VietnamI could be freaking myself out...

Follow your guts. How did you 2 meet. I met mine through close friends and her family is their parents so I'm safer. Follow her actions. Reason to yourself about how she talk. If you feel like she's just want to leave VN and go to US then you might want to asset the situation. When you 2 meet, it'll be awkward at first but be yourself. Express your feelings to her and see if the chemistry is correct when she returns her feelings. The way she talks, dresses, actions...etc can very well portrait what a person she is. When you live with her you'll know. During intimate nights, will she be a pro or amature, ask her about everything...past relationships...etc. You're about to spend a lifetime with a person, make sure you get it out before it's too late so share. It's really hard for me to trust mine at first even though she said things that only a nice human being can say so it was hard to believe. But when I got to know her, I can't believe all those are true and how lucky I am to have her in my life. But I follow my guts and that's the most gifted things God gave us so use it and you won't be disappointed. You will know who's fake and who's not. You will fight, you will make up. You will say mean things, but in the end, it should end like a fairy tail story and that's what love is.


Most unsucess stories are just like Vegas stories. You go on a vacation, you meet, you get married and divorce the next day. It's typical. If you are meeting her to see how it goes, you might not want to think too far of the relationship. You're meeting her so you can meet her family, understand her lifestyle and hopefully you get to know for who she is face to face. I hope things go well with you. I'll be in VN again in Jan and I've been more excited everyday, more than the first time I saw her.


Thank you for the taking the time to reply to my post. I have not had a lot of positive feedback lately. My family and some other people around me wish to be negative about my situation. I know in my heart this is real and I know she feels it too. Her and I have had very deep conversations about it. But at the same time, I will not drop my guard and I will be ready. I'm more ready to go to Vietnam than ever before. Life is too short to live in fear. I lost my grandfather and my uncle in the same month this year and it was a wake up call for me. My parents may not believe this is real. My friend's family may think I'm crazy, but I must do this. After this, I can cross it off my bucket list and rest for awhile.

TighfieldMaleVietnam2013-12-12 04:15:00
VietnamI could be freaking myself out...
Thanks everyone for the positive feedback. Much appreciated! ^^
TighfieldMaleVietnam2013-12-03 00:25:00
VietnamI could be freaking myself out...
Thank you guys for your very positive replies. ^^ You're right, I should be thinking more about the fun I'll have instead of sweating the small stuff that may never happen. I'm only staying for a week and if everything goes great, I will make a second trip. ^^ I don't know of any relatives she has in America. She's only mentioned having a friend in Illinois who is originally from Vietnam. And her sister seems to know a few people in California, in the Anaheim area.

Thanks again y'all. I do feel a bit better about this. ^^

TighfieldMaleVietnam2013-12-02 02:46:00
VietnamI could be freaking myself out...
My trip to Vietnam gets closer and closer. It'll be my first time meeting my girlfriend face to face. But recently I have been reading up on the country and finding a lot of bad things. Scary things. I know everyone has their own experiences, good and bad. I told myself a hundred times that they're just stories. Stories about mafia girls or if you do not spend a lot of money, you will be treated badly. Am I just freaking myself out? Maybe I am just nervous because this is my overseas relationship? *sigh* I just needed a place to vent and this is the first place I thought of. Everyone seems so relaxed about travelling. Whereas I have no experience.
TighfieldMaleVietnam2013-12-01 03:01:00
VietnamMy fiance was approved today!!

Congrats! This is great news! And to hear your finance and her friend was approved the same day is awesome!

TighfieldMaleVietnam2014-03-03 21:45:00
VietnamJobs after arriving US

My girl wants to learn nails and go to a local vocational school to learn something. She's taking her English classes now and getting much better at speaking and writing. She worries a lot that she won't be able to find a job here and her mom worries too. But I reassure her that she'll be fine, it's just doesn't happen overnight. :)

TighfieldMaleVietnam2014-06-05 00:06:00
Vietnambringing cell phones to vietnam

I had a Samsung tablet and my samsung phone with me plus many gifts for my girl and her family. They never questioned me about my luggage at all. I never said "hello" or anything. Just watched what they were doing and went on. I came into the airport at 11:50PM, maybe that makes a difference for some? The difficult part was waiting for the luggage to appear before you go through customs. On the way back home, I had more difficulty with American customs than Vietnam customs. My buddy had the traditional brick of rice cakes and because it had meat, they took it. But all the foreigners before us lied about having food which caused us to wait almost 2 hours. I've only been one time and going again in September, so we will see if I get the same treatment. ;)

Edited by Tighfield, 01 July 2014 - 08:53 PM.

TighfieldMaleVietnam2014-07-01 20:51:00
VietnamK1 VISA Interview - Is an Engagement Ceremony absolutely needed before the interview?


