K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMy Wife, My Love
you are lucky that you got to be together.. good.gif congrats!! we are still waiting for that moment.. when I do go over though, I just sometimes watch her sleeping next to me.. that feeling is wonderful.. lots of people take simple feeling for granted..
gogoMaleChina2009-06-16 13:52:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNeed Advice - our I-130 "Outside of processing dates"
here you go.. but only after 1 year though.. otherwise, USCIS can just have reason to dismiss the lawsuit..

gogoMaleChina2009-06-16 13:53:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresImmigraton lawyer, or not
you should do your own research, and get a lawyer.. I corrected my lawyer on how to do things sometime.. but is their "name" that I am buying.. the courts are still afraid of a good lawyer.. or a team =)
gogoMaleChina2009-06-26 09:05:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS Contacts
Sorry, I haven't been on the forum this last month (August) because I went to China to pick her up.. we also had problems at the LAX (entry point) too.. they told her that she had a "lookup" and had to go into the little room where they ask you questions (inadmissibility review).. so I sat far away waiting for her, and finally they told her everything was ok.. she said they made a phone call and let her pass.. we were worried because I saw others who were being interview for over 2-3 hours.. so we had our share of problems even until the end.. I would be super pissed off if she couldn't enter America when she even got off the plane here..

Here is something to help all the people who are having problems..

Attached Files

gogoMaleChina2009-10-01 18:09:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWill I EVER get to USA?
haha, thanks for the good luck.. and I hope not.. I hope your case doesn't end up like mine.. I don't know what other problems they can throw my way.. wacko.gif
gogoMaleChina2009-07-06 12:33:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWill I EVER get to USA?
problem is I can't get the approval like everyone else.. unsure.gif even with all that I have found..
gogoMaleChina2009-07-06 12:20:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWill I EVER get to USA?
can you guess where that number came from? hehe.. whistling.gif I was the first to post that a long time ago.. I'm sure these numbers will be a lot more helpful than the numbers I have given you before..

Attached Files

Edited by gogo, 06 July 2009 - 12:07 PM.

gogoMaleChina2009-07-06 12:06:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWill I EVER get to USA?
you are surprised at all the hard work we go through..

this is what I wrote to Mr. DD..

"I cannot stop fighting because we love each other very much. I will continue to send out letters/emails to all the USCIS contacts and government officials (White House, senators, congressmen, FBI Director Muller, FBI Records Management Chief Michael Cannon, and others). My wife recently a I-601 Waiver for "Misrepresentation" (I just called DOS for the 5th time today). We have never lied on our petition, and have given lots of information for our interview (10 photo albums, 4 years worth of taxes, no criminal background for both, over 2000+ emails, letters/packages we send to each other). I have been through hell (I-130 transfer to local office, local office interview, blue slip, AP, I-601 Waiver). If we were lying on our case, why would I continue to fight? If you look in our case, you will see what I have been through arguing with USCIS workers who always give me different answers. Even today, one of them said we don't have a waiver and the "notes don't show anything at all". I don't believe anyone anymore because of the USCIS's lies. They always tell me different stuff that don't relate to my case. USCIS has caused my family and my loved ones great pain and suffering. I already proved myself by continuing to fight and I will continue to do so. This is not some toy you just throw away. My wife and I have a good relationship and I will protect it with my life. I cannot believe you allow people who 1) cannot even afford support, and need others to support them, 2) people who convict many crimes, 3) people who supposedly "overstay" and just adjust their status , to allow to stay in America, while you allow innocent US Citizens (who never commit any crimes) and work for the government, to not have their loved ones with them."

like I wrote here.. this isn't some toy you just throw away if it gets denied.. if you believe that, then you don't understand what marriage is all about.. many people say they will fight for / protect their spouse.. but do they really mean that? Think of this as a big test of your love and faithfulness in each other.. my wife also does research too (there is a website called 001, but only in chinese so she can read that).. but of course, the main burden is on me.. and I'm not going down without a fight.. even if I do go down, I'll bring some people down with me.. I'm not going to call DOS because they are still "high" on their holiday weekend and probably won't do anything.. I'm going to call them Wednesday to find out more about our case.. your husband has to keep updated on your case too.. that is how I found out about our I-601 Waiver.. they were about to deny it, and so I complained.. so it's back in the game now.. I'm going to watch it like a hawk.. smell it a mile away..

