IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresomg SIF finally after all that torture

i'm soo happy my case is completed in NVC process. thank you for all who answered my questions and have helped me throughout this process.
i know NVC operators tell everyone that interview is scheduled the 2nd week of each month. u think they'll schedule anything before that??? i've seen alot of ppl hearing their interview date before and after the 2nd week....

Congratulations! It's almost over!
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-22 20:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI've been a bad girl!!!

It was a simply answer. She'll need to file those tax returns. A quick look at the I-864 and instructions makes that quite clear.


I-864 Question 25:

I have filed a Federal tax return for each of the three most recent tax years. I haveattached the required photocopy or transcript of my Federal tax return for only themost recent tax year.

There is no option for "I haven't filed" or "Explain why you haven't filed"

The good news is: If you were due a refund, you weren't required to file by April 15th of that year. You can, however, file to receive any refunds due to you for three tax years in the past. If you want a refund for '06, you HAVE to file by April 15th of this year.

If you're due a refund for '07, it has to be done by April 15th of next year, etc, etc...

My suggestion: File'll take time for the IRS to process the returns...
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-04 10:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHighly pissed at NVC
I wonder if the decision to stop processing K-3 and move ahead with only CR-1/IR-1's are creating the same processing problems that caused them to create the K-3 in the first place. How long before K-3 comes back, do you suppose?
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-27 10:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow much is your phone bill?

Hey CR1-Filers,

so I was wondering how much you/your spouse spends on phone bills a month?
How many hours to you talk on the phone?

And since we are talking about "communication":
how much time a day do you spend talking/skyping/texting/emailing etc with your spouse?

Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image

I spend $8.00/month in order to call land lines & cell phones in the U.S. via Skype.

Since my husband has Skype on his computer / iPod, it's free to call him in the U.K.

The interesting thing is being @ work, with my iPod and calling him in England on his iPod - all via Skype.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-06 14:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWAITING FOR NOA2!!!

I made an infopass appointment for next week. It's the only way I know to get any answers. I am at the 5-month mark and it is making me crazy!

My congressman sent a letter in January, but got no response. His office sent another lettter yesterday.

When I spoke w/USCIS they were telling me that it's the "received date" that's important - as soon as it becomes 5 months - in your case 03/12, if your timeline is accurate, then you can start inquiring & getting your calls escalated.

Our I-130 became 5 months old on 3/2, I called that day & the call was escalated. I don't know if it was the call asking to be expedited, the call from my Congressional Rep or the Infopass, but we were approved by 3/5.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-10 15:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWAITING FOR NOA2!!!
It took us 154 days to approval...hang in there...
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-09 12:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan US petitioner visit UK beneficiary after approval?
...and there's no reason why she should be denied entry, provided she has a return ticket and can show some sort of evidence that there is a life to go back to in the US - like something from her employer showing she's expected back on a certain date.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-10 18:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmarriage and divorce certificates
QUOTE (Gary and Alla @ Oct 31 2009, 11:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Christi and Ian @ Oct 31 2009, 11:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (baron555 @ Oct 30 2009, 05:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (evey @ Oct 30 2009, 06:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Again, I ask for some help from fellow VJrs, With the I-129F, do we need to send in certified copies of both the marriage AND divorce certificates from previous marriage or just the divorce papers?
And when it comes time for AOS do we need a certified copy of OUR marriage certificate. Thanks for any help you can offer.

Only divorce decrees are required. Who cares about the marriage once you are divorced?

I sent in a copy of my certificate from my first marriage and the divorce decree. Both of these were requested by the attorney filing our case, her reasoning being that if you get a particularly ####### retentive processor, they want to see that there was a valid marriage to be divorced from in the first place...

I ordered my marriage certificate online, made copies and sent a copy in with the I-129F, and kept the original.

Your attorney's reasoning is based upon her ignorance, good reason to run!

The requirement is to prove you are "free to marry", a marriage certificate can not possibly prove you are free to marry, it proves the opposite. Piling on unnecessary doucments to the peition is not a sign of being prudent, it is a sign of being ignorant.

Divorce certificates ONLY are required for the petition.

I guess the RFE's my attorney received for this reason are ALSO based on ignorance...

But hey - it's your petition - do what you want - mine is moving along just fine...

Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-31 13:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmarriage and divorce certificates
QUOTE (baron555 @ Oct 30 2009, 05:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (evey @ Oct 30 2009, 06:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Again, I ask for some help from fellow VJrs, With the I-129F, do we need to send in certified copies of both the marriage AND divorce certificates from previous marriage or just the divorce papers?
And when it comes time for AOS do we need a certified copy of OUR marriage certificate. Thanks for any help you can offer.

Only divorce decrees are required. Who cares about the marriage once you are divorced?

I sent in a copy of my certificate from my first marriage and the divorce decree. Both of these were requested by the attorney filing our case, her reasoning being that if you get a particularly ####### retentive processor, they want to see that there was a valid marriage to be divorced from in the first place...

I ordered my marriage certificate online, made copies and sent a copy in with the I-129F, and kept the original.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-31 10:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUK forum
Don't know but you may be able to find something on the subject on

Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-30 21:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIllegal Stay in US
I probably have no business weighing in here, but I had an ultrasound at my first exam in the U.S.
My daughter was born 6 1/2 weeks premature, was in the NICU for 3 days, my doctor ordered that I stay in the hospital one extra day so I didn't have to leave the hospital without a baby in my arms. I was SO impressed with the care throughout the entire process.
My daughter is a normal, very healthy, nearly 10 year-old now!
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-28 03:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan my US fiance just be refused time off for emmigrating/helping me move?

There are a number of circumstances that disqualify RussandRachel from calling upon the FMLA, according to this website.

He's not worked long enough, for starters. That, and this situation doesn't fall under the qualifying reasons.

It's not Petco who have the desperate need for staffing, but Russ who has the desperate need for gainful employment. And apparently herewith lies Petco's attitude. They're not worried about losing an employee who wants a lot of time off because there are 100s of people who are willing and able to do his job and not take any time off.

I agree about not putting up with #######, but don't cut your nose off to spite your face in the process...

But it's not Petco so much as it's this particular Manager/Supervisor - and she is has to be held accountable. She doesn't have the final say on whether or not he continues employment. She still has to justify her reasons to the company, and if he goes to her boss with valid reasons, any retaliation by her can be considered just that, retaliation.

And yes, they can hire someone else to cover those 4 days, at the expense of having to retrain an employee and wait for them to get up to speed before they're capable of doing the job he can already do. It's rather more cost-effective for them to keep him and let him have the time off.

But, I understand that reason doesn't always prevail.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-07 15:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan my US fiance just be refused time off for emmigrating/helping me move?

They'll hire somebody else.

Quickly and easily. 10% unemployment in the US, you know.

I know what you are saying about people being 'reasonable'. But 'at will' employment trumps that.

But Federal law trumps state law every single time. States can make their own laws, but only within the guidelines of Federal law.

For instance, in California - Medical Marijuana is legal.
But I see people go to jail for it everyday...

Federal law = Medical marijuana illegal
California - Medical marijuana is legal.

Feds win.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-07 13:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan my US fiance just be refused time off for emmigrating/helping me move?

I employ people, no contracts.

They can leave at will, I can fire them at will.

Unemployment benefits could impact my insurance rates, I have had so far one legit claim and two that have been otherwise.

It is VERY different to the uk.

To hear some people talk about it, you would think that the U.S. has no labor laws, that discrimination is not only allowed, but encouraged...

All states will have regulatory agencies regarding labor. FEDERAL FMLA law allows you to take time off to deal with family issues. FMLA cannot be trumped by state agencies or an employers "right to work".

FMLA is why a company can't fire you or give you a lower-paying crappy position when you go on maternity leave, or take care of a sick family member, or fly to another country to adopt a child.

I don't know how it would apply to bringing a potential spouse the US, but he does have rights.

A talk with H/R for a few days of FMLA leave could be in order, but what a pain in the #######, when all he has to do is go to his bosses boss and say, "Hey, this has been planned for a while, it's our LIVES, the time IS there, so why not?" If Petco is so desperate for somebody to be there for those 4 days, what are they going to do if he tells them to sod off and gets another job?

MOST people are reasonable. If his manager is not reasonable, it's time to go over her head. She needs to be accountable for her actions. If she tries to retaliate, go to her boss again. Don't put up with being treated like ####### from someone just because they "think" they're untouchable.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-07 13:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan my US fiance just be refused time off for emmigrating/helping me move?

