IMBRA Special TopicsRFE police records and court record
i believe you have to send court records if you have any convictions.. If not then just a clean police certificate.
nickmMaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-20 06:09:00
IMBRA Special TopicsTo declare or not?
I dont know much about all this, but i am sure the best advice would be tell the truth, the whole truth, so help me god. :thumbs:
nickmMaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-24 13:27:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
Well i made it..

The train journey, as i expected was about the worst part of the day.. but thankfully having booked a seat i didnt have to stand on the morning train..

I arrived in London at Kingcross station at around 12.00, from there i jumped on the the underground, the victoria line, and got off at Oxford circus. The map from the doctors shows that bond street station in closer, but to get to Bond street from kings cross means a change at Oxford circus onto the central line, and to be honest the distance between the two hardly makes it worth while.. its about 5 minutes walk to bond street from oxford circus and theres plenty of shops if you are that way inclined..

I found Bentinck Mansions very easily using the map provided. I arrived there at around 12.30 and so was far too early to chance it at going in as my appointment wasn't until 2.10.. So i went around the corner to a little cafe and had a coffee and sandwich.

Rather than getting lost in the streets of London i decided to have a walk round the area just to waste some time.. and this is where my biggest tip for the day comes.. Just along the road from the doctors is Manchester Square which is the location on the Wallace collection (If you are standing facing the Doctors it is along the road to the right). This place is a museum/stately home and the best bit is that its totally free to go in and have a look around, and seriously if you have the time make sure you go in!!!. My favourite was the armoury section but there are many antiques and incredible things to look at..

So i looked round in there until 2.00 and then headed back to Bentinck Mansions, the door is kept lock so i had to press the buzzer and was let in.

The whole thing took around an hour.

First i was asked for my passport, vaccination records and medical questionnaire, and then handed another questionnaire which i had to fill in and return. This, as most in this thread have said, was pretty much the same as the one i already handed in but looked more official. Again the first question on the form was have you been hospitalised, so i asked if this ment visits to A&E and was told that "Yes that cover things like that".

After about 15 minuites i was called up and was led into a room to chat about the vaccinations.. She said i needed the MMR, which i already knew and she showed me the vaccination form DS-3025(?) and asked what visa i was applying for.. when i said K1 she said i didnt require the vaccinations and that i would need the MMR for the AOS, and then said "you already know all this right" and yes i did , she asked when i planned on getting the MMR and i said before the AOS, she was very nice and relaxed and said she would sign off the vaccination records. :-)

I then went through too the next room for the X-ray, i had to strip to the waist and stand in front of the x-ray board and all that was over in a couple of minutes.

After a few minutes in the waiting room again, i was called up by an irish doctor who was very plesant, he took my weight, height and asked a few questions about my health and it seems the main concern for them is TB.. Next he listened to my heart and lungs, did a bit more prodding around and took some blood.. I too got away with no downstairs checks, i guess with my manly good looks there was no question about my sex :whistle: :whistle: :lol:

We actually spent most of the time talking about plants, he found out i am a horticlturist and was asking for some plants he could use in his containers at home, he even asked me to write a list :-) which i did..

It was a very relaxed atmosphere and the whole thing was over by 3.00pm. I was told to take a seat in the waiting room again, i think this is just a precaution after having given blood and also so the reception can get the paper work ready and after a few minutes i was called to come and pay when ready.

I was given the DS-3025, vaccination form, and told to keep it safe, then paid and left.

All i had to do now was waste four and a half hours in london, which for me was a real challenge, i am purely and simply a country boy and i have little/no tollerance of many people and my idea of shopping is to go into town get what i need and get the hell out of there, so the next few hours was pretty tough.. i am still suffering from people shock.

I finally got back to Halifax at around 11.30pm and that was about the jist of my day.

Good luck to all who have upcoming apponitment and i hope it all goes well.

Edited by nickm, 24 March 2010 - 08:59 AM.

nickmMaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-24 08:58:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
Its my big medical day tomorrow.. and its going to be along one.. to get the train ticket prices down i will be setting off at 9am and wont be back in halifax until 12 midnight. oh the joys of the british transport system..

If i had the nerve to navigate london in a car i would.. but its just not worth the hassle, last time i got lost in london in my car it took me HOURS to get out of there.. The train, as slow and expensive as is it is definatly the lesser of two evils.

