K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Sent Today!

HERE[/url] (please disregard I-134 and support info, it isn't needed until interview time)

Hopefully you referred to the guides before you sent your package off and everything is fine, but I'll mention some things I noticed about your list

Passport photos should be less than 30 days old (date on back?)
Letters of intent should be originals, signed and dated (we actually had ours notorized)
Ours were originals/certified copies of birth certificates (from county courthouse)
Photos need to have the names, dates, and descriptions on back
Receipts, unless they have both of your names on them or have the support of the date on pics are worthless in my opinion

Glad to see that you are on your journey and I hope everything goes perfectly for you.

:thumbs: Good Luck :thumbs:

Just a little clarification, different people's applications can vary so it's worth noting that there are approvals for applications that followed the I-129f directions a little more closely.
The application does not require letters of intent to be notarized, mine were not.
it's ok if the passport photo place doesn't have a date on the pic. we did not have any dates on ours
It's ok to send in copies of the USC birth certicates at this point (the benificiaries is not requested at this point). If for some reason they need to original, they wil ask. I sent a copy of just mine.
Receipts with only one name are ok. I have receipts to show my presence in the country but none of them have both our names on them. It is good that they would coinside with a reported visit.
I don't mean to contradict the reply, but you suggested a lot of work that isn't necessary.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-16 15:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A
Just keep in mind that the guides are just that...guides...not immigration law. They were posted by people just trying to give us a hand. Use them as reference but remember, the most important thing is to look at all information and fill it in accurate to your situation. If you are filing an I-129F then fill that in.
The G-325a's are indeed tagged to end up in different places and like Mrs. Billy Bong said, if you fill it out online then you only put information on the first page and the other three are filled in automatically and when you print the document, just make sure you print all the pages.
You and your fiance will need to fill out your own forms (4 for each of you) and you will each need to put an original signature on all four pages of your own G-325 pages. Do not submit any photocopies of the form or the I-129F. These need to be originals signed and dated.
Good Luck
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-11 16:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat to do while waiting for NOA2?
the only thing I could offer is to get police records/original birthcertificates/etc IF you think they may take a while. Some places can take up to 4 months to issue the police checks, that means if you wait for your NOA2, it will expire before your police checks are in. However, this is a big IF. Check with the places you will need to get them from to get estimated processing times. I might be held up in the same problem, I wish I had my fiance send for his police certificate months ago! Some thinngs will be time sensitive, police checks need to be within one year of interview so only go ahead if you know it will take a long time.
I wouldn't get the medical yet, there are specifics for each embassy and you won't know them until you get packet 3.
The waiting is tough!
Good luck
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-14 10:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresevidence..s enough?

My evidence is similar but in reverse. I am the USC, but live in his country. we do not have joint accounts in anything or receipts that say both our names. I sent in lot's of things that showed I was in his country, but not necessarily together. Rent receipts in my name, my work permit, my passport stamps, flight itinerary, boarding passes. I even have a letter from the organization I work for saying that I was in this country working during this time. We had 9 pictures of us from around his country showing us together in front of well known landmarks and together with other people. Since we didn't have a lot of records that showed us prucharsing things together we decided to write a more in depth explanaition of how we met. I typed it up and added it as an attachment to the I-129F. There are instructions on how to do that on this site.
I think your receipt for books is a good one. It shows a common interection. Anything that shows proof of you living in the states should be good, especially documentation of your visa, rent receipts, work pay stubs, that sort of thing. Sometimes proof isn't what we would traditionally expect. It just needs to show that you were in the same place at the same time and you considered it part of you courtship.

Good Luck

Thank you for your mesaage..i have one more question..we also lived together but i dont know how to prove that...the rent was on my roomate's name,and he dididnt get any mail on the adress where we can we prove that we also lived together? he received his mail in another place, but afeter i moved alone he stayed with me

I had a similar problem, I just said that we were together. I don't know how useful it would be to get a signed statement by the roommate saying your fiance was there as well? I've heard people talk about these kind of statements from thrid parties, but I don't know if they are needed. But it could be worth a try. Your room mate would have to write up a statement, take it to a bank or to a place where there is a notary public and sign it in front of them. This just certifies that the statement is indeed made by the person signing it. Do you have any pictures in the apartment? or standing in front of it? the pics could really tell a big part of the story too.