Edited by gogo, 06 July 2009 - 12:05 PM.

gogoMaleChina2009-07-06 12:01:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWill I EVER get to USA?
yeah, I'm working for the government too.. haha, that was my first sentence to them in my complaint letter.. yes, we went through a lot, but we are at the end, so we can't give up.. and neither should you.. ask your husband this : "is this relationship worth it?".. by not helping and pushing, he doesn't think so.. maybe most of the people won't push the government as much as I did.. but at least they will be doing something.. calling USCIS is not what I meant.. since the main road doesn't work, you need to go the side roads.. or even make your own road like I am doing.. it may be tougher and takes more time (like I have seen many "friends" on visajourney that have received approval a long time before me).. but in the end, it will be worth it.. when she gets here, I'm just going to take a couple of days off so we can sleep in.. just hug each other and sleep the whole day.. good.gif just to know that I can hug her everyday makes me want to fight even more.. sometimes I do give up too (haha, men cry too, especially here).. and I call her (she says we can talk anytime, anywhere.. even in the middle of the night.. 2AM, 4AM.. ).. so when I feel sad , I call her too.. then we talk about our dreams and what I want to show her when she gets here (Disneyland, snow.. she hasn't seen snow before) and then I get fired up again.. devil.gif but the fight isn't over yet..
gogoMaleChina2009-07-06 11:57:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWill I EVER get to USA?
the response from White House takes 3 months.. it is not an overnight thing.. whistling.gif the others will take a while too.. that is why I'm advising your husband does it now.. by the time December comes by, you will at least have the proof you need..
gogoMaleChina2009-07-06 11:44:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWill I EVER get to USA?
you don't read my story.. I'm one of the "ultimate" complainers to the government.. whistling.gif

we wrote the white house staff (yes, staff.. as more than 1.. not including president and his inner group).. in December 2007, and got a response in March 2008 (saying they forwarded our complaint to Dept of Justice ==> FBI).. in our complaint, I wrote about 3 pages worth of story (saying I was working for government, we had background checks, all their excuses).. then I included the exact case status printouts from the USCIS website.. Also, straight quotes from their "government" websites on security checks and how long they are supposed to take.. Also, I submitted my FBI letter once I got it.. and a few other goodies to shut them up so they can't complain against my "complaint" letter.. if you have the proof, they can't say anything.. and that is why the lawsuit won (not for money.. it forces them to give an answer within 60 days - 30 days originally, plus 30 days extension.. yes they get an extension, I don't know why).. we submitted our lawsuit in July 2008, and got the approval letter September 2008 (58th day out of 60 days).. they always take the last minute, but at least we got it...

Edited by gogo, 06 July 2009 - 11:41 AM.

gogoMaleChina2009-07-06 11:37:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWill I EVER get to USA?
you should tell USCIS you are doing a "security check" on them too.. haha, that's what I would have told them over the phone.. like I said before, there is no such thing as security checks taking over 1 week.. anything longer than that, they are holding for a reason.. like my case, they were about to issue the waiver, but I got all up in their business (I know, I'm the USC here.. so his husband should be able to do the same) and they reversed the I-601 waiver.. tell me, of all your searching in Visajourney, have you heard anything like that? I'm not afraid to do everything I can.. even if it means yelling at the government.. Also, I have facts to PROVE they are taking a hell of a long time on my case.. as you can read in my "STORY".. I was going to give them a few days rest, but seeing as how my wife called them this morning (they are still processing our case) - we always talk together in the parking lot at work.. I bring my laptop and talk with her in the morning too.. hehe, I use the MIFI Verizon thing, it's pretty good.. well, back to this.. I just sent an email to Guangzhou Consulate again to ask about our case, and will send another letter to other contacts today too..

as to repeat what others have said.. calling USCIS for case status is useless.. you can't use the main road.. you need to use the side roads now.. or you can do both like I do.. ask for status every few days (or every day, haha) and also fax your "complaint" to other contacts too.. when I did my "complaint" faxing, I faxed over 100+ people on my list and did so every few days.. let's just say the White House ran out of toner for their fax machine , hehe.. that's why they forwarded my case to the Dept of Justice, then to the FBI.. I received a letter from the Records Management Chief saying I had no security checks on my case.. that was my proof for my lawsuit later on.. the people who DO security checks said I didn't have any, so #######? so get some proof and slam them..

