CanadaE-mail to the Montréal Consulate...
Well, the e-mail has been sent. We'll see if they even answer it since they rarely reply to anything I e-mail them.

Funny how "va chier" was the first thing that came to mind to type to them, but I KNOW that wouldn't have helped any and would have hurt my case.

("va chier" = "go sh*t" in French)
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-05-25 00:59:00
CanadaE-mail to the Montréal Consulate...

Yeah, Necrotica, go ahead.
There's a thread now where the woman is so mad she's seeing spots :lol: She's airing everything, go ahead. Better to let it out, then to take it out on someone else :yes:

I just read her thread. Man oh man, I don't blame her one bit for being so infuriated!
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-05-25 00:52:00
CanadaE-mail to the Montréal Consulate...


you're among people who care about your situation in THIS forum. If you need to air or vent or rant or do whatever it takes to get through this in one piece then you do it!!! We're here. I shouldn't be so bold as to "speak" for the others but I think it's a fair bet that I "speak" for're among friends. It truly saddens me to think of you going through such a difficult time with this process.

I had to laugh when you said you've been accused of airing your laundry ............some chic asked about her hemorrhoids .......another her menstrual cycle........and lemme tell ya loads of ppl were jumping to their assistance. So to those who made you feel you didnt have a right ........faaaaaaaaaak em.

Thank you so, so much. Seriously, this made me feel better.

Yeah, that was a sh*tstorm of a post. Looks like it is now 11 pages long. I opted out of e-mail notifications of new posts and never went back after about halfway through after the insults started flying.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-05-24 23:48:00
CanadaE-mail to the Montréal Consulate...

One could always contact ur congress person!

I want to, but I don't know how, and I don't know how to word what I want to say. I even struggled with this e-mail to the Consulate. I asked a couple of weeks or so ago in another thread how to contact my congressperson and got some answers, but it still left me confused. I've really been dumbed down by everything that's been happening to me health-wise. Have locked my keys in my car twice this month, poured water out of a cup into the garbage can because, for a moment, I thought that's where it went, and wrote "drunk" instead of "done" on some paperwork at my temp job (and no, I wasn't drunk, haha)... so... yeah. I'm scared.

Why isn't your fiance writing this letter? I hope I'm not offending you, but maybe he could walk down to the Consulate and in person ask someone what's going on? Or why isn't he writing the email? I always thought it was YOU that was the Canadian! And heck, two days notice? I'd say in the email he's available at a moment's notice....can he not just run down to the Consulate if they gave him a call that morning?

Best of luck anyway you do it!

Carla (F)

No offense taken at all. :) Going there won't do any good. He had a difficult enough time picking up Packet 3 from the Consulate when it never arrived to him in the mail. As for two days' notice, he wants to be able to give work a day's notice before being absent. Also, he has no phone service (we use Skype for the few times we get to talk on the phone), so they wouldn't be able to call him, anyway. I could say more, but I don't want to make my fiancé sound like a sh*tty person (which he definitely is NOT) or "air out my dirty laundry" here as I have been accused of in the past here (on a different VJ forum). Thanks for the good wishes.

I was always under the assumption that one doesn't enter the queue for an interview date until both the checklist and forms are received, based on a statement on the checklist sheet itself.

This is true, as we learned the hard way. It was bad enough that Packet 3 was delayed by 2 months because of it either not being sent or Canada Post not delivering it to him, but he did not send the checklist back with the DS-230 and I did not find out about that until another month later. I get infuriated all over again when I think of that.

Your letter sounds good. Definately put in he is available for an interview on short notice. I'm sure that they must get a few short notice cancellations. Can you include a fax number that an interiview letter could be faxed too on short notice? It's worth a shot. I personally wouldn't include too much of a "sob" story. I'm sure they have heard every story there from people to get their case through faster. I think your best bet is if he can get on a standby list for cancellation.

I don't know if he can get permission from his workplace to have the Consulate be able to fax something to his attention or not. I'll have to ask him.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-05-24 23:05:00
CanadaE-mail to the Montréal Consulate...

My advice is to tell them the truth, and request for faster action due to your current medical situation. I would like to believe you wouldn't get any form of reprisal for this from the consulate - the worst they could do is say no. At best, you can hope that a kind-hearted person at the consulate will read your email and do what he can to expedite your interview.

Good luck!

Thank you so much. I decided to leave out the medical part for now. And the part where Réjean actually had to pick up Packet 3 at the Consulate. I have a feeling that their reply will be something like "Well he didn't turn in the packet until late February" deal, so if so, I'll remind them of that fact at that point in time.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-05-23 23:30:00
CanadaE-mail to the Montréal Consulate...