However, that being said, The USCIS doesn't really care if you lived together or not. Lot's of people don't live together before they marry, they just want to see that you are in a valid relationship. So focus on things that show that and you'll be fine. Worse comes to worse, you get an RFE. That is not a refusal, just a request for more information. It will delay things, but not stop them entirely. Do as much as you can now and look at your packet as if you were looking at the information as a stranger, would it show something that looks like a relationship?
One more thought, if you are concerned about the same place same time thing...does your finace have any of these same things (receipts, bills, etc) from the same time? even if they only have his name. Even cancelled checks, credit card receipts from an engagement dinner, etc.

I'm sure you will get everything you will need.

GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-18 12:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresevidence..s enough?
My evidence is similar but in reverse. I am the USC, but live in his country. we do not have joint accounts in anything or receipts that say both our names. I sent in lot's of things that showed I was in his country, but not necessarily together. Rent receipts in my name, my work permit, my passport stamps, flight itinerary, boarding passes. I even have a letter from the organization I work for saying that I was in this country working during this time. We had 9 pictures of us from around his country showing us together in front of well known landmarks and together with other people. Since we didn't have a lot of records that showed us prucharsing things together we decided to write a more in depth explanaition of how we met. I typed it up and added it as an attachment to the I-129F. There are instructions on how to do that on this site.
I think your receipt for books is a good one. It shows a common interection. Anything that shows proof of you living in the states should be good, especially documentation of your visa, rent receipts, work pay stubs, that sort of thing. Sometimes proof isn't what we would traditionally expect. It just needs to show that you were in the same place at the same time and you considered it part of you courtship.

Good Luck
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-18 12:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCrying!

oh yeah, I almost forgot....can you update your timeline with pertinent visa info dates? (this can be done in your signature and in the edit timeline function too)
If you put in your dates into the timeline function then the site can track better. I am also planning to get some Barbados information into the Embassy topic since no one has reviewed it as of yet.
ok, later

I was wondering if you were on here some place, but I didn't know where to look for sure! Thanks for your info via e-mail. I still have not sent out the petition yet, but will be when I head home for a visit tomorrow! Can't wait!! Well, good luck to you and yours!

Your very welcome about the info.
Have a nice trip home Mel.
Talk with you when you get back.
Good Luck in mailing your packet, it's a huge relief to have the process officially started.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-13 20:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCrying!
oh yeah, I almost forgot....can you update your timeline with pertinent visa info dates? (this can be done in your signature and in the edit timeline function too)
If you put in your dates into the timeline function then the site can track better. I am also planning to get some Barbados information into the Embassy topic since no one has reviewed it as of yet.
ok, later
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-13 15:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCrying!

I only cry when I read another VT filer posting about his/her NOA2 arriving mere weeks/days after their NOA1.

I mean that both in jest and seriously. (holding nothing against the VT filers, of course)

Not taken personally TimsDaisy, I wish I could share the Vermont love...but they won't let me.

Welcome aboard...It's about time I saw you on here.
I hope the whole thing is going well for you, this site will give you tons of information.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-13 15:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStudent for G325a

Leave it blank. If you held part-time jobs in the past five years, write those down.

Oops, I also was and am a full time student and DID write it down on my G325A form. I didn't really think about it twice, since I put my University in the Employer box (on DS156) every time (3 times) I applied for J1 visas before... I thought it would be the same here. I wonder :unsure:

I doubt this will be a problem. They aren't looking to hire you, they just want to see what you have been up to in the last five years.
I wouldn't stress about this answer, it's not something unreasonable to put for that answer.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-21 15:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStudent for G325a
Lines on the forms should never be left blank. If you were unemployed write "unemployed" and give the dates. If you had part time work, work study or anything you paid taxes on, write that in.
Any other lines that you don't have to fill in write "none"
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-21 14:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWeight Has Been Lifted
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-21 15:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of relationship on K1 visa app.

Thanks. That's exactly what I was thinking. What I don't understand is if I can supplement my petition BEFORE being asked to.

The overseas won't (and can't) be licensed, so we will legally still be engaged until after the fiance visa is granted.

Nope, you ave to wait until they request it. But follow the advice of others and have additional evidence all ready to go so if/when you get an RFE you can sent it right out.
Who knows, maybe you won't even get one.
Enjoy the lesson in patience. ;)

GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-19 17:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIt's been awhile...
Congrats! and have a wonderful trip to the states!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-19 08:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVISA APPROVED!!
Way to go!!!!!!!!
Congrats and good luck on your travels
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-23 10:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinally....
Welcome aboard!
:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-24 15:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinally, the I-129f has been filed
Congrats and good luck!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-24 13:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill age difference matter?

