Canadausa business owner aka spouse

if any of you are usc owning a business and have sponsored your spouse from canada please email me

Have to go work right now....but I'll email you later.
brocku00MaleCanada2010-03-10 08:07:00
CanadaArrived At montreal
Good luck tomorrow.....go out and have a fun time tonight!!
brocku00MaleCanada2010-03-10 15:16:00
CanadaNo Quick Turnaround after POE?
Hi Everyone,
You have officically got me in a panic!! I had my interview last August and had my xrays with me. The officer told me to do whatever I wanted with them and said that I wouldn't need them ever again....I even asked if I could throw them out and he said yes! I do not have my xray anymore!! When I get my Visa...should I go back to Toronto and get another xray....explaining to them why I need it?? OMG....I can't believe that I would throw those out....even on the advice of a Gov't official!!! Help me!
brocku00MaleCanada2010-02-12 08:02:00
CanadaImporting Leased Vehicle
Hi Everyone,
I have a leased vehicle through GMAC and the lease will not be complete until April 2011. So I was looking for two things: the phone/fax/email for GMAC to get compliance letter, and also the question....can I bring over a leased vehicle??? I'm guessing that if we can't than I would have to use it with Canadian tags and licence until lease is up...but I could be totally off!! Any input? Thanks again.
brocku00MaleCanada2010-03-21 17:07:00
CanadaGC Arrived today!! Finished with IMM for 2.5 more years!!


A quick question..if i go to the SSA office and apply for a SSN#,wouldn't that confuse the office overall since I've already checked off on the original form...

Why did you need to go to the SSA office at the first place ?if you've already checked off the box on ur form,you were supposed to get it in three weeks right?

I just don't wanna end up having two SSN#....

The real reason I went to the SSO was........because I have spent two years on this website and have learned that even if you check that box, you're not getting one! You'll just sit around waiting for it and nottin! So, I figured I would go and apply and take my chances!! LOL And it paid off! I just don't think that check box and the whole application thing is actually connected to SSO, I think at one point it might have but not now! Hope this helps!
brocku00MaleCanada2010-03-22 20:17:00
CanadaGC Arrived today!! Finished with IMM for 2.5 more years!!
I received my GC today. I POE'd on March 4 and applied the same day for SSN. I received my SSN on March 17 and my GC on March 22!! Pretty quick! Now I don't have to do anymore Immigration application/procedures until I apply for Citizenship in 2.5 years!!! WOO HOO I think I would suggest for people who checked off "Send SSN to me" on original application (like I did), to go directly to SSA office and apply!! Good luck everyone.
brocku00MaleCanada2010-03-22 17:07:00
CanadaGot my Green Card today!
Congrats on the quick progress!! Just a question....what does a greencard look like? Is it similar to a drivers licence or is it paper or what?? Just curious and I guess I really never thought about it!
brocku00MaleCanada2010-03-08 17:27:00
CanadaVisa on its way!
Congratulations Jones!! You both must be sooooo excited! I know exactly how you both feel. I will email you later to get that website from you....I was alwasy scared to complain since I didn't want to upset them, but I guess if no one complains, nothing will be fixed and I would never want anyone to go through what you or I went through! Congrats again and happy moving!!
brocku00MaleCanada2010-03-24 09:50:00
CanadaAny early March POE-er's get SSN yet with going to SSA office?
Just to let you know that even adults are to have their birth certificates along with passports. It's posted all over the office and on their website that both are needed. I checked off the box to get my SSN but it was two years ago and assumed that I wouldn't get them anyways, so the same day that I POE'd, I went directly to SSO to apply for it and received it within 2 weeks.
brocku00MaleCanada2010-03-29 16:53:00
CanadaApplied for AOS with criminal record
Just to let you know...if the Canadian immigration was looking at this offence, it would be considered a 'indictable' offence (or felony) only in the sense that it is considered a 'hybrid' offence. Hybrid means that this offence, if committed in Canada, could be a summary or indictable (as stated in the statue/law). So even if it was a 'summary' offence in reality...since it's hybrid, they would consider it to be an indictable offence. I''m not sure how American immigration works but that's how Canadian Immigration works. On the bright side...if one does have an indictable offence (and only one) they must wait 10 years before they are deemed 'rehabilated' and able to come into or emigrate to atleast your crime was 10 years ago!!
brocku00MaleCanada2010-03-10 23:10:00
CanadaRegister of birth abroad suggestions
Hi there! Well, since my husband did not finish high school, we could not obtain school papers. So the only thing that I had was a print out of his tax filings from the Social Security office. You just walk into one of the SS offices and request a printout of your tax filing history (sorry I can't remember the proper name for it). They print it off (only on one page) and it states the years and how much you claimed. This was our only proof provided to the embassy for our children's application and it was sufficient enough. Hope this helps. Oh yeah, we did this in 2008/9 at the Toronto Embassy.
brocku00MaleCanada2010-03-20 09:06:00
CanadaVisa has been printed, but not mailed.
If he can't get in to see someone, you (the American spouse) can go with him and when you get to security just say that you are American and wish to apply for a new passport. You can bring someone with you (spouse!!) as long as they have their passport. So, the American services (such as passport) are on the same floor as where his interview was. Sooooo, just meander over to the 'immigration' half of the floor and have him inquire...i would just go to the same room where all of those kiosks are where they scan your fingerprints. I'm not sure when you are coming to Canada next, but if you are here for a visit and he hasn't recieved it yet or his visit was unsuccessful, I would go this route.
brocku00MaleCanada2010-04-16 08:05:00
CanadaApproval times in Montreal after the interview