Edited by gogo, 06 July 2009 - 11:35 AM.

gogoMaleChina2009-07-06 11:32:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWill I EVER get to USA?
that's true.. that's why I wrote a statement for her to tell him earlier in this thread.. yes, you are right.. we can make it hell for them too, but the beneficiary cannot.. sometimes they don't even answer my wife's emails/inquiries to the Guangzhou Consulate.. but they had always answered mine until recently.. sometimes I don't get a response, so that's why I transferred my hell to Mr DD..
gogoMaleChina2009-07-01 15:17:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWill I EVER get to USA?
I would.. this is important to you.. as long as you are "way past" like me, I don't care who I take down.. I have even been in contact with FBI as well as USCIS internal people too (Deputy Director)..
gogoMaleChina2009-07-01 13:23:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWill I EVER get to USA?
here are some more links then : haha, I have a long list of these..

some of them don't relate, but it is good to have more information than less..


see how many you can write.. there should be at least 20-30 good ones there that relate to immigration (President, Vice President, and staff) are at least a few..

Edited by gogo, 26 June 2009 - 09:09 AM.

gogoMaleChina2009-06-26 09:07:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWill I EVER get to USA?
haha, sorry.. I just had new ideas popping in all the time.. whistling.gif
gogoMaleChina2009-06-23 17:30:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWill I EVER get to USA?
second.. people are going through the same thing you are going thorough.. they are just trying to help you and see where you SHOULD be at.. again, you should take a look at my links I gave you regarding the security checks.. we are all in this together, even though we have our own FINAL PRIZE to win.. and some of us will have so many problems to deal with (like me).. sometimes I see people get approved and I am jealous.. how come our journey was not as smooth as others?.. crying.gif crying.gif

gogoMaleChina2009-06-23 17:01:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWill I EVER get to USA?
first off.. this is to your HUSBAND..

what kind of ####### do you think you are? going for a promotion and can't even help your wife? I went through grad school, found a job in the city of LA (government job), and had time to go back 6 times to visit her, over the past 4 years.. the USCIS is doing SOMETHING, because you aren't doing ANYTHING... no ######, sherlock.. did you deduce that all by yourself?? (that's to your husband, not you)...I'm being really hard on your husband because he isn't doing ANYTHING for you.. (by the way, I send money every few months too for her).. I wake up everyday at 5AM just to go to work.. and yet I made a promise to my wife to CALL HER EVERYDAY.. no matter how late or how early.. she WILL hear from me everyday.. we have been doing that over 4 years now.. 1600 days.. we have been doing phone calls everyday, and most of the time webcam too.. so next time tell him to shut up or put up.. and tell him to talk to me.. I'll have more BS to shove up his butt more than he can handle..

QUOTE (mrsB @ Jun 19 2009, 02:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow, this post has seen so much since my last visit here. At some point it trailed off to some completely different case all together, then came back to me and not in the most positive ways. I'm sure that the whole point of jundp's snapping at me was to "wake me up" to realize what a horrible, self-centered person I am. Or perhaps it was just there to point out his/hers serious nature. We may never know, as I suspect that jundp took off in a hurry after getting all that off of his/hers chest. Anyway...

I have a feeling that jundp hasn't been following the topic from the start (and I can't blame them as it's been going on for a good while now) as I thought that I've been giving everyone plenty of updates on how my case has been processing (or more like not processing) along. I've stated when we got married, when we sent off our papers and what has happened since. I never felt it to be that important to fill in my timeline because (and I've said this before) there are 3 dates that I can fill in. 3 dates that I've also mentioned in my posts. But I've added them to the timeline and 2 fictionary dates for when we sent our I-130 and I-129F because I don't have the exact dates and my husband can't seem to recall. So the 3 dates are: Our wedding on December 15th, 2007, the day we got the NOA1 on I-130 (April 16th, 2008) and the day we got the NOA1 on I-129F (June 6th, 2008). I'm not sure how posting those on my timeline are useful to anyone but there they are now.

