
We'll have 12 tins that I'll send on ahead of me, then will bring extra (as long as there's space) in the suitcase. Hoping to end up with 16 tins in total. 1 tin lasts her 2 - 3 days, so we should have a supply of at least 32 days. That's enough time for her to settle, and for us to introduce the new food gradually. And, if it does take a while to find a brand she can tolerate, it gives us room to do so.

That's good to know. :) What were the delivery times like? I'm planning on ordering early March, and I won't be arriving until mid-April, so there should be plenty of time for my order to arrive. But I don't want it to be stuck in transit for too long, in case there are extreme weather conditions.

If I remember right, I just chose the standard shipping rate, and I'm sure it arrived within 2 weeks...
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-06 11:54:00

Has anyone used the site ?

Before I leave for the US, I need to ship over 12 tins of felix cat meat, 2kg of cat biscuits, 12 litres of Ribena, plus tea bags and some other "essentials".

I was originally going to go with but I did some research prior to ordering from them, and there are quite a lot of bad reviews on them. Also, I emailed customer services 3 or 4 days back with a query, and haven't had a response since. I think that's not a good sign.

So, I'm thinking of going with now. Their shipping rates are really competative, though the products themselves are pricier than most other online stores I've seen. Still, they look promising, and they do at least sell everything I want to buy.

Just wondering if anyone here would recommend them?

I used them to order some marmite & sweets for problems at all.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-06 11:37:00
United KingdomPlease Help

Many thanks for the helpful replies
we have no immigration problems nor criminal history, so I think we may try to do this with everyones help here.
My husband was in the army for 20 years and receives an army pension every month, will he still need a sponsor?
And.... what is the best bank to have it sent to in the US and not be charged to death for converting to dollars every month?

Ugh - that's a difficult one - I know that B of A has a deal with Lloyds, but it's still not that great. When my husband wants to send money over, he does it via Paypal because they don't charge any fees for converting Pounds to Dollars.

He actually gets paid in Dollars, and it has to be converted to Pounds - he started a Swiss account because their fees are much lower for the conversion.

Edited by Christi and Ian, 28 February 2010 - 03:15 AM.

Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-28 03:13:00
United KingdomUK Wiki
I think it's a great idea, but don't feel in any way qualified to contribute - other than I know what documents were required in our particular case - both for K-3 (which we started as), and CR-1 (which we are now, since K-3 died @ NVC before we were approved @ CSC on February 1st)
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-10 15:48:00
United KingdomBeing questioned at customs?

He is just a one man operation, so the extent of his company paperwork is basically contracts, invoices, and payments from clients. He could also provide bill statements, his UK social security card, and other things. I just don't want to risk being turned away, the thought of it makes me feel sick.

We're in the exact same situation - my hubby is also a self-employed web administrator who lives with mom (since it makes no sense to lease when you're in the U.S. for 6 months of the year). All he ever needed to show was his return itinerary/ticket.

However, we were advised to never say he was coming over to visit his girlfriend, because it raises red flags w/the border agents (a good friend of his went through hell for this). Also, now that we're going through the immigration process, we were told he shouldn't try to come over at all, because he would likely be turned away, depending on just how ####### the border agent is. He's been gone 4 months now - but I flew to England over Christmas to visit to make the wait less excruciating.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-19 08:11:00
United KingdomBeing questioned at customs?

Hi there!

My boyfriend of 5 yrs and I are planning on getting engaged soon and filing for a K3 visa. I am an American citizen and he is a British citizen. We frequently visit, as often as possible, and recently he has been stopped at customs in Newark, NJ and questioned about whether he is in the country to work. The customs officer told him last time that because he stays for about 8-10 weeks for each trip, it looks suspicious and leads customs to believe he is in the country to work. He has never traveled to the country for any other reason but for us to be together, and simply works in England to save up money for the trips; both of our families also loan us money while he is staying, so that he can stay for longer.

I was just wondering if anyone else has been in a similar situation, or knows if there is a way to alleviate the situation? I've read on here about providing the customs officials with proof of the relationship, as well as proof of how much money is in your bank account for the length of the stay... is there anything else we can do? It's such a stressful situation, and I don't want to even imagine what it would be like to be turned away when we are doing everything legally and want to be 100% sure we are not breaking the law. Last time he entered the US, he was brought into a separate room and interrogated, with the customs officer raising his voice and trying to scare him - not a nice situation to be in when you know you've done nothing wrong!!

