Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHow did you meet?
I'm in grenada as a Peace Corps Volunteer. After being here 6 months I went to a Reggae show for Valentines day with friends (just the girls). It started raining and a man came over to me an my friend and sheltered us with his big umbrella. We've been together ever since.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-25 10:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaNew to VJ
Welcome to VJ!
Good Luck with USCIS!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-04-17 10:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaDengue fever surges in Latin America
I had dengue while I was living in Grenada.

It was horrible. I also had a complimentary ruby red rash over my entire body.

Wouldn't wish it on anyone.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-10-02 21:08:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanLetter of complaint re: US Embassy in Nairobi/medical exam
Way to go Jacinta!!!!!!!
I'm so happy for you two, they really put you through the ringer. I hope your letter didn't make it better for just you two though. You brought up some very important systemic issues with the way thing run there. Maybe a few couples in the future will have you two to thank for making it easier for them.
Remind us the day she is flying in....I'd love to send you some well wishes!
Cheers and Congratulations
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-04-19 19:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134

You must be the primary sponsor and you must fill out an I-134 and provide all of the supporting documentation that's asked for. You may have a co-sponsor who must do the same. even though I make below poverty, I must put myself as primary and my parent's will be co-sponsors? Not the other way around?


that's it exactly, I am a similar situation. By the time we go back to the states, i will have been a peace corps volunteer for two years. so basically i make waaayyyy under the poverty level. my fiane's cousin in the states will be the co-sponsor, but I will have to file everything myself as the primary sponsor.
Good luck!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-02-16 15:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCase "Purged" - Help Please
I hope you hear something soon! Good luck calling them. I'm sure you'll get to the bottom of this.
Good Luck!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-01 07:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBRUISES I GOT FROM MY MEDICAL!!!
This is the frustrating part of not getting to choose your own doctor or technician!
I hope it heals up and that there isn't anything bad from the inflamation. I'm sure with a little TLC it will be fine.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-02 21:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionOverstay in anothe country
Before I met my fiance, he had been in Canada. He went up there before a visa was required for him to enter. He stayed quite a while, began filing the appropriate paperwork, and then stopped and it lapsed. There is more to the story, but I don't think it's pertinent, so basically he left after they asked him to sign the voluntary deportation papers.
My question is...will this come up in the interview in Barbados? will it be problematic...or am I worrying about nothing?
I don't even know if the US can find out immigration information from Canada or other countries like that.
We will be fiing his police record from Canada, just to follow the rules, but that shouldn't say anything about this.
Hopefully someone will know something about this.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-10 18:28:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussiondo i need proof of custody??

OMG, MBB & LisaD on the same wave lenght.... Everyone hide and take cover!!!! :)


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-12 15:06:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPacket being sent to Barbados!
My petition has been sent to Barbados from NVC!
I am thrilled that this is going so well.
I am sending my good vibes to all of us on VJ who are waiting for their next step.
I am so anxious for my fiance to get packet 3 so he can start putting it all together.
We are a bit nervous on whether one of his police checks will come back in time (says it will take up to four months!). But we are hoping that the good fortune will stay with us!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-13 09:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI think I got it!!!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-13 19:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK1/Fiance visa question
does it have to be a court document?
Could she get the childs father to sign an agreement that she has full permission for the child to immigrate with her?
There are other people on this site that have reported doing this successfully.
But your embassy requirements and situation may be different.
just wondering.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-14 14:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionParis Embassy Interview Today
I hope you two are together in a flash!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-21 15:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCuba Interview March 8
Congratulations on the interview.
You must be so Happy!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-14 11:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFiancé's Interview in 10 days

All the replies and advice actually are helping..NO NIGHTMARE lastnight for the first night since finding out when the appt. was.. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU ALL!!!!!!!

I'm glad you got some good sleep, that will help you feel better too.
I hope you find the rest of the wait a little more calm then the past few days. B)
Enjoy the excitement! you two will be together soon. :D Smile at the thought of being this far along in the process.
don't forget to call your fiance and tell him you love him. (L)
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-25 10:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFiancé's Interview in 10 days

breathes in breathes out thank you

Your Welcome
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-24 18:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFiancé's Interview in 10 days

Fiancé's interview is on April 03,2007 and I have been more anxious than ever in this whole process, having outright nightmares, anxiety and everything else and praying everything goes fine. I need some tips on how to cope during this extra stressful time for me. Thanks

I haven't gotten to the interview part with my fiance yet, but it's only a couple months away.
I could make some suggestions on handling stress in general though.
There are a few basic ideas behind stress reduction.

