Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)The 2010 London Waiver List
Hi Everyone I have listed below some info that may help some of you take the guess work out of how many cases are they completing?

We are also in the same I-601 boat as the rest of you, we are waiting for our waiver to be processed at the London US Embassy for a CR1.

I have a couple of Crimes of Moral Turpitude against me as well as a case of Immigration Fraud for not ticking the box on the Visa Waiver slip when I have entered the USA several times over the years.

Our Waiver was submitted on 10th Nov 2009 and we have been waiting for updates to the I-601 Status Web PDF, however even after 18 weeks we are still pending? even though we were told 15 weeks at the time of submitting the I-601, however I have been keeping an up to date spreadsheet since this time showing how many new cases get added and tracking them all from Pending to Under Review to Completed...


This shows that the department who deals with the waivers have done very little work in between 27th November 2009 and 1st Feb 2010 in fact only 3 Cases were completed during this time and only 3 went to Under Review, which begs the question as to what they are working on? however in a sudden rush we see during Feb 2010 a lot more activity with 11 cases being completed and a further 5 moving to under review... But it has been nearly a month now since any changes have been made? they release updates with no changes or just adding more to the Pending area??

Lets hope they start to move forward again on the next update which should be either Monday 15th March or Friday 19th March...

I hope this helps you and any others that are in our situation to understand the complex nature of this process.

Good luck to everyone.

If anyone wants the entire spreadsheet email me at

Andrew & Traci
Traci - AndrewMaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-13 22:32:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiting for I-601 Waivers in London US Embassy

Hi All,

I am in panic mode because I just got my husband's interview date from the London embassy, and it's 2 months sooner than I expected, and I only have 4 weeks to prepare a 601 waiver. I mean, I'm happy that it was so quick, but I wasn't expecting this. I have the following questions:

1. I already know that he is currently inadmissible to the US, so should I prepare the waiver prior to the interview date, and have the waiver completely ready when he goes into his interview?

2. I know that some embassies do not accept the 601 waiver at the interview, but does anyone know if the US Embassy in London does accept the 601 waiver form and supporting documents at the interview?

3. Why are the processing times so variable? Like, one recent poster in this thread had their waiver approved within 2 months, even though their embassy stated that they were "currently adjudicating petitions from 5 months ago." Maybe there is no rhyme or reason?

Thanks!~from an immigration newbie, Alicia

Hi Alicia

I concur with MintChips answer..

We have been through this whole long winded procedure and I have been in the USA for 1 year tomorrow.

Using a lawyer is always a good idea and Stephen Heller is good, he used to be a USCIS adjudicator at the London US Embassy, so if anyone knows what goes on behind those steel reinforced doors it would be him. We managed to get through with a waiver and like you I wanted to be prepared for the inevitable outcome by having a waiver prepared, however the waiver was rushed by our lawyer and covered the grounds on which we knew to be inadmissable (Criminal background in my youth) however when it come to the interview I found out I was inadmissable not only for the past youthful crimes (Moral Turpitude) but also as I had entered the USA several times without declaring it on a waiver form, I was found to be in breach of another law and was found to be guilty of Immigration Fraud? even though I had no idea that I was doing the wrong thing in the first place.. anyway this stopped me from handing over my waiver as it only covered the criminal charges and not the Immigration Fraud charge which needed a stronger & more complex "Extreme Hardship Waiver" to overcome this.

So at my interview once I received the reason for denial notice, I realised that my waiver would not cover the extra Mis-Rep (Immigration Fraud) so I was advised by the Interviewer to get the waiver completed properly to cover the issues for denial and to make sure I send it to them ASAP, my lawyer started from scratch and made a new waiver to cover the issues and we had to write personal letters to add to the waiver to plead why we the US citizen would suffer extreme hardship if we were not approved.

The waiver was delivered to them by courior 1 week later and it was processed on USCIS time (No rhyme or reason timescale), we were contacted and told that we were approved and about 1 month later we were sent the package that you must not open along with a welcome letter, we waited a couple more months before before I entered the US because we had been married for 1 year 10 months at the time of the receipt of the package, if I had of entered the US before our 2nd anniversary I would have been issued a 2 year green card and it would have been with restrictions, however by waiting an extra 2 months unil the 2nd anniversary it allowed me to obtain a 10 year unconditional green card without the hassle of dealing with USCIS again within the US at the end of the 2 years... After waiting 3 years in total an extra 2 months was nothing..

So my advice is employ the lawyer and check if the issue why you will be denied is because of CIMT's (Crimes involving moral turpitude) if so, be prepared to be found guilty of a mis rep charge if you have been to the US without marking it on the Wiaver document apon arrival, If this does happen your lawyer will be able to assist you in preparing the Extreme Hardship Waiver.

I hope this helps.