Just wondering if anyone else has ever experienced this or knows of ways to make the process go smoother, for future reference.

Thanks! :)

There shouldn't be a problem - before we were married, my husband came over every 3 months and stayed for 3 months at a time, for 5 years!! He was once asked, by the border agent, if his boss really allowed him to leave for such extended periods so often - to which he replied, "I am the boss."

He was once pulled aside and questioned, answered their questions, and was let through - only 2 times he ever had problems in 5 years.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-19 00:04:00
United KingdomHow to deal with the down time

Thank you all so much for this thread!

My wife and I just got married in Vegas after 6 months apart, and she had to leave today to go back to the UK so we can start on the CR1. I have to say it was harder than the last time I left.

That being said I will be filing my I130 as soon as the marriage certificate gets here (stupid NV and their taking ages to process!).

I have to say I hope this all goes by quickly. It's been rough, but its nice to know that I'm not the only one.

On a related note, does anyone that is going through the CR1 process have experience in visiting the UK? Any problems crossing the border? I would lik eto visit in a few months, since from what I hear its near impossible for her to come here.

My hubby left in September and I made plans to visit him over Christmas. I brought every immigration document I could think of, and plenty of stuff showing I intended to return to the US, including my request for time off from work, showing the date I intended to return.

When I spoke to the immigration officer at the airport, he asked me what my plans were - I told him to visit hubby and to meet my in-laws - and that was it - he stamped my passport - and I went in.

Our journey is almost at its temporary end - hubby has his interview tomorrow and intends to buy a plane ticket the moment he receives his visa. It's been 9 months since he left, and if it weren't for Skype, I probably would have gone insane by now.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-14 08:50:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
Does anyone know why the paperwork would say the visa is good for a year, but the passport one - 6 months?

I guess it really doesn't matter - he's trying to get here some time in the next 9 days.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-21 12:47:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

Yes, the interview was very straightforward and easy and I was approved within minutes...four months later I'm still waiting for the visa to be issued. Never take anything for granted!

Ugh! What is the reason for that?

Hubby just received his Visa today. He wasn't home, but the courier left it with his mum - didn't even ask for I.D.!
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-21 12:36:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

are pigs flying over in California now?? :)

We'll see - Our anniversary is 14 days from today - he should get his visa next week - and then ??. Hopefully he can get a ticket back before the 30th!!

Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-16 07:33:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
Hubby's opinion is that the interview experience was so easy, he's convinced that as long as he showed up, they were going to give him his visa.

Worst part of the entire experience was the wait - and I had prepared him for it beforehand.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-15 22:00:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
We have officially moved past interview stage to waiting for courier to arrive with the visa stage! Hooray!
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-15 14:24:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
75 days between DS3032 and interview date for us...due to RFE and stinking volcano...

But unlike that guy at the airport that they show all over the news, I don't blame Iceland...

Edited due to a brain being unable to figure out Geography...

January 2010 Graduates of the US Embassy, London
Jewel-8, Claire and Troy, lirwin2000, laura00412, beatlesrebel, Kimmy and PJ, NotworkSte, xSweeTiex, FrostyMist, viol8torUK, TeamMoran
D_G, Andrew + Bethany, RUSSandRACHEL, david'sgirl/Scotinmass, Nikki-UK, earlgreygirl, jonoger1984, jenanddan2010, amykathleen2005

February 2010 Graduates of the US Embassy, London
Hindocha, munkeynuts, yorkshirerose22, .Jay'n'Terri, ajbe1986, brit la, Think~Pink, h1a1, karenista

March 2010 Graduates of the US Embassy, London

kjrrem, MattHeartCass, jkminney, pwac, Justine+David, moss, ruth_a, david b

April 2010 Graduates of the US Embassy, London

ohlpomr, Rito, Hellojulie, musikgal06, Hokie97, Ricky+Vanessa, JMR

May 2010 Graduates of the US Embassy, London

June 2010 Graduates of the US Embassy, London

May Interviews (* days between (K1) returning P3/ (CR1) returning DS-3032 and Interview)