I was joking...but that's the hazard of sarcasm on message's hard to tell the difference between someones attempt at a joke...and someone just sucking the fun out of things.

Are you saying I should rethink my career in standup? :P

hahaha...maybe we should just stick to moonlighting as immigration attorneys.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-24 20:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill age difference matter?

Ok, I'm the USC(female) and I'm 33, my fiance is 26. If question around that arise I will simply ask if they ever saw the movie "How Stella Got Her Groove Back"

:lol: But seriously....

I guess you didn't hear the end of that story. I wouldn't recommend bringing that up.

(turns out the guy was gay and using Stella for a green card :( )

I saw that movie, That's not the way it ended when I saw it!

The movie was based on a real-life story...

But the movie is a fictional piece that was written by that woman. I did not say I would tell them that I am Terry McMillan, I just made a joke referencing a fictional movie. Lot's of thing happen to writers, it does not mean the fiction that they write changes with their lives.

I think you've taken offense when I really didn't mean any. I was just joking, hence the :lol: in my post. Just a little FYI about the story that the movie was loosely based on. You are certainly free to bring up that movie if you think it's in your best interest, but I had thought you were joking from your post.

I was joking...but that's the hazard of sarcasm on message's hard to tell the difference between someones attempt at a joke...and someone just sucking the fun out of things.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-24 20:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill age difference matter?

Ok, I'm the USC(female) and I'm 33, my fiance is 26. If question around that arise I will simply ask if they ever saw the movie "How Stella Got Her Groove Back"

:lol: But seriously....

I guess you didn't hear the end of that story. I wouldn't recommend bringing that up.

(turns out the guy was gay and using Stella for a green card :( )

I saw that movie, That's not the way it ended when I saw it!

The movie was based on a real-life story...

But the movie is a fictional piece that was written by that woman. I did not say I would tell them that I am Terry McMillan, I just made a joke referencing a fictional movie. Lot's of thing happen to writers, it does not mean the fiction that they write changes with their lives.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-24 18:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill age difference matter?

Ok, I'm the USC(female) and I'm 33, my fiance is 26. If question around that arise I will simply ask if they ever saw the movie "How Stella Got Her Groove Back"

:lol: But seriously....

I guess you didn't hear the end of that story. I wouldn't recommend bringing that up.

(turns out the guy was gay and using Stella for a green card :( )

I saw that movie, That's not the way it ended when I saw it!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-24 18:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill age difference matter?
Ok, I'm the USC(female) and I'm 33, my fiance is 26. If question around that arise I will simply ask if they ever saw the movie "How Stella Got Her Groove Back"
:yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:
But seriously, I can imagine a 6 year difference will be problematic no matter which of you is older.
Think about it...when the 'old' one is 98....the 'young' one will be 92....doesn't seem like much of a difference to me.
like others have said, a genuine relationship can be shown to the interviewer and the age question may or may not be thrown out there. My guess is that if the interviewer asks, they are only trying to see if you are easily rattled which could be a sign that you are hiding something.

My two cents.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-24 16:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI'm freaking out :(

Truce? I think we may have to agree to disagree. I see the primary language issue having nothing to do with laziness however I see you are not trying to insult anyone here. It's certainly something that we should all think about given the always growing number of immigrants to the US. I once read an article in Newsweek that was questioning who's version of English is more 'right'? After all, the countries and populations that speak English have grown significantly throughout the ages of Imperialism. When a language is forced upon a population can we really say how they are allowed to speak it? There may become a day where there are more non-standard speakers than standard speakers. That will be something!
But for now, no hard feelings...just some good old intellectual debate.

No truce needed. I didn't see war being declared. I enjoy small talks like this. I do not have a closed-mind to the rest of the world and I am not oblivious to what is going on around me. Your input was good insight for me to learn about something even further. I can read a book about it. I prefer to listen to people speak out of their real-life experience. It speaks volumes to me. :yes: Thank you for your time! ;)

Fair enough.
I would love to talk more, maybe I should appologize for truncating the conversation!
Unfortunatly, I live in a developing country right now, and I have to go do my a big bucket. UGH! (Yes, very strange to have inernet in one room and a wash tub in the next)
So Maybe we can talk again more later...maybe we can dissect the American influence in developing countries and how the infrastructure and social fabric can or cannot handle all the US has to offer! ;)
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-23 12:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI'm freaking out :(

GrenadaCrix: I LOVE Portland! When I went to college in Maine (Bah Habah) I remember hearing that the state was around 97% Caucasian, but that the three % non-white population lived in Portland. Regardless, I loved it there, and would consider moving to Portland!

