K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat do I send in as proof of meeting for the I-129F?
:dance: thank you all for your quick answers! Hopefully this can also help others who are just starting out to apply for the I-130... just something to watch out for... :yes: seems like I am just over-preparing too much... I just don't want the RFEs that I see a lot of people get.. but I know that's not a guarantee.. :no: Hopefully everything goes smoothly with all of your applications too!! Thank you, thank you.... :star:
gogoMaleChina2007-02-12 12:55:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat do I send in as proof of meeting for the I-129F?
Thanks for letting me know :thumbs: Seems like this is still new to everyone who apply for the I-130... just like you, we plan on getting married in March 2007.. so that doesn't leave much validity for the letters.. so that's why I want to submit the other stuff I mentioned (marriage photos / videos and with at least 3 different background settings of other photos/people, phone records, emails, package slips, airline tickets and such..)

We plan to create a joint account in March 2007.. so that should help with the I-130 proof.. Also, I have phone records from my home to her home, and also from Skype (November 2005 - January 2007) so far.. plus pictures and other things.. so hopefully this will be enough..

Edited by gogo, 12 February 2007 - 12:36 PM.

gogoMaleChina2007-02-12 12:32:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat do I send in as proof of meeting for the I-129F?
haha, that is my ongoing question that no one seems to have an answer for...

small yellow folder or big package? I just don't want to seem dumb sending in a 5lb package while others send in just the I-130, G-325A, and passport + marriage cert.

With all the evidence that you need to show, 5 pounds is very light.. you have various things including marriage pictures / videos , (at least 3 different picture settings with different people and different background with the two of you).. so I'm just not sure.. :wacko: I just want to do a good job and not get any RFEs..
gogoMaleChina2007-02-12 11:03:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat do I send in as proof of meeting for the I-129F?
Hello everyone,

what about with the new I-130 rules? The #7 states that you need to prove a "ongoing" relationship.. that was my question with another topic.. would I need to send just a yellow folder with I-130, G-325A, and passport photos, or would I need to send a big package with emails, cards, tickets, package slips, and other stuff too?

gogoMaleChina2007-02-12 10:12:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAnyone apply I-130 after 1/31/07?
Hi Everyone,

has anyone applied the I-130 AFTER 1/31/07? I know it is still too early to ask.. The 'new' I-130 form has some new rules for #7 instructions (proof of ongoing marriage).. I'm also guessing you can submit information of how you met before... pictures/tickets/phone records/emails you have before the marriage.. because that is what the "supporting letters" are for anyway.. that you need to find people who know the both of you and know you have good marriage..

Anyway, I'm going to apply in April 2007, so I'm not sure by that time I could use the 'old' form.. :( oh well, we will see.. I hope everyone good luck on their applications!! :)

Edited by gogo, 14 February 2007 - 10:29 AM.

gogoMaleChina2007-02-14 10:27:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhat to send to USCIS?? I want to start with the i-130
so does that mean we dont' need to have a proof of "ongoing marriage" anymore? Has anyone applied recently (after January 31) and everything is ok? I know it's just less than 2 weeks, but I'm just asking... thanks :wacko:
gogoMaleChina2007-02-13 10:56:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhat to send to USCIS?? I want to start with the i-130
I'm not sure if it's ok to use the old form.. can anyone help answer that? If so, then I'll use the old form and pretend I don't know anything about the 'new' rules... haha.. but then again, that will come back to get me later.. :whistle:
gogoMaleChina2007-02-13 10:45:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhat to send to USCIS?? I want to start with the i-130

are you using the I-130 that expires in 1/31/07, or the one that expires in 11/30/07? The 'new' one has some new rules for #7.. having proof for an ongoing marriage.. (documents from friends or other things you can prove - emails, airline tickets, phone records, these such things...) you may want to take a look at my other recent posts.. :yes:
gogoMaleChina2007-02-12 17:13:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureseligilibility for K3
hey.. don't be mean.. :D but I am sure their advice is right.. you should try to meet at least 2 times before the 3rd time you plan to marry her.. that way it will seem like it is a real marriage.. instead of the government thinking that she just wants to get green card from you..
gogoMaleChina2007-02-14 10:37:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresg325-A... again?
haha, so basically it is this :

I-130 : ORIGINAL (NOT COPIES) with unique signature on each

I-129 : ORIGINAL (NOT COPIES) with unique signature on each

YOU : 8 ORIGINALS with 8 unique signatures (one on each page)
HER : 8 ORIGINALS with 8 unique signatures (one on each page)

is that about right? :yes:

Edited by gogo, 19 February 2007 - 02:51 PM.

gogoMaleChina2007-02-19 14:50:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresStart on I-129F as soon as I-130?
Thank you riblet!! :thumbs:
gogoMaleChina2007-02-19 16:30:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresStart on I-129F as soon as I-130?
Hi, I have seen people posting to start on the I-129F as soon as possible (after I receive the NOA1 from I-130).. something like that I wasn't sure..

