CanadaStill waiting for my Visa
Hi there,
So sorry to hear how long it's taking, but I'm sure everything is okay and it's just a delay on Montreal's end! I have a feeling you will get your Visa today or tomorrow. I know how it feels to worry about it and have problems sleeping and eating, I wish the Consulate and it's employees knew what a toll it takes on us! So, I hope to read your post today or tomorrow with the good news and then you can have a few drinks to celebrate and relax!
brocku00MaleCanada2009-12-10 09:43:00
CanadaUpdate on Domicile
Hey Jones, I was actually thinking about you lately and wondered how things were going? Did you ever send anything else back in? I just sent off my 'hopefully' last package and I keep thinking that no matter what I send in, it will be denied....but maybe I'm just thinking that way since I've been denied soo many times. Technically they shouldn't be able to deny it this time since my husband is permenantly living there, he started a new job and we provided his job contract/first paycheck/business card/December sales summary, a lease agreement, a letter from US spouse, a letter from me, storage unit rental agreement and a daycare letter stating that they had room for our children. I'm hoping that this is enough and will let you know if I hear anything.
brocku00MaleCanada2010-01-23 16:06:00
CanadaI wonder if Montreal finally is through their rough patch???
wow....surprised I don't have anyone adding to this question!!!
brocku00MaleCanada2010-01-23 17:48:00
CanadaI wonder if Montreal finally is through their rough patch???
Looking at how Montreal processed a whole bunch of interviews this past week, I wonder if that means that they have more officers working now or have some extra help??? I'm hoping that it is a good sign since I sent in my proof of domicile package 10 days ago. I'm not counting the first weekend so I am at 1 week for my countdown. Hopefully I will here back within 4 weeks and not 9 weeks like last time. Anyone here is Montreal is processing faster??
brocku00MaleCanada2010-01-23 15:38:00
CanadaImmigrate to Canada

Sorry I ask alot of questions again, but I guess that is what this forum is for???!! So trailmix, you are saying that even if she becomes a US citizen, she can keep her Canadian passport and such documents and get a US passport and such documents? And that I would be able to do the same?

YES! If she becomes a US citizen she will NOT lose her Canadian citizenship. Some countries do not follow this same agreement but Canada and US do. And the same goes for you, you will not lose your American citizenship if you become a Canadian Citizen. And the same goes for your children, they are entitled to both citizenship (you must apply for it though) and they cannot be denied it.
brocku00MaleCanada2010-01-23 15:28:00
CanadaImmigrate to Canada

O then we already screwed up because we are already working on her paperwork for the US, and I was talking on a diff topic about our children having dual citizenship, but I would rather talk about it here any way since we are all dealing with Canada/US. A friend told me that if my wife becomes a US citizen, our children could not have dual citizenship, the reason I ask this is because that is what holds us from getting her citizenship papers. We want travel to/from US to be easy as possible as we will be doing it quite frequently, and I want to be able to work when I go there if we are there for an extended amounts of time. Her father is also a farmer and sometimes could use some help so I want to be able to help him, but maybe that is one of the FEW not so good things of marrying a Canadian. :D (L) (L) :luv:

There's nothing stopping you from starting your Canadian PR application right now. Apply from outside US while waiting for the US application to go through. Once you have your Canadian PR you can live in US or Canada. And with the dual citizenship thing, if they are your natural children with your wife, then it is their right to have dual citizenship. I am Canadian, my husband in American, we had twins in Canada in 2005 and we applied for their US Citizenship Abroad Certificate...that was easy to complete and I received the certificates and their American Passports. They will always be citizens of both countries. Your wife becoming a US citizen will never affect your children.
brocku00MaleCanada2010-01-23 15:17:00
CanadaImmigrate to Canada
Sorry I was trying to edit my post to add something but it wouldn't let me.
Canadian PR application consists of:
Sponsor application
Applicant application
Federal and State Police checks (from whatever county(ies) they have lived in since 18 and whatever states lived in since 18)
Medical (can be done in Canada or other countries - list of approved doctors on website
Documents: photocopies - B.C, Passport, D.L., marriage certificate, divorce papers (if any), if any criminal record...court documents, for Canadian sponsor - last tax assessment (even though there is no set income to provide when sponsoring your spouse), letter from Canadian employer