Other than that, nothing official has been done to our case. We have no FOR SURE info on anything. That's kind of the problem. Our case has been f*cked up so much over the course of the past year (and some months) that I wonder if even the USCIS knows what's going on. In fact, my husband just called them and they said what they told us already half a year ago: that the case has been forwarded to the "correct personnel".

I'd also like to point out that I'm sure it's easy for people to point out how we need a lawyer and such. I know we do. I just also know we simply cannot afford that kind of money. Everything we earn these days just goes to basic living expenses.

There's also another problem with all this, which I can't remember if I've mentioned but... The main problem is that I am in fact in Finland. And it's very hard for ME to do much for our case from here. The U.S. Embassy in Helsinki has no power in this and the USCIS won't give me any information since I'm not the American in this relationship. It's hard to keep in touch with the congressmen/senators when I have to be the one to try to track them down when they're present since I can't even give them my number so that they could call me back, since I'm foreign and all. Everything I or we do needs the participation of my husband. He's up for a promotion at his work and it seems that he has to work pretty much 24/7. When he's home, he's just so tired of even hearing about this immigration stuff that he'll rather just go to bed than discuss the topic. I have been minding my own business for a while now, to give him a chance to breathe again without the immigration hanging over his head. It kills me to constantly have to ask him to do this and that when I'd rather be doing it myself, but I simply CAN'T because I'm not American. Whenever I discuss the immigration with my husband he just tells me to have some faith in the process and that the USCIS MUST BE doing SOMETHING since they wanted his prints and claim that our case is being processed. I'm not sure how it can possibly take so long, since we demanded the expedite in April and all but hey...

So I'm not really b*tching and moaning about stuff here, at least I don't think I am. I'm simply stating the facts. If you'd know me, you'd know that these days the immigration isn't really something that I focus all my time and energy on. I was doing that for way too long, so long in fact that it was starting to affect my health and I was really ticked off all the time and generally unpleasant company. Right now, for a good 1,5 months longer I'm all about focusing on my job. And then my husband will come visit me for a couple of weeks and I'll be deciding what I want to do with my life. I am willing to do what my husband wants and just "give it (USCIS) some time", but not indefinitely. I'm going to want some answers by the next fall. Perhaps if we get no news from the USCIS by the time my internship is over, I'll just restart my life in Finland as I have no interest in sleeping any more YEARS on that damn couch... I want a proper job and my own apartment and the ability to know where I'll be in 2 months time.

Edited by gogo, 23 June 2009 - 04:55 PM.

gogoMaleChina2009-06-23 16:53:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWill I EVER get to USA?
haha, have you (Mrs. cool.gif even bothered reading any of my posts? I am going through EXACTLY what you are going through with the so-called security checks.. I am still trying to help you, but you won't listen.. good.gif
gogoMaleChina2009-06-23 16:48:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWill I EVER get to USA?
your husband isn't willing to help you? I am the husband (US Citizen), and look what I have done to help our case.. if your husband can't even care for you, then is he any good to you??...... wacko.gif
gogoMaleChina2009-06-23 16:45:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWill I EVER get to USA?
Thank you Arthur and Roberta.. blush.gif I am ashamed to be so highly regarded.. I am just doing what everyone else is doing, and that is trying to get our loved ones over here.. I have seen people who gave up on during the whole "journey", and I hope that they did the right thing in doing that.. Sometimes this journey is really hard for a couple (or person) to handle.. but I think that if we can persevere through this, then our relationship will be much stronger.. we can almost handle anything else that comes in our path.. haha, I said this in another topic too.. when I go back, sometimes I just see her sleeping and I just smile.. that feeling you get can never be bought with any money.. Love is more important than money (although both are important).. you can always make back what you lost in money, but you may not make it back in the love you lost.. star_smile.gif
gogoMaleChina2009-06-17 13:40:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWill I EVER get to USA?
in essence.. security checks are BS after one week.. otherwise, they are just holding your case.. mad.gif and don't believe their ####### about "nothing you can do about it".. if you truly believe in each other and being together, then there is "nothing THEY can do about it"..