Have you submitted the petition paperwork yet Tighfield? Our wedding is also planned for March :)


I'm taking the paperwork with me in September and submitting it when I get back.

TighfieldMaleVietnam2014-06-27 11:49:00
VietnamK1 VISA Interview - Is an Engagement Ceremony absolutely needed before the interview?

If one person asks the other to marry, and the other says yes, then they are engaged.  No ceremony is relevant.....I've actually never heard of an engagement ceremony before reading your post (tho the existence of such things doesn't surprise me.)


Just remember, that once you begin the K1 Visa path, if you get married before the visa is granted, then you'll have to start all over again with a CR-1 visa.  I mention this because you say something about an engagement ceremony and then you mention a wedding ceremony.


You will need pictures of you and your fiancee together, of course...

My girl and I are having our Dam Hoi (engagement party) in September and a wedding ceremony in March. The official wedding would be here in America. It was my understanding that as long as you don't sign anything for a marriage, you're okay. The wedding ceremony is primarily for her family since they cannot travel to America.

TighfieldMaleVietnam2014-06-25 22:44:00
VietnamAny old timers still around?

I'm glad if I was able to help! My "acumen" is a little rusty these days as I haven't read the law or new policies in quite a while. I've been buried in other projects. Still, I'm reminded that I haven't forgotten everything when I see idiotic shows like "90 Day Fiancee". It doesn't make it any easier for K1's in the real world to overcome the mail order bride syndrome with ridiculous shows like that giving people the impression that guys are picking brides from a lineup and then have 90 days to decide whether or not to go through with the wedding. huh.png

There's a show called that!?! I don't have cable TV for this very reason! I have had some people ask me after my trip, "So when is your mail order bride coming here?" That really rubs me the wrong way. People are so ignorant. dry.png 

On a brighter note, I just want to say I appreciate the old timers sharing their stories and advice for us newbies. biggrin.png

TighfieldMaleVietnam2014-02-21 12:47:00
VietnamGathering and double checking my paperwork

You dont need to put any number on the letter. Just put your name as the petitioner and your fiancee's as the beneficiary. You won't get the HCM number until your petition is approved, forwarded to NVC, and NVC has scanned your petition into their system.

Thank you! ^^

TighfieldMaleVietnam2014-09-25 21:49:00
VietnamGathering and double checking my paperwork

Thanks everyone! A quick question... again! Hehe. On the timeline, it says "Case number HCM #### ### ###". Well I won't know the case number until after these documents are submitted, so what do I do about this?


TighfieldMaleVietnam2014-09-23 09:46:00
VietnamGathering and double checking my paperwork

I just returned yesterday from my second trip to Vietnam. I'm nearing the time to send off my I-129F paperwork. I'm waiting for photos to be printed. I also need to get my divorce decree. But my questions are...

I have a divorce decree already, but earlier this year it was updated because of the child support increase. Should I still go get a certified copy of my divorce decree or use the one I have?

I'm sending the paperwork to Dallas. On the Letter of Intent for both me and my fiancee, does the address have to be the PO BOX or the Express Mail address? If I sent it Express Mail but on the Letter of Intent, it just had their PO BOX, would that be a problem? Just curious. As I already have the documents and letter my fiancee needed to sign, I would hate to have her redo this and send it to me.

I appreciate any and all advice from the VJ community. :)

TighfieldMaleVietnam2014-09-23 00:57:00
Caribbeanafter nvc recieves case

It says follow instructions from package nvc sending me a letter?

They will just inform you that the case was forward to the U.S Consulte pretty much... Thats what i got from NVC

DatboybaezaNot TellingDominican Republic2014-01-30 00:03:00
Caribbeanafter nvc recieves case

does anyone know where I can find a step by step guide.(not the one that only lists documents to gather) the next process after I receive my number from nvc. I haven't received anything in the mail or email just called & received number. I have gathered all my paperwork. im just confused on the rest of the process.


Have you got a case number from the NVC? if you did thats great! Just go to https://ceac.state.g...peAKjMWCuebHqOw== Just put your case number there and it will tell you if the case is still at the national visa center or US consulte but according to ur timeline it should be at the embassy by now. K1 visa dont normaly take that long to be ship out to desinated country, unless they go administrating processing. If the case is at the consulte, just wait for the package to be received from your fiancee

DatboybaezaNot TellingDominican Republic2014-01-29 20:25:00
CaribbeanInterview date
They have actually gave you info at NVC ?? I'm having difficult time getting info from them
DatboybaezaNot TellingDominican Republic2014-01-31 19:55:00
CaribbeanInterview list update

I have emailed them multiple time to ask them for my interview date.. . this waiting sucks.... i realllllly hope they update it soon ... I'm going to keep emailing them daily until they update.



