K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers
AAAAA I'm so excited!!! Even tho it's not me, I feel like I'm going to cry :D So happy for ya Tom!!
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-07-18 20:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers
WOOO Today was a good day! Have a good night/day!!
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-07-16 22:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers

How are you doing today Nicolette? I understand what you're feeling, some days the pain of missing him is excruciating. Hang in there... you will get your approval soon!!!

I'm doing ok.....still bittersweet....but I know you guys are here for me. :D

Nicolette You will be ok! Hang in there! I know its hard,I miss my love bad also! We all will be ok!! You will see!!:yes::thumbs:

Thanks.....what is it that they say? Distance makes the heart grow fonder? I think it's really true ah....

We're moving on Igor's list....I hope it continues...

I like how our thread is already at 40 pages and none of us are approved yet (Ray is in april so it doesn't technically count ;) ). I hope it will be within the next two weeks...

Also....why do you all have the same ticker????
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-07-15 01:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers
Missing him so bad today.... I can't stand it. :(
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-07-13 21:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers

I haven't posted in this thread before, if you can look at my timeline, you'll see that I'm a January filer, but they lost my file, so we refiled in March, so I've been posting in the March filers thread. I didn't get my NOA1 until May though, so officially, I'm in line to get my NOA2 with you guys. The March guys still consider me one of their own, but don't worry, when I get my NOA2, I'll be sure to let you guys know. I'm in CSC, and am hoping for no more unusual issues for my case.

The reason I think for the long (over a month) wait for my NOA1, was because they phoned us to request that we send in some additional paperwork, and redo the paperwork we had already sent in January, because the dates were out. That original paperwork was stuff you normally send in packet 3 and bring to the embassy. We sent it anyway, and will probably have to send new ones again as it gets closer to the date. We just smile and say yessir and send them in!

By the way, several of the remaining March and April filers haven't been online in a while, so we may be even closer than we think! As to the VSC filers, on the stats page, you guys have been clearing close to twice as many NOA2s a week as CSC, except so far this week, we've doubled you. I think the spread is going to close a little more than it is, even with this week being more on the csc side.

Hopefully no one from USCIS decides to take a holiday in the next month! I'm hoping to see some in here getting NOA2 next week!

Welcome! And wow....they LOST your file in January???? I would be so annoyed.... :o Hopefully you get approved soon! such a long wait

@Ray- Wow, I hope they get that sorted out soon!! Must be ruining the glory of getting NOA2....

@Sabrina- Love your blog.... :) Cute pictures on there too!! I used to have one, but I don't update anymore.

EDIT: Sabrina, I just read more of your blog, and I love it!!! Love your writing style! Keep it up!

Edited by Ni-ing & Ice, 12 July 2011 - 05:51 PM.

NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-07-12 17:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers
Welcome, Kenkim, is your name Ken or Kim? :D Just wondering

My name is Nicolette. I wish luck to you and your fiance(e). Please visit our thread often for support! :) We're always here to talk!!

Just today's word of encouragement! Love may not be able to keep us together physically, but it will surely get us all through our long journey! Never forget to appreciate the ones you love. :thumbs:

And today I saw someone approved from VSC in 4 months (March filer). Making me happy =^_^=
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-07-12 00:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers
My NOA1 date was May 27
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-07-11 10:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers
Everyone check your timeline! Mine just moved to Sept 24, and Sabrina was telling me that hers went from Nov dates to september dates...!!
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-07-11 00:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers
Yay for Sabrina!! I know 7 months is a really long start getting used to calling and it's depressing...but when you meet again, it's the best feeling in the world!

Liza, that's such a cute name! Love it!

