K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsLosing hope...

IMO, you should be happy with 6 months. if you get 5 months, you should be f*cking ecstatic, with MOEs (multiple orgasmic experiences) thrown in for good measure.

I wouldn't 'jump' at 5 months tick mark, at all, if I were you. But that's just me.

Good Luck, with whatever you decide to do.

LOL! I am so stealing that...

As far as waiting another month...not being the most patient person in the world (in fact, being one of the least patient people in the world), I'm not sure I could make it another month without imploding.

I'm going to start with 5 months and see what I can do, contacting my Senator, and trying my hardest to be firm with some sweetness that I most definitely will not be feeling, thrown in...

We'll see if it gets me anywhere. I've doubted Push's advice before, and look where it got me.

((edited for lack of ability to be grammatically correct the first time around))

Edited by Christi and Ian, 20 February 2010 - 12:48 PM.

Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-20 12:47:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsLosing hope...

Being anything but nice while being assertive would be a mistake, IMO. An infopass appointment will do nothing. Don't mess with the I-129F. Any harm has already been done, so don't chance doing more harm. There's no need to ask for an expedite, as your inquiry is likely to trigger one anyway. Contact your State's senior US Senator's office for assistance.

Many millions of thanks to you Push...really...I will take your advice. Nice but assertive...I need to work on that.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-20 11:55:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsLosing hope...
I'm sure what I'm feeling is familiar to most if not everyone here. I've been swinging between frustration, anger, depression and tears and feel powerless to do anything which just adds to my frustration.

For purposes of this topic, I'm referring to our I-130 petition, since I couldn't care less about the I-129F now that it will most likely be closed. It may be a factor, I don't know, but perhaps someone here will.

My I-130 NOA 1 shows a "Received Date" of October 2nd on the notice. To date, at least according to the USCIS "Check Your Case Status" website, my petition hasn't even been touched since October 26th, when I presume they just married the I-130 and I-129F petitions together.

I have scheduled an InfoPass appointment for March 3rd - exactly 5 months and 1 day from the received date on the I-130 notice. Starting on that date, I plan on bombarding USCIS with inquiries. In addition to starting daily calls and written inquiries, letters to both Senators and my Representative along with the CIS Ombudsman, I plan on bringing the following information with me:

* All information and documents originally submitted with the I-130 and I-129F petitions.
* A copy of the I-130 NOA1 with the "Received Date" of October 2nd highlighted, as well as the statement "If you have not heard anything regarding your petition it is because we are processing petitions received before yours" (or something to that effect).
* Screen shots of time lines showing petitions received and approved AFTER ours.
* Screen shot of USCIS "Check Processing Times" website showing that, in their own words, if the last petition they processed was within their set guidelines, the processing time on the chart will show "5 months".

I plan on asking USCIS to abandon the I-129F petition and move forward with the I-130. I also plan on asking for an expedite, since I'll be using their own information against them, and figure if their information is erroneous, it equates to USCIS error.

I may be nitpicking, but it's all I've got at this point. I know I won't be satisfied with "check again in 60 days".

So, my questions are:

* Will bombarding them with phone calls and paperwork only succeed in pushing back our petition?
* Does any of this matter? At this point, even if it doesn't speed up our petition (as long as it doesn't slow it down), I am just feeling spiteful and hoping that some adjudicator in USCISland will feel just a fraction of the irritation that he/she is currently putting us through.
* Will they even bother closing the I-129F at USCIS or will they make us go through with it?
* Is all of this just a waste of time?
* Are Hobekenworkingman and me the ONLY two going through this? It's feeling pretty lonely in the K-3 forum right now...
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-20 11:28:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWE GOT OUR NOA2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAYYYYYYYYY!
Oh wow - congratulations! And thanks for giving hope to the rest of us October Filers!!

Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-27 18:00:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInsanity is boring it's ugly head into my brain...
Bad lighting & I stripped the black out of my hair & dyed it red again...I get...moods...
Can't believe neither my passport nor my drivers license applications, when asked for hair color, didn't have a "varies with mood" option.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-03 17:57:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInsanity is boring it's ugly head into my brain...
Fired our law firm today. Apparently, my attorney hasn't worked there for a week. I have no idea when they were going to get around to telling her CLIENTS!

Anyway - also called USCIS today (since today is 5 month mark) and requested an expedite. We'll see what happens...I'm not feeling warm & fuzzy about it.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-02 17:55:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInsanity is boring it's ugly head into my brain...

