CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (flames9 @ Jan 6 2009, 04:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Necrotica @ Jan 6 2009, 04:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Rob and Mel @ Jan 6 2009, 03:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Necrotica @ Jan 6 2009, 01:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm sorry... I shouldn't have added that last part to my post. It was one of those few moments where I had come completely unglued.

Several years ago, I was in a similar situation..... no health insurance, a mountain of bills, and to top it off, a ruptured eardrum. I was lucky that I was assigned to this doctor at the emergency room. He initially prescribed me a litany of medications. After telling him that I could not afford all of them, he gave me a bit of advise. First he told me (as Flames advised) to always ask for the generic version, and he told me you can always ask the doctor if they have any sample packages. I got a bag full of sample packages and was very grateful for it. good.gif

The medication I got was the generic; I insisted on it. The $50 was the office visit fee.

I know they canbe hard to find, but have you been able to locate any free clinics? My Nursing program offers a free clinical, staffed by student nurses and fully qualified Nurse Practitioners. Ya , u get bombarded with questions,lol, but its free!! Check out your local universities to see if they have a Nursing or physicians program and if they offer a free, or reduced fee clinical. Or play around with Google, and see if you can locate a clinic that way! They tend to not be very well advertised, so it can take some poking around. What city do you reside in. I could email one of my instructors and see if she knows of any in your area.

No, you were not incorrect in stating 1800-suicide sucks,lol There are some crappy counselors! I'm sure they mean well, but just can't communicate that well. If they are not helping, let them know, and more than likely they can get some one else, or call another service!! Or PM me, i may not have anything wise, but sometimes, just writing stuff down helps! Some suggest to write things down, and throw it in the garbage, keeping stuff bottled up may not help.

Thanks, Flames. I've been to about 15 counselors in my life (yeah, I'm pretty screwed-up in the head; I admit it freely), but I've only found two that I actually felt could help me. Neither of which I could see for long due to my crappy circumstances each time. I've given up at this point.

There are those types of clinics here, but from what I understand they are extremely difficult to get into (have to wake up very early and basically flood the phone line to try and get an appointment; it's like calling a radio station to try to be the #th caller to win a prize). With the fatigue I have to deal with plus the bronchitis on top of it, I'm sorry, but I just don't have the energy to fight like that. Plus they'd probably deny me anyway simply because my husband alone earns something like 200% of the poverty level, even though our bills (and his carefree spending habit; a whole 'nother rant) eat it all up.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2009-01-06 23:51:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Rob and Mel @ Jan 6 2009, 03:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Necrotica @ Jan 6 2009, 01:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm sorry... I shouldn't have added that last part to my post. It was one of those few moments where I had come completely unglued.

Several years ago, I was in a similar situation..... no health insurance, a mountain of bills, and to top it off, a ruptured eardrum. I was lucky that I was assigned to this doctor at the emergency room. He initially prescribed me a litany of medications. After telling him that I could not afford all of them, he gave me a bit of advise. First he told me (as Flames advised) to always ask for the generic version, and he told me you can always ask the doctor if they have any sample packages. I got a bag full of sample packages and was very grateful for it. good.gif

The medication I got was the generic; I insisted on it. The $50 was the office visit fee.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2009-01-06 16:56:00
CanadaThe Vent
I'm sorry... I shouldn't have added that last part to my post. It was one of those few moments where I had come completely unglued.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2009-01-06 16:11:00
CanadaThe Vent
I've had bronchitis for the past week (starting the day before New Years Eve) and had to go to Urgent Care on New Years Day for a prescription and pay $50 since I'm uninsured, I've been out of work for 2 weeks due to lack of work and unemployment is jacking me around so I'll probably end up getting denied for that, then, after finally getting work yesterday, my phone line goes down, I miss a couple of calls, and end up losing my $50 bonus for the month, and Réjean and I still can't find his wallet. I just got off the phone with USCIS customer service, and they say the only way that he can get the I-551 stamp in his passport is if he proves that he filed for a replacement green card, which is $390, which we don't have. Meanwhile, Réjean is driving with no license because the DMV requires him to show his green card or the stamp to prove he is legally here.

I can't handle this. I'm so sick and tired of life kicking me down when things finally start looking up. We had a $394 electric bill that we owed for the electricity in our old apartment but my grandfather was kind enough to give us a $400 check to cover it. I was so relieved to not have to worry about it anymore, and now this? $390 for a lost green card that is supposed to be on you at all times? This is cruel. So f*cking cruel. I've had it.

