Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionPut life on hold?


Our first post here. Yes we filed in Feb this year and are still waiting for an approval. Vermont....

Anyway, my wife and I have literally put our lives on hold. We won't buy a home as there is a chance that we can be disapproved. What are the odds of disapproval? We never needed to provide more evidence and have not had an interview.
I just looked at the September 2011 filers and they still have only 57% approved! We are seriously considering moving back to the UK...

I blame Obama's government...

Thanks for support.

Steve and Maria :crying:

The approval rates on here is based on the fact that probably 43% of September filers didn't return to this website to update their timelines after approval. A good chunk of people who once they are approved, never come back to share their stories with us or update us on their AOS status or ROC. That doesn't mean that they weren't approved. It just means that they didn't update their VJ timeline. VJ timeline updates have to be done manually as they are not automatically done from USCIS or the Embassy.

Not to mention, I'm sure there were a few who ended the K1 process and went to Spousal Visa route or even broke up. It happens. Nothing is 100% certain in life.

Just be patient my friend. I know the wait is terrible, but it builds you stronger. I once heard a very intelligent VJer say "If you can make it through the immigration process and be even more in love then when you started, you can get through anything."

Good luck :)
amberlynnlovesFemaleCanada2012-09-06 19:07:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussiondo I need a cover letter?

Anytime you send ANYTHING to NVC, USCIS, or the Embassy, include a coverleter with EVERYTHING you are submitting, your name, address, A# if you have one, the address of where you are mailing it to and the contents of your package. Also include what you are applying for. If you have any receipt numbers include those too. This just ensures everything stays together or if it gets separated its easier to find.


Good luck

amberlynnlovesFemaleCanada2013-07-11 07:00:00
Philippinesreally need some help
Oo na ano ang tama.Lamang gumawa bang isama mo ang lahat ng mga dokumento at impormasyon na iyong tungkol sa kasal.
amberlynnlovesFemaleCanada2012-08-11 11:44:00
PhilippinesMarriage Date and IRS

Thank you, I was actually wondering about this... can I still claim him when he's not a US citizen? My fiance is scheduled to come on November 15th... yikes, that doesn't give a lot of time to plan a wedding!! Although, justice of the peace could work and then a bigger one later? :)

Thats what we are doing. Courthouse then having a large family gathering in warmer spring months so we don't have to worry about bad weather effecting guests traveling from far away (Like Canada). :)
amberlynnlovesFemaleCanada2012-10-10 17:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow do people do this??
Its not easy by any means. But if you look at it as a horribly long time, it will be. You have to think. You may have to wait 7-9 months to see her again, but then you will have her every day for the rest of your life. Enjoy the moments you do get. Skype as often as possible. (This has saved and made our relationship so much stronger.) Keep in mind, YOU are able to visit her. She can come visit you, but its very difficult as she has to prove strong ties to her country and have strong proof she is returning home. Send little love notes on FB or email. Make the best of it. Get to know each other on a personal level while enjoying the comfort of knowing you'll have her soon. 7-9 months is NOTHING compared to the rest of your lives together. Be in love and take this as a learning experience on how to SHOW love, even when you can't physically be together. I think this waiting period has made our relationship stronger. But it also helps I'm only a 7 hour drive from him. Good luck and best wishes!
amberlynnlovesFemaleCanada2012-05-25 22:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGOT NOA2 IN 10 DAYS! NO EXPEDITE! THE SYSTEM DOES WORK!
I'm sorry and I don't mean to "rain on your parade". Definitely happy for you. But I did read where you posted that you HAD sent in an expedite request with your original petition and it was denied? Is this correct?

Makes me want to find a reason to send in an expedite request and have it "denied" and see if I receive my NOA2 a few days later.

Just saying. Makes you think.

Edit: I saw another topic that you had posted in here in VJ.

Edited by amberlynnloves, 25 June 2012 - 01:53 PM.

amberlynnlovesFemaleCanada2012-06-25 13:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGOT NOA2 IN 10 DAYS! NO EXPEDITE! THE SYSTEM DOES WORK!


