ChinaMy NVC Electronic Processing Road

ok thanks.. I'll send her a message in her post goofy.gif

gogoMaleChina2013-09-10 17:39:00
ChinaMy NVC Electronic Processing Road

I already created an account on the ustravelsdocs from before (haha, since I did a lot research, but thanks too), let's say I create an interview for 2 months later? What happens if before I don't receive the P4? Can I cancel online or reschedule? If I let the appointment pass without canceling, will it look bad on my interview?

gogoMaleChina2013-09-10 16:56:00
ChinaMy NVC Electronic Processing Road

Thanks Daveykins for your input! I'm not sure if the categories have different approaches in getting their P4 or not.. I did my wife before, so I'm familar with the K3/CR1 visa.. but not this one.. there aren't a lot of examples here in Visajourney (or anywhere on the internet) of IR5 visas from China..


Our case said "Ready for Interview" before even P4 was sent.  Not sure if I would believe what it says there until you get P4.


gogoMaleChina2013-09-10 16:52:00
ChinaMy NVC Electronic Processing Road

Hmm.. It just got "ready for interview" today.. the status changed from "In Transit".. so you can self-schedule after about 2 months time?

gogoMaleChina2013-09-10 13:57:00
ChinaMy NVC Electronic Processing Road

You think it's smarter to wait since it's probably going to take a month or two or just self-schedule.. I see that a few people had to delay their interviews a bit because they never receive their P4 .. I went through the whole visajourney on IR5s and CandleforLove (older ones) to do research.. Haha, if they had a visitor page, I would be on all the IR5 pages.. Thanks again for your input! Oh yeah, I already sent an email to the Guangzhou Consulate to see the next step and where the case is.. I'm just as pushy as I was when I was applying for my wife.. Good luck again! Tell us when she gets here to the US.. dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif

Edited by gogo, 10 September 2013 - 01:56 PM.

gogoMaleChina2013-09-10 13:54:00
ChinaMy NVC Electronic Processing Road

I'm going to read up on your journey in detail =) The one on the other forum.. is that a better place for people from China?

gogoMaleChina2013-08-28 13:32:00
ChinaMy NVC Electronic Processing Road

Ok, I sent you a message over on the other forum =) Yeah, we have a 15 month old boy.. good luck on having kids too! Finally, you get the chance to do both.. be together and have kids!


a little childish hugging her on the profile picture.. but I'm not letting her go ever again! And no one is going to make me too!!

Edited by gogo, 28 August 2013 - 01:31 PM.

gogoMaleChina2013-08-28 13:27:00
ChinaMy NVC Electronic Processing Road

cute daughter you have there in your signature.. looks a lot like the girl from Girls Generation I think.. =)

gogoMaleChina2013-08-28 13:24:00
ChinaMy NVC Electronic Processing Road

Bucky-Bob.. haha, I found it.. at least my detective skills still work.. I just looked through the forums area and signed up as gogo again =).. wow, you had a hard time at NVC.. they gave you a lot of trouble..

Edited by gogo, 28 August 2013 - 01:21 PM.

gogoMaleChina2013-08-28 13:16:00
ChinaMy NVC Electronic Processing Road

good for you.. that's what I told my wife too.. I'm not happy until her parents get in our door.. Like you knew before, we had our problems too at the entry point at LAX.. a bit of a scare last time too.. I was sitting there thinking all my fighting was for nothing if she couldn't get in..


sure, of course I'll help you in any way when you apply for her parents =) We are all on the same team against the big blob..

hey, I can't send you a message through here.. mailbox too full?.. at least we can link up on Facebook or something.. then you know who the real "gogo" is =) haha..

Edited by gogo, 28 August 2013 - 01:12 PM.

gogoMaleChina2013-08-28 13:13:00
ChinaMy NVC Electronic Processing Road

It seems things are messed up as ever since I did my case.. you had your share of problems too.. hope your journey ends soon and good luck! =) You have been a great help to everyone, including me..


