CanadaInterview today: approved! Review of Montreal Consulate

Way to go !! And kudos for reading VJ and heeding the advice, we are finally done, (got my 10 year green card this month) and it was smooth sailing all the way because of this forum. 

Congratulations again!

canuckbosFemaleCanada2013-09-14 20:01:00
CanadaLife decisions

I'd stay put in Arizona, a simpler solution to missing your family is to make it a priority to fly home at least once a year. Figure out what the cost would be; divide by 12 and put that amount in a special account each month, so when you need to buy the ticket you empty out the account, go home and when you get back start over again.


I lived far away from my family all my life and have found that when I started these yearly visits it knocked down the homesickness by 90%.


It seems like you love your life and it's only missing your family that troubles you.


Have you ever really looked forward to seeing your family and then when you are there visiting them, sitting in their midst you say to yourself; "nothing has changed, it's still the same as always, why was I missing this?" Haha, it's happened to me several times and now after many years of experience I am much easier going then I used to be about missing them. I love them but I can handle the distances much better.


Arizona sounds much to nice to give up on. :-)

(PS Can you tell I don't like winter much? haha)

canuckbosFemaleCanada2013-09-22 19:51:00
CanadaCross-border Costco membership questions--you seemed like the bunch to ask

Check out the different memberships. 

When we sign up our employees at work, all their spouses get a free membership. It's the deluxe membership I believe. The one where you get back a % of your purchases once a year which offsets the cost.

canuckbosFemaleCanada2013-10-12 22:53:00
CanadaThe IRS/CRA Income Tax Thread
Hi Ziggy, hope you can help us with thse questions, we are trying to figure out our tax returns for 2011.

I POE'd last summer and have Cdn employment income, Cdn E.I. and Cdn C.P.P. to report. No USA income

On the US for 1040:

1) Is Cdn wage reporterd on line 7 or line 21?

2) Is Cdn E.I. reported on Line 19 or Line 21?

3) Is CPP reported on Line 20A or Line 21?

If you could help with these questions it would be appreciated.

Thank you!
canuckbosFemaleCanada2012-03-06 23:17:00
CanadaI -130/g -1145 Questions

Check with a good accountant about keeping your house in Canada after moving to the USA. I was advised that keeping it after I moved would mean a complicated tax situation for me. I think I had about a year to sell it before Canada Revenue would start getting involved. When I did sell it I had to report it to them and prove the value of when I bought it compared to when I sold it and pay a tax if the number was too high.

Nothing's easy when you move south!

Good luck!

canuckbosFemaleCanada2014-03-25 07:11:00
CanadaTo naturalize or not to naturalize.

I will not be naturalizing simply because if my spouse were to pass away I would most likely return to Canada. If I naturalize, I will by law have to file a US tax return until the day I die. There are no advantages except to vote which is an important one but the tax return requirement is  something that would never go away. I am 61 so not raising a family here etc. My husband is 68 and in great health so I'm hoping for a long life together, but there's no guarantees. :no:

canuckbosFemaleCanada2014-08-24 16:15:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread

From what I was told, you cannot collect EI in the US until you have your Green Card and SSN in hand which makes you eligible to work in the US. The day you have those in hand you need to call EI and fax those documents to the EI office that handles US residents only. Once you get everything to them, the EI $$ start coming. I found it faster to have them electronically put in the US bank account, snail mail was extremely slow. The you call every two weeks; leave them a voice message and they call you back very regularly, Brad was new when I was collecting and very polite and friendly.

canuckbosFemaleCanada2013-05-08 17:32:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread

Yes they mail you cards which you have to fill out and return. Can't recall all the info on the cards, but more or less asks if u have been looking for work---and if you have been working, how many hrs did u work, etc etc

Do you have a SSN and your green card in hand? I had to send them a copy of these documents before they would start my benefits. You have to prove you are legally allowed to work in the USA.
Also, because we live in the USA we don't get benefits for the full weeks, I think they cut it down by 2 weeks. Maybe someone else can confirm this. Once I did this it didn't take very long.

canuckbosFemaleCanada2012-07-10 19:21:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionConfused about Green Cards

It will cost you $590 to get your 10-year Green Card.
From then on it will cost you $455 to get a new 10-year Green Card, every ten years or whenever you lose it. So if you are 30 or 40 years of age, you will spend literally thousands of dollars just on Green Cards alone, always running the risk to get kicked out of the country for a variety of reason.