Congratulations but there are people who have filed in December/January still waiting. The system doesn't work. I am only on month 2 since getting my NOA1 and I am going insane waiting. So I don't know how people who filed in December/January are still waiting. I'd be sending letters to my congressman. I did recently send a letter to the President regarding immigration and why people who are doing it the right way (by filing all this paperwork and spending hundreds and thousands of dollars have to wait, but illegal immigrates who have been here illegally are able to stay). Its the most frustrating process ever. I'm blessed enough that my fiance only lives 7 hours from me, but thats still a long way. But for people who have an ocean separating them, my heart goes out to them. It really truly does.

I hope everyone's journey is quick like this. Its not fun to be put through the stresses and heartache of having to wait months and maybe even years to be with the one person that you want to be with the most. Its painful. Emotional and physically.
amberlynnlovesFemaleCanada2012-06-23 08:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPredicted Timeline

How is my projected timeline gonna move back a whole month since when i joined this is just insane. I dont know they predict these but it needs to be adjusted.!!

To be honest, sometimes this site actually makes me more angry than anything. Because I read all these people's horror stories about what has happened to them and I wonder if thats going to happen to me. It makes me scared, nervous and just down right angry sometimes. I wish it was easier, but if it was easier then I'd probably complain about that too. Unfortunately we just have to wait. Its the worst. But hang in there. Your time will come. I promise. :) Good luck
amberlynnlovesFemaleCanada2012-07-04 21:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWe are cleared for take-off!!

My fiancee just called from onboard her flight from Manila to here... we are SO excited! As she was talking, I heard the flight attendant say "we are cleared for take-off" and we had to end the call.

27 hours from now, she'll be here! Dunno if I'll be able to sleep tonight or not, but I sure have a lot of house cleaning left to do tomorrow! :rofl:

Aww just thinking about how excited you must be makes me want to cry! I am so happy for you. Congratulations!!

I can't wait for my moment like that! Good luck to both of you and God Bless!
amberlynnlovesFemaleCanada2012-07-07 15:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSCIS Status Check Addicts

the more you write about it and think about it, the more crazy I become.

so no, your of no help to many of us.

I apologize that you are not helped by this thread. In that case, please go to another thread. Your negativity isn't needed here. And I'm really sorry that you seem to have having a rough time. But please don't take it out on others.
amberlynnlovesFemaleCanada2012-07-09 10:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSCIS Status Check Addicts

I find value in this thread. (F)

Thank you! I started it to give everyone a place to come together to share in the excitement/anxiousness of waiting. I'm only 2 months into this and I check often! I just want it to be here. I know it won't speed up the process but it helps me in some crazy form! I'm so happy for everyone. Soon our loved ones will be with us and we'll look at this and be like "Well, gosh that wasn't bad at all" but right now we're all just going crazy waiting for it! :) Thanks for sharing your stories everyone. Keep them coming!
amberlynnlovesFemaleCanada2012-07-08 21:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSCIS Status Check Addicts

Same here. I have so much happiness bubbling just under the surface. I simply refuse to direct it toward anything but this cursed petition, because that's what it is meant for. Darn it.

So I just keep checking. And checking. And checking. And checking...

Wow I am so glad that I am not the only one. Everyone is from so many different countries! Its too bad that it takes this long to get our loved ones with us. But in reality we are all in this for one common be with the ones we love. That was comforting to me. To think of it like that.

I can't wait for our interview day when they hand my fiance his "Welcome to America" letter. I'm going to hug him so tight and probably cry and cry and cry. Then its back to America to plan for his official arrival. Its going to be the most emotional day of my life. This whole process has taught me patience. But I'm still not good at it. I cry many nights and I'm sure I'm not alone. I'm woman enough to admit that (lol). But I love hearing stories about how people's interviews go. I was reading some the other day on this website and had tears streaming down my face because I'm so happy for everyone!

Keep me posted guys! We're all in this together friends!
amberlynnlovesFemaleCanada2012-07-07 20:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSCIS Status Check Addicts

It's like a Facebook to me... I check atlease 5 time a day, it's terrible!! ??

