K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC - February Filers
me? ... crazy? ... no....

It's just frustrating...but we'll roll with it. not much choice i guess
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-04-17 11:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC - February Filers
I've been waiting for this thing from barbados for over a month now....but we still don't have confirmation that the request (and Payment) for the police check in Canada has even gottten there. we mailed that on March 6!!!!!
then there is a 4 month wait for it to be processed. I am getting a bit concerned that if these things don't hurry up, we won't be able to travel up together. I know it won't be the end of the world, but it would be really nice!
maybe i'll just stay in Grenada a few extra months...we can stay with his family and eat green bananas and salt fish! hahaha
Patience is a virtue...but it's not as fun as throwing a great big hairy temper tantrum. :lol:
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-04-17 10:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC - February Filers

Hey guys - quick update :)

Got my packet 4 today and have the interview scheduled for May 29th :)

Just doing some catching up now!

That's great!
Good Luck in pulling it all together.
I'm sure it will all go smoothly.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-04-17 09:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC - February Filers

I guess this is the price we pay for that Caribbean way of life.

Hehe! Overall it just might be worth it!! :whistle:

What's is it like there right now?

from cold DC,

Right now in Grenada, it's around 85 degrees and the wind is blowing gently. The breeze around Easter is always nice, Kids are constantly flying homemade kites. The sun is out and I am sitting inside in front of a fan!
There is a World Cup Cricket here today, my fiance is at the game with one of the boys from the residential home he works at but I'm just listening to it on the radio.
I'll walk down to the village and check the post office today to see is our packet 3 has arrived yet, I'll probably stop at one of the rum shops and have a Fanta and watch the second half of the match.
So I can't complain about the wait, I just want Kellon to get the visa sooner than later so we have extra time if there are any difficulties at the embassy. I just didn't expect the mail to be such a problem. Mail alone has already added about 5 extra weeks to our application (more than normal in-country filers) I am going back to the states in September (just after carnival) and we really want to be able to travel up together.
I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
I hope you are weathering the storm safely up there. My family is in Maine and Vermont...I think their toes may be a bit wet by this time.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-04-16 10:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC - February Filers
I guess this is the price we pay for that Caribbean way of life. It's Irie, we'll just lime a while. We'll get our visa's just now.
Ahhh, I guss it could be a while lot worse. It's just frustrating that after all the hurdles with immigration we get past...the mail service is our demise!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-04-13 08:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC - February Filers

Well, everyone seems to be moving along nicely. I think me and Sue are going to be the slowest...

GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-04-09 21:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC - February Filers
For all of you who celebrate it....
I hope you are having a wonderful Easter weekend!
anyone find any easter eggs?
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-04-08 18:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC - February Filers

hi everyone! i was out of town visiting my fiance...but i'm back! my fiance received his packet 4 while i was with him and i helped him fill out all the papers. what a relief!

his interview is set for MAY 2nd! only 2-1/2 months since we filed! so awesome! i hope all the rest goes as smoothly as the beginning did!

good luck to u all!


that's great! I love seeing people in our group getting that far. It such a crazy process, but the best part is seeing us get through the other end.
I hope your interview goes well.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-04-07 18:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC - February Filers

Wow. I have some understanding of what you're going through. That's why I'm glad that my fiance is supposed to be picking up packet 3 instead of them mailing it to him or I'd be saying the same thing. :( When is the World Cup supposed to be over? I haven't been following. Do you have an idea of how long it will take them to schedule the interview once the DS230 is in?

April 4...and it's still not here. Now the country will be on Holidays until next wednesday (Easter and then Cricket!)
I wish Kellon could have just picked it up..but since we live on a different island, it would have been real expensive for him to fly there to get it. Soooo, we are waiting.
Cricket will last until the 29th (Give or take a few) So it has definatly been a pain in the butt. I've stocked up on food and gas for my stove...there is no guarrantee anyone has planned properly on this iisland for the 10 days of 10,000 extra people on the island (normally about 80,000 people live here). it will be quite and experience.
The worst part about cricket though si that the West Indies team has been doing terribly in this round! It would have been nice to see them play a little better than what they've been doing. I hear England lost again today to Sri Lanka, sorry Tony, et al. But the England and West Indies teams are about even right now.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-04-04 20:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC - February Filers
My update....
Let's see, I am still waiting for our Packet 3 to be delivered. It was sent regular mail so it can't be tracked, the embassy is telling us to give it another week. The embassy told me that it had been mailed Marcch 13th. That's two weeks now. I really hope it gets here soon.
But right now the entire West Indies has been taken over by World Cup Cricket so I have no idea when it might get here.
We still don't have any word on the Police check from Canada...they say they haven't even received the request yet. I'm waiting to hear back from them too.
I am stuck in snail mail he||!
But seriously, I'm not that stressed out. There isn't much I can do except sit back and wait to see what happens.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-04-01 19:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC - February Filers