Lea, I have this weird feeling that you'll be the first.... I'll be happy for anyone who gets approved first, but I just have a feeling you'll be one of the first....:D

Which reminds me, I'm so scared of getting an RFE....even tho the pack I sent was like 1.5 inches thick. Haha
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-07-10 21:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers
Tom, you can call me Nicolette. Niing is just the Thai way of saying it....but since everyone here is calling by their regular names, everyone can call me Nicolette. :D

I can't believe it's almost been three months since I was in Thailand.
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-07-10 12:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers
@Britt- those rings are so cute!! That reminds me of when we did that too. Ice still wears his, but I just wear my engagement ring :)

@Tom- Will definitely be in my prayers. I hope he will be ok :(

@Ray- How long has it been? Is that typical for the NVC part???

@Harmony- Hi! I just never got to say hi. :D
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-07-09 14:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers
She gave me that link earlier and it improved my relationship with Ice. :D Needed a good laugh.
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-07-09 01:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers
I really hope it's soon.....sometimes it feels like every hour is torture...
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-07-07 21:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers
Yeah it's awful enough to know how people are judging you behind your back....but to have that sort of thing happen to my face? Seriously...

I'm never sure if what I post in here is :ot: or if it's ok, so I made a facebook group for all K-1 VJ filers....if you are not in yet, just friend one of us on facebook, here is my page, I am always happy to talk.
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-07-06 18:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers
You all are really the only ones who can understand.

Today I went to a bridal previewing advertising campaign because if I sat through the presentation, we were supposed to get free hotel nights or coupons, and I thought it wouldn't hurt to go just to see what it's like. When I got there, they wouldn't let me come in because my fiance had to be with me. Nobody told me this when they called me. I'm not sure if they didn't believe that I was engaged, but they found me because I filled out a form when I bought my wedding dress. They couldn't understand why my fiance lived in Thailand. One of the people near me even whispered something about "stupid young army couples." First of all, my fiance is THAI, and second of all, nobody told me when I was on the phone (I had even told the lady who spoke to me that he couldn't go because he was not in the country). I felt a little ashamed when they told me to leave in front of everyone, just because my fiance lives in Thailand.

And I hate it when people joke that maybe Ice is out at night clubbing and picking up girls, because I KNOW he's not because we're usually talking during that time, he hates clubbing, and he's getting married to me! Why are people so insensitive? One thing that is scary is how far apart we are from each other, why would people (friends and even people I don't know that well) make jokes like that? Maybe I'm being over sensitive, but I know in everyone's minds, they are thinking I am crazy for marrying someone out of the country. I have friends who got married young like I am, and they didn't get as much criticism that I'm getting right now. Not NEARLY as much. And it's not like we met online either (there is nothing wrong with that, but it would look bad for me because we are young). We had two solid years in person. I just don't understand why people are like this....
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-07-06 18:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers
@Britt- YAY!!! I'm so glad!
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-07-05 23:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers
My date says Sept 28 now :)

How is everything going, Britt? Let us know. ^^

What do you do to make eachother laugh, everyone? Since you're apart and you can't share experiences together, how do you make eachother laugh?
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-07-05 08:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers
I will pay for you!!! I hope everything goes well! God will be with you both!
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-07-05 00:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers
What does Igor's list mean???
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-07-01 11:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers
Thanks Ray, I just hope that it won't take too long. Looks like Thai people are waiting longer....based on timeline lists. I wonder why? But my timeline predicts only 4 months.... grrrrr I wish I knew!!

And nice to meet you and thanks for the add, Sabrina!
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-06-28 21:07:00
ThailandWhen will we get an interview
Any news yet? I'm dying here
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-11-09 12:17:00
ThailandWhen will we get an interview

Actually no it doesn't. It is good for you. It seems that the BKK embassy schedules all the K visas first, and then NVC schedules the CR-1/IR-1 visas with whatever is left over. That's my guess anyway. It took over three months from when our case was complete at NVC and the interview date. Also, there is no packet 3 for CR-1/IR-1, so as soon as the case was complete at NVC, we were ready for the interview.

Seems like the embassy takes precedence when scheduling interviews over NVC, which sucked for us.

Our timeline here:


Thanks for the info... I hope they remember us. I'll look at your timeline again. I think I've seen every person who did a visa at BKK's timelines.

