United KingdomNo record of Vaccinations received as a child

The blood test is free to see if I'm immune. It's not the money I'm worried about. It's more whether they'll accept it or just give me the shot there.


Another quick question, since we are on the subject. If I do get the first shot at Knightsbridge, will I need a second MMR shot for AOS? Or is the one shot enough? 

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-09-28 15:05:00
United KingdomNo record of Vaccinations received as a child

I received all of my baby vaccinations as a child, including the MMR. However, as this was Australia in the 80s, record keeping was not the  most important thing.


My question is, will Knightsbridge accept a blood test report that shows that I am immune to MMR as proof of my vaccination? Because trying to get my GP (or any other) to give me one is proving to be a challenge.

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-09-26 10:52:00
United KingdomLost In Translation


Haha sounds like the Boston Accent from around here :)


Sort of, but obviously without the Irish accentuation to it hahaha


If you can find an interview with Eric Bana, that is pretty much spot on how the majority of Australians talk. WE DO NOT SOUND LIKE THE CROCODILE HUNTER. 

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-06-25 04:35:00
United KingdomLost In Translation


HAHA my husband is from west Lancs and so many people think he and his family are Aussies.  We were walking to a bar one night and some random guy walked by and said "g'day mates" and they were like uhhhh...wrong country!  I did discover that the accent is very useful when you want good service.  Every time we go out and have a female server or bartender, I make them ask for everything as they tend to get far better service than I get when asking for the same thing.  Yep, I totally send the shy english guy to flirt with the bartender to get stronger drinks hah!


My favorite things to make Alan say are "bear, there, wear..."  They just sound like "brrr, werrr, herr" and are adorable.  I threaten that if he loses the accent, he'll get shipped back to the UK for a bt.  He's not moved here yet but is already so Americanized.  regularly says trunk for boot/ hood for bonnet,  cell phone, garage, not gar-age, and the best is that he's picked up my new england quirk of saying "wicked" all the time, oh and "dude" which sounds hilarious with his accent :)


I'm Australian. Chelsea loves hearing me say "bear, bar, car, etc" because we really don't say the R at all. It comes out beah, ba, ca hahaha

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-06-24 05:26:00
United KingdomLost In Translation

Maybe some cover at CB now Luiz has gone (LOL @ PSG paying what they paid for HIM btw!!). Never understood why managers play world class players out of position (i.e. Azpilicueta at LB) either, but hey, I guess Mourinho knows what he's doing. And after Wenger passed on Fabregas I don't really think Gooners can have too many complaints where he ended up. I have to say I was somewhat surprised at that though, because although Arsenal do have an embarrassment of riches in the centre of the park, some of them (i.e. Aaron Ramsey and Jack Wheelchair) are somewhat injury prone. And by "somewhat" I mean they make Darren "Sicknote" Anderton look like a model of good health! 


Yes, heard about Bentley - what a waste. The lad had so much talent. I guess he just wasn't prepared to put in the hard work. Maybe. Who knows.


I always thought Bentley was overrated. He scored that one volley against Arsenal and all of a sudden he's world class? Bit of an overreaction there from the media.


Yeah I thought so as well with Cesc, but honestly we have higher priorities to be spending £30M on. Good to see we'll probably get Vela back for the pittance of £3.5M. Can't believe PSG paid that much for Luis. An absolutely exorbitant amount of money. Regarding LB, Azpilicueta had a fantastic season there, so I guess Jose was justified. If they lose Cahill or Terry they are in trouble at the back though.

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-06-13 05:50:00
United KingdomLost In Translation

Can't blame him for taking the chance to join his boyhood club, tbf. Which is why, whilst absolutely heartbroken about it, I don't begrudge Lambert his move to Liverpool. Pochettino, however, can ###### off and die. Can't wait to hear the reception he gets when he brings Spurs to SMS next season!


I think Chelsea, in Fabregas and Costa, have bought brilliantly thus far. And if Jose finally realizes what he has in Lukaku and brings him back into the fold, then I really can't see anything other than a two horse race for the Premiership title next time round.


He needs to pick up a solid centre back and some more cover for LB, but yes, I agree. And he has paid fairly low for Costa (considering that Cavani went to PSG for £50M!).


I agree with him joining his boyhood club. Disappointed he went to Chelsea, but at least it wasn't United. I have intense for anyone associated with Spurs haha. Did you see David Bentley has retired at the ripe old age of 29?? Made my Friday that news.

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-06-13 05:01:00
United KingdomLost In Translation

Didn't take him long to get tired of Spanish football, did it? <_<


I honestly thought he would always struggle to break into Barca's team and start on a regular basis. He should have stayed with us.

