United KingdomLondon Interviews 2006 (NEW)

Hi everybody,

My husband had his interview in London this morning, and could you please update me on the list to.........APPROVED!!!!! Wow I've been waiting a year to say that!! :dance: :dance:

I am so relieved/happy/exhausted....and I wasn't even at the interview! :D I've been awake nearly all night, though, worrying.....

My husband said he was in and out of the embassy in London within 2 hours. They didn't ask him ANY questions at all, just took his documents and then called him up again for fingerprints and told him he was approved!

Thank you SO MUCH to everyone on VJ , you have been so helpful to me over the past year....I don't know how I would have known half of what I do without this site. It really is appreciated.

I am reunited with my hubby in exactly one week! Im so happy.

shakysgirlNot TellingEngland2006-02-10 04:02:00
United KingdomLondon Interviews 2006 (NEW)
Bring paperwork showing ties to the UK ie. mortgage or rental papers, letter from your job stating they expect you back on a certain date, bank accts, etc.
shakysgirlNot TellingEngland2006-02-09 05:07:00
United KingdomLondon Interviews 2006 (NEW)
Yes, we were VERY careful not to overstay. He left both times in 84 or 82 days. We never cut it too close. That's why when he was denied we were suprised- we were uninformed (our own fault) and just assumed as long as he left without overstaying, he could travel in and out of the US as much as he wants. At that time we had already planned to relocate to the UK, so it wasn't like we were trying to pull something. But I can see in retrospect now that I am better informed why they wouldn't like someone to do that.
shakysgirlNot TellingEngland2006-02-09 04:58:00
United KingdomLondon Interviews 2006 (NEW)
My husband travelled 5 times in 2 years. They were: a long weekend, a one week visit, a two week visit, a 3 month visit, and another 3 month visit. I am pretty sure it was those last two 3 month visits that did it. On his 6th attempt he was turned back at Dublin. I happened to be with him when he was turned back and it was very unpleasant. I know there are others on here who have been denied entrance as well, so it would be interesting to know how many times they visited before they got denied just to see if there is a pattern or if it's just a random thing. Side note: I travelled to the UK repeatedly before getting a visa and never even got questioned, much less turned back.
shakysgirlNot TellingEngland2006-02-09 04:48:00
United KingdomLondon Interviews 2006 (NEW)
We used a co-sponsor as I only went back to the US in early December and we didn't have a home or anything yet. We had: my signed I-134, three months worth of bank statements showing I had $1000 in the bank, a letter from my job stating my salary and start date, last year's taxes, my stepfather's I-134, a letter from his job stating his salary, and a print out from the bank showing he had maintained a balance over $15,000 for the past year. It was not on bank letterhead- they just printed it out, stamped it and signed it. It was free (Trustco bank).
When we handed over our stuff the woman asked for the affadavit of support. I gave her everything including my stepfather's birth certificate to prove he was a US citizen. She asked if anything in the affadavit of support was needed back and when I told her "yes, my co-sponsor's original birth certificate" she stated "oh, you mean you have a co-sponsor?". I got really nervous at that point and said "yes, all the papers are right there". She didn't even look at any of it just collected it together and we never heard anything again about any of that, so apparently we had enough proof.

We were asked about my husband's visa denial. She just wanted to know what happened. He told her he had travelled too much on the waiver. She asked if he had ever overstayed and he said no. She asked if he took employment while in the US and he said no. She then said Well, I'm going to adjucate your visa. And that was that. It was one of the most nerve wracking things I've ever done and I'm just glad it's over (til the AOS)!

Good luck to you all waiting for interviews and interview dates- I am thinking of you all and if you need any input or just want to vent, please feel free to PM me.
shakysgirlNot TellingEngland2006-02-08 06:25:00
United KingdomLondon Interviews 2006 (NEW)
My husband's visa was approved today. We were there for 3 1/2 hours, and the interview lasted about 90 seconds. I was so relieved when it was over I promptly bursed into tears. Good luck to everyone else this week.
shakysgirlNot TellingEngland2006-02-06 16:13:00
United KingdomLondon Interviews 2006 (NEW)
CONGRATS TECHGIRL!!!!!! I am so pleased for you!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

I am leaving very early tomorrow morning for London- we are spending the weekend there and then going to the embassy on Monday- I'll update everyone with an approval :whistle: (I HOPE) Monday evening.

