CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
I had dvt and am on blood thinners, also I'm 39 and carrying extra weight. I'm not sure I can go the midwife route being high risk and I'm already 19 weeks.
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-09-12 15:28:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
I am looking forward to finding a regular ob instead if the one at the clinic I go to. I'm high risk yet talks to me for 5 minutes a month. He also asks, "why am I seeing you?" Because I'm pregnant??? Can't wait for hubby's insurance to kick in!
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-09-12 15:15:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Had a bit of a scare on Saturday as I collapsed while going on a walk. Turns out I have DVT and will be on Lovenox for the rest of my pregnancy. OH, the kicker? It's 6k a month. Yeah, no big deal right? I'm hoping my hubby's insurance will cover this when he gets it in October. I'm seriously considering getting my meds online from Israel as it is over half price. Just have to get a small loan I guess! Baby is fine though, I'm still having crazy dreams. 13 weeks today! 


Oh and Veendee, I can't believe someone said that to you about your shower! Some people have no filter! My MIL told me about how she knew someone who died of a blood clot, my husband gave her the death look. October can not come fast enough! 

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-07-31 10:50:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Two boys! Congrats! So exciting!
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-07-26 11:27:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Had my first sonogram on Friday! Saw the heartbeat and cried! I'm just anxiously waiting for my nurse practitioner to call me re: gestational age and to tell me that all looks well. I'm such a worry wart! I just want to make our announcement after I know that everything is ok! 

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-07-17 12:31:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Got my bfp this morning!! We are not telling anyone yet, but I had to share here with you all. I turn 40 tomorrow, talk about a b-day present!

Lilac we are headed up to Canada Thursday and I'm not looking forward to my parents apartment for three weeks.

Marlyn, I had bh with a few of my pregnancies they were the worse with Alexis. I had them almost daily for a few months before she was born.

What a wonderful birthday gift! You must be so excited! I'm 39 too and I'm just on pins and needles and every day I'm so grateful that things have been going so well! (10 weeks tomorrow!)

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-07-07 14:59:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

For kids clothes, there are also cute clothes on 


I just had my first prenatal visit yesterday and my next one is in 4 weeks. I'll be 10 weeks by then and I'm anxious for them to schedule a sonogram. I just want to make sure my little bean is where it should be and all is well! 

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-06-15 19:02:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

It's so great that this thread is still active after so long. I haven't posted in the Canada subforum in a long time(barely post anywhere else either!), but I figure it's time to come back. smile.png


Last year before Mathew and I did our two rounds of IUI my RE had me take Clomid. It made me an absolute nutcase. I remember waking up in the middle of the night because he was snoring and wanting to push him out of bed or suffocate him with a pillow. ohmy.png I've never been more emotional and unstable in the my entire life as I was when I was on Clomid. I didn't like myself at all! 


We TTC'd for 3 years and the next step for us was supposed to be IVF because our RE said we would never get pregnant by ourselves, but in April we got a little surprise. Yesterday made 11 weeks! This baby is definitely half Quebecois, I woke up yesterday with the most intense craving for poutine from La Banquise. Thankfully we had some poutine sauce in the house or I might have made a spur of the moment Montreal trip! Got to love the fact that Mathew's mom brings mass quantities of the food he misses from back home when she visits. 

That's so wonderful! Miracle baby! I love the poutine story :D

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-06-10 10:18:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Going to try and call to set up an appointment at a community clinic today. I feel so out of my league, not having insurance. It's all so intimidating and I definitely miss the days of calling up and making an appointment with no worries. I worry that I won't get quality care, I guess. 

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-06-06 11:00:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Well I told my mom (in Canada) and the in-laws (who live here) that we are expecting! They are pretty tickled! I'm going to go to PP tonight to get my official pg test and then research some women's clinics who do the sliding scale thing. It's all so nerve wracking and doesn't even seem real yet. Since I'm heavier and older, I do have some worries..but all my research says that if I take care of myself, eat healthy, exercise that everything should be here's praying it will! 

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-06-03 12:53:00
Australia and New ZealandPet Relocation
Also make sure to check the airline's criteria. I think most of them require a vet's approval within 30 days of travel that your pet is in good health. They will also list how much it costs and how big your carrier can be etc.
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-01-25 15:06:00
Australia and New Zealandform DS-3025??

I just got my interview date, finally! But am not sure what this form is and whether it was in the package sent with my medical results, which I didn't open of course. Any ideas? Do I need to contact the doctor?
this is what the form from the consulate says:

Please ensure that the panel physician provides you with a copy of Form DS-3025, Vaccination Documentation Worksheet as part of your permanent health record. You should hand-carry this document with your sealed visa package and any other medical paperwork. If you did not receive a copy of the DS-3025 Vaccination Documentation Worksheet we can provide one for you at the time of your interview.

