IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhat the Hell is Wrong with the VSC

Why are they so slow? They are the only one who hasn't been getting transfers, they should be going the fastest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How can you only do 939 petitions in a month if you have 14,000 in your backlog! Insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-23 13:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsExcitement!









You applied for a K-1 fiance visa, your wait time has NOTHING to do with our. Please post in the appropriate forum, and try to watch the caps lock. Thanks!

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-30 19:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsExcitement!

Hi all,

Thanks for the congratulatory messages, Indeed I know that this is just the begin in and that the NOA2 will take a long time..

Do you think it's possible that an NOA2 could be issued within 2-3 months??

We have been transferred to the Nebraska service centre.

Thanks :thumb:


No, that's not possible. I filed about 3 months ago and they laugh at me when I call. 3 months is "nothing" for these people. 

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-30 17:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInhumane


She could always move there.


People who think like this should be kicked out of the country and then told that they can always make a life somewhere else. 

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-06 17:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInhumane

I would love for you to show me one couple our government denied a marriage to because one of the spouses is foreign. Did you even think about this statement before you made it? Seriously after 9/11 things have changed. Background checks need to be done, it's national security. Would you rather have the government let everyone in and not do background checks so,your case can be adjudicated overnight?

Carolynhotstuff's husband over in Pakistan has, after going through a more than 1 year-long visa process, been put into and held in AP for more than 4 YEARS. That's functionally telling someone that they can't be together. No amount of name checks takes of four years. If you're taking that long to finish such a project, that means that it must be changing hands, which in facts increases the chances of letting a dangerous person in. The only concievable reason for a wait that long is that the government does not want citizens of that country coming to the US. It's a disgrace and a crime against humanity to do that to two people who love each other. It's totally inexcusable.

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-06 16:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDoes anyone knows how much processing time would be affected by change of address of beneficiary?

I've had the same question and I have been told that as long as the NVC gets the right address then it does not matter. 

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-02-05 17:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNeed to Strike While the Iron is Hot

We are now getting a lot of media attention, but we need to keep hitting hard. The media is fickle, even though immigration is in the news we need to work harder to shift the dialogue to us. I am going to begin rewriting my letter immediately, I'll be bumping that thread as soon as I get home. What else do we have here team? We need to get even more people talking about our stories. 

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-02-10 19:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWHY DOES THIS PETITION ONLY HAVE 427 Signors?

I'll tell you why, because instead of talking about US citizen spouses being cruelly torn away from their families in the US, the title rambles on about I-130 and I-129F petitions (it was stolen from my letter to the USCIS on their Idea website). What the hell is an I-130? Did any of you know before you got involved with this mess? The entire thing is copy and pasted from my letter, which was written for USCIS and immigration-savvy consumption. I was so mad when I saw this, if I had written it for a general audience it would be so different. 

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-02-11 23:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNew Letter Campaign

Israel is a borderline fascist state these days, I don't think that's a good comparison to use. In any event we don't want to turn the letter into some type of rant against illegals or an all-out attack on "liberalism." Remember the goal is to get our petitions processed fasted, not to hurt the illegals or the "liberal agenda."

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-02-09 10:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNew Letter Campaign

Should we make reference to this article in the letter?



thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-02-08 15:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNew Letter Campaign

Good call naam, Tuesday it is. 

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-02-06 22:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNew Letter Campaign

Since no letter went out last month and no effort seems to have been taken this month, I took the liberty of dashing off a letter for us to send next week. It's very rough, too long, and needs a lot of work. Let me know how we can improve it! I would like to send it off before the end of next week, earlier if possible.




To: The Honorable Bob Goodlatte ? Chairman House Judiciary Committee

Subject: Priorities of the USCIS Hurting US Citizens

Date: 14 February, 2014

 Mr. Chairman:


Subsequent to my letter of December 20 expressing concerns regarding I-130 petition processing time, the US has updated their processing times for November, and now officially declares that they are adjudicating petitions which were submitted during or after March 2013.



