K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!
Do days seem like years to anyone else? I fear I'm becoming a bit addicted to the USPS website trying to track my packet. I only sent it Monday....and it's only Thursday afternoon. I'm feeling a bit neurotic. They really should offer free psychological services for this process.
I know I have things on my side, filing the 'faster' form (I-129F instead of I-130) and I get to go through Vermont, and the embassy in Barbados is very fast too, usually less than 2 weeks for an interview. But I'm dying just for the packet to get to Vermont!!!!!!!!!
Ok, I'm much better now.
Thanks for the vent.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-02-15 12:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!

EPlum whose application arrived on the 31st Jan already has an NOA2 from VSC! Thats bloody quick!

Wonder if any early Feb'ers out there will also recieve this news from VSC:)

I wasn't that early...mailed on the 12th. but if you all are getting it turned around that fast, I'm thinking mine might be quick too!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-02-13 17:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!

Cool to see a few in Vermont.

Really can't wait to start seeing some NOA action in the next months

The race is on!
I sent mine into Vermont today.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed....toes crossed....knocking on wood......wishing on know.....the helpful stuff.
Congrats to everyone who has gotten their packets in, they aren't easy. I feel like I'm in good company.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-02-12 19:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!
I am (hopefully) sending mine in Monday the 12th. I was trying for earlier but....well you know how that goes. thanks for all the info I've seen here, come to find out my I-129F form will expire before it arrives in Vermont, so I have to print out another one...and a bunch of other stuff too. I realized in my 1am haze of paperwork, I wrote my address in the states incorrectly!!! It's pretty bad when you can't remember your own address. But on the bright side, I am down here in Grenada with my Fiance while we are filing so I have him at my disposal to sign things every time I screw them up.
I guess I'll be joining the February club!
Lot's of luck to all the rest of you, and my thoughts are with those of you who have to wait this out apart from eachother.
Go Feb Filers!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-02-10 12:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGot my NOA1 today!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-24 16:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChildren -- join to follow

My daughter followed-to-join a year after I entered the U.S.

I received my K-1 Visa on June 10, 2004. My daughter (who was 16 years old) wanted to stay in Canada to finish high school (she was graduating June, 2005).

When I sent in my I-129F, we put her name on the form, which is what you have to do in order for children to follow-to-join. Any K-2 Visa's for children wishing to follow-to-join must be obtained within one year of the parent's K-1 Visa. So, in January, 2005, I faxed the Vancouver consulate (where I interviewed for my K-1 Visa and where my daughter would interview for her K-2 Visa) to ask what I needed to do to start the process for her K-2 Visa. They told me to fax in Form DS-230, Part I, which would start the ball rolling. Then, I needed to start gathering the required documents, such as her long form birth certificate, police certificate, medical exam, passport photos, notarized form from her birth Father giving his permission for her to move with me to the U.S. (as we had joint custody). After I had gathered all the required documents and had her medical exam done (in Canada), I scheduled her Visa interview. She obtained her K-2 Visa on May 26, 2005 (which was only 2 weeks to spare before our year was up).

After the K-2 Visa was issued, she had six months to enter the U.S. (same as for K-1 Visas). She entered the U.S. on Sept. 5/05.

If you have any questions regarding the K-2 process (follow-to-join), you can either PM me or email me.

Good luck.


Thanks for the you think it will be a problem that they reside in Canada while my fiance will be going through the Barbados Embassy? The kids are 6yr and 4yr old twins. will they be able to skip the interview? will they still need the physicals?
Can you also tell me more about the letter her father I can pass it on to the kids mother.
questions questions questions!
Thanks again
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-02-09 21:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChildren -- join to follow
I have a ton of questions about having children follow-to-join.
I will be mailing the I-129F petition on Monday...after a frightful weekend of paperwork!
I am the US citizen, my fiancé is Grenadian, however his children are Canadian.
They currently live with their mother, but she wants him to take them. He has previously lived with them and has kept up a long-distance relationship with them. We want to wait and have them live with us when we are settled in the US, but it looks as though waiting to file I-130's could take a very long time...years maybe? The follow to join option sounds the best but I'm having difficulty finding information regarding children from a third country. I'm not sure if it even matters.
I do realize I will need to show additional evidence of support, a statement from the mother saying he can have custody and proof of his relationship with them.
Any thing anyone can offer at this point will be greatly appreciated.
Any tips on what the embassy interview will be looking for when we present our case to them? I like to know where the curve balls are coming from. hehehe.
Thanks a million!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-02-09 20:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolice certificate