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-06-13 02:45:00
United KingdomLost In Translation

Americans have no hope with cricket :lol:

Good news is that one of the managers here is a Springbok, so we can both despise the Aussies :thumbs:


Awww don't be mad because we smashed you in the Ashes and made you look like a Sunday park team.

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-06-11 02:52:00
United KingdomLost In Translation

May aswell just whack that Arsenal defence on here, where's Tony these days?


It's really quite impressive he played the majority of the games in his career drunk and was still a beast haha


The back four of Lauren, Keown, Adams and Cole has to be the greatest back line ever assembled. Hell, you could put in Dicko and Nige and it is still the greatest back four. Hopefully we pick up a good right back this year and Kieran Gibbs makes some good progress and we'll be extremely solid again next year.


On Fabregas, as much as I love him, we don't need him. We have plenty of attacking midfielders. I want to see us pick up Schweinstegier. He's leaving Bayern and the asking price is a measly £10M for one of the best defensive midfielders in the world. And he's only 29! And another striker of course.

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-06-09 02:31:00
United KingdomLost In Translation


Ouch that's gotta hurt!


I'm not going to tell my wife about Sp**s because she might do the same to me lol. She already knows that I hate Plymouth and brings it up just to wind me up  :ranting:


Chelsea would never bring up the Spuds. She knows firsthand my immense hate for them. She's not that mean!

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-06-05 07:12:00
United KingdomLost In Translation


Arsenal here too!


I'm sure there's something that makes Arsenal fans attractive to Americans, there's loads of us around on VJ. We even had our own little clique in the I-130 filers group on FB :lol:


We are obviously a good looking bunch of supporters hahaha


Chelsea is not a fan of our kit though. And she supports Chelsea (for obvious reasons), but also just to annoy me lol

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-06-05 06:54:00
United KingdomLost In Translation

Luckily my fiancée is pretty good in terms of understanding my sayings either that or she pretends! However I've been quite good trying to pronounce stuff correctly and talk a tad slower. Can imagine having to explain stuff like what a 'bird' is and not in the avian type.


Been there hahaha Chels laughed at me.


On the sporting front, I love football, Arsenal fan all of my life (FINALLY THE TROPHY DROUGHT IS OVER) but I also love watching American Football. I agree College games are fun, but if you have a passion for the tactical sides of the game, the NFL is immense.


In saying that, GO BULLDOGS! (MSU fans here, from the only conference that matters. S-E-C!)

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-06-05 02:18:00
United KingdomLost In Translation

People always ask if my fiancé has an accent and I always find that hilarious. I suppose when we first met I noticed it but now it is just his voice! I don't hear an Australian accent unless he is saying something that sounds totally different than i would pronounce it. 


I know one thing that drives him crazy is if I say Koala bear. He gets irate. "It's not a bear it's just a Koala"blah blah blah- haha. He adds the word "hey" at the end of sentences. Sometimes it's somewhere that I would say "right" (i.e. I know, right? he would say I know, hey?) and that I have always found amusing. Also he will say things like something is funny as or hot as; that used to drive me crazy because I would wait for him to finish his sentence, but he was finished. Hot as WHAT?! Just as. 

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-05-29 15:29:00
United KingdomWho to fly with

Did you look at United through Houston? That's what we always fly. I liked it better when it was Continental but that is more to do with frequent flyer miles, baggage allowance, etc....the perks.

What kind of prices are you finding on the various airlines? United seems to be about $880 round trip.


I've looked at Delta and BA (which is essentially AA) and they are £561 and £532 respectively. AA is much cheaper for the additional bag though which makes it work out cheaper overall. I am going to look up United today and see what they are like.


I looked into flying through Dublin, but finding a flight from Dublin to Gulfport is extremely hard. Unfortunately Virgin is not an option for me.

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-10-08 06:20:00
United KingdomWho to fly with

I would focus more on what type of plane I was flying on rather than what airlines.  You should try to focus on a booking a flight on a Boeing 777 rather than an old 747 or something else that has not been updated.  You will not enjoy flying Delta in the USA if you have to catch a flight between New York and Miss.  It is like being cattle hearded.  They pack them with very little leg room.


If you get American Airlines or any airline on a Boeing 777 direct from Europe to Dallas Fort Worth, you will be better off regardless.  The connecting flight from Dallas Fort Worth over to Miss will be a very short flight so it won't matter what kind of plane you will be on for the connecting flight.


I'm not worried about the Atlanta to Gulfport (Delta) or DFW to GPT (AA) flight. it's only an hour and half and I can pretty much deal with anything for that time. My main concern is from London to DFW with American Airlines.

Has anyone done this flight on a 777 with AA?

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-10-07 07:23:00
United KingdomWho to fly with

Flew with them to New York earlier in the year, was fairly soul destroying in all honesty, didn't even have a TV either. Then again it was one of their older planes but I wouldn't go with them again unless I really had to.