Good luck to everyone tomorrow and Monday's interviews: see you there! I'll be the brown haired girl with the blond fringe and blond streak in front with the guy wearing the crazy floral shirt. Say hi (unless I'm crying).


shakysgirlNot TellingEngland2006-02-02 18:37:00
United KingdomLondon Interviews 2006 (NEW)

Hey guys. I had confirmation from the Embassy today -

Interview - March 2nd 2006 @1030am.

Shakysgirl- the long form b.c. is the one with the parents names and his place of birth. Mine is on an 'A4' sized piece of paper, and its typed. My 'copy' of that was handwritten .

Hope that helps!

Oh good- he has that! I was suddenly concerned it was some special thing we were supposed to send off for 8 weeks ago or something! ;)
shakysgirlNot TellingEngland2006-02-02 08:10:00
United KingdomLondon Interviews 2006 (NEW)
What's the "long form" birth certificate? My husband has two birth certificates- they are both just on pieces of paper- what makes it "long form"?
shakysgirlNot TellingEngland2006-02-02 06:56:00
United KingdomLondon Interviews 2006 (NEW)

As long as you both exceed the poverty level for the five of you JUST with your two salaries, and have letters from your employers confirming that you both currently make these salaries, then you are good to go.

If you decide to keep your stepfather as a co-sponsor for AOS you may want to add his pension income and property onto those affadavits. The proof for that should just be a standard deed or tax return depending on what that is. For now you seem fine. Most times they do not ask for any backup except the bank letter and the employer letter. They take you at your word.

Cheers for that- it was what I was thinking, but just wanted someone to ease my mind. I actually just got a call a couple of hours ago offering me a position making nearly twice what I'm making now- so I won't need a co-sponsor for the AOS. We'll have our own home, I'll make enough to cover the three of us, and hopefully by then he'll be sorted with work as well anyway. If we are successful on Monday- dare I hope that things will start to come together finally...... :star:

Edited by shakysgirl, 01 February 2006 - 06:59 PM.

shakysgirlNot TellingEngland2006-02-01 18:58:00
United KingdomLondon Interviews 2006 (NEW)
I know everyone asks this but please take pity on me! I want to make sure I have everything for the financial aspect- as I am bringing it all with me to the UK and leave very early Friday morning (1 am) to make my 8 am flight. Anyway this is what i have: notarized I-134, letter from my job with starting date, salary, and permanent position stated on letterhead, two recent wage statements (I've only had two paychecks so far- new job!), 3 months worth of bank statements showing I have $1000 in bank, last year's tax return showing last year I made above the 125% poverty level. Also: notarized I- 134 from my stepfather (co-sponsor), letter from his job stating salary, length of time in position, and permanent job on letterhead and bank statement (not on bank letterhead- they printed it out of the computer at the bank, stamped it, and signed it) showing he has had a regular balance over $15,000 for the past year. I have tried to state specifics so those of you in the know (ie. approvals) can tell me if it seems okay. As we are staying here til we move into our house next month, I realize we need to show between my stepfather and I that we can support 5 people at 125% of the poverty level (5 people being stepfather, mother, me, daughter, and husband). We triple that plus some with just our salaries. I thought the banking stuff would just show extra income. My stepfather also receives a police retirement pension that adds significantly to his salary- do we need that or the fact that we already exceed the minimum amount make it a non-issue? Do I need to show paperwork proving they own this home? Starting to panic now!! Thanks guys. (L)
shakysgirlNot TellingEngland2006-02-01 16:41:00
United KingdomLondon Interviews 2006 (NEW)
Congratulations to today's approvals and good luck to tomorrows interviews.......!!
As for the pendings, I dont' know for sure but I do think some may be people who have to file waivers (ie previous overstays or a criminal record).
shakysgirlNot TellingEngland2006-01-31 15:02:00
United KingdomLondon Interviews 2006 (NEW)

Ah, Thanks a lot, I've lived and learned!
Will certainly do so in future..