I just got not one, but two letters in the mail telling me that NVC received my approved petition and will be forwarding it to the Kingston embassy. :lol:

I guess they really wanted to make sure you got the message!
I hope the Jamaican mail is faster than the rest of the Caribbean

I'm going now, need to sleep.
It was nice talking!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-24 22:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC - February Filers

Wow. It's good to have a contact, that must be helpful. What's EC$?

EC$ = Eastern Caribbean Dollar.
2.71 EC$ = 1 US$

not a very good exchange rate, so we basically have to pay almost three time what everything is worth. but the thing is that most people don't make much money down here. my fiance makes $750EC a month! So that's about $275US a month. Needless to say the whole visa process is a bit expensive. Especially since I am living and working down here as a Peace Corps Volunteer and make only a little bit more than he does. But it's worth it we are so excited to go up to the States together and start a life up there. I'm glad I'll get to go up with him (providing the visa process continues fairly smoothly). Although I wish I could be up there already getting things ready for him to arrive. But we will get up there together and we'll both be unemployed and homeless...hahaha...thank goodness for Co-sponsors!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-24 22:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC - February Filers

Wow, from Barbados? Why is it coming from there?

Most of the Eastern Caribbean islands go through the Barbados Embassy. Grenada has a small Embassy, but not a full staff (only one American staff member) so they don't deal with visa's at all. So we have to fly to Barbados for the interview. Thankfully Kellon should be able to do his medical in Grenada so he only has to fly to Barbados for a day. It's a pretty quick flight but after converting the US$ plane ticket cost into EC$'s kinda pricey.
But I guess we won't have to worry about it unless it finally gets here!
I sent another email to a good contact I have at the Embassy, hopefully I'll hear from him on Monday.
We are still waiting for a police check from Canada anyway, so we are kinda at a stand still.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-24 21:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC - February Filers

Our NOA1 from VSC was dated 27 Feb. We were touched on 2 March, but NOT SINCE THEN. I'm freaking out. What do we do? Can we do anything?

I know it's hard to wait while some of us (myself included) have gotten our NOA2's freakishly fast. But you are still within normal wait times. Just keep an eye on things, but don't stress too much. Checking the USCIS website every 10 minutes will not make them work any faster.
I wouldn't do anything drastic like calling in important people yet. There is still time.
Good Luck, drink some wine! (If you drink, that is...if not, read a good book)
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-24 16:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC - February Filers

Call them again, and actually talk to someone in person. They will have a record :)

They dont keep K1's on the automated system

Just spoke to my fiance. The embassy called him for an appointment to bring in the DS230. :dance: Pre-appointment appointment. :(