Working and living in a highly diverse urban area, I've gotten used to hearing non-standard English from native speakers, and also most people I speak with have highly accented English since there's a large immigrant population. The English I speak is dubbed "paycheck English."

Paycheck english? I don't get it...does that mean the english that is only spoken at work? That's kinda funny.
In the village I live in right now, there are a few British people. Sometimes the little kids tell me I 'doh talk English as good as 'dem' It makes me laugh 'cause I think the kids are right.
I've often said that I should get credit for being bi-lingual for being able to speak American English and Grenadian English. But I don't think Grad schools will buy
When I get back to Maine you are all invited to come visit.

Truce? I think we may have to agree to disagree. I see the primary language issue having nothing to do with laziness however I see you are not trying to insult anyone here. It's certainly something that we should all think about given the always growing number of immigrants to the US. I once read an article in Newsweek that was questioning who's version of English is more 'right'? After all, the countries and populations that speak English have grown significantly throughout the ages of Imperialism. When a language is forced upon a population can we really say how they are allowed to speak it? There may become a day where there are more non-standard speakers than standard speakers. That will be something!
But for now, no hard feelings...just some good old intellectual debate.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-23 12:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI'm freaking out :(

Cool!!! Nah we didnt have a class for that in high school. Since I was in Georgia, however, I lived in a black family (i already mentioned that somewhere) and I studied and was friends woth a bunch of black people. I loved to listen to it but I was not understanding anything :)))) My host parents had such a kick out of it...I mean they spoke regular English but when i was coming to school trying to speak Ebonics they found it sort of...well....hilarious seeing a moldovan white girl (while in the process of learning basic english to begin with) pronouncing words with a black accent :)
I kinda know what it means though. While under the soviet union, Romanian language we spoke on the Moldovan territory got so mixed with russian ( mandatory back then) that right now we speak a very weird russified romanian. It's not thought in schools...but there is no way we can get rid of it :)

I know how you must have felt to some degree. I've been in Grenada for a year and a half. Everyone here speaks English so I didn't have to learn a new language, however when I was living with a host family myself, I would wake up in the morning and hear people walking by the house on the way to work in the bush. I would have to remind myself that it was in fact english even though I couldn't understand one single word of it. Here english is the official language, in the home the dialect is thick and full of the french/british history. But standard english is also taught in schools as it is recognized as important to communicate with the world at large. It is sad, many of the Caribbean island that used to have a rich patios or creole language, (pidgin english/french) have lost it due to British colonization tring to eliminate anything that isn't english. Only the very old can speak the patios here. But in Dominica and St. Lucia there is a huge national revival to mantain the creole for future generations, most everyone is bi-lingual.
My fiance laughs at me sometimes because I have picked up on a lot of the 'Grenadian' language I hear all the time. I get told that I don't sound very much like an American. I can only imagine someone from Moldova coming here and adding that accent to the mix! hahaha
If you are interested, there are books on the Ebonics debate. I'm sure you could probably get a hold of a copy through ebay or amazon or anywhere you can get used books. Sadly you will not encounter much black american dialect in Maine, it's a pretty boring state. Portland has a large and growing immigrant population, many from Africa and Asia but outside of the city, it s pretty much caucasion with only a few minor exceptions.
But you'll love it there, I know I do!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-23 10:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI'm freaking out :(

You have got to be kidding?!! Ebonics was actually taught in a school? Be glad that so-called "language" didn't stick with you! Obviously, you're educated enough to know "Ebonics" is just a poor excuse to not speak English properly and the pronouciation to combine 1,2, or 3 English words together. There were people here who actually tried to persuade the US government to provide money to have this taught in the schools. Fortunately, it did not succeed! Thank God! :dance:

Clarification, people were not trying to teach children to speak ebonics in schools, they were seeking funding for programs that allowed students to learn content areas such as science or math while speaking in their local dialect without the added frustration of essentially learning standard english as a second language. The theory was that those students were lagging behind because all their instruction first had to be translated and that teachers spent too much time correcting their grammar and not the equations they should have been working on. Ebonics in public schools would have allowed local teachers to speak in a local dialect while teaching certain subjects and then to use Standard English during English class. This way children would not miss out on content but would also learn the standard english needed to succeed in the public world.
I see it a bit different than most because I did study about Ebonics in college. That was called linguistics class.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-23 09:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI'm freaking out :(

honestly, you look very beautiful. your man is a lucky mofo .