Don't even tell me to call 1-800-SUICIDE. It's a crock of sh*t and makes you feel even worse after you get off the phone with them. And please don't mention "God" unless you really want to see me go postal.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2009-01-06 10:08:00
CanadaThe Vent
I can't believe my husband lost his wallet. WITH HIS SOCIAL SECURITY CARD AND GREEN CARD IN IT.

####. We can NOT afford another green card!!!! And I told him not to keep his Social Security card in his wallet, but what did he say? The same f*cking thing he said when he left his backpack with all of my information in Greyhound's cargo hold instead of keeping it with him like I asked him to (remember what happened with that?):

"Don't worry; it'll be fine".


I am so f*cking livid.

NecroticaFemaleCanada2009-01-05 00:35:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (trailmix @ Dec 11 2008, 11:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Necrotica @ Dec 11 2008, 12:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (trailmix @ Dec 11 2008, 10:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh blah! I hear you, he obviously isn't in a great position to help with his wisdom tooth situation, poor guy.

I don't know how you pack - so hopefully what i'm going to say will be helpful, if not, you are reading it and it took your mind off packing for 4 mins!

Right now all you need to do is get from point A to point B. To accomplish this everything has to be in 'something'. All soft goods can be thrown in a garbage bag (forget about this for your clothes that are hanging up - just throw them in the back of the car on their hangers)

As for other stuff, if you have the cash to buy totes, buy as many as you need and just toss everything in totes. If not, or you are using boxes - start tossing stuff in.

As long as you maintain some semblence of order, you will be fine (ie all knives forks and other utensils in one box - throw the eating utensils in a freezer bag first so you don't have to rewash them).

Glass goods need care - but other than that, just start tossing stuff in!

You can sort it all out later, in your own time.

That's exactly what the plan is, minus the totes. good.gif We have very, very little money right now, and this $130 deposit has got us freaking out badly.

Hopefully they will just add it on to your bill, which isn't a great help - but better than nothing - if they haven't offered maybe you can ask them if they can?

They won't. Nor will they take payments. It's either pay out the full $130 up front, or you have no water. Believe me, I asked.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2008-12-11 12:56:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (autumnchik @ Dec 11 2008, 11:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Awww Necrotica .... heart.gif

Are there any universities nearby that have a dental school? When I was in grad school, I got really inexpensive dental care at the dental school clinic .... I just had to let a student work on my teeth smile.gif

There are, actually. Problem is there's a long wait time for them plus he's being stubborn and not wanting to go. He's dealt with this before back in Canada and he said the pain eventually went away. It scares me, though... I've heard of untreated dental problems actually killing people.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2008-12-11 12:09:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (trailmix @ Dec 11 2008, 10:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh blah! I hear you, he obviously isn't in a great position to help with his wisdom tooth situation, poor guy.

I don't know how you pack - so hopefully what i'm going to say will be helpful, if not, you are reading it and it took your mind off packing for 4 mins!

Right now all you need to do is get from point A to point B. To accomplish this everything has to be in 'something'. All soft goods can be thrown in a garbage bag (forget about this for your clothes that are hanging up - just throw them in the back of the car on their hangers)

As for other stuff, if you have the cash to buy totes, buy as many as you need and just toss everything in totes. If not, or you are using boxes - start tossing stuff in.

As long as you maintain some semblence of order, you will be fine (ie all knives forks and other utensils in one box - throw the eating utensils in a freezer bag first so you don't have to rewash them).

Glass goods need care - but other than that, just start tossing stuff in!

You can sort it all out later, in your own time.

That's exactly what the plan is, minus the totes. good.gif We have very, very little money right now, and this $130 deposit has got us freaking out badly.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2008-12-11 12:06:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (trailmix @ Dec 11 2008, 10:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Necrotica @ Dec 11 2008, 11:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This moving thing is just too much...

We move in 2 days. I have only 1 box packed because I've been having a major chronic fatigue flareup for the past 2 weeks. My back is already hurting and I've barely done anything. On top of this, I call the water company to get the water turned on, and they tell me that there's a $130 deposit!!! This is on top of the $45 gas deposit, the $20 transfer fee from the cable company, and the $20 charge for changing my phone # (which I am forced to do; I don't even have a choice).

And if that wasn't enough, something is broken either under the dishwasher (that hasn't worked right in over 2 years) or the sink because there is water leaking all over the floor.

I can't handle all this.

Aww Necrotica, i'm so sorry. It must be awful...where is your Husband? At work probably! You need to give him a call and tell him you need help.