If appropriate, remove or walk away from the source of stress. This may be a bit dificult since the situation isn't one you want to walk away from. However, dwelling on your anxiety won't get you anywhere. Maybe a few distractions could help, a girls night out, a good book, a movie, a hobby.

Stress takes its toll on you physically and can actually build up in your body. Get some excersize. Go for a jog or long walk everyday. If weather permits, go to the park or on a hike. But it's most effective if you are active everyday for at least 30 minutes to an hour, that's 10 solid days of going out and doing something.

You could do a little self-psychoanalysis of yourself (but this is not nearly as fun as a bubble bath). Ask yourself, what is it that you are so worried about? Is there a particular topic that is troublesome? Do you feel like you (or your fiance) are properly prepared? Maybe you just need to go over things one more time to feel re-assured....this is only if you haven't been going over things incessantly already. If there is no real problem you are worried about then maybe you can work yourself through and reassure yourself that whatever happens (which will probably only be his getting his visa) you will be just fine, and you both will figure it out.

The only other thing I could suggest is talking to people, like you are doing here, or if you have a friend or a sister or someone who would chat with you on the phone.

Waiting in anticipation can be a very painful process, but if you can, try to focus on positive things and imagine a positive outcome. I don't know if positive thoughts have any influence over the final decision, but they certainly can't hurt!

Good Luck, and take some great big deep breaths that make your belly move.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-24 18:14:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat is the difference between I-134 and I-864?
you guys sure do suck the fun out of things
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-25 12:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat is the difference between I-134 and I-864?

Hate to be the bearer of the " you weren't 100% correct " news but there is not a co-sponsor with the I-134. There is a single sponsor......if not the petitioner then it is someone else who qualifies. Otherwise you did great Sue :thumbs:

I used the term co-sponsor from the I-864 for simplicity. However, the petitioning fiance still needs to fill out a I-134 for their own financial situation regardless if they can sponsor the non-USC themselves. If you need to use "someone else who qualifies" it doesn't matter what language you use for yourself, you just need to make sure both of you file the I-134. But I will stand corrected.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-25 11:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat is the difference between I-134 and I-864?

Sue is 100% correct. I have been through this process before an the I-134 is provided at the time of the interview. It never needs to acompany the initial filing. The rest of Sues response is also totally correct.

Thanks TurboGuy!
Can you send that to my fiance and let him know that I am "Totally Correct"?
It's a momentus occassion, it doesn't happen very often...Thanks for the ego boost...I'll try to not let it get to my
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-24 20:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat is the difference between I-134 and I-864?

What is the difference between I-134 and I-864?

And, which one should be filed to USCIS for K1 visa?

Thanks in advance!

The I-134 is not a legally binding affidavit, it is used for non-immigrant visa's. Up until you marry (and subsequently file for Adjustment of status) the non-USC fiance will hold a non-immigrant visa. This allows them to get into the US before having a legal relationship with the USC fiance. The I-134 will need to be filled out by a qualified sponsor (the USC if he/she doesn't earn enough $ then also a co-sponsor) This form will need to be notarized. This does not get sent with the I-129F application. This is only submitted to the Embassy during the interview. Each Embassy will have information on this and will send it to you soon after your approved I-129F is forwarded to them.

The I-864 is a legally binding contract that the sponsor will be financially responsible for the immigrant in the event the immigrant attempts to benefit from certain federal aid programs. This form is filed at the Adjusment of Status part of the journey (after the Non-USC has travelled to the States and you two get married). I believe the new forms do not need to be notarized (check this) as they are already legally binding.
Hope this helps!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-24 19:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNOA2 today

Well, if u gonna get married when the leaves are changing in New England that would be very romantic :) just not sure when it's Oct. or Nov. The only time i was in the fall in the states was 2001....Georgia...wicked hot :))))