Traci - AndrewMaleUnited Kingdom2011-11-09 15:42:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiting for I-601 Waivers in London US Embassy

Dear Andrew and Tracy: I have been following your thread since July 2010. I want you to know how important your spreadsheet was to me. It gave me some sense of order. This process is enough to drive a sane person to the looney bin! I am delighted that your "Visa Journey" is over unfortunately I'm still in the looney bin. I would love to be the one to take over updating the 601 spreadsheet, but I just figured out how to email you. So what are the chances I would be able to handle the Holy Grail of spread sheets. Again Congratulations on your approval into the USA Happy New year and a sincere Thank you Michele

Hi Michele

I would be so glad for someone else to take up the task of updating, I am sorry to hear that you are still waiting, it is a waiting game but it is worth it in the end.

Please email me on and send me your contact details, either email or telephone and I will contact you and teach you what to do. If you have any Excel skills it will help, but it is not rocket science.

I can send you links to software or even remote control your PC to set it up for you.

Take care and have a happy new year.



Traci - AndrewMaleUnited Kingdom2010-12-29 04:33:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiting for I-601 Waivers in London US Embassy
Hi Carl

Thanks for the message....

I am here in the USA, I moved over to Hawaii to be with my wife in November 10th, it was a bit of a hassle going through my point of entry, I had to explain to the officer that I was entitled to a 10 year IR1 Visa/Green card and not not what she was doing the paperwork for which was an CR1 (2 year visa/greencard). Of course she did not like me telling her, her job, but she did relent after she verified this with her supervisor that being married 2 years prior to entry qualified me to a IR1 visa.

After this things have gone a lot smoother, I received my Social Security card after 2 weeks and my impressive looking Green Card after 3 weeks, I have a mobile phone and a car, now I am looking for a job, which is harder than I first expected as most of the I.T work on Oahu, Hawaii is linked to the military and to get employed you have to have secret clearence, which you can only get if you are a US citizen..

So I am reduced down to the lower end of the I.T market and have sent out several resumes but only one interview so far.

I hope I will be employed by the new year.

Anyway Congratulations to you, well done for getting approved. I hope all goeswell with you, keep in touch.

Have a happy Christmas and a fantastic new year.



Traci - AndrewMaleUnited Kingdom2010-12-16 19:00:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiting for I-601 Waivers in London US Embassy
I wish to thank everyone that joined in on our thread, I hope the updates have been of some help to you all.

However now that I have obtained my CR1 Visa and have relocated to the USA (Social Security card was issued 2 weeks after arrival & Green card arrived after 3 weeks), I have so much to do in terms of getting a job, moving over financial & personal items, getting ready for christmas, sending out presents, looking for a house to buy etc etc... This leaves me without any time to be able to keep my spreadsheet up to date, therefore it is best that I stop trying to update it from now on, as I know that some people rely on my spreadsheet more than the USCIS website and unless someone else would like to take over the updating work, then this will be the last post I will make on this thread, I will still manage to keep in touch with those of you that have sent me personal messages though.

If someone is willing to spend the time and do the updates to the spreadsheet, i am willing to train them and still host the spreadsheet file.

Take care everyone


Andrew & Traci
Traci - AndrewMaleUnited Kingdom2010-12-13 18:03:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiting for I-601 Waivers in London US Embassy
Hi Everyone,

I am a slow off the mark this time round due to internet connectivity issues, (I am updating this just after 1 AM UK time).

The I-601 File was updated by USCIS on Thursday 4th November 2010

It has been an amazing 27 days since the last update which is a new record, as this is the longest time between updates so far since I have been recording them for over a year now.

So the highlights of todays update are:

5 New UK & Irish based cases were added to the "Pending" pile this time around!!

DBL2010 632 003 - LND2008 534 015 - LND2008 685 009 - LND2008 731 008 - LND2010 617 007

No cases have changed status to Under Review from Pending

No cases were completed.

This was a long overdue update, I have no idea why they have taken so long this time around to release this update without actually doing any work, after all they have only added a few cases to the Pending pile but not moved any to Under Review and have also not completed any?

Remember If your case number is above as a new case and you are on Visa Journey or immigrate2us, then please let me know your Case number and I will add VJ User or I2US User and your Initials to the Spreadsheet.

The current USCIS average number of completed cases per week figure is down again from 1.4 to 1.3 this update.

As usual you can see these changes in my updated spreadsheet here > I-601 Status Update Spreadsheet 4th November 2010

Wishing you all the best for the next update..

Take care all..

Traci - AndrewMaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-05 21:02:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiting for I-601 Waivers in London US Embassy
Hi Everyone, I am now very amazed... USCIS is going super mad... they have produced another update in just 2 days? what is going on.. who cares I hear you cry... just let them continue this mad round of updates forever and ever... never mind about me having to update this every 5 minutes... seriously I don't mind if it helps you guys out like it did for my wife and me.

Today Friday 8th October 2010 the I-601 Waiver Status PDF File was Updated

It has been 2 days since the last update and 2 days before that one, and they have just added 6 more UK cases to Pending and one from Scandinavia.

So anyway the highlights of todays update are:

6 UK based cases were added to the "Pending" pile this time around!!

DBL2009 724 003 - LND2010 560 037 - LND2009 817 003 - LND2009 768 031 - LND2009 761 016 - LND2007 645 005

No UK based cases have changed status to Under Review from Pending

No UK based cases have been completed.

