CanadaURGENT!! DHL opened DO NOT OPEN envelope with VISA information
I would call the POE also. Wow, I can't believe that DHL would open something like that, what gives them the right to open ANYTHING really. Surely, this is not the first Visa package they've delivered. You're not being vindictive at all filing a complaint. Personally, there's no way I could wait two weeks. As a US citizen aren't you allowed to enter your embassy anyway? I'd wait to hear something by the end of the day and then if not I'd prepare to drive down there on the Friday. I'm so sorry this happened to you.
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2012-11-21 13:35:00
CanadaWhat do you miss most about Canada

Thanksgiving next week and it'll be my first without my Canadian family, but I'm actually more upset that it'll be my first without pierogies!

I found a place out of Kansas City called Pieroguysthey ship across the country, but their shipping rates are a little high unless you order in bulk. I'm going there this weekend so I may drop by.

I'm sure it's a bit of work, but why not try making your own?
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2012-11-14 15:01:00
CanadaWhat do you miss most about Canada

White spot?

It's a West Coast chain restaurant. Probably almost every BC kid remembers getting a Pirate Pack.

Ditto! I'm sure there are many pedestrian-friendly cities with fantastic public transit systems across America, but I did not move to one sadly. Also, as much as I would complain about Tim Horton's coffee being just coffee-flavored hot water, I do miss having an inexpensive alternative to Starbucks and the like around.

Yes, I'm pretty sure I'm moving to the DC area and it's all interstates and freeways, it's a little intimidating. And yeah, while Tim Horton's coffee isn't the greatest, it's just a comfort thing I guess - knowing it's always open.
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2012-11-13 13:50:00
CanadaWhat do you miss most about Canada
Things I know I will miss:

My healthcare
Coffee Crisp
White Spot (west coast thing)
The mountains
Being able to walk anywhere
Being able to understand where you're going on the SkyTrain
24 hr. drivethru Tim Hortons
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2012-11-12 16:57:00
CanadaAh ha, approved
Wonderful! Congratulations! :luv:
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2012-11-29 17:20:00
CanadaPolice Records Check Prices

I can't afford this process.
Which is why my employer paid for the I-130.
My entire tax return is going to the NVC stage, so all of these costs in between, just trying to pinch pennies wherever I can.
Clearly, judging by the prices you guys all paid, I already am pinching pennies! lol

I agree, any time you can save a few bucks is great. 40$ may not seem like a lot upfront, but on top of all the other 40$ fees and more - I don't even like to think about it!
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2012-11-28 12:27:00
CanadaPolice Records Check Prices
Yes, I've heard if you ask for the CPIC, then you don't need to be fingerprinted, unless you've been convicted before of course.
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2012-11-27 17:19:00
CanadaPolice Records Check Prices
Commissionaires where I'm from is charging 40$ for the CPIC. I was told I don't need to fingerprint. He said the results come back in just a couple of days also.

ETA: I found out I can't get my local police dept. to do it, they just send you to the RCMP.

Edited by JensJrny2Ray, 26 November 2012 - 02:21 PM.

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2012-11-26 14:20:00
CanadaOrdering Long Form BC

Do you have a link to that?
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2012-11-29 16:58:00
CanadaOrdering Long Form BC

that's what I'm thinking. I noticed a lot of people on here confused by this, our immigration attorney said many times "original certified copy" and that's what I ordered for sending off our I-130 back in January... It's good to look into... Here's another visa journey link hope it helps. My link

Yeah I found an old thread about the BC long form certificate, and someone had actually posted an image of the exact thing I ordered. So I'm on the right track.
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2012-11-29 11:57:00
CanadaOrdering Long Form BC

It was $50!! I kept thinking $100 all this time lol it was so long ago back in last november or december that i got it. Yeah my lawyer said we needed the true certified copy with all info on it rather than a regular birth certificate... It was the original that both parents signed Doctors signed and everything. Same with the marriage certificate was a copy of the original marriage license that both of us signed and our witnesses... My link>>> Here's a link

So, now I'm wondering if I ordered the wrong thing? I thought we just needed a birth certificate with our parents names on it?
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2012-11-28 14:43:00
CanadaOrdering Long Form BC

I'm from BC too. Our lawyer told us specifically we had to get these true certified copies of all these documents and they were $100 a peice. Do you mean we wasted our money? Ugh