One more step after this and i will be back in the states.. wooooop di dooooooooo...
nickmMaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-22 11:38:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
I am getting all my paperwork together and i have just filled out the medical questionarie, for the check boxes at the bottom of the page the first question is "Have you ever been hospitalised (including phychiatric admission)?".

I was bitten by a police dog and had to go to hospital (i wasnt running away just incase you wondered it was in training and didnt listen to the handler) and i have also been in when i stabbed my hand with a screw dirver, again it was nothing like self harming i slipped when tightening a screw and the screwdriver went traight into my hand, there are a couple of other instances like big cuts and stuff that got me to A&E in the past.

Would these be classed as being "Hospitalised"? and should i answer yes and give details.


nickmMaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-08 09:20:00
United Kingdomvisa fee

Maybe you should start a new thread with this question? I would like to know the answer too!

I have been doing some research of my own. I took this from the US Embassy website :

Note: Only applicants who been notified by the Immigrant Visa Unit that a petition has been received in their name should complete the visa application forms. Forms received without the applicant's case number will be discarded.

I think the important part here is that without the case number it will be discarded, so if you have a case number i think you will be good to go.

Also, i think you can find out if the embassy has recieved your approved petition by calling the DOS.. My fiance is going to call later today to try and find out if it possible to track it through their phone system.
nickmMaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-09 13:11:00
United Kingdomvisa fee
We got a notice from NVC today and our petiton has been forwarded to the US embassy in london, i am going to book my medical now and i have everything ready for sending to the embassy.

I have seen some people dont wait for packet 3 to arrive and they just go ahead and send the forms..

> DS156
> DS157
> DS156K
> DS230 1 & 2
> Checklist IV15

Thats it right (i know two of them are required in duplicate but i cant remeber which off the top of my head, i do have them ready though)?

If it is ok to send these before receving the packet. how long should i wait before sending them? i want to make sure they have my case and that they dont discard the forms thinking they are just ramdomly submitted.


nickmMaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-08 18:35:00
United Kingdomvisa fee

You pay it at the Embassy during your interview.

nickmMaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-08 06:17:00
United Kingdomvisa fee

i was wondering at what point in the process the visa fee is paid. I wonder this as i am planning on not waiting for the embassy to send packet 3 to me, i have everything ready to send to them as soon as i know they have receieved the petition from NVC, but i am not sure when the fee is paid.

If it is at this stage i guess i cant send the forms without receving the package 3 as i assume it will inclde instuctions about where to pay, i know for my j1 visa i had to pay the fee at a lloyds bank.

Any info about this would be great .
nickmMaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-08 05:46:00
United KingdomInterview Expereince
I am just trying to understand what the interview is like, just so i know what to expect.

There is a thread saying how the medical was, and i thought that was really helpful, maybe a similar thing for the interviews would be useful.

So please share your experience. how your day went? how long you were there? what did they ask you? Anything that can be useful to those of us who are quickly approaching our interview.


nickmMaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-09 09:15:00
United KingdomImportant info RE: DS156
Hi folks,

I just read this on the Londom Embassy Website.

From March 15 onwards, applicants applying for visas at the Embassy in London or the Consulate General in Belfast will be required to complete the online DS-160.We will no longer accept the DS-156.

Please see this link.


So if like me you have already filled out most of the forms then there are now 2 changes.

Another edit. It seems K-visas are not included in this. This list shows the visas the change relates too..


Edited by nickm, 11 March 2010 - 05:38 PM.

nickmMaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-11 17:34:00
United KingdomGirlfriend denied B2... affects VWP?

Well, thank you everyone for the advice. And I'm sorry for using the phrases "Scottish citizen" and "VWP Visa." I'll be better next time, I swear.

The CockyLockies - good to hear all that. However, my girlfriend lives at home with her folks so she doesn't pay rent to a landlord or have a mortgage or anything along those lines. And she did bring a letter from her employer, but because she works in a restaurant, they deemed it not significant enough employment for it to matter. I think we are going to have her try and come over using the VWP for only like 2 weeks just to see if she can actually get into the country. We know she will be questioned hard when asked about being denied a B2 visa but we dont know what other evidence we can provide to prove to them that's she's not going to try and stay in the US! :(

I think you should get some idea of whether or not your GF will be denied entry when you fill out the VWP online stuff.. if i remember correctly the system asks questions that will determine if she is eligible to use the VWP. Ultimately though the decision lies with the customs and immigration people at the point of entry.