I agree!!!! I'm on it more than Facebook lol
amberlynnlovesFemaleCanada2012-07-07 18:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSCIS Status Check Addicts

I already checked 4 times today already .... still in initial review

The wait is terrible isn't it! Man! Its killing me
amberlynnlovesFemaleCanada2012-07-07 18:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSCIS Status Check Addicts
Just wanted to start a thread for people who are addicted to checking USCIS Website for statuses. However many times you check a day, please feel free to share your thoughts, opinions, and vent even if you have to! I know I'm frustrated with waiting. I know I'm not alone here!
amberlynnlovesFemaleCanada2012-07-07 11:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCSC is moving at lightning speeds!
Its probably because you had just done USCIS processing already. They didn't need to do anything else for you. They had your stuff, just got his from Canada and off they went!

I wish I was that lucky! This waiting is seriously killing me.

Congratulations though!
amberlynnlovesFemaleCanada2012-07-13 14:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHat's off to the California Service Center
On August 3, 2012, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

WE JUST GOT APPROVED! I got this about 15 minutes ago! 89 days baby!! ROCK ON CSC!!!!!!!!!
amberlynnlovesFemaleCanada2012-08-03 22:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHat's off to the California Service Center

So on my timeline under "Processing Estimates/Stats" it says "Your I-129f was approved in 134 days from your NOA1 date." Am I looking in the wrong spot?

I think so. If you go to the top of your page and you see your picture on the top right corner of the page? Theres a little drop down, if you click on the one that says "My Timeline" and scroll down it'll say "Your Petition Should Be Approved Between...." and give the dates. It says something to that effect.
amberlynnlovesFemaleCanada2012-08-03 16:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHat's off to the California Service Center

Same here!

Cali got it to us in just under 4 months and were told that all paper work got sent to London today. Hopefully we will be looking good for our 4th Jan wedding.

Goodness. I am so ready for this to be moving along. What was your NOA1 date danny912?
amberlynnlovesFemaleCanada2012-08-03 15:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHat's off to the California Service Center

When we first submitted our I-129F (on June 22), VJ predicted our case would be adjudicated by November 22nd. NOW with every day that passes, that predicted date gets closer and closer. In all, more than ONE MONTH has been shaved from our predicted wait time. WAY TO GO CSC! Vermont better start picking up the slack.

NOA 1 date: June 22
Originally predicted adjudication date: Nov 22
Today's predicted adjudication date: Oct 19th


You are so correct. My original date was October 7-10. I am now sitting at September 3-11. And someone whose NOA1 date was a week before mine just got approved yesterday. Just the thought that ours could be in the next week potentially makes me want to cry! I am so overwhelmed with emotion! This has been one heck of a journey and I can't wait to start my life with my fiance! I waited 11 years for him. This last few months is going to be the toughest! Good luck to everyone and I pray everyone's approval is soon! I am on day 89! And someone else got theirs at Day 85. So just keep praying and staying positive!
amberlynnlovesFemaleCanada2012-08-03 14:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJUST GOT A RFE!!!


Well, I guess a congratulations is in order! You are correct. At least SOMEONE is looking at it and working on it! NOA2 is right around the corner! Make sure to send your stuff in right away to prevent further delay! :D Stay positive!
amberlynnlovesFemaleCanada2012-08-03 13:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPacket 3 108 Days After Filing
I am beyond excited and happy that things are moving so fast! I never expected this! We got NOA2 on August 3rd and we just Packet 3 today from Montreal! Things are really moving along quickly now. It was only at NVC for 3 days! I can't believe this! AHHHH I'm so happy!
amberlynnlovesFemaleCanada2012-08-22 08:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHoneymoon
Las Vegas is where we are hoping to go. :)
amberlynnlovesFemaleCanada2012-10-11 07:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK-1 Approved during interview - Refused on DOS site

You have your answer. By admitting to previous drug use (even marijuana) this makes her fail the medical, and she must reapply again in a year. They will probably ask for periodic testing throughout that year, too.