I know you won't see this till tomorrow (hopefullly you check this thread). Sorry I missed the conversation. But I just read this reply and wanted to let you know that typically the peak foliage weekend is right around Columbus day. Of course it can vary every year by a week (almost neve early though). I remember this because my birthay is October 11 (same weekend as Columbus day) and I almost always have peak foliage to look at.
But remember, there is nothing more inconsistant in the world than the weather in Maine. So plan/don't plan accordingly.
The days are usually still fairly warm that time of year, most likely can get away with a short sleeve/strapless gown, but the evenings can get chilly.
It's a beautiful time of year. I hope it works out for you!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-27 21:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNOA2 today
I just read through the post from yesterday. I am so sorry you had to find all this out, but at least you found it out while you can still do something about it.
I think the worst part about this is that it will delay you from entering into the states. :(
However, From what it seems to me, if you need to still wait out the 4 months, you should be able to do that with an extension on your NOA2.
I wish I had some sage advvice for you, but I hadn't even heard of HRR until I read you thread from yesterday.
Good Luck Sweetie!
I know you two will get it figured out. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

and I almost forgot...Congratulations on the NOA2!!!!!!!!!1
Feel free to let go of your anxiety in order to celebrate your approval!

Edited by GrenadianCrix, 27 March 2007 - 07:29 PM.

GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-27 19:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwhere is the ds-156k?

i've looked in the downloads and the ds-156k is not listed. anyone else have this problem?

try here

GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-18 12:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTODAY WAS MY INTERVIEW IN ISLAMABAD
Congratulations on getting the interview approval.
I will be keeping my fingers crossed and you both in my thoughts while waiting for AP to pass by.
I'm sure that the Interviewing officer was right and that you will be there for the birth of your baby.
I wish this process was easier for you all.
Thanks for sharing the interview process, it's helpful to hear how it goes for some people.

Edited by GrenadianCrix, 29 March 2007 - 08:01 AM.

GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-29 07:58:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWe got the Visa!!!!!!
Congrats, and have a wonderful wedding!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-19 08:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFinally visa issued and travelled home.
I hope the transition to Florida will be smooth Good Luck on your wedding.
It's so wonderful to see people get to be together.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-29 07:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVISA APPROVED!!!
What a relief!
Congrats to you and your fiance.
I hope you are together in no time.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-28 23:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCo-sponsor & NOA2 question.
If you are unable to meet the criteria for the I-134 then yes you should be using an additional sponsor. The I-134 doesn't have the same criteria as the I-864 (filed at AOS) but if you are planning on using the same person for an additional sponsor on the I-134 and as a joint sponsor on the I-864, then they should be able to satisfy requirements on both. It will be a bit of a hassle getting the supporting documantation. If your father is unwilling to do this would it be possible to find someone else? The joint sponsor does not need to be a family member as you are the primary sponsor already (and subsequently you will need to file each form yourself also).
I am not aware of the technicalities of using a lump sum in lieu of ongoing/salaried income. I'm sure others will know more about that.
Good Luck
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-04-06 08:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCondescending Effers
I don't know about lodging an official complaint, but you can always speak with your congress person. I believe you are right though to assume the can't do much. I am certainly not an expert on any of this. I wonder if it would make more sense to talk to the Congress person after you are done filing, or at least until you are filing AOS. The reason why I wonder is since they are unlikely to interfere with your visa process at this point (someone please correct this if I am wrong) maybe you should wait and then have a sit-down and tell the story of what you two went through to get this visa. That way the Congress person can use that information down the road when Congress is discussing any future immigration issues. Heck, maybe it would encourage them to sponsor some legislation to make the different embassies operate more uniformly or some other good idea that I don't have right now.
I hope you have a smooth process for the remainder, but if not then you aren't adding tidbits to the story you give the Congress person, you just tell them everything after it's over.
I don't know how good any of it will be, but it's just food for thought.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-04-04 21:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCondescending Effers

My fiancee, Jacinta, picked up the Packet 3/4 forms from the US Embassy a couple weeks ago. She got all the paperwork filled out, collected all the documents, got her passport photos, and paid her application fee. She went to the Embassy yesterday to return all the paperwork, set up her interview, and get the letter she needs from the Embassy to get her medical exam--the only requirement besides the interview she has left to complete. However, she was turned away by security for not having an appointment. #######: an appointment to hand over all the forms she filled out?! It would have been considerate if they had told her that when she picked up the forms in the first place. In any case, they condescended to give her an appointment this coming Monday at 8am, so my hope is that she'll at least be able to schedule the interview then and we'll get a better sense of the timeline. The medical exam shouldn't be a problem, but she can't even schedule it without the letter that she's supposed to get from the Embassy.