I agree with you brock, it is easy for me to sit here and say that people shouldn't worry about Montreal being annoyed. I can really only say what I would do.

From where I sit though, if people don't work to change this - when will it change?

Mostly, we are a bunch of Canadians here. Let's put the shoe on the other foot. Let's say it was your Husband immigrating to Canada and they were giving you the run around, would you hesitate to contact your MP?

You submitted more info twice, you were given an incredible run around, until your Husband contacted his congressman, your application just sat. The question is, if you had sat quietly and waited, would you still just be sitting there waiting to hear from them, or would you perhaps even have received another denial?

I'm not too sure if it would still be sitting there or not....but on the other husband applied to immigrate to Canada and we did get the run-a-round. After contacting my local MP (very nice lady)...we got more of a run-a-round. But this is just my doesn't mean that it will happen to everyone though. I think the Canadian immigration and contact with MP was the reason why I was so intimidated by the American consolute/immigration dept.
brocku00MaleCanada2010-03-12 14:56:00
CanadaApproval times in Montreal after the interview
Hi there! I had my interview last August and was denied and needed to send in additional doc's. I sent the first one back in August and got it back 4 weeks later and was denied again....needed more doc's. I sent the second package the first of September and hadn't heard from them in 8 husband contacted Congressman (seemed to work since we got answer within a week of that) and was denied again....need more info. Then we changed everything up....whole life!! LOL.....and sent in package #3 on January 14 of this year. After 4 weeks of waiting...I was inspired by trailmix and her comment about how you shouldn't wait to contact Congressman..yada yada yada...and so husband contacted again! 2 weeks later I finally had my Visa!! That last package was sent January 14 and got it back on March 3. I honestly believe the Congressman email had something to do with it....only in the sense that it made the consolute look at my file. I too believed that contacted the Congressman would annoy the Montreal Officers....they had/have total control over a lot of people's lives! It's easy to shouldn't worry about them being annoyed since it's their job and they work for the people.....but when you are the person waiting for the approval and knowing that you can't be a family until it comes....then it's a total different story. I would recommend calling your congress person when you are comfortable with it and after the original '4 week' waiting period has past. The 4 weeks that I am referring to are the 4 weeks that it 'usually' takes to get a response. On my final package...I waited until the 5th week knowing that by the time the consolute received email from Congressperson, it would be in week 6. Hope this helps.
brocku00MaleCanada2010-03-12 14:18:00
CanadaIssues entering Canada with vehicle plated "In transit"?
There was a fee for the temp tag but nothing too serious. Also, Florida makes you pay for your home state taxes at their office, but Delaware does not have any taxes so we lucked out there. Also, since we flew down there to drive it back, the previous owner gave us a ride to DMV and stayed there while we obtained temp tag...just to make sure everything went ok. You'll be good...if you know what state you will buy new vehicle in, just call their local DMV and ask about their proceedures and costs.