Yes. Previous use is an automatic 1 year denial. They will ask her to periodically test I believe 4 times during the next year. IF all of those are clean, she will be given the opportunity to redo the medical exam.


That is the hardest thing. Even if they admit the use was YEARS ago, they will still give her a 1 year waiting denial.


I'm so sorry to hear this! :( Thoughts and well wishes go out to you both!

amberlynnlovesFemaleCanada2013-08-10 08:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK-1 Approved during interview - Refused on DOS site

Any updates on this yet?

amberlynnlovesFemaleCanada2013-08-09 09:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiancee visa denied after AP... Please read

This post is all kinds of messed up. Even if I give you the benefit of the doubt, you're still a complete idiot. You better get an attorney. You're looking at time in FEDERAL prision. Those places are NOT fun.  

amberlynnlovesFemaleCanada2013-10-24 06:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestion about How i Met my Fiance.

So, i met my fiance on facebook FROM mutual friends. His best friend in Egypt is best friends with my best friend here in the States. Also my fiance KNOWS my best friends, FRIENDS in EGYPT. When i found all this out from both ends ( my fiance & best friend ) i felt at ease knowing that he wasn't just some stranger lol SO..

Should i show proof of this? Does it stand out as a red flag that we met online? Opinions please! Thanks. :dance:

Congrats on your Visa Journey! I wouldn't say its a red flag at all. I met my fiance online 10 years ago. Its really more about the in person interactions than the original "How did you learn who I was" type thing. If you have proof that you have met in person in the last 2 years, you're fine. The more times you can meet each other in person the better obviously but considering you are asking for a visa for someone who is obviously not in the US, its definitely ok. I'd say the stats are probably closer to 60-70% of people met online. It is what it is. But definitely not a "red flag". I mean obviously keep all communications you have online. Facebook posts, chats, Skype logs, texts, emails, phone calls...everything you have. I've even kept parking passes that I have gotten when going to visit my fiance. Anything helps. I'm also planning on going with my fiance to his interview so that the CO knows that we are both serious about this and how much it truly means to us to be able to have a visa and get married.

Good luck though! :) Keep moving forward and thinking positively. I also had to stop reading this website because I would panic anytime someone had something go wrong. Like OMG is that going to happen to me! Each case is different. So keep your chin up! :)
amberlynnlovesFemaleCanada2012-07-02 10:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPlease Help Me with My I-130

I was not physically present, first because of religious and financial reasongs. I had never met my husband before. This was an arranged marriage. I saw his picture. He is a relative of mine. I wanted to do it over the phone so I can stay there by my husband til he gets his visa. I wanted to head start on it.

I do believe you will have a hard time getting a visa for him because it doesn't appear that that was disclosed at the time of application. You weren't legally married in the governments eyes when you filed the petition. If thats the case, you would have to file a new petition now that you are legally married. I do believe thats how it goes. If I am wrong, I am definitely ok with being corrected. But I am pretty sure thats how it will go.
amberlynnlovesFemaleCanada2012-07-02 15:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPlease Help Me with My I-130
First of all, USCIS is the government. The Feds. They can find out anything they want to. Secondly, why were you not physically present for the ceremony? Is this due to religious reasons? Had you met your husband before hand? Was this an arranged marriage? How did you meet him? These are all questions that the USCIS is looking at. What reasons do you have that you couldn't be married in person. Why did you have to do it over the phone? What was the hurry or rush?

You have to look at things from their prospective. And most importantly, if they deny you, the only thing you can do is appeal. But you certainly should NEVER hide anything from USCIS. That is going to raise more red flags and give you a higher chance of being denied. I would have sent a detailed letter explaining everything in full detail.

If you could answer those questions I asked, it'd help me out more to help you.
amberlynnlovesFemaleCanada2012-07-02 15:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresparnoided

i googled my name and came back with people with the same name who were arrested
will this cause a delay

Haha no. They have information to identify YOU and only YOU for background.
amberlynnlovesFemaleCanada2012-07-11 14:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNeed help???

