United KingdomMedical: worried about secondhand marijuana smoke
My husband was around it as well, on more occasions, and it had no affect on his medical.
Damian&KellyFemaleEngland2010-08-03 09:05:00
United Kingdommedical urgent question
No worries about smoking, as my husband is a heavy smoker and nothing was said about it at the medical.
Damian&KellyFemaleEngland2010-10-19 06:08:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
Normally it doesn't show the tracking until 1-2 days before delivery.
Damian&KellyFemaleEngland2010-01-11 03:44:00
United KingdomOur first post
Hey, Welcome and good luck with your process. You can't do much to get ready for the interview until you get your NOA2. Right now you're waiting on your first NOA. Once you get that all you can do is wait for your NOA2. Right now Vermont is very slow. Once you get your NOA2, then it goes to NVC and then it's transferred to London. Once London gets it is when you get your London case number.. Starts out LND. Once you get your London case number/Packet 3 (1st packet of papers you get from London) you can book your medical, and start collecting all the paperwork: Police certificate, I-134, Relationship evidence...

Best of luck to you both!!
Damian&KellyFemaleEngland2011-01-25 09:49:00
United KingdomK1 application and Britain
We got very lucky with the process. But right now the timelines aren't close to ours. When we started, we couldn't wait to be together but were prepared for the 6+ month wait. We honestly didn't think much of the wait, I mean waiting isn't ever fun and the distance is hard, but it was what we had to do to be together.

The Interview: Well I'm the petitioner, but my husband said it was very easy. They asked him 3 questions, didn't ask to see any relationship evidence, and were more concerned about the sponsor/money than anything. He waited awhile for a 5 minute interview which in his eyes was pointless. He felt like he was there to just hand over the paperwork in person. The people weren't rude, just there to do their job in what ever speed they want!

The medical was very straight forward. Xrays, Blood test, and look down your pant to make sure you are the sex you say. My husband got his vaccinations at his own doctor so he didn't have to pay. Though my husband traveled a lot when he was younger, with his parents, so had most the vaccinations already for other visas to other countries.
Damian&KellyFemaleEngland2011-01-22 17:30:00
United KingdomAnyone in WA?
Is WA a must or are you just looking for a different state to move to? Have you thought about the NE as the weather isn't far off England's and also you could be close to NYC which has everything. Here in PA, we have a few British shops along with some British foods in the normal grocery stores. My husband got settled in here in PA pretty well, once he got a job and his license things started to fall into place and things got better.
Damian&KellyFemaleEngland2011-04-04 22:42:00
United Kingdomquick question regarding USC coming into England for a visit
I believe you're talking about ESTA, and the answer is no.. There's no pre-clearance you have to get to go to England. Just have to have proof you're going to return home at the end of the trip/ties to the US.
Damian&KellyFemaleEngland2011-04-20 15:59:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
I've had a very similar experience when I flew into Heathrow the first time. They questioned me and held me for close to 3 hours. They also lied to me and told me that they called Damian to tell him they were holding me. Well I later learned they never called him and that he was just about ready to leave the airport.. and Heathrow is a 2 hour drive from his house. They ended up going through my suitcases and holding up everything, and we weren't in a private room.. It was the worst experience I have ever went through. The man held up my underwear and I grabbed it out of his hand and said "excuse me! that's my underwear" and he pointed to his wedding ring and said I know! What a jerk! and the reason for all of this was because they didn't want me to marry while I was in the UK, They made me swear to them I wouldn't get married, haha not like swearing does much on the books.

But I've had trouble more than once getting into the UK, and I always left when I said I was going to leave, never got married there and never worked or used government money. but they hate me.
Damian&KellyFemaleEngland2009-05-07 18:12:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Gemmie - Just to give you some peace of mind. I also put I do not intend on my I-134 for my husband and my dad (our co-sponsor) put I intend .. room and board. and there were no problems at all at the interview.

Good Luck to all the up coming interviews!