Remember If your case number is above as a new case and you are on Visa Journey or immigrate2us, then please let me know your Case number and I will add VJ User or I2US User and your Initials to the Spreadsheet.

The current USCIS average completed cases per week figure is holding on at 1.4 this update.

As usual you can see these changes in my updated spreadsheet here > I-601 Status Update Spreadsheet 8th October 2010

Wishing you all the best for the next update..

Take care all..

Traci - AndrewMaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-08 13:07:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiting for I-601 Waivers in London US Embassy
Hi Everyone, I am amazed... USCIS is going mad... they have produced another update in just 2 days? what is going on.. who cares I hear you cry... just let them continue this mad round of updates.

Today Wednesday 6th October 2010 the I-601 Waiver Status PDF File was Updated

It has been 2 days since the last update and 6 days before that one, and they have just completed one more case from Under Review.

So anyway the highlights of todays update are:

No UK based cases were added to the "Pending" pile this time around!!

No UK based cases have changed status to Under Review from Pending

1 UK based case was completed.

LND2009 844 001

Remember If your case number is above as a new case and you are on Visa Journey or immigrate2us, then please let me know your Case number and I will add VJ User or I2US User and your Initials to the Spreadsheet.

The current USCIS average completed cases per week figure is holding on at 1.4 this update.

As usual you can see these changes in my updated spreadsheet here > I-601 Status Update Spreadsheet 6th October 2010

Wishing you all the best for the next update..

Take care all..

Traci - AndrewMaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-06 13:05:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiting for I-601 Waivers in London US Embassy
Hi Everyone, I am a slow off the mark this time round and have managed to update you almost the same day, (I am doing this just after midnight UK time).

Today Monday 4th October 2010 the I-601 Waiver Status PDF File was Updated

It has been 6 days since the last update and 1 day before that one, but this time it has been worth waiting for as they have given us a bumper update today, maybe all the adjudicators are back off holiday now and are concentrating on trying to catch up with the backlog from their vacations in August & September?

So anyway the highlights of todays update are:

2 UK based cases were added to the "Pending" pile this time around!!

LND2009 863 024 - LND2009 328 005

2 cases have changed status to Under Review from Pending

LND2009 319 001 - LND2009 844 001

7 cases were completed.

LND2008 595 001 - LND2009 563 019 - LND2009 577 023 - LND2008 343 002 - LND2008 706 006 - LND2009 596 004 - LND2009 597 023

This was a fairly prompt update, however it was still long overdue considering the last 2 updates only contained a few additions to the waiting list but as there was 11 new changes made on this update I think we should forgive them this time around.

Remember If your case number is above as a new case and you are on Visa Journey or immigrate2us, then please let me know your Case number and I will add VJ User or I2US User and your Initials to the Spreadsheet.

The current USCIS average completed cases per week figure is back up from 1.2 to 1.4 this update.

As usual you can see these changes in my updated spreadsheet here > I-601 Status Update Spreadsheet 4th October 2010

Wishing you all the best for the next update..

Take care all..

Traci - AndrewMaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-04 18:54:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiting for I-601 Waivers in London US Embassy

Another update again today 28th September 2010... USCIS is pulling out all the stops :whistle:

One addition to the pending pile for the UK & Ireland: LND2009 809 003 also 3 others added for Scandinavia

Of course my spreadsheet has been updated to reflect this important update :wacko: : I-601 Update Spreadsheet 28th September 2010

Until the next update...

Take care


Traci - AndrewMaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-28 11:59:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiting for I-601 Waivers in London US Embassy
Hi Everyone

Today Monday 27th Sept 2010 the I-601 Waiver Status PDF File was Updated
Traci - AndrewMaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-27 13:29:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiting for I-601 Waivers in London US Embassy

Thank you for your continued diligence with these updates, Andrew -- you are an absolute star. We can't believe that we are under review at last.

Still grinning at the prospect of your overstuffed carry-on luggage when you travel to the US. Madness!

Hope that you and Traci are celebrating your news together now!!
All best wishes,
Billy & Andrea


Thanks for the comment it is nice to be appreciated, also congratulations on making it to the next stage, my advice is not to drive yourself mad constantly waiting for it to move to completed, instead try and throw yourselves into your work or hobbies and try and forget about it, after all there is nothing you can do to speed things up.

So don't worry about it just wait and you will hopefully get a phone call in a while with some good news.

Take care

Traci - AndrewMaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-13 05:00:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiting for I-601 Waivers in London US Embassy
Hi Everyone, I am a bit quicker off the mark this time round and have managed to update you the same day.

Today Wednesday 8th Sept 2010 the I-601 Waiver Status PDF File was Updated

It has been 16 days since the last update and 13 days before that one, but this time it has been worth waiting for as they have given us a bunper update today, maybe all the adjudicators are back off holiday now and are concentrating on trying to catch up with the backlog from their vacations in August?