How is that working out for you? Waiting suckssss, I completely understand.

DatboybaezaNot TellingDominican Republic2014-01-29 19:03:00
United KingdomI got my date!!
Congrats!! Im still waiting for mine...
DatboybaezaNot TellingDominican Republic2014-01-23 10:32:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Case number FINALLY TODAY!
Nice!! I called two days ago but they said they have my case but no NVC case number yet :(.... How long i have to wait?
DatboybaezaNot TellingDominican Republic2013-12-26 09:15:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)USCIS SENT MY CASE TO NVC
Hello everyone maybe this good piece of information for the people who are waiting for the USCIS to send the case to NVC. today I have received a case status from USCIS stating that they have sent it to the NVC. I hope this is good information for the people who are waiting still. Just keep checking your status online
DatboybaezaNot TellingDominican Republic2013-12-17 22:28:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview date yet?

My Fiancee is currently waitting for an interview at the consulate of Santo Dominigo. I'm currently working in retail... How long does it takes for the interview to be set?? I need to know of head of time to let my job know specially I'm retail sales manager, cant be leaving the store to often....

Edited by Datboybaeza, 22 January 2014 - 03:34 PM.

DatboybaezaNot TellingDominican Republic2014-01-22 15:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionSanto Domingo Embassy Possible K1 visa interviews

There response is sensible. Your timeline says you received your NO1 in October. It can take between 3-6 months to be approved (NOA2), sometimes more. Keep checking the Immigration Timelines and compare your case with others.




There are members here at the 8 month mark. Not to discourage you, but it really depends on how fast they are processing each case. It also depends on what evidence you have in your case that you sent to them. Sometimes people's visa packets are "over-packed" and it could delay their case; sometimes there isn't enough evidence/info and you a RFE is issued. 


Waiting sucks, but it's part of the process that we all have to experience. Stay strong and don't give up. Put this energy into maintaining a healthy relationship with your partner. 




I couldn't even agree more with you. I understand I have been approve early then others, I just thank god for giving me the blessing with the whole process. At this stage most people are getting hype willing to know becuase it the last step of the process. You have gave me great advice just put my energy with my fiancee. I probably one of "over-packed" of evidance. Thank you sir!  


**Also Miracles happens from God, I just continue to pray for him**

Edited by Datboybaeza, 29 January 2014 - 08:04 PM.

DatboybaezaNot TellingDominican Republic2014-01-29 19:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionSanto Domingo Embassy Possible K1 visa interviews

Hey VJ,


I have sent an email to Santo Domingo to check the status of my fiancee K1 visa, I ask a question if there's a interview set date yet? They have reply but not too sure what they ment and it sounds confusing. Maybe all K1 visa are going to be schedule in march lets cross our fingers and pray. IM SOOO SICK OF WAITING....




Currently, the appointments are being scheduled on March.


As soon as the case has an appointment assigned, we will contact both of you.  Keep in mind, though that it could take up to 120 days to this part of the process be completed.


Kind regards,



Centro Consular de Atención al Cliente

Embajada de los Estados Unidos, Santo Domingo

Bureau of Consular Affairs, ensuring "Secure Borders, Open Doors"