It's pretty straight forward and not that hard to can be overwelming when you start it, but just take your time. The benefit about applying within Canada is that once you are approved as a sponsor (usually 1-2 months after sending if application) your spouse can apply for a work visa which is taking about 24 days now. So, even though within Canada applications are taking 18 months to process, after the first three months your spouse can have a work visa and work and live in Canada until the application is complete.
brocku00MaleCanada2010-01-23 15:12:00
CanadaImmigrate to Canada

Does anyone know what the time requirements are for my spouse who will be a GC holder? Like how much time must she spend in the USA? Also trailmix or anyone else that has done it, what is the total cost of me to become PR of Canada? and what is the order of forms and other things that need to be done? I am sorry, I get so confused looking at government websites, in my OPINION, government websites are not at ALL clear, they want to make it confusing it seems like.

Hi there,
The cost of PR without a lawyer is about 1700 CDN. The application itself is 1050 CDN but then you have your medical which costs just under $200, your Federal and State police search (fingerprints, application and mailing them) costs about $150 CDN all together, mailing your application ($20?). I'm sure I'm missing something but that' a rough estimate. Are you applying within Canada or outside Canada? There is a big difference in wait time so before you do your application let me know. If you apply as if he is living in Canada already the processing time is about 17 months and if you apply with him 'outside' the country it's about a 6 month process.
brocku00MaleCanada2010-01-23 15:00:00
CanadaImmigrate to Canada
You are correct about 3 out of the 5 years but here's how it goes:
To maintain residency obligation: A Canadian PR can either
A) be married to a Canadian PR and reside in Canada, or reside outside Canada as long as spouse is working for Government of Canada
B) simply reside in Canada with their Canadian (citizen or PR) spouse
C) Live outside Canada with Canadian CITIZEN spouse (only citizen's not PR's) regardless of job or location (so basically as long as you are married to a Canadian citizen, you can live wherever you want with them and still maintain your residency obligation)

So as someone said earlier, the easiest way to satify both your needs is to become a US citizen first or have your US spouse become a Canadian PR first
brocku00MaleCanada2010-01-23 14:56:00
CanadaImmigrate to Canada
Hi there,
You can apply to become a PR in Canada. The only thing is as a Canadian PR you can meet your PR residency obligations by being with your Canadian spouse wherever she is, whether living in the US, Europe...etc. (I find this idea a great one!) On the other hand, when your wife has a greencard for the states (same as PR), she must meet residency obligations as well BUT she must fulfill those obligations within the USA. From what I have heard, if a GC holder has to leave the States for an 'extended' leave (I think over 6 months) they have to apply to get permission (in order for her to be allowed back into US) and the time you spend away from the US (your wife that is), will not count as the time needed to gain in order to become a citizen of the US. Hope this helps. I can help you with any Canadian Immigration questions but I'm not that experienced with US immigration yet.
brocku00MaleCanada2010-01-23 13:23:00
CanadaKids switching to US schools
I'm a teacher in Ontario and I don't agree with this date cutoff aspect. In Ontario the date is December 31 and has never been an issue. MY best friend growing up was born January 1 and my birthday is December 2 and there was never an issue on academics or social skills. In the first few years the younger children (Sept. - Dec kids) are a little more immature but everyone catches up to each other by grade 2. What if my kids had to wait this extra year, they complete grade 1 and 2 and then I move back to Canada (not likely but just posing a question). My kids would be going into grade 3 but their age group would be going into grade 4 and they would then be the odd one's out since they were a year older than their classmates? Just food for thought
brocku00MaleCanada2010-01-23 14:18:00
CanadaKids switching to US schools
Hi there,
I sent in my "hopefully" last proof of domicile package 10 days ago and I'm hoping to have it back with a big fat "Approved" and if it is, then I am going to wait until June to move since I have twins in JK. I have contacted the state where I will be going and talked to the schools (private and public) and they have a cut off date of October 1. So, my twins birthday is October 11 and they miss the cutoff and they said they would make no exception. So, my twins will be going from JK, to daycare for a year and then to Kindergarten the following year. The year that they start kindergarden in the states they would have started grade one here. I'm hoping, on one of my visits down there before June, to go and meet with the principal of a couple schools and try to get an approval/exemption for my children since that kinda seems ridiculous to have them go a step backwards!! But, for my children's sake I will not take them out of their JK year here in Hamilton. They are in a routine and they have friends, I think at their age (4) they would be effected by the sudden change.

