K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers
I'm getting scared guys. Why is it getting slow?
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-08-26 22:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers

LOL!!! Yep, that's us!!! :P

I love your names!!!

And I know what you mean about getting impatient....every day seems to go by slower...!! And I check my timeline about five times a day now. :angry:

Hopefully a whole handful of people will be approved this week. LETS GET MOVING, VSC!!!!!!!!! :yes:
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-08-22 20:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers
Ok, on Igor's list, there was always this couple that was a little ahead of me and they had really interesting names....

So today I finally decided to click on their profile....

Posted Image

I love our group here :blush:

Edited by Ni-ing & Ice, 22 August 2011 - 03:53 PM.

NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-08-22 15:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers
Nevermind that^ haha...continue privately...

Anyway, the Igor's list is driving me insane lately...I'm 218 so really close to 200... :)
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-08-21 19:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers

Yep. I am now worried about about the 134. I am just barely over the poverty line. Work was real slow last year, and my work is temporary/contractor thru a union. So its on again off again. Same employers usually but people get confused by that. They do not understand I work a week at a time for high pay then I am off for a bit then back to work again. They think something is wrong and I cannot hold a job. :angry: Hopefully when I explain it they can understand.

Me too...what is your income?
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-08-21 10:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers

We got our email saying we got our noa2!!! :thumbs:

Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Were you with the VSC?
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-08-20 00:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers
I just want to proclaim something so I will have accountability to you all here. Make sure I live up to my promise, ok?

No matter what happens along the way, how many fights we might have, Ice and I will try to understand eachother because we understand the responsibility of marriage.

No matter how long it takes to be approved by the VSC, we will be able to wait. If it doesn't happen today, it will happen tomorrow, and if not tomorrow, maybe the next.

We will wait however long it takes, completely trusting in eachother and ourselves that we can handle it because we love eachother.

From this point on, we will not worry about when is our time; our time will come when it is supposed to come.

If not here in the US, we can live in his country.

I have confidence that everything will work out. God is good.

:thumbs: I'm sure all of you who are still waiting can agree.

It is true that there are millions of cases being processed and many background checks being done, so it takes a long time, but maybe in a way this is also a good thing because you can realize if you are really ready to step it up and realize the responsibilities that marriage brings. I know it has for me and Ice. We are very young, so we are trying to help eachother (mostly him helping me) understand the real meaning and weight of the concept of marriage. It's much more complex than I ever could have imagined as a girl.
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-08-18 23:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-08-17 22:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers

Me too :( Miss my sweetie. So many killings around my baby today when I woke up. I feel sick to my stomach about it. Syria and Iraq...the world is nuts! I want him HERE NOW! My trip it toward the end of September, but still...I'm nervous about that too. I will be going regardless. I miss him SO MUCH! I'm praying for peace there....and for my honey and his family to stay safe. Turkey to stay a peaceful country!

Yes...cmon VSC dammit!

Sabrina.... I'll be praying for Tolga and his country too. I know what you mean. The world is crazy. Everytime I hear something about the Red shirts in Thailand, I get nervous because Chiang Mai is red shirt target.

Trying to understand the data I am seeing here on VJ.

The trends for CSC show now processing June 4th.

The Igor list of CSC shows less than 60% of the May filers are approved.

That puts them around completion of processing as May 18th filers.

Does that mean it takes an average of 17 days from start to finish for an approval? Or does it mean that the stats are incorrect?

That's too mathematical for my brain :lol:

LOL! I'm more than ready for this wait to be over !!! :bonk:

ME TOO!! This waiting is making us insane. Literally. Happy one day, angry the next. It sucks

There is more than one officer working on the Visas, and some may be faster than others at getting through their piles, some may have more visas that need AP or RFE, and some may be lucky to get through really quick, they also do not complete them in the order they come in. Some visas need to be sent to another desk, so if you see a touch but no NOA2 it's gone to someone else's desk, maybe for RFE, maybe not, but to say that means they have processed till May 18 seems an illogical leap. A to the accuracy of the stats, they are only a snapshot of what people actually put in their timelines, if someone doensn't update their timeline, and there are a lot that don't, then they will skew the results. VJ is only a very small percentage (3%?) of people filing for K1, a lot of people file without even hearing about this site. As to if you will be processed close to the date that was suggested for you.... The March filers seemed to be within a day or two, most before they were told it would be by the stats, myself included.

