IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSCIS Greencard Petitioners' Committee Video Campaign

Non-Muslims? What is that supposed to mean?

I am mocking the DOS's tendency to give anyone and everyone with a Muslim name extra "administrative processing" after their interview. It was a poor attempt at humor. 

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-01 09:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSCIS Greencard Petitioners' Committee Video Campaign

Thanks naam! Any more takers? We need more people! And more non-Muslims, or they'll put the whole lot of us into AP hell for life! :D 

thedude6752000MaleIndia2013-12-31 13:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSCIS Greencard Petitioners' Committee Video Campaign

A lot of people have taken a look at this thread! There have to be more takers. Think of your families!!!!!

thedude6752000MaleIndia2013-12-30 23:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSCIS Greencard Petitioners' Committee Video Campaign

Excellent idea! Please send your contact info to Kaylara and let your SO know the deal!

thedude6752000MaleIndia2013-12-30 20:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSCIS Greencard Petitioners' Committee Video Campaign

Happy New Year to all VJ'ers.


Over the past few weeks we have seen what the USCIS's idea of "clearing the backlog." Is. It involves telling us a lot of lies to cover their a$$es and causing more sorrow for us, while approving cases out of order to make it look like the average wait time is going done. So far the current "batch" of CR/IR-1 filers has sent 3 mass letters. Of these only 1 got any type of a response.


 Immigration so-called "reform" is going to be back in the headlines come January, and if we don't do something about it then I can guarantee that whatever type of legislation gets passed will either have no affect on us (best case scenario) or will make our journeys immensly longer for the sake of people who broke the law to come here.


Thusly I think the time has come to take our message to the American people. As has been proposed often here before, I believe that the time has come to create a video telling the world of our plight, hopefully the first of many. The K-1 filers, too, last year made their own videos, to little success. These videos were full of charts, graphs, statistics, and jargon like USCIS and processing date. 75%+ of the people in this country never once deal with the USCIS or the DOS for relative immigration, and of those that do even fewer deal with the process we are going through.


Our video campaign needs to boil down into simple terms a few facts: contrary to popular belief, marriage to a USC overseas is nothing like an "instant greencard", the wait times for this "instant greencard" are in fact interminable, USC's and their spouses and children suffer terribly from the seperation, and the current wait times were caused by giving preference to DACA and Provisional Waiver applicants who broke the law to come here.


For this we need people. We need people to put a human face on the faceless statistic of 400,000 backlogged petitions. "One death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic." The human mind was not made to cmpehend vast numbers or quantities, so we need to boil it down to something our fellow countrymen can understand.


For the videos I think it would be best to have seperated spouses first introduce themselves as "Hi, my name is John Doe, and my name is Jane Doe, I am a US citizen, and I am a law-abiding intending immigrant, and the US government won't let us be together." Or something similiar. We want to hammer home a few points: these are US citizens, these are real people, they are following the laws, but the US government is keeping them apart.


Before, in the middle of, and after the intros we could have a narrator deliver a few lines about how long the wait time is, maybe the 400,000 number, and that the cause of this are Obama's unconstitutional programs for unlawful immigrants in this country (or not, depending on how much we want to make this about the admin's polcies vs. simply trying to get ourselves included in any possible reform).


In order to give the viewer an idea of the ernomity of the problem, I think we should get as many people involved as possible. Volunteers should send their contact info to Kaylara, who is gathering and keeping the list. PM me if you would like to know more. Also feel free to add your thoughts, and keep the faith.

thedude6752000MaleIndia2013-12-30 19:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsStill Haven't Received NOA1

Call up tomorrow and ask to speak to a Tier 2. If they cannot help escalate to a supervisor. Also mention that your SO is from the Philippines. 

thedude6752000MaleIndia2013-12-04 00:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNumber crunching letter to senators

We need to do another mass email/fax blast this coming 16th or the day after whatever the new stats come out. 

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-06 11:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOtterly Delighted!!!


thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-08 10:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVolunteer to tell your story


thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-10 08:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVolunteer to tell your story

How is it risky? Are we to fear retaliation from our own government? Is that what America's about these days???

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-09 21:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsTrends for the last 300 approved petitions


The data that I took from the timelines does include 6 petitions that started out at Vermont, but were transferred to the other centers to be approved.


There is also 1 petition that was reported as transferred to Vermont and approved, but I left it out cuz it was an outlier.


Here are timelines for files that were originally sent to the VSC sorted by latest NOA2:




You'll notice that the last approval for a "normal" petition that was NOT transferred was on 11/22 for a Feb filer.


Here's the same list but by NOA1:




I'm clicking through some random profiles on there from earlier months (Feb-May) and it doesn't seem they have been updated much... hope this info helps


Thanks for the info. This gives confirmation to my suspicion that Vermont is simply sitting on I-130's, and only God knows when they will actually start adjudicating. Lord help us all.....

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-12 13:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsTrends for the last 300 approved petitions

This is not for K-1s. 

