CanadaRe-Scheduling Appointment

Probably due to a cancellation. Just keep checking back. 

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-10-18 18:29:00
CanadaVancouver Loomis location

Hmm. I remember picking it up from the Loomis Burnaby location. I think you either have to pick it up from Loomis, or pay and arrange to have Loomis deliver it to you. 

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-10-25 17:33:00
CanadaFee at Border?

Yes 6$ US Cash. No big whoop. 

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-11-01 13:20:00
CanadaI miss Canada a lot lately. I've started hoarding all the Canadiana I can to bring to the U.S. How do you commemorate your homeland?


You can start with this, its the same one they use in the stores -

Yes! I've heard of that! I do find the coffee doesn't quite taste the same, but that's also probably because they don't have the 18% coffee cream in the states like they have in Canada. Then again, Tim Horton's coffee doesn't quite taste the same as it did 10 years ago either! Mostly it's the name that keeps me happy ;).

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-10-16 11:59:00
CanadaI miss Canada a lot lately. I've started hoarding all the Canadiana I can to bring to the U.S. How do you commemorate your homeland?

Tim Hortons coffee makes a Tassimo T-disc variety so my husband and I order those from Amazon. I have my Metis sash on my bookshelf. I have lots of little bits of Canada around me. My husband knows it is my home and loves it as much as I do. When you go back home to visit you appreciate it so much more. OP - maybe buy a Hudson's Bay blanket to keep on the sofa. 

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-10-16 08:13:00
CanadaAoS Approved.... YAY

I got mine approved in October and now have my greencard. I did send in an expedite request but from what I've been seeing a lot of people are getting approvals quickly, lately. Great news for everyone! I also, did not have an interview.

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-11-23 21:23:00
Canadacanadian police clearance help

You can also go to an organization called "Commissionaires"- you will have to Google them to see where they are in the area. Their checks only take a few days at most. IF there have been any arrests or criminal record in the past, you will have to get the fingerprint check through the RCMP which takes longer. Don't forget to give them any names your fiancee has previously used (if she's been married in the past, or had a name change of any kind), and make sure those names are listed on the certificate. 

Edited by JensJrny2Ray, 30 November 2013 - 05:01 PM.

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-11-30 16:59:00
CanadaPolice Clearances from Canada

It depends on the local office. In my town, they didn't do them and the RCMP ones took 6 weeks or whatever. You just have to check your local police department or go thru Commissionaires. 

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-11-30 17:00:00
CanadaPolice Clearances from Canada

You can also get a certificate from Commissionaires. Make sure to include any names she has used (maiden name, current married name) on the actual certificate. Sometimes Commissionaires is faster, it just depends. 

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-11-29 18:05:00
CanadaPacket 4 and scheduling interview

I received everything by e-mail. Can you e-mail them and ask for correspondence by e-mail? 

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-11-29 17:56:00
CanadaOrdering Canadian Food Products Online

I've tried the Herr's ketchup chips and they're awful. I miss Old Dutch chips. I hardly buy chips anymore because I just don't like them here. Also, good coffee is hard to find. Someone mentioned kicking horse coffee...great stuff! The British Smarties and Cadbury bars still taste different than the Canadian ones. I miss Aeros and Coffee Crisp of course. They have a similar bubble type bar put out by Hershey but it's more solid chocolate than bubbles. I also miss Bicks pickles. The canned tuna here is way different too. 

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-10-06 21:27:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Congratulations on your new addition! I love the name!
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2014-03-01 12:14:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Ontarkie, so close! So exciting! It's nice seeing all these older moms with babies, we are already discussing our possible second!

Baby still has not taken to the breast even when I have tried the nipple shield. I think his issue is opening wide enough. Even when he drinks from the bottle it always takes a bit to get him to open wide enough to get the nipple past his gums. I am also still not producing enough milk. I probably pump about half to two thirds of what he eats a day.

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2014-02-23 00:14:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Re: the elastics with the breast pump: I didn't have to destroy my bra, I just looped the elastics around the strap of my nursing bra, and the bottom of the bra provides some extra support.