My fiance and I have almost finished going through the K1 visa process which has taken us almost a year. I am from the UK, he is from NJ, US. He works for a large pet retailer, Petco, and recently had a new general manager take over who has treated the whole team, but particuarly him, very badly. Right from the start she has deliberately changed his quantity of hours and schedule at the last minute for no reason, (which she knows doesn't suit him), she once refused to answer her phone to him in an emergency (he was the manger on duty in the store), she reprimands him in front of customers for not carrying out certain tasks that he has never been trained to do, she belittles other staff, she refuses to acknowledge him for work that he's done well, she also refuses to pass on compliments of good work from customers to higher up in the company and generally just makes life extremely difficult for him. He also recently saw her acting suspiciously around the safe one evening recently and when he queried why it wasn't balanced, she looked nervous and he saw her throw in money from her own pocket to make up the balance...

Anyway, he is so miserable there and hates his job so much he is about ready to walk out. He has been looking for another job for weeks already. He also fought very hard to get a letter for K1 to say that they pay him so much salary and so many hours and they have totally gone back on that. Now they just give him minimal hours and obviously not the same salary.

So in preparation for our new life together, it was always planned between us that he would come over to the UK and fly back with me in May when I emmigrate, to help me move and assist me transport my labrador dog over to the US. I am so grateful that he is coming over to help me as I really couldn't do it without him.

At this time, despite working for the company for a year, he is entitled to only 4 paid days off. These are for him to take before his 1 year of service runs out (which is by June 12th). We are then planning to get married during the last week of June, which he has also requested a week of paid time off for - as he will be entitled to 18 paid time off days by then. By the way, he has not taken any time off since he started working for the company last June.

Today he has been told by the manager that she is not prepared to authorise the first set of 4 days off at the end of May, and that he cannot have time off to come to england and must stay in work. She said she will authorise our time off to get married but not the time needed to emmigrate together. She has not given a reason and won't when she is asked repeatedly.

What can my fiance do? His payslip clearly says that he is entitled to this paid time off, but regardless of that, he should be entitled to take it unpaid if necessary in these circumstances. Does anyone have any suggestions? Can he complain to HR? Is this unfair treatment?

Many thanks for your help!

I would go to her boss, explain everything that you just explained here. Get authorization from him/her...go over her head. It will tick her off, but what's she going to do about it? She's been trumped.

Any reasonable human being will understand why he needs the time off. My boss gave me 3 extra days of unpaid time off when I traveled to England in December, because she understood it was to see my husband.

Geesh, some people can be such jerks.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-07 11:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarrying your girlfriend while she is in the States on Tourist Visa
Ditto to what Trailmix said...

What confounds me is why in the world your immigration lawyer would suggest that one way to go about it is to break U.S. Immigration law.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-07 18:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurestraveling...
We filed in October, going for a K-3 visa, and I went to visit my husband / meet his family in December. I had no problems at all getting through. The agent asked me why I was there, and I was truthful - there to see my husband and meet his family. I had a ton of paperwork to justify the fact that I would be returning to the U.S., but it turns out I didn't need it - the agent never questioned it - and I walked right in.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-04 23:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhen it's been over 5 months

What does requesting an expedite entail?

All it took was my talking to the so-called "customer service" person @ the USCIS phone number...letting them give their shpiel...explaining that the petition was now beyond normal processing times, and requesting an expedite, which I based on USCIS error - being that it was beyond normal processing time...He gave me no argument - put in the expedite request immediately. I have NO idea whether it helped or not...but I was going to go for every angle until someone finally looked at our petition.

Like I said, we were approved less than a week later.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-08 20:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhen it's been over 5 months
Once my petition hit 5 months I scheduled an Infopass appointment to find out what the delay was, contacted my senator, and requested an expedite through the private contractors that USCIS calls "customer service".

We were approved less than a week later. I don't know if this was coincidence, or they got the idea...

Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-08 18:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmbarrassing Situation and its affect on a K1 application

It probably depends on where you are when you're confronted by the police. In California, a cop can lock you up for 3 days before he must either bring you in front of a judge and charge you with something or let you go. Only days that the courts are open count against those 3 days, so weekends and holidays don't count. They can arrest you on Wednesday, and they don't have to charge or release you until the following Monday. I presume there are similar laws in other states.