Follow us

DatboybaezaNot TellingDominican Republic2014-01-29 19:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionApproved!!!
Let me start by saying thank you to everyone at Visajourney! 
Here we go, I arrived to santiago on saturday morning saw my fiancee and spend out more time together. Monday morning I have start gathering the papers together we are reading everything together making sure we have every bit of information. 
Let just tell you guys we are young and my fiancee is even more younger! First Let me say I love my fiancee so much, she like my everything and complete my life javascript:emoticon(':)' Awilda my Fiancee is 17 years old and I 22 years old. We have also have most same date of birth Awilda is 22nd of May and I 23rd of May. We have also have similar last name's just give her one letter when we get married.
We arrived to santo domingo at 1am, we went to see the beach and there where still people outside dancing (gosando) lol. Let me tell you that Awilda's uncle has an interview the same day which is funny. So his uncle decided to go play casino's 3:30am. We got to the embassy and we were the first people there in line. I was amazed no buscones weren't bothering me at all! We embassy open at 6am but start calling number at 7am. Everyone IT DOES NOT MATTER WHO FALLS IN LINE, THEY CALL RANDOM NUMBERS! So my number was number 1, they started to call number it was an hour and then they called us down to pay the rest which was $80 and hand in DS-160, Birth Certificate, Passport. They lady was nice but she have told my fiancée don't be shy which is was like oooo mannn he we gooo! She is very shy person and if you ask her something she will respond back by one word, she has gotten better tho!! We sat back down, I didn't tell her anything about it because i don't want to get her nervous. They have called us again and did the fingerprints, there was lady I really didn't understand her at all! We sat back down wait to be called. Now I was feeling the heat wave coming with all these people here. Then they called us again, I felt like was going to faint, I got really nervous. So we went to window 26, it was a old lady. I could tell you she was nice by her attitude back she started to get aggressive when she found out that my fiancee is only 17 years old. My fiancee mother was there with us she has started to ask question.
To me:
How you meet her? (she got confuse with the way I responded)
Her date of birth?
Where I work at?
What does my parents do for living?
How you meet him?
how many times i have he sent you money?
Many time he have came to see you?
Your fiancee best friend?
how long does your work?
where he works?
What his phone number?
Fiancee mother:
Why are you letting your daughter go so early to the U.S?
Do you got family member there?
The CO decided to tell us "we need to review your documents even more since there's a lot of paperwork in here" so we sat back down. Awilda was nervous so was I, she started to get emotional telling me that she wants to leave with me or just stay with her here if we don't get approved. I was thinking about it, if we get deny i will just quit my job fix something over there and move down into she could come down with me. So we have waiting all day INTO they called us by her name, that were i was ooo boy they think its fraud which bought us to the back. My fiancee and her mom when to sit down with some guy and they ask her.
How you meet?
What does my dad do for living?
What kind of gift i have gave her?
Who is your best friend ? how about your fiancee?
Where does your fiancee work at? how long?
What kind car does your fiancee has?
What is your weeding plans?
How many kids are you guys planing to have?
Where you guys are going live at?
Base to my fiancee mom she was responsive the CO said wow i can't fit no more in here and my fiancee said "Well make it fit because i still want you to keep asking more questions!'' <----- Say whaaat?? I amazed that my fiancee said that to the CO which i found it funny and surprised the CO laugh at her told her you are very smart girl and cute. You guys make a cute couple but now you could go ahead and sit down. So it was my turn!
How you meet?
I have heard about your Dad lot, what does he do for living? ( My father is a deacon) Is he going to perform the ceremony?
What kind of gift i have sent her?
Who is awilda best friend ? about yours?
what color is your car?
wedding plans do you guys have?
How many kids are you planing to have?
Can is see all your western union transfer?
I was amazed by this..
Can you open up your Facebook page please?
Who is this?
Let me check your messages? Is that ok with you?
Where are your posts?
I see you guys love each other a lot especially her posting a lot of pictures of her and you. You better take care of her well!! will do sir well let me sign off here i have seen everything here. Well let me just type some couple of things here and i go could let you go. He has told me what if that word in english and i told him responsive he said yes! Call awilda ok will do sir, we came back to him smiling and her too. Well guys you could have a sit where you guys came from, back to the heat noooooo.... Well the second interview felt great!! Fiancee and I were happy till the end when we felt like nothing was happing till we were last every last just us in the lobby and they called us. I saw the Green ticket!! it was the same lady she has told us can you and mom sit back down please... CO has ask her " Are you sure you will be married in 90 days?" Yes bring your fiancee back please. You young man you have a lot of responsibility since she still a minor.. Are going to take good care of here? I said yes i will. Ok, Thank you for waiting i understand you guys were first in line and now last coming out. You have saw every actions in here but unfortunate your fiancee is a minor and we want to make sure every things goes well. You VISA has been APPROVED! Welcome to America, go pay Domex and they better still be open! OOOHH YEAAAA overall we have waited but it was worth it   javascript:emoticon(':kicking:') It was a great experience I had. I understand they want to make sure everything goes well and i think the lady has kids and she probably felt like if that was my child how would I feel about this? But I am really happy and now just wait for her visa to come. Cant wait for my fiancee to be in the U.S

DatboybaezaNot TellingDominican Republic2014-04-09 12:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDoes the consulate give back birth certificate
Thank you guys!
DatboybaezaNot TellingDominican Republic2014-04-21 05:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDoes the consulate give back birth certificate
Hey i need help here, does the consulate give back my fiancee birth certificate? We apply k-1 visa we need it for AOS and we dont want to come back to DR looking for that.
DatboybaezaNot TellingDominican Republic2014-04-20 17:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHelp!



Its normal I been in your situation just sit down and relax, everything is going to be ok. AP just a normal process in Dominican Republic wait for 2 weeks and your visa will be issue. Did they gave you a green ticket to pay domex???

DatboybaezaNot TellingDominican Republic2014-05-15 13:37:00
Congratulations!!! Can't wait till its my turn
nadi2444Not TellingJamaica2013-05-21 18:24:00