If my fiance spent time in the US on a student visa will she need a police certficate from here? she was in the states for about 2 years attendign college.

Also, she is from Latvia, but resides in the UK. does a police certificate need to be obtained from both places? If so, how does one go about obtaining one? can it be done over the phone?


The way I understand it, The benificiary will need official statements from the National or Regional Police Department from each place she lived since she was 16. So I would think your answer would be yes, she needs the documents. I found information online for obtaining one in Canada. If you can't find it online, I'm sure calling those organizations will help you find out how to get the documents. Sometimes there may be a fee, different countries handle these requests differently.
Good Luck!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-02-10 13:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures6 - 8 more hours until her interview in Moscow.....

Well, at least you have some completly anonymous yet entirely sympathetic people around to help pass the time.
and Bob Marley sounds like a good idea.....heck, wine sounds like a good idea!
Sending good luck thoughts your way, and jedi mind tricks to the embassy inteviewer....'you love approving visa's for people'... 'this applicant thinks you are having a very good hair day so you should like her.'

Damn! I almost forgot the Jedi thing! Gotcha. Working on it now...

BTW - read your profile. Complex difficult deal. Good luck to you!

thanks, I managed to pull a long shot connection and got the email of the chief of immigration (and instructions for him to help me) at the embassy kellon has to interview at, so he has been answering a ton of annoying questions. so hopefully that will pay off.
i think everything will work out just fine, i'm not really sure what 'fine' means right now, but i think i'll know when it gets here. hahaha
I have the luxury of waiting out the visa application time with my fiance, so it's not so crazy making. I am a peace corps volunteer, so i'm here in grenada until the end of august anyway. I've decided to stop getting frantic over every little piece of information, i just sent in my I-129F and i was already starting to get a nervous tick. but now...taking your lead...i'm listening to Bob and drinking some cheap wine (that's pretty much all you get in the Caribbean)
you got to lively up yourself....lalalalala

:dance: :yes: :dance: :yes: :dance: :yes: :dance: :yes:
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-02-13 19:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures6 - 8 more hours until her interview in Moscow.....

Drinking wine like water now. Watching this thread after every cigarette. Listening to Bob Marley. You guys would laugh your A's off if you could see this ball of nerves! Thanks for all the kind words! It's good to have company that can feel what I feel. Thanks for being there for me.







Well, at least you have some completly anonymous yet entirely sympathetic people around to help pass the time.
and Bob Marley sounds like a good idea.....heck, wine sounds like a good idea!
Sending good luck thoughts your way, and jedi mind tricks to the embassy inteviewer....'you love approving visa's for people'... 'this applicant thinks you are having a very good hair day so you should like her.'
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-02-13 19:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee - technically when from USCIS perspective?

I just want to know if some one has some idea on this subject.

From USCIS perspective, when are you considered a fiancee (or fiance)?
After a personal meeting?
After a personal meeting and exchange or a ring?
Even prior to personal meeting if there is evidence that there is some relationship?

What exactly is the definition?