In some California cities, the cops routinely wait the maximum amount of time possible before bringing you in front of a judge. If you get picked up for a bench warrant then you can pretty much count on either making bail or spending 3 days in jail. I found this out the hard way when I didn't show up for court to resolve a ticket for a broken tail light, and about two months later I was hauled in for the bench warrant. I was arrested Wednesday afternoon, and didn't see the judge until Monday morning. He sentenced me to 3 days in jail for the failure to appear, wrote off the sentence for time already served, and dismissed the fix-it ticket because I didn't own the car anymore.

Ah, well... I was young and stupid! :P

It's not actually the cops that bring the charges against you, but the District Attorney. The police arrest you and bring the evidence to the DA, it's the DA that decides whether or not they want to file.
With the number of people crowding the jails, it's very unlikely that they will take up a bed based on a traffic ticket or a bad check - not impossible, but highly unlikely. I've seen people charged with child abuse, and drug charges get Fed Kicked within just a few days of being in jail, after being sentenced to 3 months.

It must have been a very slow day at the DA's office if they chose to hold you and bring charges because of a broken tail light, which is an infraction. I would imagine there was a misdemeanor failure to appear attached to it...?
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-28 07:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmbarrassing Situation and its affect on a K1 application
Regarding the warrant: highly unlikely you would be taken in for it - cited and released at best - the jails are too full of violent offenders to worry about someone who had a bad check.
I know that doesn't explain anything about the immigration part, because I honestly don't know about that, but the odds of you spending any time in jail for the outstanding warrant are slim to none.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-27 22:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYay Passed the interview =)

Where in Essex? My husband grew up in Hainault and Ilford, but later moved to Brixham in Devon.

Small world, huh?

Very small world - but it is a relatively small island too.

Ian grew up in Billericay, but lived for many years at Southend on Sea.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-28 17:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYay Passed the interview =)

Wow I really hope mine is that quick, I will just keep my fingers and toes crossed.. They lost most of our paperwork you see the first time around, and that's why I am hoping and praying my lovely K1 visa arrives in my passport. I'm hoping it doesn't go missing.. They never even asked for I.D.?? Wow that's one of the first things the DX courier is suppose to ask for.. I am glad everything went well

Thank you everyone for you congratulations, it has been a hard process and it is not over yet.. Thank you all

Claire (F)

I know, right!?

"Here's a passport and a free pass to go live in a America. I trust you're the person this is intended for."

Edited to let you know that Ian is in Essex, so I don't know if his relative close proximity to London had anything to do with how quickly they were able to deliver the visa to him.

Edited by Christi and Ian, 27 June 2010 - 10:55 PM.

Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-27 22:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYay Passed the interview =)

Hello everyone,

After all this time on the 25th I finally had my interview at the London Embassy and Passed... :)
I was told I would get it back by the 1st of July... I am finding this a little hard to believe..
So I am wondering how long it has taken other applicants from England to get their passports back from the embassy..

Thank you people =) :dance:

Ian's interview was the 15th, and the courier's first attempt at delivery was the 18th (a Friday). It was so quick, he didn't expect it and wasn't home. He called them and rescheduled for the following Monday. He also happened to not be home when they delivered it, but gave it to his mum without even asking for I.D.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-27 22:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmarried to us citizen with convictions
QUOTE (Christi Wright @ Oct 10 2009, 04:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (utopia2004 @ Oct 10 2009, 04:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks will do that :-)

i did hear from that they are not legally allowed to extend a sentence for no good reason. My boyfriend had a friend who was in prison, they extended his sentence for no reason, he did the extra time, when he got out he hired a lawyer and sued each extra day he was held in prison, won thousands apparently.

Oh geez, you'd be surprised what they can get away with saying is a "good reason". Still, they do have to operate within the confines of the law. Sometimes they think they are gods. That's why the Public Defenders office is here - to keep them honest...

It's like an police officer pulling someone over and searching their vehicle for "probable cause", just about ANYTHING is considered probable cause - even down to the light bulb illuminating their license plate was burned out.

And keep in mind - the very first term of probation is "violate no law" - that means, even a parking ticket is a violation of probation - and they can push the issue if they're feeling particularly ornery.

I saw that you mentioned above, however, that he's on parole. Parole is different from probation...

Probation - is usually given in lieu of a more severe sentence. As long as you adhere to all laws & meet w/your probation officer, you're allowed to live in the community, and avoid a more severe penalty.

Parole is a conditional release from prison - the judge allows you to serve the remainder of your sentence in the community provided all conditions of your parole are met...