Ooooh Man!

All these posts have me worried and I havn't even sent my I-129F yet... Geez man, I need to stock up on prozac or something...

Let me ask everyone out there,,,

What causes the delays? Does anyone ever find out why there applications are held up?
I've never had to speak to a senator or congressman in my life and hope I don't have to resort to that here because, It seems to me that calling my congressman will get me to some recording saying "Sorry, Your congressman is to busy to deal with your little K1 Visa problem"... I would love to hear others experiences of what they've learned about avoiding delays, fixing delays, and dealing with representatives.

I am stressed already and I haven't even started yet.. My documents are spread out all over the dining room table and getting ready to stuff it into a FedEx envelope, but want to make sure I get this right and learn from everything you guys have been through...

We need to stick together...


Hi Kenny,

Actually, most applications from October have been approved already. Mine seems to be one of the unlucky last. For one, they have my "Received Date" wrong. They received my petition on October 2nd, but their website, their recordings, even their customer service reps keep saying my petition was received 2 weeks later. I was able to clear this up with my call to USCIS today. Most cases, I believe, barring something unusual, will go through quicker than mine.

Also, in the chance that you do need to contact a Congressman, it's a very simple process. You will absolutely not be ignored, you are their constituent, and it's their job to help you. If they don't, you will tell friends, co-workers, family and then they get fewer votes when they're up for re-election.

Both Senators and my Representative are well prepared for taking Immigration requests. They all have a section on their websites that say, "Need help with a government agency?" I simply followed the links, downloaded the forms giving them permission to speak with USCIS on my behalf, wrote a synopsis of the problem & faxed them. It was really no trouble at all - and everyone I've spoken to at their offices have been very nice.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-01 22:07:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInsanity is boring it's ugly head into my brain...
Update: Senator Mary Bono-Mack's office actually DID call me back. They were very nice - they had already contacted the California Service Center and "started the ball rolling". I should be getting correspondence from her office soon, and to call them back if there were any more problems...

Wow. What was that, like a 4 hour turn around?
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-01 19:28:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInsanity is boring it's ugly head into my brain...

Nahhh.. I was approved on the Nov 19th and I think by the 5th of Dec. I was at the NVC. I know that if 30 days have passed and NVC doesn't have you case # they can start some sort of investigation regarding your case. But you should start getting every single document ready for the NVC. They are not like USCIS. NVC is fast and if you don't have everything ready for I would say NOW! you will slow yourself down.


One advantage to being impatient and ####### retentive, is that I've had all of our stuff ready for NVC ever since I found out that we would probably end up going CR-1. It's ready, I'm ready, he's ready...I've practically memorized the shortcuts...
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-01 16:38:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInsanity is boring it's ugly head into my brain...
Well, Senator Feinstein's office says it will be another week before it's assigned to a staff member.
Senator Boxer's office says it will be 2 to 3 weeks.
Representative Bono-Mack's office is going to call me back by the end of the day.
Tomorrow I will fax the CIS Ombudsman.
Wednesday is the InfoPass appointment.

I don't know what else I can do.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-01 16:31:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInsanity is boring it's ugly head into my brain...
Oh - and according to the supervisor - once you're approved, it takes 60 days for USCIS to send your stuff to NVC...

R E A L L Y ? ? !
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-01 16:16:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInsanity is boring it's ugly head into my brain...
Oh, and here's some fun trivia...

USCIS STILL doesn't know that NVC is sending back I-129F petitions to be closed when they're received together!

"Hello? Left hand? Meet Right hand. Talk amongst yourselves..."
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-01 15:44:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInsanity is boring it's ugly head into my brain...
Well, impatience reared it's ugly head today, and I called USCIS to make them aware that there is exactly 11 hours before our petition is exactly 5 months old (yes, I'm ####### retentive, I know the hour that our package was delivered).

I was transferred to a supervisor because they keep telling me their received date was October 15th, but my NOA1 says October 2nd.

And of course, I was given the usual shpeil about 5 months being a general guideline for when they begin processing the petition.

And apparently, USCIS is currently processing petitions from September 16th.

I didn't even bother saying that I know differently.

I'm going to bring my evidence, from their own website, showing that if they're processing within their 5 month time frame then their "processing times" will show up as 5 months. Well, their processing times show 5 months, but they're processing cases from 6 months ago. Something isn't adding up here...and apparently the general public isn't supposed to use their brains that hard.