K-1.........Kristen & David........4 May 2010 (50 days):star:
K-1.........Gela......................6 May 2010 (62 days):star:
IR-1........sveta & jeff...........6 May 2010 (61 days):star:
K-1.........sara & Alex............7 May 2010 :star:
K-1.........ztaylor...............11 May 2010 (47 days):star:
K-1.........Archeon...............11 May 2010 (46 days)
K-1.........Amy and Michael.......12 May 2010 (46 days):star:
K-1.........ThomasBell............18 May 2010 (123 days)
K-1.........nickm.................18 May 2010 (61 days):star:
K-1.........doghandler............19 May 2010 (61 days)
K-1.........Adrian+Mike...........20 May 2010 (119 days)
K-1.........jennareid.............21 May 2010 (30 days)
CR-1........A Miller..............25 May 2010 (85 days)
IR-1........staceyafreeman........28 May 2010 (67 days)

June Interviews (* days between (K1) returning P3/ (CR1) returning DS-3032 and Interview)

K-1.........MJM....................8 June 2010 (82 days)
K-1.........W+R....................8 June 2010 (49 days)
K-1.........Leenie.................8 June 2010 (57 days)
K-1.........SunDrop................8 June 2010 (39 days)
K-1.........Miss Jess.............10 June 2010 (80 days)
K-1.........Memmab................14 June 2010 (55 days)
CR-1........Christi and Ian.......15 June 2010 (? days)
K-1.........F2C-MaDMaXX...........16 June 2010 (68 days)

July Interviews (* days between (K1) returning P3/ (CR1) returning DS-3032 and Interview)

K-1.........A and J...............15 July 2010 (86 days) *extended at applicant's request. Was 51 days.
K-1.........arwilson..............15 July 2010 (62 days)

:star: = APPROVED

Waiting for interview date:

K-1..Y&E P3 sent 25 March
K-1..DukeofYork P3 sent 7 April (checklist 10 April)
K-1..W + M P3 sent 20 April
K-1..MrStrain14 P3 sent 22 April

Between NOA2 and P3

visacat - NOA2: 16 Feb

Edited by Christi and Ian, 20 May 2010 - 11:22 PM.

Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-20 23:21:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

You can read the interview page over at the UK wiki page. Generally they do not ask for proof of on-going relationship. It's a good idea to have something to show just in case, especially if it's been a long time since you got the approval notice, although that's more situated for K1s.

Pictures, flight itineraries, e-mails are all fine.

Good luck! :) I am so happy for you that you guys finally got the interview. I remember reading how crazy it was getting trying to get your NOA2.

I didn't even know there was a interview page on the UK wiki - that's good to know - and will keep me busy while waiting - going crazy!

Yes, the whole USCIS process was just a nightmare...we're so close to the end now, it's hard to believe that something won't crop up to set us back again - that damn volcano for one...I just KNOW the day he leaves England that thing is going to have fit...
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-18 23:11:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
Any advice about the interview would be so very helpful - Ian is getting a little nervous...

Alright...I'M getting a little nervous...his last round of vaccinations is tomorrow, and he's coming down with a chest cold no vaccinations for him tomorrow, and he needs to have his medical in the next 3 weeks...

Anyway, specifically, how crazy do we need to get with the proof of relationship stuff? Pictures, letters from friends, emails, Skype conversations...? We should be good to go on everything else...
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-18 21:35:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
I've been lurking...waiting our turn to join this thread, and I am SO happy to report...hubby got his interview date today!! :)

June 15th!!

SO hoping he will be back by our anniversary!!
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-12 21:32:00
United KingdomLondon medical scheduled
Some tips from our experience:
a) My husband said that the Knightsbridge doctor was a super hot Eastern European woman. Be prepared to suffer every indignity by her.b) The interview was a piece of piss...he is convinced that as long as you show up, you're in. c) I don't remember the interview questions, there were only 3, but I think they're posted in my timeline, if you care to see...d) Waiting to be interviewed at the Embassy is approximately 10,000 times longer than the actual interviewe) be prepared to be asked by everyone in the US if you're from Australia (Ian has the Essex, Estuary accent...everyone thinks he's Austrailian, go figure)

Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-13 20:53:00
United KingdomCan I Visit My Husband in The UK f?
I visited my hubby while the CR-1 was pending. I had absolutely no trouble and no harassment. I brought tons of evidence to show my ties to the US, and didn't need any of it.
My pic to the left was taken on that trip.