You need to show that you have indeed met in person. There are only exeptions for people who have religious or cultural customs that would prohibit them from meeting in person before the wedding. (and I hear those are pretty rare)
I never mentioned on my application the conditions we got engaged. We just had to demonstrate a relationship. I haven't received an approval yet, but I'm confident that won't be an issue as my fiance and I are currently living together.
Every one does the engagement thing differently, and there is no way USCIS (or any one else) can mandate how that happens. For example, after my boyfriend moved in he started casually talking about marriage...after I stopped hyperventilating from anxiety a couple months later, I joined in the conversation. There was no kneeling down, heck there still isn't a ring (we are saving our pennies for the move to the states).
Good luck to you, but I would definatly plan on spending time together before you file the forms. I can't remember where the thread is, but there was a list member who was denied because they had only visited their intended once and the embassy didn't find it valid.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-02-15 12:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresbeneficiary birth certificate required for I-129F / K1?

I read on another thread that you need to make copies of the front and back of the beneficiary's birth certificate, but his does not have anything on the other side. He was born in East Sussex, UK, is this normal? Will it be okay if i just send a copy of the front?

my birth certificate is only printed on one side also, i still copied both sides (wierd I know). i just stapled them together and put a small post-it note on the front explaining it.
I just mailed my packet out...if I hear back to the negative I'll let you know.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-02-13 20:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresResidency requirement of the US petitioner for either K-1 or K-3/I-130
I aggree with the advice you received. I have been in Grenada on a work permit for the past 17 months but have a US residence and mailing address and whatnot. I am still in the I-129F process but I have checked with the chief of immigration in Barbados and there is no problem what-so-ever in my filing. You should still check the requirements of the Embassy in China regarding her interview. I have heard that different sites require the USC to attend with the benificiary (but that may just be a rumor)
Good Luck with it all!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-02-19 16:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNov file with approval today
Way to go!!!
That must feel great. Congrats
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-02-22 21:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F finally received!
Thanks everbody!

good luck

Are you going through the Barbasos Embassy?
That is where my fiance will have to interview. I would love to hear about the process and any info you have regarding the medical exam procedures.
Thanks again.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-02-23 15:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F finally received!
We mailed our I-129F package to Vermont from Grenada on 12 Feb....they finally received it today... 23 Feb!
4-5 day express took a little longer than expected!
What a relief, we were worried it might get lost along the way.
Our fingers are crossed that we will get treated well by Vermont.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-02-23 15:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures8 CFR Immigration Regulatory Guidance Link
Thanks Husker,
I like it better when I can do my own research to get answers....that way I don't end up asking a million little questions.
I'm glad you shared!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-02-24 06:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of ongoing relationship
It's souds like you have it covered. I live in my fiances country and I sent similar things plus my bank statement and a letter from my agency saying that i'm currently volunteering here and will be until such and such a date. This is an english speaking country so I didn't have to worry about translations, but I agree with the other posts, everything needs to be translated, or else the adjudicator won't know what it is.
Good Luck!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-02-24 06:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill it be an RFE?

Ok, first the good news: my I-129F arrived at VSC today (the 24th) at 3:01 p.m!! :thumbs:

The bad news: I discovered a dumb typo my fiance and I made on his biographical info that makes it appear as though he lived through the year 2005 twice. This will probably result in an RFE, right? groaaaaaaannnnnnn . . . if so, we will have to deal with Colombia's mail system, which we were desperately hoping to avoid in this stage of the process. :wacko:

I know Grenada's mail is that bad. I wouln't just get things ready, I would have him fill it in, print the 4 pages and send it to you right now.
If you get an RFE you will have it in hand (or well on it's way) to send it back into Vermont. If you don't get the harm done.
I have lot's of things going between countries right now just to make sure things will be where they are useful when they are needed. I don't want to add any extra days unnecessarily!
Good Luck!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-02-25 06:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to provide proof


I filed a K1 Visa for my Fiance who lives in Vietnam. However, we have not officially had our engagement ceremony yet. The plan was to have it this summer along with the wedding and if she gets her visa, she will come back with me. Since this IS a K1 visa, how would/should we go about explaining this to the consulate interviewer? If everything goes well, she should probably have her interview within the next 2 months. Since the first time i saw her i have visited her twice already. And many of my family and friends are coming back this summer.

Please, any advice or comments would be greatly appreciated.


