US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Yes, She payed the Fee at Delbros.

I'd say this fact is the big positive of all this. I would think that they would not allow for payment of visa delivery service if approval wasn't right around the corner.
BJZagsMalePhilippines2006-12-04 17:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
Well, about now Jenalyn is getting up and preparing to go to the embassy for her 7:30 interview. I try and put-on a confident "face" and say no problem and automatic approval. I can't imagine how she's feeling, because I'm a nervous wreck. But she's strong and smart, so I'm sure she will do just fine.
BJZagsMalePhilippines2006-12-04 15:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Please Ecuse my French here but.....
Our System Is A Cluster FU&K!

Based upon what you have said, the evidence to back up your statement is the fact that the interviewer was a filipina. I would think that at this phase of the process your girl should have seen an American CO.
BJZagsMalePhilippines2006-12-04 13:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

No to all of those questions...
The 221G form was Blank...... Nothing checked off...No request for anything at all.
All that was on the form was at the bottom "Wait until you hear from us"

So sorry to hear about that. But I definitely would NOT wait to hear from them. First-thing tomorrow dial the embassy and try and get an answer of what needs to be done to fix the situation. Also, might be worth calling your new representative and getting him/her on board and up-to-speed. Hopefully its just some administrative formality they need to address, and you'll be approved shortly.
BJZagsMalePhilippines2006-12-04 13:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
Congrats to all the approvals. Maybe the embassy is in the holiday spirit, and things will go well for Jenalyn tomorrow! It must be such a relief after all the months of preperation and worry.
BJZagsMalePhilippines2006-12-04 07:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Interview in a little under an hour now for my baby ko. We spent until 7am my time making sure everything was as ready as possible and double and triple checking everything. Here is hoping all goes well.

Good luck man. If you have carefully assembled your information, I think no reason to hope for luck, it's a slam-dunk. In a couple hours me and Jen have our last chat before she has her interview on Tues. at 7:30 am. One last session to check everything for the zillionth time. I'm already freaking-out, can't imagine what she's feeling.
BJZagsMalePhilippines2006-12-03 18:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Does she have to have her VISA first or can she take this CFO course prior to her interview? I see requirements online, but just want clarification from those who have experienced this. Thanks!

She does NOT need the visa before she attends the seminar. But she will have to return to the office when the visa is received to get the official CFO "stamp of approval."
BJZagsMalePhilippines2006-12-02 10:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

And I have also seen some Filipino stars on a tv show talking about this and telling the people not to wear any immitation stuffs (immitated shirt or jeans or shoes) or carrying knockoff bags.

Jeans? They aren't gonna strip-search my girl to see if her Levis are the "real deal" are they? That would be a rude-awakening to this country for sure. :unsure:
BJZagsMalePhilippines2006-12-01 12:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
Hey guys. The CFO lady at the seminar told my gal that she would not be allowed to use her knockoff L. Viton luggage to travel to the US since they are banned by the US govt. Anybody heard of this, and which agency would be implementing the policy. My quick scan of the regs found nothing.
BJZagsMalePhilippines2006-12-01 10:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

December is almost here. good luck to all my fellow December interviewes with our upcoming interviews. :thumbs:

Thanks man. If your like us, you are so nervous and biting finger nails and just praying and hoping everything is smooth. Good Luck!
BJZagsMalePhilippines2006-11-30 09:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

I wonder why the consul ask your girl to have another copy of her BC from NSO. What was wrong with the BC that she brought during her interview? when did she order a copy of her BC from NSO before interview date?

Where can anyone determine what date the BC was actually printed. In her case she's had it for three years, but it could have been printed 3-months ago, or even 3-yrs ago. I've taken a look at the scan of Jenalyn's and I can't see any indication of when it was requested and printed by NSO. The BC isn't like the NBI clearance that is dated and valid for one year.
BJZagsMalePhilippines2006-11-29 09:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

LOL! YYB has better details because somehow they let here through customs with her whips and chains for her "Boytoy!" LOL! :D

That's funny. BTW, Jenalyn recognized your fiancee at the CFO seminar thing, but whe she asked her if she was "Uling's" fiancee, she didn't say anything. I guess my gal comes on a little strong and scares people!
BJZagsMalePhilippines2006-11-28 12:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

hi guyyyyyyyyyyys im blaaaaaaaaackkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk :D

Where have you been? I want ALL the sordid details! LOL
BJZagsMalePhilippines2006-11-28 12:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

In either case the CO will know you are there. My lawyer also told me that it's a plus to be there.