And Also Congratulations to all the Approvals! It's great to see the year going so well so far.. Keep them coming.
Damian&KellyFemaleEngland2009-05-04 08:33:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Congratulations!! kicking.gif
Damian&KellyFemaleEngland2009-02-03 11:41:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Damian&KellyFemaleEngland2009-01-13 12:56:00
United KingdomHelp?! (UK, Pkt 3 Sent, Wedding Planned, Any Time-Saving Tips?)
If you put your medical and wedding date on the checklist when you sent it back, You have a good chance of making it on time. That is if you already sent the checklist off. I know putting an expected travel date, usually the embassy tries to fit you in so you can travel then. For example, When my husband sent off packet 3, the beginning of April (this was in 2008) and another couple sent it the same time, we put the end of May as a travel date and the other couple didn't put a travel date, and we got an interview date of the beginning of May and they got the end of May; Though we sent packet 3 the same day. There's no guarantees, but there's evidence that the embassy tries to get you a date in time.
Damian&KellyFemaleEngland2011-06-15 06:30:00
United KingdomBrits in the USA
We're in Harrisburg, PA (from Rugby, England!)
Damian&KellyFemaleEngland2008-09-08 10:19:00
United KingdomAny of y'all homesick?
American Cadbury's is just Hershey's in a Cadbury wrapper.

I live right next to Hershey and I love how they say it's sold around the world, yet it's really hard to find in England, changed my view a bit.
Damian&KellyFemaleEngland2011-08-04 02:49:00
United KingdomAny of y'all homesick?
I wasn't prepared for my husband's homesickness. Though it didn't last too long, I didn't know how to deal with it, to a point I felt guilty and almost bad for myself as I felt like I couldn't make him happy. I didn't understand it. Once he talked to me about it, I tried very hard to understand and listen. I started cooking/learning how to cook foods he missed, such as cheese and onion pasties, can't come close to greggs but it made him smile when he was down. I also found a English shop that sold sweets and his favorite heinz baked beans. This all helped but what made things better was once he got a job and his own car. He started making friends and now plays football(soccer) twice a week and I never seen him this happy. He thinks of this as his home now and the last time we visited England, he missed his friends from here, actually kept in touch with them even though we were only gone a week.

Just being understanding and not putting a blame on the situation will really help. Also give it time, that's the only real fix. There will be things he'll like here better then the UK and there will be things he hates here. But once he has his own life, not just being a part of yours, things will take shape and look up.
Damian&KellyFemaleEngland2011-07-13 19:02:00
United Kingdomsome things have to do before the die
I'd love to live in Europe at one point or another, England or mainland, not fussy where. Also would like to visit Austria as my grand father was from there.

I also want to visit Panama, there's a frog hotel that rescues and treats sick frogs, this is a big dream of mine. I'd love to work there though that's far fetched. I love frogs, and even if it's not open to the public just going and seeing the different kinds of frogs they have in other countries would be awesome!!
Damian&KellyFemaleEngland2011-10-11 09:21:00
United KingdomFooty
We pay about $5 a month for Fox soccer channel, and it comes with a few other sports stations such as NFL Red Zone, but Fox Soccer plus is an additional fee just for 1 channel. My husband watches all the games online.

Either on Sopcast through

Or try
Damian&KellyFemaleEngland2011-08-17 04:56:00
United KingdomWhy did you decide to make the move to the USA and not the other way?
We decided the US because my parents were more willing to support us until we are on our feet. So money again. But not only that, we actually would love to live in Europe in the long run, maybe not England but somewhere in Europe, undecided at the minute, and we didn't want to have to worry about immigration our whole life, so here first for citizenship and then we have free choice to come/go when we please without the worry.