P.S. The state in New Jersey and I also forgot to mention, that I talked to KinderCare (daycare/preschool) and they are officially allowed to offer a kindergarden program (same as the state school kindergarden) with no birthday cutoff...only thing is at the end of the year, these students take a test provided by the state to make sure that they have learned enough and if they pass they can go to grade 1.

Edited by brocku00, 23 January 2010 - 02:10 PM.

brocku00MaleCanada2010-01-23 14:07:00
CanadaPhotos for the consulate in Montreal - a refreshing new poll
I had the new passport pics and the consulate asked which ones I wanted...the previously sent in ones or the ones I brought to the interview.
brocku00MaleCanada2009-12-04 20:01:00
CanadaHow is the wait time for Montreal when sending documents
Hi there,
Yes, I sent mine in but I sent it on January 14 and it was received by Montreal on Tuesday, January 19th at 9:02 a.m. So it has almost been 2 weeks and nothing yet. I'm hoping for 4 weeks....but I'm not holding my breath. I know what a backlog is like and how much pressure they are under, but I'm hoping that they can see my interview was last August and kinda put a little rush on it....but it will come when it comes and I can't do anything to speed it up. Good luck with yours and let me know if you hear anything.
brocku00MaleCanada2010-01-29 21:43:00
CanadaHow is the wait time for Montreal when sending documents
Hi Everyone,
I will be sending in more proof of domicile probably the first week of January but I was just wondering what the wait time seems like right now. The first time I sent proof back it took about 4 weeks (August/September), the second time I sent in proof (beginning of Sept.) it took 9 weeks. So, just wondering if anyone has any knowledge of the wait. Is there anyone out there that has sent in proof of domicile or something else and is waiting?? Thanks for your help.
brocku00MaleCanada2009-11-26 19:40:00
CanadaNeed your input on car import
Hi there,
I have a little experience with this. My husband bought an RV in Florida last year (he's American) and we drove it up to Canada for vacation, etc. On the way up from Florida we stopped into Delaware to get it titled. We went through the inspection but it failed one part. So, we decided to head to Canada (I had to get back to work) and then my husband would get it fixed and then bring it back down with him to get it repaired. Well, anyways, time went on and my 'VERY SMART" husband decided to sell the RV and put it up on EBAY with DELAWARE listed as home. Well, someone in Canada purchased it. SO we found out that this "RV" could be imported (some vehicles can't), but WE needed the title...which my husband hadn't done yet. We thought we would have to drive the RV all the way to Delaware but when I talked to the DMV in Delaware, since we were already there before and they recorded our info they said all we needed to do was come and do the paperwork...NO RV. Originally when we went to DMV for inspection, that is where they check the VIN and all paperwork PLUS the safety issue. So good thing for us we had done that. The Canadian that bought it fly to Ontario, and we signed the title over to him. He had a temporary tag printed from his province to us to drive the rv. I followed him to the local CBSA office (all over the place...just like CBP) and he went in with rv paperwork and got the 'customs' paperwork done there. They inspected the vehicle to make sure that it was 'importable', and for the VIN. He paid the one tax there, got his CBSA paperwork, drove back to his province and registered the vehicle. I'm guessing it will work the same down there. As long as your wife has the title, she can have car towed to local CBP office that does commercial imporation (just phone and ask for local office). They physically have to see the car, VIN and paperwork. Once you are done there, you can sign title over and give American customs paperwork to new owner and he can then go and register it. I would look up CBP on website, search importation of vehicles inland and look for your local office. My husband has sold two American vehicles up here in Canada without having to do anything. Hope this helps.
brocku00MaleCanada2010-02-08 22:34:00
CanadaStill waiting for my VISA!!!
Hi everyone,
I'm just on here to let you know that I am still waiting for my 'hopeful' approval from Montreal!! On Tuesday, it will have been 4 weeks since they recieved my package. I sent it on Thursday, January 14 but it was received by the Consulate on Tuesday, January 19. I was hoping to get it back in their '4 week' promised time frame...but I kinda knew that I wouldn't be so lucky. It's getting harder on the kids, not being able to see their Daddy but we do what we have to and we Skype every night so that my husband can talk to and see the kids. My twins are in JK this year and since my husband left one of the twins has turned very aggressive. He is getting in trouble at school and daycare for acting out and getting very angry at little things. He wasn't like this before and after trying to figure it out, I can only assume that this is how he is reacting to my husband's absense and the big changes in his life. I really didn't think 4 year olds could be effected this much by something like least I am learning from this! Hope everyone has a great Valentine's Day and family day for all in Ontario!!
brocku00MaleCanada2010-02-14 13:50:00
CanadaCanadian Taxes!
Hi there,
I have been doing my taxes with HR Block since I've been married (8 years) with American husband and they enter his info on the system but somehow override it for tax purposes. His income does not go against mine or with mine. I go to the same person and every year when we get to the part where everything is finished and they push enter....they have to override something due to the American part to complete my taxes. I'm not sure what they do, but I could find out for you if you want. They won't take his SSN but they take his name, address (just USA not any specific address) and I think date of birth. Hope this helps but i'm sure if you go to a good tax preparer it should be fine.
brocku00MaleCanada2010-02-24 09:09:00
CanadaWaiting NINE WEEKS now (DCF Montreal, requested further proof domicile)
Hi Everyone,
I haven't been online in a few days and found this thread, well.......very familiar. Ironically, my husband called his Senator today and she said she will contact them today (send email..etc.). The same Senator called on our behalf in October when we had been waiting 9 weeks for our answer and within a week on the Senator contacting MTL we got our 2nd denial. So, now it has been 4 weeks and 3 days since MTL received our 3rd package and I figured it was about time to ask for help. My husband and I applied for the I130 two years ago today and we are still not together!!! Maybe it would have been quicker to divorce my husband, visit him in the US, get married again and then adjust status???? JUST SAYING?? Well, I wouldn't have done that, but it sure upsets me to here how some people easily obtain fraudulent VISAS!!

