Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

dillon you are a nut!! lol.. mine is prolly the most true LOL.. haven't got the pink slip yet tho LOL..
well mr gayle a wuk wuk wuk, he is working way more hours than he was originally told at the day job PLUS home depot be calling him to come in when he off LOL.. bwoy when God said you would have blessing you wouldn't have room enough to receive, he was not lying..

im a lil sad (just a eensy weensy bit) for missing him and on the weekends we are RUNNING or SLEEP :bonk: , but at the same time happy for the extra MULAH baby :dance: :dance:

sooo looking forward to the boat ride this weekend..

whata gwan sistren??

i know what you mean Ricky works works works
My4rmylifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-13 14:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
hello everyone
My4rmylifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-13 14:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

hope so girl.. i can't believe its taken this long

we are still waiting too... seems they slowed down
My4rmylifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-10 15:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
My4rmylifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-10 15:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

thats too funny!! my youngest do the same.. she look at me and i be like "what did he say" she jus start laughing LOL roger don't try to tell them alot of things tho.. thats prolly why she be surprised lol. my kids are just so introverted..
thats a great help ur kids dad is supportive!!!

yes it is ...
My4rmylifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-10 14:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Quana the kids are great with Ricky . he spent time with them but mainly when he was at mt house was when my kids weren't home and he didn't tell them much .>now he is dad full force and at first he would tell them something and they would look at me like what do i do and i would say do as he says now they don't question just do... My daughter had a rough patch for a minute but now its all good. Thank god their dad had my back on they are supposed to do as he says

A link up without tee just breaks mi heart :crying:

well can you be here wed
My4rmylifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-10 13:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Ok jewrica it a link. Now these damn people gonna make me lose my religion bus stop sign out and they are riding past ... Girl tthen had the nerve to flip me off whenshe left cause I saod something
My4rmylifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-10 13:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Lol jewrica mi see it I'm off weds what's your day looking like lol

Quana girl yea our kids are close in age and you met your hubby pon mi birthday
My4rmylifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-10 12:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
My son is in 2nd my daughter is in 7th
My4rmylifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-10 10:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
My daughter has a challenging year in 7th grade she is taking 2 high school credit cvlasses I am proud of her

Hey 1luv how are u
My4rmylifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-10 10:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Plus our wedding anniversary and his sons bday
My4rmylifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-10 10:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Jewrica I get off everyday at two and next week the kids are at their dads house.. So let me know
My4rmylifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-10 10:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Great on my lunch when mi ga back a work only 45 min before I get off work
My4rmylifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-10 10:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
We are hopint for february if all goes well...
My4rmylifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-10 10:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
And I'm here jewrica
My4rmylifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-10 10:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Girl its everyother weekend and I'm loving it
My4rmylifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-10 09:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Quana I know what you mean Ricky bought a honda civic.. Man he loves that car .
My4rmylifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-09 20:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Yes we do....
My4rmylifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-09 16:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
That's what I'm here
My4rmylifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-08 15:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Tell them to say due to a restrictions placed on you by you condition (explained in laymans terms ) iy would be in the best intrest of your kids if he was allowed to be reunited with his family as soon a possible
My4rmylifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-08 15:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Tracey you know me and brooke handle tings lol
My4rmylifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-08 15:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Let me see if it is doable for us too ...mi need mi friends inna mi life
My4rmylifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-08 14:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Beautiful pic finese
My4rmylifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-07 14:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Hello everyone ... Hubby got him a car I am so proud of him next is a new car for me . So hubby's car is a standard and i haven't drove one in forever. so hubby is teaching me and is so patient however he realizes that him in the car makes me nervous so in the middle of me driving he get out and tell me to go on . He is a great teacher . he is also teaching his friend and his friend said i did better then Jessica the first time she drove it right my hubby said no sir she drover better then you . He looked crushed . i told him it no competition as long as the end result is we learn to drive the car.
My4rmylifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-05 09:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Hey yall,

thanks for all the wonderful advice

Since it is a 3day weekend, I left will all 3 1/2 kids :rofl:

He started to get better Thursday and Friday but I still want him to improve,
My aunt is one of the best cooks in the woorld, and due to it being my granny b-day weekend we are going to bbq for it like we always did before she passed.