I am a well educated man and I would never in my life perform such rudeness acts .

Whomever it was that was on your computer and told kinzaza, "you are hot". BEHAVE YOURSELF! Posted Image
It is sad trying to "hit" on someone in a "fiance(e) forum" which obviously means they are engaged to be married.Posted Image
I could not help but notice this. I cannot recall any university or college worldwide offering courses in "U.S. urban slang language". Which is commonly known to most of us as "Ebonics". Is Harvard offering a course in Ebonics I do not know about? I never lived in the ghetto. Or should I say "The Hood" as it's referred. B)

"Ebonics is a term coined, originally intended and sometimes used for the language of all people of African ancestry, or for that of Black north American and west African people, emphasizing the African roots of the former; since 1996 it has been largely used to refer to African American Vernacular English (distinctively nonstandard Black US English), emphasizing the independence of the latter from (standard) English." Wikipedia

Sorry to get all politically correct here, but since we could say this board is the epitome of multi-culturalism maybe we could be a little more sensitive.
Ebonics is not 'ghetto slang' it is a non-standard vernacular that has rules and structure just as standard english does. Those who have learned 'ebonics' or 'creole' as their primary language are not uneducated by virtue of the language they use. In fact there are entire countries where the creole is the national language. I would bet that by the time a Prime Minister (who grew up speaking a non-standard vernacular ie ebonics) was elected, he was pretty well educted and never lived in the ghetto. You don't have to be ghetto to speak the language of your family.

'Mofo' is up for debate as to whether that may just be 'ghetto slang' but please don't mix up peoples primary language with potty mouth.

GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-23 09:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is the Fee

Quick my K1 just got approved and we have an open appointment for his interview. Is it okay if I just go to Mexico and marry him before the interview? Will that be a problem?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

edited to say...I got the sarcasm right away!

Edited by GrenadianCrix, 27 March 2007 - 06:48 PM.

GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-27 18:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F question 20
I believe your only embassy is in Santo Domingo. If there are more I am unaware of, you just need to find out whicch one handles visas (K-1's to be specific)
Good Luck
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-28 23:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFilling out G325A: Employment History question

Lots of people make changes and corrections. I am sure they are quite used to seeing it. Any legal document can be changed using the method described. (line, correction, initials) There should be no problems.

I agree with Turboguy
I used to work at a place with USDA regulations and that is how we had to handle our documentations.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-04-01 19:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo they even know what they are doing???
That stinks. I hope you get it sorted out quickly.
Good Luck!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-04-03 08:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Visa Help
you might have better luck posting your questions in the Regional Discussion area for Canada. They could give you more specifcs there.
Good Luck!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-04-07 17:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShot in the dark...
I am in a similar situation...almost. I am living in my fiance's country and when we were deciding where to get married we chose to get a K-1 for a couple of reasons. I know I will be in Grenada through September so we have less to worry about regarding being apart (there is always a chance things could get drawn out longer). Due to the work I am doing it would be difficult to get married before my assignment is over, so it worked out best to file, wait it out together, and then go up to the states at the same time (if all goes well...keeping my fingers crossed). If we were to get married down here, I would have to return to the states alone (my work permit would expire), file I-130, then wait it out apart. You may not have the same limitations but it might give you more insight to help make your decision.
I am not able to sponsor my fiance either so we have found an additional sponsor for the I-134 (he is also joint-sponsoring the I-864). I am not very familiar with DCF or i-130 so I can't comment on those. Whatever you chose, you will have to be the petitioner on behalf of your benificiary fiance/husband. You can only use other people to help meet financial requirements.
Good Luck with whatever you decide.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-04-08 17:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresnotarised letter of intent?
The letters of inent for the I-129 packet do not need to be notarized they just need the original signatures as you have done. The instructions on the form clearly tell you if anything needs to be notarized. Anything translated needs to be authenticated (I don't know much about this as my fiance comes from an English speaking country), and for the interview the I-134 needs to be notarized...not the letters of intent. No worries, you did it right.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-04-13 08:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresREF

We filed in November of 06 and after no news we got an REF. for some reason, maybe im stupid, but i feel better. SOMEONE ACTUALLY LOOKED AT IT. Now, hopefully its asking for something i've got....

Good Luck when you find out what it's for. It looks like you are new to this site. Maybe by looking through some of the I-129F checklists you may be able to see what you may have missed and prepare anything you may need. I hope it is easy to remedy! When I was ready to mail out my packet I found this site the night before. Just by reading through the guides and checklists I saved myself from some inevitable RFE's.