My question is for the #6 Marital Status - what do I put for that? I will be married in March, but I am filling the form out now.. but they will receive the form after I get married? I also seen examples of I-129F online that have both people as 'SINGLE'

gogoMaleChina2007-02-19 15:51:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSupport Letters (Friends/Relatives)
Thanks for your fast response! :thumbs: so I guess I do need to notarize these letters... thanks
gogoMaleChina2007-02-19 18:55:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSupport Letters (Friends/Relatives)
Hi Everyone,

I have a question on the support letters (affidavits for I-130 #7 and other visas probably).. What is the required information that I need from the supporting friend/relative? People say that it is better to get US Citizens, so would I need to get their SSN number? Would I also need to notarize the letter? Here is what I have (it may help others who are preparing):

(Supporting Person Info)
First Name / Last Name
Telephone Number
City / Town

Signature / Date

Anything else I am missing?


My date of birth is ________________ and I was born in __________________.

Please be advised that I have known (_______________) since _____________,

and (_____________________) since __________________.

I have known the applicant for a long time and maintain regular contact with both

of them. They demonstrate an ongoing relationship and I anticipate their

marriage will remain a lifetime commitment. To the best of my knowledge, they

seem to operate as a very happy family. The couple has a strong bond, mutual

understanding among them, and they really care for one another.

If you have any questions or comments regarding their relationship and my

friendship with them, please feel free to contact me at any time.

Edited by gogo, 19 February 2007 - 06:43 PM.

gogoMaleChina2007-02-19 18:42:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJourney Just Started =)
Thanks for all your replies! Hopefully I will get a NOA1 in a week or two.. then I can just sit back and relax a bit.. seems like I have more "evidence" than needed.. :huh: I already filled out my I-129F, but there is a question I am confused on.. for the question stating "Describe the circumstances under which you met." Does that mean how we started to meet, or anything that we met over the last 2 years? Basically, I just put something like the following :

5/2005 - 8/2005 first time we met each other
3/2006 went back for vacation
3/2007 got married + wedding ceremony with parents and family

is that enough or do I actually have to write in paragraph form? I can reproduce the pictures just like I did for the I-130 (7 pictures for wedding ceremony, 5 for wedding studio photos with both parents, and 5 of studio pictures of us)

gogoMaleChina2007-04-17 09:56:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJourney Just Started =)
HAHA, that's funny :P .. Yes, I actually have two documents when we got our marriage certificate.. one is of the marriage certificate + english translation.. the other document is more of a "proof of relationship" stating that she is my wife, and I am her husband (I don't know how this will be different from the marriage certificate).. but both of them are notarized and stamped/dated.. Seems like I am just worrying too much.. :( after all, normally we don't do this often.. not like interviews for jobs where you get to practice..
gogoMaleChina2007-04-16 12:50:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJourney Just Started =)
:thumbs: hehe, that was fun... thanks for showing me how to change my signature.. but back to my question... :whistle: when will I be able to get the NOA1? about 1-2 weeks later? I just try to read everyone's timeline =)

Edited by gogo, 16 April 2007 - 12:23 PM.

gogoMaleChina2007-04-16 12:22:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJourney Just Started =)
Yes, I updated my "I-130 sent in", but it doesn't show up at the bottom of my posts? Can you tell me how to do that?

gogoMaleChina2007-04-16 12:13:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJourney Just Started =)
Thanks for your fast reply! =) Actually, I am just worrying about their "evidence for bonafide relationship" new rule they added for the I-130 under #7.. It was for forms that are submitted after 1/31/07... but I hear that a lot of people are using older forms as to "not know about it", so they won't have to submit all the extra things.. Since we just married recently, we don't have any leases on property or birth certificates of children (what does that say about what they think about us, we get married because she is pregnant??... today's society sure has changed.. but that is for another issue).. so the only thing I can go with is the affidavit from other people and the marriage certificate (notarized), and also the notarized "proof of martial relationship" from the government (hope this one helps out too, since it is notarized).. My estimated date is September 10 according to the "Estimator" in my timeline.. hope that comes true =)
gogoMaleChina2007-04-16 12:07:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJourney Just Started =)
Hello Everyone:

My I-130 Journey just started =) Yay.. maybe a little too early to celebrate.. hehe.. but I hope I did a good start =).. but I just realized I made a mistake on my *evidence of bonafide relationship* I-130 #7 requirement.. I didn't have any of the affidavits notarized.. is that a big problem? The evidence I have included are : 1) Wedding Pictures (married 3/27/07) in 3 groups (first group consists of our wedding ceremony - 7 photos), second group consists of petitioner (me) and spouse (her) taken in a wedding studio - 5 photos), third group consists of petitioner, spouse, and both sets of parents and her sisters (5 photos), 2) Wedding Invitations (2 of them) printed out on red card, 3) Affadivits of 3 people, but I didn't get them notarized =( and of course our 4) marriage certificate.

Of course, I sent in the 1) I-130 application, 2) G-325A (4 for me, 4 for her), 3) Marriage Certificate with translation, 4) Proof of marital relationship notarized by government with translation (different from certificate), 5) Her birth certificate + translation, 6) 2 passport photos (one of me, one of her)

Can you tell me if this is acceptable?


Edited by gogo, 16 April 2007 - 11:31 AM.

gogoMaleChina2007-04-16 11:28:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 received 4/16/07 (delivery conf), but no NOA1 yet
Hi Everyone:

I noticed that there were people not receiving their NOA1 , or receiving it very late.. I sent in my I-130 on 4/13/07, received 4/16/07 (USCIS Delivery Confirmation through the post office, not the NOA1).. what are your timelines for sending in I-130 in getting the NOA1 and NOA2?

Date Sent : 4/13/07
Date Received (USPS Confirmation): 4/16/07 (little green card)
NOA1 : ??????

gogoMaleChina2007-04-30 16:08:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFebruary Filers
""It says YOU SHOULD submit additional proof not that you have to or you'll get a RFE."

haha, it says YOU SHOULD, then they SHOULD give you a visa.. haha.. but that's not the point.. it's better if we send in a lot of things for proof, and not just try to send in the minimum... but that's your call :whistle: you might get a RFE, you might not..

but good luck just the same :)
gogoMaleChina2007-02-22 16:56:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFebruary Filers
Seems like everyone is in the same boat now.. I hope everyone has good luck with their applications.. as for going for K-1, I can't go that route because she was already married before.. I thought that you can only do K-1 when you never been married.. Also, the US government crack down on people from Asian countries :crying: so applying K-1 would make them suspicious of her.. and I really wouldn't want that to happen :wacko: a lot of the stuff is "made in China" anyway, so why can't the people be too? :blush:
gogoMaleChina2007-02-20 09:58:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFebruary Filers
:thumbs: thanks for all the advice!! But it seems people still dont' know much about the 'new rules' on the I-I130 #7.. actually if you look at it, they WOULD LIKE to have the property, joint accounts, and such.. I was wondering if I could create a joint account at her country (China) when I go back in March.. That would also add to the proof.. I guess some wedding videos/photos and the affidavits (that is #5 under the #7 rule).. there are total of 6 things you can do under #7.. most people can go with #6 *** Any other relevant documentation to establish that thereis an ongoing marital union. ***

still not sure what this is though.. we plan on getting married in March 2007.. so that doesn't leave much for that #6, although it is the easiest to do among them all.. I figure just send some wedding photos + affidavits (actually, aren't you supposed to get affidavits from OTHER THAN family members?)... because family members are not credible.. it is better to get from US Citizen friends that know the both of you.. if not, you can get from friends in her country that you have both met before.. just helping out, don't be mean :blush: hehe.. we are all learning here..

Other than that, it seems I don't have to send in as much the first time around?? (wait for RFE??)
gogoMaleChina2007-02-19 14:47:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFebruary Filers
all right!! Feburary filers... what kind of information for #7 (the new rule addition) did you guys/girls add? I wanted to find out the "proof of ongoing marriage" and what you included.. (tickets, receipts, pictures (wedding and others), phone records??) I know that all this stuff was supposed to be for the final interview.. but the new rule in #7 wanted proof right now..

please help :help: for your infor, there is a new form expired in November 30, 2007.. the 'old' form expires in January 31, 2007.. so I'm not sure I can still use the old one.. other people said that I could.. just more verification would be helpful..