The philippines were expedited after the typhoon. Not all but most. So the data from that country will throw off the data.   Also, I think the data for NBC is that the files have not been transferred as of now  or the file owner has not updated their info. Its really hard to get a true figure because of how the spreadsheets were handled before they were locked and that many people have NOT updated their timelines  ETC... 


As for Vermont.. Who knows.  The files were suppposed to be transferred to NSC, TSC or CSC. If they sent some to VSC, then there isn't enough data for that service center.



They stopped sending new I-130's to the NBC in November and started sending them right to the service centers. I, like a lot of recent I-130 filers, am at the VSC. I don't like the fact that we have no data coming out on them, no not one bit......

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-12 09:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsTrends for the last 300 approved petitions



They werent a part of the workload transfer. 


So does that mean that they're just sitting on their I-130's? When should we expect movement there?

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-12 09:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsTrends for the last 300 approved petitions

This is terrible. Does that mean Vermont is just NOT adjudicating petitions???????????????????????????????????????????????????????

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-11 18:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRFE for my i130

it should be in your mail box Monday. The holidays and bad weather delayed lots of processing and transportation.

So, Monday, inchaa Allah, you'll get your RFE. I hope it is nothing serious.

Did you submit everything they ask for? both birth certificates, marriage certificate, G-325a forms, passport size pictures for both of you and proof of citizenship


They no longer require both birth certificates. 

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-11 18:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsare we the only January 2013 fillers left here with no noa2?

Yes, according to the liaison at the infopass appointment, it is there at the field office in the record dept. and currently there is no case officer assigned to it. Also, he told me that I-130 has no processing time limit so I asked him sarcastically: "So what are you saying? It could be 2 years before someone does their job?" He had no comment and said that it "most likely" will not take that long. headbonk.gif


God bless you. They would have had to call the police on me if they said that in my presence. 

I have another idea, get a lawyer for the next info pass and if they give you the same bull tell them you are going to file a writ of mandamus. There is, in fact, a limit and if they don't think that there should be let them prove that in court. 

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-13 16:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsare we the only January 2013 fillers left here with no noa2?

Demand to speak to a Tier 2 supervisor on the misinformation line and ask for an expedite . You are past official processing times so they MUST grant your request, remind them of this fact. Get the confirmation from the service request, make and info pass, bring the confirmation with you an show it to them and politely but firmly state that you want to talk to their superior. Keep asking for superiors till you get somone who can go in and find the damn thing. Keep doing this till you get results. Sorry sad.png

Edited by thedude6752000, 13 January 2014 - 01:19 PM.

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-13 13:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSick of the USCIS and Their Policies? They want to hear about it

Scratch what I wrote before editing this post. The mods have taken my letter down 3 times and moved it to a spot where no one can upvote it and comment on it. We're just responding to their thuggery and robbery of our right to free speech. 

Edited by thedude6752000, 22 January 2014 - 11:00 PM.

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-22 22:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSick of the USCIS and Their Policies? They want to hear about it

We need more votes! The mods are going to remove it tomorrow for sure and we need more that 156 to get it to the #1 spot!!!!!!!!!!!!!



We're rank 4 with 106 votes.

How ??


Everybody else has 0 or NEGATIVE votes (except that stupid "definitely need to be aware of immigration scams" crazy cat lady librarian).


Who is rank 3,2 and 1 ??


Sabrina C ?
Janet Napolitano ?

Michelle Obama ???


What the actual deuce ???


There are archived "ideas" as well. One that most VJ'ers would approve had 156 votes, that's the number to beat. 

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-22 22:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSick of the USCIS and Their Policies? They want to hear about it

Keep voting guys! Use alternate emails if you have them! We want to be in rank #1 by tomorrow, they are probably going to take it down by then!!!!!

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-21 17:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSick of the USCIS and Their Policies? They want to hear about it

Wow everything besides our post and the one right below it are in negative territory. Hope that gets our case some attention!

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-20 17:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSick of the USCIS and Their Policies? They want to hear about it

Remember to vote and downvote all of the other propositions guys. 

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-20 13:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSick of the USCIS and Their Policies? They want to hear about it


Not that I have anything against them - but us, our families and our besieged spouses are *LITERALLY* being outranked and upstaged by A public librarian with THIS HEADING



>>>>>  Definitely need to improve public awareness of immigration scams



I think I have an aneurysm of some sort ... seriously.. 


How are they outranking us right now? We are 7 they are like 35. 

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-20 11:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSick of the USCIS and Their Policies? They want to hear about it

Be sure to log in with other emails if you have them, and also to downvote the 2nd highest ranked idea. We some to have plateaued here. 

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-20 08:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSick of the USCIS and Their Policies? They want to hear about it

Nice so we have two days to get it up there :D

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-19 11:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSick of the USCIS and Their Policies? They want to hear about it

67 votes, #10! Come on VJ, let's get it past 100 and to #1!!!!!

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-19 10:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSick of the USCIS and Their Policies? They want to hear about it

In one day it tied for 1st place. If we could get it to over 100 by the time they came in on Monday that would be awesome!