I say throw in whatever sob story you have and hope for the best. I do not think that they will purposely delay the case any further since from what I read the interviews are computer generated and not hand assigned by a person. I may be wrong however or read incorrectly.

You never know until you try. :) I sure did but I got nothing back from them. lol.

I would think, though, that there is some way to manually assign an interview. I can't see how they would leave absolutely everything to a computer without having any control whatsoever. :\
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-05-23 23:26:00
CanadaE-mail to the Montréal Consulate...
How does this sound?

"Hello, my name is Pamela P*****, and I am the petitioner for my fiancé, Réjean B******. I would like to know if there has been an interview scheduled yet for him for a K1 visa. If there's not an interview scheduled for him yet, is there any way possible that he could take a cancellation appointment? He lives in downtown Montréal, only a few blocks away and is available for an interview in as little as 2 days notice. I really appreciate your help with this; it has been almost 6 months since his approved petition was sent there.

Thank you very much.


Pamela P*****"
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-05-23 22:32:00
CanadaE-mail to the Montréal Consulate...
Hey, everyone.

I'm trying to compose another e-mail to the Montréal Consulate. The last one I sent out was over a month ago. Whenever I e-mailed them, I usually only said, "Hello, my name is Pamela P*****, and I am the petitioner for my fiancé, Réjean B******. I would like to know if he has been placed on a waiting list for an interview and if you happen to know when he could expect one." This time, I'm thinking about adding to that, but I don't really know how to word it.

I'm sure Montréal has heard multiple sob stories. I'm sure they've heard people getting really irate. My concern, though, is me saying something that will p!ss them off and make them delay my fiancé's case even more. That might just be my paranoia speaking, I don't know.

I'm rambling, sorry...

My question is... does anyone anticipate there being any sort of adverse action taken against this case or even more delays imposed if I point out that since they got my fiancé's file in November and that he actually had to go pick up Packet 3 from the Consulate that he is due his interview?

I don't know if it would help to add into that e-mail that I have health issues that are being exacerbated by the stress of the delays caused by this process. I don't like having to use that as leverage, but it's true, and I'm desperate at this point. This process is literally making me very sick.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-05-23 20:45:00
CanadaI'm back from Montreal -Had my poutine and smoked meat!
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-06-29 21:09:00
Thank you, everyone!!! Réjean found out about the interview when he called the Consulate, and then he got the interview letter in the mail the next day on the 19th.

congrats! hope he doesnt forget to go,lol, just kidding, congrats!

*LOL* Oh, he'll definitely be going and won't forget!
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-07-21 13:57:00
*cries in happiness*

August 8th... oh my gods...
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-07-18 15:51:00
CanadaVery concerned about the I-134...

I can't see how the Montreal Consulate is going to know you started a new job and you are not at your previous job.

The original employer letter from the old job is now 6 months old, plus if the interviewing officer asks Réjean where I'm working now, he can't lie to him (well, he technically could, but we're not risking that).
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-07-22 15:11:00
CanadaVery concerned about the I-134...

I don't have anyone willing to be a co-sponsor...

NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-07-21 17:37:00
CanadaVery concerned about the I-134...
As some of you know, I lost my job in April, after the I-134 and supporting documents (bank letter, employer letter, etc.) had been prepared since December. I can fill out the I-134 and have it notarized again without a problem, can get another bank letter, but the job situation is really stressing both Réjean and I out.

The job I have now is not a permanent job. It's considered "long-term temporary." The way it works is that we are hired on a temporary basis but have the chance to go permanent if there are permanent job openings available. It's considered "long-term" in the fact that the position is not anticipated to end anytime soon, if ever, but it's still temporary nonetheless.

Is this going to put Réjean's visa approval in jeopardy? I have 4 years worth of tax return transcripts that show I made well over the poverty limits, I have paycheck stubs from my last job that the affidavit of support was originally based on plus the ones from this current job, I have about $1,000 in the bank right now, I make $15.66/hour (!!!!) at this current job, but I'm going to need to somehow get a new employer letter from them, and it might end up saying that I'm temporary on it. Plus it may be difficult because I'm still on the payroll of the employment agency until I convert over to the actual company (but still as a temp) on August 5th... yeah, 3 days before the interview...

How much weight does all of this have with the Consulate? I don't have anyone willing to be a co-sponsor...

I am going to be SO UPSET if Réjean is denied because of this!!!
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-07-21 14:53:00
CanadaThe world is small


Réjean's accent comes from that area, too. He says "pourquoi", and it sounds like "pkqwuh". I can pick up a lot of French (took 3.5 years of it in school) from just about everyone but him unless he's swearing, hehe.