Edited by brocku00, 18 February 2010 - 10:54 PM.

brocku00MaleCanada2010-02-18 22:53:00
CanadaProcessing time after approval
Hi everyone,
I'm just wondering if, let's say after sending in additional doc's for Visa that you have been approved. How long would it take them to process the Visa? Like how much paperwork/work/etc. is there into processing the system and generating a VISA? I thought I read somewhere not too long ago that it might take a few weeks for them to receive your package, then they go through it and then it would take a few weeks to process the approval?? Is this correct? I can't imagine it would take that long since if one goes to an interview and it's approved there, then the Visa is sent out in the next few days...right??? I'm just curious to find out...thanks!
brocku00MaleCanada2010-02-26 11:12:00
CanadaReturn of ExpressPost question?
Hi Everyone,
I'm just wondering if anyone knows how accurate the tracking system is for Canada Post. When I call and enter the number it will say that there is no tracking info for that number which I would take as it has not been sent yet. Is there anyone out there that has discovered this to be accurate? Has there every been a time where someone has received their expresspost and it wasn't even updated on Canada Post? Thanks everyone.
brocku00MaleCanada2010-02-26 19:03:00
CanadaEmails to Montreal Consulate don't appear to work either.
Hi there,
I emailed them two and a half weeks ago and nothing yet but I wasn't holding my breath. My husbands senator emailed last Thursday so I hope to hear somthing by Friday. The Senator called for us in October and heard back from them within a week so I hope they are as fast. I read on another post that our packages that we send Montreal sit somewhere somtimes for weeks before even being picked up and the "4 weeks" that they say it takes to process you is really 4 weeks after their approval???? I'm really get depressed over this and each day I get ready for a rejection letter.
brocku00MaleCanada2010-02-22 18:15:00
CanadaSo here are my POE questions!
I've calmed down a little but still elated!! Now I'm thinking about the POE. I've asked before and read so much about it and I'll be going back into past posts to find more info but I wanted to get up to date answers.

