K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWeek of September 22 - VSC Approvals / Updates
lookie what I found recently: tongue.gif

and just found this today:


Edited by gogo, 22 September 2008 - 12:43 PM.

gogoMaleChina2008-09-22 12:42:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPlease Help!
I think it is just administrative review.. you can wait it out, don't worry.. I see a few people go through it and they come out fine.. good.gif
gogoMaleChina2008-09-23 10:59:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWomen,does your spouse help you with finances for the visa process or are you doing it alone?
$2,000-$4,000 per month.. that's expensive.. she should help save money and only need the minimum.. that's very wasteful.. what happens if she arrives.. you think that she will stop the spending habits??.. wacko.gif I only send my wife $100 per month on average.. that's plenty for people who live in China.. even in Chile or those other countries you mention, $500-$1,000 would be plenty..

1 U.S. dollar = 2,145.92275 Venezuelan bolivars
(straight from Google Conversion)

Average Salary : 115,961,000


Edited by gogo, 15 September 2008 - 12:50 PM.

gogoMaleChina2008-09-15 12:45:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWomen,does your spouse help you with finances for the visa process or are you doing it alone?
ok, thanks Todd-Leah.. I'll check it out some more.. but does it have any advanced stuff like the website of the US HISTORY I gave you? Also, it's not just words, she's been studying based on a schedule I made (vocabulary, reading, writing, speaking and a few others - stories of different level such as fables, short stories, essays)..
gogoMaleChina2008-09-11 11:36:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWomen,does your spouse help you with finances for the visa process or are you doing it alone?
ok, haha.. my mistake.. but I was referring to the low price there and how she tells me everything she buys (small or big).. good.gif so we have communication even though we are apart.. you can't buy fruit for 5RMB anymore.. a lot of the fruits are well over that price there.. durian costs about 5RMB per "jin" (total about 40 RMB average size).. 40 / 6.8 = $5.88 haha.. still cheaper than here.. ($2.99 fresh per pound).. that wound be over $25 here..

Edited by gogo, 11 September 2008 - 10:05 AM.

gogoMaleChina2008-09-11 10:02:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWomen,does your spouse help you with finances for the visa process or are you doing it alone?
haha, we are taking this off-topic.. I hope Dreamlover doesn't mind.. also a good place to try is (she went through all of these already).. good.gif any other free websites that you can recommend?

I checked out your website, oh =( it costs money.. haha, I'm trying to find free ones on the internet.. just like the esl-lab and the US HISTORY (government website).. Thanks for your help =) do you know of any more free websites?

Edited by gogo, 11 September 2008 - 09:56 AM.

gogoMaleChina2008-09-11 09:54:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWomen,does your spouse help you with finances for the visa process or are you doing it alone?
Thank you HoneySkin! good.gif haha, yeah, I gave her homework to do already.. straight from the government website for now.. US HISTORY.. starting from all the way from George Washington to President Bush.. so she can at least learn more new words.. sometimes she gets frustrated (especially at the beginning), but I always try to encourage her.. tell her that as long as she learned 1 new word.. even if it takes a whole day.. her level just went up.. besides, no one knows all the words in the dictionary by heart.. that is why there are substitute words for almost everything.. =) a lot of things mean the same thing, so it's easier (not like Chinese).. well, anyway, her english has improved a lot these last few years (with me teaching her when I get home from work at night).. we sit on the webcam and just talk through the lesson.. going over the hard vocabulary words and everything else she doesn't understand.. I find pictures or descriptions on the web and we just go over what she learned..
(takes her about 2-3 days per chapter).. that's fine, as long as she is improving.. if she only just learned 1 new word, I say to her: "that's one more than yesterday, so it's worth it"....I know that she will improve really fast once she gets here.. but I want her to be prepared for life and also the school here as well.. besides, our (and everyone else's) family will depend on TWO PEOPLE, not just one.. so I will take the burden for now (govt job and everything so I'm good).. and I will "train" and help her to become the second pillar.. kicking.gif

QUOTE (HoneySkin @ Sep 11 2008, 02:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Kudos to you "gogo" are one very supportive husband and she is one lucky wife. I wish my faincee would be like that when we are finally husband and wife. To share my unsolicited opinion, now that we are in the new millenium, men and women have the equal opportunity to bring home the bacon and support the family's financial need - with price of everything getting higher by the day. in my case, we both pay for our expenses "independently" when it comes to the successful processing of our K1 papers. He pays for the expense requirements on his side while i handle the expenses on my side. I am employed so i cover expenses that I "can" afford. I would only call for my faincee's help if i cant afford it anymore. Fortunately, i have saved little by little in the past and the money helped with my needs today. It is ideal that husbands should provide for the wives but it gives an added dignity to the wife, if she can be financially independent. I would always prefer to be financially independent because there are things that i want to do like gym membership to stay fit for my husband; and buy a few nice things for my husband; and of course for each side of our families smile.gif Hope this helps.