On a positive note, there are a lot of people on this thread that have found that their NOA2 (USCIS approval) came within a couple weeks of a successfully resolved RFE.
Best wishes

Edited by GrenadianCrix, 16 April 2007 - 03:09 PM.

GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-04-16 15:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy Fiances son
During the I-129F stage at USCIS, the only reporting for children of benificiary is listing their names, birthdates, and place of residence. There will be more information required at the interview, such as original birthcertificates, medical exam, police certificate (depending on age) and the child may need to atttend the interview (depending on age and Embassy requirements). You will also need evidence from the childs other parent that they give permission for the child toimmigrate, or court records showing sole custody to the immgrating parent. The Embassy you are going through will be able to give you more specifics on what they require for this type of evidence.
So use the time while at USCIS to gather the birth certificates and other documentation. The child will have up toa year to obtain their visa after the parent has obtained their. Then there will be six months that valid will be valid for travel.
Good Luck!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-04-19 07:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG325-Four pages???
It is possible the packet could be sent back, or you could be issued and RFE (Request For Evidence) to send them along. Either way, don't panic. Start now to gather the correct amount of each, they all need an original signature. 4 from you and 4 from your fiance.
Get them while you are waiting since you can't do much else. When /if USCIS contancts you hen you can just take the corrective action they suggest. You can do that for any other things you may have found are missing or not right in the packet you sent.

Good Luck
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-04-22 10:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPutting lot of yellow post-its?
I used small yellow post-its on pages that I felt needed an explanation .
I used highlighter to identify pertinent information such as passport stamps, boarding pass date, etc.
I used an explanation letter for things that required more information, such as...I have photocopies of 2 passports and my birth certificate to show Citizenship. (long story)
I used Post-its for small explanations that were not obvious for example, the copy of my birth certificate has smudges all over it. I simply wrote on a post-it that the smudges were on the original certified copy. I placed the note right on the page, not sticking out over the edge.
I separated the sections of my application with page dividers and labelled the tabs on those e.i. Proof of Citizenship, Evidence of Meeting, etc.
I listed the contents on the cover letter (I used the example given on this website)
As someone said before, people do it many ways that are effective. I think the most important thing is that all the necessary information is included in an orderly way.
Good Luck...Stay Cool
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-08 20:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion abt A number in Form I-129f and G325a?

Your last question is why I edited my last post.

I originally had answered that you should use your A# (from before you became a US citizen). But, then, after thinking about it, I realized that US citizens (the petitioner) do not need to provide A#'s.

So, for you, I believe you would put "none" as well.

Thanks for your answer. So I need to write "none" as I am a US citizen now. However, I am still confused as why would they have that question in the form if the petitioner is obviously a US citizen otherwise he cannot file for finace visa. This is what bothered me before I asked the question in this thread and I came to conclusion that it might be because if a US citizen is born here and hence does not have A number they can write none but a US citizen by naturalization should write the A number from before. May be thats why the question says "A number (if any)"

What do you think abt it? I just want to make sure that I don't get RFE. I hope u understand.

Thanks all for the help. I could not have done this on my own without all the wonderful people on this website.


I don't know the answer to whether you should write your former A# far as the last question. This form is used by both the petitioner and benificiary. So it has to have room for both to enter in appropriate information. Also, it is possible to petition for some family visa's while a Legal Permanent Resident. They would have an A# as they are not naturalized.
Not every line will apply to every filer, for example, I had no use for the option where I could choose "male" as my
Good Luck
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-14 10:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhen to "activate" fiance visa...
It's hard to answer your question about timeframes since you haven't given much information. The different service centers work at different speeds.
You can try to visit the US while the visa is processing however, if you are awarded the K-1 in your passport, you may only enter using if/when you get it, don't come to the states until you plan on staying.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-04-24 19:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresoverseas K1 filing
I don't know if this will help you at all, or not.
I am applying for a K-1 for my fiance while I (USC) am living overseas. I am serving in the US Peace Corps. I have to keep a formal, physical 'Home of Record' back in the states. I use my sisters address.
When I filed the form, I stated that address was my residence but also included information about living overseas. I sent the form to the USCIS office governing that state (Vermont) I did not have any problems at that stage and received an approval.
Since I don't know exactly what all the information you put down was....I don't know if you did it the same or not.
Good Luck in re-filing.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-04-24 18:34:00