I agree, your presence is a postive show of support and dedication to the relationship, assuming you smile nicely and don't cause a ruckus. This is why I have traveled to see Jen three-times in the last six-months, and even brought my parents with the last time for the families to meet. I decided that I was not going to allow the system to dictate when I was going to visit her and when I wasn't. Unfortunately all my vacation is now spent, and X-mas tickets to the RP are way, way expensive, so being there with her on Dec. 5 for the interview is out of the question.
BJZagsMalePhilippines2006-11-28 12:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

I will also attend the interview.

What exactly do you expect to accomplish with this measure? Especially when you are told to wait outside while your girl is interviewed individually. I've heard more bad experiences than good with fiancees attending the interview. (i.e. the dude in the Metallica t-shirt copping a bad attitude and pissing everyone off at the embassy)
BJZagsMalePhilippines2006-11-28 09:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

In the end, if they want to put you into AR, it is their perogative.

Sounds like you just proved my luck-of-the-draw thing. The arbitrariness of the whole situation drives me crazy. If you draw a CO who feels like being a jerk-off because he thinks messing with someone's life gives him a rush, then your screwed. It is supposed to be the embassy just double-checking that everything on my I-129F looks legit, but then you have some local-yokals acting like columbo when there is no mystery.

Edited by BJZags, 28 November 2006 - 07:40 AM.

BJZagsMalePhilippines2006-11-28 07:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

My wife is from cebu but staying with family in Makati City and is determined to stay there and go after nso for another copy of the bc.

If she is in Manila area, she can request the BC and have it in a matter of days, I believe it took my fiancee 4-days to get her son's last month.
BJZagsMalePhilippines2006-11-27 23:14:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

I called the USE today. I asked the lady in the visa section if the corrected spelling of a name on a birth certificate would cause AR. She said it might or might not. It is at the discretion of the Consulate Officer doing the interview. Another member here told me that he was told that ALL birth certificate changes require AR because there is a lot of fraud now.

I'm inclined to think that it largely depends upon the other supporting documents for identification that a person can bring. Due to the messed-up nature of government agencies in the Phiippines, I suspect that a somehow screwed-up BC is the norm rather then the exception and most COs would know and expect this. So unfortunately it might hinge on luck-of-the-draw and what CO does the interview.
BJZagsMalePhilippines2006-11-27 22:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Does anybody have any experience with Pneumonia?
My fiance just took her medical at st lukes & thats what they found!!!!!!!
Will the embassy grant a Visa with this condition. It cant be too bad cause she does not have a fever....
But it will show up on an Xray.... & That may not Fly with the Embassy

I can't imagine peumonia being grounds for exclusion, at least I don't think its a "public health risk". If they let her complete the physical that is a good thing. Often when the girl is sick, they recommend getting some medicine and treating the condition before they will complete the physical and send the results to the embassy. I'm surprised they told your girl any results at St. Lukes. They just mumbled and wrote stuff down when my girl went.
BJZagsMalePhilippines2006-11-27 08:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

When you say "Forms LIKE the DS156", do you mean ONLY the DS156? Or do you mean DS156K and DS157 must also be done online?[/size] I have the link for the DS156 online, but don't see online links for others which generate barcodes.

As of now the ONLY form that is required to be electronically filled-out is the DS-156 that is accessible off the embassy website. The pdf versions of forms DS-156K and DS-157 are also available from the Dept. of State web page and can be filled-out online, but they don't generate a barcode like the 156.
BJZagsMalePhilippines2006-11-25 21:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Does anyone have experience in hiring an American attorney in Manila to go to the interview with the beneficiary? Or what can be done to avoid AR for such a trivial and well documented item? After what we have been through to get an interview, I am at overload to find out AR is eminent.