Edited by gogo, 11 September 2008 - 09:19 AM.

gogoMaleChina2008-09-11 09:18:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWomen,does your spouse help you with finances for the visa process or are you doing it alone?
that was too deep, msnoob good.gif haha..

Edited by gogo, 10 September 2008 - 06:23 PM.

gogoMaleChina2008-09-10 18:22:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWomen,does your spouse help you with finances for the visa process or are you doing it alone?
haha, I already mentioned that to her, franklie.. good.gif but nice job nonetheless... star_smile.gif more people telling her would be good...

and I have something else to say, Mrs. Dream.. you keep mentioning numbers.. "80% is what I pay since we started".. you keep tabs on everything? wacko.gif Marriage is not about keeping tabs (you owe me, I owe you), and not about 50/50 either.. if you are willing to be with that person, you would use 100% of your strength to love them.. all the time.. like my example, since we have been together, I used "99%" of the money.. so should I write a bill for her when she gets here and have her pay it all back?

If you truly love the person, money is no object.. you can make the money back (very easily too if you had a good paying job) example of $30k isn't that much either.. I can just get a good promotion and get it all back in less than 1 year... but you may not get the person back if they leave you..

is the money more important, or is the person more important?

You decide. I made MY DECISION. As you can see, I'll fight the government all the way for us to be together..

Edited by gogo, 10 September 2008 - 04:50 PM.

gogoMaleChina2008-09-10 16:48:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWomen,does your spouse help you with finances for the visa process or are you doing it alone?
so he isn't keeping his promise to you.. also not considerate of your financial status/trouble now.. does he know your whole situation and do you know his? not to be bad here, but are you prepared to even have a marriage? It seems you are too "troubled" now with kids and school to start a family with him.. maybe after you finish school (at least), or find a job, (and will help out your financial problems as well).. Also, he should be more caring and helpful in at least sending you some money (like the $20) when you needed help.. what happens later on? he will not help out the family (when your kids get sick or want to go out and have fun?)..

Edited by gogo, 10 September 2008 - 01:45 PM.

gogoMaleChina2008-09-10 13:42:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWomen,does your spouse help you with finances for the visa process or are you doing it alone?
Like a lot of people here, I can say that most of the burden will fall on the one person (most likely the US Citizen) for a year or two before things "even" out and you become a normal family.. are you willing to compromise for now? However, if he isn't even going to support a little amount based on his PROMISE.. then he pretty much broke the trust between you two.. If he didn't promise, then that is ok.. you weren't expecting a payment anyway.. You have to think of that action and be cautious.. what happens if he does that to his friends and gets in trouble? wacko.gif A big promise like that (especially with finances) is supposed to be honored , especially with husbands and wives, since you made the "marriage" pact to be together.. "through rich or poor".. haha.. "little" promises can be forgiven ("I promise to take out the trash".. haha.. heard of that one?)..

Edited by gogo, 10 September 2008 - 01:39 PM.

gogoMaleChina2008-09-10 13:37:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWomen,does your spouse help you with finances for the visa process or are you doing it alone?
the one who is better EQUIPPED to pay should pay.. doesn't matter if it is the USC or the beneficiary.. if he makes multi-millions, and you make $200 per week.. who is the one that should pay? whistling.gif It seems the guy isn't too compassionate of your feelings.. have you talked with him about it? tell him how you feel.. You are husband and wife already, and you shouldn't hide things (or ever) right from the start.. that looks real bad for you.. of course, we always make "small" lies (like purchasing stuff we aren't supposed to).. haha.. even I done that.. but he isn't suppose to not care about the finances of a family, especially since he is the "man of the house"..

Edited by gogo, 10 September 2008 - 01:31 PM.

gogoMaleChina2008-09-10 13:27:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWomen,does your spouse help you with finances for the visa process or are you doing it alone?
haha, that's what a real marriage is all about.. good.gif I'll take the burden for now (and probably for a year or two when she comes).. she still has to go to school, and of course, find a job.. then we can have kids and start a family together..