He's a woodworker so he's always completely exhausted by the time he comes home. Plus he's been dealing with severe wisdom tooth pain for the past week or so. Last night he didn't even sleep at all. sad.gif Of course we don't have dental insurance (although he finally has health insurance from work, thank goodness) and can't afford anything right now, so what's a person to do?
NecroticaFemaleCanada2008-12-11 11:48:00
CanadaThe Vent
This moving thing is just too much...

We move in 2 days. I have only 1 box packed because I've been having a major chronic fatigue flareup for the past 2 weeks. My back is already hurting and I've barely done anything. On top of this, I call the water company to get the water turned on, and they tell me that there's a $130 deposit!!! This is on top of the $45 gas deposit, the $20 transfer fee from the cable company, and the $20 charge for changing my phone # (which I am forced to do; I don't even have a choice).

And if that wasn't enough, something is broken either under the dishwasher (that hasn't worked right in over 2 years) or the sink because there is water leaking all over the floor.

I can't handle all this.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2008-12-11 11:11:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Carlawarla @ Dec 10 2008, 08:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Exactly trailmix! good.gif You should move to St. Louis! wink.gif

I miss living in St. Louis. sad.gif
NecroticaFemaleCanada2008-12-10 12:54:00
CanadaThe Vent
Ok, vent dump...

I've been feeling very panicky ever since we applied for getting the duplex. I'm sure now that it's a combination of major change, money issues, the daunting task of packing (especially with health and back issues), and everything else, most notably the fact that I can't get private health insurance because of my health issues, and I can't afford to be on my husband's employer's plan (they want $490/month premiums). So, I'm screwed. I KNOW that my issues can be taken care of if I just have a couple of visits to a GOOD doctor and maybe a good specialist, and I could be rid of whatever has been wrong with me for the past two and a half years, but nooooo. IF I can even find an insurance provider willing to take me on, there's a year wait for preexisting conditions! #### THE AMERICAN HEALTHCARE SYSTEM.

That, and my husband spends WAY too much money, and if it doesn't stop, I will be transferring all the bills into HIS name so my @ss will be off the hook if we end up too far behind. With his full-time job and my part-time one and not having any kids, there is absolutely NO reason why we should be scraping by and being late on bills like we have been the past few months. He and I have only had an actual argument maybe once or twice in the past year, and we have discussed this issue before, but if this does not change, there's going to be a BIG one!
NecroticaFemaleCanada2008-11-20 10:39:00
CanadaThe Vent
I can relate to the marriage issues...

I've been having troubling emotions (and lack of) regarding this for a long while now. I thought it would go away once my husband and I were together again, but it hasn't. I tried going to counseling for it, but talking to my counselor was like talking to a brick wall.

Everything is so passionless. I'm definitely not considering divorce or anything like that because I do love him dearly, but it feels like I'm living with a roommate rather than a love.

I don't know how to fix this...
NecroticaFemaleCanada2008-08-29 15:48:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Kathryn41 @ Aug 16 2008, 08:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Grrrr - another USCIS vent. I check my status online everyday (although why I bother I don't know as there probably won't be any changes there for another year at least!) and it tells me it is time to change my password (the second time to change it since I filed . . . it is frustrating that people who filed at CSC 2 months after me are already getting approved . . . ). So, using the same information I have been using the last 3 months to check my account, I enter my information and my choice for a new password. It tells me that my personal information is invalid. So, I retype everything in case there was a spelling mistake or a wrong case by accident - and it repeats it - it is invalid. It seems to have been irrelevant that the information has been valid the last 3 months! So, I fill out the form to ask them to send me my user name and password that they say are invalid, and I enter my email address and it pops up my security question - what Street did you Grow Up On? I type in the correct answer (there is only one!) and it tells me that is invalid!!! Geesh!! So, I have just sent an email to their webmaster telling them to fix their system. I hate this having to change passwords every 3 months, especially when it seems to be such a hassle every single time. I had to start a whole new account for my I-751 because I couldn't get access to the account I had when going through AOS and I really don't want to have to start another new account. USCIS website must be littered with abandoned accounts because people can't get access to them anymore. (Oh, and I did have another week to go before I had to change the password so that wasn't the problem). GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

That really sucks. Unfortunately, I know how that goes. I had to make a second login account for the AOS application because I couldn't get logged back into the one I had made for the I-129f one! I'll probably have to make a third one for when Réjean applies for removing conditions and a fourth for citizenship!
NecroticaFemaleCanada2008-08-16 09:18:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Necrotica @ Jul 10 2008, 01:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (IR5FORMUMSIE @ Jul 10 2008, 01:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Krikit @ Jul 10 2008, 08:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This site might help you out, Necrotica:

Credit Info Center

That's what I was thinking of Krikit. good.gif Necrotica, first you should probably get a free credit report from experian, trans-union and equifax. Sometimes there are differences between the three so you should try to get them all. You will be able to see what is written on your credit record and if you do decide to go to a credit counselling agency it will be that much easier. Good luck. good.gif

I don't know if I have enough time now.