Wanted to let you all know that my case went to NVC on Jul8, and out to the embassy on Jul9, so now I'm stalking DHL to see if or when it arrives at the embassy. Packet 3 going out as soon as they get it!

It's good to hear from the March filers that the timeline is pretty correct. I just hope we get lucky and it's early :D

We're getting excited, as of yesterday Vermont starts approving May petitions.... Good luck and God bless.

May the force be with us. :alien: I hope we all get approved in August. :lol: wishful thinking....

Hey fam!!! How's yall's weekend??? Mine was okay, been helping ny girls with reviewing and art projects. They'll have another sets if exams in 2 days. ;) And my baby has been calling the nvc but were told "case not found" I assume that it means our petition hasn't arrived n nvc yet huh?

Glad you're doing ok, Ate Britt. Sounds like you're busy~ that's good!

As for me and Ice, we're hanging in there. Ice is studying hard, and I have been working hard, studying how to run hotels (I'm a sales manager, still learning). In my free time I've been filing out all of the DS forms even tho I know we can get them later. And I organized a copy of the petition in a binder with the DS forms, the I-134 stuff, all of the stuff he will need for the interview, and left spots for copies of the medical papers, police certificate and translated documents. I know it's early, but I'm organizing now because my classes for my last year in college start in five days, so when I have full time school and work, I won't have much time for this stuff. It's the calm before the storm....I'm about to do the impossible: full time school (five classes), full time work (40 hours), part time home business (5 hours a week?), plan a wedding AND find an apartment. :lol: Wish me luck!!!! :thumbs: And goodluck for us VSC! ;)
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-08-16 01:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers

Alright May Peoples!!! It's Saturday, I woke up too early...and I wanna see some happy faces. SHOW ME SOMETHING HAPPY!!!!! hahaha

I want to be approved today!!! :lol: Maybe that's too much to ask...
:cry2: <<isn't that so cute even tho it's sad?
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-08-13 11:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers

Hello lovelies, I'm coming from March Filers, stopping to say hiii to you all! I hope you guys starts get approved very soon, I'm glad I got the chance to meet some of you in our facebook group.. All of you are welcome to join us there!

I wish everyone good luck, I'm on cloud 9 today.. received our interview date and I'm so happy to finally have a final date, to be over with this process! You guys will experience it one day, not so far from today, I'm sure! VSC, keep rolling, those guys here needs some light!

Anyway, have faith people, hope, hope and hope... if your love is real, and you know it worth it, your day will come! take care you all! (F)

Hey Carolina~! Thanks for the support here. I can't wait until Ice has his interview date! Congrats on yours!
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-08-12 19:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers

Happy weekend May filers! Here's to hoping VSC starts approving May petitions next week!!! :blush:

Right on! :thumbs:
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-08-12 15:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers

Hey Lil Sis! I'm good, messing with my baby on the phone while doing my research here. What about you? Are you at home? :)

Okay, I just noticed. Me and my Baby's anniversary is 07/03 and our NOA2 came after 73 days from filing. What a coincidence! :o And yes I'm over analyzing stuff. :bonk: :lol:

LOL how can you notice that? :lol:

I'm doing ok....just waiting................. :clock:
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-08-11 21:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers
My goodness you all are hard to keep up with now!! :lol:

How's everyone today?

Ice is being really sweet to me while I'm getting impatient with waiting for NOA2. I'm so thankful to have him. (L)
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-08-11 11:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers

NVC Case Number received today!!! On to Manila!!!! [/b]

Yay! how many days in total did it take for your case to get to the NVC and out?