The solution is to surrender the Green Card and exchange it for a US passport, which is what 99.99% of all Canadians do as soon as they are eligible. Those who do not do that usually don't meet the requirements of good moral character, i.e, have been convicted of a crime. If you prefer to spend thousands of dollars on Green Cards instead of becoming a US citizen, you either must have a very good reason for that, or you haven't really put much thought into the subject.

Bob, One has to be in the US for 5 yrs before applying for citizenship. I surmise from your timeline, this period starts when you get your first greencard?

canuckbosFemaleCanada2011-07-22 13:00:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Deadlines - I am confused!?!

My permanent resident 2 year anniversary is November 29th, 2011 (the expiration on my card) and I am confused as to what is the actual 90 days windows. I have to apply within that 90 day window or before that 90 day of my expiration.

I have all my forms and am ready to proceed, today is September 19th, 2011. Am I late and need to include a letter, or I have to have it filed before November 29th, (my 2 year anniversary date on the card?)

They are right, it's 90 days before November 29th that you FIRST can apply but you have a 90 day window, go right away.... :-) Good Luck!!!

Edited by Margie&Doug, 19 September 2011 - 10:20 PM.

canuckbosFemaleCanada2011-09-19 22:20:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionRFE: "Commingling of finances" - Not enough bank statements?

I was able to go to our Frequent Flyers account and print all the trips we had done together from the start of our relationship. Do you have something similar you can go back to to get historical information?

canuckbosFemaleCanada2013-04-30 22:54:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWorried we don't ahve enough evidence...

When we have travelled in the last two years we have always driven.  I have some photos, and could print out hotel receipts.  We each have our own insurance through our jobs, as it was too expensive to be on each others...  Shouls I send teh actual cards, or copies of them?


They only want copies. I also sent copies of both of our Facebook pages.

canuckbosFemaleCanada2013-05-04 15:43:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWorried we don't ahve enough evidence...

Do you have joint medical insurances? We sent proof of premiums paid on our life and medical insurances. (Not every month, quarterly)

If you have travelled together can you get proof? We were able to download our trips from our points card for all the flights we have taken together. Christmas cards/letter sent and received with both names.


canuckbosFemaleCanada2013-05-04 13:59:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionTax returns as evidence for removal of conditions - help

Thank you Magical.


ok, so here is something else. I just had a long conversation with my accountant explaining to him that we need to amend our 2011 Tax Return to include little me and file jointly. He states that a resident alien cannot file jointly unless he's been in the country for the whole calendar year, (bear in mind I got my green card in September 2011). Alternatively, I would need to report my World Wide Income, (the money I made in Italy from Jan through to Sept 2011) and, obviously, be taxed on. That would be a very, very expensive thing for me and I already paid my taxes in Italy. From September, (when I was granted conditional residence), to end December 2011 I had no income.

He suggests that the only thing to do would be to file a separate tax return, (me only), for the year 2011 showing no income.


I have a lot of documentation showing that we are legit. From joint home ownership to joint back accounts to joint insurance, to joint lease here in FL. Im the beneficiary on her retirement funds. Joint Health Insurance. Our 2012 Taxes are filed jointly, both Federal and State. I am part owner of our business. What I DONT have is a joint tax return for 2011, which, apparently, I cannot get unless I report my income overseas for the months thst I was NOT a resident...and pay lots of taxes. (which I paid already overseas).


Will a separately filed 2011 Tax return to my name showing no income help me or am I in a jam?? 


We did the exact same thing as you did.

Look at your wife's 2011 Tax Return and you should see your name on the return and if you had a ssn that would be there also.

This shows that your wife reported your marriage to the IRS; it is also proof of co-mingling of finances for your 10 year green card. I would not amend your 2011 tax return, your wife filed correctly.

Your other information substantiates your relationship along with your tax returns. 

You are not in a jam at all! :-)

canuckbosFemaleCanada2013-06-14 11:34:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 RFE - not sure what else to send


As an update to the above (by the way I got our marriage date wrong, it's Nov' 10... whoops! time flies...):


Called Chase, they're going to send me a letter saying my wife has been an authorized user on the credit card since 2010. Also, I printed out yearly statements from that account showing every purchase for '10 and '11 and monthly statements for all of 2013 so far.


I printed out the page from on my Fidelity account showing my wife as the 100% beneficiary of my IRA account.


I typed out and printed a letter for my landlady to sign, saying she's been renting our apartment to us since Nov '10 (included the line from the sworn affidavits - Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1746, I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct."). I also printed out copies of all the checks I could that she cashed for our rent & utilities (going back to June '11 - couldn't get any more than that).