brocku00MaleCanada2010-05-24 11:52:00
CanadaIssues entering Canada with vehicle plated "In transit"?
My husband is from Delaware so when he purchased it in Florida, he went to DMV in Florida with old owners title (signed), bill of sale and his Drivers Licence from Delaware. Florida issued him a temp tag or in transit tag so he could travel home. His temp tag was good from one month. So, when you do purchase something just make sure you have your DL, bill of sale and the previous owner's title signed over to you.
brocku00MaleCanada2010-05-24 11:49:00
CanadaIssues entering Canada with vehicle plated "In transit"?
All we had was the 'in transit' tag from Florida and obviously the bill of sale but the border did not ask for anything. All they are concerned with are the people within the vehicle and your intentions in Canada.
brocku00MaleCanada2010-05-24 11:46:00
CanadaIssues entering Canada with vehicle plated "In transit"?
My husband (American) bought a camper (RV) last year in Florida and had a 'temp' tag or 'in transit' tag on it. We drove it directly from Florida to Canada for a vacation and had no problem entering Canada. He left two weeks later to head back to Delaware to register it. So you should have no problem crossing.
brocku00MaleCanada2010-05-24 11:44:00
CanadaCanada Day Celebration in Washington, DC????
Hi Everyone,
I read about this celebration at the Embassy about a month ago and it said that their website would have something on it to join the list for the party, but I've been checking every day and can't seem to find anything. I forget who started that thread but if they read this could they let me know if I am too late? Also wanted to ask if kids come to this or is it adults only? Thanks!! :)
brocku00MaleCanada2010-06-23 08:08:00
CanadaCanada Day, Washington, DC
Hi Everyone,
I went to the Connect to Canada site and registered but I didn't see a "networking/socialing" checkbox. All it asked me was: email, first/last name, city, zip code and that's about it! Do you think I will still get an invite? I can't believe I've been checking the embassy website everyday and now I may have missed it!! Oh well, thems the breaks.
brocku00MaleCanada2010-06-23 16:36:00
CanadaCanada Day, Washington, DC
OK, I just mapquested it and it's only 2 hours away from me so................I'M IN!!!
brocku00MaleCanada2010-05-27 19:53:00
CanadaCanada Day, Washington, DC
I'll be in Delaware so I'm not too sure how far away that is....but I'll go if others are!!
brocku00MaleCanada2010-05-27 19:51:00
CanadaJust checking in!

Nice to hear things are going well and congratulations on the job!

Those of us that were married less than 2 years prior to our POE received conditional (2 year) green cards and have to "remove conditions" prior to the expiry of our cards. Since you were married over 2 years you have a 10 year green card. From what I understand you will be eligible to apply for US citizenship after residing continuously in the United States for three years.

This link might help: Naturalization

Thanks OBX! I understand now! I guess I don't have to worry for a while now!
Raymaga - Thanks for your kind words. I don't 'totally' feel like I belong yet but it's an improvement over time. I just take one day at a time!
brocku00MaleCanada2010-09-17 11:13:00
CanadaJust checking in!

Congrats on the job and glad things are now going well.