I found out from my father last night that the sheriff was at their house trying to serve me with the papers (in Iowa) and that as of today they have already mailed the papers to the sheriff's office here in my county in Kansas.

This is #######. I am just on the verge of the statute of limitations with this debt, if not possibly a little bit over. It's 6 years in Iowa. In Kansas, it's 3.

I don't know how to get proof of when the debt was actually charged off, though. My old credit report only says "date of last activity 5/2002".

WAIT A MOMENT. It's a 5-year statute of limitations in Iowa, not 6 (according to! If the account was charged off in 2002 and there was no contact made with me, doesn't that mean I can get the judgement dismissed?!

Edited by Necrotica, 10 July 2008 - 01:51 PM.

NecroticaFemaleCanada2008-07-10 13:50:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (IR5FORMUMSIE @ Jul 10 2008, 01:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Krikit @ Jul 10 2008, 08:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This site might help you out, Necrotica:

Credit Info Center

That's what I was thinking of Krikit. good.gif Necrotica, first you should probably get a free credit report from experian, trans-union and equifax. Sometimes there are differences between the three so you should try to get them all. You will be able to see what is written on your credit record and if you do decide to go to a credit counselling agency it will be that much easier. Good luck. good.gif

I don't know if I have enough time now.

I found out from my father last night that the sheriff was at their house trying to serve me with the papers (in Iowa) and that as of today they have already mailed the papers to the sheriff's office here in my county in Kansas.

This is #######. I am just on the verge of the statute of limitations with this debt, if not possibly a little bit over. It's 6 years in Iowa. In Kansas, it's 3.

I don't know how to get proof of when the debt was actually charged off, though. My old credit report only says "date of last activity 5/2002".
NecroticaFemaleCanada2008-07-10 13:34:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Krikit @ Jul 10 2008, 07:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This site might help you out, Necrotica:

Credit Info Center

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! This is exactly what I needed.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2008-07-10 11:48:00
CanadaThe Vent
I am completely freaking out... crying.gif crying.gif crying.gif

I have old credit card debt from 2002 that I stupidly ignored all these years because I was bouncing around from place to place and worked myself into a panic attack every time I thought about it.

Well, a sheriff shows up at my parents' house in Iowa trying to serve me with papers to sue me in court.

What the heck am I going to do? I have no job. I have a total of $200 that I can give them if they are willing to settle with me at this point, but I fear it's too late. I just hope this doesn't affect Réjean's credit because the debt was incurred long before I met him.

All this for a $500 credit card.

I know it's my fault and that I probably deserve this, but now I'm scared I'm going to end up trashing my credit again after I worked to get it back up and that we won't be able to own a house for another 7 to 10 years.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2008-07-09 20:57:00
CanadaThe Vent
I want to meet my mother-in-law, brother-in-law, and nephew. sad.gif

Sometimes I forget that I even HAVE this new family because they're all the way in Québec. Not like I'd be able to talk to my mother-in-law and nephew anyway, since I can't speak or understand much spoken French and they can't speak English... but still... family has always been so important to me since I've always been so close to my own...

Also, this next part is in no way a vent, but it ties in with the above vent... today is my parents' 35th wedding anniversary! How ironic that it happens to be on Canada Day. heart.gif
NecroticaFemaleCanada2008-07-01 13:27:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (autumnchik @ Jun 25 2008, 07:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That sucks Necrotica. Have you filed a complaint yet?

I'm going to.

Surprisingly, I still have access to my e-mail. As tempted as I was to send a message to all of Medicare stating in 72-point bolded Arial font that my company sucks fat, hairy d*ck as was done two days ago by a fellow disgruntled employee, I refrained and alternatively sent an e-mail to the co-workers I was closest to saying goodbye, that I enjoyed working with them, and that I wish them all the best in their future endeavors. That felt kind of nice.

NecroticaFemaleCanada2008-06-25 19:38:00
CanadaThe Vent
I received a letter from my (ex-)employer today. They fired me effective June 20th.

Edited by Necrotica, 25 June 2008 - 06:59 PM.