I really hope we get a December interview. I'm becoming weak crying everyday.

EDIT: Wow you had a really hard case. Why? You lived together for two years...should be easy, I don't get it

Edited by Ni-ing & Ice, 06 November 2011 - 07:20 PM.

NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-11-06 19:18:00
ThailandWhen will we get an interview

Are you K-3 or CR-1. Just so everyone knows, NVC schedules interviews for IR-1/CR-1 in Bangkok. The embassy schedules K visa interviews.

Well that sucks for me :(
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-11-06 18:50:00
ThailandWhen will we get an interview

Nick try to calm down some girl. I said they only work on immigration based interviews for visas on those days. They work a full work week of 5 days as far as I know.
I would think they will notify everyone as soon as the schedual is set. You may have had a little too much Ice lately! Or not enough.

Hahaha maybe I need more Ice! :whistle: But if jl#1 already got notified, doesn't that mean they already made the schedule and we're not in it? Yes I'm having a heart attack here. :crying: And I'm afraid the embassy hates us because we ask too many questions to their email. :wacko:
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-11-04 22:06:00
ThailandWhen will we get an interview

Believe me I know how you feel. However I also know that by the time they got your case October was full. November was probably the same keeping in mind the holidays coming at the end of the month. We just saw that one member reported they told him his case would be done in Dec.
To me this means you have a chance of a December date as well. Hopefully that will be the case.

Would it be throughout the month that they would notify us, or only in the beginning? I remember you said immigrant visa officers are only in on mon&wed? Does that mean they would most likely tell us on a mon or wed? i'm going insane here. :lol:
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-11-04 12:59:00
ThailandWhen will we get an interview

Each case occupies a certian amount of the officers time. All cases are first sent to the consulate section across the street from the embassy in the high rise building. They log the cases in & forward them on to the visa section in the embassy.
The cases are assigned to an officer. That officer has at least one Thai staff member to assist in seeing that all the docs are in the file. They combine anything relevent to the case that has been sent in to make a complete case file. The case is put into the schedual for the intervew.
I am not exactly sure but believe the length of time you ask about would be very close to the same other than some additional docs for a K 3 type case. But we are talking minutes not days.
Nick you are doing fine. Really you are. Its just that you dont have enough info & others are making it harder for you at times. Dont let this get to you too much at this time. Think back to when you needed to know if the case was at NVC. Now its in BKK! There is progress even if you dont feel there is. Keep the faith Nick.

I'm just getting discouraged when everyday goes by without anything. It's been more than a month since they got our approved petition + packet 3, and they confirmed to us that they had both on Oct 4th.
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-11-04 08:48:00
ThailandWhen will we get an interview

We are getting with the attorney now to start getting things together as it goes I will get that info to you We are fighting this thing until the end.
I am unsure what the code means as this is all new language to me. I think it has to do with the dates we submited the original packet but that is just a guess.

Hmm so do K-3 applicants usually go through faster at the embassy stage??
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-11-04 07:54:00
ThailandWhen will we get an interview

They are scheduling December now Thank god just got the Email today. I am not sure bu we began in Sept. of last year and we are now getting a chance at the Dredded Window 5. Ning can you give us some ideas of what we need to bring.

I know you are a marriage visa, and that is much different from K-1, but I see your case left the NVC Oct 18? What types of paperwork do you have to do for the embassy? Also, K-1 cases start with BNK2011, is that the same for other immigrant visas?

I am just curious because you said you got your interview date just now.
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-11-03 15:37:00
ThailandWhen will we get an interview

I'm frustrated too, but was prepared for waiting until at least mid December going by their estimates. I've known May and I won't be together for Christmas for a while, and we'll more likely be together by the end of January anyways. I'm just hoping our case will be on the next schedule. Our P3 was received on October 6th.

Hope things are well with you Ning.