That's a good sign. I hope Jamaica is speedy quick in getting out that interview date!
We are still waiting for our Packet 3 to get here...almost two full weeks in the mail from Barbados!
Everything is on Caribbean time...but I guess that means it'll be Irie!
Let us know when the interview is!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-24 16:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC - February Filers
Good Luck with packet 4!
I'm sure your fiance will feel comforted to know you are with him. first time travel can be scary enough without the anxiousness of being 'approved' or 'denied' at the end of it. I'm sure you two will be fine, I can't imagine how anyone could overlook the partnership you two have.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-22 10:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC - February Filers
Hi all you Fabulous Fellow Feb Filers!
I have been a bit incognito the last week, I've been sick sick sick. Good News, I get to live in the Caribbean and wait with my fiance for his visa, bad news, I get to pick up random little nasties from living in the tropics. But anyway.....
I've been checking in and seeing a ton of NOA2 approvals, speedy times at NVC and consulates with a fire under their butts to send out packet 3's.
Congrats to all of you that fit into one of those categories. :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
I have to say, the silver lining to being this sick is that I have not even had the energy to be anxious about this whole process. The embassy said they sent my packet 3 on the 13th but it still isn't here. Most of my entire visa processing time has been "somewhere in transit". I hope we get it soon, we want to start getting it all in order. I'll email the embassy tomorrow to see if it can be tracked.
BTW, thanks jlvr for starting this string. I felt way too guilty to say much on the other string. I wish there was some way California could speed it up for those folks.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-21 14:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!
Congrats Adrian + Shannon
The news is wonderful.
Good Luck!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-27 21:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!
I wasn't able to call NVC due to being out of the country, I did send them an email a week after VSC said they sent it...they responded in a few days, gave me my # and told me it had already been sent out to the embassy. This thing is moving so fast I can't catch up with it! I say that with complete reverence to all of those who are still waiting...I'm trying to send the good energy your way (I just hope I have enough good energy left to get us through the interview!). Now I'm waiting to get an email back from the Embassy to see if they have it recorded and if they are sending/have sent packet 3.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-14 16:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!

hi guys. need some help. can i start filing for petition even if i just start working. but im a us citizen and what documents are they looking for. eg bank statement.... can i ask an affidavit of support from a family member? if i dont have enough in my account? thank u

Ok Ryza, let's start at the beginning. I'm assuming that you are filing for a fiance.
Have you filed your I-129F with the USCIS in your region in the States?
You won't need to worry about financial support until further down the road when the foreign fiance goes to an interview at an Embassy near them.
When it is time to file for financial support, it is possible to use a co-sponsor if you do not make enough money yourself.
Let us know where you are at. Filling out your timeline will help us help you.

yes i already filed my I-129f. im just worried because i just started working a month ago. i was originaly from guam then i moved to kansas city. is it possible for me to file for petition at once? even if m new here at kansas.

2-23-07: sent I-129F
3-2-07: CSC received I-129F
3-9-07: I-797 NOA / receipt

when you say file for petition? do you mean the I-134?
The requirements aren't so much about how long you have lived somewhere but more about the stability of your employment.
I don't think I have specific answers about what will be approved on an affidavit of support. If anyone else has anything to add...feel free.

The way I understand it (please check this yourself) they will be looking for a tax record saying that you have consistant employment that meets or exceeds the 125% poverty line income requirement. If you don't make that much, or if you can't show that you have consistantly made that much over the past 3 years then you may want to consider a co-sponsor. A co-sponsor does not have to live with you or even be family, but they have to meet the other criteria and show stable, adequate income.
the benificiary will need to take the I-135 to the interview and then after you marry and AOS the I-864 will be filed. It may be easier to find someone who can meet the criteria for both forms and use them for the process.
I am using a co-sponsor for my fiance, (his cousin) since I will not be able to meet the financial criteria.
I hope this helps a little.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-14 11:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!

And alcatrazk!!

I haven't seen tonyeck for a while....he must still be, um, celebrating the NOA2 with his lovely fiancee!

I'd love to stay updated on everyone's progress, however, Mexico is a little different. No Packet 3 and no interview date. We can go to the consulate when we receive packet 4 to pick up the interview letter, do the medical, and then show up for the interview. I shouldn't say we, because I'm not invited to the party, but I will be there.

It will be so nice for the both of you to be together on that day.
I hope you have a wonderful trip to Mexico..when do you leave?
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-13 21:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!

That's great, Sue! That was quick. Wow, next comes packet 3. Does the Barbados Embassy have both packet 3 and packet 4?

Yup. Barbados hasn't sent us packet 3 yet, but they should pretty soon, they are known to be pretty quick. We are a little nervous because we have to wait for a records check from Canada to come, we sent a couple weeks ago, but it hasn't even been logged into their system as received yet. They are reporting that it should take 120 days to process!!!! Unfortunatly that will be after our NOA2 expires. I am not complaining for being processed so quickly through VSC and NVC....but we didn't expect it and now the records checks are going to hold every thing up! well, hopefully we will get the check back in record time...even though the Canada string says the 120 days is pretty accurate. UGH!
Hopefully Kellon will be flying to Barbados before we know it for his interview.

Edited by GrenadianCrix, 13 March 2007 - 08:49 PM.

GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-13 20:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!

hi guys. need some help. can i start filing for petition even if i just start working. but im a us citizen and what documents are they looking for. eg bank statement.... can i ask an affidavit of support from a family member? if i dont have enough in my account? thank u

Ok Ryza, let's start at the beginning. I'm assuming that you are filing for a fiance.
Have you filed your I-129F with the USCIS in your region in the States?
You won't need to worry about financial support until further down the road when the foreign fiance goes to an interview at an Embassy near them.
When it is time to file for financial support, it is possible to use a co-sponsor if you do not make enough money yourself.
Let us know where you are at. Filling out your timeline will help us help you.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-13 20:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!

Has anyone who is at the NVC stage actually get contacted when your petition reached there? What about when they mailed it to the appropriate embassy?

Is it necessary to call/email them to be sure all of this is on track? If so, what is an appropriate amount of time to wait before calling/emailing them?

I was never contacted by them when it arrived. A week after the NOA2 arrived snail mail I emailed NVC (March 8).
Below is the email I sent them (you fill in the blanks) There may be more info than needed, but i got a response back today (March 13) The NVC RE# was in the subject line of the email. See below below...hehe.
I don't think I would have received an email otherwise. They are supposed to send a snail mail confirmation I think...but it hasn't reached my address in the states yet.
Hope this helps

I was hoping I could find out if my I-129F (K-1)petition has been forwarded from VSC to the NVC at this time. I would also like to know the NVC case number attached to this case and the expected date it will be sent to the Barbados Embassy.
Thank you for your time.

Name: Suzanne

US CIS Receipt #:
Approval Date:


Good Morning,

Your inquiry has been received at the National Visa Center (NVC). The NVC has completed its processing of the visa petition you mentioned in your letter and has forwarded the petition to the assigned US Embassy/Consulate General for further processing on March 6, 2007.

The NVC case number is shown above.

Any further inquiries should be directed to the assigned US Embassy or Consulate General.

National Visa Center
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-13 20:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!

I'm so sorry you lost all your stuff!
I have not had that problem but it sounds terrible. Can you begin archiving all that you do from now until the interview? Do you have any additional plans to see each other?
I'm sure you'll figure it out and you'll be just fine.....but still! Blasted technology!

Yeah we have archived everything since I had to reinstall...and will continue to do backing it on to disk..just to be extra careful!! lol Hopefully, I will have enough money to fund another trip to the USA in a few months time...Lord willing! Fingers crossed it will be enough to get us through the interview!! :unsure:

I didn't mean to imply that you NEED to visit each other again. If you are planning a trip great, but I agree that it looks like you have a good deal of evidence without it.
Good Luck!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-13 19:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!

I had to reinstall my computers OS, Windows Xp a few weeks ago......and i've just noticed that I have lost ALL of my archived yahoo and skype messages and call records. As my fiance and I didn't even know about the K1 process until january we didn't think about saving he didn't even have the archive option on. So we have lost the bulk of our on going relationship evidence. Of course, we still have actual mobile/cell and home phone records, a few emails, letters etc...but now i'm worried they wont be enough. Anyone else have this sort of problem?

I'm so sorry you lost all your stuff!
I have not had that problem but it sounds terrible. Can you begin archiving all that you do from now until the interview? Do you have any additional plans to see each other?
I'm sure you'll figure it out and you'll be just fine.....but still! Blasted technology!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-13 19:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!
I got an email back from NVC today that told me my petition was forwarded to the Barbados Embassy on March 6!
We are well on our way.
I hope things continue to go so smoothly, and that things go smoothly for everyone else also!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-13 10:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!

Woo... happy to recieve my emails confirming the NOA2! Very happy feeling.

Sorry for those still waiting :( It has to be soon...

tonyek we did it! I got my NOA2 email today too!!! VSC made my week!!!!!

:dance: :thumbs: :dance: :thumbs: :dance: :thumbs: :dance: :thumbs:

Yay GhanaLove!
Yay Vermont!
Yay Feb Filers!


:dance: :thumbs: :dance: :thumbs: :dance: :thumbs: :dance: :thumbs:
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-09 19:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!

None for us I'm affriad


Give thanks got my NOA2, good luck to all the rest of the Feb filers still waiting.
I woud def suggest that if you are at VSC, you call and talk to a live person. be calm, polite, ask questions, thank them for the little info they can give.