Thank you.. haha, but I only have a reputation score of '2' vs your '3800+'.. you are the 'teacher', and I'm the 'student' now..


I'm not through with them yet it seems like.. This IR5 parents thing is starting to look the same..



Edited by gogo, 28 August 2013 - 01:09 PM.

gogoMaleChina2013-08-28 13:07:00
ChinaMy NVC Electronic Processing Road

thanks for the estimate and help! haha wow, you are really on top of this =) Finally, you get to be with your wife soon! It's a wonderful feeling when it's all done!


beneficial? blech.  For now, I say no.   Why? 


1.  you'll have to opt in.  That's 2 weeks. 

2.  you'll have to resend everything and it has to get detached, reviewed, and added to the casefile.  Thats 4 weeks. 

3.  new scheduling queue for appointment.  That's 2 to 10 weeks. 

4.  new appointment date - that's 30 days after it's set. 


since yer a paper casefile - what's next for the parents:

1.  interview date set - wait another 20 to 45 days. 

2.  casefile sent to GUZ IV - 4 days

3.  casefile sit in China Customs Warehouse - 1 to 3 months. 

4.  casefile picked up by GUZ IV and opened - 1 to 2 weeks

5.  Packet 4 sent out to parents - 1 week

6.  interview date - 20 to 45 days 


the timing between the two casefile types (paper vs ep) for you is almost equal at the moment.  You've sent in everything already, it's a paper case. 


I say just stick with the paper case, for now. 


Edited by gogo, 28 August 2013 - 01:04 PM.

gogoMaleChina2013-08-28 13:02:00
ChinaMy NVC Electronic Processing Road

I read your wiki a lot more now.. It seems I can go through this electronic processing too.. but the thing is they already have everything.. We already paid the IOS bill, sent the DS-230 and other items too.. Is it beneficial to move to electronic processing now or just wait? Hmm.. I should have read about this and done this beforehand..

Edited by gogo, 28 August 2013 - 12:57 PM.

gogoMaleChina2013-08-28 12:56:00
ChinaMy NVC Electronic Processing Road

about your wiki, very nice job =) very informative..


Actually, we got our GUZ numbers a while back in June already.. are they supposed to change to GZO, or just for the recent applications? I use the GUZ number on the CEAC website and can still check status for both.. and also when I call in too.. maybe we just slipped by before the big move..


Is that "Successful Enrollment" what I am going to get from the Consulate after Case Complete at NVC, or are these cases just for K1, K3? Are you also doing family too? My category is the IR5 now.


U.S. Department of State


Please follow the instructions you received from the National Visa Center (NVC) for the next step in the processing of your visa petition. If you have misplaced the instructions sent to you by the NVC or did not receive them, please contact us athttp://travel.state..../info_3177.html for additional information.



Once upon a time, before the Consulate started their prep for moving to the new location (circa 5 May or before) 

if an EP casefile headed to Guangzhou got a case complete - the interview date was set 3 to 5 days later.   Was a special, hidden queue for this scheduling, had been going on almost 3 years , up to 5 May 2013.  


After 5 May 2013, something changed.   Either GUZ IV wasn't releasing enough slots, or NVC internal process changed. 


re: administrative processing - IMO, there's always AP prior to interview date, but it's not really AP.  The Consular staff has to:

--open the casefile

--start the final background and name checks

--read/review contents of the casefile 


so this status at - I think it's wrong.   Also, even being able to see status at is a new thing, as one usually would call in to the DoS Hotline, get a human, and inquire for casefile status.  IMO, this is some programming error - but for it to even flip - a human at GUZ IV had to punch a button. 


Tempus Fugit, and CGI Stanley gets involved, making a new web portal.   For casefiles coming from NVC, EP, (CR-1/2, IR-1/2/5) this portal is almost useless.  Still, must to get visa delivery coversheet there prior to interview (and bring to interview) and then can track passport delivery status after interview via this portal.   