I know we have not even been approved yet but I am trying to be as prepared as possible for the next steps. I read on one of these forums that the beneficiary has to have police reports from every country they have lived in. My husband lived in Saudi Arabia for 2 months because of work. Does he have to have police reports from there, he does not even remember the address he lived at (although we did mention that he lived there in the petition) it was 5 years ago. And if he does have to have police reports from there he thinks that he would have to travel there to get them, is this true or could he somehow call to get these reports? Thanks in advance. :)

To the best of my knowledge you only need police reports from countries that you have lived in for LONGER than 6 MONTHS since age 16.

So if he only lived there for 2 months, he wouldn't be required to get one from that country. Thats pretty much like an extended vacation essentially. As long as you disclosed that he DID live there for a short time, you should be fine.
amberlynnlovesFemaleCanada2012-09-05 15:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurespassport style photo
I sent mine in as USA 2x2. My fiance sent his in Canadian. The weird rectangle ones. No RFEs, nothing. Everything went fine. We got approved. He even sent in the Canadian ones with P3 to Montreal. No issues.
amberlynnlovesFemaleCanada2012-09-25 18:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPolice certificates

From all accounts, the RCMP fingerprint process from outside Canada is unnecessarily long. Everyone who has used the Commissionaires (link below) gives positive feedback. Still others have just flown back to Canada to take care of it in person.

Just wanted to correct the above misinformation. Fingerprints ARE required if there is a criminal record.

Ok yes, in the event there IS criminal record. But regular basis, not.
amberlynnlovesFemaleCanada2012-10-20 21:22:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDOMINICANSTOTHEUSA
It's a forum dedicated to dominicans.
wpaulino0613MaleDominican Republic2007-11-06 16:42:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDOMINICANSTOTHEUSA
That's the message I get... and I think its pretty self explanatory. Hopefully the site will be up and running soon.

Site is currently down for maintenance

Sorry for the inconvenience everyone. We had a hardware failure early Sunday morning on our old server. Unfortunately, the new servers are not quite ready to be live yet. I am working just as fast as I can to get the site back up and running.

The good news is we didn't lose any data that I know of. All of our posts and pictures should still be there when I get the site back online. Please be patient while we fix the problem. The bright side is the site will finally be much faster on the new hardware. I expect if everything goes smoothly to be up and running by Wednesday or Thursday this week.


wpaulino0613MaleDominican Republic2007-11-05 14:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPPROVED MAY 1ST WHOOPEE
Love to hear good news from you & hope a smooth process for you and the rest of us that are STILL waiting!!!
wpaulino0613MaleDominican Republic2007-05-02 10:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAddicted
That was my case too when the case was still in the US, now I'm in the US embassy site the whole frst week of the month... what do I do the other three weeks??? I'm here gathering info nd getting to know people that are going thru the same... some support you know!!!
wpaulino0613MaleDominican Republic2007-05-07 18:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMy Timeline

That wait is terrible, of course you know that. I have read on here though that the wait in Dominican Republic is very long. I wonder if it's because they don't have enough consulates or other embassy staff there. I would definitely contact your Senator/Congressman directly and complain. Not sure anything will happen, but the squeeky wheel gets the oil you know.

I feel for you having to be apart for so long. I'll pray for you that your interview gets done soon!

1. The letters are paying off... received an e-mail from the mayor and got a call from the House Rep., gave them all the info and they said they will do their best to help.

2. I think the wait is so long because of all the corruption that was discovered a few years back, they still have cases on the list since 1981!!! Now they are trying to FIX their mess up.

3. Thanks for your prayers, indeed is VERY hard to be appart from "mi more"
wpaulino0613MaleDominican Republic2007-05-09 15:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMy Timeline
And the case was received by the Embassy on: 09/12/2006 ...It will be 8 months!!!!

I'll keep trying...

No... but thanks for the suggestion!!!
wpaulino0613MaleDominican Republic2007-05-09 08:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMy Timeline
03/07/2007 - Being close to a year of filing, decided to call and find the status... basically said "All you have to do is... WAIT!!!"
wpaulino0613MaleDominican Republic2007-05-09 08:39:00