Also - if someone goes to prison - Probation is usually terminated right then and there - as there is no need to be on probation if you're in prison...and if you're released from prison early, you go on parole...
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-10 18:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmarried to us citizen with convictions
QUOTE (utopia2004 @ Oct 10 2009, 04:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks will do that :-)

i did hear from that they are not legally allowed to extend a sentence for no good reason. My boyfriend had a friend who was in prison, they extended his sentence for no reason, he did the extra time, when he got out he hired a lawyer and sued each extra day he was held in prison, won thousands apparently.

Oh geez, you'd be surprised what they can get away with saying is a "good reason". Still, they do have to operate within the confines of the law. Sometimes they think they are gods. That's why the Public Defenders office is here - to keep them honest...

It's like an police officer pulling someone over and searching their vehicle for "probable cause", just about ANYTHING is considered probable cause - even down to the light bulb illuminating their license plate was burned out.

And keep in mind - the very first term of probation is "violate no law" - that means, even a parking ticket is a violation of probation - and they can push the issue if they're feeling particularly ornery.

I saw that you mentioned above, however, that he's on parole. Parole is different from probation...

Probation - is usually given in lieu of a more severe sentence. As long as you adhere to all laws & meet w/your probation officer, you're allowed to live in the community, and avoid a more severe penalty.

Parole is a conditional release from prison - the judge allows you to serve the remainder of your sentence in the community provided all conditions of your parole are met...
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-10 18:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmarried to us citizen with convictions
QUOTE (utopia2004 @ Oct 10 2009, 03:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Christi Wright @ Oct 10 2009, 05:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (utopia2004 @ Oct 10 2009, 03:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
By the time we are married i think that will be enough time to gather this. We plan to move away from his area when he has finished probation, so that will be moving away from his friends etc.

With regards to jobs, it does depend on the type of job, i know first hand that ex felons can work relatively easily in the construction industry. As i already mentioned my boyfriend has connections from old employers, and has been offered him jobs when he gets out. I know our/my situation, no one on here does.. so i know what is best for me. But i appreciate the advice anyway smile.gif

I am in no way whatsoever trying to discourage you, I hope I didn't come across that way.

FYI - be sure to ask permission from the Probation Department / The Court of Law, before moving away, and get it in writing; otherwise he's violated his probation and will go back to jail.

Even after hes finished his probation? i thought he was free to go where ever, otherwise wouldn't he still be on probation?

Thats ok i didnt think that.

Oh no - if probation has been terminated, you're right - he can go where he wishes - but even that has to be done by the court, and it's NOT always done automatically. Also, make sure you know the exact date his probation ends - sometimes it's extended - usually by YEARS.

If he stays out of trouble, he can also request that probation be terminated early. Again, make sure the court is on top of it, they're over worked, and you'd be surprised how many things are NOT documented by the court clerk - I see this every day - make sure that when his probation IS terminated that it CLEARLY states this in the courts minutes. I've seen the jails refuse to release prisoners because the court clerk forgot to reflect that they were to be released in the courts minutes.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-10 18:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmarried to us citizen with convictions
QUOTE (utopia2004 @ Oct 10 2009, 03:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
By the time we are married i think that will be enough time to gather this. We plan to move away from his area when he has finished probation, so that will be moving away from his friends etc.

With regards to jobs, it does depend on the type of job, i know first hand that ex felons can work relatively easily in the construction industry. As i already mentioned my boyfriend has connections from old employers, and has been offered him jobs when he gets out. I know our/my situation, no one on here does.. so i know what is best for me. But i appreciate the advice anyway smile.gif

I am in no way whatsoever trying to discourage you, I hope I didn't come across that way.

FYI - be sure to ask permission from the Probation Department / The Court of Law, before moving away, and get it in writing; otherwise he's violated his probation and will go back to jail.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-10 17:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmarried to us citizen with convictions
QUOTE (justashooter @ Oct 8 2009, 07:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (utopia2004 @ Oct 8 2009, 02:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (justashooter @ Oct 8 2009, 11:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (utopia2004 @ Oct 6 2009, 10:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (belinda63 @ Oct 6 2009, 10:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have a load of misds. and one felony. Other than asking my fiance a few questions to make sure he was aware of my history there was no problem.

