United KingdomVisa---Pick up at depot or courier?

Really? Wow. You would think that would have been brought up on here before now...

srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-03 15:57:00
United KingdomVisa---Pick up at depot or courier?

Depot means it would be sent to your closest depot (or collection center) and they would contact you to let you know you can pick it up. No idea which is quicker though


srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-03 15:13:00
United KingdomAnyone been married in Vegas round here?

Drinking, gambling and strippers.  You'll have a lovely time together!


Planning on it.

srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-29 01:17:00
United KingdomAnyone been married in Vegas round here?

I didn't get married there but I've been and I'd definitely recommend the Stratosphere skyscraper with the rides on top for a great view and lots of fun if you didn't go before.


On a slightly related note, when telling people that you married an American has anyone been asked "Did you get married in Vegas by an Elvis impersonator?" I've been asked that bloody question more than a few times!


Twice, today. haha

srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-29 01:14:00
United KingdomAnyone been married in Vegas round here?

We getting married out in the Valley of Fire State park.

srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-27 20:42:00
United KingdomAnyone been married in Vegas round here?

Getting married in Vegas on Saturday, I have only been once before (and I really don't remember a lot), and my other half has never been. 

Anyone got any tips on what to do, where to go?

I know its not exactly visa related, but I mean, hey, it doesn't hurt to bring back the memories for a little.


srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-27 19:57:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

Hand me the defibrillator!



Lets try and revive this thread!



I have my interview on the 28th, but if anyone has more recent experiences, it may be helpful for myself and others who may be waiting..

srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-16 18:53:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

Yes it is very easy to find. I can't remember exactly, but it is a couple of blocks off oxford street, just figure out where you need to turn, and bring maps with road names zoomed to help.


srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-27 19:44:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

Hi all


I have a question I hope someone can answer?


I had my medical booked for 20th February but had to cancel as my case is still at NVC and has not been forwarded to London yet. I spoke with Knightsbridge and they said they have been advised by the embassy not to examine applicants until all their paper work has arrived at the Embassy.


Anyway, I obtained my police certificate on 3rd Feb in time for this original appointment. Now I am worried that by the time I actually have my medical exam it will be out of date. Please note that I would have had to obtain the police certificate on the 3rd Feb in any case as it needs to be send to NVC in the IV application package. If all goes well at NVC I expect to have my medical by the end of this month.


Does anyone know how long Knightsbridge consider the certificate to be valid? I know for the Embassy it is 6 months so it would make sense for Knightsbridge to follow the same validity period.


Many thanks




You are fine. Don't worry about it. 

srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-03 06:49:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

Hi - I've been lurking but thought I would post as I have my medical on Monday.


It all seemed to happen really quickly which is good but means I am going to be a bit unprepared for the medical. I went to my doctors and they have no vaccination records apart from my yearly flu jabs and a tetanus booster I had in 1988. None of my records before I moved house in 1987 came from my previous doctors and my parents don't recall which doctors we went to 30 years ago. So that means I will probably have to get all the vaccinations again. Also I kind of forgot I have depression and reading on here I need a letter from the doctor stating I won't harm myself or others etc. I called the doctor but its too late for a letter as can take upto 2 weeks but better to go in and see the doctor directly.




It isn't a huge deal to not have the letter by the time of the medical. If they ask for a letter, just tell them you are waiting for the letter. As soon as they receive the fax, they will send your package to the embassy (which is a 15 minute walk from the Knightsbrige doctors). It takes 3 or 4 days for them to get your blood back anyway, so the max you are going to delay your stuff getting sent out is maybe another week plus a day or two give or take.