Edited by gogo, 17 June 2009 - 12:30 PM.

gogoMaleChina2009-06-17 12:27:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWill I EVER get to USA?
have you really done EVERYTHING to get your husband here? not to be bad, but a lot of people don't do a lot of research when it comes to what they are doing..



look at how much we went through, and how much I did for my wife and our petition..

Edited by gogo, 17 June 2009 - 12:23 PM.

gogoMaleChina2009-06-17 12:21:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPetition Denied from supervisor USCIS
haha, that's cool.. I'll try to help others when I can =) After all, it's us against them..
gogoMaleChina2010-08-13 10:06:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresi had it with uscis

Read up on these links first.. then if you need more help, I can provide more later on..
gogoMaleChina2010-08-13 10:24:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGOGO'S PHONE BOOK
Here's my phonebook for everyone again.. I see people are trying to search it and can't find it..

gogoMaleChina2010-08-13 10:10:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 denied HELP
why don't you try applying again for the I-130? I know it's a long wait.. but at least you will make sure it was done right on your part, without worrying about this particular problem.. good.gif
gogoMaleChina2007-11-13 11:26:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresbecoming pregnant after filing k-3
I found this (only for China though)


"Child born in wedlock to one U.S. citizen parent and one non U.S. citizen parent on or after November 14, 1986: A child born outside of the United States to one U.S. citizen parent and one non-U.S. citizen parent may be entitled to citizenship providing the U.S. citizen parent had been physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for five years, at least two years of which were after s/he reached the age of fourteen. This period of physical presence must have taken place prior to the birth of the child."

so just like you guys say... 5 years for US Citizen, 2 years of US Citizenship after age 14... and of course before the child's birth..

that's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.. so the kid can come, but the mom (in my case) can't?

Edited by gogo, 25 March 2008 - 05:54 PM.

gogoMaleChina2008-03-25 17:51:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresbecoming pregnant after filing k-3
still confused here, sorry.. let's say (my example) she gets pregnant in China and has a baby.. would that baby count as a citizen of China or US Citizen? I have been in America for 25 years now (since age 3), also a US Citizen too.. also, my I-130 and I-129F (K3) hasn't been approved yet.. so just wondering about this situation.. thanks.. in other words, it seems the baby gets a faster visa (US Passport) than my wife does?

Edited by gogo, 25 March 2008 - 05:00 PM.

gogoMaleChina2008-03-25 16:58:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI've filed for a K-3 visa for my Husband but...
people who didn't go through this hard journey (or any hard journey) together doesn't understand the true meaning of marriage and sticking with each other through troubled times.. a lot of people say this and that (to protect their loved ones), but when the time comes, they chicken out.. I'm going to continue fighting for my baby and for us to have a good family together.. mad.gif a lot of people here take it for granted for having a life here..
gogoMaleChina2009-01-27 11:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI've filed for a K-3 visa for my Husband but...
this is a test of your love for one another.. is she worth it?? Life is so short and finding someone you love is good.. Also, your relationship later on will be much better because both of you went through this hard journey together.. so you will appreciate it much more than an "average" person.. and you wonder why the divorce rate is so high here..

for my case, I waited all this time for her through so-called "security checks" - case got transferred to the local office.. and I also attended an interview with my parents, and they said everything would be ok.. you will get approved within 2-3 weeks (that was in February 2008)... (written hundreds of letters to senators, congressmen, white house, obama, hilary, FBI).. received a letter to my house from FBI Records Management Chief stating no "security checks" on my case, .. then I did a lawsuit against them too.. and that finally paid off for an approval.. in it because there is nothing wrong with my case compared to others.. and I will continue to fight and bother them until we are together here in America.. mad.gif it's not over until USCIS sings.. and I'll sit on them until then.. we have been waiting over 2 years now for our case to go through the whole journey.. so just believe and fight for what you believe in.. if I'm going down, I'm taking them down with me.. like people say, it's on like Donkey Kong! tongue.gif

Edited by gogo, 27 January 2009 - 11:44 AM.