Ice isn't handling it too well, so I hope we get December too. When do they notify you if you're in Dec?
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-11-02 22:55:00
ThailandWhen will we get an interview

It means we have to understand there are only so many officers working there per day. Only two days per week are spent working on immigration type visas. Monday & Wed.
Remember they also process student, business & other types of visas. I have been to the embassy at the request of an officer on a Tuesday. There were 300 students lined up outside the embassy on that particular day.
Every case takes X amount of time which creates an impact of the rest of the schedual. Some people dont submit what is required which then requires additional time & another interview. Some cases require further review by the officers or supervisors which again simply takes time.
How about your case Nick? Any word on a date?

We sent ours on Oct 1, nothing yet on a date, but we have been communicating with the embassy regularly about the interview date, the flood, and other things. Everytime they end with "8-10 weeks from the time we received packet 3" meaning December if you count from Oct. 4 8-10 weeks out is mid Dec.
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-11-02 11:46:00
ThailandWhen will we get an interview

You can find the current interview schedual on the embassy web site. Your case wont be there but you can see how busy they are. They see about 700 cases per month. Many of those are not immigration based but they still take the time of the officers which impacts the intervews.
No it doesnt matter.
It would be a Xmas miracle if you had an interview before January or Febuary. The holidays & floods will have an effect on everything so it could be March.

What does that mean??
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-11-02 10:24:00
ThailandRepost: Thailand question

Exactly. Where is he in Thailand? There's cheaper ways than jumping on a plane.

He's in Bangkok (lat krabang) but he will be staying in a hotel really close to the embassy during the interview time. So he will be in central city at the time he can leave.
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-12-03 18:40:00
ThailandRepost: Thailand question
How can I know if he's flagged before I waste money on a plane ticket? I'm hoping his family isn't crazy enough to do that, but we both know that they would if they were really mad.
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-12-02 17:45:00
ThailandRepost: Thailand question

A Thai Army general probably could do just about anything he wanted to do...

So we're pretty much screwed?
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-12-02 17:26:00
ThailandRepost: Thailand question
My parents are pessimistic and they want to know...can his dad, who is a military general, flag his passport so he can't leave thailand?
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-12-02 16:45:00
ThailandRepost: Thailand question

Until you spoke, of course... :) That's usually the only way I can tell.

Exactly :lol:
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-11-14 22:44:00
ThailandRepost: Thailand question

I think you may have hit something right there.... I don't know if you are familiar with this issue or not, but there is a LOT of negative stereotyping of the Philippines in Thailand (throughout Asia for that matter, look at some of the Singapore forums--it won't take very long to find it). It sucks, but it is there.

It's good that your fiancee has not been sucked in by it.

When he first met me, he thought I was Russian :rofl: Most ppl in Thailand assumed I was Thai tho.
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-11-14 21:32:00
ThailandRepost: Thailand question
Thank you Ning. You are always so helpful :) I'm really glad this forum is so supportive. I was so panicked this morning when he was telling me that we were pretty much doomed if it's not done by October. He was so calm and he just said that if it doesn't work out this way, we will have to wait a few years or something. I'm not sure why he was so calm, but I was freaking out because as the petitioner, I have worked so hard on my part that I really can't afford for our case to be denied.

visa wise I wouldn't worry about it. They will make his life a living hell though. He might want to move out. A Thai man marrying a farang lady is frowned upon. Pretty weird if you ask me. No problem with a farang man marrying a Thai girl.

When I was there in Thailand, they caught a glimpse of me and they thought I was Thai. I think it's because I am Filipina. ;) But I guess in nationality terms, I am still a farang.
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-09-04 11:00:00
ThailandRepost: Thailand question
I heard that it is possible to get a PO box at a mail center. I am seriously thinking about doing that because I do not want anything to mess this up. Thanks for the advice!!!
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-09-04 09:55:00
ThailandRepost: Thailand question
They will do anything to keep him from leaving. If they say it is a fraud, can we disprove it? And also, could they bribe the government with money to force him to stay there?
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-09-04 09:09:00