There is nothing to "make up".. if you love each other that much, it doesn't matter.. being husband and wife, you don't need to "make sure" they pay their part of the money..

Edited by gogo, 10 September 2008 - 01:25 PM.

gogoMaleChina2008-09-10 13:22:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWomen,does your spouse help you with finances for the visa process or are you doing it alone?
is he doing anything now to help ease the trouble of his coming here? First up, he would have to learn English.. it's hard to just live on one paycheck.. that is why I'm taking the burden now and letting her study everyday.. I have a whole "school" plan for her now so it won't be as bad when she gets here .. she won't get nervous or scared.. like the above person said.. it is a 50/50 thing.. that is what marriage is about... support and compromise.. =)

Have you been with his family a lot? You can tell from family members and friends what his real "attitude" is towards you.. by spending more time with his family, you can tell a lot.. they can't hide it forever.. Also, you have to trust each other.. for instance, my wife could be going out with other guys right now as I write this.. but MOST LIKELY not.. I wouldn't do the same to her.. especially after our long journey together.. it hurts to be apart for so long and with nothing (not even an approval) to show for it..

Edited by gogo, 10 September 2008 - 01:21 PM.

gogoMaleChina2008-09-10 13:18:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWomen,does your spouse help you with finances for the visa process or are you doing it alone?
my wife is in China and she always offer to save money.. even though I send spending money over there for her every month (or a big amount, and let her slowly use it).. we discuss everything together.. she always tell me what she spent it on.. a fruit (5 RMB, $0.35.. that's nothing for me), a outing with her friend, going to the market with her mom.. but I always tell her that is not necessary.. haha good.gif I'm covering the cost of everything (5 trips so far + wedding + lawyer lawsuit.. $30k+) right now I told her to stay at home and study english.. she will get a good job later on and help out our family even more that way.. she just finished all 15 chapters from the STATE GOVERNMENT website.. I'm really proud of her accomplishment.. there's still much to learn, but she will do it.. I always tell her that she is doing a good job.. =) the money spent so far is worth every penny to me.. do you think that way too? if not, then he isn't the right one for you.. that is not true love and you won't have the support together to fight the USCIS..

Edited by gogo, 10 September 2008 - 01:15 PM.

gogoMaleChina2008-09-10 13:12:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresApproved!!!
congratulations!! good.gif good.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif now you are one step closer to being together.. and this was the hardest step too star_smile.gif
gogoMaleChina2008-09-29 10:26:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRead to throw in the towel?
yeah.. my I-130 NOA1 took from April 16 (their delivery confirmation received date stamped) to May 29.. so I applied the I-129F on June 4th (received June 11th).. so about 50 days (7 weeks?) between I-130 sent and I-130 NOA1..

but enough of my story.. regarding to the OP, you should have more patience and wait it out.. normally it should take 6-8 months to get approved.. you can check out some other timelines to see for yourself.. and just follow up on everything in your case.. they are NOT KNOWN to get things done on time and you have to keep pushing them..

Edited by gogo, 10 September 2008 - 11:43 AM.

gogoMaleChina2008-09-10 11:42:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRead to throw in the towel?
thanks Garu.. just a quick summary of my case (not to take away from OP's story).. applied April 2007 (I-130), NOA1 arrived May 29, apply June 2007 (I-129F); security check (supposedly) and transferred case to Local office November 2007; faxed everyone (president, vice president, president's wife, vp's wife, senators (california, obama, hillary, whoever dealt with immigration), us attorneys, obudsman).. sent around 50+ faxes everyday.. received letter for interview at local office January (for February 21, 2008).. brought parents and the "fraud" dept ask them questions (have you met her and her family? blah blah blah).. said everything was ok and just wanted to verify (lots of fraud cases).. and told us to expect approval within 2-3 weeks after.. so after 2-3 weeks, I never received anything.. so I kept calling and they give me the run-around.. went to local office and made lots of infopasses and also created service requests / expedites on the phone with no success.. went to local office and got mad once (the supervisor there said I filed it wrong.. you aren't suppose to file both I-130, wait for NOA1, and file for I-129F).. so no point in going there.. they even had a cop come over and say : "if you raise your voice again, we will throw you out".. they also say that whenever I call them to get a service request, they take my file out of the line, respond to the service request, and put my file back at the END OF THE LINE.. and there are more stupid reasons too, so I gave up at the local office.. they also said they just received my app in May 2008 (and will start processing it now).. I go "what the hell, so what happened between November 2007 and May 2008?, and they said "we don't know"... lots of arguments with local office with nothing to show.. finally decide on doing the writ of mandamus (lawsuit)..