It's such a hassle for her to get to the Embassy in their 8-10am morning window, the only time they will serve immigrant visa applicants--though it's not as bad as the 20-hour bus ride I read about earlier in the MENA forum. She lives in the same city as the Embassy but has to walk about a mile from her apartment along a muddy path to pick up an overcrowded matatu (14-passenger public service van) to take her to the city center in the morning. From there she has to walk another half-mile or so to pick up another matatu toward the Embassy, which is thankfully only another five to ten minutes by foot from the main road where the matatu stops. It's easily a two-hour trip door-to-door, and then she gets to deal with security at the Embassy, where then she can demean herself further by begging to be allowed in, into the Embassy and into the US, by the racist and tribalist workers at the Embassy, who appear to think they're better than those they're serving. It's really a thankless and inhumane process.

In an age of "progress", we need to be breaking down these power inequalities and deconstructing the harmful and dangerous notion of the nation-state, with its artificial borders. No person is illegal.


It makes me angry that these are the 'representatives' of our government. Here in Grenada there isn't a full consulate, but there is a Charge d'Affairs. This position serves as an on island liason with the US government (left over from the 1983 invasion). Anyway, I have had the 'pleasure' of speaking at length with this woman and I am embarrassed that she is the face we put on America to many Grenadians (an to the other posts she has served at). She is classist and only sees the negative in mankind. She thinks all non-Americans are only trying to sneak their way into the states in order to break the law and receive financial assistance to have babies.
I am glad she currently has no say in immigrant visa's in her current position, but unfortunatly she is only one of the many bad eggs in the thousands of civil servants we have all over the world. Sadly bad eggs make a bad name for the countless others trying to do a good job.
I am so sorry as an American that people are treated like this at our embassies.
Please send Jacinta and apology from someone the embassy is supposed to be representing.
I hope her appointment on Monday goes smoothly. Maybe she should bring her packet of information in case they decide to do the interview on the spot?

Edited by GrenadianCrix, 21 March 2007 - 03:34 PM.

GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-21 15:32:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWE GOT IT!
That's great!!!!!!
Does he have the visa in hand or is it being sent?
This is good news, I know you were awful nervous about all those 'extenuating' circumstances.
How wonderful for the both of you. Have a great time making travel plans and packing those suitcases.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-04-13 08:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWe got our visa!!!
Congrats on the visa!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-04-17 12:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa in hand
Safe travels!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-04-17 12:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFinancial Requirement

I have spoken with 2 different attorneys, the first told me my financial requirements were fine because I made over $17K a year. Well the 2nd attorney said that there is an additional requirement if I have children, which I have 3.

I made $28K last year and the lawyer said I would have to show $29,250. Is this correct?

If I have to have an additional sponsor what kind of liabilty are they signing up for?

if you check the poverty guidlines here

you can see for yourself. a family of 5 needs to have that much money to make 125% of the guidline. I came up with $29,250 also. But I'm not entirely sure what they will look for at the time of the application.
By someone being a sponsor during the interview stage (form I-134) and by being a joint sponsor at the AOS stage (form I-864) they are simply saying that they will be responsible for the immigrant if that immigrant will ever apply for federal assistance. Basically that they won't go on welfare or become a public charge. As long as the immigrant doesn't try to receive any public assistance the joint sponsor does not need to "do" anything. (there is a list of which types qualify for this restriction that I can't put my hands on right now). There are a few differences between these two forms, but none that pertain to your question.

Edited by GrenadianCrix, 19 April 2007 - 03:58 PM.

GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-04-19 15:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLetter from employer
just a side is fine if the employer letter does not have your date of birth, as it is illegal in most cases (if not all) to ask an employee what his/her date of birth is.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-04-24 15:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-04-24 18:13:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134
I am beginning to fill out the I-134 for my fiances interview. The newest form I could find says it's exp. date is 4-30-07. Does anyone know if there has been a revision to this? I looked for it on the USCIS website...but I want to make sure I'm not missing anything.
Thanks a million
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-04-24 16:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionyou were right
What a frustrating setback!
It sounds like you are in good spirits and getting back on that horse.
Go get'em Tiger!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-04-24 20:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI 864 when you dont make enough money

You are better off getting a co-sponsor in order to be on safe side.

I know i have to get a joint-sponser which will be my stepfather that live i the same household as me. but even with a joint sponser i think i still have to give my tax information along with the joint sponsor

yes you will need to provide information. I am not sure of the process when the joint-sponor lives in the same place, There will be others here that can help you more with that. But check on the IRS site here

to request transcripts so you don't need to worry about W-2's

GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-04-25 00:30:00