We want to move to Chicago, so if we end up doing so, there will be another French Canadian in the city!

POUTINE!!!! I loved that when I was up there...

I'll be definitely glad to cook one for you and Réjean if you come near Chicago!! Let me know if it happens! :thumbs:

YAY!!!! Will do!!
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-07-25 00:02:00
CanadaThe world is small

So me and my husband went to the apartment complex's pool yesterday with the kids. There is a girl there that takes people's names and verify pool passes sometimes. It was my thris time seeing her but i've never really talked to her before. Yesterday there was a bunch of 18-22 yo guys playing football in the pool and they are cursing and swearing a lot and they dont pay attention to little kids and there was at least 10 families with their kids yesterday and they were really annoying. 2 of them were trying to throw each other in the water and they almost hit our 2 yo :angry: And the girl told me she the only power she had was to take their pool pass away but since she was alone against maybe 8 guys she was a little scared they would just make more trouble. So anyways our 2yo prolly wanted to take his revenge I guess and puked his lunch in the pool ( ham sandwich) because he swallowed water by accident and evacuated all the pool :lol: :lol: So of course the girl closed the pool for the rest of the day to clean and treat the water. Ok thats not related to the K-1 thing and i jsut thought it would be funny to share!

So we stayed alone with her, trying to help her and catch the big stuff with a net (yeah I know im gross) and as we were speaking to her, I noticed she had a strong accent so she was probably not a native american. I asked my hubby when she was away and he agreed so he asked her if she was bilingual and she said "sure im French Canadian!" lol So I asked her where she came from and she is from Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean. For those who arent too familiar with Quebec's regions, people from Saguenay speak with a very strong accent compared to people from Montreal. So that's why she sounded so different. But after I asked her couple questions I found out she came here on a K-1 Visa 5 years ago. My hubby wanting to be a smartass asked her if she knew about VJ, and she obviously didnt. I thought she was weird after cause she told me she had wait almsot 4 years to get her GC ( ???) and that she was pissed at this immigration thing to not be able to work and travel for almost 4 years.... So that was my confirmation that she didnt know about VJ. SHe had no clue about EAD or AP. She filed her GC, never received anything, and she waited 1YEAR before calling them to know what was going on. Then she couldnt get answers cause her case was nowhere to be found.....THEN she called 1 YEAR LATER to get more info ( ????) and finally re-filed for her GC and then got her GC somwhere like 1year and a half later (????) But yeah she was clearly a really uninformed and patient person......Dunno how she went through that. :blink: Shes lives in the same appartment complex as we do and she works at the pool so I'll probably see her sometimes and share a poutine or something.


Réjean's accent comes from that area, too. He says "pourquoi", and it sounds like "pkqwuh". I can pick up a lot of French (took 3.5 years of it in school) from just about everyone but him unless he's swearing, hehe.

We want to move to Chicago, so if we end up doing so, there will be another French Canadian in the city!

POUTINE!!!! I loved that when I was up there...

Thats funny :P

On a side note, I ran into a lady from Montreal when I was visiting the in-laws in New Mexico. She's Native American so it was easier for her to move.

Réjean is Native American, too, but not enough to get a free ride into the USA. :\
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-07-24 21:14:00
CanadaNeeding some words of encouragement for Réjean...
Hey, all. I'm hoping you can share some words of wisdom for Réjean regarding his interview at the Montréal Consulate. He's really nervous and worried right now, and I can't really calm his fears because I don't know for sure how it goes, either. :(

Edited by Necrotica, 05 August 2007 - 04:58 PM.

NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-08-05 16:57:00
You'll do fine! :thumbs:

I love you!!!
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-08-07 09:08:00
AWESOME!!!! Congratulations!!!
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-08-08 20:08:00
Canada... and the answer is...
I am so beyond happy and relieved!!! 23 days until you move here!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-08-08 21:54:00
Canadasapa off to MTL next week!!
Good luck!!!
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-08-04 11:58:00
CanadaVisa Denied

Visa Denied, received a I-601 will fill in details later.

Oh no!!!! I'm so sorry... :(
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-08-10 08:59:00
CanadaHow to apply for EI...
Hey, everyone. I am thoroughly confused about how to help Réjean apply for EI. I'm sorry if this is a stupid question; I'm just so confused that it's making my head spin.