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-18 18:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSick of the USCIS and Their Policies? They want to hear about it

Also note that you can PM the mod who moved my letter by clicking on her name. She's Sabrina, the one with the Statue of Liberty pic. Please send her a PM and ask her not to muffle free speech!

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-18 12:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSick of the USCIS and Their Policies? They want to hear about it

Should I repost it tomorrow? 

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-17 14:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSick of the USCIS and Their Policies? They want to hear about it

You can PM her on the site. I already did. What should be said?


thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-17 14:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSick of the USCIS and Their Policies? They want to hear about it

Well they gave it three days. It's been moved to back to the dead zone. 


"Sabrina C" of the USCIS posted the following canned response: 


Thanks for submitting your idea. We do not have any future campaigns scheduled for this topic, but your suggestion is valued and will be reviewed by USCIS. In the meantime, please continue to participate in the conversation. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.


What should our response be? Should I repost it?


Edited by thedude6752000, 17 January 2014 - 01:32 PM.

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-17 13:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSick of the USCIS and Their Policies? They want to hear about it

Please keep sharing and liking! We need 10 more! Also note that you can move ours up by down-voting the top post!

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-16 19:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSick of the USCIS and Their Policies? They want to hear about it

No, but it will be brought to someone else's attention.

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-16 11:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSick of the USCIS and Their Policies? They want to hear about it

Please vote for it more before they move it again!

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-15 23:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSick of the USCIS and Their Policies? They want to hear about it

Voted. Is that the same as agreeing because it's the only button I see?



thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-15 09:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSick of the USCIS and Their Policies? They want to hear about it

Reposted! Please like and comment!



thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-14 21:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSick of the USCIS and Their Policies? They want to hear about it

Since the USCIS moved my idea to a portion of the website where it could not be upvoted, I saved them the trouble of having to move it back by going back and reposting it:D 


Please upvote it as quickly as possible before they do the same thing again!




Give US Citizen I-130 & I-129f Petitions Proper Priority


The USCIS handles millions of petitions and applications for this country each year--an honorable and needed task. Even the agency's most ardent critics will readily admit that the workers of this agency face a daunting and serious challenge in speedily and fairly adjudicating all of these application while at the same time protecting this country and its laws.

What no one understands is how the agency decides to prioritize the adjudication of this massive workload. That some petitions and applications will have to wait longer than others is a given; that the spouses, children and fiance(e)s of US citizens should have the longest wait times is a proposition more than a bit harder to understand. For the past two years, first thanks to the President's extra-Constitutional Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, and then for his also extra-Constitutional Provisional Waiver program, the immediate family members of US citizens have been made to bear the burden of increased USCIS Service Center workloads (all, it might be added, to the benefit of people who broke US immigration law to come here and have been retroactively given psuedo-status by Presidential executive order, without the express permission of the US Congress to do so). The first victims of these programs were I-129f filers for K-1 fiance(e) visas. The wait time for these petitions ballooned from 3-5 months to over a year in 2012, while DACA filers were granted speedy approvals (almost never refusals) in less than 5.

In January of 2013, the wheel turned and I-129f filers began to see 3 month processing windows. To compensate for this, and for the President's new Provisional Waiver program for unlawful immigrants filing from inside the US (not approved by the Congress of the United States of America), filers of I-130 petitions for US spouses and alien children (!) were simply stored and delayed for almost 10 months, until a backlog of over 400,000 of these petitions had accrued. The USCIS is now working to end this backlog, but this tremendous backlog has resulted in wait times in excess of 10 months for an I-130 petition, and this for a visa which must face two more lengthy steps, the National Visa Center step and the US embassy step, in addition to any additional administrative processing which results from a US visa interview, before it can be granted.

Asking the spouses and parents of aliens to wait for something approaching two years (or more, depending on the additional Administrative Processing the embassy in question decides to take) to see their loved ones while unlawful immigrants are quickly and efficiently granted permission to reside here and even legal status is unacceptable and, what's more, unlawful, since the Immigration and Naturalization Act mandates US authorities to give first priority to the immediate family members of US citizens. The USCIS must in the future give priority to the applications for legal entry to this country of the spouses, children and fiance(e)s of US citizens. The USCIS must dictate that each month it will adjudicate a certain percentage of US citizen relative and fiance(e) petitions, as this is the priority which the law demands these petitioners be given.

Thank you and God bless the United States of America.

USCIS Customer and I-130 Petitioner

Edited by thedude6752000, 13 January 2014 - 07:07 PM.

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-13 19:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSick of the USCIS and Their Policies? They want to hear about it

I reposted it here. Please upvote or, better yet, spam your own "idea!"!!!!



thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-13 16:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSick of the USCIS and Their Policies? They want to hear about it

I just reposted it. Let's keep at it till they get the point!

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-13 15:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSick of the USCIS and Their Policies? They want to hear about it

That really pisses me off. I vote for civil disobedience. Let's spam them with I-130 petition "ideas" till that get the point that we're hopping mad and we want our ideas to be heard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-13 15:53:00