Although moving the processing date a whole month was a welcomed change to the one day change witness during the month of December, I wish to direct the Chairman?s attention to the following press release by USCIS on November 20, 2013: ?Furthermore, USCIS expects the processing of these Forms I-130 to be increasingly timely in the ensuing weeks, culminating in the return to an average processing time of five months for these Forms I-130 by May 2014.The current processing dates of the USCIS service centers, which range from 6 March 2013 to 20 March 2013, now indicate an 11 month processing window. If the processing date continues to move ahead only one month at a time every month, simple mathematics dictates that USCIS?s processing goal of 5 months will never be met. In point of fact, USCIS will have to move their processing date up by at least 4 months each month for the rest of the year until May if they are to reach the stated 5-month processing goal by May of this year. In addition to this troubling trend of slowly moving processing dates, it should also be noted that, despite USCIS?s assurance that it ?is ever-mindful of the need to process a U.S. citizen?s immediate relative Form I-130 carefully and expeditiously? the Nebraska service center, according to USCIS? own data, only adjudicated  6,040 petitions in November while more than 52,000 (!) waited in its backlog. The Vermont Service Center only processed 939 I-130?s in November while over 14,000 waited in its backlog.  Again to refer back to basic arithmetic, such a rate will result in more than a 14 month (!) wait for an I-130 petition for a US citizen, a far cry from USCIS? stated goals. It is hard to believe with numbers like that the USCIS is taking this problem seriously or investing the proper resources into resolving it; it rather appears that their words were just that, words with no intent of action behind them.


 As the issue of immigration reform once again rises to be debated in the US House of Representatives, I would also direct the Chairman?s attention to the current law of the land, the Immigration and Naturalization Act, as well as to the immigration reform proposals so far laid out by both the President and the Speaker of the House, which all highlight ?family unity? as a high priority for any reform. Family unity must indeed be a priority for reform, however intentions of reform ring hollow when the already existing legislation promoting family unity is blatantly honored in the beach.


Since the start of the President?s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and Provisional Waiver programs (all brought into being unconstitutionally, without the express permission of the Congress of the United States whose job it is to draft such measures) the wait times for I-130 petitions of US citizens for the spouses and children have skyrocketed to the current 11 month waiting time while unlawful immigrants have seen their paperwork quickly and efficiently adjudicated, with few if any rejections, in less than 6 months. While I appreciate the compassionate intent of the President?s programs and the necessity of handling the problem of unlawful immigrants which is addressed by the Speaker?s proposals, it must be admitted that making the spouses and children of US citizens pay for the violations of immigration law by foreign nationals in the form of longer wait times to see their loved ones is beyond outrageous. The Chairman and his committee are requested to take immediate action to induce USCIS to handle quickly and promptly what the law says is its most immediate priority?the family unification of law-abiding US citizens? and to also ensure that any reform of the immigration system under discussion include measures to lessen the wait times for US citizens?not only Legal Permanent Residents, but the US citizens by whom, for whom, and of whom this government supposedly exists? not be punished for the immigration violations of foreign nationals. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter and God bless.




USCIS Customer



Senator John Cornyn ? Ranking Member U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee

Senator Chuck Schumer ? Chairman U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee

Alejandro  Mayorkas ? Director USCIS

Lori Scialabba ? Deputy Director USCIS

Maria M. Odom ? Ombudsman USCIS

Brandi Blackburn, Assistant Center Director for NBC Division 8 in Overland Park, KS

Nancy W. Guilliams ? Director Office of Administration-USCIS

Rand Beers ? Secretary DHS


USCIS Public Engagement 

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-02-06 14:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

Literally could not have found someone better for this than you Kaylara. 1 million thanks are not enough!!!!!!

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-14 23:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

My friend also suggested: White House Comments line 202-456-1111


We could all start calling them. 


Good idea, but it is closed today. 

thedude6752000MaleIndia2013-12-31 14:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee







They didn't answer your questions, guys.. sad.png  Was so hoping I would see your faces there wink.png  Sigh.

They just made a general statement that the legal immigration backlog will be cleared once the bill is passed. 

If you read the bill, what they are refering to is the backlog at the NVC for approved F2A and other LPR visas which are waiting for their priority dates to become current. They are not referring to citizens like us and our spouses. 

thedude6752000MaleIndia2013-12-12 14:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

Thanks for trying on  on the Spanish call! 