I hear you, sistah... I wish we were, too. :(

Yeah, I'm happy for everyone...but kinda sad to see us VSC ppl left behind ><

@me&him- When was your NOA1 date?
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-08-09 17:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers

Ok here is a little thing kind of like Sabrina started before....Excuse me if we already talked about this....But I was just thinking what made you fall in love with your fiance? (L) (F) (L) (L) (F) . Ok I will go first...Besides his smile :D :D , he is such a smart and caring man, always putting family before himself...I could go on and on....I just cant wait to hug and hold him in my arms once again......missing my babbbyyyyyy..... :crying: :crying: :crying: But God is watching and he is in perfect control.

I don't know when or why we fell in love because it was so much over time. I think it's when I realized that he treats me very well compared to others before me, or maybe the way he looks at me, or maybe it was when he was up with me at the laudry mat at 2am. It's hard to say when, but it happened. :lol:

On another note....I wish we were with the CSC. :(
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-08-09 15:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers

Hey Fam!!! Sorry I've been on hiatus for so long. I've been having some internet issues and I've been a extremely busy with my little girls lately. But I got some great news! My baby just called me an hour ago while he's at the football field coaching kids talking about our petition. Too much noise on the back round and I couldn't hear him that clear. I heard he mentioned about our "petition" and I always get a mini heart attack everytime I hear that word. :lol: The call got disconnected but I didn't try to call him back, I logged on USCIS quick and here's what I've read: :dance:

"On August 8, 2011, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283."

Praise you Papa God! This is so unexpected... I've been worried about "denial or RFE" but Thank God, there's NONE. Our K1 has been approved after 73 days!!! Now I'm lost, we have no idea what to do next. :lol: Only thing we know is that our journey doesn't end here. So let the journey continues...

OMG I'm so happy for you, Ate!!!! YAY!! :dance:
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-08-09 15:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers
Congrats to all that have been approved!!!

I am really hoping one of us from the VSC gets approved soon....Erica, Sabrina, me..... who else is VSC?
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-08-08 14:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers
:crying: this whole process is so expensive... I just calculated it and it's going to be rough....
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-08-07 19:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers

I agree with u about freaking out...I'm counting the days now. I'm on day 85 today. Hoping to see approval notice end of this month or at least 1st week of September. I am staying positive and keeping myself busy with gathering documents for packet 3. Good luck to everyone, espacially all the May filers. The wait will be over soon.....

Yeah, I'm only on 70-something but I'm still freaking out...just one more month and then we can be expecting approvals!
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-08-05 20:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers

I think it's really cute, and regardless of if it's an airway motto, you should leave it, it's so much better than just I love you! It's super personal to both of you!

I had grá mo chroí engraved in Stuart's ring. It's Gaelic for "love of my heart" I want m`fhíorghrá amháin engraved in mine because he posted it on my wall! It means "My one true love"

You could get that engraved in your ring, or even as a tattoo, it would be really cool!

Hahaha yeah I think it's cute too! Yours is cute too!!

:D But I deleted it because the people in the Asia section of this forum were making fun of me. Someone was like "I hope you're partner's name is Fa" (Because "sky" in Thai is "fa") :crying:

@Ray- Yeah, I'm going to retire soon here....soon it will say "grandma member" :lol:
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-08-05 18:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers

Received our NOA 2 email tonight!

Case Status: Post decision activity!!

I 129F approved


Halfway there!!

Received our NOA 2 email tonight!

Case Status: Post decision activity!!

I 129F approved


Halfway there!!

Yay!! Sawatdee kaa, fellow Thai May filer! I'm so happy for you! That was quick! I'm hoping we are next! Let me know how everything goes at BKK ^_^
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-08-05 18:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers

For the longest time I've had these words on my signature: ????????? ???????

They mean "I love you as much as the sky." Ice used to post this on my facebook wall.

It's cute, right?

But apparently it's the motto for Thai Airways. :rofl:

So now I changed it to just "I love you" :lol:

Also, apparently I'm a senior member now. When did that happen?
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-08-04 23:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers

On August 3, 2011, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E).


YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-08-04 00:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers
Wait, what's going on Erica? Haven't talked to you in a long time!! Miss you...