Thats good to know for me! im worrying i wont be able to be with him.. he is a few minor felonies.. he is only 23 and really wants to turn his life around now. He skipped parole to do that which wasnt the best idea (before he met me), so he has to do 4 months for that.

one burglary and several misdemeanors by the age of 23, including an assault at the age of 15, is not an indicator of a stable development. but, as you're in kollege, i'm sure you already heard that in psych 101. many people have "turned their life around" after such a start, but the process is difficult.

getting a good job with a felony record is difficult. learning to solve problems in a constructive manner after 8 years of solving them by destructive methods is also difficult. i wish you the best in your future life, but would advise you to be careful in your decision making.

i have been a manufacturing supervisor over employees with criminal records. the results were a mixed bag, but the odds are against you. you only have one life to live, so make your choices carefully.

Thanks. But i know him and its my life and i know what im doing. Despite convictions he is a really nice guy. He has jobs lined up when he gets out from connections he has, construction and tattoo jobs hes a tattoo artist also, aren't as hard to get with convictions as other jobs. The assault was when he was young.. and only considered a misdemeanor. He hasn't had a conviction for 5 years, his problem is he violated prole so is still in the system.. but he knows what he has to do now.

everybody is a nice guy for awhile. i can't tell you how many women i know whose husbands were nice guys while they were dating. hell, you should have seen the women lined up to date me when i was a #######. he's in jail now? great, you must be very happy, but i hope you're used to alternate methods of contraception. he is gonna come out with a preference you might not like.

construction jobs are about as reliable as central city weather forecasts and are full of ex-cons and hell on the physical condition. men get old fast in construction. "connections" are often potential points of criminal contact, and tattoo parlours are great places to raise your children. you're a clever young woman with a wonderful life ahead of you. make the most of it and forget the "bad boy". paul wrote to the corinthians (2nd epistle, 6:14) about 2000 years ago that they should "be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers". this applies in marriage and all other relationships and is not limited to religion in principle. paul was talking about fellowship (hanging out), in general.

5 years parole? this is not something you get for swiping a candy bar. you need to find out for yourself what you are getting into. contact the district attourney's office in his jail state/city and ask if they have a websight you can search for convictions records by name and date of birth on. most states have such a site. you might be surprised by what you find.

here's one for pennsylvania, but it comes with a fee:
try to find one that is run by the state your hubby lives in, rather than some for profit site.

you think i'm being tough on you? my daughter is 22 and not making the best choices, either. she is about as willing to hear as you are. i didn't get to 45 years of age without a scar or twelve, so maybe you can learn from them without getting cut yourself. i'm only giving you hell because i care.

Oh such fantastic advice!! Only together a year...I advise waiting at LEAST another year before making such a life-changing decision.

Working for the Public Defender's office I get to see on a daily basis just how difficult it is for anyone, especially ex-felons. If he continues to hang out in the same places, with the same people, it's only a matter of time before he's committed another crime. Add to that the fact that it IS very difficult to get a decent job having a felony on your record...which leads to frustration...which leads to anger, which leads again, to crime.

Unfortunately the odds are stacked pretty heavily against you. As difficult as it is to hear, I suggest waiting long enough to see if he does change his life around...and that means having a stable job and a stable place of his own, as well as time enough to prove that he's not going back to that life.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-10 17:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmarried to us citizen with convictions
QUOTE (TBoneTX @ Oct 6 2009, 09:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Welcome to VJ.

By "minor felonies," do you mean felonies that he committed as a minor (under age 18)? If not, what is the distinction to be drawn between a "minor" felony and any other felony? I'm merely curious.

Regarding your questions about how long the process takes, VJ has considerable resources at your disposal. For example, see "Immigration Timelines" (clickable near the top of every page).

Stay in touch with us.

There are infractions, misdemeanors and felonies. The difference being the violation of a local, state or US law.

Violation of Parole is pretty serious, being that you're basically still a prisoner, only they allow you serve the remainder of your sentence in the outside world.

I would imagine DV would be a red flag (domestic violence).

I hope you're correct when you say he plans on changing his life, or you're in for a very difficult road ahead. Changing one's life usually means a complete change in one's friends, hangouts and habits...believe me, I see this every single day...

Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-08 13:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHi! We are new here!!
I'm inclined to agree. None of that needed and the questions were ridiculously easy. It seems to be if you show up, you're good. It's not like there's such a drastic difference in the living conditions between the UK & the US.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-27 23:32:00
United KingdomReunion for all of the UK filers!
QUOTE (*julez* @ Nov 25 2009, 10:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think Las Vegas is a good choice since it tends to be cheap to fly there from anywhere in the country and they have great deals on hotels, too.