My plan is to officially move to the US just after school lets out in June in order to let my kids finish their school year off (but haven't made up my mind yet!!) but let's say I go ahead with this plan. With my Visa IR1, I can go to the border say tomorrow to 'activate' it and then return home same day, correct??? I wanted to get things rolling such as SSN and Greencard and start applying for jobs. Also, if I went tomorrow, do I have to import car or can I do that in June/July? Any time frame on that car thing?? Also, if I went tomorrow, do I have to bring a list of "things to follow"?

Has there been anyone lately with an IR1 that has done this that I could email and chat with or does anyone know how this works? Thanks again and in the mean time I will check back on old postings. Thanks.
brocku00MaleCanada2010-03-03 14:36:00
CanadaSecurity check???

Can anyone tell me what the security check is for? And how do you request it with the RCMP?Do they know what it is?

RCMP security check is just a 'police check' but specifically a CPIC search. All you have to do is go to your local police station that performs police checks and tell them that you want it for Immigration purposes. RCMP have a security system called CPIC and it's a criminal database that encompasses all of Canada and not just the province. It takes about 4 weeks to get, so if you need it soon, I would suggest going soon.
brocku00MaleCanada2010-03-03 13:56:00
CanadaTo: Me From: Canada Post
Hey there,
When I checked on Monday the internet said it was accepted at Montreal Post Office at 10:25......51 hours later....DELIVERY!!! There were no other updates except for this morning it said (my town) arrived and then when I called the 1-800 number at 10:00 it said that it was sent out for delivery. Congrats and good luck!!
brocku00MaleCanada2010-03-03 13:59:00
CanadaI will NEVER contact Montreal Consulate AGAIN!!

So how long was it from the time you sent in the additional information?

Hey Jones,
I sent my package on January 14, 2010 and it was received by their office on January 19, 2010. I don't know if it helped or not but during the forth week of waiting, my husband called the Senator and asked for assistance. I received the Visa today, March 3 which would make it six weeks and one day since they received it until it was in my hands. How are you doing? If you ever need any help or just have questions please feel free to email me.
brocku00MaleCanada2010-03-03 20:03:00
CanadaI will NEVER contact Montreal Consulate AGAIN!!

Seriously? That is some awesome news!! i have been reading your story from the get go and this is the best news I"ve heard all day! NOw go on, get out of here and go with your husband!
congats, Brock00.. that is awesome.

Thangs Lgg!! I noticed you POE'D in you live in Maryland? If so....hello neighbour or should I say neighbor...LOL!! I'll be in Delaware!
brocku00MaleCanada2010-03-03 14:20:00
CanadaI will NEVER contact Montreal Consulate AGAIN!!

Congrats, Brocku! I was expecting your rant but got appreciation instead. You rascal you!

Sorry about that!! LOL I've had A LOT of time to think about how I would tell my VJ friends!!! :devil:
brocku00MaleCanada2010-03-03 14:18:00
CanadaI will NEVER contact Montreal Consulate AGAIN!!
.........because I have my VISA!!!!! Thank you, thank you thank you!!! I can't explain how happy I am right just believe me!! LOL

So, two years and two days later, my family can be a family again!

I found out Monday that the package was in Montreal post office and have been checking the progress since. The computer system for Canada post, said "Montreal post office" until this morning when it said that it had arrived in Hamilton at 8:00 this morning. My next thought was....okay it's in Hamilton, now how many more days until they deliver it?? Well, I called the 1800 number at 10:00 and it said, "OUT FOR DELIVERY". WOO HOO!! Then I impatiently sat in my house trying to keep busy and hoping for the best but expecting the worst (normally I don't think about the worst but if you know what I went through then you would know why). Finally at 1:47 pm (not that I noticed the time or anything LOL) the doorbell rang!!! Of coarse with my past experience, I immedeitly looked at the thickness of the envelope that she was holding and could tell that it was thick!!! I sat down and slowly opened the envelope so I could remember this beautiful day and found my passport with the VISA, a letter of explanation and the 'sealed envelope'!!

So...I wanted to let you guys know that I am once again a happy camper and thank you for all your help and support throughout this process!!

I'll be back on later as soon as I get off cloud 9 to ask a few questions regarding POE.