Edited by Christi and Ian, 11 November 2012 - 05:33 PM.

Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-11 17:32:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting her out of vacation mode
You know, re-reading this topic has been eye-opening for me.

I can only base my own opinions on what I think and what I do. I work, and, when my husband is here, I come home, cook dinner, clean the kitchen, get my daughter bathed and to bed, and don't think twice about it. Weekends I spend vacuuming & cleaning the rest of the house. I was most definitely raised to respect "the man is the head of the household", which may or may not be something that Southern women just believe.

Additionally, you can probably see from my picture that my hubby is obviously folliclely challenged...I happen to LOVE it...but that's just me...

As for withholding "bedroom privileges", I would never DREAM of doing this, as I would essentially be punishing myself. Sex isn't a chore...

Not being a man, however, I don't have the same perspective...but how can so many American men have the same perception of American women if there weren't some truth to it?

But, where there is one, there are others.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-25 22:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting her out of vacation mode
QUOTE (visaveteran @ Oct 25 2009, 12:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Christi and Ian @ Oct 25 2009, 01:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (visaveteran @ Oct 25 2009, 09:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Christi and Ian @ Oct 25 2009, 12:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I can only speak from my experience and observations. If you are the exception, good for you, but I look at magnitude and degree and what is the preponderance of things. And it is interesting you also seem to prefer foreigners over Americans. Maybe you too understand things are out of whack in the USA dating scene.

There are 300 million people spread over 300 million square miles in 50 different states in this country. How in the world can you claim that you understand the magnitude and degree of the preponderance of anything unless you've spent a lifetime researching?

Based on the microcosm of people I've met in California, Iowa, Texas, Hawaii, Washington, Nebraska, Nevada, Pennsylvania etc, etc, people's attitudes towards everything vary widely from state to state and region to region. We are no less diverse in this country than in any other. Someone from the Pennsylvania Amish country will have widely different ways of viewing/doing things than someone from Los Angeles, CA, Salt Lake City, UT, Dallas, TX or Nome, AK...

I'm a sociologist.

So? In pursuing your degree, did you meet all 300 million people?

I'm sure you understand the concept of sampling in science research to uncover trends. Or offering a hypothesis to explain a phenomena and conducting research to support or refute it.

And our regional differences are declining as the world gets smaller from TV and the internet, etc. But I'd like to see some data that a certain US region has less divorce, single parent families, etc.

I have done no research in regards to statistics regarding divorce, single parent families and the like, and so I cannot give you an opinion in that regards, suffice to say that I'm sure there are variances depending on religious and/or cultural beliefs which tend to congregate together in one area or another.

In regards to taking sampling - yes, I take issue with this, as I don't believe that people, as individuals can be reduced to a mathematical equation.

Additionally, in a country consisting of roughly 300 million people, even if you sampled 3,000,000 of them, you're still only looking at 1% of the population.

Edited by Christi and Ian, 25 October 2009 - 03:32 PM.

Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-25 15:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting her out of vacation mode
QUOTE (visaveteran @ Oct 25 2009, 12:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Christi and Ian @ Oct 25 2009, 01:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (visaveteran @ Oct 25 2009, 09:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Christi and Ian @ Oct 25 2009, 12:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I can only speak from my experience and observations. If you are the exception, good for you, but I look at magnitude and degree and what is the preponderance of things. And it is interesting you also seem to prefer foreigners over Americans. Maybe you too understand things are out of whack in the USA dating scene.

There are 300 million people spread over 300 million square miles in 50 different states in this country. How in the world can you claim that you understand the magnitude and degree of the preponderance of anything unless you've spent a lifetime researching?

Based on the microcosm of people I've met in California, Iowa, Texas, Hawaii, Washington, Nebraska, Nevada, Pennsylvania etc, etc, people's attitudes towards everything vary widely from state to state and region to region. We are no less diverse in this country than in any other. Someone from the Pennsylvania Amish country will have widely different ways of viewing/doing things than someone from Los Angeles, CA, Salt Lake City, UT, Dallas, TX or Nome, AK...

I'm a sociologist.

So? In pursuing your degree, did you meet all 300 million people?