Edited by gogo, 18 February 2007 - 11:03 AM.

gogoMaleChina2007-02-18 11:01:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhere K3 stands
:yes: thanks, I was just adding my opinion or thoughts on it.. I'm still very new compared to others who already applied ;)
gogoMaleChina2007-02-15 16:29:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhere K3 stands
That depends on the RFE.. but most likely more evidence to "prove" the ongoing marriage.. I would assume something like more pictures, airline tickets, package slips , wedding photos/videos... not sure about your particular case though.. :thumbs: you did both the I-130 and the I-129F at the same time? I thought that you had to get NOA2 on the I-130 (Approval) before you can start on I-129F? The I-129F requires a copy of the approval, or something like that.. so the I-129F RFE will probably be just a copy of the I-130 (NOA2 status) needed.. I'm not sure of the I-130 though.. Good luck with your application!!

Edited by gogo, 15 February 2007 - 10:38 AM.

gogoMaleChina2007-02-15 10:36:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp, what do I do????
Hi pushbrk,

he also posted here.. somewhere in the middle of the page

gogoMaleChina2007-06-20 17:22:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp, what do I do????
we are all confused :wacko: :bonk:

Edited by gogo, 20 June 2007 - 05:09 PM.

gogoMaleChina2007-06-20 17:08:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFYI: CSC notice delays
Big meanie :crying: :crying: :crying:
gogoMaleChina2007-06-28 12:13:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAlready sponsored one green card..problems for second?
I want to move next door :dance: :dance: :dance: hopefully they can approve it faster because it is closer to the USCIS..

Edited by gogo, 28 June 2007 - 05:13 PM.

gogoMaleChina2007-06-28 17:13:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhy I am still waiting for NOA1 for I-130?
the two bolded dates I have below are from the USCIS website ("we have received on..., case pending")... but the NOA1 dates I have below are "paper received" in the mail.. Also, my I-130 NOA1 didn't have a "received date" or a "notice date".. but the other information was there.. name, address, filing for spouse... but the I-129F had the notice date and received date on there.. so the I-129F NOA1 was complete, while the I-130 NOA1 was not..

Also, I made my forums signature a little easier to read.. got rid of the extra information (* No delivery confirmation yet *)

Edited by gogo, 20 June 2007 - 01:31 PM.

gogoMaleChina2007-06-20 13:28:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhy I am still waiting for NOA1 for I-130?
As you can see from my profile, I sent the I-130 in 4/13, and received the NOA1 on 5/29.. but the website officially said they received it 4/27.. (so usually about a month after for I-130).. and for I-129F, I sent it in 6/4, and received it 6/14 in mail, but official date was 6/11 (so only 7 days for NOA1 here).. My estimate for you would probably be last week of June , first week of July... somewhere around there..

Edited by gogo, 20 June 2007 - 01:14 PM.

gogoMaleChina2007-06-20 13:13:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhy I am still waiting for NOA1 for I-130?
you get a RFE :thumbs: but seriously... you should wait for the NOA1 (just a week or two more), and you have a better peace of mind..
gogoMaleChina2007-06-20 12:49:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp
:thumbs: you can get a co-sponsor (someone else who is willing to support him)

Edited by gogo, 29 June 2007 - 05:00 PM.

gogoMaleChina2007-06-29 17:00:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCONSOLEMASTER IS APPROVED!!! YESS!!!
$32 is a lot of money :whistle: you used to be able to buy 32 Whoppers :lol: that will feed an army of USCIS workers.. they are using your money to buy whoppers even as we speak...

Edited by gogo, 28 June 2007 - 04:37 PM.

gogoMaleChina2007-06-28 16:36:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCONSOLEMASTER IS APPROVED!!! YESS!!!
you the man!!! :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: Congrats on your approval.. seeing as how I filed I-130 in April, and I-129F in June.. I will need to wait a bit.. but I have some estimated times on my signature, so hopefully it will be approved by then.. :dance: :dance:
gogoMaleChina2007-06-28 10:48:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSOMETHING NEW IN TREND FOR K3
and that is why the fees are changing... The I-130 will become $355, and K-3 (129F) will be free..
gogoMaleChina2007-07-12 12:07:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPlease Fill out your timelines.
gogoMaleChina2007-07-16 13:33:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresseems like filing for K-3 was a mistake
that's why I put a far estimate on my "Journey Together"... my expectations is for April 2008... anything earlier is considered a bonus.. =) don't put your expectations too high for USCIS.. if you expect it, and it doesn't come.. then you will get disappointed.. have a farther expectation (like me), and anything that is earlier is counted as a bonus.. :thumbs: it's not like I won't call them (using RFE trick) before April 2008... just my expectation for them is that far.. even though I have my "estimates" in my signature (8/27/2007 for I-130, and 9/26/07 for I-129F), I still won't think of them as accurate..

Edited by gogo, 17 July 2007 - 03:10 PM.

gogoMaleChina2007-07-17 15:09:00