I'm so incredibly frustrated, I didn't even bother arguing with the lady on the phone. Right now I feel like screaming, but obviously, that won't get me anywhere.

Oh, and loved the whole, "The good news is that he should have his visa before the end of the year."

That's GOOD news? That gives USCIS 9 months to sit on it's fat, ugly butt! :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting:

Stupid Immigration. Stupid large space between England and California...

Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-01 15:36:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHELP!!
After further investigation - and a lot of Google searches, I found the Standard Operating Procedures for the I-130 for USCIS - turns out that the "Amended Notice" is actually approval...

I'm doing the approval dance now!! Woo-hoo!!

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-06 01:06:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHELP!!
I just did a search for "Amended Notice"

Apparently, at least for was their I don't know WHAT to think!

Oh PLEEEEZE...I really need to move over to that NVC March forum!!
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-05 17:05:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHELP!!
the I-130 has actually gone BACKWARDS in the system. It no longer says we're at "Initial Review" - it now says we're at "Acceptance".

They're sending me an amended NOA1...has anyone received this before?
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-05 16:55:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHELP!!
Well - to START with - our I-129F was APPROVED today...

I would celebrate...however...this was emailed to me regarding the I-130:

The last processing action taken on your case

Receipt Number: WAC10009xxxxx


Current Status: We mailed you an amended notice.

On March 5, 2010, an amended notice on this case was mailed describing how we will process your case. Please follow any instructions on the notice. This case is being processed at our CALIFORNIA SERVICE CENTER location. If this I130 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN is still pending, you will be notified by mail when a decision is made, or if the office needs something from you. If you move while this case is pending, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address or call our customer service center at 1-800-375-5283.

If you have questions or concerns about your application or the case status results listed above, or if you have not received a decision from USCIS within the current processing time listed*, please contact USCIS Customer Service at (800) 375-5283.

*Current processing times can be found on the USCIS website at under Check My Case Status and Check Processing Times.
*** Please do not respond to this e-mail message.


The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)

What does this MEAN?!! Did my attorney screw up our filling? I need to know, 'cause I need to know if I'm going to need to sue my attorney back to 1986...!
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-05 16:15:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC fees

my brother had his I-129f approved in december. We were expecting the next communication to come from the consulate however we received fee bills (AOS and IV)... which we paid and now the NVC automated line says a packet of information has been sent.

From all the flowcharts and guides on VJ the only time NVC fees seem to come into play is when they are processing an approved I-130. USCIS does not have his I-130 marked as approved.

Any thoughts??

USCIS doesn't have his I-130 marked as approved where? On their website? Their website is unreliable. Was an NOA2 sent for the I-130? If only the I-129f was approved, then it sounds like he's only been approved for a fiance' visa.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-07 11:27:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInfoPass today @ San Bernardino

FYI, the "Western Processing Center" is what we call CSC. Back when there were only two, that's what it was called. Vermont case numbers begin EAC and California WAC. The E and W mean East and West. USCIS doesn't process visas. They process petitions. Visas applications are processed by Consulates. In case you haven't yet concluded this, your infopass appointment was a complete waste of time.

Haha - yes, concluded. I also figured out, eventually, when the adrenaline wore off, that WAC=CSC...but in the interest of everyone who may read this in the future, I'm glad you clarified!
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-07 12:13:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInfoPass today @ San Bernardino

Still a K-3 ? Not the I-130?

Wow - yer lucky that there is some movement on it.

If a K-3 gets into NVC with the approved I-130 (at same time) , past the 1st of February, though - it'll be 'administratively closed'.

Hopefully - your I-130 will be approved at USCIS at the same time .

have a read?

Good Luck !

Oh yeah - still K-3 until it gets to NVC & they send it back to be closed. Anxiously awaiting getting there so I can change our thing to say CR-1 rather than K-3!

Oh, and for all of you who admonished me for going K-3 so many months'll be happy to hear that the nice English woman @ Immigration also admonished me for going K-3...

I'm getting it from all sides here. Not my attorney anymore though - fired her on Monday...I think my ability to read and follow directions means that I am more qualified than she is...
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-04 21:24:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInfoPass today @ San Bernardino
My Representatives office called me this morning to say that CSC called and we should have a decision in 30 days...

And...I checked their website and...