Exactly what do you expect an attorney to do to prevent a document check? Don't think there would be anything more they could do then what you can yourself. If all documents and evidence are provided, and STILL they want to check/validate for themselves, still same result with attorney. I know with a "late registered" BC like my girl's they often require second ID to confirm the validity of the BC (i.e. baptismal certificate) maybe such secondary identification would help your cause.
BJZagsMalePhilippines2006-11-24 11:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

What I did was type all the other infos and I will just handwritten the start date and the end date. I heard that people do that.

Brilliant minds must think alike, that's what I suggested Jenalyn do.
BJZagsMalePhilippines2006-11-21 20:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
In trying to fill out the DS-157 form online, for question 12 under dates of employment, the field only allows for one date (mm-dd-yyyy). Should we go with the start date, or the end-date? I'm having troubles deciding how best to fill-in this form.
BJZagsMalePhilippines2006-11-21 16:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Makati is not in a province. It is in the "National Capital Region"

Jenalyn always corrects me and says "Makati City" and I've also heard it is in "Metro-Manila". That's what I wrote in the I-129F, anyway.
BJZagsMalePhilippines2006-11-21 07:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
Maybe my second-to-last question before the interview in two-weeks. On question 31 of DS-156 we checked "yes" to a tourist-visa being refused two years ago. Unfortunately she no longer has any of the paperwork associated with this failed attempt to see her friend in Guam. Are we expected to show documention, or will they (the embassy) be able to varify this if needed?
BJZagsMalePhilippines2006-11-20 22:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

OMG....We didn't know about a cenomar! It amazes me that I have an atorney and he has said nothing of this! Where does she get a cenomar?
BJZagsMalePhilippines2006-11-20 22:32:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Sir the consul approved your visa and it is now going through name checks!

I can't imagine the emotions you are going through. A government worker who doesn't know her head from a hole in the ground, not a total surprise. I wonder who's name could be checked. Yours I would think would have been "checked" before the I-129F was approved state-side. So logic dictates its something to do with her identity, but can't imagine what. I've heard of security checks being done on benficiaries coming from middle-eastern countries, but not coming through Manila.
BJZagsMalePhilippines2006-11-20 19:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
Goodman, thanks for the interview experience -- hopefully it will put Jen's mind at ease. Best of luck to you and yours.
BJZagsMalePhilippines2006-11-20 18:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Uling, any reservations by your so or you about her flying into LAX POE? Are you nervous at all about her doing the POE interview by herself? I have talked with my wife about meeting her at LAX and having her take a direct MNL/LAX flight but she is nervous about going through immigration and customs.

What do you guys think? Anyone else have their wife/fiance travel to POE alone?

I will fly Jenalyn into Harrisburg on the same flight that I always have taken, so I can talk her through everything (except for immigration) such as which line to stand-in, where to go to find the correct gate, etc. But then Jenalyn is very independent and stubborn, so if I ever told her I thought she couldn't handle things on her own, I'd have to talk to sherrif Uling about filing charges against her because her boot would be very far up my butt.
BJZagsMalePhilippines2006-11-19 10:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

I am just wondering if Nov 17 or the 17th of the month is the day that the embassy issues an interview date or is it not? Looks like people in VJ have found their interview date through online though the packet 4 has not been mailed yet. Congrats to those who received the good news :dance:

Sounds like the embassy has posted the January dates on the web site. If your case number isn't on the list, then it looks you did not make the list, though I have heard of a few stragglers that did get a date later in the month. I know that Jenalyn got packet 4 within one week of the date being posted on the web page.
BJZagsMalePhilippines2006-11-17 13:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

I notice some timelines showing the date the Manila Embassy received the petition. How do you get that date, since they don't send out a notice?

Eventually your fiance will receive a letter from the embassy stating that the petition has been received from NVC, on it I believe is the date.
BJZagsMalePhilippines2006-11-16 12:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

I know we are sure hoping to be on the list in a few days. left NVC sept 18th what you guys think. Right on the edge maybe. This is torture no other way to say it. :whistle:

In my opinion the torture doesn't stop once you get a date. The interview date only ampted-up the stress as I started to obsess and fret over the details for the interview and all that surrounds it. Torture won't end until she clears immigration and customs in Detroit and is on her way to Pennsylvania.
BJZagsMalePhilippines2006-11-15 19:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

[Hmmm, that reminds me of my vaccinations before the first time I went to the Phils. Hep A, Hep B, Influenza, Pneumonia, Tetanus/Diptheria, and Polio I think. I got 3 in each arm and had the chills that night, which the doc told me was a normal reaction.