@Ray- Yeah we're down for that ;) Ice will just be happy to go on vacation I think. Can't wait until we're all married and happy. :lol:

On the facebook group that the March filers started, I asked everyone how long it's been for their waiting times in between NOA1-2, and most people from the VSC are saying around 115 days. Ice and I are at 69 days. Hmmmmmmm
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-08-02 21:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers
Wow I leave you guys for a couple of hours and you take up two pages.... :lol:

Preferably, could it be somewhere not too expensive to fly to? Ice and I are going to be in PA. :D It's a pretty boring place, so definitely not here.

Edit: Ice says Florida :lol:
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-07-31 23:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers
Ok, so from what I'm getting.....we're going to meet annually in the Mid-west for a cookout near Walmart :rofl:
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-07-31 12:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers
@Tom: Hahaha! Yeah, I understand....we bond over Walmart!! And thanks about Ice. He'll be home at 2AM my time....I'm gonna stay up and wait for him ^_^

@Sabrina- When I saw that on facebook I got emotional. It really is a special thing to be engaged. :)

Sabrina, in that other thread you said something about certain countries having a longer background check time. Now I'm worried because Thailand is known for fraud in visas. :( I hope that doesn't make it longer...

Edited by Ni-ing & Ice, 30 July 2011 - 08:23 PM.

NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-07-30 20:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers
Haha I think we all share the common interest of Walmart. Which, by the way, I found some very nice furniture from there.

Tom, what's your story about going to the Philippines? Since she has never been here yet. I'm sure that Grace will be fine here as long as she has you ^^

And also, I never believed it before, but I am now checking Igor's list everyday, obsessively. So the insanity starts! :lol:

Too bad you guys couldn't sleep over tonight. Ice is gone for the weekend, up in the mountains of Chiang Mai where there is no cellphone reception, electricity or running water....and lots of mosquitoes.
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-07-29 21:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers
^Ice first told me that he loved me when we were in a Walmart parking lot... puahaha :lol:

OK May Filers I Have another Topic within our group like Sabrina Started about our loved ones.

Where is the first Place you will go ouside the Home, once you get to the USA? Have you and your Fiance(e) discussed where he or she will take you on your Outing? Share it with us! Like Sabrina I will start. I will take my Fiancee to "Universal Studios Hollywood" to see the "KING KONG 360HD Ride" thats the first Place she wants to go. She sees Commercials for that amazing enough in the philippines! I dont know how she knows but I said i will take her first thing!.........................Where is the FIRST Place my fellow May Filers will go in the USA????:dance::thumbs:.......................I Hope Grace dont freak out when she sees the Big Ape!!!! :rofl:

I'm taking Ice to a diner because he loves simple ha ha
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-07-29 00:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers
I don't know about you all, but despite my cheerfulness and positive outlook, this has been the absolute hardest thing for my emotions, my spirit, and for Ice as well. Even though he's not doing so well in being positive or supportive lately, I have to give him credit for doing this at such a young age.
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-07-26 23:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers
I was thankful the day I found something pure. You know when you play that game the Sims, your character must choose an aspiration, or a life goal? Do you notice how you, playing as God, choose for them by making them like and understand things that pertain to their goal instead of telling them straight out, “this is what you were made for?” They grow and slowly realize that what they want to do in life and more importantly, WHY. It’s something they discover through living life. And for me, I was working for something "pure."

I had a lot of unpure things happen to me in the last two years. And amongst those things, I found Ice. He wanted to marry me. At age 20!! It's rare to find a guy, especially like him, the typical GUY, to want to marry. I was 19. He wanted to marry me. He said he would find me when we got older if we had to be apart for a long time. But we decided to stay together when he went back to Thailand.

And I can't explain the feeling of PURE sadness, sadness because of pure LOVE, but it's a wonderful feeling that is unfortunate to have when you're getting on that plane to leave him or her, but it reminds you that you have something that nobody can take away. And THAT is what I'm thankful for.