The last time i went to the USA i went through the VWP and stayed for 88days, quite honestly it was a breeze through the immigration control, i was asked only what the purpose of my visit was, where i would be staying and the last time i had visited the USA. I had no evidence that i would return as i had just finished school, had no job and no ties, but they didn't even ask for any and still let me through with no problems whatsoever.

Good luck with your journey.
nickmMaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-18 14:01:00
United KingdomQuestion of what am i looking for
I think sometimes copies are acceptable, however not always.. i dont know what the regulations are for tax documents, but the best advice i have seen and what i would say is whenever possible always use the original documents..

I will be taking everything to my interview in original, plus one copy.. which is what the london embassy states to do..

Good luck
nickmMaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-19 14:53:00
United KingdomOdd Anglo-US question :-)
Yeh there is an REI.. its quite a drive so we are going to order online. (Unless we need some other stuff then we may take a drive down).
nickmMaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-31 07:11:00
United KingdomOdd Anglo-US question :-)

It is beautiful, we went in july and snow was still melting on some spots so we got to see a gradient. In the fall the colors are breath taking. Reaching Mt. Lincoln summit was a very intense feeling for all of us. All that beauty and the fact that we made it all the way there made some of us cry. That's when I fell in love with it, it was a lot of work and made me feel like I could do anything in life. I stood on the highest rock I could find and did a "Leonardo dicapario in Titanic" impersonation couldn't help it :rofl:

I know this feeling very well, i call it mountain CHI, there is hardly anything that can compare to the feeling of success and achievement when sat at the top of a mountain.

We are hoping to go around july time. I am also hoping we can go to see tha fall up in New England.

Strangly enough i did the same "titanic moment" at the top of yosemite falls :lol:

I cant wait to get there now. :thumbs:
nickmMaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-30 12:51:00
United KingdomOdd Anglo-US question :-)

Something like this? http://www.mountainw....php?prod=NHH13

That look like the type of thing im after, shame they dont have inside views the map, for that price it might be worth getting anyway. Thanks. I had even looked through that website and couldn't find anything for the White mountains. :bonk:

I went with a group of friends (we are all inexperienced hikers), stayed at pinkham notch "Joe Dodge" lodge for a night and hiked to greenleaf hut in Mt. lafayette. We bought the maps @ the little bookstore in their visitor center next door to the lodge, they had all sorts of maps and other hiking goodies. So if you cannot find it before you go, you may find it at town stores or visitor centers close by.

Thanks, thats good to know. I was hoping to get the maps before hand so i could do some route planning, but as a last resort we can always go to the shop there.

I am pretty lucky in that i have spent alot of time in the mountians.

So is it as beautiful as it looks in the pictures? Or better?

We went to Yosemite National Park a few years ago and there isnt a picture anywhere that can show just how amazing it is there. Places like these are one of the reasons i cant wait to be back in the states..

Edited by nickm, 30 March 2010 - 11:58 AM.

nickmMaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-30 11:56:00
United KingdomOdd Anglo-US question :-)
Thanks, its not quite detailed enough for what im am wanting. I really need the topographic information to be there as well as major landmarks and such.
nickmMaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-30 10:48:00
United KingdomOdd Anglo-US question :-)
Hi folks,

This is totally unrelated to Visas or anything..

I am in the process of planning our Honeymoon, we are planning an going hiking and camping in the White Mountains State Park in New Hampshire.

Here in the UK we have the Ordnance Survey (OS) maps, they are very detailed for when out in the hills and mountain in places like the Lake District and Breacon Becaons.

Is there an American alternative to the OS maps?

All i can find is some very basic trail maps, and one thing i dont like is trail maps..

When im out in the mountains i think one of the most important things is a good detailed map, getting lost becasue of poor maps is very embarassing, especially after all the orienteering i have had to do.. :blush:

If anyone has any idea of where i can look for such maps i would greatly appreciate it.


nickmMaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-30 10:22:00
United KingdomTravelling
If you go you should make sure you take a copy of the NOA2 and evidence that you will return to the UK, a return ticket and proof of ties would be helpful.
nickmMaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-05 10:31:00
United Kingdompackets?

Aye Nickm it is a K1 Visa.
Thanks very much for the replies this is really helping me!
Who arranges the Medical appt me or the Visa people? Sorry with all the questions!