so I hired a lawyer (or they had a team) and they did the lawsuit and submit it (60 days from July 29, they have to give an answer).. so now it is 45 days and counting.. whistling.gif

Edited by gogo, 10 September 2008 - 11:39 AM.

gogoMaleChina2008-09-10 11:35:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRead to throw in the towel?
throw in the towel? are you kidding me? you can consider this as a REAL test of your love for one another.. we have been waiting over 1 year on our decision and also done a writ of mandamus.. and I will continue to pursue the government until she is here.. mad.gif I'm sorry, but you barely even got your NOA1 just a month ago.. I am going to fight to the death to bring her here.. I'm not scared of the government.. they couldn't even catch one man in the mountains, if you know what I'm saying.. I should start faxing again soon if nothing comes up with the lawsuit.. only 16 more days (out of 60) though.. so NEVER GIVE UP, don't let USCIS control your lives and who you want to be with.. I seen a few people just give up the fight because it was too much for them to handle.. I say to bring the battle to them, and not let the battle come to you..

Edited by gogo, 10 September 2008 - 09:54 AM.

gogoMaleChina2008-09-10 09:49:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSilence before the Storm?
I say "bring the storm to them".. devil.gif
gogoMaleChina2008-10-02 09:43:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3-Anyone Past 9 Months??
don't give up.. we never did good.gif
gogoMaleChina2008-11-04 10:28:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow long do we have to live apart from our spouses?
just tell yourself : "Is it worth it?", If it is, then you can wait forever.. just look at us.. I'm not going to give up until we are together.. if they want to fight, I'll bring the fight to them.. devil.gif
gogoMaleChina2008-10-03 09:09:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresYAY, WE GOT APPROVED .. FINALLY
Hi dulcesita, are you almost done with your case? Sorry didn't see your message until now.. I see some updated info on your signature, so hopefully everything is going smoothly.. good.gif and thanks again everyone!! It means so much to us.. star_smile.gif star_smile.gif Even thought we have a small hiccup here at NVC (RFE for missing supplemental.. nothing else).. I hope we can be together soon.. probably not for Christmas or Chinese New Year (mid January) even.. but hopefully for my birthday in May (or hers in July).. kicking.gif kicking.gif
gogoMaleChina2008-12-17 14:05:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresYAY, WE GOT APPROVED .. FINALLY
You don't have to say it twice whistling.gif haha, but I don't mind.. =) a lot of the people who applied with me came back star_smile.gif how is everyone doing? I see most of you are already done with your case.. yeah, the only one I haven't heard back from was Divine Mercy.. anything on their case? I would think they would be almost done by now.. wacko.gif
gogoMaleChina2008-10-01 10:34:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresYAY, WE GOT APPROVED .. FINALLY
Thank you guys.. wow, feel like an old timer now.. haha whistling.gif yeah, we are finally coming through the tunnel.. or at least moving a couple of steps into it.. we were stuck at the beginning and hopefully the NVC trip would be much faster.. although my expectations for Guangzhou (China) isn't too high.. I'm estimating from now (beginning of October) to end of Feburary 2009.. about 5 months guess.. that should be realistic for GUZ? anyone here have any recent times on the NVC to interview time for that country/consulate? star_smile.gif
gogoMaleChina2008-09-30 11:42:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresYAY, WE GOT APPROVED .. FINALLY
haha, more thanks coming my way.. =) Thank you everyone for the congratulations.. haha, but the fight isn't over yet.. we barely punched them with 1 hand, now for the other.. devil.gif even my lawyer said they were messed up.. she said not to tell , but I guess it should be ok.. for those of you who remember, I had a local office interview back in February of this year.. (February 2008).. the approval notice that arrived had the date after when I interviewed.. so the approval date was in February too.. so the lawyer called me and said they were lying.. because the approval notice had my lawyer's name on there (who I hired around May 2008).. so USCIS tried to cover their butts.. mad.gif
gogoMaleChina2008-09-29 10:23:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresYAY, WE GOT APPROVED .. FINALLY
haha, thanks guys! good.gif yeah, I have been fighting them a long time and it was worth the victory.. but there's still plenty to do because she's not here yet.. that is regarding filling out forms for the packet 3 and 4.. star_smile.gif but at least we past the 1st step now..
gogoMaleChina2008-09-25 10:03:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresYAY, WE GOT APPROVED .. FINALLY
ok, got it.. yeah, we are planning on going with CR1 then.. that's also according with the lawyer's advice too..