I did not see what number my form was, but the Dr. gave me a copy of my vaccination sheet along with my sealed envelope. You need this for your AOS I have heard. It sounds like they can give you a copy at the consulate.
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-03-11 18:25:00
USCIS Service CentersWhat is Vermont Service Center Doingggg !!!!???

I have a May 8 date and called. They said that its just the way the system works. A lot of paper pushing is done on multiple cases simultaneously and I guess sometimes, Peter and Olivia from May 24th get shuffled before Jane and Armando from May 16th.

I've had to schedule another visitation trip just to keep my sanity, even if the notice should be out any day now... I hope traveling is cheaper during the holidays *sigh*.

I wish it was cheaper :( My fiance and I aren't visiting this holiday season because the cost of travel is just too much.
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2012-11-22 13:44:00
USCIS Service CentersWhat is Vermont Service Center Doingggg !!!!???

It seems like theyre playing hop scotch or lets jump back and forth :/.. People with the same date of my NOA have started to get approved .. I just feel like crying .. I know most of you get upset too but does anybody know why they do that ?? :crying:

If people with the same date of your NOA have started to get approved, then that is an encouraging sign that yours is coming soon. Not everyone can be first.
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2012-11-21 13:03:00
USCIS Service Centershow many k1 cases does CSC recieve each month?

i'm many K1 cases does a service center (specifically california) recieve each month?......not the VJ number, i can count here....but the real number.....

anyone know the statistics ? or a link

i'm just curious how many people sign up here compared to the real number of applicants

I'm doubting that the CSC would publish that kind of information.
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-02-22 12:42:00
USCIS Service CentersNot happy

Receive the NOA1 today. Guess what? We got California Service Center.


Pissed off. My fiance needs medical treatment and we get the worst service center. :wacko:

It goes in cycles. In a few months California may be the fast one again.
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-02-28 17:26:00
United KingdomStress - will it effect visa?

Will it effect my visa if I am off work with stress? I am living with my parents who are both currently divorced and I am frequently subjected to fits of hysteria/abusefrom my mum, and have a highly demanding job and am struggling with it all. My employer has referred me to occupational health who will likely refer me to my GP. Will this effect my medical/visa?

I really don't think it will. You may be asked in your medical of any issues with depression etc. and I wouldn't even bring anything up unless specifics are asked for.
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-03-07 12:47:00
United KingdomHelp! Medical Stress!
This should be enough. I had those little cards with my new vaccinations listed also and that was fine. I don't think originals are necessary of the other records, you have a copy so that is good. Did you contact the doctor's office where you will be having the exam?
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-03-15 12:26:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Police Clearance

I don't know why this did not click with me earlier but it didn't.

I lived in the US under my previous GC from Sep 2006 until June 2011. Do I need to get a police clearance from the US? Do I do that just through the State police in the State I lived??

Help please.

I could be wrong, but I've heard you do not need a certificate from the USA if you are applying for residency in the USA.
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-02-18 18:42:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)received checklist today

Im a bit confused can somebody help me personally?

Can you please post your specific question? What are you confused about?
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-03-14 17:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionScheduling an interview

Oh nice, thank you for that! I will try to get my application expedited then.

I just wanted to update: I e-mailed the Vancouver consulate and asked if I can schedule my interview with my old passport number and just e-mail them the new one when it comes in. This is the reply I got:

Good Morning,

Yes, you can schedule an interview with the old passport number. You must provide us the new passport on the day of your interview and at that time we will update the information. Although it is advisable that you schedule your appointment and complete DS-156 when you have the new passport.

Thank you.

K Visa Unit
Vancouver, BC
OP 4
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-01-16 13:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionScheduling an interview

You need to have your new passport number before you book your appointment.

Oh nice, thank you for that! I will try to get my application expedited then.
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-01-14 19:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionScheduling an interview
Hi guys,

Maybe I can find some advice here. I phoned NVC and was told my package was forwarded to Vancouver on January 8th. I downloaded "packet 3" online and have all but a few of the items on the checklist. I want to schedule an interview near the end of February, so I'm wondering if it's ok to e-mail the embassy today and tell them I will fax over my packet 3 and could they e-mail me packet 4. (I know Vancouver consulate will e-mail packet 4 if asked).