Printed out copies of our joint tax returns from '11 and '12.


I'm not going to include any further "supplementary evidence" such as chat logs or emails between the way the RFE is worded it sounds like the really only want primary "bona fides."


I feel that this should be enough (along with copies of our state issued IDs). Well, I hope it's enough because there's really nothing else I can send!


You should be okay with the additional evidence. We also sent copies of our credit card charges showing we both use the credit cards which is definitely showing co-mingling of liabilities.

Edited by canuckbos, 07 May 2013 - 06:45 PM.

canuckbosFemaleCanada2013-05-07 18:42:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionproplem when i go to extend my green card ? (merged)

Of course each couple's situation is unique, yours is very unique since you own a business.


I was just mentioning a few general items that would be helpful; he will need to read other peoples experiences on this forum for a better list; my list was not complete or exhaustive.


He needs to line up his own proof of relationship items now so that he won't be caught unaware when the I-751 needs to be sent in. 




canuckbosFemaleCanada2013-06-01 10:28:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionproplem when i go to extend my green card ? (merged)

When you file the I-751 (90 days before your 2 year green card expires), there is no financial information asked about. They want proof that your marriage is for real and not just for a green card. You must co-mingle bank accounts, lease in both names, utility bills in both names, take lots of pictures with both of you in them. Build a case to prove to immigration you are truly a couple. But they do not care about your wife getting financial aid for housing or food. You are not legally entitled to receive any help but she may.


Good luck and bonjour!

canuckbosFemaleCanada2013-06-01 09:23:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMy I751 Package

There's lots of examples of what other's have sent in for a successful application. There's a forum listed : http://www.visajourn...ral-discussion/ where you can learn everything you need to know.


You will be wasting your money if you hire a lawyer, you can do it yourself, read and learn on this forum.

Good luck!!

canuckbosFemaleCanada2013-08-12 16:03:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionProof to remove conditions from Green Card

I agree with all the above.....very important advice.


Good luck and don't be nervous, it will all work out if you do what is required. smile.png

canuckbosFemaleCanada2013-08-17 15:16:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 April 2013 filers

Hi All,
Just wanted to start a I-751 April 2013 filing thread.. Its the first of the month, and its no April fools day for us.. I just mailed the ROC package today and wanted to get this thread started..

Please keep adding April 2013 Filers..

Hi, I will be filing April 30th, where and how do I add myself to this spreadsheet?
Thank you
I think I may have found my answer, I'll see if it works.Posted Image

Edited by Margie&Doug, 09 April 2013 - 12:16 PM.

canuckbosFemaleCanada2013-04-09 12:11:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 May 2013 Filers

Congratulations Saylin!


My neighbor in Florida called to say my card was delivered today. They were away for a week so the mailman held it and delivered it today.(The card cannot be forwarded so the post office held my mail for me and I asked them to deliver it to my neighbor and they did much to my surprise.)

So I don't have it in my possession yet but it's being priority posted to Montana in the morning. Happy dance with ya!!  dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif


Wishing everyone else still waiting, GOOD LUCK in hearing very soon!

canuckbosFemaleCanada2013-09-16 21:57:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 May 2013 Filers

Sending congrats to the ones who got approved and hoping you all get approved very soon!!! dancin5hr.gif


I never got a letter in the mail, just a lot of texts and emails stating I was approved. My online status changed immediately.

Vermont was where I was approved. Just some info to add to the rest.


I have not received the 10 yr green ,card yet, I put in a change of address. but the card went to my other address, so a neighbor is picking it up for me. We live in Florida in the winter and Montana in the summer.


Also, I went to Canada to see my family after the approval and got pulled in by the customs officer and had to do some explaining as to why they saw a new green card issued but I was still using the old card and the extension letter. So new biometrics and some checking on their system and after 15 minutes I was good to go again.

canuckbosFemaleCanada2013-09-08 20:44:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 May 2013 Filers

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just went to check my mail and lo and behold there was something from USCIS!! An approval letter!!!!!!!!!! And not like an official looking form at all. Just a basic white sheet saying I had been approved. But I don't care, cause I'm APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!! biggrin.pngbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png


dancin5hr.gif  dancin5hr.gif  dancin5hr.gif

Woohoo!!!! Congrats! Very happy for you!!!