Don't worry Richi- I also sent mine standard mail- and they obviously received it!! :yes:

Good luck to everyone having their interviews this week!! I'm taking an 8 am flight out of Newark on Friday...... my husband and I both realized last night on the phone how nervous we both are for Monday (those damn travel visa denials!) and how glad we are to be able to go together!! I take a lot of hope and strength from everyone else being approved. :luv: We leave on Monday night for beautiful Lancashire and hope it's a celebratory train ride!!
shakysgirlNot TellingEngland2006-01-31 05:04:00
United KingdomLondon Interviews 2006 (NEW)


The best way to get a speedy interview is to send your Packet 3 and checklist back ASAP AND schedule the medical. We received our date about a week after my fiance had his medical, which was about three weeks after we sent in our Packet 3. I know the medical isn't supposed to determine when you get your interview, but I am suspicious that it is. Good luck :luv:

When I emailed the embassy asking about an interview date, I did mention that my husband had had his medical, that he had all of the necessary paperwork ready with copies, and was able to travel to London on short notice. We received a date a few days later. :star:
shakysgirlNot TellingEngland2006-01-30 06:09:00
United KingdomLondon Interviews 2006 (NEW)
I forgot to mention we got our packet 4 on Jan. 24- we have triple checked all of our papers and have two copies along with the originals of everything. Very exciting- more anxious to arrive next Friday and see my husband than I am for the interview the following Monday. Does anyone think we should drag photos as proof of our relationship to the interview- I'm inclined to think it won't be necessary.
shakysgirlNot TellingEngland2006-01-29 06:48:00
United KingdomLondon Interviews 2006 (NEW)
Good luck to Missycuk on Monday and to all of Tuesday's interviews- 4 more approvals to add to the list!!

Edited by shakysgirl, 29 January 2006 - 06:37 AM.

shakysgirlNot TellingEngland2006-01-29 06:35:00
United KingdomLondon Interviews 2006 (NEW)
Congrats to Weebeansy!! and good luck to next week's interviews!! :thumbs:
shakysgirlNot TellingEngland2006-01-28 19:31:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
English Sammy- you may not have to wait as long as the timeline suggests- we sent out our AOS paperwork at the end of June, even with an RFE we have received our interview date for September 26. That is MONTHS faster then we anticipated as our local office finally changed the updated list and they are saying they are working on applications from February 23. Good luck!!!

Edited by shakysgirl, 31 August 2006 - 07:03 AM.

shakysgirlNot TellingEngland2006-08-31 07:02:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
My husband's father and his "old dear" are arriving on Sunday for a three week visit. My husband is so excited to show his father around where he is living and just to spend time with him in general. Besides seeing my father in law (of course) we are very excited for the suitcase filled with stuff we asked him to bring- my husband seriously intends to live on beans on toast (made with Warburtons!) for the first few days!
shakysgirlNot TellingEngland2006-05-19 09:06:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
I just wanted to pop in here and say hello to everyone. We have been trying to take a break from immigration stuff but we finally got all the AOS paperwork together. All I need to do is have the financial form notarized and we'll be set to mail it out. We applied several weeks ago for the EAD as we didn't know how long it would take to accumulate the AOS stuff (it turned out to be pretty painless- most of it we already had copied- I think I'm turning into an immigration pro).

We had our first appt with the OB/GYN 3 weeks ago and my husband started to cry when he saw the ultrasound. We have now been doing lots of research on dual citizenship as my husband is adament the baby must have a British passport. He's convinced he'll be Prime Minister one day.

Hope you are all well!
shakysgirlNot TellingEngland2006-03-29 16:17:00