Edited by brocku00, 03 March 2010 - 02:11 PM.

brocku00MaleCanada2010-03-03 14:10:00
CanadaClearing confusion from the standpoint of the border about POE
I made a very nice 'detailed' list of 'goods to follow' since I was moving today and the officer didn't even look at it or want it...he said just bring it with you when you move down. Today all I brought with me was the 'big sealed envelope', my passport and my inventory list. Also if you are moving down with a big Uhaul but you still have a few things left to bring down another time...just make a list and tell them that there are a few things still left in Canada for the next trip.
brocku00MaleCanada2010-03-04 16:57:00
CanadaClearing confusion from the standpoint of the border about POE


I just called the Rainbow bridge in NY about my wife's POE. I explained to him exactly what's going on, how I wanted to POE this week to start the process of her getting her SSN and all that "jazz" as I called it.

He said we can come in "at any time" and that she "doesn't actually have to move until a year." I will repeat, He said after activating her CR1, she "does" not have to actually move for a year...and she can come and go as she pleased with that stamped passport.

And contrary to the CO's disclaimer, we do NOT need a advanced parole, he said that must be if your still waiting for your packet in the mail.

This information is for myself and anyone else that has been told other wise. Id still advise to call a bridge though just to confirm. Do not "move" or "POE" on my account. I'm just telling you all what I was told. I said was anything else needed, he said no, just the packet.

Its actually quite hard to call one of the bridges. The Niagara Falls Bridge Commission, which "runs" the bridges - whirlpool, lewiston queenston and rainbow bridge, is NOT the CBP. I had to google to get their numbers.

Initially I called the LQ bridge, the guy did NOT understand me, he said he thinks there's a fee, then he was talking to someone on the other line, and I overheard him say, "there's a Fee for K1 right..." DUH I DID NOT SAY K1. So I just said thank to him and hung up and called another bridge. In WNY, I have 4 bridges I cal call :-)

Hi there,
I just wanted to totally agree with you since I just did the process today! I called Lewiston Bridge yesterday and explained the same thing about getting the ball rolling and not moving for a few months and he said that it was fine. So today I drove 35 minutes south, hit the PIL booth and told him I want to activate my Visa. So he sent me in. Within a few minutes I was called up and AGAIN I explained what I was looking to do and the officers (3 of them) said after activation that I have a year to move down!! So he told me to sit down for a few and relax. He called me up about 5 minutes later and took my fingerprints (electronic), my picture and then the old fashioned ink fingerprint (only one finger). He told me to sit down again and so I did. About 10 minutes later he called me up, explained how to cross the border and so on and said that's it, see ya later. I took my passport and drove down the street to the SS Office and applied for my SSN and my childrens. The SSN applications took about 20 minutes and the man said I should get them in the mail next week or the following week (in Canada). ***Just to let you know when you apply for SSN, have your passport with VISA (obviously!!) and your birth need both.

So, I am now "ACTIVATED" and will have my SSN in a couple of weeks and I must say it was the easiest process yet. I drove from home, did the border thing, applied for SSN's and drove home in 3 hours and 45 minutes!! Not bad! Just one question though, the border officer said that I will be getting my GC in the mail in approx. 5-6 months. this correct??? I swear I read peoples timelines that said it only took about a month. My Visa is a temp. GC for a year anyways, so I'm not worried about it....just curious.

So, hope this helps some people.....and I'm sure that every bridge or POE is going to be different. ...this was just my experience at Lewiston.
brocku00MaleCanada2010-03-04 14:05:00
CanadaVisa in Hand!!!!

I'm from Welland and a Brock Alum! Yay for local faces! :dance:

Congrats on getting the visa so fast! That's impressive!

YEAH!! Brock grad here too!! Hence the name Brocku00 :thumbs:
brocku00MaleCanada2010-03-04 18:40:00
CanadaPOE story for IR1
I responded to a previous post today about today's experience, so I will just copy and paste that so everyone can see....since it might be hard to find on another thread. Overall a great experience and very quick. Hope you enjoy and here it is:

Hi there,
I just wanted to totally agree with you since I just did the process today! I called Lewiston Bridge yesterday and explained the same thing about getting the ball rolling and not moving for a few months and he said that it was fine. So today I drove 35 minutes south, hit the PIL booth and told him I want to activate my Visa. So he sent me in. Within a few minutes I was called up and AGAIN I explained what I was looking to do and the officers (3 of them) said after activation that I have a year to move down!! So he told me to sit down for a few and relax. He called me up about 5 minutes later and took my fingerprints (electronic), my picture and then the old fashioned ink fingerprint (only one finger). He told me to sit down again and so I did. About 10 minutes later he called me up, explained how to cross the border and so on and said that's it, see ya later. I took my passport and drove down the street to the SS Office and applied for my SSN and my childrens. The SSN applications took about 20 minutes and the man said I should get them in the mail next week or the following week (in Canada). ***Just to let you know when you apply for SSN, have your passport with VISA (obviously!!) and your birth need both.