I am going to renew my passport in a couple of weeks, and it will be back by mid-February, and I just have to get my photos done and my fiance will be giving me the other documents next week. I will also be getting my police certificate in a week or so.

I just want to make sure I get a good interview date, as I'd like to move at the end of March.

Thank you!
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-01-11 12:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussion221G

Hi everyone,

Im so stressed out with my situation, if anyone has the same situation as me or know what to do or any advise please id greatly appreciate it...I had my interview together with my son last Feb.20 and the American consul said everything looks good and our documents are good except though she asked for an NBI record with my late husband's last name on it or AKA. She said once I get it then my visa (I assume along with my passport since it is with them) will be released right away and no problem about it...I went home and got my AKA nbi and sent it last Feb.21 via 2GO as instructed. Last Feb.25 around 2pm I called embassy and asked if they received my document and the lady who answered said no...I went to the 2Go branch where I had my document sent and have them track it,they said it was already delivered and received last Feb.22...tried to track my passport and it says "no status update available" and also checked visa and said "administrative processing" up to this very question: why did the lady from the embassy said they have not received my document yet when they already got it, shouldn't it be in their system already that they got my doc, or is this normal,it wont appear in their system yet,how long should I wait to hear feedback from them, should I call them again and follow-up?
Please,please I just want some enlightenment on this, or advise,or whatever ideas you may have.
Thank you.


Give it another few days, Feb. 22 was a Friday when they received it. When you called yesterday it probably hadn't been processed yet and wouldn't have been processed over the weekend. I know, it's like sitting on pins and needles. E-mail or call again tomorrow. When I had to send in my police certificate it took about 3 days for my status update to change, that was 3 business days though.
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-02-26 18:36:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionhow to answer delicate question

my husband has his visa interview tomorrow in mexico. when he was in jr. high he tried a few diff. drugs,but was never a habitual user and hasn't done anything besides cigarettes and alcohol since graduating high school. should he be honest about his experimenting as a teen?

I'm thinking that if he passed his medical, then those issues won't even be mentioned. He should only answer the questions that are asked.
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-03-13 11:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAfter Submitting Additional Documents, Gave a White Token and come back Next Week

I had an interview at December2012 and was issued 221g for additional documents (Birth Certificate of my Baby).
Now, I just submitted the documents at the embassy. She asked me to give my Passport. She kept my Passport and Baby’s Birth Certificate. And gave me a white Token and told me to come back next week. She didn’t ask me to bring anything that day. Can someone please tell me what this could mean? Does it mean another interview? If so I can be prepared.
Advice and comments will be greatly appreciated. Thank u in advance.

Well, I'm not sure which embassy you went to or anything, but if they keep your passport, that's a good thing because they'll be putting a visa inside of it.

Please consider filling out your timeline or provide additional information. Alternatively you could ask the question in your country's specific forum.

Hopefully you will have your visa in hand soon!
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-03-13 11:36:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDHL Tracking From NVC to US Embassy
Gotcha. I guess every country is different too. I know that Vancouver Canada consulate, we choose our interview date from a list.
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-01-11 14:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDHL Tracking From NVC to US Embassy

Someone on the forum mentioned that maybe that wasn't my package going to Skopje since I only got an email telling me the case is complete and no interview scheduled yet.

Pretty big coincidence then.
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-01-11 13:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDHL Tracking From NVC to US Embassy
NVC let me know that my package was forwarded on the 8th. I tried your method and it looks like Fabio in Vancouver signed for a package coming from Boston on the 10th. This could be me! Can I e-mail my consulate now?
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-01-11 10:40:00
CanadaConsidering getting immigration medical done in Montreal & do not have Immunization record
I decided to just get my MMR done over again. The nurse said it didn't matter. I was told they didn't have records earlier than 1985. Also, the pharmacies around here are doing the Tdap shot.
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2012-11-14 15:03:00
CanadaGetting ready for pkg 3

Hello All,

We are currently waiting for our initial I-129 approval, hopefully any day now and I've started re-going over things that I need for my end of this process.

When looking at the pkg 3 doc on the montreal website, it has the list of forms I need to fill out, as of right now I have no questions about those, but when it gets to the check list, that's where the questions begin.

The check list is basically a notification to them that I have our stuff ready to show them at the interview right?

And the one question I have regarding the check list is where it mentions wedding/divorce certificates.... I've never been married, but he has.... Am I to show his marriage certificate? We have the divorce cert, but that's all...

It also has the courier service ref number..... i thought we needed to register for that just before the interview...... and is DHL the ONLY courier we can use?