After the break team Obama is going to come roaring back for immigration "reform" for illegals. I think we should put our video together, to show America that not just illegals but also citizens are being affected by this corrupt system. What does everyone think?

thedude6752000MaleIndia2013-12-11 22:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

Got into touch with Numbers USA, the guy was initially hesitant but after I talked to him some he said he would talk to the head of the org and get back to me. Progress!

thedude6752000MaleIndia2013-11-14 23:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

No luck with Numbers, every time I call the guy is in a meeting and he never returns my calls or voice mails.

thedude6752000MaleIndia2013-11-13 18:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

Touched base with Numbers USA again, had not looked at it yet but he said he would get to it by the end of the week.



thedude6752000MaleIndia2013-11-04 15:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

I just spoke with Numbers USA, the most prominent anti-illegal immigration group. I told him about the letter and emailed it to them. I discussed having them feature this letter on their website.

Edited by thedude6752000, 01 November 2013 - 11:05 AM.

thedude6752000MaleIndia2013-11-01 11:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

Her answer to me was thus:  Jessica XXXXXX Our bill focuses a great deal on family reunification. We are absolutely committed to approving the process for the immediate relatives of U.S. citizens. HR 15 is not only focused on undocumented immigrants, it's about American families. House Dems are currently talking to USCIS about their growing delays in the family-based immigration system--they need to improve processing times.



What evasive, nonsensical BS.

Edited by Kathryn41, 31 October 2013 - 06:10 PM.
to remove personally identifying/sensitive information

thedude6752000MaleIndia2013-10-29 13:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee


Another volunteer! That brings us to 16:


alaskafan, Kaylara, Blueberry Pancake, bobby299, AnnaTaka, Jayr&Kirstine, lucybelle, ShamoLisa, en-oh-eh-to now, thedude6752000, Ana&Sean, Macau PDX, r060106, londonwalker, YulingZhu, Kurt and Rose, and YOU*


We must get the word out. There are hundreds of thousands of others like us!


*Yes, you. Quit hoping for USCIS to move. Make us stronger.


When are we actually making the video?

thedude6752000MaleIndia2013-10-28 08:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

I am about to file my I-130 and I worked for Obama's campaign as a field organizer in Florida (in a really redneck district where people threatened to kill me, too). I would be more than willing to make a video, and call out the administration for betraying me. 

Edited by thedude6752000, 21 October 2013 - 09:04 AM.

thedude6752000MaleIndia2013-10-21 09:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportslets do something about those SLOW I 130 times

We would need a lot of media attention to get this to work. Also, the ways it's written is terrible. Who here knew what an I-130 was before they got into this mess? Pop quiz, do you know that an I-824 is? No? Then why would a normal American who never leaves the country, much less marries a foreigner in their country, know what an I-130 is? This plagiarizes my letter to the USCIS I put on their "Idea" website, that pisses me off so much. 

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-02-19 16:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsINFO about Division 8 at Overland Park

Oops wrong thread. 

thedude6752000MaleIndia2013-11-04 15:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsINFO about Division 8 at Overland Park

Touched base with Numbers USA again, had not looked at it yet but he said he would get to it by the end of the week.

thedude6752000MaleIndia2013-11-04 14:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 23, 2012 journey begins, January 15, 2014 : the start of a new journey

Its hard to guess I think.  If all they do AP for is this so called "name check" then that is BS. My husband has had visa's to the US on several occasions approved for as long as 5 years... If they suddenly thought he was going to a terrorist 1 year after they approved a 5 year visitor visa in which he can stay in the US for 6 months at a time... why did they approve that with no AP and in a matter of days? 

I wish you all the best, but be prepared for AP. I was so sure we'd escape it with my husbands long history of traveling and living in the US as a student and tourist. AP is by far the hardest part of the journey so making a game plan for extended AP now will help mentally prepare you a bit just in case.


@ "the dude" I think its great that your wife's family is so accepting. I have several Indian/American friends who have faced much backlash from families in marrying Anglo-Americans.