So anyway the highlights of todays update are:

2 UK based cases were added to the "Pending" pile this time around!!

LND2010 111 021 - LND2005 812 017

7 cases have changed status to Under Review from Pending

LND2009 597 023 - LND2009 596 004 - LND2009 577 023 - LND2008 706 006 - LND2008 595 001 - LND2008 343 002 - LND2008 301 001

7 cases were completed.

LND2009 627 007 - LND2009 549 013 - LND2008 854 005 - LND2008 594 010 - LND2008 826 010 - LND2010 526 010 - LND2005 561 018

This was an overdue update but considering their was 16 new changes made on this update I think we should forgive them.

Remember If your case number is above as a new case and you are on Visa Journey, then please let me know your Case number and I will add VJ User and your Initials to the Spreadsheet.

The current USCIS average completed cases per week figure is back up from 1.2 to 1.3 this update.

As usual you can see these changes in my updated spreadsheet here > I-601 Status Update Spreadsheet 23rd August 2010

Wishing you all the best for the next update..

Take care all..

Traci - AndrewMaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-08 18:03:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiting for I-601 Waivers in London US Embassy
Hi Everyone, apologies for the delay of this update I have become a bit slack since being approved.. but I will continue.

Yesterday Monday 23rd August 2010 the I-601 Waiver Status PDF File was Updated

It has been 13 days since the last update and 18 days before that one, yet there no movement this time around apart from adding cases to the Pending pile, maybe all 2 of the adjudicators are taking vacations August?

So anyway the highlights of yesterdays update are:

5 UK based cases were added to the "Pending" pile this time around!!

LND2009 747 026 - LND2009 572 022 - LND2005 790 006 - LND2005 581 017 - LND2005 806 007

No cases have changed status to Under Review from Pending

No cases were completed.

This was an overdue update anyway, considering the 13 days since the last one and the prior update being 18 days, so it seems they have slowed down the updates to roughly every fortnight now?, Remember If your case number is above as a new case and you are on Visa Journey, then please let me know your Case number and I will add VJ User and your Initials to the Spreadsheet.

The current USCIS average cases per week figure is down from 1.3 this update to 1.2, due to the amount of time between updates and the lack of completed cases on those updates.

As usual you can see these changes in my updated spreadsheet here > I-601 Status Update Spreadsheet 23rd August 2010

Wishing you all the best for the next update..

Take care all..


congratulations andrew and tracy,that was fast,im glad its all worked out well for husband sent off his documents last week monday by courrier he still hasnt got his package and visa long did it take from when you sent yours to when you recieved it?


Just checking if you have heard anything just yet?

I hope you have the package/passport back from the embassy by now.

Take care


Traci - AndrewMaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-24 18:04:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiting for I-601 Waivers in London US Embassy
Hi Jnurse

I am glad to hear that you are just waiting for you packet to arrive back, my one took 6 days but they told me about 10 working days is what they have to quote, so i hope it all works out for you both and that you recieve your visa any da
Traci - AndrewMaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-12 09:56:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiting for I-601 Waivers in London US Embassy

Hi Andrew,

Wow -- that envelope is impressive! We had no idea that one might be asked to bring such a package to the port of entry. Thank you for the sample. May it be a preview of things to come for us...

All the best to you and Traci as you embark on togetherness!!
Take care,
Billy & Andrea

The Envelope weighs a lot, so I guess I will not be carrying to much by the way of hand luggage, I already have a Laptop that I will be bringing over as hand luggage so between this and the official paperwork it will not leave me much more room for anything else.. maybe my passport?

:P :P :P
Traci - AndrewMaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-12 03:43:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiting for I-601 Waivers in London US Embassy

Thank you, Andrew. It's very good of you to keep helping with interpretation of updates! The long delay before this one appeared also made me wonder whether the adjudicators might be on holiday. They're allowed, I suppose... !! Here's hoping they come back refreshed and pick up the pace soon.

Any stamps in your passport yet? Hope all of your preparations are going well.
Take care,

Hi Andrea

Thanks for the comment, I will continue to help as many people as possible in the I-601 club as long as I can before I leave for the USA.

I received my CR-1 Visa last week, a very nice looking visa it is too.. but it also came with a brown paper envelope which was very thick, maybe 2 - 3 inches.. which is the envelope that you have to hand to the immigration officer at the point of entry, which in my case will be San Francisco on 10th November 2010 (I hope)..

Anyway to show you what it looks like but without giving away any of my personal details I have made a sample CR-1 Visa for people to view and I have a photo of the Envelope & Medical Envelope which contains a CD or DVD:

CR-1 Visa Sample

CR-1 Brown Envelope

CR-1 Medical Envelope

I hope you enjoyed my Visa Sample, it is real apart from all the information and photo and the Brown Envelope on the other side has a White piece of paper attached with all my details typed out and a black and white photo of me.

Take care


Traci - AndrewMaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-11 17:28:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiting for I-601 Waivers in London US Embassy
Hi Everyone

Today 10th August 2010 the I-601 Waiver Status PDF File was Updated

It has been 18 days since the last update, yet there is not a lot of movement this time around, maybe the adjudicators are taking vacations in July/August?

