been outside the US was 18 months in Okinawa on military orders for Lyndon Johnson’s Southeast Asia war games in 1967-68 and I listed the barrack’s address as an overseas address. Passports were not required to go there.

Our petition left NVC for Moscow the “Week of Feb. 1” NVC said Tue Feb. 8.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2011-02-10 17:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan I use Texas Center instead of California?
If you send your petition to a service center it will just be returned to you with a note telling you to send it to the Texas Lockbox. This is from the USCIS web site dated 6/14/10. The lockbox will enter it into the system forward it to the proper service center where you will recieve your NOA1 when they recieve it from the lockbox.

Change of Filing Location for Form I-129F, Petition for Alien Fiancé(e)
WASHINGTON - U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) today announced a change in filing location instructions and addresses for the Petition for Alien Fiancé(e) (Form I-129F). The new instructions, dated 6/14/10, are part of an overall effort to transition the intake of forms from Service Centers to USCIS Lockbox facilities. Centralizing form and fee intake to a Lockbox environment allows USCIS to provide customers with more efficient and effective initial processing of applications/petitions and fees.

Beginning Aug. 3, 2010 all Form I-129F petitions being filed by a U.S. citizen on behalf of a fiancé(e) or spouse must be submitted to the USCIS Dallas Lockbox facility.

For U.S. Postal Service:

PO Box 660151
Dallas, TX 75266

For Express mail and courier deliveries:

Attn: I-129F
2501 South State Highway 121 Business
Suite 400
Lewisville, TX 75067

Detailed guidance can be found in the updated Form I-129F instructions online at (click on the Forms tab).
The Vermont and California Service Centers will forward incorrectly filed petitions to the USCIS Dallas Lockbox for a period of 45 days until Sept. 17, 2010.
After Sept. 17, 2010, petitions and fees submitted at the Service Centers will be returned to the applicant, with a note advising them of the correct filing location.Applicants filing a form at a USCIS Lockbox facility may elect to receive an e-mail and/or text message notifying them that their petition has been accepted by completing Form G-1145, E-Notification of Application/Petition Acceptance, and attaching it to the first page of their application.

For more information on USCIS programs, visit or call the USCIS National Customer Service Center at 1-800-375-5283.[/color]
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2011-02-08 12:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 to Interview
Our NOA2 was Jan 13, it left NVC Feb. 1 and Irina's interview was Mar. 30. Get everything ready as her Pack #3 arrived in her town the day of her Med exam. in Moscow and she did not get it until several days after she retuned home following her interview.
WARREN-IRINAMaleRussia2011-06-28 11:38:00