Honestly we are getting sick of the DHS, the DOS and their lies. I am on my career path to be a network engineer, in a year's time I should be pretty darn close or be there. By that time, too, I'll have a PIO card which will let me live and work in India like an India citizen. If one year from now we get AP and it doesn't get resolved in a month or so I am going to start looking for a job there (or, better yet, in another 1st world country like Germany where I speak the language and the immigration system is not so insane). I admire you perseverance but I am not nearly attached enough to this country to wait ten months after a year of the government's BS.

Edited by thedude6752000, 20 January 2014 - 11:43 AM.

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-20 11:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 23, 2012 journey begins, January 15, 2014 : the start of a new journey



Ours is going to be much longer sad.png

just the DHS/USCIS bit is going to be too damn long.

14 months with AP (?) sad.png


Delhi is super tough - but unlike Mumbai, you being there on the day of your interview will definitely help her out. 


I also think that if you middle load at the NVC stage (which I am also going to be doing), you'll be fine.

Middle loading is pushing more bona fide marriage paper with the IV envelope (even though its not on the checklist)


What's the worst they could do  - Delhi puts every other candidate in a 60-90 day AP.

Its bad but its manageable. 

If you luck out (helpful CO etc), you'll get a visa in 14 days.


As a former permanent resident who lived in the US for a few years, came back to India to start something which did not work out - and am now intending to return back "home" - I will tell you this - this nightmare, no matter how scary it is - is nothing compared to fighting with Indian bureaucracy. I hope that comforts you in some way. 


The problem of course, which you may or may not be aware of, is that she's a Muslim with the last name Khan and I am a white guy from Florida. I do take comfort in the things you mentioned though. Since my wife's family also hosted 2 male American exchange students in their house (in which my wife and her too sisters also live) in addition to letting their daughter marry a white guy from the US, I'll be getting affidavits signed by the US students and the American Institute in Lucknow stating that she is not a security threat. I have seen some bad AP's in Delhi though, more than a year, I am so afraid of that. 


And believe me I know well enough about the Indian civil service, I did have a nightmare trying to get our Special Marriage Cert from the judge in Lucknow when I was there. With that, though, we were just able to go over the ADM's head to the DM and he got it done immediately. If the ADM had not been such an obstinate @$$hole we would have bribed him for faster processing  too. In India there are ways to get around the system if you need to, but that's not true here unfortunately :(

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-20 08:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 23, 2012 journey begins, January 15, 2014 : the start of a new journey

10 hope the Delhi embassy is not that bad :( AP is supposed to stop terrorism but it IS terrorism, I live in terror everyday of what's going to happen after my wife's interview.....

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-01-19 20:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports5 months AP, Please Help ! No One helping !

Hello to everyone who is going through the same thing as me and many others.


Been 5 months Ap still no answer. Called VS and they said nothing was sent to check on the beneficiery. Its the embassy taking too long. I dont know what to do. They said all his papers are correct and theyve had his passport for the past 5 months. Its been since September 2013. My Consulate is in Lome,Togo West Africa. No one is helping or answering anything.





Call up your senior US Senator and get their office involved. Unfortunately there's not a whole lot you can do about AP :/ Tell the Senator's office to start enquiring weekly for you. 

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-02-12 09:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNew USCIS Processing Times are off Their Meds


According to https://egov.uscis.g...roPageType=onpt, you should wait an additional 30 days from the normal processing time before filing a service request.  So it's more like you must wait for 6 months before filling a service request (5 months + 30 days = 6 months). In addition, if you have received the transfer email in the last 60 days, it means you shouldn't file a service request (for another 60 days).


I'm an Oct filer, but I received the transfer email a week ago so I don't think I can file a service request.


If you're outside of the posted times the Tier 2 drones will file a request for you. 

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-03-18 18:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNew USCIS Processing Times are off Their Meds

5 months is still absurd, only 3 people in our October batch have acceptances and now they can almost all put in service requests. That's just crazy!

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-03-18 17:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNew USCIS Processing Times are off Their Meds

Do it now. They're  going to get flooded anyways, best to be first in line. The only reason I am not is because Vermont is the 1 service center that's not listing 5 months. 