Yep, I had a reaction to one of those myself (don't know which) and was sick as a dog for a couple of days.
BJZagsMalePhilippines2006-11-15 15:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

BJZags - Was your fiancee able to complete the medical exam an vaccination the same day?

That would be a big negative sheriff Uling. Originally she thought she wasn't going to need any vaccinations which is why she thought maybe she'd be done in one day. Turns out the second-day for the vaccinations was even longer then her initial medical on the first day. And I'm not sure, but due to the "pain" she expressed, it seems like they adminster the vaccinations with cattle prods or something.
BJZagsMalePhilippines2006-11-15 15:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

You can just show up any time without rescheduling? Do they ask for the interview appointment letter?

I think you need to be able to supply them the appointment letter, I know that's what Jenalyn showed the guard. I believe I have read where even the original NOA2 letter got them in the door. But I'm not sure I would want the medical done before receipt of the appointment letter. There really is no "scheduling" involved, it seems to be done on a first-come, first-served basis, with there being a cap of 100 or so people each day.
BJZagsMalePhilippines2006-11-15 13:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

A couple questions:

What might "Extended port of entry" mean?

We are doing practice questions for the interview and that one came up. Any ideas?

Elaine will be going to Manila on Friday her time, so the day after tomorrow, and then she will try to get into the medical exam earlier than the 27th.

...does she need to make some calls to reschedule the medical appointment? or is is first come first serve?

"extended port of entry" -- never head of it. POE would simply mean where she would go through customs when she arrives in America. Flying to Harrisburg, PA Jen's POE would be Detroit since that would be where she initially lands in America and switches planes.

And you do NOT need to re-schedule the medical, just show-up EARLY at St. Lukes Mon-Fri. Jen's was "scheduled" for Nov. 28th but she did it on Tuesday. She arrived at 5:45 AM and was the 79th person in-line at the time. It's my understanding that they only allow 100 people in for medicals each day.
BJZagsMalePhilippines2006-11-15 12:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Maybe I am not entering the numbers correctly? Does MNL proceed the numbers? Does anyone know when they update the Visa Interview site and how often?

Yes, you enter the MNL letters before the number: MNL2006XXXXXX
They update the interview site once a month, usually on the third week of the month. It was around the 19th last month that the dates were posted.
BJZagsMalePhilippines2006-11-15 07:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

My statement was not intended for those who are awaiting their interview dates/appointments. Why can't you just ask me what I mean instead of attacking me in PMs. I have given my heart to this particular thread because I feel a deep and genuine bond because we all share in this experience together. I'm really angry... hurt.. and disappointed. And you my friend are mistaken.

Thanks a bunch...


p.s. The thanks a bunch is sarcasm… so if you want to attack me… attack me for that!!!

You are correct Uling, you cannot ever win for losing. Some people will always ASSUME the worst of whatever the situation. It's just part of the "angry American" syndrome. Many do not have the ability to be happy in the good fortune of others. Take strength in the fact that the vast majority of us know what you are trying to get across in your postings. And yet another thing we have in common, I too am a big fan of sarcasm. It is a powerful medium of expression and really screws with the heads of stupid people.
BJZagsMalePhilippines2006-11-14 18:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

The number they gave me is different from the one in Ulings signature. They gave me:(63) 2-528-6300 Ulings number is (63) 538-6300. Which one is right?

The 528-6300 number is the one posted on the embassy web page. I think that would be the correct number.
BJZagsMalePhilippines2006-11-14 11:04:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
Uling, congrats my man. I can't imagine the weight that must be off your shoulders now. Hope the rest of your life together is all sweetness and devoid of any such stress as applied by this immigration process.
BJZagsMalePhilippines2006-11-14 07:15:00