I'm sure you understand the concept of sampling in science research to uncover trends. Or offering a hypothesis to explain a phenomena and conducting research to support or refute it.

And our regional differences are declining as the world gets smaller from TV and the internet, etc. But I'd like to see some data that a certain US region has less divorce, single parent families, etc.

I have done no research in regards to statistics regarding divorce, single parent families and the like, and so I cannot give you an opinion in that regards, suffice to say that I'm sure there are variances depending on religious and/or cultural beliefs which tend to congregate together in one area or another.

In regards to taking sampling - yes, I take issue with this, as I don't believe that people, as individuals can be reduced to a mathematical equation.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-25 15:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting her out of vacation mode
Oh, if only men had to wear heels...then they'd get it...yes, it makes a woman stand straighter, pushes out her boobs, and gives a beautiful curve to the calf.

But you try running around in them for 9 to 10 hours a day, on wet sidewalks, up and down stairs, and then get back to me...

((Side note: I have NEVER done this, I swear!))
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-25 14:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting her out of vacation mode
QUOTE (visaveteran @ Oct 25 2009, 09:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Christi and Ian @ Oct 25 2009, 12:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I can only speak from my experience and observations. If you are the exception, good for you, but I look at magnitude and degree and what is the preponderance of things. And it is interesting you also seem to prefer foreigners over Americans. Maybe you too understand things are out of whack in the USA dating scene.

There are 300 million people spread over 300 million square miles in 50 different states in this country. How in the world can you claim that you understand the magnitude and degree of the preponderance of anything unless you've spent a lifetime researching?

Based on the microcosm of people I've met in California, Iowa, Texas, Hawaii, Washington, Nebraska, Nevada, Pennsylvania etc, etc, people's attitudes towards everything vary widely from state to state and region to region. We are no less diverse in this country than in any other. Someone from the Pennsylvania Amish country will have widely different ways of viewing/doing things than someone from Los Angeles, CA, Salt Lake City, UT, Dallas, TX or Nome, AK...

I'm a sociologist.

So? In pursuing your degree, did you meet all 300 million people?

Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-25 12:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting her out of vacation mode
I can only speak from my experience and observations. If you are the exception, good for you, but I look at magnitude and degree and what is the preponderance of things. And it is interesting you also seem to prefer foreigners over Americans. Maybe you too understand things are out of whack in the USA dating scene.

There are 300 million people spread over 300 million square miles in 50 different states in this country. How in the world can you claim that you understand the magnitude and degree of the preponderance of anything unless you've spent a lifetime researching?

Based on the microcosm of people I've met in California, Iowa, Texas, Hawaii, Washington, Nebraska, Nevada, Pennsylvania etc, etc, people's attitudes towards everything vary widely from state to state and region to region. We are no less diverse in this country than in any other. Someone from the Pennsylvania Amish country will have widely different ways of viewing/doing things than someone from Los Angeles, CA, Salt Lake City, UT, Dallas, TX or Nome, AK...

Edited by Christi and Ian, 25 October 2009 - 11:55 AM.

Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-25 11:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting her out of vacation mode
Unattractive people can be found anywhere in the world, whether they be physically unattractive (although taste is completely subjective, and varies widely from person to person), or just have an "ugly personality".

Relationships are also individual experiences, and it is impossible to generalize any group of people based on an individual experience with one or even a handful.

Making assumptions or generalizing ANY group of people is just ignorant.

FYI, I met my husband here, in California. My attraction to him had nothing to do with any bad/good experience with any American man I have known. I've known wonderful American men, and I've known horrible American men. Again, each person has there own, unique experiences, and their own, unique personalities and qualities and should be judged based on their own merits.

As far as the "mail order bride" comments made by some American women, that's just despicable and hurtful. My loud, American self, would put them in their place immediately for such a rude and insensitive comment.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-25 11:22:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting her out of vacation mode
Having been a single mom for 5 years, I'm rather resentful of the insinuation that American Women don't do anything but sit around and watch TV all day...Between working full-time, cleaning the house, fixing the broken things, helping w/homework & spending enough time with my daughter, I can't remember the last time the TV wasn't just background noise...