Not only that, but we'd love to be done with immigration, both have US/UK dual citizenship, before we settle down and have kids, as time is on our side since we're both young. We're only 1 year away from my husband applying for US citizenship. Now in the beginning this was our plan, but now that we're settled here, and looking into buying a house at the end of the year and having our own business, I don't believe We'll leave the US as soon as we first thought. My husband is finally adjusted and has his own life and friends here, he finally calls the US his home.
Damian&KellyFemaleEngland2011-04-20 11:32:00
United KingdomFlights before Christmas...
I always use, but usually then book right through the airlines site. Round trip is a lot cheaper. Also if your a late night person, or keen on saving the best time to book flights is 1 am (EST) Wednesday morning/Tuesday night. That's when all the airlines computers reset prices. Also flying on a Tuesday - Thursday is cheapest as well.
Damian&KellyFemaleEngland2011-12-13 06:38:00
United Kingdomhelp with translation
sick = throwing up
fags = cigs
A&E = ER
pissed = drunk

My husband always used to say his dad or mates were pissed and I always asked what he did to make them mad. Always confused me! Also the sneaker subject comes up almost daily, he always says "Where ya sneaking too?"

Chips got my in-laws confused on their trip here in Sept. They seen homemade chips on the menu and we tried to explain a few times and then they brought out home made potato 'crisps' they weren't very happy!
Damian&KellyFemaleEngland2012-01-12 19:44:00
United KingdomAnyone wish they were back in the UK
I think the saying that suits this topic is "The grass is always greener on the other side." I've lived here in PA all my life, and really do enjoy it. I enjoy having all 4 seasons, though winter does get me down at times, and just enough rain to keep things green and pretty. We live right in the middle so have NYC, Pittsburgh, Philly and the beach all in 3-4 hour drive, but very little traffic on a day to day basis, but yet when having a bad day we both dream about moving back to England.

We'll be off to England eventually, and it seems closer and closer, when we talk about having kids, just the medical cost of having a child scares us very much. We're both very young and still living with my father but we've decided next year is the changing/growing up point. We'll either buy a home here, or move to England. We'd love to get on our feet but the housing prices aren't going to be our down fall; We'll be able to afford that along with our car and insurance, it's the health insurance that will be the major factor/decision maker.

My husband made this his home. He does get homesick at times but more so missing his family then England itself. This year, actually in 2 weeks, his parents are coming over to visit, he's very excited to show them where he's made a home for himself. This will be the first year we're not going over to visit, and he made the call, he didn't want to go. He decided he wanted to see more of the US instead, so invited them over to travel with us. So it's not the US as a place or even the people, they're polite enough around here, but it's the policies and costs and maybe the way the Americans drive haha.
Damian&KellyFemaleEngland2011-09-05 19:00:00
United KingdomFiance in UK can I get the packets to me?
The "packets" just say what paperwork you have to do next, and you just go online and print those papers off. So you aren't missing anything by not getting the packets here in the US.
Damian&KellyFemaleEngland2012-04-17 09:29:00
United Kingdom221G for lack of ongoing relationship evidence!!
It used to not be an issue, but obviously things changed.. I wonder if this has anything to do with the UK immigration rules, as more people will now find it easier to move to the US then the UK. I don't think it's something to worry about just so you go prepared, before now not many people were asked for proof of relationship.
Damian&KellyFemaleEngland2012-08-08 05:05:00
United KingdomHeathrow Passport Control
I brought a letter from my then fiance and his parents saying they'd support me if needs be. It was just in case. The thing they always liked seeing (other then return ticket) was my letter from my employer saying when I was returning to work. But I think you have plenty of proof you'll be returning.

But as for the NOA1, I showed it and the woman in immigration had no idea what it was. I tried to explain and she got annoyed with me and just said "leave in 2 weeks as you plan!" I know on my first trip, they held me for 2 hours and gave me a hard time and said to bring an itinerary next time. So I went out of my way and wrote down everything I planned to do on every other trip, never needed it but that's what they asked for.
Damian&KellyFemaleEngland2012-11-01 02:50:00
United KingdomUK soap characters moving to America
Ha that 'Friends' episode was on last night!
Damian&KellyFemaleEngland2012-12-23 09:35:00
United KingdomUK soap characters moving to America
Funny someone should bring this up, because every time I see this happen on tv, I start going off on a rant and my husband just laughs. If only it were that easy. Most my family have no clue how much work we did to have him here. My dad co-sponsored my husband, and we still live with him, and every immigration appointment we had, my dad still said "I thought he was already a citizen".