So the highlights of todays update are:

3 UK & Ireland based cases were added to the UK cases Pending this time around!!

LND2010 505 012 - LND2010 064 011 - DBL2009 583 001

1 case has changed status to Under Review from Pending

LND2008 826 010

1 case was completed from London.

LND2008 611 008

This was an overdue update, considering the 18 days since the last one, Remember If your case number is above as a change of status or new case and you are on Visa Journey then please let me know your Case number and I will add VJ User and your Initials to the Spreadsheet.

The current USCIS average cases per week figure is down to 1.3.

As usual you can see these changes in my updated spreadsheet here > I-601 Status Update Spreadsheet 10th August 2010

Wishing you all the best for the next update..

Take care all..

Andrew :thumbs:
Traci - AndrewMaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-10 14:52:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiting for I-601 Waivers in London US Embassy
I-601 Status Updated 23rd July 2010

Hi, Sorry for this short update post, as I am away from my main PC, however my wife Traci sent out a post when the update first appeared.

Now I have updated the Spreadsheet and put this together:


1 x Denmark case moved from Pending to Under Review
2 x New Pending cases added, LND2009 855 029 + LND2007 627 005 (Welcome)

Of course you can check your case as usual on the updated spreadsheet: I-601 Spreadsheet Updated 23rd July 2010

Sorry to all the rest of you on the list... USCIS must have worn themselves out since the last lot of updates..

Take care

Andrew :thumbs:

Traci - AndrewMaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-24 20:29:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiting for I-601 Waivers in London US Embassy
Hi Everyone

For those of you that are lucky enough to get through this I-601 process, then you will recieve a letter from the USCIS office telling you your I-601 petition has been approved.

Here is a link to a copy of this letter to show you what it looks like > I-601 Approval Letter

Of course I have had to remove my details and replace them with a famous fictional character.

This is only intended to be informational, as I promised to let you know exactly what happens after the phone call comes... I am very sympathetic to everyone else's case, that has either been denied or is still currently going through this process so please do not see this as bragging or boasting in any way.

Take care and good luck..


Traci - AndrewMaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-20 17:48:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiting for I-601 Waivers in London US Embassy

Yes we got approved too,letter in the mail saturday,then today monday my husband got another letter telling him to get another police report and do another medical(both expired after months waitin) then he is to send his police report with his passport via courrier to the embassy.He has his medical booked already for next week.Its all soooo exciting.Im so glad we all have had goood news,its just wonderful! :dance:


Traci - AndrewMaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-19 19:25:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiting for I-601 Waivers in London US Embassy

Just this minute got the call from the Embassy...

i am APPROVED.!!!!!

Cannot begin to express how relieved I am....



Well done mate... I knew you would pull through ok.
Feels good eh !!
Take care
Traci - AndrewMaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-19 16:08:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiting for I-601 Waivers in London US Embassy

WHAT WONDERFUL NEWS!!! Many congratulations to you both! I hope that you have celebrated long and well over the weekend -- must be an utter meltdown of relief and joy to have received such great news after such a tremendously long wait... Again CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!

All our very best wishes,
Billy & Andrea

Hi Billy & Andrea

Many thanks for the congratulations comment.. we really appreciate it, both my wife Traci and I have been in very high spirits since the decision was made known to us on Friday, I just hope that all the friends that we have on here also get the same outcome soon, as it is people like you and many others who bother to chat on Visa Journey and offer words of support that have kept Traci and I going.

It has been a long long wait, 2.5 years in fact, but once you get the news that you have worked toward getting, all the bad times fall away as distant memories.. Now we can plan our future together, we can decide what we are going to do and when we are going to do it as a couple... it is great to have the uncertainty removed.

Anyway thanks again and good luck with you guys.


Andrew & Traci

Traci - AndrewMaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-19 04:24:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiting for I-601 Waivers in London US Embassy
Hi Everyone

Today 16th July 2010 the I-601 Waiver Status PDF File was Updated

The last update that we received was just yesterday 15th July 2010 which was 1 day ago now.

So the highlights of todays update are:

No UK or Ireland based cases were added to the UK cases Pending this time around!!

2 cases have changed status to Under Review one from Oslo and one from London, which still leaves 5 UK based cases

LND2008 594 010 - OSL2007 706 001
Traci - AndrewMaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-16 10:05:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiting for I-601 Waivers in London US Embassy

Traci & Andrew



As of 8:15am GMT (UK Time)
Traci - AndrewMaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-16 06:37:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiting for I-601 Waivers in London US Embassy
Hi Everyone

Today is the 15th July 2010 and the I-601 Waiver Status PDF File was Updated at 12:34pm GMT

This is a massive update in comparison to previous updates, they have changed the status of 13 cases.

And our case has been completed in this update along with JNurse68's case, however we are still unaware of the decision made yet as we have no formal paperwork or contact from the USCIS? But I will update you all when we know and let you know of any hurdles we have to jump through to help anyone else in future.