So, I am now "ACTIVATED" and will have my SSN in a couple of weeks and I must say it was the easiest process yet. I drove from home, did the border thing, applied for SSN's and drove home in 3 hours and 45 minutes!! Not bad! Just one question though, the border officer said that I will be getting my GC in the mail in approx. 5-6 months. this correct??? I swear I read peoples timelines that said it only took about a month. My Visa is a temp. GC for a year anyways, so I'm not worried about it....just curious.

So, hope this helps some people.....and I'm sure that every bridge or POE is going to be different. ...this was just my experience at Lewiston.
brocku00MaleCanada2010-03-04 18:44:00
CanadaJob search engine's for US jobs
Thanks everyone! I have been checking them out and they are GREAT!! :thumbs: They are definetly 100% better than the sites I've been looking at. Thank you again.
brocku00MaleCanada2010-03-07 09:41:00
CanadaJob search engine's for US jobs

What kind of work are you looking for?

I'll be living in Delaware and I was (still am) a certified teacher in Ontario for 6 years and am now working on getting certified in Delaware. I have a degree in Education and a degree in Recreation and Leeisure Studies (also a diploma in Recreation and Leisure). Since leaving teaching in 2008, I became a customs/immigration officer. So I have a lot of experience in different backgrounds. I have experience with teaching, special events, sports, admin, policies/procedures, Federal/Provinicial Laws, applications, and many more things. So when I look for a job, I have to look under many categories because my experience and education doesn't just fit under one category.
Thanks for all your help...I'll be checking out your suggestions and I'll let you know how it is going.
brocku00MaleCanada2010-03-06 15:21:00
CanadaJob search engine's for US jobs

There isn't any sort of unified source like there is in Canada (HRDC) but Krikit posted an excellent job search engine a little while ago that you can tailor to your own needs and location quite easily:

Thank you!! I will look into it!
brocku00MaleCanada2010-03-06 11:25:00
CanadaJob search engine's for US jobs
Hi everyone,
I was looking on the other thread's....outside our Canadian thread :wacko: , and I was looking at American job search information. Well, I didn't find much of anything on there so I thought I would come back to the best thread in VJ HISTORY :dance: and ask the experts.....YOU!!! In Canada we have HRDC Job banks and Charity Village and so on of 'ligitamate' jobs but it seems that everywhere I look for jobs online for American jobs...they feel/look like scams and are not really 'professions'. Anyways, I hope someone knows what I mean and can help. If anyone knows of really good 'legit' US job search engine's, please let me know. Thanks everyone!!
brocku00MaleCanada2010-03-06 11:19:00
CanadaGood Luck, Wyatt's Torch
Congratulations!! What a relief for you to know that there is no more waiting....and now go join your wife!!
brocku00MaleCanada2010-03-05 11:59:00
CanadaMy Canadian Status
If you are a CDN PR you must remain 'physically' in Canada for 2 out of 5 years, unless you yourself work outside of Canada for the Canadian Government. Or, if you are married to a Canadian citizen you can live anywhere in the world for as long as you would like....and still maintain your residency obligation. I'm guessing though that since you have an IR1 Visa that your spouse is American.
If you applied for your Canadian Citizenship before you left you should be fine since you have been in Canada for 6 years as a PR....which A) qualifies you to apply to become a citz and B) even if you left in can remain outside for a while since they take the past 5 years as of the day they receive application.
brocku00MaleCanada2010-03-08 23:09:00
Canadausa business owner aka spouse

if any of you are usc owning a business and have sponsored your spouse from canada please email me

Have to go work right now....but I'll email you later.
brocku00MaleCanada2010-03-10 08:07:00