As for 'Like Crazy' def more realistic, but hated that movie so much. I waited so long for a LDR related movie and it was just so negative.
Damian&KellyFemaleEngland2012-12-21 04:08:00
United KingdomThe "Where can I get X in the USA" thread
Heinz Baked Beans (Hubby can't live without them) - Wegmans
I know they have the Heinz spaghetti hoops at Wegmans as well, not sure about the sausage one, but I never looked because my husband is a vegetarian.
They also have Christmas crackers at Pier 1.
Damian&KellyFemaleEngland2012-12-05 07:17:00
United KingdomFreaking out!
I had copies of my dad's (co-sponsor) W2s, 3 years of tax returns, a bank statement, and a few pay stubs. I had an original letter from his employer on letter head and also the original I-134 (both from my dad and myself). Also I had a copy of my dads birth certificate to prove he's a US citizen.

My husband was only asked for the pay stubs and they were fine with just copies.
Damian&KellyFemaleEngland2013-02-13 06:59:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGet a international driver's license before coming to the US???
Insurance here has a lot to do with age, not just years/experience. I was actually pleasantly surprised at how much insurance was for my husband with no history. Once he drove here for 6 months, with a PA license, it dropped $40 a month and after a year of driving it dropped another $20. Here in PA it's a must.

But as for my husband when he first got here, my mother's insurance said they'd cover him without adding him to the policy. They said that if he has the car owners permission then he's covered on her insurance with his UK license. Now, my mother was honest with her insurance and told them everything, and since it'd only be a year, they were very understanding. That was Allstate as I said before. But my Brother-in-law came to visit, he had his UK license and he wanted to drive our car, we had progressive at the time, and they said he could drive/be covered up to 12 times without adding him to the policy. I'm not sure how they'd know he drove more than 12 times, but that was their rule.
Damian&KellyFemaleEngland2011-02-13 10:02:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGet a international driver's license before coming to the US???
I see your local office is in PA, So I'm guessing you live in PA. In PA, the law is that she can drive here for up to 1 year with her Russian license and an international drivers permit. Of course you have to check with your car insurance and make sure it covers her on your car. My husband used his UK license when he got here to drive my mother's car and my mother's insurance said that he was covered (that was Allstate). But the international drivers permit doesn't make it easier to get a license. I'm not sure if you can get a license here before she gets EAD. I'm pretty sure if you try before AOS/EAD, They'll only give her one valid until the I-94 expires, and also you have to have a SSN before getting a license.

As for the International Drivers Permit, The only purpose for it is to translate her Russian license to English. My husband didn't get the permit as his license was already in English.
Damian&KellyFemaleEngland2011-02-12 09:33:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)B-2 Visa and Waviers
I'd like for my brother-in-law to come visit in the US. Normally he'd be allowed to come over on the VWP but He's been arrested for possesion of marijana, so I know this will be on his record. I'm not sure the difference between an arrest and a conviction but if it does make a difference this was an arrest causing him to be held a few hours.

I'm just wondering what he'd have to do to get a B-2 visa and if he'd be required a wavier? I know nothing about the B-2 process nor the waviers so any information and/or experience would be helpful.

Thanks in advance.
Damian&KellyFemaleEngland2009-12-28 03:45:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)The 2010 London Waiver List
Thank you very much for all your help! I've been part of this forum for over 2 years and I'm still clueless. Next I have to learn about ROC but I have a year for that yet.
Damian&KellyFemaleEngland2010-02-18 05:27:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)The 2010 London Waiver List
That UK test scared me for sure. Will deal with that when the time comes. I got a 46% on that and just guessed on almost every question. I don't need to know most that stuff for life in the UK, as I spent a year there already, and was clueless.

Maybe you'd know this Nigel. I was told that when we return to the UK, in 3-5ish years after my husband gets dual citizenship, will my husband have to take the life in the UK test in order to regain health coverage or something like that? I don't know how that works.
Damian&KellyFemaleEngland2010-02-17 20:59:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)The 2010 London Waiver List
Thank you very much Nigel! As that's all new to me. My husband won't want to hear that as this is his first year dealing with the IRS and he wasn't too happy about it. The reason we're still in the US at the minute is so my husband can become a dual citizen. We've decided to stick around until we're done with US immigration and then deal with the UK side, which is going to change next year I heard.