So the highlights of todays update are:

3 UK & Ireland based Cases in total were added to the "Pending" pile making a massive total of 54 UK cases Pending!!

DBL2009 772 003 - LND2008 808 004 - LND2008 634 015

3 UK & Ireland based cases were added to Under Review from Pending which now leaves 5 UK based cases Under Review!!

LND2009 589 015 (Also Shown as Completed and *** Returned to DOS ***) - LND2009 549 013 - LND2009 042 063

7 UK & Ireland cases were completed which means that the USCIS have completed a total of 4 for the Month June and 7 so far for the Month of July.

LND2009 779 011 - LND2009 589 015 - LND2009 669 029 - LND2009 605 005 - LND2008 754 020 - LND2007 652 014 - LND2002 762 003

Well this was a great update for everyone today as the movement of cases was spread amongst New, Under Review and Completed but also a large amount compared to most other updates. If your case number is on the spreadsheet as either a new case or Pending case and you are on Visa Journey then please let me know your Case number and I will add VJ User and your Initials to the Spreadsheet.

Lets hope this is the beginning of the USCIS now starting to update us on a more regular basis and that they up their average cases per week figure from the 1.2 that they had a few weeks ago to the 1.4 that it stands at today continues.

As usual you can see these changes in my updated spreadsheet here > I-601 Status Update Spreadsheet 15th July 2010

Wishing you all the best for the next update and a great weekend with this fantastic hot weather we are enjoying in the UK with a bit of rain thrown in for pleasure.

Take care all..

Andrew :thumbs:

Traci - AndrewMaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-15 07:30:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiting for I-601 Waivers in London US Embassy

Andrew your case has taken sooooo long esp under review,more than 3 months is just too long.But its a good thing on the other hand ,most of the time if you dont hear any news its usually good news in the end.Did you have a huge waiver packet?Fingers crossed for july 14th :yes: .


We did have a rather large waiver packet, it was around 100 pages of legal jargon and backup evidence, I have wondered why our one is taking so long, but I am unable to think of any reasons... But as you say the longer it takes the better the chances, because if it was a definite denial then they would pick this up quickly I would hope.

Anyway lets hope they pull their finger out soon and get some more waivers completed.

Take care

Traci - AndrewMaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-07 20:28:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiting for I-601 Waivers in London US Embassy

Thanks Andrew for the update.we're all waiting anxiously to see what friday has in store for us.take care.

Lets hope they do update us on Friday, if not my prediction will be next Wednesday 14th July..

Anyway take care

Andrew :thumbs:

Traci - AndrewMaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-07 18:50:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiting for I-601 Waivers in London US Embassy
Hi Everyone

Today 7th July 2010 the I-601 Waiver Status PDF File was Updated

The last update that we received was on Friday 25th June 2010 which was 12 days ago now, this update brings only the addition of 7 new UK & Ireland cases added to the Pending section, there was no other movement of cases to or from Under Review or Completed...

So the highlights of todays update are:

7 UK & Ireland based Cases in total were added to the "Pending" pile making a massive total of 54 UK and Ireland cases Pending!!

DBL2008 140 002 - DBL2009 604 002 - DBL2009 855 001 - LND2008 692 009 - LND2009 211 023 - LND2009 279 022 - LND2009 634 019

No cases were changed to Under Review which still leaves 8 UK based cases

No cases were completed either (NO MOVEMENT IN 19 DAYS), which means they have completed a total of 4 cases for the whole Month of June.

Well this was a good update for new Waiver filers but still no good for anyone already on the waiting list as Pending or Under Review. If your case number is above as a new case and you are on Visa Journey then please let me know your Case number and I will add VJ User and your Initials to the Spreadsheet.

Lets hope USCIS can update us again on Friday with some proper movement of cases rather than just adding a few to the list and calling that an update !!!.

As usual you can see these changes in my updated spreadsheet here > I-601 Status Update Spreadsheet 7th July 2010

Wishing you all the best for the next update.

Take care all..

Andrew :thumbs:

Traci - AndrewMaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-07 08:14:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiting for I-601 Waivers in London US Embassy
Hi Everybody

It is such a shame that USCIS could not have updated us on any progress before the 4th of July as this creates another Monday holiday at the embassy in London, so I guess that as they did not update us this Friday just gone, that we will have to wait until Tuesday to Friday next week to find out if there has been any further progress.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy 4th July and that I hope you can still celebrate this day even with your loved ones so far away.

Anyway, it appears that there are changes being made to the I-601 process as JustJ highlighted, the movement of the PDF file to a different domain may be the first step in this re-organization, however it looks like they are going to centralize this process and make the Waiver applications track-able on a website along with other visas. The centralization of this project would remove the adjudication from the Embassy to the USA, possibly Washington, whereby they can maintain standards and uniformity as it is a bit of a hit and miss affair with Mis-rep charges etc, some get through and some do not? So maybe this will be a good thing for future I-601 filers and possibly us as well?

I will alert you as and when the file gets updated in the new location.

Take care and happy Independence Day !!

