Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)How Common is AP in India, particularly the New Delhi Embassy

How common is AP at the New Delhi Embassy? Does everyone get it? I am white and my wife is a Muslim with the most common Muslim last name there is (think Shah Rukh), I feel like no matter how strong our case is we are walking talking AP bait. She also has a denied F-1 visa in her background (no fraud, they just straight up refused to say more than 10 words to her at the embassy). This is important for me in judging whether or not the process is even worth it.....I am not prepared to spend much more than 1 year away from her after we are married. 

thedude6752000MaleIndia2013-07-24 18:11:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)My response from my congressmen

Have you written letters to the Service Center director and the District Director for your area? 

thedude6752000MaleIndia2013-07-24 18:02:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Question on Name Checks for AP

I mean after the interview, at the embassy. 


thedude6752000MaleIndia2013-11-15 21:47:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Question on Name Checks for AP

Thanks. Besides religion and name, what are other things that cause AP?

thedude6752000MaleIndia2013-11-15 21:02:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Question on Name Checks for AP

I know I and my wife are a long time from the interview, but since I have married a Muslim with the most common Muslim last name in India (and I am white), I am fairly sure that we are walking talking AP bait. 


So I wanted to ask, her first name is common too, but it is actually more common as a guy's name than a girls. If you do a google search for her full name you get tons of guys and no girls. Do the name checks take into account gender? IE are the going to check to make sure that she's not a million other people who are men? Or will they check the name even if it belongs to someone of the opposite sex?

thedude6752000MaleIndia2013-11-15 20:44:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

EAbbas why don't you sue?

thedude6752000MaleIndia2013-05-20 11:58:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)recieved an email from New Delhi Embassy

My finace got his visa on the 23rd of December. We sent new medical and PCC on the 13th. 

When I emailed the embassy on 12/20/13, they told us that our case is under officers review and to contact them after 10 days.

And when we checked our case status on 12/23/13, our case was approved and issued a Visa.

He just received his passport yesterday with visa in it.


Please post your details in my NEw Delhi AP tracker here:


thedude6752000MaleIndia2013-12-26 18:30:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)recieved an email from New Delhi Embassy

Please post in my New Delhi AP tracker thread. Thank you!

thedude6752000MaleIndia2013-12-23 12:25:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)recieved an email from New Delhi Embassy

It looks like they will ask you to send fresh documents.


We have submitted documents in Aug. still waiting....It has been 14 months since interview in New Delhi.


14 months??? Did you guys have any red flags??????

thedude6752000MaleIndia2013-12-03 23:45:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)In AP for 112 days so far...


They are doing their jobs. That's why he is in AP.


How on earth do you know what they're doing? Knowing the DHS, her file is probably ina box being used as a doorstop somewhere. Seriously, the DHS is the most incompetent, inept bureau in the US government, and that's really saying something. Great job on the Tsarnaev brothers and the security clearance for the Navy Yard shooter, morons. The only thing they're good at is taking away people's liberties and ruining their lives, the OP has every right to demand that they actually do their jobs. No amount of name checks should take more than 3 months! 


OP, keep in mind, anything over 15 months is considered excessive AP :/. At that point you can look into a writ of mandamus, as another member on here is doing. Till then, there's not a lot you can do except call them up with a lawyer and start threatening to do the mandamus, but you won't get a hearing until a couple more months have passed :(. Sorry!

thedude6752000MaleIndia2013-12-18 19:39:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)15 months in AP

Congrats! Please post in the Delhi AP tracker thread!

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-14 23:49:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Holding on to passport while in AP

Get a lawyer and inform them you are going to file a writ of mandamus. Since you don't even want the visa nymore just try to file it a quickly as possible.  They will have to decide one way or another to give back the passport. If they decide in your favor, ya! you win, bring him here, if not live happily ever after in a land far away from the DOS, DHS and their insanity. 

Edited by thedude6752000, 14 January 2014 - 11:48 PM.

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-14 23:47:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Delhi India AP Tracker

I know there's more Delhi AP people out there, keep posting please! An congrats to mkaurd!

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-20 21:14:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Delhi India AP Tracker

1. 26 December 2013

2. K-1

3. No AP yet. (simply because its only been 1 day. Mandatory AP is due soon. But i am terrified to death of the AP procedure after reading all the lengthy horror stories here)

4. Male/US citizen/white

5. Female/Indian citizen/Hindu

6. Met online, had 3 visits.

7. No kids

8. No red flags that I'm aware of. Interview was approved without any 221(g)'s or anything. Fiancee was told that she should receive her passport within 10 days. (Praying)


I am very sorry for all you guys who was in AP for a long time and praying that you all get your visa soon to be with your loved ones.

I will keep you updated on my status in this tread.


You did not get AP I suppose? 