I presume since you are filing an I-129F, that you are actually engaged....or plan to marry. The formal ceremony does not matter. You and your fiance need to have made the decision that you are to get married within 90 days of her coming to the U.S.
As far as proof, you'll need other things. There are lot's of guides on this site that are really useful and lot's of people have posted many ideas to show proof of relationship...or that you have met.
These things can include photo's of the two of you together, even better if they have landmarks or other people/relatives in them. Copies of passport stamps, boarding passes, flight itineraries, receipts from your trips...stuff like that.
Just make sure she is able to tell them that you are engaged to be married at the inteview. There is no expectation from USCIS that there is a formal ceremony to mark the occasion.
Hopefully this helps.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-02-22 21:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTO ALL K1 APPLICANTS

Bring this form on you medical exam abroad to be completed and signed by the doctor.
After your marriage in USA send it with AOS documents.
This will save you time and some $.

Our AOS was approved in 6 weeks

Good luck

Thanks for the heads up.
I like saving time and money! :yes:

GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-02-25 07:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmailing address question
hhmmm....looks like we are all stumped.
maybe we should ask Huskerkiev!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-02-25 09:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmailing address question
I was wondering which address do they use from the I-129F Packet?
There was no place it asked for the mailing address. Do they just use the address I listed on the I-129F part A 'Information about you"? This may be a problem since that adress is a street address, not a mailing address. I wish I had thought of this before I sent it in, but now as I'm waiting to see my NOA1...I realize I'm not sure where it's going.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-02-25 07:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDanger Will Robinson!
Congrats on your perserverance.
It will all seem so worth some point.

HEY that sucks and is horrible experience, you are not whining. But it sounds so familiar, with any governement entity in Ukraine, either you bribe em or pay em off or you know someone that can call in favor for you like her son in law. Did you ever get approved or get to interview?

Nadya had an interview the 1st of December. She passed everything except her one police report did not. All she had to do was to deliver an acceptable police report.

The good news is that the firm in Moscow came through. Six weeks late, but they did come through. I had to extend my I-129F but the embassy was good about it. Nadya dropped the papers off the 5th. I emailed the embassy on the 8th for status, and they graciously replied! She was issued a visa on the 7th! FedEx hasn't arrived with it yet, but it should be in transit.

The next step is to buy tickets and bring her here. I decided to buy 2 round trip tickets because it wasn't much more than 1 round trip and 1 one way, and this we we can sit together on the plane.

GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-02-09 19:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Payment From Abroad

The I-129F requires a payment, and I've already read the many suggestions for using a personal check. However, I'll be sending the I-129F petition from Germany and I don't have any personal checks for my U.S. account with me. If I don't use a personal check, what other forms of payment can I use? I doubt a foreign money order would work. Any suggestions here? Thanks! :)

We sent ours from overseas also. We used a money order drawn on a bank here in Grenada. Most banks (if not all) will draw the draft in US dollars if you request it. They may charge you a small fee (we paid about $4us extra). We sent that with our packet. The only drawback is that anyone can cash a money order. So we definatly held our breath while it was being delivered. The other drawback is we don't see the cancelled check, so we have to wait to get the NOA1 to get our case #. But I don't think a week of extra obsessive checking will make it go any faster anyway!
Good luck.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-02-26 13:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThis is confusing

If you are not in constant contact with your lawyer, he/she may be waiting on the noa2 before telling you anything. So like karin und otto stated, I would definitely call him/her and inquire the case number. Also, be glad that you are going through vermont. ;)

Well...I assume I'm going through Vermont since Mike is from maine and the lawyer is in Mass :) vermont really so much better?