NecroticaFemaleCanada2008-06-25 18:57:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (trailmix @ Jun 15 2008, 08:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Necrotica @ Jun 14 2008, 07:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Necrotica @ Jun 14 2008, 01:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This isn't a life-impacting vent like most of the ones I have, but it's still annoying:

I bought a brand new 22" LCD monitor today to replace my 8-year-old 15" CRT one, and it's majorly defective.

If the store doesn't take it back, I will go postal.

That is all. innocent.gif

WOW. Not only did I take it back, but I exchanged it for another of the same model, and THAT one was defective, too!

That's ok, though, because it was a widescreen monitor that I ended up not liking anyway. Instead of getting yet another replacement, I went for a 20" normal square-shaped LCD monitor, which I really like. All's well that ends well. smile.gif

Great news Necrotica good.gif

Do you want to share with us who manufactures the original faulty monitors??

It's by a company called Soyo. The nodel number is DYLM2284.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2008-06-15 17:41:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Necrotica @ Jun 14 2008, 01:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This isn't a life-impacting vent like most of the ones I have, but it's still annoying:

I bought a brand new 22" LCD monitor today to replace my 8-year-old 15" CRT one, and it's majorly defective.

If the store doesn't take it back, I will go postal.

That is all. innocent.gif

WOW. Not only did I take it back, but I exchanged it for another of the same model, and THAT one was defective, too!

That's ok, though, because it was a widescreen monitor that I ended up not liking anyway. Instead of getting yet another replacement, I went for a 20" normal square-shaped LCD monitor, which I really like. All's well that ends well. smile.gif
NecroticaFemaleCanada2008-06-14 18:39:00
CanadaThe Vent
This isn't a life-impacting vent like most of the ones I have, but it's still annoying:

I bought a brand new 22" LCD monitor today to replace my 8-year-old 15" CRT one, and it's majorly defective.

If the store doesn't take it back, I will go postal.

That is all. innocent.gif
NecroticaFemaleCanada2008-06-14 01:20:00
CanadaThe Vent
Thank you so much for all the support, everyone. It means the world to me.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2008-06-11 23:36:00
CanadaThe Vent
Sheryl at Human Resources called me today. She basically told me that "if the job is not a good fit for me anymore, they would accept my resignation".

*rips hair out*


I actually showed some balls for once and told her right over the phone that I'm filing a complaint with the EEOC because this whole situation is ridiculous and never should have happened. She then asked for another doctor's letter stating my restrictions so that they could grant me accommodations. HOW?! I don't have insurance anymore! Plus that is not required to make accommodations! You only need to turn in documentation that you have a disability, which I did in SEPTEMBER.

I HATE THIS SH*T, and I HATE MY LIFE. Why couldn't I have impairments that would actually KILL ME instead of ones that aren't going to kill me but will instead ensure that I have a very long, miserable life? I've dealt with struggle after struggle after struggle after struggle IN-F*CKING-FINITY since I was 11 years old. I am going to turn 27 in 13 days. IT HAS BEEN 15 YEARS OF CONSTANT STRUGGLE. I AM SO TIRED OF IT.

NecroticaFemaleCanada2008-06-09 14:12:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (autumnchik @ Jun 5 2008, 08:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good luck with HR. One thing I just thought of (you may have already done this) ... ask your doctor or a mental health therapist (if you see one) to complete a FMLA leave request for you. I have done several for clients (I'm a mental health therapist) ... some when they absolutely needed to be on leave for a bit due to their disabilities, but I have also done a couple for clients because their HR department just wanted to have documentation on file that they MAY need time off periodically for appointments and such.

I don't qualify for FMLA yet because I haven't been there for over a year.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2008-06-06 06:54:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (thetreble @ Jun 5 2008, 03:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
back story necrotica, please!! smile.gif

Oh boy... it's going to be a long story... luckily I can cut and paste part of it from a former vent, hehe.

I have a lot of disabilities. I'm autistic (high-functioning), I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, severe depression (which was in remission before all this ####### started happening), other mental issues (condensed for the sake of brevity), a back deformity that has the capability of causing me so much pain that I can't even walk, and some mystery joint pain in my fingers which makes using my right hand very painful (a couple of doctors are giving me conflicting diagnoses regarding that). Despite all of this, I had worked in my current job doing Medicare customer service for almost a year... until this past March.

I was doing ok at work for the most part until they started training me to do other things. The stress of this combined with my disabilities and the fact that they would make no accommodations whatsoever for me even though they could have led to me having a series of breakdowns until I finally had a massive one that has rendered me completely unable to work as of March 18th. My leave has been completely unpaid, and my short-term disability was denied because my idiot doctor apparently told them something to the effect of my job causing my disability, so now they said I should file a worker's compensation claim. This is NOT a worker's comp issue; I was diagnosed with CFS and Fibromyalgia in March of 2007 before I even started working there! It's just that I had a huge flareup that resulted in burnout because they would not offer me any accommodations.