I think I was one of the lab rats at Dallas USCIS local office, as well.   But that's another story, check my topics list to read about it. 


Edited by gogo, 28 August 2013 - 12:52 PM.

gogoMaleChina2013-08-28 12:51:00
ChinaMy NVC Electronic Processing Road

Ahh, you are the teacher now =) haha.. 


I can check on the CEAC website for her parents, but the status is still "At NVC".. that has been going on for about a month now, so supposedly should be fast according to their last email.. "need at least 20 business days to process"..


what did you mean by squishy? =) we sent in January 7, approved March 28, NVC said they got it around June (takes 2+ months just to hand from USCIS to NVC? I don't think so..), letter around mid July to change I-864 because we put empty spaces (I even called in about that, that's not a reason to waste so much time).. so we sent in corrected I-864 July 31 (received August 1).. and now nothing so far..


Yeah, I have been reading up on the problems everyone is having after their "move".. I knew there was going to be another big delay for us.. seems like it now..



Edited by gogo, 28 August 2013 - 12:46 PM.

gogoMaleChina2013-08-28 12:45:00
ChinaMy NVC Electronic Processing Road

Hi Darnell,


Congratulations on your Interview Date! I see you are having lots of problems with them too.. with getting interview date and administrative processing now?


Right now I'm trying to get her parents over here.. We sent our I-130 (ughh, all over again) in January and got approved March 28.. They sent to NVC and now just waiting.. current status is "At NVC" from the website.. Also, NVC didn't receive it until June from USCIS.. problems all over again for me.. We are really hoping it would be fast because she misses her parents too.. so I'm back in the fight soon if they don't do anything...





Had a long talk with a DoS fella today - he has no clue why it's pegged for administrative processing either.  We talked of such things as 'casefile opened', and he tried to tell me that GUZ IV would be sending her a packet 3.  Geez.   Still, the interview date is set , so nothing's changed there. 


gogoMaleChina2013-08-28 11:01:00
ChinaInterview date has been scheduled!!

Hi noahsmama,


I got referred to you by Darnell.. I'm also doing the IR5 for my wife's parents and our case just got "Ready for Interview" today (changed from "In Transit" a few days ago); 


Can you answer a few questions when you have time? Thanks.


1) Darnell told me I can go on ustravelsgov to schedule an interview once I get the P4; I have been doing some research online (here and other websites like CandleForLove, ImmigrateUS and others) stating that you can schedule the interview beforehand (however, the consulate advises against it) and possibly get the medical (or even the interview) assigned without getting the P4 letter? 


2) Let's say I create an interview for 2 months later (according to Darnell and other estimates I read).. What happens if before I don't receive the P4 by then? Can I cancel online or reschedule? If I let the appointment pass without canceling, will it look bad on my interview?




gogoMaleChina2013-09-10 17:41:00
ChinaNVC Case Status "Ready" but DHL tracking "Clearance Event"

as of yesterday 10/16/13, the oldest date I can find in DHL was 7/29 (7/28 didn't exist).. so you can use that as an estimate... my NVC letter stating they sent it was on 9/9 (even though case completed was 8/26).. meaning another 42 days for me at least to start working on my case.. I figured my original estimate of 11/27 as interview date was wrong.. that is just when they will receive the case.. you had said you received 9/22.. something like that? or was that just case complete date?