Just said goodbye to mom at the airport. She was here for 3 weeks, it's a bitter sweet day. I'll be glad to get in a routine finally, but I'm so sad she won't see him until the summer.

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2014-02-18 15:22:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I will be trying this out.

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2014-02-17 11:00:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I'm taking him to the Dr. tomorrow again (weather permitting) so I'll check for the tongue tie. It's so hard when you try to get him to suck and he just screams. I'm also going to try a nipple shield today. I've read they are controversial but if it works, I'll take it. 


Hubby let me sleep for about 6 hours last night - I feel so good! Hah, who knew that I'd crave just 6 hours sleep! My back has been so sore, I think it's just adjusting to carrying the baby around and feeding him and all that. I really need to make better use of my sling - I'll make that my daily goal. 


Today is going to be an inside day - it's snowed quite a bit overnight and still going. Since it's a snow day for Daddy though, I might go out for a little walk in it (that's the west coast in me). One thing I've noticed between west coast and east coast is that west coast people will go for a walk in any weather as long as the weather isn't rain! 


All in all though, I love being a mom. Though sometimes, I feel like it's a dream. 39 years old and first time mom to an amazing baby - I feel like the luckiest woman alive! 

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2014-02-13 07:27:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Love the pics, so cute! I love the last one there. 


My little guy is 2 weeks old today! Unfortunately, he still won't latch on - though I'm trying. I am pumping and most of his food is coming from me, but I'm still not producing quite enough. I'm drinking lactation tea and taking fenugreek etc. I can't afford a LC right now unfortunately. I have been researching though. I know I'm not the only mom going through this and I'm not going to beat myself up about it though it's hard not to. I know the important thing is, that he gets fed! He is such a good baby - most nights I'm able to get a couple of blocks of sleep in. Some nights he's fussy as heck but I know that comes with the territory.Thank goodness for swaddling! 



JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2014-02-12 17:18:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Little RJ is finally here!  Born at 39 weeks exactly on Jan. 29. 7 pounds 12 oz and 20.5" long. Unfortunately my C-section was quite traumatic and I've been quite exhausted after but my reward really has been the most amazing baby. Right now I'm trying to get him to BF for longer than 5 seconds and sometimes it's frustrating as I've been having some issues and been unable to BF while dealing with those so I'm having to supplement with formula. I did get him to feed "I think" for about 20 minutes last night which was quite wonderful. I think he is having some gas issues since he's only pooped once since being home (yesterday) and was up all night crying every few minutes and I could hear his gas all night. I switched to a different type of bottle this morning so maybe that's the issue too. I'm going to buy a single manual pump today while I wait for my electric to come in because maybe it's the formula (Daddy is lactose intolerant). 


Anyway, I'm still in awe of my little miracle and even though everything was horribly traumatic, I have this amazing reward. I hope you can see the pic. 


(BTW he got 10/10 on his Apgar score which the Dr. and nurses said they've never seen and also the bilirubin test was a zero (I think that's what the nurse said, which she said she's never seen either). He's my amazing little miracle! 



Edited by JensJrny2Ray, 02 February 2014 - 09:18 AM.

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2014-02-02 09:10:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Hello ladies! 


Checking in, and almost ready to pop! My NST and BPP were cancelled today due to it being a snow day in our county which I'm bummed out about because I want to know if the baby is still breech. As of Friday he was. On Friday I'll be scheduling a C-section if he's breech or induction if he isn't. My mom is coming out from BC to stay with us for 3 weeks. I'm still debating if I want to wait til I'm exactly 40 weeks for my C-section/induction (which will give my mom and I a week together before the baby) or just have it the day after she gets here. I'm really torn. Part of me wants to wait and have that time as this is my first and I will never again have this alone time with my mother, and part of me wants this baby out already. 


So! Unless I go into labour before then, looks like baby will be here either Jan. 29 or Feb. 5. (my OB schedules deliveries on Wednesdays)


I think I'm all ready (materially) anyway. I got a ring sling for carrying, got the car seat/stroller, crib, clothes...and going to try to make my own baby bum cream etc. Emotionally and mentally? Totally not ready! I'm an emotional roller coaster train wreck these days. 