Andrew :thumbs:
Traci - AndrewMaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-04 08:59:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiting for I-601 Waivers in London US Embassy

I have just finished adding a few extra touches to the Waiver Spreadsheet.

1 - I have added a section on the right hand side that shows how many cases were completed on a month by month basis.
2 - Above the monthly completed cases section is the new monthly average figure, currently at 5.63 Cases per Month.
3 - I have added a section below this on the right hand side of the spreadsheet showing how many days it has been for the longest completed & Under review cases.
4 - Extended the spreadsheet down further to incorporate the extra pending cases that are being added weekly,(After all I expected to be completed by now).

I hope you find these changes helpful, if you have any ideas or want a feature added, please drop me a message and I will see if it is possible to add any of your feature requirements.

You can find a copy of the spreadsheet here > New I-601 & I-212 Waiver Spreadsheet


Andrew :thumbs:
Traci - AndrewMaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-25 20:21:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiting for I-601 Waivers in London US Embassy
Hi Everyone

Today 25th June 2010 the I-601 Waiver Status PDF File was Updated
Traci - AndrewMaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-25 18:13:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiting for I-601 Waivers in London US Embassy
UPDATED - Due to a Typo in cases numbers (Thanks Jewel-8 for being eagle eyed)
Traci - AndrewMaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-18 11:46:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiting for I-601 Waivers in London US Embassy
Hi Everyone

The USCIS has decided that because we have been kept waiting long enough for the last update (20 Days) that they would now furnish us with another update 3 days later (Friday 18th June 2010)

So the highlights of todays update are:

2 Cases added to the "Pending" pile making a total of 39 UK cases in total now !! (STK2007 761 001 & LND2008 843 014)
2 Cases were added to the "Under Review" pile from "Pending", this brings the total UK based Under Review cases to a total of 9 including 1 Scandinavian case (LND2008 801 002 & LND2008 754 020)
2 Cases were Completed.. One of them is Scandinavian and the other is a London case (STK2007 761 001 & LND2008 843 014)

Well this was a welcome update and my hopeful prediction came true for once, however there has been no movement for any of us at Visa Journey that I know of, unless I am unaware of your case number in which case if you email me I will add VJ User and your Initials to the Spreadsheet.

I wish this update went a bit further to make up for the lack of progress in the last one that we waited 3 weeks to get, however that was not to be, lets just hope that the USCIS now start updating us on a more regular basis and try and complete more cases to up their average cases per week figure from the 1.3 at which it stands currently.

As usual you can see these changes in my updated spreadsheet here > I-601 Status Update Spreadsheet 18th June 2010

Wishing you all the best for the next update.

Take care all..

Traci - AndrewMaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-18 11:30:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiting for I-601 Waivers in London US Embassy
Hi Everyone

The USCIS has decided that they have kept us waiting long enough (20 Days) so they have released an update yesterday 15th June 2010

So the highlights of this update are:

5 Cases added to the "Pending" pile making a total of 39 UK cases in total now !!
1 Case added to the "Under Review" pile from the Pending pile, this brings the total UK based Under Review cases to a massive total of 6
3 Cases were Completed.

Well this was a very long overdue update, a few people will have enjoyed being added and to Pending and one will have enjoyed the move to Under Review at last, however there was ONLY 3 COMPLETED over a 20 day period but as they now have so many Pending cases backing up, surely they must start to complete some more soon... hopefully another update this Friday (18/06/2010) I hope, this is my hopeful prediction anyway.

As usual you can see these changes in my updated spreadsheet here > I-601 Status Update Spreadsheet 15th June 2010

Well my Website monitoring software worked well, it enabled me to be the first to announce the update and work on the spreadsheet far earlier with my Wife Traci.

Wishing you all the best on the next update.

Take care all..

Andrew :thumbs:
Traci - AndrewMaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-16 07:16:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)The 2010 London Waiver List
Hi everyone

We have all been shocked by the news of JustJ's case recently, with the roller coaster ride of up's and down's that she and her husband have had to endure. I would just like to state that based on all the info that JustJ has posted on this Thread that she started, that this denial outcome was likely due to the Misrep that she was unsure about on her early posts, these things do not disappear or go away, but can be overcome.

What we must all realize is that the Embassy and the USCIS are all in place to do one job, that is to keep aliens out of the USA, however due to certain reciprocal arrangements between countries they will have to let some in that qualify and meet the strict criteria laid down by the US government in the INA handbook.

So what this means to all of us trying to gain entry in to the US and for those US citizens that are trying to bring their loved ones to the USA, is that we have to be careful, now that means dotting the I's and crossing the T's and making sure that we do not give up any more information than what is required to get the Visa. The USCIS will use whatever you say against you, if you are too honest, do not think for a moment that they will sympathize with you or try and help you in any way shape or form... That is not there job, they have to find ways of stopping us from gaining entry by using any legal means possible.