As far as something that happened that was cute this week.....he's been quite mean to me lately, actually. He's taking diet pills and it's giving him depression and he's taking it out on me. But when I said "you're so heartless, honey..." he said "that's cause you stole my heart." That was kind of cute.
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-07-26 23:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers
Hahaha! Another super positive person added to the group! ^ What should we call you,YJPlove, by the way? My name is Nicolette and my fiance's name is Kiattikun, but he goes by Ice.
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-07-24 16:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers

Hi All!!! We're also one of the May filers :thumbs:

So anxious and excited...Great to have found out about this forum.Alleviates my anxiety a bit :unsure:

Welcome! We all try to support eachother here! :D

On a bad note:
My timeline moved two days....I know it's ridiculous, but that makes me worried! D:
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-07-23 20:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers
Thanks, Tom!

Ugh this has nothing to do with k-1, but I'm kind of sad cause on the last weekend in July, Ice has to go for a school trip up into the mountains of Thailand where there is no cellphone or technology.... have never gone that long without talking to him... I'm gonna drive myself insane those days... :( Anyone wanna sleepover? :D LOL
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-07-20 22:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers
I hope the NVC is fixed by the time we get ours....hopefully Ray gets his case transfered to Manila soon. ><
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-07-20 21:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers

Hey Nicole!!! I had a great time chatting with you the last time. Thanks for making me feel better Lil sissy. But I had a horrible dream AGAIN, with USCIS. :lol: I received a call from them to let me know that our application was denied due to my father being an American. The person I talked to instructed me to work on my citizenship asap and I WILL NEVER BE ENTITLED FOR A FIANCE VISA!!! Omg! I woke up in tears!!! :( We got touched today for the first time. And I'm nervous. Hopefully, we'll get the approval next and not RFE or denial... :crying:

I still think you'll just get an RFE....if anything.... >< I'll pray for you Ate Britt.... :yes:
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-07-20 14:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers
Well! :D Since we have several people here who will be doing the next steps, can someone verify what things we need for the actual packet 3, 4, and what we need to bring to the interview?

I know it's different for every country, and I've been in contact with people for Thailand (and I think they hate me because I keep asking stupid questions).

And Sabrina said we need DS 156K, DS 156, and DS 157.

I'm pretty sure everyone also needs these things:

1. A copy of the entire I-129f package (that you made when you sent the petition in) and a copy of information that you sent back due to an RFE (if you received one).
2. Send all originals of the documentary proof that you submitted for the I-129F to your fiance(e) for their interview at the embassy.
3. Send an original letter affirming your desire to marry your fiance(e) and your continued support of the K-1 Visa. Sign and date the form. This will be similar to the letter you provided with the I-129F, but dated much closer to the interview (it will have most likely been several months since you submitted your I-129F).
4. I-134 Affidavit of Support form. Ensure it is signed, with all required supporting evidence. Begin collecting the required information ahead of time, as it can often take several weeks to collect it all.
5. You will likely need at a minimum (for the above form) two to three of your most recent pay stubs and a signed letter from your employer listing you job title, start date, your salary, and the status (full-time) of your position. Begin collecting these ASAP after your NOA2 arrives. You will also probably want to include other evidence such as your banking information and other assets as required by the I-134. Specifically you will need at least 2 of the 4 options mentioned in Section II-Supporting Evidence of the I-134. See this FAQ for more tips and ueful information on the Affidavit of Support Form.
6. A copy of the NOA2 that you received in the mail.
7. Proof of your ongoing relationship. This needs to be taken to the interview! Include photos, travel documents, emails, etc from between the time you filed and present (NOA1 date-now).

And I got this list specifically for packet 3 Thailand from this website:
-Instruction for “K” Visa Applicants (checklist) (PDF - 197 kb)
-I-134 Affidavit of Support (PDF - 113 kb)
-Medical Exam Documents: Medical Forms (PDF - 95 kb), Medical Instruction (PDF - 354 kb)
-Special Instructions for Thai Applicants (PDF - 49 kb) This is the police certificate
-Photograph Requirements (PDF - 1.41 mb)

And what is packet 4????

Is there anything that I'm missing? Let me know what you all think. I'm so confused. :wacko:
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-07-19 22:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers


Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-07-18 23:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2011 Filers
AAAAA I'm so excited!!! Even tho it's not me, I feel like I'm going to cry :D So happy for ya Tom!!
NiingsongFemaleThailand2011-07-18 20:13:00