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-11 19:35:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Delhi India AP Tracker

I am getting regular updates...which is same "AP". I am positive that my file is up for review...Now I hope it takes another month so that my husband can get 10 years green card since our 2 years anniversary is coming up. 


However; I will file for Mandamus by March....I tried calling both senators...all they do is send inquiry. They are not help at all. When I visited, CO told me that we have positive reviews and your relationship has been verified..we are working on final review. However; my husband's 2nd medical is being expired next month. I am hopeful by Jan/Feb, we will get visa.


How about you?Any update?



I am not in AP, I am just scared to death of it. I filed my I-130 last month (NOA1 12. November). So I am nowhere even near the interview

thedude6752000MaleIndia2013-12-23 22:01:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Delhi India AP Tracker

Male Beneficiary, CR1, Both Punjabi-Sikh, Interview Oct 2012, Fresh documents submitted Aug 21, 2013, No kids, Relationship verification-Confirmed and positive per CO. Tried visiting/congress help/complained. Nothing works. Arrange marria



Have you had any recent updates? At over 1 year I would start looking into a Mandamus suit. Also when you say congress have you tried your senior Senator in your state?

Edited by thedude6752000, 23 December 2013 - 01:36 PM.

thedude6752000MaleIndia2013-12-23 13:35:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Delhi India AP Tracker

Actually mimolicious, I don't want to derail this thread, so if you feel the need to ask questions like that about my and my wife's story please PM me. Thanks.


To all the rest: When posting about your AP, please put you info in the following format:

1. Date of Interview

2. Type of visa applied for (id est F2A, K-1, CR-1, IR-1, etc.)

3. Reason given for AP (documents? Or simply "mandatory AP?")

4. Gender, Nationality, race/ethnicity, and religion of the petitioner (for example "Male/US citizen/white/prefer not to say")

5. Gender, nationality, race, and religion of the beneficiary (for example, "Female/Indian citizen/Indian from Uttar Pradesh(or Punjabi Sikh or Gurkha or Bangla, whatever the case may be)/Muslim")

6. How you met (internet? academic program? business trip? Did the meeting take place in the US, India, or somewhere else?)

7. Any children?

8. Any other red flags? (id est woman is much older than the man, have never met face-to-face, difference in religion, etc.)

9. Last update on from the DOS

10. (Optional) Any escalation steps you have taken (Senator/Congressman, Ombudsman, threatening to sue for mandamus, etc.)



Edited by thedude6752000, 22 December 2013 - 10:29 AM.

thedude6752000MaleIndia2013-12-22 10:22:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Delhi India AP Tracker

Just out of curiosity are you Muslim as well? If not how did her family feel about her marrying a non-Muslim? It is against Islam for a woman to marry outside the religion, and it's very, very rare.


Thanks for demonstrating why I am so scared of this. 

thedude6752000MaleIndia2013-12-22 09:28:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Delhi India AP Tracker

Hi, my wife is a Muslim and I am a white guy so I am absolutely terrified of AP in Delhi. Please use this thread to post your experiences with AP if you went through the US Embassy and New Delhi and got thrown into AP there. Thank you. 

thedude6752000MaleIndia2013-12-21 23:19:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Holding on to passport while in AP

If they file a writ of mandamus before background checks are finished it will result in a denial.


If you read their post she says they don't even care about the visa anymore, they just want their passport back with or without the visa. 18 months is more than enough time to do background checks anyways, telling them that you're going to do this will put the fire under their asses. 

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-26 10:24:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Holding on to passport while in AP

Didn't you already post about this? File a write of mandamus ASAP, don't listen to any of their BS tell them to either give you a date for approval or file it. 

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-24 17:48:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing Waiting Game in Dakar

Salut Bouba je suis maintenant dans le même cas que ta femme je suis maintenant sous ap depuis une semaine et c'est frustrant j'espère que le cas de ta femme est réglé c'est le visa f2a et sa pris combien de temps merci de me répondre. Il étudie le dossier a l'intérieur du consulat ou ils envoient a l'immigration. Merci


English translation:


Hello Bouba, I'm in the same situation as your wife, I am under AP no since one week (?--and you're already frustrated?) and it's frustrating I hope that you wife's case is in good order/regular. 


It (?--the poster's case?) is an F2A and how long does that take? Thanks for your answer. 


He (?--who?) studied the file inside the consulate where they sent to immigration. Thanks


maprincess, parlez-vous anglais? Do you speak English? If so give us some more info about the case. What exactly happened inside the consulate? Also AP does not depend on the type of visa. Please let us know. 

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-03-03 14:07:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)After 4 and a half years visa is issued

Congrats! I've been waiting to read this for so long. Make sure you let us know when he gets the visa!!