gogoMaleChina2009-01-27 11:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDHL Tracking (China Only)
dingc08.. as to your question.. it seems all the "October" ones are gone.. that is why the info shown in the first post is only for November.. I really don't know why that is.. when I originally searched for it, I couldn't find any october info.. I wanted to find some "deliveries" that were already done so i can do my estimate better.. hopefully everything is all done for in October.. otherwise, there is no way to track that.. but I think you can try calling DOS (Dept of State) and ask an operator.. whistling.gif

I wrote it in the other post too good.gif
gogoMaleChina2009-01-28 14:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDHL Tracking (China Only)
oh well.. I figure it might take a while.. my wife actually said people were getting their files from mid-December to end of December already.. she is using the 001 website.. so I don't know if the information over there is credible or not.. but she said she was messaging with "admins" (JMS) people over there and that one of them knows a lot about the dates.. thanks for your input, pushbrk! good.gif

Edited by gogo, 27 January 2009 - 01:57 PM.

gogoMaleChina2009-01-27 13:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDHL Tracking (China Only)
haha, just re-read your post.. so you are saying the DHL is slow (just like USCIS?) when displaying if the shipment has been delivered? whistling.gif
gogoMaleChina2009-01-27 13:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDHL Tracking (China Only)
pushbrk, in other posts, you had said about the date + one week after ... I checked on the NVC line, and they said they forwarded my case on 1/14.. the only dates within a week I can find are two dates.. 1/15 (52 pounds , in 3 packages) and 1/21 (8 pound package).. with just that little bit of data I collected, it seems both are "too heavy" and will take some time to get through.. the small packages (1 to 2 pounds) zip really fast.. I have checked the Decembers (and even January) small ones already get through.. yet they are from the same place, so don't know if those are for different visas?

EXP 02 JAN 2009B zipped through with 1 piece at 1 pound

Edited by gogo, 27 January 2009 - 01:36 PM.

gogoMaleChina2009-01-27 13:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDHL Tracking (China Only)
for those people who track China, I figure out that the tracking info is "B" instead of "A"..

EXP 19 JAN 2009B instead of EXP 19 JAN 2009A...

also having the Tariff country (last one) as "CAN" wouldn't hurt either..

works a lot better good.gif

EXP 04 NOV 2008B 10 pounds
EXP 05 NOV 2008B 14 pounds
EXP 06 NOV 2008B 10 pounds
EXP 07 NOV 2008B 11 pounds
EXP 12 NOV 2008B 20 pounds
EXP 14 NOV 2008B 20 pounds
EXP 17 NOV 2008B 9 pounds
EXP 18 NOV 2008B 2 pounds (Receipient refuse delivery) - ah ya.. they refuse the delivery..
EXP 19 NOV 2008B 32 pounds
EXP 20 NOV 2008B 15 pounds
EXP 24 NOV 2008B 8 pounds
EXP 25 NOV 2008B 8 pounds
EXP 26 NOV 2008B 5 pounds

all are still under "clearance delay"... even though two months old.. it is because they are in a big package..

EXP 10 NOV 2008B 1 pound
EXP 13 NOV 2008B 2 pounds
EXP 21 NOV 2008B 5 pounds

I'm tracking my case now, but our package was sent on January 14, 2009.. 52 pounds.. whoa.. from my research it seems the bigger packages have a lot longer wait in "Customs - Clearance Delay".. I have seen packages from November still in the delay and not go through.. nothing before November though, so hopefully all were done.. so it looks like 2 1/2 months to receive Packet 4 (appointment letter)... crying.gif crying.gif
gogoMaleChina2009-01-27 12:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPacket 4 recieved visa date aquired!!!
congratulations!! good.gif good.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
gogoMaleChina2009-04-06 11:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWOOOHOOOO Approved!
Congratulations!! Awesome!! I hope we get the same good news as you soon.. good.gif good.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
gogoMaleChina2009-04-06 10:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview passed! Visa not received
there you go.. that's the right attitude!! kicking.gif for me, they told my wife that they were "ready to issue" the visa, but couldn't because of a so-called "name check".. yeah right.. then where the "F" is it? It doesn't take 2 months (from 4/14/2009) to do a name check..

Edited by gogo, 16 June 2009 - 01:49 PM.

gogoMaleChina2009-06-16 13:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview passed! Visa not received
haha, at least you passed.. you should be happy and celebrating.. good.gif
gogoMaleChina2009-06-16 11:07:00