You arrange the medical, and try to ensure it is at least a week before your interview.. There is a PDF file you can get from the second link i gave you that gives you full instructions on how when where and why for the medical. The most painful part of the medical is the trains and the price. :lol:

Edited by nickm, 02 April 2010 - 09:21 AM.

nickmMaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-02 09:20:00
United Kingdompackets?
i am assuming you are applying for the K1 visa.. If not then disregard the following...

You need the following forms, available from the Embassy website.

Here http://www.usembassy...a/iv/iv_15.html

DS156 (in duplicate)
DS167 (in duplicate)

These make up packet 3.

Follow the instructions on the embassy website and you will be fine.

The police certificate and other documents are required at the interview, you should not send them with packet 3.

Infomation on the medical can be found here. http://www.usembassy.../medexam_K.html

And yes the GP/Nurse will guide you through the vaccinations.

Good luck

Edited by nickm, 02 April 2010 - 09:09 AM.

nickmMaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-02 09:07:00
United Kingdomwaiting time for appts?

My understanding is that you need the medical before interview - so you can't do it on the same day.

You can do the medical on the same day as the interview if you MUST. If you do it will delay the approval of your visa until the Embassy recieves your results.
nickmMaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-12 05:13:00
United KingdomMedical and interview date
From what i have read on here, it is possible to do your medical and the interview within the same 2 days in london, well you could do it the same day if your brave enough, the only outcome will be that the embassy will delay the issuance of the visa until they receive the medical results.

This could cause a delay of a couple of weeks, but if the only choice is to do them in them both in the same short space of time, it is possible.
nickmMaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-27 15:43:00
United KingdomRecipt from packet 3?

Hello all.

I've sent back packet 3. I mailed all of the physical forms from America, as I was visiting my fiancee at the time. FOOL I was, I didn't do recorded delivery! I was wondering if I should get any kind of notification that they've recieved my documents. I'm just keen to know that they got them. And I've had problems with the USPS before!

Thanks for your help in advance.

The london embassy will not acknowledge receipt of your documents until it is logged into the system, if like in my case, they havent logged your docs after 5 weeks you should get on the phone to the embassy and find out whats going on.

It seems they are working very quickly logging documents and arranging interviews, so good luck.
nickmMaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-04 12:09:00
United KingdomUpcoming PM elections...
I dont follow politics.. i have a dim view of the government, after all the recent things i am convinced they are all just pretty much liscensed criminals. All that will happen in the next election is we will be trading one inssuferable busy body and money grabbing liar for the next.

I remember when blair quit and brown took over, i was in America and one of the Americans i was working with said "so what do you think of your new prime minister". To which i answered "we have a new prime minister".
nickmMaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-26 07:53:00
United KingdomDocuments for London interview
A copy of your birth certificate should have been included in the I-129F application so no this should not be required as they should already have a copy in your case file.

I do however have a certified copy of my fiancee's (the USC) birth certificate. Better safe than sorry. I have basically gone about gathering my documents with the train of thought "maybe i wil need it", if i think maybe then i have it..

As far as divorce documents im afraid i cant say for certain, but i would assume that this was also submitted with the I-129F and so the embassy should already hold a copy, but again its better to be safe than sorry. She might as well have a copy as it cant harm your chances and in the event it does get request by a CO it will be on hand.

I feel like i have a suitcase full of documents to take with me :-) But i just dont want to get tripped up by not having something on the day.

Good luck

nickmMaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-16 12:45:00
United KingdomAdministrative Processing

Thank you so very much everybody for your responses, thoughts, and for your words of encouragement and support! I am very happy to report that the courier's tracking website today (sometime between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. UK time) was updated to show that the passport is scheduled to be delivered to Michael's house. So, thankfully I didn't have to call D.O.S. again, especially next week like she suggested!!!

So, if everything works out, we are still hoping for a POE date of next Wednesday 05/26/2010. Thank you so much again everybody, and wishing everyone a speedy journey. It is unbelievably stressful, worriesome, etc.

Thats great news, my visa has shown up on the DX site now too.. I will have it in hand on monday :-)
nickmMaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-21 05:57:00
United KingdomAdministrative Processing
I just thought i would also add that the DX tracking site will not show the package in their system until the visa package is in their hands and on its way to you.
nickmMaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-19 06:59:00
United KingdomAdministrative Processing
I read on VJ somehere that during the printing time the DOS when contacted will say that it is in AP but that it is not true AP.

I cant remember where i saw this but it here somewhere.

I also remember reading that the average time to recieve the visa is six working days.

Hope you get it sorted soon.

nickmMaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-19 04:27:00