Any advice on getting baby his Canadian citizenship papers after birth? Do I register his birth with the Canadian embassy here? I would like my baby to be dual citizen if that's possible. I will also need to get his passport soon as we will be travelling in the summer. 




JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2014-01-21 06:44:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Good luck Lilac, on your Christmas babies!

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-12-20 14:02:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Thanks for the tips ladies. My after breakfast reading is always really good - my fasting number though is always high and my after dinner number. I'm going to try going for a walk after lunch and seeing if that helps and also drinking more water. The dietician did give me a sample diet and my numbers are still wonky, so I'm suspecting I'll be put on that medication next week. I've been finding the diet isn't that hard to follow - it's just remembering to eat and take my blood readings all the time along with taking my other meds for DVT. 


I hear you on the medical bills - I was surprised to receive bills from about 4 different companies for my hospital stay! I am so fortunate to have been approved for emergency medical funding for non-residents for my emergency stay back in July. I got to call them all a few days ago and give them my case file number, yay! 


I hope Caihla starts to feel better. That must be rough seeing her go through that. Lilac, you must be so excited to meet your babies. What an adventure you're going to be having very soon! 

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-11-30 17:09:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?



Can I ask why you are worried about a c-section at this point? Good luck with the 3 hour test. I go for the 1hr on the 16th of Dec. 


I don't know why, just having surgery worries me. I know that every mom has said it's no big deal but the thought makes me nervous. 


Unfortunately I failed my 3 hr and now have GD :( I'm glad my diet is regulated but I'm predicting I'll have to do insulin because my sugar levels are still all over the place even though I've been following everything to a "T". 

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-11-29 18:10:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Almost 30 weeks along and things are going great so far. I'm praying I will not have to have a C-section or anything like that. I failed my 1 hr. glucose test so hoping I passed the 3 hr. I had to take one earlier around 11 weeks and I passed the 3 hr  one then, so here's hoping. Insurance has all kicked in. We have wonderful benefits so I'm very happy about that. I'm still going to the local Pregnancy Aid Centre which is out of network but I only had a 100 dollar deductible for the whole year and now all my sonos are covered and everything (I get one every 4 weeks). We're also starting to get the spare room set up. It still all feels surreal, like I still can't believe there is going to be a baby coming out of me. 

The bigger my tummy gets, it gets a little harder to adjust myself in bed and get out of the car, things like that but otherwise all is well! I cannot complain! 

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-11-23 21:32:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Kimbear that is such great news! I actually got choked up reading it aloud to my husband. I'm just so emotional these days about babies!! What a relief for you. 

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-10-31 17:59:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Kimbear, hope baby Caihla is doing better! Stay strong mama! 

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-10-29 09:01:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Good luck tomorrow! I'm sure you and baby will be wonderful! So excited for you!! 

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-10-24 18:38:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Oh my goodness! This is exciting!! I can only imagine the anxiousness and the emotions running through you. I'm worried about all that stuff now, I can't imagine what it will be like when the little one is almost here! 

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-10-23 11:30:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

What an angel! That is such a sweet picture!! 

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-10-21 22:41:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Jeggings are one of the reasons I wanted to have a girl. I feel so superficial for saying that!! But yeah, I was an only child and I wanted to be an inspiration to my daughter like my mom (single mom) was to me. I am tickled to be having a boy though! 

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-10-17 11:22:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Love the pics!! Aww those little jeans! She's so teeny!!

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-10-16 23:12:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

OMG so my husband came home today with the gifts from his works babyshower..and i almost cried when i saw this:


it even says Banff Canada on it! our family baby shower we had hardly anything pink, lol well we got all sorts of clothes and blankets and things in pink smile.png  I still can't believe his department did this for him.  It was such a sweet thing to do for us.

That's awesome! Love the pj's! That was so sweet for them to do that for you guys. :)

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-10-16 20:11:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

My benefits finally kicked in. I got 2 weeks worth of meds for 5 bucks instead of 1100$. Pretty sure I can get reimbursed for my first 2 weeks meds in October also. 