Welcome to VJ! I know I was thrilled when I found this site. I check it everyday and find new things about the process from all the people on here. So maine huh? I am from Maine too. Do you know where in Maine? are you going there when you get to the states?
It's a great place. And it is good you are going through Vermont, they have a very speedy process and a good reputation. It should make your process as smooth as possible. Good Luck in all of it, and make sure Mike keeps on that Lawyer, if you look around this ste you will see stories that people have posted about lawyers. Make sure yours understands what you expect of him.
I hope to hear back from you.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-02 15:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGot married at city Hall Today
congratulations on your marriage.
Sounds like a good and low-stress plan to get married at City Hall...That's why Kellon and I are planning to do also.
I love hearing about fellow petitioners finally getting through the biggest hurdle...being legally married AND living together.
Best Wishes
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-02 07:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1 info - re: work history

hello, all ... wondering if any one has knowledge as to the relevance the work history has on the k1 desicion ?

We are filling in Colombia and although my fiance has worked for a long time it has been mostly through a well respected employment agency in Colombia. We are having a hard time with specifics: ie - exact dates, addresses. As well, most of these assignments were on a temporary basis.

Anyone have an idea if this info is cross checked with employers ? Or would it be best to only include her work for her uncles' water filtration company. A position she had until he down sized a year ago. But exact info. is readily avail.

Does anyone have knowledge as to the wieght this section holds on the Visa desicion ? It is my thinking that her employment history would show she is employable in her home country and is indeed seeking this visa for marriage.

To sum up; would it be best to only include one solid long term job or include the Agency work; mostly at places like "Exito".

Any opinions and/or advice would be appreciated. And if there are any Colombianas interested in corrosponding with my fiance about the process she would greatly value a female perspective.

thank you ... gracias muchisimas y suerte a todas.


First, in my understanding the benificiary's answers just need to be complete and accurate, She does not need to be an executive...meaning, it doesn't matter what they did for work, or if they were unqemployed. If she was unemployed state that. The affidavit of support guarantees they won't be on welfare, so the line of work or 'employability' shouldn't play in too much.
Second, if she worked for a temp agency, presumably the paycheck came from the agency and not the companies she was place with. So instead of finding the individual addressess and such, just list the agency.
Hope this helps
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-04 11:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo street address

My fiance and I are working on filling out the G-325. He's from Tanzania, where most of the streets don't have names, and most of the named streets don't have numbers. What should we write for his residence? The city he's living in now has neighborhood names. Would it be sufficient to put [neighborhood], [city], [province], [country]? Same thing for employment history? But he also lived in a tiny village that doesn't have any neighborhood names or street names. Should I just write N/A for street and number?

We're having the same problem with the I-129. If he gets a P.O Box, can we write that as his address?

My fiance and I both live in Grenada and have the exact same circumstances. I am one of the lucky few who hae a street name...but no number in site. His previous addresses were just neighborhoods as you said, we just put what we could. Is there a common name that the villagers use for a street?. When filling out mine, I assumed they were looking for a physical address since a PO box can't be a residence.
If all else fails (this is my guess) it would be better to write 'no street name' instead of N/ just gives them a little more info. the embassy covering that area is most likely used to that situation.
Best of Luck!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-02-17 09:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1?
I am receiving my mail at my sisters house in the states. I think that the NOA1 was never sent, since I just received my NOA2. I guess they skipped a step to save time. I didn't get any email notifications either.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-05 17:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1?

The check being cashed can be a bit important if you want to know what your case number is before getting the NOA1 in the mail. It's usually on the back.

Since we used a money order (we don't have a foreign checking account and we both live in Grenada) we won't get the case number from the cashed check. that is why i'm chewing down my fingers waiting for the NOA1 so I can get the case #. I guess patience will win out, I don't have much of a choice..hahaha
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-02 16:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1?
Ok...thanks for looking at this post...but no need to reply.
The search started working again and i found my answer.
Basically the NOA1 has nothing to do with my check clearing...just sometimes it takes a long time. the waiting is agony!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-02 15:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1?
Ok, I know this question has been answered before, I have spent over an hour trying to find the posts. The search function isn't working for me either.
So here goes. At what point is the NOA1 issued?
I know VSC has received my I-129F packet from USPS confirmation however I have yet to recieve an NOA1 by mail or email notification (5 business days later). The payment was a foreign money order that was drawn in US$...could this be holding it up? Is the NOA1 only issued after the check/money order has cleared?
If someone knows, I would be very happy if you shared it with me! :yes:

Thanks a lot
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-02 14:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCourthouse weddings?
I'm having trouble coming up with anything for New Jersey :(

try this link for License infor



GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-05 16:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCourthouse weddings?