I just ordered one online from their website. Did you go through your lawyer? That could be why it probably cost so much. The long form BC birth certificate is only 27 bucks, a true certified copy is 50$
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2012-11-28 14:21:00
CanadaOrdering Long Form BC
In BC, I went to the vital statistics website and filled it out online. I wasn't asked about birth weight or anything like that - just my mother and father's name and birthplaces. I guess it's different for every province? I think mine was 26 bucks and arrived in less than a week.
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2012-11-28 12:15:00
CanadaFrom the Canadian Embassy
Thank you for introducing me to their website, it looks great!
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2012-11-30 16:33:00
CanadaVancouver consulate accepting co-sponsor

Yes Vancouver accepts co-sponsors. If she meets or exceeds the poverty guidelines and you have documentation to back it up (3 years worth if tax returns or tax transcripts, plus evidence like pay stubs or a letter from her employer) you should be fine.

Thank you so much :)
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2012-12-06 17:00:00
CanadaVancouver consulate accepting co-sponsor
My fiance hasn't filed a tax return in years and was just working for his dad while going to college and living at home. Last year he started working and had a small tax return, and this year (2012) he had a full year of work. His contract is ending in January though and he will probably be going back to substitute teaching until he can find permanent work. So we though that we'd get his mom (a full time long term teacher) to co-sponsor me. Does anyone foresee that being a problem? Does the Vancouver consulate accept cosponsors?

Thanks in advance for your replies.
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2012-12-06 14:47:00
CanadaUpdate on DHL/Loomis Opening Our Sealed Envelope

People make mistakes--sucks when it affects you of course. I hope the delivery guy does the right thing and apologizes! If it were me (we are all different,lol) and he apologizes and is sincere I drop it--but no apology--I get back on the fun and start raising hell,lol

Unfortunately this mistake was inexcusable. It's a government envelope clearly marked do not open, DHL had no right to open it or any package. I'm just glad Amberlynn's fiance didn't have to wait horribly long to get it back.
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2012-12-05 12:01:00
CanadaUpdate on DHL/Loomis Opening Our Sealed Envelope

Praise the Lord! It arrived in my fiance's hometown this morning and the man who opened it is physically delivering it to him tomorrow. UNOPENED!

That is great news!!! :luv: I'm so happy for you, have a wonderful New Years with your sweetie!
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2012-12-05 11:48:00

i just need to sigh and remember to be patient, but it's killing me seeing all these people get approved who submitted after us. :( I'm happy for them, but c'mon I want mine too.

My fiance (petitioner) is too busy with work right now to even contemplate calling them so I tried, but they wouldn't come close to even consider talking to me....

so sighhhhhhhhh. I know it's coming, but these last few days and couple weeks are doing me in.... the light is there.... I can see it but it's just too far away to reach...


Any day's coming :luv:
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2012-12-06 13:41:00
Canadawhy does customer service suck so badly at major stores here
Worst customer service ever: Best Buy. I refuse..REFUSE to set foot in that store. I've had so many bad experiences with no resolution that it's beyond my comprehension. (Canadian Best Buy I should add, not sure about American Best Buy stores)
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2012-12-06 18:33:00
Canadawhy does customer service suck so badly at major stores here
I'm just happy you have that puppy, very adorable! I sympathize though, terrible customer service.
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2012-12-06 13:45:00
CanadaRecommend some good banks in the states.

If you have RBC, then just get the RBC account in the US.
I have both and I transfer between them all of the time at my leisure.
RBC allows you to scan checks deposit them too (since there is not an RBC by me)
They also reimburse up to (2) (I think) ATM fees should you need to pull cash from an ATM that isn't RBC.

I already have a Canadian RBC account so I am planning on going this route also.
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2012-12-03 16:45:00
CanadaPolice certificate

I thought police certificates were required if your country of birth is something other than Canada but I might be wrong, I'm looking for a source to back me up but can't find one. Sorry for the confusion. (I -think- it's if you have a nationality other than/in addition to Canadian and you lived in that country for more than 6 mos.)