Edited by gogo, 17 October 2013 - 09:11 AM.

gogoMaleChina2013-10-17 09:09:00
ChinaNVC Case Status "Ready" but DHL tracking "Clearance Event"

haha, thanks.. that's the one you told me to message.. I have been asking her some questions and she has responded =)

gogoMaleChina2013-10-16 17:22:00
ChinaNVC Case Status "Ready" but DHL tracking "Clearance Event"

Ok, thanks.. I just had a thought.. could we not tell what documents the consulate is working on (as least the range).. because when I put Shipping References from May or July, they don't pop up (assuming they are done already, then they won't show up).. so I'll find out the oldest date they are working on now..

gogoMaleChina2013-10-16 16:49:00
ChinaNVC Case Status "Ready" but DHL tracking "Clearance Event"

Oh, how did you check the status of my date? Can you please tell me? Thanks. I thought you had to get the date from DOS and then call DHL to get the tracking number.. Yeah, so at least we are in the same place now and can work together.. Don't worry, I should be able to know what I'm doing.. idea9dv.gif Did you try submitting the information on the guangzhou consulate contact form? Then you will know what I'm talking about with the 6 months..

Edited by gogo, 16 October 2013 - 01:06 PM.

gogoMaleChina2013-10-16 13:05:00
ChinaNVC Case Status "Ready" but DHL tracking "Clearance Event"

oh, I always edit my posts a lot, so remember to refresh secret7vf.gif

Edited by gogo, 16 October 2013 - 12:58 PM.

gogoMaleChina2013-10-16 12:57:00
ChinaNVC Case Status "Ready" but DHL tracking "Clearance Event"

I am paper (physical) file..


I don't need to check DHL tracking.. did that last time for my wife.. I just call DOS every week and see the status.. according to Darnell, wait for the "Casefile opened" status..


this is the email form I use.. guangzhou consulate..




I just contacted them this morning (Dept of State), and they say it is still "en route" to consulate.. meaning stuck at warehouse.. because I already know it arrive.. September 10 date on CEAC website (and calls) referring to "ready for interview".. I also emailed them a few times between 9/10 (when my case status changed to "Ready for Interview" - meaning "ready to wait") and heard back no replies, so I will be calling DOS a bit more often.. seems the consulate doesn't even reply to their emails anymore..


I'm doing an IR5 this time and I believe you and I are in the same step.. CEAC says "ready for interview" and just waiting.. the DHL just says that it got to guangzhou, but now it is sitting in their warehouse waiting for guangzhou to take their time to finish their remaining cases.. then they get another "packet" from the warehouse and work on those.. seems to be 1-3 months from others.. but if you do use the form above and submit it.. the reply is that it will take over 6 months now to get from NVC to Guangzhou.. Also, I have been reading up on I-130 approvals taking over a year now to approve recently.. is everything going to a standstill because of the shutdown?

Edited by gogo, 16 October 2013 - 12:57 PM.

gogoMaleChina2013-10-16 12:48:00
ChinaNVC Case Status "Ready" but DHL tracking "Clearance Event"

I emailed them (Consulate) when my case got sent to Guangzhou on September 10.. and just called today too.. they say it is still en route to Guangzhou.. meaning it is at the warehouse.. they never responded to my three emails since then.. I just sent another email yesterday too.. looks like you are in the same boat with me.. meaning can't schedule the appointment just yet..

gogoMaleChina2013-10-16 12:03:00
ChinaInterview today...

Good luck on your interview! dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif

gogoMaleChina2013-10-21 17:00:00
ChinaVisa approved (Thanks for all your help)

Congratulations!! Hope you guys will be together very soon!! dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif

gogoMaleChina2013-10-28 12:47:00
ChinaP3 waiting time

so it seems K1s finish a lot faster than IR1s (or IR5s like mine) because there is nothing to process at NVC..According to httuner's signature, the consulate "received/created" the case only two days after NVC sent it to them.. wow, you sure are lucky, congrats =) and good luck on your interview too!! dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif

Edited by gogo, 28 October 2013 - 08:58 AM.

gogoMaleChina2013-10-28 08:57:00
ChinaP3 waiting time

You can use DHL to track your case.. just because it arrives doesn't mean they are working on it.. mine got sent out on 9/9, received 9/24.. but I'm using the "sent out" date to reference everything since that is the only way to track.. so 9/9 - 8/2 => 38 days for me to start working on the case...