I feel warm and tingly all over!! Hooray! :)
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-04 13:32:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInfoPass today @ San Bernardino
Thank you for your well wishes - the support of the other members here is the only thing keeping me from pulling my hair out. Even the simplest of comments really does help to calm my anxiety. Thank you all.

I just got a letter from my Congresswoman's office.

"I have made it a priority to assist you in any way possible within the jurisdiction of this office."


They contacted CSC within 24 hours of my fax to them...and now they're waiting to hear back themselves...the letter does state that it could take as long as 6 weeks to get a, we'll see...

I'm currently feeling much more warm & fuzzy than I was just a few hours ago!!
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-03 18:45:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInfoPass today @ San Bernardino
After checking the clock, realizing I should have left the house a 1/2 prior, and running in a mad-dash around the bedroom, desperately trying to gather the last of the information I wanted to bring to the Infopass meeting, and practically severing my ankle on the foot of the bed, I finally made it out of the house.

An hour and a half later, I was at the Immigration office in San Bernardino, with one other couple trying to remember what the hell I wanted to ask.

By 12:45 they had called my number, because, you know, me, and the couple that were already there needed to keep straight who was first...

The woman at the counter is English. Thank heaven, perhaps I'll get a teensy weensy bit of empathy? Fact is, she was fantastic - so nice, empathetic, friendly, curious to hear how the hell someone else from England managed to find the Inland Empire, "Did he get lost?"

And the best part, the first words out of her mouth are, "This should have been approved by now."


So, she takes a look at the case to find out what's been going on. Apparently, our case was transferred to what she called the "Western Processing Center"....see? See how they hide these centers so the public can't know how they're supposed to get in touch with the people actually looking at their case?

Well...this "Western Processing Center" is the place where they ACTUALLY process K-3 visas - 'cause sending it to the right place at the beginning is FAR too efficient for the U.S. government. How then could they keep up the reputation for the red tape?

Well, our case is there, and as of TODAY, it's started processing. Today. Sent in October. STARTED processing today. As in, PAST the normal processing time, they STARTED processing it.

The super-nice English lady then told me it would be about 30 more days at the most, but that at least she could tell us that our case has started processing. Not her fault...can't yell at her...she's been nothing but nice.

Alright - got home, checked the USCIS "Check Your Processing Time" website AND....(drum roll please) change. Nothing. It still says "Last Updated 10/26/09".

C R U D ! !

Alright, people get approved all of the time without actually having their case ever be updated through the website - perhaps we're one of those. We'd better be one of those...or maybe it'll update sometime tonight. I don't think their website is real-time.

She also told me that calling the USCIS Customer Service line is a waste of time. Apparently, they're private contractors, who are given a script, and can only read from that script (that explains why I could read right along with them every time I called). If you have a question they are unable to answer, they escalate the call to a supervisor AKA: Someone with the private contractor that has slightly more authority, but still almost no information about your case. The most the supervisor can do is alert the Service Center that you're inquiring on your case.

Here's hoping! Everyone keep your fingers, toes and eyes crossed for us, please!!!


-The American Half
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-03 18:06:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow much time from getting "touched" a 2nd time to NOA2 - Please respond!
I'm going to check this out - they want more transparency, suggestions and openness? Here it comes. From the Department of Homeland Security website:

Dialogue Period Open

The Department of Homeland Security wants your input on our Open Government Plan. How should we increase our transparency to the public? What is the best way to foster a culture of participation? Do you have ideas to help increase collaboration? We want to hear from you! The online participation tool will be available until March 19, 2010. You can contribute your own ideas and rate idea others have submitted.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-08 22:52:00
IMBRA Special TopicsUS Citizens Criminal convictions - chances of K1 visa for fiance?

well i was assigned a public defender, so they are not very realiable. Im going to ask them the day of my sentencing if they could get the 1 year probation lowered. 6 month probation shouldnt be too bad. This is my first offense. But public defenders arent very worried about helping me.

Actually, Public Defenders are in front of the judge every single day. They know the D.A.'s - they know what offers will be acceptable and what offers will be rejected.

As opposed to Private Attorneys, they aren't in it for the quick buck. They don't ask for a $5,000 retainer, and then show up to court once, and keep all of the money.

Public Defenders don't file motions that would be pointless. A private attorney will file motions that they know haven't a chance in hell because the more time they spend on your case, the more money they make.

More likely than not, a Public Defender is in it for the principle, to help people, not because they're not capable of being private attorney's themselves.