Here's a brief timeline:

Mid-September 2007 - Took my diagnosis letters to Human Resources, saying I wanted them on file in case I ever need to have accommodations. HR lady (different one than who I talked to today) tells me that I "can't have any excused time off just because I don't 'feel well'". This very highly upset me, since it's not just a case of not "feeling well"; it's a case of not even being able to FUNCTION.

Late November/early December 2007 - Tried to talk to my supervisor about getting accommodations. He refers me back to HR. I told him about what happened in HR and that my mental health can NOT handle another snide comment because I was in a very dangerous mental state of mind, and he says I have to go back there anyway, even though the employee handbook says that asking my supervisor for accommodations is acceptable and that it would be his responsibility to go to HR with my request. Obviously, that never happened.

Mid-December 2007 - Got a verbal warning for attendance. The stress on me was too much for me to handle, which was why I kept missing work. The verbal warning made my stress level go even higher, which meant more flareups and more absences (see the pattern here?).

Late January 2008 - Finally e-mail HR requesting accommodations.

Late February 2008 - Meeting with HR reharding accommodations. They tell me that working from home is not an option because the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services don't want me to for some reason (even though there are others in my department who can work from home), and that they'll see what they can do about getting me into a different department with a lower stress level.

Late February/early March 2008 - I get put into training for not only Durable Medical Equipment Claims Level 1, but also Level 2 right after training for Level 1. These representatives take calls regarding Medicare fraud in relation to medical equipment. VERY HIGH-STRESS. The funny part is that there was Written Correspondence training going on at the same time, which is what I had originally requested transferring over to, and getting into that department would have meant MUCH less stress and it more than likely would have kept me from having my final meltdown. Many people were being transferred from my department over there anyway, so transferring me over there as well wouldn't have made them do ANY extra work whatsoever.

Mid-March 2008 - Was put on a written warning for attendance, meaning if I miss 3 more days of work, I'm fired. This piled on even more stress on me, and this combined with the DME training caused me to crash so hard that I could not continue coming in to work.

This is all just so ridiculous. If they could have made some adjustments and NOT give me DME duties on top of what I already had, this never would have happened. This is EXACTLY what I tried so hard to avoid all the way back in September.

Edited by Necrotica, 05 June 2008 - 03:55 PM.

NecroticaFemaleCanada2008-06-05 15:52:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Necrotica @ Jun 5 2008, 03:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Human Resources called and left a message on my voicemail wanting to talk about my "return to work".

Hah. Haha. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif (sorry, Marilyn)

So it's the moment of truth now... I'm either going to get my accommodations, or I'm probably going to end up getting fired.

...and only a couple of minutes after this was posted, she called me back.

She's going to "check with management" and "see what they can do".

Yeah... uh-huh. dry.gif WHY was this not done when I requested accommodations over 5 months ago?!
NecroticaFemaleCanada2008-06-05 15:17:00
CanadaThe Vent
Human Resources called and left a message on my voicemail wanting to talk about my "return to work".

Hah. Haha. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif (sorry, Marilyn)

So it's the moment of truth now... I'm either going to get my accommodations, or I'm probably going to end up getting fired.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2008-06-05 15:05:00
CanadaThe Vent
I'm having a major mental crisis, and I have no idea what to do. I just called my parents, who are the ONLY ones I can talk to about stuff like this, and the call ended horribly. Having to deal with me when I am like this is not one of Réjean's strong points, so that's out.

I have all these incurable disabilities, I'm about to lose yet another job because of them, and I am feeling like an absolute failure as a human being and am completely hopeless at this point.

Don't even mention calling 1-800-SUICIDE; it's a joke and they make you feel even sh*ttier than before you called. I know because I've tried calling them in the past.

Edited by Necrotica, 29 May 2008 - 09:03 PM.

NecroticaFemaleCanada2008-05-29 21:01:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Len_and_Bren @ May 28 2008, 12:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Necrotica @ May 27 2008, 08:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My short-term disability claim was denied.

I'm calling the EEOC tomorrow and filing a complaint.

Sweet friend --- I know only too well how effed up it is to deal with morons who don't understand disabilities. I almost choked when I read they did not accommodate you, since IT'S THE EFFING LAW ranting33va.gif. Go ahead with the LTD claim and don't desist.
Also, check out companies who actively hire folks with special talents like yourself --- you'll be surprised to find there are good peepz out there. I am sending you all the best vibes I can muster today. Love to Rejean as well.