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-02-09 18:56:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)CEAC starus hanged from ready to admibistrative process again

It changed to ISSUED! !!!! Omg I am sooooo Happyyyyyy..... so glad this is fibally over..... does this mean now we will get the cisa 100%????


It sometimes does change, but this is rare. Don't make any travel arrangements just yet. But 90% chance is you're out of the woods so to speak. Félicitations! Bravo, vous avez eu de bon courage :) Just keep checking the site and don't buy any tickets till that Visa is in your main lol. How long where you in AP?

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-06-27 20:31:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiting 16 months for K1 visa

You are over 1 year, which is considered excessive. You should look into filling a writ of mandamus, which will force the State Department to make a decision on your case. People here are going to warn that this could result in a denial, but they're already denying you spouse entrance to the US, so what's the difference? This has worked for many people stuck in this same situation. You will need a lawyer. Especially since you are considering moving, you should definitely consider it; at least a denial would make your decision to move to another country easy. On the other hand, you have a very good chance of getting an approval. Win/win. 


thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-08-02 02:03:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)When to file "mandamus" ? Administrative processing

think 9-11


Translation: think racism

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-08-06 17:22:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)When to file "mandamus" ? Administrative processing



U.S embassy follows N.J court order

All's well that ends well even if one had to get the court involved. Capitol News reported back in November that a Federal Judge had ordered the US Embassy here to make a decision in the case of an intended immigrant. The man?s case had been in limbo for nearly two years under what was called Administrative Review. Well the Embassy made a decision in the man?s favor and he was able to spend the holidays with his spouse from whom he had been separated because of his pending visa status for over two years.
New Jersey Federal Judge William Martini was asked by a Guyanese woman who sponsored her husband to the United States, to issue a writ of mandamus directing that the US Embassy either issue or refuse her husband a permanent resident visa.

The Judge ruled that while it may not be within the court?s jurisdiction to review how a consular officer arrived at a decision, it was certainly within the court?s mandate to instruct the Government officer to make a decision. The case arose from the fact that the husband received a letter from the U.S. Embassy in Guyana stating that he was found temporarily ineligible to receive a visa. That was since June 2011. The letter stated that the case required ?Administrative Review? and that new information, when available, will be communicated to him in writing. The court found that over time there was no evidence of administrative review. After the matter ended up in the court the US embassy called in the husband to continue the process. And earlier last month the US Embassy not to be in violation of the court order made a decision and issued the visa.

Several persons have complained about delays in the immigration process where US embassies in the Caribbean have put them on pause so to speak for administrative review or claimed that there is a refusal on various grounds including failure to provide documentation or allegations of misconduct. The New Jersey Judge?s order is expected to make it clear that decisions have to be made according to the procedures laid down in the law. The Court ruled that intended immigrants simply cannot be told ?your case is still pending? without a final decision being made.


thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-08-06 17:17:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)When to file "mandamus" ? Administrative processing

What people have been saying here is not entirely accurate. If the background checks are ongoing, State will make that case to the judge. In most cases, AP is just the embassy people dicking around not doing their job because they either do not want to or are not encouraged to grant visas to certain categories of people. In these cases, AP is a very effective way to force them to actually do their jobs. Also 1 year is sufficient to file a mandamus. I would listen to your lawyer. 


thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-08-06 17:12:00
USCIS Service CentersWhat is going on with NOA2's?


If you got you NOAI on the 14th my advice will be  to  be  patience and wait, I know some people got approved in  less than a month but also keep in mind that there are so many people waiting for NOA2 for more than 5 months now and still don't have it. Unfortunately and fortunately its not done 1st come 1st serve, if they did I still be waiting for my NOA2. They tell you the process takes  5 months but some people get it  before the 5 months and some people don't. Being that you  just applied this month, give yourself up till October at least before  worrying about being  approved but I you get it soon.  good luck


I hear ya. I am by no means complaining. I am prepared to be waiting until January time before I start getting anxious.

srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-30 14:21:00
USCIS Service CentersWhat is going on with NOA2's?

I bet someone had stacked 100's of peoples packages and they dropped it, and then they couldn't be bothered to put them back in order.


I am in a rare position, where I am quite happy to wait for the 5 months, because I have one semester left of school in US.


srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-29 18:53:00
USCIS Service CentersWhat is going on with NOA2's?

After sending off my packet I decided to not log on here for like 2 weeks to give myself a bit of a break.


Next thing I know, people are getting approved after a month? Am I missing something that happened which is causing this, or does this sort of thing happen from time to time. I am super happy for the people getting them so early, but I have a feeling that a lot of people may go into the process with elevated expectations about their timeline.


I find it amazing someone was approved within 19 days. I got my noa1 e-confirmation on like August 14, so I was only a couple of weeks away from where all these people are getting approved. Can anyone provide any sort of insight? 