haha, hi ninjarocket.. yeah it's been a long time.. but finally it happened kicking.gif kicking.gif
gogoMaleChina2008-09-23 17:30:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresYAY, WE GOT APPROVED .. FINALLY
ok, thanks Nita&Assaad! Do you happen to have a link? haha, or I can just search myself.. thanks again! star_smile.gif
gogoMaleChina2008-09-23 17:22:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresYAY, WE GOT APPROVED .. FINALLY
haha, thank you guys.. yeah, it was a long time and it feels good.. but the battle isn't over yet.. she's still not here and that's the reason to continue the fight.. good.gif
gogoMaleChina2008-09-23 16:14:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresYAY, WE GOT APPROVED .. FINALLY
Thank you CJ Vasani! I hope that you get approved soon! It's about time for you too!

QUOTE (CJ Vasani @ Sep 22 2008, 07:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
it takes big heart and a collected mind to deal with what you have gone through. I sincerely and honestly wish you the best.

wow, that's good that you started the journey now.. Thanks jamster0105! I hope that you get approved within the 6-8 months timeframe.. I know it's still early, but if you need more info, you can look up some of my posts regarding contacting senators and stuff (haha, I hope you don't need it)..

QUOTE (jamster0105 @ Sep 22 2008, 07:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congratulations to you two deserve this approval so much. I'm so happy for you guys kicking.gif

haha, don't cry.. thanks estadia! I couldn't stop crying too at the moment the lawyer called.. wow, that was a huge burden being lifted off.. now we can continue the fight and get her here finally.. there's so much to show her that she never seen before.. lots of places to go to together! sorry, I can't do any more emotions , haha.. I went over the limit!

QUOTE (estadia @ Sep 22 2008, 07:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
oh gogo im soooo happy for u i myself have tears of joy running down my face i been following ur ordeal with those idiots thanks of God ur past this part of the process i will keep u in my prayers if u dont mind thru the rest of ur processs
congratulations oh big big congratulations kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
it would not let me post as many kicking.gif as i had put at first so just multiply
it about thirty times lol

wow, it takes a week from the NOA2 to the NVC Left.. oh, I like that very much! Thanks for your congrats, applebee! I hope mine only takes a week to starti leaving the US..

QUOTE (applebee @ Sep 22 2008, 07:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's about time!!!!!!! Congrats! good.gif

gogoMaleChina2008-09-23 10:08:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresYAY, WE GOT APPROVED .. FINALLY
Thank you SusieK for your nice message.. wow, it finally ended for me.. that sure was a long trip, wasn't it? (and expensive one too with the lawsuit), but hopefully the consulate would be much nicer to us and help us get her visa soon.. I'm probably expecting February 2009 for her to come by (considering the long wait for Guangzhou).. that would be fine.. kicking.gif

QUOTE (SusieK @ Sep 22 2008, 06:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
KEEP CRYING HUN Every tear you shed its worth this moment

Again I am just so very happy for you and you understand that is from the bottom of me heart!!

Just major hugs ya made my day!!!!!! star_smile.gif star_smile.gif star_smile.gif

Thanks for the message, jeca! I hope that you get your approval soon too! It looks about time and don't give up! Be Strong for your spouse! good.gif

QUOTE (jeca @ Sep 22 2008, 06:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
WOW! This is so great! Congratulations!

Thanks ZeeNusah! haha, last time I thought I was approved back in February, but they just lied.. but this time it was for real because I finally got the approval notice (email copy from lawyer).. haha, I sent the pdf to my phone and also printed out the email from the lawyer and also the pdf file too.. no way I'm giving the approval back to them.. devil.gif

QUOTE (ZeeNusah @ Sep 22 2008, 06:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Hi khaleda, wow, thanks for the message~! Finally the trip is over for me! I see you got approved recently too, congrats! kicking.gif good.gif

QUOTE (khaleda @ Sep 22 2008, 06:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congrats!!!!! wow... oh wow!

haha, thanks for the message Nita&Assaad! good.gif wow, so many people are congratulating me on the approval.. that feels wonderful.. whew, the approval was a big load off my back, but the journey isn't over yet.. I don't know what to expect from the consulate , now that I had such a hard trip over the mountain.. hopefully the trip down would be much better! star_smile.gif

QUOTE (Nita&Assaad @ Sep 22 2008, 06:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I am so HAPPY For you!!! FInally GoGo kicking.gif You had a long time waiting!! YOu must be so HAPPY!!!!