I was just wondering about those of you who chose to just get married at the courthouse - were you able to do anything more than signing papers in a boring room? We just realized that we don't know what exactly happens when people get married at a courthouse.

Also, how much do they typically cost, and how do you go about reserving them? (We're not necessarily planning on doing this, but we we were originally...)

Also, how do you manage to get someone to come if you want to have a wedding outside somewhere? I guess it's a different cost depending on who it is but how much would it cost for say a justice of the peace or county clerk?

And, how do you go about obtaining your marriage license? Do you do this in-between when the foreign fiancé enters the country with his/her visa and the wedding day, or is it possible for the USC to obtain it beforehand?

Thanks :)

I have not gotten married yet so I only have responses to one of your questions. I am also planning a civil service in City Hall when I reach up home. The proceedure for getting a marriage license varies for each state. In Maine where I am from, the marriage license just requires my SS# and his Visa/Passport. There is a small fee. There are no waiting periods or blood tests required for the license. So we could get the license and get married in the same day. You should call the Town/City offices for where you want to marry and they can give you specific information. Sometimes they will have a website where you can find the information also, just google the city you are looking for.
Good luck on the rest of the information!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-05 15:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresevidence

I'm thinking of submitting the following evidence when filing the I-129F:

- my passport, with two entries into Tanzania in the past year or so
- a record of my calling card order history - doesn't say where I called, but showed that I spent lots of money
- three or four photos
- a record of us purchasing a PO Box in Tanzania together
- three envelopes that I sent to him (but addressed to his brother, because he didn't have a box at that time... will this be a problem? I'm planning on attaching an explanation)
- two envelopes that he sent me

I don't really want to include emails, since they're personal and his typing is sometimes incomprehensible to the untrained eye.

Is this sufficient?

If you do include emails, let them be about you traveling to visit your fiance, they need to see you met in person more than they need to know you kept in touch. A person from the embassy in Barbados told me that it is better to have photo's of the two of you with other people in natural settings, or in front of well know landmarks. Any boarding passes or other proof you were in the country together would be helpful. My packet didn't have a lot of stuff with 'our' names on it, but I had plenty of evidence that I have been in the country with my fiance. It sounds like you are on the right track.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-05 21:22:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusK-1 Visa approved in Moscow on St. Valentine's Day
I had to come check up on you after last night. I'm sure you'll sleep much better now.
Enjoy the anticipation of her flying to you, but enjoy her being there even more.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-02-14 13:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaChildren from a third country
Hiya Folks!
I am hoping someone might know a little about getting children of a fiance in on a K2 visa....but my fiance is Grenadian (lives in Grenada) and the children are Canadian (live in Canada)
we want to have them follow-to-join, but i'm not sure how it will work. they are 6 yr, 4yr and 4yr I think we may be able to skip the interview. but i'm not too sure about the rest of it. I am also curious about the evidence of support. I will need a co-sponsor for my fiance (I'm a poor Peace Corps Volunteer) but I'm not sure if I'll need to show evidence of support for the children at the time of the K-1 interview in Barbados, or later when I file the DS-230 (I think that's the one).
anything anyone has to offer would be great.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-02-10 13:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaWhere are you from?
She is from Portland, ME (living in Grenada)
He is from Grenada

Is there anyone else here from the Eastern Carribean? they seem to be scarce

GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-02-10 13:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHow did you meet?
I'm in grenada as a Peace Corps Volunteer. After being here 6 months I went to a Reggae show for Valentines day with friends (just the girls). It started raining and a man came over to me an my friend and sheltered us with his big umbrella. We've been together ever since.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-25 10:30:00