From the Service Canada website, it says, "Employment Insurance (EI) provides Regular Benefits to individuals who lose their jobs through no fault of their own (for example, due to shortage of work, seasonal or mass lay-offs) and are available for and able to work, but can't find a job." Well, he's leaving on his own accord due to getting his visa. His last day at work is on Friday. He even called and asked about getting EI benefits, and they said he wouldn't be eligible since he's quitting!

Someone please help. The "The Canuck EI Thread" only picks up where the old one left off (that no longer works), and the "EI Issue" thread doesn't start at the beginning either.

Thanks for your help.

Edited by Necrotica, 19 August 2007 - 01:40 PM.

NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-08-19 13:39:00
CanadaChange in Employment
QUOTE (misa @ Aug 21 2007, 11:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I would just bring an updated I-134 with supporting docs (for the original I-134 and the new one) to the interview.

Yep. That's what I did, and my fiancé's visa was approved. good.gif
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-08-21 13:18:00
CanadaQuestion about Montreal
Réjean said he got his in 3 business days, 5 days total. If I remember correctly, sapa_uscan, Lance, and Réjean got their visas on the same day. Which makes sense since they all had their interviews on the same day.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-08-27 20:47:00
CanadaI can't believe this...
QUOTE (Mephys @ Sep 2 2007, 12:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My thought is why didn't he check in the gauntlet? He could have brought it without problems probably since its not in the cabin...

But oh well!!

Congratulations for the newly reunited happy couple!!!

And have a long life of love!

kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

We want pics of the wedding!

That's the weird part of it all... it WAS in his checked luggage. It wasn't on his carry-on luggage. :\

Thanks for your good wishes, and I will be sure to post wedding photos! We even got a videographer, so I'll probably post the wedding on YouTube or something, hehe. September 22nd... it's coming up SO soon, and we don't even have a ceremony venue booked yet!
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-09-02 12:42:00
CanadaI can't believe this...
Here's here!!!! He almost got arrested at the airport (Dorval), but he made it here. *rests head in hands*

Réjean had these spiked gauntlets that he tried to bring with him. He called TSA to inquire about them and checked the website to see if he was allowed to bring them on the plane, and he was given the go-ahead. When he got to the airport, though, security accused him of trying to bring a weapon onboard, threatened to arrest him, and ultimately ended in them confiscating them. Which is a shame since they cost him $400. They also broke the lock on his guitar case, but that's because Réjean forgot to unlock it before it was inspected. oops8rh.gif

Oddly enough, they didn't confiscate his bullet belt... blink.gif
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-08-31 20:20:00
CanadaI can't believe this...
Thank you all so much for your good wishes.

I think it's finally starting to hit me now. He doesn't have to leave this time. We're actually getting married on the 22nd of September.

This is going to be such an adjustment. All the relationships in my life have been long-distance, and the only time I ever got to spend more than a few days with a significant other was when I lived with my ex for 2 months, and that turned out terribly. This time, it's so much different.

I seriously can't believe that this is finally the day we've been waiting for for so long...
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-08-31 10:03:00
CanadaI can't believe this...
QUOTE (liz_legend @ Aug 30 2007, 09:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I can't wait til the day I can write such a post myself!

So happy that you two can finally just *be*

Thank you so much. This process has been a nightmare but has been so worth it.

"Your I-129f was approved in 74 days.
Your interview took 348 days from filing."

NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-08-30 23:30:00
CanadaI can't believe this...
I don't think this is all going to hit me emotionally until tomorrow... I'm still in a state of disbelief...

Maybe this belongs in the Off Topic forum, but I don't want this moved over there. I was roasted there when I last posted about something. It turned into an 11-page sh*tstorm. Everyone here is so wonderful.

Réjean was going to take Greyhound over here, but his (ex-)boss actually bought him a plane ticket, so he's flying out to Kansas City International Airpot from Dorval and will be here at 1:30 pm tomorrow. I don't have any hope of him getting a temporary EAD stamp, but he said he's going to ask anyway.

I haven't seen him since January 1st. It's been almost 8 months. And to think I mailed out the I-129f package over a year ago now... time has really, really flown...

Thank you, everyone, for all your support. I wish you all the luck in the world in your journeys.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-08-30 21:58:00
CanadaRéjean & Pamela
QUOTE (Nini & Bee @ Sep 27 2007, 06:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh, it sounded like a lovely wedding! So glad to hear that you had a great day biggrin.gif

(...and how did you manage to keep the costs down? happy.gif)

I owe it all to my mother. She made the wedding dress (cost about $125 for the material), one of her friends made the bouquet ($28), her friend who owns one of the Chinese restaurants in my hometown agreed to have the reception there (about $250)... she had SO many connections that helped out tremendously in the way of costs. I'll post the price breakdown once I get it.