Nita good.gif

haha, thanks waithatter! good.gif kicking.gif I hope that you get your approval soon too! Don't give up now.. I provided some "contact" info for USCIS and the government over the posts and you can search for them.. it might help IF you get in trouble.. good.gif

QUOTE (waithatter @ Sep 22 2008, 06:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

almost time for you too!! Thank ninaetmilo! good.gif I hope that you get approved soon! It looks like 6 months from today.. so be prepared star_smile.gif

QUOTE (ninaetmilo @ Sep 22 2008, 06:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

god bless you too! Thank you, MaxOnline! It's almost your turn, probably this month or next month.. usually it is suppose to take 6-8 months, but haha, this is from a person who took twice as long.. good.gif

QUOTE (MaxOnline @ Sep 22 2008, 06:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
god bless you

Thanks SkluvSH =) Still early for you, but that's ok.. just don't give up and you will get your approval soon! Don't let USCIS control who you want to be with!

QUOTE (SKluvSH @ Sep 22 2008, 07:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congratulations kicking.gif

haha, thanks hyd617.. yeah, she was crying too.. she always told me she wanted to know right when we got approved, no matter what time I could call her.. when I got it, it was so sudden (I was at work and wasn't paying attention).. it felt like a dream and I couldnt' get myself to give her a call, otherwise I would really start crying a lot.. I was trying to hold back my tears , and lucky no one came by my office, lol..

QUOTE (hyd617 @ Sep 22 2008, 07:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
GOGO how did u tell ur wife!!!!!!!! whats she SAY!!!!

awwww i still cant belive it!! WOWWW this is the best news ive heard today!!!

keep cryin, every tear is filled with LOVE!!

Edited by gogo, 23 September 2008 - 09:50 AM.

gogoMaleChina2008-09-23 10:00:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresYAY, WE GOT APPROVED .. FINALLY
Thanks everyone for the nice and caring messages =) good.gif haha, I'll keep this one short and respond to each one of you =) good.gif kicking.gif and yes, I updated my timeline (finally) after all this time.. wow, what a relief.. but the battle is still not over.. all I done was hit them with my left hand.. now to finish the job and do a double KO..

Edited by gogo, 23 September 2008 - 09:47 AM.

gogoMaleChina2008-09-23 09:45:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresYAY, WE GOT APPROVED .. FINALLY
I know.. I still can't stop crying because I'm so happy.. wow, 525 days has been a long time..
gogoMaleChina2008-09-22 18:15:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresYAY, WE GOT APPROVED .. FINALLY
Yay, thank you.. I was supposed to call my wife right when I heard the news.. but I just started crying.. haha, I am currently working at the moment too.. lucky no one came by and saw me in tears.. if I were to talk with her on the phone, I would have surely cried a lot more.. so I waited about 20 minutes and called her, but I still cried.. crying.gif crying.gif crying.gif
gogoMaleChina2008-09-22 18:10:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresYAY, WE GOT APPROVED .. FINALLY

gogoMaleChina2008-09-22 18:05:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1/NOA2 spreadsheet tracking, K-3 filers
go jonbless, you the man.. #1 man.. kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif .. I'm just #1 gogo..

Edited by gogo, 24 June 2008 - 04:42 PM.

gogoMaleChina2008-06-24 16:42:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI hate it!!! I hate it!!! I am so mad!!!
you are about 6 months time, I think (from your signature).. so it's almost time.. 6-8 months usually.. and I actually believed that too.. wacko.gif
gogoMaleChina2009-01-27 12:25:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCongratulations heyjimi!!
Congratulations heyjimi!! It's been a long time for you too.. good.gif good.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
gogoMaleChina2009-06-04 11:15:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMy Wife, My Love
you are lucky that you got to be together.. good.gif congrats!! we are still waiting for that moment.. when I do go over though, I just sometimes watch her sleeping next to me.. that feeling is wonderful.. lots of people take simple feeling for granted..
gogoMaleChina2009-06-16 13:52:00