I think May is a realistic timeline. I wouldn't want to give you false hope, but it typically takes between 2 and 4 weeks from London receiving the packet until they schedule your date (normally a month from the time the date is scheduled). It has been taking considerably less time recently, but god knows how busy they will be in the upcoming weeks. I still think from the timelines I have seen, and my own timeline (medical on 14th, note from doctor on 20th, sent to embassy on 21st January---Date received interview 4th Feb ----Interview 28th of Feb) Estimating I will get my passport back sometime late next week, early the following week, if that helps with you trying to figure out if May is possible.

srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-01 19:56:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

 We're both pretty pessimistic and I have some anxiety issues, so we decided it was better to be safe than take any chances, no matter how minute.




If you are anxious, I know of this herb that might be able to help you relax..... (too soon?)



In all seriousness, I also have some pretty horrible anxiety issues, I actually didn't pass my medical on the day because of them, (my blood pressure was through the roof, for no other reason than I get anxious around doctors, and when I need something to go my way), I had to get a 24 hour blood pressure test to ensure I was "normal". 


I know from experience, that it is much easier said than done, but you really do need to calm down and relax about the whole process, worrying and getting stressed isn't going to help you. I would even call back up and see if they still have the appointment you cancelled.


I literally went 2 weeks ago, and all she said was "have you ever taken drugs, or are you a drug user" I said "no", and she moved on to the next question on the survey. She told me the blood test is for syphillis only. Then you get your blood drawn, she has a quick poke, and peak downstairs, you get an xray, see the nurse about vaccinations, they give you a form and you leave. Thinking, what the hell was I so scared about. 


Feel free to keep talking on this forum, or even private message if you want. I know before my medical, I had so many stupid questions, that I just needed someone to reassure me everything would be ok, and that I am making a big fuss out of nothing.


Everything is going to be ok. You are making a big fuss about nothing. Relax :)

srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-04 19:19:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

Haha, yeah I figured as much. Think the fiance wants me to reschedule just to be on the safe side. £95 to avoid a year ban is ok with me. Mad as hell right now though. Just want this stuff to be over. ClockWatch2.gif


Blood Test is for syphilis. 


Although I would probably take a shower, and wear different clothes :) 

srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-04 15:04:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

I couldn't give you an answer, but I have pretty bad psoriasis at times, and I just told her during the interview, and gave the name of the solution I use.

Doctor didn't seem too fazed about it.

srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-03 15:05:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

Good, they are expensive, and a pain in the backside. But they are very efficient at what they do most the time!

srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-03 14:07:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

It will be Monday, as they close on Saturdays. I have found if you email them on a Friday night/Saturday Morning, they normally respond by about 10am the Monday they open, so that might be an idea, if you are stuck in work, plus it also gives you a chance to maybe verbalize what you want to say a little bit more clearly and thought out, as sometimes you may tend to forget of things to say on the phone (god knows I do :) )

srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-31 19:48:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

They don't mark the sheets as complete because the Tetanus and Flu shot are renewable shots (once every 10, and 1 year), according to Knightsbridge nurse. 

srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-31 19:10:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

Nice Otter. My doctor faxed off a letter to the Knightsbridge People today, and I called just to confirm, the girl said it should be with the embassy by the start of next week. 

srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-23 14:02:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

I can confirm that White Coat Syndrome is a real thing. My BP at my Medical/GP was 155/90. I got fitted with a 24 hour thing and my results were 115/75. Maybe someone will have the same issue as me, and can read this post to put their mind at ease. I found a lot of comfort in finding similar cases.


Anyway. Will get a signed letter off tomorrow.


srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-22 08:15:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

I have already shown it to my GP by the way, I just seem to have lost it between then and now.

srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-19 12:19:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

Gah, I lost the letter Knightsbridge wanted me to give to my GP.


Do you think I need to ask Knightsbridge to send me over another copy or simply asking my doctor to write a letter of the action being taken on my Blood pressure, and faxing it off to them would suffice?


srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-19 12:08:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

Thanks otter, I was perfectly fine before the doctor today, but as soon as I got inside the waiting room my heart started racing...i am just pathetic at doctors lol.

srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-16 17:03:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors



I've seen a few posts around here where the BP was high at the Knightsbridge medical, and most of the time it is the white coat hypertension. I wouldn't worry too much.  I think the medical side of the visa process is very invasive and some of seems very unnecessary.  I'm sure you'll get your visa just fine smile.png.