My immigration lawyer told me once, that if you send in a form for a K1 or K3 and it contains 5 mistakes, the Embassy or USCIS will send the form back to you and highlight the first mistake they come across, you will then correct that mistake and resubmit it however again it will be rejected and returned for the next mistake and sent back again, this is to make the process drag out and hopefully make you change your mind because of the time it is taking or even break the relationship due to the problems or time it all takes. They could make life easy for us by highlighting all 5 mistakes and sending it back, but this would speed up the process and make it easier and quicker to obtain the Visa, this is why I employed the skills of a professional, as I can not afford to take chances with my life or my relationship and even if using a lawyer improves my chances by 5% it is worth doing, there are no guarantees so try and improve your chances where possible.

I read another article that stated that if you have been denied an I-601 waiver that you can appeal it, however rarely is the original decision overturned, so it is recommended that you resubmit a new I-601 Waiver package to cover the reason for the denial as well as any other reasons you had to do a waiver for in the first place, whether it be for CIMT's or Misrep. But the article also stated that the Embassy can sometimes tell you that you can not submit an I-601 waiver without going through the entire Visa process again.. this is a load of rubbish, you can resubmit a new waiver within 30 days of being denied and if the Embassy say no, the DOS will back you up as they will enforce the rules against the Embassy.

So to sum up my rantings above, I am saying that do not expect any assistance or help from the Embassy or USCIS, always seek professional help with a waiver for the best possible chance and never offer any more information to the Embassy or USCIS than required to answer whatever questions, in this situation honesty does not always pay !! although I am not telling anyone to lie either.

Just remember that over the visa period that you are on here you will make friends that will support you when required and celebrate with you if possible, we are all in the same boat on the same journey, so do not think that you are on your own, help is just a web page away or an email away.

I hope this helps some new people joining the waiver program as well as JustJ, as I feel from the info that I have read that JustJ and her husband still have a chance in their quest for a Visa approval if they get an extreme hardship waiver prepared by a lawyer to cover the denial and the other issues and resubmit it within 30 days..

Take care all

Traci - AndrewMaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-16 22:14:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)The 2010 London Waiver List
The 15th June 2010 Error list

Hi, I have noticed a few errors and anomalies whilst updating the spreadsheet this morning, they are listed below.

1 - LND2009 779 011 is now "Under Review" when on the last update on 26th May 2010 it was "Completed" ? I can only guess that this case was completed as denied and then re-submitted or under appeal..
(If anyone knows about this case, please either message me direct or post some details on this thread)

2 - LND2009 605 005 is listed as "Under Review" and under "Pending" on the same update ? I can only assume that they moved this case to "Under Review" and forgot to delete it under "Pending"

3 - LND2009 744 048 is listed as "Completed" and under "Pending" on the same update ? I can only assume that they moved this case to "Completed" and forgot to delete it under "Pending"

This is all I have found at the moment, it looks like the update that took 20 days to release was rushed, as these errors prove, but why could they not update us a week ago on the 8th June 2010 when they moved the 3 cases to completed? why wait another week and move nothing else?

Taking the above in to account if I correctly assume I am right in my assumptions then the new "Pending" total is not 39 as I promoted before but 37.. I apologies for my mistake :whistle:

All conspiracy theory's accepted. (no movement in our case either.. Damn, it has been 31 weeks now since we were listed on this waiver list)

Take Care

Traci - AndrewMaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-15 19:22:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)The 2010 London Waiver List
Hi Julie

I can not understand the amount of confusion there has been over your case, both now and before when they said your case was sent back to Ireland?

What on earth are they on? You must be able to appeal even on the grounds of your new medical evidence and the fact that they have screwed up twice when they released info about your case incorrectly.

Anyway try and remain calm and see if you can resubmit or appeal the decision as a misrep for ticking the no box on the visa waiver form when asking have you ever comitted a crime involving moral turpitude is regularly overturned with a strong enough I-601Extreme hardship waiver.

I am so so sorry to hear of their denial decision and so pleased fir you when we all thought it was an approval.

It may take longer but if you can hang on in there and take the next step of appeal or resubmitting the waiver then it may end up being approved next time, just look at JohnnyQuest for persistance.

Anyway my heart goes out to both of you and hope you carry on and don't give up.

Take care

Traci - AndrewMaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-15 17:49:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)The 2010 London Waiver List
Hi Everyone

The USCIS has decided that they have kept us waiting long enough (20 Days) so they have released an update today 15th June 2010

So the highlights of todays update are:

5 Cases added to the "Pending" pile making a total of 39 UK cases in total now !!
1 Case added to the "Under Review" pile from the Pending pile, this brings the total UK based Under Review cases to a massive total of 6
3 Cases were Completed.. Well one of them is our very own JustJ's case.. so hopefully her Husband will be getting the result letter any day now.
Traci - AndrewMaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-15 05:31:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)The 2010 London Waiver List
Hi Everyone

Well the USCIS have managed to update us today after a 20 day waiting period since the last I-601 Status update.

I will do my usual report with details and stats once I have reviewed the update, but I can say 3 cases were completed JustJ being one of them, and 5 more Added to Pending.



Traci - AndrewMaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-15 04:25:00