CanadaNVC - Packet 3

grrrrrr !!!

shoot off an email, hopefully you'll have an answer quicker than a phone call.......since you have to wait til 2 to call.

Good Luck Girl!!!

Tried that in March. They never replied.

What throws a really big wrench into things is that I lost my job last week. I don't know how well that is going to go over at the interview if I don't manage to get a good job by then and the interviewer asks what I do in the way of work.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-04-17 16:36:00
CanadaNVC - Packet 3

Necrotica ,
did you ever find out if your Montreal recognized packet 3 return date was 1/22 or 2/24?

I tried calling them today. When I first called, I got a busy tone. When I called again, they were closed. :angry: The Montréal Consulate info needs to be updated. They're only taking calls until 4 pm Eastern, not 4:30. Also the promps say you have to press 1, then press 3, then press 4 if you have your case # ready to be able to speak to someone regarding fiancé visas.

Edited by Necrotica, 17 April 2007 - 04:13 PM.

NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-04-17 16:12:00
CanadaNVC - Packet 3

For many it can be just a couple of weeks. I think I waited for about a month (my signature should say) and if you ask others (necrotica is one example I remember) ... well.. let's just say that it can be worst case scenario.


Yeah, we went through a whole bunch of #######. -_- Still no word on an interview as of yet...
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-04-17 15:56:00
CanadaCalled the Montréal Consulate...

If this is making you this miserable now, I can't imagine how it will be when you and Réjean file for AOS.

AOS is going to be a heck of a lot easier because we're going to be together. That's what's killing me. Not being able to be with him.

But what I was referring to was the wait during the AOS. I agree, it's much easier to be together when you're going through AOS, but when you have to wait...and wait...and wait....that was my point, if you're one of the unfortunate ones to fall into the name check hole. There's no room for impatience where that's concerned.

The wait during AOS is going to be much more bearable than this since we'll actually be together.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-04-22 04:34:00
CanadaCalled the Montréal Consulate...

If this is making you this miserable now, I can't imagine how it will be when you and Réjean file for AOS.

AOS is going to be a heck of a lot easier because we're going to be together. That's what's killing me. Not being able to be with him.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-04-21 15:31:00
CanadaCalled the Montréal Consulate...

Sorry to hear about that. Seems they will only go by receipt of checklist.

Have you told Rejean how all of these hiccups along the way have affected you?

He knows full well and feels terrible about it.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-04-18 19:43:00
CanadaCalled the Montréal Consulate...


I wish I had words for you......some magic ......anything......Im just so sorry for the ways things have gone for you.

Such is my life. If you only knew...

I feel bad that every time I post here, I'm p!ssed-off over this process. I wish I had a little more grace. I'm just not in a good frame of mind right now.

*repeats in my head, "At least it's not IMBRA, at least it's not IMBRA..."*
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-04-18 16:37:00
CanadaCalled the Montréal Consulate...
I am beside myself right now, completely falling apart.

I called the Consulate was quickly told that my fiancé was on a waiting list and they refused to speculate when he'd get an interview. I asked what the actual date was that they had him down in the system for.

March 2nd.

THEY GOT HIS FILE IN NOVEMBER, for crying out loud! It's been almost 5 months since NOA2, and it's been almost 8 months since NOA1. This isn't f*cking right. They either never sent out Packet 3 TWICE, or Canada Post f*cked up twice, we lost 2 months there, then my fiancé insisted that he knew how this process went and shushed me every time I advised him something about the process, only to find out a month after he sent off the DS-230 that he never sent the damn checklist, so we lost another month.

I lost my job last week, I have mental issues the way it is, and this is all pushing me closer and closer to getting committed into the psychiatric hospital.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-04-18 15:06:00
CanadaRescheduling Interview
srs1978, that is terrible that you didn't find out about this earlier, especially if the process has taken you 3+ years! It's worse than what my fiancé and I have been going through.

I agree with everyone here that posted. If there is any way even remotely possible for you to get on a flight to Montréal tonight, I would very highly recommend doing so.

Edited by Necrotica, 01 May 2007 - 09:47 PM.

NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-05-01 21:46:00
CanadaRescheduling Interview

well if she doesnt go it's too bad someone else couldnt get the slot.....someone in Montreal who's fiance is about to snap.....necrotica's rejean maybe :unsure:

Oh gods I wish.

He wants to be able to give at least a day's notice to his work, though. Plus he's already asleep for tonight, with no phone to call to wake him up. Plus it wouldn't happen, anyway. But ohhhh, I wish.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-05-01 21:42:00
Canadahi.......anyone who's interiview is on June???
My birthday is on June 22nd. If my fiancé could get his interview on or before then (or even notification of an interview/Packet 4), I would be ecstatic. -_-
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-05-18 22:42:00
CanadaUpdate on our Case being processed after Denial
THANK GOODNESS! HUGE congrats to you both!!!!
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-05-18 22:29:00
CanadaJune Birthdays
June 22nd here.

The only thing I want this year is for my fiancé to receive an interview, or at the very least, an interview date. Like it's ever going to happen, but one can hope.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-06-10 17:12:00
CanadaE-mail to the Montréal Consulate...
Thanks for the good birthday wishes, everyone.

Things are starting to get better. The temp job that I had been working for the past 5 weeks or so has ended, but the employment agency found another one for me that pays WAY better and is a temp-to-hire position!!! It starts on Thursday, so I'll have a few days to rest before it begins. Plus this job pays more than enough to be able to support the two of us on, and get this... it's a government job! I am so relieved that I might have something permanent again.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-06-25 11:38:00
CanadaE-mail to the Montréal Consulate...