I second that - especially because it's only 4 1/2 hours up the freeway from me!

FYI, I used to live in Vegas & work @ the Stardust. If you can get enough people interested, you can get a group rate from one of the hotels, and have people call the hotels themselves to confirm...

Edited by Christi and Ian, 25 November 2009 - 06:52 PM.

Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-25 18:51:00
United KingdomI love BBC America
QUOTE (paulinespens @ Nov 30 2009, 05:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am not a fan of BBC America. I think its how the BBC will be in England if the licence fee ever got abolished.

Top Gear is cut to hell. I watched last nights Top Gear that was shown in England last night on my dvd player via my USB stick which I downloaded from a UK TV torrent site.

How many times does BBC America have to show Gordon Ramseys Kitchen Knightmares and how clean is your house. They show repeats of repeats and its old news. How Clean Is Your House? How about How Current are your shows.

Im a member of Netflix they have a big British TV Section of DVDS and some you can actually stream to your PC. I have been watching Red Dwarf.

Eastenders is on PPV on Dishnetwork its like $10 to watch 24 hours worth of Enders.

Better still get a DVD player that plays DIVX and join dowload the torrents burn them onto a dvd and watch on your tv at leisure.

Oooh - on Netflix - have you seen The I.T. Crowd? I love that show!
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-30 22:54:00
United KingdomI love BBC America
QUOTE (Darnell @ Nov 23 2009, 10:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OMG - weekend before last - Norton had David Tennant AND Johnny Vegas together, on same show. TWO of my current faves.

If you want some titles for Johnny Vegas - look him up on - ask yer lass to find some stuff biggrin.gif

I like Top Gear, Dr. Who, Graham Norton , Coupling, anything with Gordon Ramswey.

Christmas time is coming up - hopefully we'll catch the Live Broadcast of 'Lessons and Carols' ... I have always watched this, or caught it on radio - I had sung as a Chorister in my youth one year for broadcast - I miss it, a lot.

Oooh - me too, Top Gear, Dr. Who, Graham Norton & Coupling - but I also like Dragon's Den...
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-24 00:12:00
United KingdomTop Gear
QUOTE (rebeccajo @ Dec 30 2009, 01:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, that was bad.

But when the other driver was passing Jeremy on the road to La Paz - I couldn't watch.

I had to keep telling myself that they wouldn't be showing it on TV if it had gone wrong...
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-31 11:02:00
United KingdomTop Gear
OMG - the part near the end w/the sand dune!! Wow!
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-30 15:36:00
United KingdomWho's still waiting on an interview date?
This is completely off of your topic, but how did your sweetheart find the trip back from the U.K.? I was stuck on the tarmac inside of the plane for over 2 hours because of the additional security procedures - this was after getting to the airport 3 hours early - utter hell!!
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-04 10:56:00
United KingdomMissing home
My husband actually prefers driving here because a) You can turn right on a red light and b ) the roads are actually STRAIGHT...

As for the food, you'd be surprised how many little shops carry specialty items from the U.K. I'd never dream I'd find things like Heinz Beans, Marmite, Bangers & Mash & such anywhere NEAR where I live, but I looked online and found a store somewhat near that sells them...and I gathered recipies from his mom to learn how to make Shepards pie & Steak & Kidney pie for him...

Are you sure it isn't something else? Perhaps he's just homesick?

Edited by Christi and Ian, 07 January 2010 - 06:29 PM.

Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-07 18:28:00
United KingdomCheap Shipping From UK to USA

The website is

Hope this helps someone.

It just did. THANK YOU!!
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-07 01:45:00

We'll have 12 tins that I'll send on ahead of me, then will bring extra (as long as there's space) in the suitcase. Hoping to end up with 16 tins in total. 1 tin lasts her 2 - 3 days, so we should have a supply of at least 32 days. That's enough time for her to settle, and for us to introduce the new food gradually. And, if it does take a while to find a brand she can tolerate, it gives us room to do so.

That's good to know. :) What were the delivery times like? I'm planning on ordering early March, and I won't be arriving until mid-April, so there should be plenty of time for my order to arrive. But I don't want it to be stuck in transit for too long, in case there are extreme weather conditions.

If I remember right, I just chose the standard shipping rate, and I'm sure it arrived within 2 weeks...
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-06 11:54:00