Thanks everyone! SDW, just wondering about your 'signature'. It says that Dec. 2011 is your date for remvoal of conditions. What conditions do you have? Or is that when you can apply for ciitzenship? I am confused on when I can apply for citizenship so I guess I will ask here. I was married in 2001, so how many years after being a PR can you apply for citizenship? Also, I thought I remember someone saying that you can apply 6 months before your actual date since the processing would take that I correct? Thanks for any advice.
brocku00MaleCanada2010-09-17 08:50:00
CanadaJust checking in!
Hi Everyone,
I hope no one thinks I forgot about you guys.....I lurk on a daily basis!! Anyways, I just thought I would check in and tell you how life has been since moving to the States. My visa was issued March 4 and I activated it at Queenston/Lewiston on March 5th. I crossed several times from March until June 30 when I officially moved, with no problems! When I activated it, I asked about crossing and not moving down until June and they said that it was okay and not to worry. Well, once the kids finished school in Ontario, we moved to Delaware. The summer was great and very hot. I applied to many jobs and so far had a few interviews, but in my profession it has always been "it's not what you know, but who you know". The same goes in Canada too! Anyways, my kids started school in Delaware and I asked the principal about supply teaching and he told me to get my application and ALL other info into the office. He pulled me aside this week and asked if I want an 'assistant' teaching position, which is not great, but it's something and I accepted. he called me in to discuss things, and he told me that he realized that I was a qualified teacher (which he didn't realize before) and offered me a full time teaching job!! What great news eh? Things were a little rough the sense of me fitting into the community/country/state etc. but lately they just seem to be settling down. Anyways, I just wanted to share my good news and my experience thus far and hope that all VJ'ers are doing well. To all the people going through Montreal, I know it's hard to hear but patience is the key. I sent in my I-130 in March of 2008, it reached NVC by March of 2009!!!!! and out of NVC to Montreal by April 2009, interview given to me in July 2009, interview August 12, 2009....denied (proof of domicile) August 12, 2009, proof #1 sent Aug. 2009, denied again, Sept. 2009, sent proof #2 October 2009, denied AGAIN Dec. 2009, sent proof #3 January 2010 - approved and issued VISA March 4, 2010!! So, as you can see, my patience was put to the test!! So, good luck to all in the process and keep your head will all work out.
brocku00MaleCanada2010-09-16 15:38:00
CanadaReceived welcome letter and SSN
Hi Everyone,
I was pleasantly surprised at the speedy arrival of them too! I was expecting at least a few denials first.....LOL! When I POE'd on March 4th, I went to the SS office and applied in person. I actually applied for mine and my son's the same day. This Tuesday I recieved a letter (addressed to my son) saying that he ordered a SS card and it will arrive in about 2 weeks. So when he got a letter and I didn't....I was like "oh oh here we go"! The next day I had two envelopes from SS office in Marlyand and two new SS numbers. Unfortunetly I have to go back to the office and do an application for my daughter since I only had her Passport on me that day and not her birth certificate (you need both)!! So, I will go and do hers this week or next. Also, when I POE'd, the friendly officer told me that I should receive my GC in about 5-6 months!! So, when I got the letter on Tuesday....I was shocked!! I'm not to sure on how long from the 'welcome' letter until the actual GC arrives though?? So LGG, I would go into the office and apply and I'm sure you'll get your welcome letter by Friday!

Hi Everyone,
I was pleasantly surprised at the speedy arrival of them too! I was expecting at least a few denials first.....LOL! When I POE'd on March 4th, I went to the SS office and applied in person. I actually applied for mine and my son's the same day. This Tuesday I recieved a letter (addressed to my son) saying that he ordered a SS card and it will arrive in about 2 weeks. So when he got a letter and I didn't....I was like "oh oh here we go"! The next day I had two envelopes from SS office in Marlyand and two new SS numbers. Unfortunetly I have to go back to the office and do an application for my daughter since I only had her Passport on me that day and not her birth certificate (you need both)!! So, I will go and do hers this week or next. Also, when I POE'd, the friendly officer told me that I should receive my GC in about 5-6 months!! So, when I got the letter on Tuesday....I was shocked!! I'm not to sure on how long from the 'welcome' letter until the actual GC arrives though?? So LGG, I would go into the office and apply and I'm sure you'll get your welcome letter by Friday!
brocku00MaleCanada2010-03-18 17:08:00
CanadaReceived welcome letter and SSN
Hi everyone,
I just wanted to let people know how my timeline is. I crossed March 4 and received my welcome letter on March 16 and then my SSN came yesterday on March 17! Very fast!!
brocku00MaleCanada2010-03-18 06:28:00
CanadaConsular Report of Birth Abroad
I read that link and it seems weird but maybe it means that if you were both Americans and came to Canada, then maybe that would be for you. But I could be totally off...hopefully trailmix can add to this.