Financial insecurities and difficulties are a strain in any relationship, and I try to remember to put first things first: bye bye prime rib, hello tofu; ciao 300 channels I never watch, aloha basic cable. It can happen to any of us. Words of "Lenwisdom": Life throws ####### at us all the time: but HEY!!! We kicked MTL's azz when it seemed impossible, didn't we?????

Thank you... to you and to everyone here that has commented on this.

This is not the first time I've filed a complaint with the EEOC. I had to do it at a past job, too. They changed the policies around so much and took away so many privileges needlessly that it caused me to break down. Then they changed the shifts to 9.5-hour Mondays, 8.5-hour Tuesdays, 7.5-hour Wednesdays and Thursdays, and 7-hour Fridays, which there was NO WAY IN HELL I could do. But the people who were going to school could keep their regular 8-hour shifts. And you know what the EEOC said? They said it was a "borderline case", but they didn't have enough to prove a definite violation. Funny, since I had the actual e-mails as proof of what they did WAS a violation of the ADA.

I have NO faith in the ADA anymore. It's only for people with physical disabilities that can actually be seen.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2008-05-28 12:21:00
CanadaThe Vent
My short-term disability claim was denied.

I'm calling the EEOC tomorrow and filing a complaint.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2008-05-27 22:45:00
CanadaThe Vent
I have a lot to vent about. This may or may not be split up into different posts; I don't know yet. This is long.

I guess I'll start at the beginning...

I have a lot of disabilities. I'm autistic (high-functioning), I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, severe depression (which was in remission before all this ####### started happening), other mental issues (condensed for the sake of brevity), a back deformity that has the capability of causing me so much pain that I can't even walk, and some mystery joint pain in my fingers which makes using my right hand very painful (a couple of doctors are giving me conflicting diagnoses regarding that). Despite all of this, I had worked in my current job doing Medicare customer service for almost a year... until this past March.

I was doing ok at work for the most part until they started training me to do other things. The stress of this combined with my disabilities and the fact that they would make no accommodations whatsoever for me even though they could have led to me having a series of breakdowns until I finally had a massive one that has rendered me completely unable to work. So far, these two months off have been unpaid. My short-term disability claim has not gone through yet, and part of me doubts that it will be approved, anyway.

Only a few days before this final breakdown happened, Réjean got his first job here in the USA. It was a WONDERFUL job that he enjoyed very much and that paid well. Well enough to where it was enough to pay the bills and have a little left over despite me not working. Not long after he got this job, though, his car's transmission went out. He had bought this car with last year's Canada tax return for $800 off of Craigslist (never, ever again), and it didn't even last a month. Because of this, we had to finance a car in order for us to even be able to get another one because we had no money saved up to buy another one outright. This has resulted in an extra $280 or so a month in expenses (including the additional insurance). At that point, we were barely making it...

Then Réjean got fired.

It was very unexpected. We thought everything was going great. The employer's reason for letting him go was that he "didn't have the skills they needed". What the hell; he's been a woodworker for 16 years and can do the job from start to finish! The only exception to this was that he has never done residential woodworking before, only commercial. But still, they knew this when they hired him! Couldn't they have at least given him a LITTLE training?

He managed to get another job only two days later... for $8/hour. For the past three weeks or so, both of us has been living on $8 an hour. We've missed two bills already and rent is due no later than the 5th of the month.

This is why I had such issues the other night. Nothing was progressing. We were still waiting on our economic stimulus check or my tax return so that we could pay rent, still waiting on employers that Réjean has interviewed with to get a better job, still waiting on a lot of things to come through to make our situation better. Plus my car requires about $500 worth of repairs or more that there's no way we can afford at this point.

Just yesterday, Réjean got an offer for that better job. It pays less than his original one, but it is better than $8/hour and is a little bit closer. Plus it deals with commercial woodworking instead of residential. I also got a call from my new Vocational Rehabilitation counselor and got an appointment set up for June 3rd to help get me back into the system to get some job assistance, and just today, we got my US tax return so we can pay rent. Things are FINALLY starting to look up.

Still upset about my disabilities, though... but that's a rant for another time.

Edited by Necrotica, 23 May 2008 - 10:39 AM.