Now you can relaaaxxxxxx!! 


dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif

canuckbosFemaleCanada2013-09-08 20:35:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 May 2013 Filers


No problem! I like updating lists laughing.gif


And I'm having issues with USPS not delivering my police record to USCIS, so no approval for me any time soon sad.png

That's just so not fair with how careful you have been to do the exact right thing every time! 

Let's hope that everything else goes smoothly from now on! Sending you good karma ->>>>>>

canuckbosFemaleCanada2013-08-30 11:48:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 May 2013 Filers


Good to hear!

Just a big thanks to Saylin for her support and keeping the May listing up to date!

Hope  you get your approval soon!

canuckbosFemaleCanada2013-08-28 23:10:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 May 2013 Filers

10 year green card production ordered August 27th, ready August 28th, picked up by USPS August 28, 2 day delivery, expected August 30th.

Once approved things go quickly!

canuckbosFemaleCanada2013-08-28 21:23:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 May 2013 Filers

Whoot whoot!!!! Got approved today, August 26th!!!! 


So happy, no RFE, close attention to detail pays off!!


Thanks to everyone on Visa Journey for all of their invaluable help and advice!!!


Good luck to everyone else, looks like things are really moving for May applications!! 


dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif

Edited by canuckbos, 26 August 2013 - 09:07 AM.

canuckbosFemaleCanada2013-08-26 09:06:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 May 2013 Filers

Because of our ages 60 and 67, I won't  be applying for citizenship. If my spouse were to pass away I would move back to Canada to be close to family. If I were a US citizen; I would be legally obligated to file US taxes until the day I die if I were a citizen.


Doesn't appeal to me to file in 2 countries if I can avoid it. Right now I do file in 2 countries and it's a pain.



canuckbosFemaleCanada2013-06-04 20:18:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 May 2013 Filers

Successful in Helena Mt for Biometrics today! Hoping  the fingerprints are accepted, they had trouble with one finger, not much of a print.


California Service Center (12 applicants)


VJName............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
SAYLIN..............04/30/13........05/02/13.......06/04/13........--/--/--.... (Early bio 5/21, Second bio scheduled for 6/13)




SARAH ET LUC........05/06/13........05/--/13.......--/--/13........--/--/--....










Vermont Service Center (13 applicants)

VJName............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....


-early walk in to Helena MT office, biometrics done 5/28/13



BARKER FAMILY.......05/13/13........05/15/13.......--/--/13........--/--/--....










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canuckbosFemaleCanada2013-05-28 13:52:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 May 2013 Filers

Entered my appointment date. 

One small problem, the appointment is in Royal Palm in Florida and I am in Helena, MT for the next 5 months. So I am going to walk-in to the Helena office with my appointment letter and see if they would allow me to do my biometrics there instead. 

Hopefully they will because I don't want to fly to Florida just for this. We are snowbirds and live in each place 6 months of the year. Anyone else heard of this being a problem??





California Service Center (10 applicants)

VJName............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
SAYLIN..............04/30/13........05/02/13.......06/04/13........--/--/--.... (Early Bio 5/21)




SARAH ET LUC........05/06/13........05/--/13.......--/--/13........--/--/--....






Vermont Service Center (12 applicants)

VJName............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....



BARKER FAMILY.......05/13/13........05/15/13.......--/--/13........--/--/--....









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NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

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canuckbosFemaleCanada2013-05-26 09:56:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 May 2013 Filers

adding our NOA1 Date.



California Service Center (9 applicants)

VJName............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....




SARAH ET LUC........05/06/13........05/--/13.......--/--/13........--/--/--....





Vermont Service Center (9 applicants)

VJName............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....



BARKER FAMILY.......05/13/13........05/--/13.......--/--/13........--/--/--....






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NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

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canuckbosFemaleCanada2013-05-20 14:15:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 May 2013 Filers


We were just kidding wink.png Hope you realise that!



canuckbosFemaleCanada2013-05-04 14:03:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 May 2013 Filers

Sorry, I was changing to my married last name and changed it in the wrong place.... you guys are a tough bunch.cray5ol.gif 


canuckbosFemaleCanada2013-05-04 11:24:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 May 2013 Filers


We sent ours today, very thick and heavy! Good luck everyone! Last steps to finish this journey!!dancin5hr.gif

California Service Center (1 applicants)

VJName............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....

Vermont Service Center (2 applicants)

VJName............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....

MARGIE AND DOUG.....05/02/13........05/--/13.......--/--/13........--/--/--...