Thank you guys in advance, I keep trying to read everything over and over again, but nothing is sinking in.... I think my nerves are getting the best of me......

He would need the divorce certificate. I also believe you can use a different courier. Check the Montreal consulate sticky.

Edited by JensJrny2Ray, 15 November 2012 - 05:51 PM.

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2012-11-15 17:50:00
CanadaMontreal Interview--APPROVED! K1
Yay! Congrats!
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2012-11-19 10:06:00
I posted in regards to your other post, but I will answer here too. I have never had an issue crossing the border. I have driven to Seattle and parked my car there and flown to see my fiance. When I cross the border I just answer the questions as they're asked. Usually it's "where are you going, for how long, who are you visiting, how do you know each other" It's pretty straight forward and I've never had an issue. If they ask why are you flying from that particular airport, "because flights are cheaper". Always be honest and don't give them any more information than what they ask for.
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2012-11-21 13:25:00
CanadaTaxes and Duties on Alcohol
Given the length of time you'll have been in Canada, I don't foresee it as an issue. They may ask if you're bringing any alcohol and you would just say "a bottle of wine" or whatever it may be.
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2012-11-21 17:01:00
CanadaPreparing documents and evidence of relationship for Interview! How much is too much??

I've got about 5 or 6 photos, 2 or 3 emails between us and every single document needed for our interview in Montreal on December 13th. The only thing left is my medical on December 7th in Montreal!! just wondering if I should bring more photos (I have wedding day pics, Pics of us with my family members, vacation pics ect)also have some itinerary's from my husband travelling to visit.... I don't want to bring TOO MUCH & don't want to bring too little lol

I think itineraries are good.
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2012-11-21 14:22:00
CanadaHepatitis B Shot
For your age you need the Tdap, MMR, Varicella (if you have not had chicken pox), and the flu shot if your interview falls between Oct. and Feb. No need for Hep B.
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2012-11-25 19:24:00
CanadaURGENT!! DHL opened DO NOT OPEN envelope with VISA information

I am pretty sure we can get it fixed by going there. Which is just a pain in the neck. Considering I was supposed to be driving home to Michigan on Saturday. But what can you do? I'm just glad we figured this out while I am still in Canada visiting for the holiday. My fiance doesn't drive so it would have been more of a hassle. So I guess for that I am thankful. But it still is unnecessary. We should have been ready to go. Luckily he wasn't planning on coming home with me this trip either. POE is the end of December. But I do want to go home knowing all we have left to do is pack his stuff and drive home to America.

On a side note, I am going back to DHL after 3 when someone else is there that isn't 85 years old. The guy that opened it was 85 years old and had no idea what he was doing. That is 85 years of life experience to know what you DO NOT OPEN OTHER PEOPLE'S MAIL! So frustrated. I called DHL Canada and what do they tell me to do to file a complaint? Write an email! This is ridiculous. There has to be someone that I can at least talk to? Nope. It is too much to talk ask that I just want someone to talk to on the phone to fix it. UGH!!!

If you call DHL again, tell them you're planning on pressing charges...that should move you up the command chain I would think. This "mistake" at the very least is going to cost them a few hundred dollars for fuel and hotels/meals. I think George should start putting in his retirement papers ASAP.
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2012-11-22 16:05:00
CanadaURGENT!! DHL opened DO NOT OPEN envelope with VISA information
I'm hoping that everything turns out for you on Friday. I know it didn't happen to me, but I just want to shake whoever opened that package. I'm glad you're saving all receipts and by filing a police report they will surely get the message. What baffles me is that DHL is used to handling these things, it should never have happened.

Edited by JensJrny2Ray, 22 November 2012 - 12:10 PM.

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2012-11-22 12:08:00
CanadaURGENT!! DHL opened DO NOT OPEN envelope with VISA information

I just saw this thread. There's a person who remarks that her package was pretty much completely open by the time she got it. Could you try emailing the Vancouver embassy for advice? Maybe they'll respond quicker, and it's still just 2:30 in the afternoon. Just a thought.
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2012-11-21 17:33:00
CanadaURGENT!! DHL opened DO NOT OPEN envelope with VISA information
I would call the POE also. Wow, I can't believe that DHL would open something like that, what gives them the right to open ANYTHING really. Surely, this is not the first Visa package they've delivered. You're not being vindictive at all filing a complaint. Personally, there's no way I could wait two weeks. As a US citizen aren't you allowed to enter your embassy anyway? I'd wait to hear something by the end of the day and then if not I'd prepare to drive down there on the Friday. I'm so sorry this happened to you.
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2012-11-21 13:35:00