As you can tell from my other post (just updated now), they haven't received August 02 date yet.. so add about 1 1/2 months after they start to receive your case... (1/2 month to get appointment letter, 1 month to interview from appointment letter)..

Edited by gogo, 21 October 2013 - 08:57 AM.

gogoMaleChina2013-10-21 08:55:00
ChinaP3 waiting time

you are in the same case as me right now.. look at my DHL Tracking too.. that's what I'm doing with my case..


what is your date (NVC letter that says they mailed your case)? Mine was 9/9 (in my signature).. they received on 9/24.. but won't open until later.. yes, it got there already.. Guangzhou needs to work through the backlog first..

Edited by gogo, 21 October 2013 - 08:47 AM.

gogoMaleChina2013-10-21 08:46:00
ChinaWhy you did NOT use K-1 (Chinese cases)



CR1 has less restrictions when they arrive in the USA.. also it seems to be much cheaper.. I think you may wait a bit longer, but it's worth it..

gogoMaleChina2013-10-24 09:58:00
ChinaK1 Visa got approved today, Thank you all VJ'ers

Congratulations!! dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif

gogoMaleChina2013-11-07 09:56:00
ChinaPacket 3 to Packet 4 timeframe

I think he means create an account.. I did way before anything (back in September).. then you can just log in your case (or cases, in my situation) and can pay the fee... You just can't schedule yet because you might have to cancel.. and after two cancellations you need to pay the fee again.. you don't need the P4 email to do either of what he says. For medical you do need the P4 (Visa Instructions) Email though..

Edited by gogo, 03 December 2013 - 07:19 PM.

gogoMaleChina2013-12-03 19:18:00
ChinaDHL Tracking

Congrats and good luck on your interview!! dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif

gogoMaleChina2014-01-23 17:24:00
ChinaDHL Tracking

You can if you want to.. just to be safe.. just bring a copy of the DS-260 filled out and the confirmation.. don't show unless they ask for it.. . they didn't ask anything on the DS-260 for us because we had sent in our DS-230 earlier..

gogoMaleChina2014-01-23 13:50:00
ChinaDHL Tracking

I figured as much.. when I logged into the ELIS account.. it still says "accepted and pending review".. looks like they are really backlogged.. also the two weeks Christmas/New Years vacation didn't help either.. did you try logging in as well, noahsmama?



gogoMaleChina2014-01-17 13:13:00
ChinaDHL Tracking

guess this battle isn't over yet for me either...


basically, they got their SSN card already, but haven't got their green card.. 


I checked ELIS account and they said the cases are "accepted and still pending review".. What the hell? I just called USCIS and someone on the phone said that the petitioner needed to be there too (like always).. guess it doesn't pay to be honest to them.. next time I'm just telling them I'm the petitioner...


gogoMaleChina2014-01-09 19:03:00
ChinaDHL Tracking

from what Darnell said, it should turn from "Ready" to "AP" status first.. then just wait for the 2-3 days straight of being updated..

gogoMaleChina2013-12-18 12:19:00
ChinaDHL Tracking

it is their time =) if you see a few updates in a row, that means they are working a lot on your case and P4 should be here soon.. that's what happened to mine.. two or three days straight..

Edited by gogo, 18 December 2013 - 10:05 AM.

gogoMaleChina2013-12-18 10:05:00
ChinaDHL Tracking

oh ok.. haha, sorry for the scare.. I thought it just turned "Ready for Interview".. yeah, that means you should get the P4 any day now..

mine was 9/9, P4, 11/21

yours is 10/4 (25 days), so expected date is 11/21 + 25 days ==> 12/16 (today)

gogoMaleChina2013-12-16 16:26:00
ChinaDHL Tracking

look at my signature.. it looks like it will take another month or two if it just turned "Ready for Interview"..


Ready for Interview : 9/9/2013

P4 Letter : 11/21/2013


gogoMaleChina2013-12-16 13:25:00