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-10-15 22:08:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Wow! Congratulations! Get some rest mama! Yay baby girl!
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-10-14 16:21:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I've been so stressed this week, waiting for our insurance policy numbers to arrive in the mail and they're still not here. There was a mix up with my husband's work and we're late getting our benefits info. They took double deductions off this paycheque because they didn't take any off last time. I'm worried that even though our benefits are dated from Oct. 1 on that they won't reimburse us for my prescriptions (1160$ so far). We have to start paying rent this month and this prescription cost is just killing us. I feel like the American medical system just holds you ransom and causes stress levels to go through the roof. I don't even know if my prescription will be covered because it was written before our benefits started, or if I have to get a new one written. Ugh! I'm anxious to get to see a real family Dr. too. Every time I think about things, I want to cry. 


Kimbear, sounds like things are trying to progress! This is exciting, but the more I read about getting to the finish line, the more nervous I get too! 


Lilac, that's cool you're getting maternity photos. I feel so self conscious about being pregnant (honestly, I just look fatter). I hope that it becomes obvious soon. 


Management is spraying or baiting my apartment for insects on Monday, Happy Thanksgiving. I'm pretty bummed, I wanted to have a special meal, but I'll be washing dishes all day after they're done and cleaning all day Sunday getting ready for them. I haven't seen any bugs at all, I think it's just a yearly maintenance thing they do. I had all these big plans for Thanksgiving and have just been so lazy and tired to do anything. I definitely plan on making a pumpkin pie though either this weekend or early next week. 


Been feeling really lonely this past week or so. I don't have any friends or family out here and my husband is so stressed and busy with work as a new teacher. I'm also a source of gossip among his family, so I stay away a bit. His mom and dad though have been great, I just wish his brother was more of a family type person as I'm an only child and would love to have that sibling connection. My mom is really struggling financially also so we can't afford to bring her out and she can't afford to take time off work. 


Anyway, sorry for the long post but you guys are the closest people I know that know what it's like to be separated from your homeland! 

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-10-11 22:13:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Found out we are having a boy! So far all seems good. I opted to not go for any of the tests to determine Downe's Syndrome etc. unless the sonogram showed something off, but it didn't. I didn't want to cause myself anymore anxiety. Still waiting on our insurance policy numbers, this wait has been brutal! 

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-10-02 23:36:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

So beautiful! You must be so in love! 

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-09-25 13:58:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Hope your little one arrived safe and sound Marilyn! 

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-09-23 17:25:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

The last week or so I've been feeling this pressure in my abdomen, often pushing on my bladder. I don't know if that's the baby moving or what, I keep hearing what it's supposed to feel like, but haven't really felt anything? I know the baby IS moving as I saw it moving a week ago! I'm excited to find out the gender in a couple of weeks. 


Hubby's mom and dad bought us a car as we were borrowing one of their two-seater vans. It's pretty exciting. We're living in the Maryland in the DC area and I drove today! I hated driving the big van, but I'm excited to have a real car! They bought it for us for the baby. We've been so blessed to have them help us out so much during this huge period of transition, helping with rent and groceries too. I've never really experienced that kind of generosity before. 


Had my first brush with "in-laws" negativity though. Hubby's aunt decided to tell him she wasn't very happy when she found out I was pregnant as we didn't have health insurance. Well, do you think we were expecting it?! I'm 39 years old, I was NOT expecting to get pregnant after only a month! But, what happens, happens! We've been paying out of pocket for my pre-natal care too, so what's it to her?! Anyway, I guess someone in the family has to be a busy-body!

JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-09-15 22:09:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
I think I'll be ok. I appreciate any help/advice I can get as I'm so new to the crazy US healthcare system and this is my first child at 39! Once hubbys insurance kicks in, in a few weeks, that will help immensely. I have a claim in with the md government that will hopefully cover my emergency care I received in July as those bills are over 8k or so. I checked online with uscis and medical help is ok to receive.
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-09-12 15:41:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
I had dvt and am on blood thinners, also I'm 39 and carrying extra weight. I'm not sure I can go the midwife route being high risk and I'm already 19 weeks.
JensJrny2RayFemaleCanada2013-09-12 15:28:00