Thanks for your response. My GP reckons, I am getting a 24 hour test on Monday, and fortunately don't have work, so I might just try and sleep through the whole day to get the lowest reading possible.


( I am not trying to trivialize high blood pressure, I know it is a serious thing, I just would really like to get this either cleared or treated ASAP)

srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-16 10:40:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

Went to the doctors today, sigh, he said I have elevated Blood Pressure, and that I would need to come back on Monday and get a 24 hour BP test down, to see if I am suffering from white coat raised BP (when the thought of getting your BP done by the doc raises it). He said he could write off that document to the Knightsbridge People, as soon as he had the results from that. So hopefully only a minor delay.


He also decided to give me a speech about Americans and how expensive health care is for someone who has a high Blood Pressure....sigh.

srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-16 09:33:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

Otter, I am sorry, I never read your response until just now, I did indeed see you, I was with my dad, on the brown seat. As you can tell, I was pretty stressed out.


Well, here is my experience, which just seemed to happen about 20-30 minutes before Otter's experience. (Scroll down to My Knightsbridge Experience if you want to skip some ramblings)


I went to brush my teeth last night, to only discover that my face had gone all dry and red (probably out of stress- I am a worrier). Anyway, I put some moisturiser on it, and it seemed ok. 


I left Belfast at about 7.30 am, got into Gatwick about 8.45. We queued up for the Gatwick express ticket line, it was long, and I wasn't in a rush (12.50pm appointment), so we decided to get the national express (took about an hour and 15 minutes). A tip for those flying into Gatwick, they sell tickets at the concierge, which is just a walk across the airport in the direction of where the trains are, which provide a ticket selling service, I will know for next time anyway.


Anyway, I got into London at about 10.30. Decided to walk to Knightsbridge, to get our bearings, and decided to go kill some time sight-seeing. Ended up giving up after walking in essentially a big circle, and just decided to stop and get some lunch, which wasn't a great idea. I scoffed down the burger, and instantly felt like #######. Noticed the time struck 12.20, and we were about a 15 minute walk away, so nulty mcnumpty here decided to run half the way. Now, i am a big kid, about 18 and a half stone of big kid, and with my nerves and now being out of breath, we walked into knightsbridge.


My Knightsbridge Experience - Arrived about ten minutes before my scheduled time. The receptionist was a nice wee girl, told me to fill out a form and return it, and I did.


Took a seat in their room, which is basic, but nice enough.


Got called in after returning the form, to be greeted, by what I presume as a South African lady doctor, I would say 40-50. She was nice enough at the start, asked questions like have I ever used drugs, alcohol, and do I have any existing conditions, along with some small talk. She asked me to take a seat, and undress to my underpants, which I did, and then she performed a blood pressure test, which she said was borderline high, she carried on with the rest of the medical, and told me my heart was racing, and asked me had I been rushing about or something, which I had, and I was also pretty nervous (not a big fan of doctors). She performed the rest of the medical, had a peak downstairs, and took my blood pressure again on my left arm this time, she said it was pretty high, and took it once again. She wrote out a form, asking for my doctor to respond, it basically said I had high blood pressure, and a high pulse. And asked if my doctor could check it, and if it was high write back how he was treating it, and if it was lower that no action was being taken. She asked that I get my doctor to fax it preferably, and that as long as this was in within a couple of days no delays would occur.

I asked her if I was diagnosed with a high blood pressure would it be ok for the visa, and she said no, it means you have high blood pressure, that isn't good. I asked again trying to assert the fact that all I was concerned about was the visa process, and she again gave the same answer. I feel like she didnt understand the question, so i re-rephrased it and she said it was ok, and that as soon as she got the ok from my doctor in writing, that I would be ok.