I have read reviews that have said the same thing. I think I will pay the little bit extra and go with Delta.

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-10-07 06:13:00
United KingdomWho to fly with

I am trying to figure out who I should fly with when I leave London for good for my move to the gorgeous coast of Mississippi. I usually fly with Delta on trips to see Chelsea and I have found them to be extremely good for my flight. However, in the interests of trying to figure out if I can save a large sum of money if I fly with someone else from Heathrow to Gulfport, I have begun to shop around.


I have noted that overall, BA will be cheaper, but they use American Airlines, who I have never heard anything good about. Outside of them, no one else does the London to Gulfport route without me having to change airlines once I land in the US (which I am not a fan of, especially for this flight).


Does anyone have any experience of flying with AA out of Heathrow into Dallas- Fort Worth? Is the flight comfortable? Food? Entertainment, etc?

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-10-07 05:15:00
United KingdomLondon Consulate - Notification of Readiness to appointment

I literally just sent my notification of readiness, I have my medical on Wednesday 29th October in London. Excited and nervous


I have done the same thing. My Medical is on 26 October. I really want to fly out by 2 December (as that is when my lease runs out), so I would extremely happy with a quick turnaround from them.

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-10-23 05:40:00
United KingdomPrevious Arrest

I have no intention of hiding it. I already have the court record for it and I am going to get my fingerprints taken for the police certificate soon (I can get the certificate anytime as I no longer intend of living in Australia).


I have never used the drugs. I know this sounds convenient but they were actually my friends who had borrow my jeans and left it there. I wasn't even aware they were in there. I'll have no issue passing a drug test. I also had to complete a rehabilitation course as part of the outcome.


My question is, how will this arrest for possession affect me. Keeping in mind I am going to be completely honest.

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-10-21 15:06:00
United KingdomPrevious Arrest

Admitting Drug Use and Inadmissibility for Permanent Residence by Michael Cho.

Depending on exactly what the applicant admits to during the medical examination, and what the civil surgeon or panel physician explains to the applicant about the illegality of  drug use, the applicant may be inadmissible under INA 212(a)(2)(A)(i)(II).  This section of the INA states that an applicant is inadmissible if he is found to have admitted ?committing acts which constitute the essential elements of . . . a violation of (or a conspiracy or attempt to violate) any law or regulation of a State, the United States, or a foreign country relating to a controlled substance (as defined in section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 802)).?

Notice here that mere admission of drug use that would constitute a controlled substance violation is enough to make a person inadmissible.   A conviction is not required.  There is no waiver available.



I spoke to Steven, sends you his best wishes!


Also, I want to point out I have never admitted drug use, as I have never used drugs. INA states that pleading guilty and not receiving a conviction does not constitute admission of drug use.

My offence was for possession. So hopefully this helps.

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-10-15 02:45:00
United KingdomPrevious Arrest

Admitting Drug Use and Inadmissibility for Permanent Residence by Michael Cho.

Depending on exactly what the applicant admits to during the medical examination, and what the civil surgeon or panel physician explains to the applicant about the illegality of  drug use, the applicant may be inadmissible under INA 212(a)(2)(A)(i)(II).  This section of the INA states that an applicant is inadmissible if he is found to have admitted ?committing acts which constitute the essential elements of . . . a violation of (or a conspiracy or attempt to violate) any law or regulation of a State, the United States, or a foreign country relating to a controlled substance (as defined in section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 802)).?

Notice here that mere admission of drug use that would constitute a controlled substance violation is enough to make a person inadmissible.   A conviction is not required.  There is no waiver available.



As we discussed, I think the best way is to get that lawyer you were talking about to look into it. Hopefully he can sort it out before I have to go back to Australia, but my hopes are not extremely high.

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-10-08 07:15:00
United KingdomPrevious Arrest

Well that's good news. Thank you so much. I was stressing out in a big way

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-10-08 05:48:00
United KingdomPrevious Arrest

Yes I have. I have entered three times in the past.

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-10-08 05:06:00
United KingdomPrevious Arrest



Really? No one?

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-10-08 02:51:00
United KingdomPrevious Arrest

Hello All,


I am applying for a K1 in London (I'm an Australian citizen). I have had a previous arrest in Australia about 6 years ago for possession of a small amount of a class A drug.


No conviction was recorded. I am wondering what affect this will have on our application and chances of getting approved. Has anyone else been in this situation?

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-10-07 06:38:00
United KingdomAustralian Police Check - Applying online
Awesome. Thank you so much! That's what I did.
S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-11-06 02:21:00
United KingdomAustralian Police Check - Applying online

Cheers Nich-Nick.


Still wondering what the code is that I need to use. If anyone has info on that it would be spectacular. I've seen people use code 35 and be ok.