brocku00MaleCanada2009-12-08 23:32:00
CanadaConsular Report of Birth Abroad
Hey there,
Yeah, we didn't need any immigration papers, but my husband has no status in Canada other than being a visitor. I'm pretty sure that you don't need any immigration papers since the whole idea is to Citizenize your children for the US not Canada....unless your husband renounced his citizenship but I think I recall you saying he is dual. So, everything I said before should be good and you should be good to go if you have all the doc's, your spouse and child!!
brocku00MaleCanada2009-12-08 23:29:00
CanadaConsular Report of Birth Abroad
Forgot to tell you.....if you have all the proper stuff and they approve it that day, you will have passport and certificate within 2-3 weeks (that's what they told us) but it only took about 9 days for us once we were 'approved'. Hope this helps.
brocku00MaleCanada2009-12-07 11:26:00
CanadaConsular Report of Birth Abroad
Hey there, yes I went to Brock...started in 2000..hence brocku 00. Anyways, your husband does not need to leave his passport. And yes the highschool, college transcipts are good. My husbands problem was that he dropped out in grade 9 and after contacting his elementary and grade 9 school, they had no records because it was too long ago. And yes the proof of domicile is that weird thing with either so many years before the age of 14?? and so many after 14??? (sorry don't remember exact age). Anyways, the only thing that we used was the printout of previous tax years and it literally took 10 minutes at SSN office and I think $8.00. I took my husband in with us for our first visit and they copied his b.c. He did not have a passport at that time. They will go over your paperwork, make sure that your spouse is American, make you pay the fees, hand in kids passport picture, check proof of domicile and then they will say approved. They will then send you the certificate and passport in the mail. Ours would have been completed the first visit except we did not realize the proof of domicile thing....oh and don't forget, you actually have to bring in your child!!! If there is no child present, then they will not complete it!! Compared to my immigrant visa process, the registration of birth abroad is soooooo easy! Just collect everything, have your husband and child ready for the consulate and I would suggest calling Toronto Consulate the day before you go and just say, "I'm completing a Birth abroad package and will be coming in tomorrow....just wondering if you could let me know if I have everything that is needed?" They were helpful on the phone. Even though you are not going to Toronto, just call them anyways and pretend you are.
brocku00MaleCanada2009-12-07 11:22:00
CanadaConsular Report of Birth Abroad
If you look up on the website just follow the instructions and when you think you have everything (there is a checklist provided) then give Toronto a call to ask any questions and to make sure you have everything. The office may vary in location but the application procedure is the same for every Consulate. On our first trip there we had everything except the proof of domicile (my mistake) so they processed our application, we paid the fees and they said once we have the proof of domicile to bring it in or fax it in. So on our second visit we brought our proof in but they said it was the wrong stuff and that's when he told us to go get a printout from SSN for prior taxes. So we left Toronto, drove directly to Niagara Falls, NY, got the printout, faxed it to Toronto office (on Friday) and on Monday they called to say it was approved and will be sent out immediately. We received it within a week (certificates and passports). So hope this helps and if you have any questions about it, ask away.
brocku00MaleCanada2009-12-06 17:26:00
CanadaConsular Report of Birth Abroad
Hi there,
My husband and I have gone through the process. We have twins that we registered in Toronto. I'm CDN and my husband is American and they were born in Ontario. Anyways, I forget how we obtained the paperwork...I think online, but it was fairly easy. They do ask for long form birth certicates and few other simple things but the only big thing is proof of domicile for your husband. This proof of domicile is different than immigrant visa. Just phone consolute and ask them, the easist way and the way we did it was to go to Social security office in Niagara Falls USA and had a printout of his years of filing taxes....and that proved his domicile. If you have any questions please feel free to's simple and fast and they give you your certificates and passports.
brocku00MaleCanada2009-12-06 13:34:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal
BAD NEWS AGAIN!!! I called NVC and once again I did not get an interview for July!! mad.gif I don't know how long I am going to have to wait?? My case was complete on April 24/09. I now have to wait until the 2nd week on July to call and see if I get an interview for August. If the interview is in August, that will be 4 months since completion!!! Is this a typical wait or should I be concerned?
brocku00MaleCanada2009-06-11 17:20:00
CanadaProving domicile when not living in the U.S.
Hey Trailmix, thanks for all the help. I just thought about something though, my husband has moved (in the past week) so he has a new address. So, when I send in the package next week, should I have my husband say that he is officially changing his address in his letter? Or is there another process I have to do in order to changes his address? Thanks.
brocku00MaleCanada2009-11-30 18:03:00
CanadaProving domicile when not living in the U.S.
Ok, I think I'm almost ready to send in more proof of domicile, please let me know if you think this is enough or sufficient:

1. New lease from apartment in New Jersey
2. Employee contract - which states company, hire date, work location (New Jersey), his address, and terms of employment
3. Storage unit rental in New Jersey
4. New Jersey cell phone
5. Letter from 'Kindercare' daycare/preschool stating: as per our conversation.....your children 'x' and 'y' will be able to register at our school for this price. Please come in to register once you move to 'xxxx' New Jersey. It's a personal letter addressed to my husband and I and it has him NJ address on it.
6. Cover letter from myself stating what is included
7. A letter from my husband (AMCITS) stating that he resides in NJ, works in NJ, and would like his family to be able to move down to reunite

So, let me know what you think and if anyone has any tips on the two letters from myself or my husband, please feel free to add them. Do you think it's a good idea for my husband to add his own letter to this package?

Thanks for your help.
brocku00MaleCanada2009-11-30 10:22:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread
Hi Everyone,
I'm just wondering if someone that is already on EI due to a lay off or something, and then immigrates to US, are they entitled to keep the EI until it runs out or until they find a job in the US???
Thanks for you help.
brocku00MaleCanada2010-01-23 15:43:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Anyone have info on MONTREAL?
QUOTE (La Souris @ Jun 1 2009, 01:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (brocku00 @ Jun 1 2009, 12:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Everyone,
My case was complete on April 24, 2009 at the NVC. I called the second week on May and was told that all June interviews were full, so I was told to call back second week of June to find out if I will have an interview in July. Anyone know about Montreal and their interview timelines? I've tried to figure out VJ timelines for the same process as mine but am having much difficulties. Anyone with advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

You should visit the Canada Forum - you'll find timelines for the different visas interviews in Montreal. You could contribute there too.

Also, it would be nice if you could fill in your timeline there: (Add/Edit my timeline)

Good luck smile.gif

Thanks for the reply. I had filled out my timeline but for some reason it was linked to my username but it should be now. I will check out the Canadian Forum thought...thanks for the help.
brocku00MaleCanada2009-06-01 00:26:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Anyone have info on MONTREAL?
Hi Everyone,
My case was complete on April 24, 2009 at the NVC. I called the second week on May and was told that all June interviews were full, so I was told to call back second week of June to find out if I will have an interview in July. Anyone know about Montreal and their interview timelines? I've tried to figure out VJ timelines for the same process as mine but am having much difficulties. Anyone with advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
brocku00MaleCanada2009-05-31 23:50:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)How do they schedule interviews?
Thank you everyone for your replies.....I am starting to understand. Am I too understand that since I have been married for so many years that I may not have conditions on my GC or something like that? I did hear something about the length of marriage in relevance to how long I would have to wait to apply for citizenship, which for me would be three years. So, fingers crossed everyone, I'm hoping to hear some good news today about my interview time!!! unsure.gif
Thanks again for your replies.
brocku00MaleCanada2009-06-09 08:14:00