I was then directed to the vaccination room, where I was greeted by a lovely nurse, who informed me that I required a influenza shot, and a tetanus shot( shock to me, I guess I miscalculated), she gave me some options, but I decided to get it done, just to get it out of the way (50 quid extra but, hey ho.) Btw, my arm is bloody wrecked from the tetanus. 


Then went into the Xray place, got asked to take off my shirt, and strike a chicken pose against this board. 


Went back to room waited a couple of mins, and got called to reception to pay, and my id and forms where returned, the girl in the room once again told me what I needed to get from my doc.


All in all, an okay experience. There is no legitimate reason as to why this is the only place in the UK that carries out this procedure. A complete monopoly and money making machine. But nothing for the general public to be concerned about. I had an idea that my blood pressure would be high, and it is my fault I was running after eating some heavy food.


Walked around LANDAN for a wee while afterwords seen some sights (my first time), and was on the gatwick express back in plenty of time to catch my flight. Exhausted, but glad to have this part over with (well almost).



srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-15 17:56:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

Got my medical tomorrow at 1:50pm! Hopefully it all goes okay!

The only thing that's going to bother me is like, I went to Morrisons to get a flu jab on Monday, and the guy told me I shouldn't have it because it might cause a false positive on the blood test. So I reckon  Knightsbridge will give me the flu vaccine after the blood test. I had a hep a+b vaccine on the Monday also as my doctor recommended I had it if I'm going to the US.  So I'm looking at paying 20 something quid instead of 7, but that's my bad for leaving it so late I suppose tongue.png Hopefully it won't cause any issues smile.png


Not looking forward to getting on a National Express coach at 5:55am though xD (wanting to get to London beforehand so me and my mum can look in some shops before and after! biggrin.png)


I'll let you guys know how I get on!



You never know, I might bump into you on my way out of the medical. I have mine at 12.50pm. Good Luck!

srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-14 15:28:00
United KingdomAnyone ever have an afternoon appointment for K-1 visa?

Can it not be done at the US consulate in Belfast?


That would make too much sense...


Unfortunately not.

srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-18 10:01:00
United KingdomAnyone ever have an afternoon appointment for K-1 visa?

Hello everyone,


I am from Northern Ireland, but my interview will be held in London.


Looking over all the reviews, it seems as if all the interviews are held first thing in the morning.


I am wondering if it is possible to get an appointment in the late afternoon (I know I would probably have to reschedule). This would mean I could fly in early in the morning, get the train/tube to the Embassy, then get the tube/train back to the airport for a flight that evening. 


Am I being ambitious here?

srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-18 01:06:00
United KingdomForm of Readiness

Howdy All,


Just a quickie, does anyone know if there is an email address to send a form of readiness too? Also am I right in thinking the DS 156 forms have been replaced? My application has been delayed, by myself, as I wanted to stay in America with my fiance for just a little longer.


My i797 application expires January 5. Am I right in thinking I should have my medical scheduled, and my form of readiness in before this? 


London Application.




srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-10 02:35:00
United KingdomLetter of intent to still get married (expiring i797) handwritten/ Interview Date?


Nope. Notarized means it has to be signed in the presence of a Notary Public and they also sign/stamp it. It can be done at most banks and some UPS/FedEx stores.



humph. Thanks, at least I found out now, before it is too late. Seems a bit ridiculous considering all the forms, and payments we have made for this process, that they would need this letter to be notarized. I am guessing I shouldn't get her to sign and date it until the day after my NOA2 expiry?

srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-30 07:27:00
United KingdomLetter of intent to still get married (expiring i797) handwritten/ Interview Date?

And without trying to sound too much like a numpty. Notarized means it has her signature on it? (Which it does)


srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-29 19:52:00
United KingdomLetter of intent to still get married (expiring i797) handwritten/ Interview Date?