Edited by Necrotica, 27 September 2007 - 08:27 PM.

NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-09-27 20:26:00
CanadaRéjean & Pamela
Thank you so much, everyone!!! I'm so sorry for replying so late. Things have been crazy here.

The wedding was GORGEOUS. I don't have the final price breakdown yet, but I think we managed to keep the costs at just around $1,000. We had the wedding at a shelter house at a local state park, my old teacher that I LOVE performed the ceremony, we released monarch butterflies... it was so awesome...

I have lots of photos posted in the pics section of my MySpace page. Feel free to check them out! I'll be posting more photos once I get the professional ones along with the photos other people at the wedding took.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-09-27 18:42:00
CanadaHello, everyone...
QUOTE (Allie @ Dec 16 2007, 09:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Did Rejean apply for hos Employment Insurance?

No. sad.gif He got the paper that he needed from his old employer too late.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-12-29 13:28:00
CanadaHello, everyone...
Hey, everyone!!! Hope the holidays have brought happiness to you all. We asked for only one thing for Xmas, and we got it yesterday... Réjean's work permit was just approved!!!

I have some questions. Réjean's case was transferred to the CSC... so... what happens? He just gets his green card mailed to him with no interview? Will we need to prepare more documents to send? I know we might get an RFE because of the vaccination supplement or whatever we were supposed to send... we only made copies of the Québec immunization booklet thingie, and I read earlier that that's not what they wanted. The civil surgeon that Réjean went to (Dr. Howard Seiden) didn't give him anything after his medical. *sighs*

Also... taxes... how should we do that this year? Réjean only worked in Canada, which makes things easier, but I'm still rather confused. Should we file married filing jointly or seperately? I want to avoid having to go to a tax preparer if I can help it...

Thanks for your help.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-12-29 13:21:00
CanadaHello, everyone...
Hey there. I'm sorry I haven't been around much... I've been really sick. Too bad my illness doesn't allow Réjean to get his work permit any sooner... I worry about losing my job and not being able to take care of him. Hopefully it will only take another month or so before he gets his work permit. Poor guy is itching to get a job here.

I hope everything has been going well for everyone. smile.gif *hugs everyone here in the Canadian forum*

Edited by Necrotica, 15 December 2007 - 12:47 AM.

NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-12-15 00:46:00
CanadaThe in-laws from heck
QUOTE (Len_and_Bren @ Dec 15 2007, 11:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Necrotica @ Dec 14 2007, 10:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm WAY late to this party, aren't I?

Réjean's mother only speaks French, so I can't really talk to her very well yet. His father is deceased, so I'll never get to know him. It makes me kind of sad sometimes, since I'm extremely close to my own family and would love to be close to his, too.

Ma cherie.... time to learn the language of luuuuuuuv he he.... Rejean can be your teacher!!!

*LOL* Réjean has been taking great pleasure in teaching me nothing but the swear words thus far.

I took three and a half years of French class back in high school, so I'm lucky I don't have to start completely from scratch, hehe. I really want to take a class in it again since I learn best that way. Once Réjean gets his work permit and a job, I can afford to get out of my extremely stressful job and start taking lessons again.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-12-15 12:58:00
CanadaThe in-laws from heck
I'm WAY late to this party, aren't I?

Réjean's mother only speaks French, so I can't really talk to her very well yet. His father is deceased, so I'll never get to know him. It makes me kind of sad sometimes, since I'm extremely close to my own family and would love to be close to his, too.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-12-14 23:32:00
CanadaYour first post - what was it?
"About to start the process...
Posted on: May 30 2006, 10:26 PM

Hello, everyone! I'm new here, and I'm needing some guidance before my Canadian fiancé and I start the process of getting the K-1 visa...

Réjean has not filed his taxes for the past 5 years or so, and the government found out about it and is demanding payment. If we go after the visa while this is unresolved, will he end up getting denied because of it? Both of us live on our own, and it is going to take him a long time to get this all paid off. What we were hoping we could do is go through the process of getting the visa for him, getting married, getting the EAD, etc., and then once he gets a job here, we can both get it taken care of.

Thanks in advance for your help!"

(The tax issue never affected the visa process at all. Since then, he's filed all his back taxes and gotten the whole situation almost completely resolved.)
NecroticaFemaleCanada2008-01-09 22:51:00
CanadaMontreal said.........
NecroticaFemaleCanada2008-01-26 21:41:00
We just had to share the great news. biggrin.gif
NecroticaFemaleCanada2008-02-11 20:19:00