Thanks everyone for all the help! Not sure what we're doing next, I believe my father-in-law doesn't want to move forward until he retires next year. He's too busy and stressed right now to deal with the B-2.

Best of luck to you JustJ! and I'm sorry for taking over the topic a bit.
Damian&KellyFemaleEngland2010-02-17 04:53:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)The 2010 London Waiver List
Born and raised in central PA. My husband seems to like it here, though would like to move back to England, but the main reason he wants to move back is because of his father. My parents really don't have the money to visit England if we were to move but are free to visit as they have clean records, as for his parents, they have the money and would love to visit but are unable to do so. So we're unsure how it's going to play out. but we're both very young and have time on our side and will probably end up in England is the future.
Damian&KellyFemaleEngland2010-02-16 21:58:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)The 2010 London Waiver List
Thank you very much. Not sure what we'll do yet, maybe just meet somewhere until we can move back to England. Last visit to England cost us a fortune.

I thought the US didn't recognize the forgiven rule? maybe I'm wrong. I don't remember what it's called, but I thought the US seen all crimes no matter what.
Damian&KellyFemaleEngland2010-02-16 11:08:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)The 2010 London Waiver List
I know nothing at all about waivers! and I wish you the best of luck, I hope everything goes smoothly and speeds up for you.

As for the VWP, My father-in-law has a 30 year old CIMT, I thought he was unable to use the VWP? I see that your husband used the VWP with this CIMT. While traveling on the VWP, did he tick yes to the question? and has he tried using the VWP since ESTA came into affect.

My husband is heartbroken that his father can't come visit us. I don't understand how any of this works, and my father-in-law has no intention at all of moving or living here in the US.
Damian&KellyFemaleEngland2010-02-16 06:35:00
United KingdomBefore you permanently move to the US
After reading almost the whole document in a panic, my husband called home. He talked to his father who had just read the article in the UK news paper. The UK news paper was trying to make the UK people aware of what this will do to some of it's own people. It said that it was racist, and that it would split families up. After talking to a few people in the UK, everyone's feelings are that these exact rules will never hold true with the population. I do believe things were too easy, but to make it for the rich is not stopping anything as the rich are usually the scammers paying their way into England. If anything they should test relationships more, interviews and such. I mean my husband and I would answer any question and do any paperwork, but just because we don't have money in the bank we can't move back to his home country? this is crazy and the 5 year period is outrageous, considering you have to renew it 2.5 years in and prove you still have the funds! As I said to my husband, it'd probably be easier to move to a different part of Europe together then his home country. My husband is still in shock, really ashamed of his country. I knew changes were in the making but I believe they are changing all the wrong things just because they put themselves in a position that should have never came about! Now all the complaining about US immigration is nothing, as it may take long but it's still doable.
Damian&KellyFemaleEngland2012-06-13 08:11:00
United KingdomTime from Medical to interview
I don't think so. I believe the medical results are valid for either 6-12 months.
Damian&KellyFemaleEngland2008-04-11 06:03:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy: time between medical and interview?
QUOTE (Mia Clakre @ Apr 14 2008, 03:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Everyone,

I am waiting to have my K1 interview at the London embassy. I had my medical exam last Tuesday (very straightforward with no hassles, just a couple of jabs) and am waiting to hear when my interview will be. I was just wondering whether any other Britain based people have recently gone through this, and how long it took between the medical and interview date, or even just being informed of the interview date?

Also, would anyone advise trying to call the embassy to confirm that they received Packet 3 and everything they need, just in case?


we sent back packet 3 on April 3rd and it was received April 4th and signed for.. I called April 8th and they had already scheduled the interview for May 2nd. and we received Packet 4 on April 9th. everything happened so quickly. I would say call the DOS or have your fiance call from America because calling the Embassy costs tons...

DOS - 202-663-1225 just need your case number (LND)
Damian&KellyFemaleEngland2008-04-14 14:45:00