2. Sanity good cuz theres other kids here
4. hubby has time to get it together

he called me 23 times last night and 9 already this mornign :bonk:

guess hes looking for dinner and breakfast oh well im over here being served like a queen

probably wont talk to yall till mon or tues but have a great weekend

good for your ... Relax and enjoy your time
My4rmylifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-04 10:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Brooke with my lasagne I make my own sauce..
My4rmylifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-03 19:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Thanks jaenglish for your response I was hoping for something different my kids have a nana,grandma,gg,granny and a bebe so I was trying to comeup with something different
My4rmylifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-03 13:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
I can finally say this ...tgif I get off every other weekend
My4rmylifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-03 09:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
What do kids in ja call their grandmas tryting to find the kids a name for my mother in law
My4rmylifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-02 17:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
It is supposed to hit close I'm praying for the best..
My4rmylifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-02 14:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Everyone who is under wastch for the storm please be careful stay safe
My4rmylifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-02 14:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Japrincess is getting married
My4rmylifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-01 13:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Yeah I am doing well ... I catch on fast it just the time away from hubby I don't like
My4rmylifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-01 07:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Hey all! Let the weekend begin :dance: :dance:

JQ- You are such a blessing to Moy Moy. Her mom obviously didn't care one bit and a lot of times men just can't handle these type of things. Thank God for us women, serious though she is so lucky she has you now to not only care and work with her, but do so in a nice way. I give you lots of credit because I know with work, your two boys and baby boom in the belly you already have a lot on your plate. Moy Moy is going to turn out to be a completely didn't person than if she was left in JA with that woman who gave birth to her, won't say mom because from what I see she never acted like one.

Eric_Jew- that's a pretty name you have picked out for your baby girl. Was it hard for you and hubby to decide? Eventhough we aren't even pregnant we are talking names and have settled on a boys name, but have totally different taste when it comes to girls names.

Finesse- Those names would have been cute for your twin girls. I like the names you both decided on too though.

Tee- Congrats on going back to school! I think mid Sept. you're gonna need an Orlando break :yes:

Jess- How's it going at work being on your own? Congrats again!!

Jap- Your day is faaaast approaching. Soooo excited for you guys. I wish I could be there. Is Imanni going to be able to go?

Who else? I know I'm missing some other important news. I was just thinking I need to give Dada a shout out or she will be mad at me, but then I remembered she moved states and ditched VJ. J/K you are missed that is all. Keep up the good work though.

DW- you ready to celebrate like you never did before next month with the doubles birthday in Yaad?

So McCoy said she is going to JA for Christmas..anyone else??

Have fun this weekend and if you can't be good then be good at being bad. :rofl:

Work is going well im on my own again tomorrow>>>>
My4rmylifeFemaleJamaica2010-08-27 19:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
That's why I am so grateful for all day k here when my daughter and son went
My4rmylifeFemaleJamaica2010-08-26 18:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Aww JQ I lknow what you are going through ..when I was pregant for my daughter my kids father got his oldest two girl(twins) they were almost three and didn't know there names or how to count ..I was young and frustrated but I got through it...
My4rmylifeFemaleJamaica2010-08-26 09:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
HEllo everyone >>>
My4rmylifeFemaleJamaica2010-08-25 15:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
love the website jaenglish
My4rmylifeFemaleJamaica2010-08-24 14:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Thanks the boss said today don't worry Jessica will have it all under control in no time..
My4rmylifeFemaleJamaica2010-08-24 14:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
So the first day at my new position went great..Learned a lot of stuff today ..and tomorrow I'm going to be on my own.
My4rmylifeFemaleJamaica2010-08-24 13:44:00