As far as I know, Canadians have to have a police certificate.
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2012-12-18 18:56:00
CanadaPolice certificate

Hi VJ members,

I just had a question regarding police certificates, when should I get this done? we still haven't gotten our NOA2, we do have a lawyer and he hasn't mentioned anything yet I'm guessing because we are still waiting for NOA2 but I'd like to get everything ready to go once we reach the time. So for the police certificate I just go to my local police station and ask them for it? how long does it take to come in? since I'm asking about police cert I should also mention that when I was around 12-13 years old I stayed in Turkey for 7.5 months, do I need to obtain a police certificate for this also? or since I was under 16 there is no need??

another question that I have is regarding previous addresses, I read somewhere that you have to include your previous addresses on form DS-260 since the age of 16, I unfortunately don't remember the exact addresses and dates, where can I obtain this information?

I appreciate any kind of help you guys can give me, thanks :)

You can try your local police department; some will do it and others will direct you to the RCMP. You can also go the route. You need to ask for the CPIC. From what I hear, the RCMP will ask for fingerprints but if you haven't been convicted of a crime you don't need them with the commissionaires. (I phoned and asked).
Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the police certificate is good for 6 months, so you may want to wait a month or so before getting it?
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2012-12-18 12:24:00
CanadaPOE Port Huron/Sarnia

Fantastic! Thank you! I'll make sure to have $6USD for them then! Man he is expensive! lol He's lucky I love him! :D

Dec. 23rd! That is so exciting!! Congratulations and good luck! :luv:
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2012-12-17 17:48:00
CanadaLast night in Canada!
My goodness, I got very emotional just reading your post. Best of luck to you with your new life in the States and congratulations on your upcoming nuptials! :luv:

SIGH, I'm gonna miss Canada so much.
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2012-12-20 11:52:00
CanadaQuestions about Immunization/Medical

Hello there - we're (hopefully) getting close to NOA2 time, and some questions have come up about the medical, etc. (my fiance is the Canadian/beneficiary).

First off, despite checking numerous sources, my fiance is unable to find any immunization records. He's lived in Canada his entire life, and he's pretty sure he's gotten whatever vaccines are standard, but he has no proof (we've checked with family, health department, etc.). We're especially worried about the tetanus vaccine, because if he needs to start that from scratch, it (from what I understand) can take almost a year to get all of the shots for it.

He'll definitely be getting the blood tests (titer?) for everything before the medical, but these are our questions/concerns:

1. First off, my fiance doesn't really have a primary/family doctor. To get the titers, does he need some kind of medical form/order filled out by a doctor, or can he just walk into a lab and ask for the tests?

2. This is the big question - my fiance definitely has NOT had a tetanus (Td) booster in the past 10 years. As I mentioned before, he MAY have had his original shots as a baby, but he has no record of it. If they do a titer for Td, is there any chance the antibodies will even show up? I'm not sure how boosters work, but it seems like his vaccination was so long ago, it might not even be in his system anymore... if that makes sense. In which case we'll need to start the Td stuff from scratch (which is what we really are trying to avoid).

3. Kind of silly question, but. My fiance will be going to Toronto for the medical, and having the results mailed back to him. I know there's a sealed envelope involved that he's not supposed to open - is he allowed to open the "mailer" that the results come in, or does that count as the sealed envelope?

Thanks for any insight/information!

I also have no records of immunizations. I asked for the TDaP (Tetanus Diphtheria, Pertussis) at my pharmacy and it was no problem to get. You may have to pay a fee (I didn't because I work at the store where the pharmacy is). It was one shot, done. The MMR you can get re-done but you need a booster shot that is given a month later. (Your fiance can do this at his local health authority) For chicken pox, if he hasn't had it, he'll need the varicella vaccine but if he has he'll need his titre done to show the anti-body. He just has to go to his dr. so his dr. can refer him to the lab to get the test. Also if you have your interview between Oct and Feb - he'll need his flu shot. Very easy to obtain also.
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-01-01 11:39:00
CanadaMedical exam question - (Vancouver area)
Hello fellow Canadians!

On a whim, I told my fiance to check the USCIS website on New Year's Eve and lo and behold, our K1 petition was approved!! Very exciting!

I read a lot on here about people calling the NVC a week or so later to get their case number and with case number in hand they then contact their local embassy to get further instruction (packet 3 etc.) and schedule their interview.