Hey.. being annoyed and frusterated with MTL and this whole process is understandable. We all know how you feel so no apologies necessary.
Since he sent back packet3 in Feb its looking like he should have the interview in July. So you guys are almost there :)

Good luck :thumbs:

Good luck with the expedite request. I'm pretty sure they prioritize scheduling by when the checklist is returned, not the packet 3 date (why would they schedule you when you're not ready before other people who have returned everything?), so you might be out of luck since the delay in returning the checklist was on Réjean's end.

The medical issue might help, though, if they have a cancellation or something.

The fee increase sucks. Due to all of our wedding shenanigans, we'll probably be able to file August 4th or 5th but not by the end of July (wedding on the 20th, time to submit forms to the county, time to get the forms mailed to Connecticut, time to get the paperwork sent off puts us at around two weeks after the wedding, earliest.)

We had all the paperwork done in December, so we were already ready. Now that it's June, we may have to redo all of it. And Réjean sending back the checklist a month later was only part of it. He never even got Packet 3 until 2 months later, and that's only because he went to the Consulate and picked it up!

Thanks for the kind words, everyone. I'm sorry if my replies are on the bitchy side. I can't even come to this site anymore because it upsets me too much.

Wonder why I didn't get the benefit of the doubt like that. Hmm...odd, that.

Anyways...if it's tough now how will it be when he gets to the states? He'll still have to pay that 200 bucks a month won't he? Does he expect you to support him?

PS leave it to Greyhound to screw things up for you. Sorry they did that.

My fiancé originally said that there was an arrangement made to where he could delay payments from the time he comes here to the time he gets the work permit. However, with this delay, he's confident he'll be paid up by the time he gets his interview.


Any news? I'm thinking about yah kiddo! :thumbs:


Absolutely nothing.

Now THAT sucks. Hang in there and know you have us - who are equally insane but equally adorable :wacko:

Thanks for the good wishes.

It's especially hard tonight. It's my birthday, and he was supposed to be here by now to celebrate it with me.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-06-22 22:23:00
CanadaE-mail to the Montréal Consulate...


Any news? I'm thinking about yah kiddo! :thumbs:


Absolutely nothing.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-06-21 23:45:00
CanadaE-mail to the Montréal Consulate...

Good luck with the expedite request. I'm pretty sure they prioritize scheduling by when the checklist is returned, not the packet 3 date (why would they schedule you when you're not ready before other people who have returned everything?), so you might be out of luck since the delay in returning the checklist was on Réjean's end.

The medical issue might help, though, if they have a cancellation or something.

The fee increase sucks. Due to all of our wedding shenanigans, we'll probably be able to file August 4th or 5th but not by the end of July (wedding on the 20th, time to submit forms to the county, time to get the forms mailed to Connecticut, time to get the paperwork sent off puts us at around two weeks after the wedding, earliest.)

We had all the paperwork done in December, so we were already ready. Now that it's June, we may have to redo all of it. And Réjean sending back the checklist a month later was only part of it. He never even got Packet 3 until 2 months later, and that's only because he went to the Consulate and picked it up!

Thanks for the kind words, everyone. I'm sorry if my replies are on the bitchy side. I can't even come to this site anymore because it upsets me too much.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-06-10 16:56:00
CanadaE-mail to the Montréal Consulate...

:crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:

GODD*MNIT, THIS ISN'T F*CKING RIGHT. I finally log back in here to look around, and I find out that because of the new fee increase, it will now cost me $1,010 to get him his green card instead of the $505 it was going to cost (adjustment of status plus EAD, he wasn't going to file for AP). I have NO idea how I am going to be able to afford this. HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE HERE BY NOW. Long before now!!! With his "waiting list date" being March 2nd, there's no way he'll make it here by the end of July.

This isn't f*cking right AT ALL.

I'll reply to posts on here once I'm sober. I'm drunk as all hell right now. What a fine time for me to find out about this.

Is he not working and saving every penny he can for the AOS process? Just a thought that went through my mind.. I saved for the AOS process before I moved to the US I think is why I'm thinking that.

It is aweful timing for you guys.. sending you good thoughts, and sending Montreal bad horrible ones..

I would second Emancipation on that one. I did keep money aside for AOS and stuff while I was working in Canada and I would tell you to try to see it this way: More time for him in Canada is extra money to pay for this stuff. Thats the way I saw it. I stayed 4 more months than I thought in the beginning based on other people timelines. But because of that I was able to put more money aside.

Im really hoping things are gonna work for you, try to see the positive side of it sweety. (F)

There are no positives to this when I have to somehow scrape up $1,010 BY MYSELF to pay for this green card because he can't save jack sh*t because of getting $200/month garnished from his paycheck, I have only a $9/hour temp job that is going to end soon, and I have to try to pay bills with that AND car repair bills that has since reached upward of $300. So I can't put money aside, either.

:crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:

GODD*MNIT, THIS ISN'T F*CKING RIGHT. I finally log back in here to look around, and I find out that because of the new fee increase, it will now cost me $1,010 to get him his green card instead of the $505 it was going to cost (adjustment of status plus EAD, he wasn't going to file for AP). I have NO idea how I am going to be able to afford this. HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE HERE BY NOW. Long before now!!! With his "waiting list date" being March 2nd, there's no way he'll make it here by the end of July.

This isn't f*cking right AT ALL.

I'll reply to posts on here once I'm sober. I'm drunk as all hell right now. What a fine time for me to find out about this.

You guys are so in my thoughts. It is, indeed, not fair - not the wait, not the fee increase, etc. The process is a test to everyone's sanity, and I feel for you. Has MTL responded to your email? Any chances Rejean will be scheduled soon? Here's sending you the best vibes.

They never replied to my e-mail.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-06-10 16:52:00