That said, I can't imagine doing nothing all day, while my husband was working his tail off to give us a better life. I agree that if she is not working, then taking care of the home IS her job. As a matter of fact, I believe that even if she IS working, she should be contributing to the efficient running of the household. There is no reason why she shouldn't be sharing, the marriage is a partnership, not a "you do everything, and I'll do nothing" prospect.

I can understand if she is feeling depressed about being away from her home/family, but the best way to get out of it is to move and be active. Taking care of the home will make her feel as if she is contributing, and accomplishing something.

I worry for you, hoping that her lack of motivation doesn't breed resentment on your part, it would on mine.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-25 10:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHas anyone applied for a K-3 visa in Jamaica lately?
As of Feb. 1st, 2010, the NVC stopped processing the I-129F when I-130 & I-129F are approved and received together. Filing the I-129F in pursuit of a K-3 is just a waste of time and energy. Go for the CR-1, same time frame, less expensive, less work.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-30 21:38:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State) are the WORST...Dropped my call just when I was getting MNL number!
Don't blame the iPhone - it's AT&T that sucks & people have been trying to tell Apple that for a while...
There's a rumor that Apple's contract w/AT&T is going to end soon - Apple knows how much people hate AT&T (if you watched the keynote for the iPad, there were a bunch of GROANS from the audience when Steve Jobs announced that it would use 3G through AT&T).
I think that is why Apple also announced that the 3G version would be 'without a contract'. I think Apple is making plans for the iPhone and iPad to be available to other carriers as soon as their contract w/AT&T is over. Neither Apple nor AT&T will give specifics about when that contract is over, because I think most would wait to purchase one until then.

AT&T sucks.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-15 15:33:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI130 or K3?
If time is more important than the money issue then the K-3 is actually the better choice. My husband is self-employed in the UK and continues to receive $$ even when he's in the US for a 3 month stretch. Additionally, I make enough money to support us, even if he doesn't have an income. I would rather he be here as soon as possible, which is why we opted for K-3.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-07 09:39:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI130 or K3?
Look at the Processing times on this website for an idea of how fast each one is moving. Right now K-3 is about a month faster than CR-1, however, it costs significantly more because you have to file for an adjustment of status once you're here.

CR-1 has the added benefit of allowing you to work the moment you land.

Since getting my husband here ASAP is much more important to me than the ability to work upon landing, we opted for the K-3.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-06 21:28:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresok i got an 129f question...
You can send the I-129F the moment you receive the NOA1 for the I-130 back.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-16 20:41:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresi130 noa1.. worrried,, paceing back and forth
It took 2 weeks from the time I sent the I130 until the NOA1 was sent - I didn't even get it until a few days later.

Once you receive it though, you'll be able to track your case status on the USCIS website, which helps a tiny bit...

FYI - check w/your bank to see if they cashed the check. If you get canceled checks back from your bank, you can use the receipt number stamped on the back to track your case before you finally receive the NOA1.

Edited by Christi and Ian, 24 October 2009 - 10:12 PM.

Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-24 22:11:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFiled I-130 for wife and now onto K3
QUOTE (John & Nan @ Oct 25 2009, 12:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Christi and Ian @ Oct 25 2009, 01:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
All the shouting was just a bit of feigned frustration. Obvious to anybody following along, K3 being virtually obsolete consumes the majority of discussion in the K3 forum. A little reading will prove that to anybody with half a brain.

You know, push, chill out. It really seems to me that you just consider yourself master of the CR-1 universe. Believe me, I have well OVER half a brain. As a matter of fact, I've got a very high IQ. Your advice and your opinions are welcome, but your condescension is NOT. Please get over yourself already.

I went the K-3. we did get stuck in a AP at NVC on her K3 for about month. I did the CR-1 also and got to the part where I had to pay the AOS Bill then my wife got packet 3. I call my congress man's aid and she called the NVC. They both say at this point of time it would be fast to go with the K3, the NVC are backed logged on CR-1.

My main reason is I wanted to be with wife and son for Xmas. The NVC felt my wife would not get her CR-1 by Xmas.
so what was best for me !! pay more for a K3 and AOS or pay for a Airline ticket.

I'm sorry - I am completely confused by your post. CR-1 wouldn't put you with your family by Christmas, but you went with CR-1 anyway?

My post was for push, to get off his high horse...again, comments, opinions and advice are welcome, but I won't be spoken down to.

Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-25 15:20:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFiled I-130 for wife and now onto K3
All the shouting was just a bit of feigned frustration. Obvious to anybody following along, K3 being virtually obsolete consumes the majority of discussion in the K3 forum. A little reading will prove that to anybody with half a brain.

You know, push, chill out. It really seems to me that you just consider yourself master of the CR-1 universe. Believe me, I have well OVER half a brain. As a matter of fact, I've got a very high IQ. Your advice and your opinions are welcome, but your condescension is NOT. Please get over yourself already.

Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-25 00:02:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNeed someone to clarify please!!!
QUOTE (Y's_habibitk @ Oct 29 2009, 08:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Christi and Ian @ Oct 28 2009, 11:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Y's_habibitk @ Oct 27 2009, 10:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Christi and Ian @ Oct 24 2009, 12:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm curious. Since you can send in your I-129F the moment you receive the NOA1 from your I-130 back, aren't you only technically pushing it "WAY BACK TO THE END OF THE LINE" by only ten days to two weeks?

My I-129F was received @ CSC only 7 days after my I-130 was accepted and only 1 day after I received my NOA1 in the mail.

Yep, it was 3 weeks for us. Now, back then VSC was pushing K3's to the way back, to gather dust and termites tongue.gif
but now they are processing them along the same timeline as CR1's (posted 6 months).

Just an FYI - our NOA1 for our I129F was received today - only 8 days after after I received the NOA1 for the hoping, praying for no RFE's, I don't expect any problems, as our paperwork and information was pretty extensive...I think they have just about everything barring a DNA swab...

Now sitting back and preparing for the LONG wait to NOA2...

great! I hope your wait isnt so long and you guys are together quickly smile.gif

How kind - thank you!! smile.gif
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-29 21:24:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNeed someone to clarify please!!!
QUOTE (Y's_habibitk @ Oct 27 2009, 10:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Christi and Ian @ Oct 24 2009, 12:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm curious. Since you can send in your I-129F the moment you receive the NOA1 from your I-130 back, aren't you only technically pushing it "WAY BACK TO THE END OF THE LINE" by only ten days to two weeks?

My I-129F was received @ CSC only 7 days after my I-130 was accepted and only 1 day after I received my NOA1 in the mail.

Yep, it was 3 weeks for us. Now, back then VSC was pushing K3's to the way back, to gather dust and termites tongue.gif
but now they are processing them along the same timeline as CR1's (posted 6 months).

Just an FYI - our NOA1 for our I129F was received today - only 8 days after after I received the NOA1 for the hoping, praying for no RFE's, I don't expect any problems, as our paperwork and information was pretty extensive...I think they have just about everything barring a DNA swab...

Now sitting back and preparing for the LONG wait to NOA2...
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-28 23:33:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNeed someone to clarify please!!!
I'm curious. Since you can send in your I-129F the moment you receive the NOA1 from your I-130 back, aren't you only technically pushing it "WAY BACK TO THE END OF THE LINE" by only ten days to two weeks?

My I-129F was received @ CSC only 7 days after my I-130 was accepted and only 1 day after I received my NOA1 in the mail.

Edited by Christi and Ian, 24 October 2009 - 12:51 AM.

Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-24 00:47:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat are my options for tracking where my K3 case (couldnt find this in the FAQ)

Exactly. That's what I've been telling my wife too. The timelines have been fluctuating b/w 82 to 116 or so days according to the K3 processing timelines page on VJ. so I figure that end of month is when I expect to hear something too. You're absolutely right about knowing where you stand - at leasst you can plan on something.

Your husband (assuming he is a UK citizen) should be able to come and go as he pleases, as you dont need a passport to visit the states if you're EU or british citizen. Unless there's some special reason...

beleieve me, i check the mail everyday. after my experience with the 129f NOA1 where I talked to some daft USCIS idiot who didnt have a clue as to where my case was only to find the 797C NOA1 in the mail just 5 min later, I know better than to rely on the websites...

Yeah, seriously the best of luck to you as well (and me!). I added you in as a friend, but for some reason it hasnt updated my friends list. Anyway, please do email me at and stay in touch...