I know it isn't a pressing question, but it would be nice to know.



srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-29 18:44:00
United KingdomAnyone get a drivers licence recently on K1 (Before AOS)?

Unfortunately, I got treated like an idiot at the RI DMV last Friday when I tried to do it. Basically got my documents thrown back at me and told to get lost because there was only 4 weeks remaining on the I-94.


Problem is it took the better part of a month to get bank checks with my name on it (which is one of the proofs of RI residency). As it stands, I'm not sure whether I can attempt again once I have AOS NOA1 or my EAD/AP card, or worse yet my GC. And the RI DMV being as useless as all buggery didn't make that clear, they just told me to get something "more long-term".


Anyway, to get back to the questions. As it's a state-by-state thing you're probably best off checking what the Montana DMV and their requirements for Out-of-Country are.


DMV's in big cities suck from what I hear. Even if they could spot me a temporary paper licence that would do.

srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-10 16:15:00
United KingdomAnyone get a drivers licence recently on K1 (Before AOS)?

Do not drive without a valid license.


Not that hard.


Thanks for your very helpful post.

srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-10 16:12:00
United KingdomAnyone get a drivers licence recently on K1 (Before AOS)?

We are driving down to Vegas from Montana, and I will be driving for a fair bit of it.


I have a montana drivers licence, but it has expired (only by a month or so). 


Any suggestions or experience from others who have recently either obtained or renewed their state licence?


If it helps I do have a Social Security Number.

srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-10 16:02:00
United KingdomRenewing UK passport from US - 4 weeks - experiences?

Only thing they don't accept is American Express and Discover. Visa and Mastercard works just fine.

srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-07 17:12:00
United KingdomRenewing UK passport from US - 4 weeks - experiences?

I actually used the standard £72.50 (£81.25 with Post Office check and send service) service, not the premium service. As I said, I was extremely surprised to have it returned so fast.


That is incredibly quick, and unusual, although I know for a fact December was quiet, my whole family got their passports renewed through the post office, and had them back within a week.But they are cracking down hard on all stolen, lost and damaged passports since the start of this month.

We have completed the application online (something new - wasn't there a few months ago when I first looked via Paid last week online via the online app and submitted the application.  We are mailing the passport photos, the old passport, and the declaration page today.


The website says it will take at least 4 weeks.  Has anybody done this recently?  How long did it take for you to receive the new passport?


My father-in-law just had major surgery and we are hoping to go to Wales as soon as we receive his updated passport - thanks for all the help!


I would honestly just get the extension, fly over, and renew it while you are in the UK, much less hassle, and room for error.

srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-19 13:35:00
United KingdomRenewing UK passport from US - 4 weeks - experiences?

We have completed the application online (something new - wasn't there a few months ago when I first looked via Paid last week online via the online app and submitted the application.  We are mailing the passport photos, the old passport, and the declaration page today.


The website says it will take at least 4 weeks.  Has anybody done this recently?  How long did it take for you to receive the new passport?


My father-in-law just had major surgery and we are hoping to go to Wales as soon as we receive his updated passport - thanks for all the help!



This may be true for yourself. But a note to others reading this information with a damaged passport; As of February 2nd 2014, there is no premium service available for any lost, stolen, damaged, or childs passport. The one week service is available if you have a face to face appointment, otherwise, it may take a few weeks.

srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-19 13:23:00
United KingdomRenewing UK passport from US - 4 weeks - experiences?

I work for the passport office advice line, so hopefully I can shed some light.


There should be a barcode reference number you are given. After 1 and a half weeks, keep calling 0300 222 0000 (option 2). They can check the status of your passport, but if you make it sound urgent, we can try and put you through to ICH, which knows much more on the status of your passport, and have up to the minute information, whereas the number you call may only have information refreshed from over 24 hours ago.


At the minute they are incredibly busy, but if there is absolutely no issues, then it should be a lot closer to 3 weeks than 4 weeks.


You can also call the number I wrote there, if you are desperate to get back to get a temporary extension, then renew your passport once you get back using the one day service in the Cardiff office (appointments can be made 3 weeks in advance.


srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-19 13:19:00
United KingdomVisa---Pick up at depot or courier?

If it was me, I would pick up from depot. The amount of calls I get every week from people bitching about them missing their delivery, or getting lost in the post is unreal. HMPO actually had a say on why DX Secure is the contractor. Too many passports where getting lost (stolen) from Royal Mail. Watchdog did a story on it, basically forcing the Passport Office to use a different contractor.

srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-09 10:45:00
United KingdomVisa---Pick up at depot or courier?

Really? Wow. You would think that would have been brought up on here before now...

srvmanMaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-03 15:57:00