:dance: :dance: :dance:

Congrats, What a relief!

:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-09 19:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!

Woo... happy to recieve my emails confirming the NOA2! Very happy feeling.

Sorry for those still waiting :( It has to be soon...

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-09 19:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!

Nothing....I thought a touch yesterday after two weeks of silence would mean something.

How long would you wait before pulling the congressman card? It wouldn't be such a biggie for me since both my bosses know him and I work for two federally funded programs that are his babies, but I don't want to go there just because my NOA2 is taking a bit longer than everyone else's because I might truly need his help later.

His local office is two blocks from my apartment so when he's local, I may just plant my tushy outside his office.

The way I understood it is that you should wait until after the times your service center list as the current processing date (I think VSC is August right now???)
There is a bunch of information about calling your congressperson on HUSKERKIEV's thread (former uscis adjudicator....)
Good Luck
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-08 18:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!

Not sure how it happened... but our petition was approved on the 28th and did just get the hard copy NOA2 in the mail today. WOOHOO!!! Still in shock, but so excited. Just brings us one big step closer together... and let the waiting continue. :)

That's great!
Congrats on the approval.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-08 18:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!

Hey friends i got my NOA2 today. Dont worry guys everyone will get approved

GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-07 19:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!

Shannon and I found out that the London Embassy recieved our packet from the NVC on the March 2nd ......... Yay :dance: Packet 3 must be on its way very soon now and will get the fastest turn around in history.

This is sooo exciting!!!!!!!!!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-05 19:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!
February Filer...approved through VSC!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-05 17:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!

Hi, I sent our packet from Poland on the 21st. Has anyone had experience with using a postal money order? There is a phone number to track it, but I don't know how I can see the number they put on the back...

I am feeling a little frustrated today, as I wanted to track the package, but I can't read the number the postal worker wrote on my receipt. I am gonna have to go there and ask...I am really worried about having sent it from Poland, but since it is my actual address (I am the USC), I didn't know what to do...

I am not actually sure when the package will get there, it was sent by airmail, but I did send a form for confirmation, but it's hard to say if I will get it back...

Sorry, I just needed a place to talk about my worries... :) Good luck to everyone who is filed in February.


I sent our package from out of the country also. I paid the extra money to have it sent 4-5 day express (the quickest available here). However, it took two full weeks to get there. But it did get there. I know it's a little more nerve wracking when it is a money order inside That is how we sent our payment also. But think positive and I'm sure it will get there soon. I know it was torture waiting for ours to be delivered. I still have not received an NOA1, but at least I know it got there!
Good Luck,
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-03 07:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!
I am a February Filer and I'm staying put...even though I STILL don't have an NOA1.
And now it's a weekend so it'll be at least Monday before I get that email saying it's been sent.
Patience...I have lot's of patience. (My mantra for the day)
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-03-02 19:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!

Another touch this morning :) Could today be the day?

Every time I see you post I get goosebumps. My application just cleared through US customs...should be in Vermont tomorrow. It's taken FOREVER to get there....actually it's only been 8 business days...but still! But seeing the quick happenings in Vermont it makes me vrey excited.
Congrats on your file being so active. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-02-22 09:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!
I sent mine out on the 12th from Grenada and it still hasn't arrived yet. I even sent it express. But then again, 3 weeks could be express when your talking about Grenada! I forgot that today was a holiday, so at least I feel a little better knowing why it didn't get there today.
I'm playing my Jedi mind tricks to get it there faster...I think I need more practice.
But at least it's going to Vermont, maybe they be speedy quick for me too.
Congrats to you all that have gotten your NOA1's.

GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-02-19 14:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!
Do days seem like years to anyone else? I fear I'm becoming a bit addicted to the USPS website trying to track my packet. I only sent it Monday....and it's only Thursday afternoon. I'm feeling a bit neurotic. They really should offer free psychological services for this process.
I know I have things on my side, filing the 'faster' form (I-129F instead of I-130) and I get to go through Vermont, and the embassy in Barbados is very fast too, usually less than 2 weeks for an interview. But I'm dying just for the packet to get to Vermont!!!!!!!!!
Ok, I'm much better now.
Thanks for the vent.
GrenadianCrixFemaleGrenada2007-02-15 12:26:00