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Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

* Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list.
* When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly.
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Edited by Margie Krebs, 02 May 2013 - 09:41 PM.

canuckbosFemaleCanada2013-05-02 21:40:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 May 2013 Filers

We will be making two complete sets of our I-751 package so that we will have one copy for ourselves which we would use if we needed it later. You never know if someone loses something or if you get called for an interview you will have a set to bring with you.

Just something small for peace of mind when we mail one set.rose.gif  

canuckbosFemaleCanada2013-04-30 22:59:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 May 2013 Filers

I'll be adding our names this week once I finalize my package details.



canuckbosFemaleCanada2013-04-30 07:53:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 evidence

Here is a copy of our cover letter for anyone who is looking for a sample.


USCIS has a new I-751 form on their website, I downloaded the form a few months ago and they replaced it with a new 5 page form in April, so just a heads up on that. I almost sent the old form in. oops8rh.gif 


Attached is an executed I-751 package for Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence  with supporting documentation and required filing fee of $590


This documentation is as follows:


 1.    Check for $590 payable to  U. S.Department of Homeland Security

 2.    Form I-751 ? 5 pages

 3.    Copy of Green Card ? front and back ? 1 page

 4.    Tax Return Transcript for April 2010 ? 6 pages

 5.    Tax Return Transcript for April 2011  - 6 pages

 6.    Copy of Application for Extension of Time to File Income Tax Return for 2012 ? 1 page

 7.    Bank Statements from bank showing Joint Account ? 7 pages.

 8.    Copy of Bank Statements  in Canada until Account closed ? 3 pages

 9.    Copy of American Express Credit cards showing joint accounts and sample transactions ? 11 pages

10.   Copies of joint checking account Wells Fargo - 5 pages  10-B Sample transactions 5 pages

11.   USAA Statement Showing spouse as Beneficiary  ? 1 page

12.   USAA Life Insurance Statement with spouse as Beneficiary  ? 1 page

13.   Warranty Deed on Home purchase  showing Joint Ownership ? 1 page

14.   Documents pertaining to home purchase  including : renovations, pest services, taxes, home insurance and other

        documents showing joint ownership ? 11  pages

15.    Utility Bills for house  in Joint Names - 4 pages

16.    Property Appraiser showing  property joint ownership- 2 pages

17.    Military ID  showing husband as sponsor for Military ID issued to wife ? 1 page

18.    Drug Cards  ? 1 page

19.   Dental Health Benefits Cards and premium payments  ? 5 pages

20.   Billing from hospital  ? 2 pages

21.   Medical Insurance claim summary showing benefits paid for spouse ? 3 pages

22.   Delta travel itineraries, luggage claims and boarding passes showing travel together ? 13 pages

23.   Facebook profiles showing relationship - 5 pages

24.   2010, 2012 Christmas letter and Card sent out - 2 pages

25.   Open house guest registry, invitation and well wishes documents 3 pages

26.   Christmas cards  - 6 pages

27.   Photographs and documents pertaining to couples life together. ? 34 pages

28.   Vehicle Insurances and driver licenses ? 3 pages



We believe the attached executed form and accompanying documents meet the requirements set forth to process the I-751 petition to remove the conditional basis of alien resident status.



Edited by Margie Krebs, 02 May 2013 - 10:07 PM.

canuckbosFemaleCanada2013-05-02 22:06:00
PhilippinesEngagement ring, bring or ship? VAT- (Tax?)

Also, sending it will most likely get charged duty. Hand carry and don't declare, especially since that the hope and plan is that the ring never even stays in the Philippines, you're not importing it, just temporarily storing it there.

When I went through Manila, I declared a camera I was bringing for my sweetie. They told me not to declare it, as they'd have to charge me, and seemed annoyed that I even marked that I had anything to declare!

Never been stopped going through Manila airport since, never declared anything.

Agree with this. I had declared a locket while not declaring the ring in my carry on. They just told me to go on through like it wasn't worth their time. I would suggest Diamonds Direct if you are fortunate to have one near where you live.
WarizaMalePhilippines2012-12-07 13:20:00
PhilippinesOne Way Airline Ticket Departing Philippines
Thanks for all the replies. I will book Delta. I have skymiles.
WarizaMalePhilippines2012-12-06 12:45:00
PhilippinesOne Way Airline Ticket Departing Philippines
I think I remember reading somewhere that you had to purchase your airline ticket departing the Philippines in the Philippines. Is this still true, or can we purchase one online? TIA
WarizaMalePhilippines2012-12-05 17:38:00