Howdy, Merry Christmas, and a happy new year.


My fiance sent me some of the documents, in preparation for the interview, including the new letter of intent as we will be past the i797 expiration date by time we have interview. She has hand-written it though. Does this pose a problem?


Another question, instead of a separate thread:


I have my medical (January 15th) booked, and sent of the DS-160 and form of readiness (although I think I have done this too early, but the process is kind of confusing, plus it said on the form did I have a medical booked, so went ahead with it.) I did that on December 12th, so hopefully around the time of the medical I should have an interview date. Or am I being optimistic? Should I be calling for an interview? (As this was the process for my previous 3 visas)



Thanks for any help.



srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-29 15:59:00
United KingdomInterview times

Yeah, but surely it needs to be signed for after the expiry date ? Or am I missing a trick here?

srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-05 12:28:00
United KingdomInterview times

Are you able to send the notarized letter of intent before the i797 expires though?

srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-05 11:23:00
United KingdomHow long to wait now. London embassy

They received the medical today as they stated before. Happy happy happy


Be sure to let us know when you get your interview. I am well intrigued :)

srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-05 15:53:00
United KingdomFinally!!!!!


The referral was based on 2 bottles of wine in one session, by guidelines that is classed as binge drinking, unfortunately it was slightly misinterpreted as me, soley, consuming 2 bottles of wine, whereas it was my fiancé and I during a weekend.  People just be aware!!!




Wow. That is ridiculous. Thank you so much for your story, you have just saved me another flight to London and Psyc fees. It really is a monopoly, with his mate doing psyc work for him

srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-07 15:01:00
United KingdomFinally!!!!!

Thanks for the info, I was actually thinking about this today, as to be perfectly honest, I would drink a bottle of cava and not think too much about it. I may just change my answer to "i dont really like drinking that much, I might have a glass of red wine with dinner". Not that I am condoning lying in an interview. The medical is a different deal in my opinion. I think it is disgraceful that they have a monopoly on medicals, when it could be done by any GP.


srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-07 14:51:00
United KingdomAnother extension of i797 question. Last one I promise

And I dont need to write another intent letter myself, as I suppose my presence at the interview would be intent enough.


srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-08 16:44:00
IndiaEvaluate Our Case Please

Did she apply for her Student Visa before the summer of 2011? or afterwords? - Usually the Delhi Consulate is already aware of the situation. Because there may be a mark in the last page of her passport when she applied for her student visa. Since she is going to apply for a fiance visa (K1) and not married (IR1/CR1) visa, need to be prepared and anticipate questions... - All the best.

Caknit, thanks for the answer.

Seema45, we applied after. I helped her with her with the application, I live near the university she was going to go to and I knew someone who worked in the program. Will this be counted against us????????
thedude6752000MaleIndia2012-07-16 13:09:00
IndiaEvaluate Our Case Please

The biggest issue I see is that she's Muslim and you are not. The COs know the "traditional" rules when it comes to religion and culture. A huge rule for many [read: almost all] Muslims is that females don't marry out of Islam. There are a some who have [very valid] arguments as to why this rule is false - but for many, many families it is followed. This will completely peak the CO's interest. Be prepared to have her handle this question.

***Extra bonus points if she's from a truly progressive family where many close and intermediate family members have mixed marriages [ie, "Well, my bro married a Sikh, and my first cousin on my dad's side married a Buddhist, etc" - this would concretely show that in her family mixed marriages are accepted.]***

If you're going through Delhi - and I haven't a clue where Lucknow interviews - go to the interview.

No, this will be the first mixed marriage in her family. How exactly should we handle the question?
thedude6752000MaleIndia2012-07-15 20:19:00
IndiaEvaluate Our Case Please
Ouch sorry I meant engagement. We are NOT married.
thedude6752000MaleIndia2012-07-13 17:53:00