Oh yes, you do have to have a passport, however he has always visited using the Visa Waiver program. He's still eligible to visit on the Visa Waiver, however we've been advised that it would be a waste of a ticket. The Border Agent has the power to turn him away at the Port of Entry, and we've been told that he most likely would be, once the Agent realized he was married to a US Citizen and attempting to gain residency in the U.S., even if we show we're trying to do it legitimately. You just never know - you get an ####### retentive agent, and you're out $1,000 for a plane ticket.

Also, it would be very inconvenient if we were to get approved, get through NVC, get a packet from the U.K. embassy and then have to scramble to get him a plane ticket back so he can be there for an interview.

In the mean time, we use Skype on our computers and our iPods to stay in touch as much as possible. I just got back from the U.K. this last Sunday where I spent 2 weeks with him and his family - so now of course, the missing him feeling is quite acute at the moment. I will feel so much better once I can actually see some progress on our case.
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-10 11:25:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat are my options for tracking where my K3 case (couldnt find this in the FAQ)

Wow! that is like reading your mind! I like your sig too - yeah the K3 is not about the money, its about the time. Although I'm not sure that it is any faster than the I-130 ((processing time for both I-130 and 129F is 5 months according to the USCIS website) . Anyway what does "touched" mean? Interesting our times also kinda coincide - we got married Sept 2nd, sent the I-130 to the CSC on Oct 6th and have a NOA1 date of Oct 13. Then sent in the K3 129F application and have a NOA1 date of Oct 22nd. The I-130 got updated on Oct 27th (touched ???) according to the case status website. So far its been ~ 79 days...Christi and Ian, we should stay in touch, as if you get your approval, then that may be some indication that mine might also get approved soon (or at least looked at, at the very least!). My email address is Question - are you and your wife currently physically together? I'm in the US and my wife is in India, which of course makes this a torturous ordeal...

I briefly consulted an immigration lawyer today and asked him all the same questions as the original post. He knew even less! Although the one thing he did say was that K3 visas dont go thru the NVC and directly go to the consulate wherever the interview will be. So I dont know if that is true or not, but it has no bearing on the issue. He did say that it used to take 8-10 months before to get a K3, but nowadays its takes ~ 4 months (to 6 months) and seemed confident that my wife would be here in about 6 months (4 for USCIS approval and 2 months for consulate process). If he is in the ballpark, then that would give some credence to the 98 days that the K3 timeline website (as of today; who knows what it'll say tomorrow - would sure like to know how that page is updated).

The "touches" don't really mean much of anything, other than, from what I can gather, they put your case in the computer for a moment, and then moved looks like on our last "touch" they were just marrying the I-130 & the I-129F cases together so that they will move on in the process together.

Based on what I've read, and other's timelines, I'm confident that we'll see an approval date sometime w/in the next 30 days, and I'm sure you will too, provided they don't ask for the kitchen sink, which I wouldn't put past them. The complete lack of information is extremely frustrating - it's easier to wait when you at least know WHERE in the process you stand.

My hubby is currently still in the U.K. and chomping at the bit to get back, and I'm nearly insane with the waiting. Once we hit NVC things will start moving quicker & I'm holding onto the fact that the information black hole will be somewhat relieved.

I'll send a friend request to you - you're right - it's ever so much easier when you've got someone to go through the process with - and our timelines are so similar - let's hope for a miracle!

A friend of mine, who brought his wife over from the Phillipenes mentioned that the process may take even longer now, since the attempted bombing of the plane to Chicago...I don't know if that will affect our cases or not, but I'm crossing my fingers that our case, and yours, will make it through soon!!

BTW, keep checking your mailbox - I've read about a few cases where the NOA2 is received in the mail without the case ever being moved out of the initial stages on the website - and, like you, I've never received a single case update via email from the USCIS website...

Here's to you & your journey - may we all get through and be with our loved ones ASAP!! :)
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-09 13:24:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat are my options for tracking where my K3 case (couldnt find this in the FAQ)
It's like you read my mind & posted it....we're going through the same thing right now & it's so frustrating not knowing - we're also October K-3 filers...

As far as the "touches", that should show on the USCIS website when you enter your receipt # - it's just when last date changes without anything actually moving forward on the case. In our case it was October 26th - which means, in my mind, that it's been sitting under a pile of paperwork, empty packages of potato chips, candy wrappers and a half drunk Diet Coke for the last 2 months...

Hang in there! xxx
Christi and IanFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-08 16:35:00