On Dr. Cheema's website (he's the Dr. for US immigration exams in the lower mainland) he says that you must have the letter that shows your name and case number. (This letter being from the Vancouver consulate, or a copy of the NOA2?) Anyway, if I need to have the letter from the Vancouver consulate, is there any point in calling the NVC for my case number?
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-01-02 18:26:00
CanadaVisits to the States

The question is geared toward looking for overstays. They understand that it's impossible for Canadians to list every trip. Back when they used to actually answer their phones they told us to put "Canadian. Numerous visits but none lasting longer than [insert # of weeks or months here]."

That's great, thank you!
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-01-08 19:19:00
CanadaVisits to the States

put down the major trips you remember, ones that lasted a coupe of days. For the rest put a general statement, something like "from the age of 16 to the present I have made numerous trips to the US"...

Thank you, that helps!
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-01-08 12:51:00
CanadaVisits to the States
For those of you who live in border towns, what did you put for question 35 on the DS 230 form (for K1 visa)? It asks to list dates for all previous visits to the United States (there are 3 lines). I can't possibly remember every date in my life that I have visited the United States. Do I just put down the last 3?

Many thanks!
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-01-08 12:04:00
CanadaVancouver interview scheduling
Would it be safe to fax in my papers to the Vancouver consulate even though I still need to renew my passport and get my police certificate? I just want to get an interview time near the end of February and of course will have those items by then. I'm just wondering if any of you did the same thing?

Many thanks!
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-01-10 13:31:00
CanadaNew Banking Option for Canadian cross-border banking

UPDATE: Not so encouraging news. TD said that with the faxing option for Crossborder CC, it takes about a month to have that process complete. There is no option to escalate it. May be if someone is moving to US East Coast and appear in person at a TD branch, it will be different. My case is different so will have to wait.

Called RBC out of desperation. Told them my need, they asked me to open a Canadian RBC account (not a big deal) and then they will get the US credit card in 72 hours. But this will still be just a help to have a credit card in US with US SSN on it to build US credit history. ITS NOT A CREDIT HISTORY TRANSFER.

As per them the credit history remains in the country you are resident in and never crosses border. The most these banks can do is to check your credit history in Canada and then give you services in US to help build local credit history.


As far as I know if you have a Canadian RBC account they can put in an application to get you a US account with their US branch. It is an online/phone only bank now in the USA but they told me that the US branches all have access to the info with your Canadian account.
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2012-12-18 12:26:00
CanadaNew Banking Option for Canadian cross-border banking
I'll be opening an RBC US account - apparently it'll be easy to transfer monies back and forth between accounts.
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2012-12-10 14:00:00
CanadaLetter from Employer for I-134

You just need the tax transcript, that is specifically what they ask for when they collect your paperwork at the interview. Use other evidence if you need to prove the current income is higher than the previous years if the income requirements are not met with the tax transcript.

Yeah, she's been a teacher for 25 years or so and she makes 80k a year or so I think.
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-01-16 11:47:00
CanadaLetter from Employer for I-134
Hello everyone!

My fiance is going to have his mother as a co-sponsor. Is it mandatory to have a letter from her employer? She will have her W2 and her paystubs, is that enough?
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-01-16 03:09:00

Thanks for the replies! It's so annoying being from the Island and having to travel on the ferry. But oh well such is life! It's worth it if it means I will one day get to be with my Husband in person rather than living on Skype. At least I have lots of family over on the mainland!

PS- I hate that for the IR-1/CR-1 they don't do interviews in Vancouver... I wish they would get with the program... I mean I am sure there are tons of people filing from the Western provinces.... It makes me sad :(


Agreed, it is unfair that you have to go all the way to Montreal. Flights in Canada are so expensive too :(
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-01-23 16:54:00

OP is an IR-1/CR-1 so they’ll have to interview in Montreal.

It may still be cheaper to spend to have the medical done in Surrey when you weigh ferry, hotel, meals, gas, etc rather than a week (give or take) in Montreal.

D'oh! I'm always so focused on K1 Visas and my situation, I forget to look at the details. My apologies!
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-01-23 14:42:00
Seeing as how you're coming from the island, you'll probably need to book a 3 day stay. You can't pick up your medical results until 4pm the following day after your exam. You could then have your interview at the consulate the day after. (You have to book your interview first before your medical exam, Dr. Cheema's office will want to know the date of your interview.)
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-01-23 12:41:00
CanadaFunny picture
That is very cute! Although a couple of years ago, I'm not sure who'd be dragging who!
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-01-25 17:44:00