They should have been honest and moved it to June 30th. That would have allowed the service requests to mop up the stragglers behind June. Now with July, August, September, and November (!) filers putting in service requests they are going to get flooded. USCIS you bloody morons, what the hell is wrong with you. 

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-03-18 17:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNew USCIS Processing Times are off Their Meds

5 months for Texas and Nebraska? Really USCIS????!!!! That sounds great but now they're going to be flooded with service requests, which is going to slow everything down. What nonsense, this new crock of lies is going to be just as destructive as their forever-stuck-in-October-2012 nonsense. USCIS you never fail to disappoint me. 

That means that everyone in the November thread who's at one of those two can now file a service request, and not a single on of us (not counting flukes from 4 months ago and expedites) have been approved. Nonsense!!!!!

Edited by thedude6752000, 18 March 2014 - 05:31 PM.

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-03-18 17:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAP... interview complete (split and moved)

Let this be a warning to all VJ folks: always take every doc you send to the NVC to the embassy! Make copies!!!!

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-03-23 16:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSo Confused and Need Help

Nope, I didn't. I meant that I received the email saying it's under admin processing the same day my status was updated for the 3rd time as issued. I don't know what's going on!! Is it issued? Or is it under admin processing?

Nope, I didn't. I meant that I received the email saying it's under admin processing the same day my status was updated for the 3rd time as issued. I don't know what's going on!! Is it issued? Or is it under admin processing?


Call State and ask what's up. 

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-03-24 13:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSo Confused and Need Help

I received it March 21st the same day my visa status was updated to 'issued' for the 3rd time. I am getting really impatient! What if I need to travel? How long do they hold my passport for? And if it's issued why did I get an email saying under administrative processing?


So did you get the passport in hand or not?

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-03-24 13:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAfter more then two years Visa in Hand

So you got AP? Jeese AP like that is unusual for England, did they give you a reason?

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-03-24 13:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSCIS has turned my marriage into a joke...

Sorry but I have to be honest here, 90% per cent of you here made a decision to get in a foreign web site and find someone abroad,or had arranged marriage with people living abroad or by "accident" met the guy/girl online, whatever?  others met their partners when travelling abroad or studying here,then why all this complain come from?. We  are our choices, you made a choice to have a long distance relationship or started a relationship when living here and not being a GC holder yet, and  USCIS has anything to do with that, they have to scrutinize everyone entering in this Country t's their job. Let's stop with the bs  about talking of illegal people, they are here over 20 years without status and any amnesty, then they are not taking your place with USCIS. 



1. Why does the fact that I met my wife while studying abroad on a US-government sponsored program make my relationship invalid?

2. Why is it that countries like Spain and India are able to give foreign spouses of their citizens permanent, legal residence in less than 1 month?

3. If they have to "scrutinize everyone entering in this Country t's their job" why shouldn't illegal immigrants have to leave and go through the same process?

4. Where do you get off telling us not to "whine" when the only reason people are talking about amnesty, and the only reason DACA is a reality, is due to the incessant whining of the Latino and illegal immigrants communities?

5. If our "whines" should not be heard, then why should we listen to the "whining" of people who knew what they were doing when the broke the law? The KNEW that there was no path to legal citizenship when they came here 20 years ago, so why should we give them a prize just for being able to cheat the system all these years? 

Edited by thedude6752000, 24 February 2014 - 07:46 AM.

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-02-24 07:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSCIS has turned my marriage into a joke...

I saw today the stats for Vermont in December, they actually did less than November, only 800 petitions and their backlog climbed to more than 18,000. The breaking point for me was last month when I saw the stats come out for Vermont. Combined with the nagging threat of AP against my wife, because she has a common Muslim name, I lost it. I guess I am the least devoted spouse here,  but I started questioning my decision to marry my wife. Of course she's done nothing wrong, she's the best, most faithful wife a man could ever ask for, but thanks to my own government I feel like I have fallen in love with the "wrong type of person." I don't want to say too much because I am wary of bad mouthing the US or its government on the internet, but let's just say this has not made me a more loyal citizen than I already was. 


I fluctuate between suicidal, deciding to discuss divorce with my wife, and determined to stay with her every day about 10 times a day. This is mental torture of the worst sort. 

thedude6752000MaleIndia2014-02-23 22:52:00