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-10-31 03:33:00
United KingdomAustralian Police Check - Applying online

Already have, no one has answered there, or the answers relate to getting the check while in Australia. As I am clearly not in Australia, I thought this would be the best place to find someone else who has had to get one while abroad.

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-10-30 08:47:00
United KingdomAustralian Police Check - Applying online

Hello All,


I am completely confused right now. I'm an Australian citizen living in London, and as such, I need to get an Australian National Police Check.


I have been working under the impression that I would need to get one based on name and fingerprints. So I went to New Scotland Yard yesterday and got my fingerprints done (at a cost of £70.50 too). Once I was at home, I got onto the AFP's online application, and proceeded to fill it out, providing my passport and driver's licence for the 100 points.


When I got to the purpose of the request, I selected the Commonwealth/employment option (because working in the ACT is clearly not right), and selected the Overseas Employment/Visa option next (I did not pick Immigration/Citizenship as this refers to immigrating to Australia). I download the consent form, and it says name check only at the top.


Can someone else who has had to get one while living overseas please tell me if this is acceptable or not? I don't think it is, however the Immigration/Citizenship one provides full disclosure, which the AFP is not allowed to do as it is against the law (except for exclusions regarding working in certain jobs, like law enforcement and with children). I have the feeling the Overseas Employment/Visa option is correct, however I want to be absolutely certain.

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-10-30 07:09:00
United KingdomWhat airline do you guys fly with?

I've heard Virgin are amazing. I have a friend here who uses them when he flies to NY. Bit jealous I can't use them.

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-02-16 03:51:00
United KingdomWhat airline do you guys fly with?

I'm pretty limited in who I can use, as I like to fly into Gulfport, Mississippi. It's only an hour and a half away from Chelsea, as opposed to three hours to New Orleans and about 5 hours to Jackson. Delta really is the best for me. I mean, I know I could change airline once I land in the US, but that is a major hassle with bags and having to check in again.

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-02-12 03:00:00
United KingdomWhat airline do you guys fly with?

If its the Medallion Qualification Dollars they only apply if you have a USA address, I have deliberately kept mine as a UK address as my company tickets are booked with air france and would' count for MQD but I prefer the Delta sky miles club, I would have lost my Platinum Card if I had a US address even though I fly over 150,000 miles a year with sky team.


You will be able to book tickets no problem with your miles but a uk address means that they will charge you £6 a ticket instead of $10 we are going to Denver this weekend with my miles and it actually worked in our favour with the pound at the moment $19.63 including fee from card for paying in sterling, instead of $20.


The miles are grew for last minute tickets as they don't get more expensive, even if booked 3 days in advance.


If you want to use them to fly to Europe make sure your first landing point is outside of the UK, Amsterdam or paris then get a short haul connection to the UK. european landing fees in the uk are much lower than transatlantic, and the French and Dutch have much lower transatlantic fees. I think I paid about $250 in taxes let time to go to Edinburgh


Oh nice. I will keep that in mind! Thank you

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-02-06 10:55:00
United KingdomWhat airline do you guys fly with?

I fly with Delta from Heathrow to Atlanta then on to Gulfport, Mississippi. It's one of the few airlines that goes to Gulfport.


I also have a lot of miles. I think we are a little unlucky, as we cant earn the "dollars" in order to use our miles. Well that's how I've interpreted it haha

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-02-06 02:47:00
United KingdomFlying KLM into Atlanta

Yeah I looked into that. The one way flight with KLM was the same price as a return with Delta. So I would rather get the one way flight and not have to worry about cancelling the return flight. 

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-03-07 04:42:00
United KingdomFlying KLM into Atlanta

Thought so, but I wanted to check, as I usually just book through the Delta site. This is good news!

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-03-06 08:56:00
United KingdomFlying KLM into Atlanta

Has anyone flown KLM from Heathrow into Atlanta? I usually fly Delta (Atlanta is Delta's hub city) because they also fly to Gulfport, Mississippi which is the closest airport to Chelsea.


However I have turned my attention to trying to find a decently priced one-way flight from Heathrow to Gulfport. KLM is operated by Delta on that route, but I was wondering if anyone noticed any differences in service or checking in?

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-03-06 08:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGot my visa!!!

hahaha All that worry for nothing! Congrats anyway!

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-10-31 09:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGot my visa!!!



if you don't mind me asking what was the criminal record for? You don't have to say specifics, just curious as to why they didn't ask you anything.

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-10-31 09:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsTypo on I129-F - Social Security Number

I just tried to call the USCIS and the man I was put in touch with was very short with me and simply told me that he cannot make corrections over the phone and I will have to send a letter to have it fixed. Should I simply call back tomorrow and hope I am put in touch with someone else?

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-04-23 16:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsTypo on I129-F - Social Security Number

Thats a relief! thanks!

S-CNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-04-20 04:25:00