There are also sentencing guidelines. The law dictates what the minimum sentence will be - not the Public Defender, not the D.A., not the judge. The LAW.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-11 09:00:00
USCIS Service CentersSenator's response about USCIS
Back in the day I had to request assistance from Boxer and Feinsteins offices for our CR-1, and I also contacted my representative, Mary Bno-Mack. Bono-Mack's office contacted USCIS within 24 hours of receiving my letter. Both Feinstein and Boxers office contacted me after our approval. My suggestion is to contact your local rep and see if you can get the ball rolling a bit faster. Our senators are either too busy or we are too low of a priority for them to commit to any action in a timely manner.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-16 13:21:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Senator or Representative?
I guess it depends on your Senator/Rep. The staff for my Rep, Mary Bono Mack, called me within 24 hours of my sending them a request for assistance. Our app had been stalled for 6 months. After giving them as much detail as I could, they contacted the California Service Center and sent me a letter explaining their inquiry and request for expedition. Two days after receiving that letter, we were approved.
Two months after that, I got general purpose form letters from my Senators requesting more information.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-16 14:58:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Senator or Representative?

Is it better to contact a senator or a representative for an immigration issue?

I contacted both of my Senators and my Representative...I received letters from my Sentators saying that they would get on the case, 2 months after my Representative resolved the issue for me...
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-15 14:48:00
United KingdomNovel ways to keep in touch with your other half! :)
QUOTE (Miss Jess @ Jul 16 2009, 06:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well I last saw the boy in May, it's now July, and my next trip isn't until 3rd October.....and whilst I don't want to wish away a generally lovely British summer, I am going slightly crazy here!!

So it made me wonder, just for fun, how you guys stay in touch while apart? Not just literally but emotionally as well. We use the obvious methods of Skype, letters, etc...Facebook is single-handedly responsible for lowering my phone bill though. I set up Facebook mobile so every time he sends me a PM it is converted into a text message to my phone - I can reply by text too (standard UK rate i.e. free on my contract smile.gif and then the message I send back is turned into a text at his end. So it's a convoluted but ultimately free way to text each other.

Plus I send him Disney pins from other Disney parks I've been lucky enough to visit around the world smile.gif

Does anyone have any unusual things that they do for each other to keep the romance alive? (I do NOT mean that in a dirty way, btw tongue.gif)

J smile.gif

We use Skype, mainly because we can speak face to face which is much more gratifying than just hearing his voice. We also had Vonage - and for $5.00 a month, I was given a local number in the U.K. through Vonage so he can call from his mobile and not incur any charges other than the cost of a local call. Brilliant...

Also, Google Voice - another VOIP service that gives a local number - he has a California number on Google Voice so I can call his cell & it is considered a local call.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-09-19 11:29:00
United KingdomEngland Trip
Funny - my husband always complains about the bacon & the cheese while he's here...I thought he was being overly-critical, but now I'm not so sure.

My first-ever trip to England is coming up in December, so I guess I'll find out first hand!

Related: I am NOT a fan of Marmite - yechh!
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-09-19 12:01:00
United KingdomHow long did it take for London to recieve your case?
QUOTE (RUSSandRACHEL @ Nov 25 2009, 09:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (pdcvcm @ Nov 25 2009, 03:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Rats, can't remember that part. At least one had to be signed but not all of them I thought.

I am arriving on Christmas Day and leaving on the 2nd. How long is Russ staying?

So excited. smile.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

NYE with my honey. awww!!! luv.gif

Ok I'll have to look into the signature situation then...
Awww Im sure you'll have a lovely time together. We're a bit upset this week to be apart for Thanksgiving but looking forward to Christmas! Russ is arriving on Sunday December 20th and leaving on January 3rd! The next time we'll see each other after that will be for moving day! Eeek! heart.gif wub.gif heart.gif

Oh wow - I'll be leaving for the U.K. on Dec. 19th & coming home Jan. 2nd!
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-25 18:56:00
VietnamH&R Block said I can't file a W-7 for my wife???
I do my own taxes, and don't use anyone's software - I just use form 1040 and file electronically. Whenever I have a question, I just call the I.R.S., they're very helpful, and you can rest assured they are totally aware of the most current tax law. I've already filed Fed/State and received my refunds this year!
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-06 13:20:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny other newbies here?
Wow - that was very informative and helped a lot - thank you so much! Does he need to have some sort of Police report thing done too?
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-09-19 21:17:00