National Visa Center (Dept of State)How do they schedule interviews?
Thank you everyone for your replies.....I am starting to understand. Am I too understand that since I have been married for so many years that I may not have conditions on my GC or something like that? I did hear something about the length of marriage in relevance to how long I would have to wait to apply for citizenship, which for me would be three years. So, fingers crossed everyone, I'm hoping to hear some good news today about my interview time!!! unsure.gif
Thanks again for your replies.
brocku00MaleCanada2009-06-09 08:14:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)How do they schedule interviews?
OK....I've been in this immigration thing for over a year now and I still don't know the difference between application names. I applied for an I130 is that equivalent to a K1 or K3 or CR1? Or an ASAP C3PO, R2D2, RSVP, LMAO, .....ahhhh the accronyms!!!! LOL crying.gif wacko.gif blink.gif mad.gif
Someone please tell me what I applied for??? Is there anyone else out there that applied for an I130?

By the way.....thank you to everyone for your helpful answers!!!
brocku00MaleCanada2009-06-08 21:48:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)How do they schedule interviews?
Oh, don't worry about calling them! I call them on a daily basis and when they ask why I'm calling, I either come up with a good excuse or I just simply tell them I'm excited to find out and love to annoy them....most of them laugh!! Last month I called on the Monday of the second week of the month and nothing, but on the Tuesday afternoon of the second week (the next day), I called again and was told that I didn't get an interview for June and to call back 2nd week of June for July interviews!! I'm sure they do all the scheduling today and the computers are updated tonight or tomorrow morning. So I should know by tomorrow afternoon!!! kicking.gif Everyone keep your fingers crossed for me and I'll let everyone know ASAP so that others know to call and find out. Good luck!
brocku00MaleCanada2009-06-08 12:52:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)How do they schedule interviews?
Hi Everyone,
I am waiting for my interview date for Montreal. My case was completed on April 24. I have been told by NVC that they only schedule interview times on the second week of each month. There are people that are also going to Montreal that found out last week their interview times but when I called NVC on Friday, I was told again that they only do scheduling on the second week of each month???? Is there different scheduling for different applications? (ie K1, K3, I130...etc) or am I missing something? Thanks for any help.

brocku00MaleCanada2009-06-08 09:18:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NO INTERVIEW FOR ME IN JULY :(
Thanks for the breakdown! Everytime I try to research timelines I get very confused and frustrated trying to figure them out. I'm sure that they have so many slots for interviews per month for I130's and so many for K1's...etc. I hope and pray for a call/email at the end of the month. Hopefully some of us will have the same day...and then we could meet for a celebatory drink in Montreal the night before!!! kicking.gif Thanks for all the helpful tips!!

By the way, where is everyone moving to in the US after receiving GC?? And where in Canada is everyone from? (Hamilton, Ontario here)
I am going to Delaware. (Dover to be specific)

Edited by brocku00, 11 June 2009 - 09:29 PM.

brocku00MaleCanada2009-06-11 21:28:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NO INTERVIEW FOR ME IN JULY :(
No I'm sure! mad.gif I called last night and the guy said that I didn't get it for July. So I thought he was just reading it wrong so I called back today and the girl this time also said July is booked and that I did not get an interview. I hope that this will change....and they will surprise me with a call/email before the second week on July!! Thanks for the support everyone! Let me know if you hear about anything.
brocku00MaleCanada2009-06-11 18:39:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NO INTERVIEW FOR ME IN JULY :(
BAD NEWS AGAIN!!! I called NVC and once again I did not get an interview for July!! mad.gif I don't know how long I am going to have to wait?? My case was complete on April 24/09. I now have to wait until the 2nd week on July to call and see if I get an interview for August. If the interview is in August, that will be 4 months since completion!!! Is this a typical wait or should I be concerned? Thanks for any replies!!
brocku00MaleCanada2009-06-11 17:24:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWhen can I apply for citizenship?
Hi everyone,
I was reading some posts on here and looking at some of your timelines and am curious on when to apply for citizenship. I married my husband (USC) in December 2001. I moved to US with my GC in March 2010. For some reason I thought I had to wait two years to obtain citizenship but I could apply at a year and a half out in order to start it before two year mark. Am I correct in this or can it be sooner? I thought from looking at some people's timelines that it was a lot sooner than the two years. Thanks for any help.
brocku00MaleCanada2010-07-31 15:48:00
CanadaUSC crossing border into canada w/ misdemeanor drug charge
Hi again! Carlawarla...i just PM'd you and explained things....hope you understand.
brocku00MaleCanada2009-06-12 16:37:00