NecroticaFemaleCanada2008-05-23 10:37:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (MarilynP @ May 23 2008, 09:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
argh, hubby's new job isn't looking so rosy... he thinks he might be getting fired... unsure.gif

I guess they fired another guy they hired recently because the guy lied on his resume and he didn't pass his drug test so now the boss has turned his attention to my hubby.. (the boss isn't actually the guy who interviewed him)... hubby thinks the owner is wondering why they hired him when he doesn't have a lot of experience... thing is they knew that off the bat and said they would give him about a months training but now they are hinting around that they are going to send him out on his own soon, hubby thinks today...

it seems like they expect him to be an expert after only 2 weeks wacko.gif blink.gif

my hubby has been super excited about this job but all last night and this morning he was so unhappy sad.gif

That really, really sucks. sad.gif I'm sorry this is happening to the two of you. Réjean just went through this recently, which is one of the many reasons why I came here so distraught the other night.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2008-05-23 10:00:00
CanadaE-mail to the Montréal Consulate...

:crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:

GODD*MNIT, THIS ISN'T F*CKING RIGHT. I finally log back in here to look around, and I find out that because of the new fee increase, it will now cost me $1,010 to get him his green card instead of the $505 it was going to cost (adjustment of status plus EAD, he wasn't going to file for AP). I have NO idea how I am going to be able to afford this. HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE HERE BY NOW. Long before now!!! With his "waiting list date" being March 2nd, there's no way he'll make it here by the end of July.

This isn't f*cking right AT ALL.

I'll reply to posts on here once I'm sober. I'm drunk as all hell right now. What a fine time for me to find out about this.

AsIs he not working and saving every penny he can for the AOS process? Just a thought that went through my mind.. I saved for the AOS process before I moved to the US I think is why I'm thinking that.

It is aweful timing for you guys.. sending you good thoughts, and sending Montreal bad horrible ones..

He can't. It's one of the things that infinitely pisses me off about this. I have to pay for all of this myself because he's getting his wages garnished right now. $200/month, and he lives on his own, so you can imagine how he wouldn't be able to really save anything. I've already told him that I can't pay to ship his stuff here now because of this, so he'll have to find his own way. As of last night, my mother said she is thinking about going up to Montréal from Iowa with her van to get him and his stuff and using that as our wedding present, but that's not set in stone yet.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-06-10 16:44:00
CanadaE-mail to the Montréal Consulate...

want to, but I don't know how, and I don't know how to word what I want to say. I even struggled with this e-mail to the Consulate. I asked a couple of weeks or so ago in another thread how to contact my congressperson and got some answers, but it still left me confused. I've really been dumbed down by everything that's been happening to me health-wise. Have locked my keys in my car twice this month, poured water out of a cup into the garbage can because, for a moment, I thought that's where it went, and wrote "drunk" instead of "done" on some paperwork at my temp job (and no, I wasn't drunk, haha)... so... yeah. I'm scared.

I would send a copy of mine that we sent to our senator for an example for you , but my situation was totally different from yours. If your interested I could help you will it, as I'm sure lots of people here would help.

I'm sorry it has taken so long to reply... if you could help me with this, I'd really, really appreciate it.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-06-10 16:39:00
CanadaE-mail to the Montréal Consulate...
:crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:

GODD*MNIT, THIS ISN'T F*CKING RIGHT. I finally log back in here to look around, and I find out that because of the new fee increase, it will now cost me $1,010 to get him his green card instead of the $505 it was going to cost (adjustment of status plus EAD, he wasn't going to file for AP). I have NO idea how I am going to be able to afford this. HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE HERE BY NOW. Long before now!!! With his "waiting list date" being March 2nd, there's no way he'll make it here by the end of July.

This isn't f*cking right AT ALL.

I'll reply to posts on here once I'm sober. I'm drunk as all hell right now. What a fine time for me to find out about this.
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-06-02 02:55:00
CanadaE-mail to the Montréal Consulate...

Actually I'm note quite sure if these F....kers speaks french at all! If they do they surely didnt make an effort to speak french to me! I even said "Bonjour" to see if I would get any reply in french but didnt happen....



:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: I'm all with you Pam (F)

I'm almost positive that the lady I usually speak to when I call the Consulate does. She says "Réjean" with that really French-sounding "R" with the tongue-roll that I for the life of me cannot do, heh. Sounded kind of like "Hrrrezjhaun".

"Go sh*t and eat a tank"?

Edited by Necrotica, 25 May 2007 - 08:38 AM.

NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-05-25 08:37:00
CanadaE-mail to the Montréal Consulate...
Well, the e-mail has been sent. We'll see if they even answer it since they rarely reply to anything I e-mail them.

Funny how "va chier" was the first thing that came to mind to type to them, but I KNOW that wouldn't have helped any and would have hurt my case.

("va chier" = "go sh*t" in French)
NecroticaFemaleCanada2007-05-25 00:59:00