
call back and if you get the same lady, ask to speak to a supervisor. Some of the government workers seem to forget they are there to serve us.

Yea, if you get her again I second this. I'm a call centre manager and that sort of attitude is completely insane, you at least have a better shot of "true" information if you speak with a supervisor/manager. (If DOS even has an escalation process, sigh.)
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-06-14 15:51:00
CanadaReady & Waiting to schedule an interview!
Back in May there had been nothing available for a couple of weeks. Then they opened up August & September and it took about a motnh for all those dates to fill up. If a date doesn't open up due to a cancellation, I hope they open more months for everybody soon :(

(By that timeline it would be mid-July when they open up October, but it's not like we've got any data to suggest that was a standard timeframe.)
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-06-22 13:36:00
CanadaJune Montreal Interviews

Hey :)
I just picked up our passports from DHL. It took a total of 7 business days for our visas to be printed (June 20), sent(June 22) and picked up (today) :D.

Best Wishes to everyone!!!

Congratulations!! :D
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-06-23 10:26:00
CanadaJune Montreal Interviews

Yay!!! I just spoke to DOS and was told the our visa was issued either today or yesterday (she could not tell).


Yay! I hope this few day turnaround is back to the norm, now!! :D
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-06-21 10:32:00
CanadaAffidavit of Support Questions
With the medical over, I'm now working on making sure I have the Affidavit of support stuff under control and was hoping to get some feedback from others who have gone through Montreal recently.

My fiance technically doesn't have a job. He's still got one more year of school and does landscaping at his dad's place in exchange for room and board and food and an allowance, of sorts. Not under the table pay for services or anything, just generally living at home while he's finishing school.

In terms of my fiance, I know he still needs to fill out the form even if not earning any income. Would he need to bring anything else? He has tax returns from 2009 which was the last year he worked (only part time on campus), but didn't file last year due to having no income at all. Would his bank statements/etc be necessary in this situation? or just the form itself?

Obviously, we've arranged a co-sponsor, his mother. She works part time but the bulk of her income (which alone brings her well above 125% of the poverty line for her household +me) actually comes from her retirement. She has quarterly statements for the retirement, outlining the amount she recieves. For her, we were going to be bringing the affidavit of support document, the last year's worth of her retirement quarterly statements, several pay stubs from her part time employment as well as a letter from her employer.

Will my fiance's lack of income raise flags or will his mother's ability to co-sponsor us nullify that? And will the fact her income comes mostly from retirement also be an issue? Should we find a co-sponsor who works full time, instead?

I have savings as well as a small inheiritance from my father, but we were planning on leaving those in my Canadian account to cover my OSAP until I've got my AOS done and can work.

Hoping someone will have advice specific to Montreal and what they look for. Thanks!
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-06-23 16:24:00
CanadaTrouble With Toronto Medical
Well, fedex just dropped off my medical, so I guess this part is all over now. Hurray!
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-06-23 10:15:00
CanadaTrouble With Toronto Medical

Before you go complaining to the CPSO about your doctor, please listen to the perspective of someone who works in a family practice and regularly hears requests from employers and such for similar things and feel much like your doctor does that it IS bad medicine.

I have no intention of complaining officially about either doctor. Mine only has me as a patient as a favour to a relative and constantly makes me aware of this fact, but out of respect for my uncle I don't say anything. So while I can understand that perspective too, it's hard to really articulate exactly how rude and unhelpful he was being to me. And I frankly find it terribly unprofessional how he behaved to Dr. Seiden, professional disagreement or not.

I also think it's completely understandable how upset I was, given how much rides on this medical and the immigration process, a fact my doctor is very well aware of. This post would've been markedly different had the entire situation been approached with some degree of sensitivity on behalf of my doctor. His disagreements with Dr. Seiden or the immigration requirements should never have been aired in front of me like that. I was under no immediate timeline to resolve the issue, and he knew that. Had he said "Let me look into this, I don't feel comfortable giving you this shot." and sent me home while he contacted Dr. Seiden or public health, I would've been fine. Worried until it got resolved, but by no means a sobbing mess in his office while he yelled at Dr. Seiden on the phone.

It was very hard not to feel like they were then going to look for the tiniest thing to fail my medical over, since my doctor was being such a jerk to them.

So, no, my intent here is not to be angry specifically that my doctor wouldn't give me the shot, its that everything was handled in such a terribly unprofessional manner. It worked out, and having my vaccination records (that I was previously unable to obtain) will be helpful down the road. I just think it's fairly appalling that a medical professional behaved in that way.
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-06-21 20:51:00
CanadaTrouble With Toronto Medical
So, I talked with Dr. Seiden just now. He wanted to "explain" because I guess my doctor had gotten pretty rude with him on the phone yesterday (colour me surprised). Basically all he said was he understands that I didn't "need" the tetanus shot, but the US requires it be more recent than 6 months ago if there's no previous records. (Is this documented anywhere? I don't remember reading that at all when I was stressing about my vaccinations prior to the medical). He wanted to assure me his staff wasn't trying to "practice bad medicine" as my doctor accused him (sigh) and confirmed that the medical was being shipped to me, so I'm going to try and relax now and assume that all is well with it.

He did mention that had my doctor not tracked down my records from public health, he would've told me to go to a walk in clinic for the tetanus shot.

So... I guess what we can learn from this is if you don't have a record of your tetanus shots, don't get it until right before the medical? (This all seems very stupid to me, to be honest.)
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-06-21 07:37:00
CanadaTrouble With Toronto Medical
I still don't know exactly *why* they wanted another tetanus shot... but I had a voicemail at home from Dr. Seiden asking me to call him tomorrow so I guess I get to continue to be stressed out over whether or not I passed this medical. (What kills me is that it's not like this is over any medical conditions, it's over a tetanus shot, basically. The medical was supposed to be one of the less-stressing parts of this entire experience.)
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-06-20 20:56:00
CanadaTrouble With Toronto Medical

Oh, girl! I'm so sorry! I would not be thrilled, either. I hope it all gets sorted out - keep us updated! I'm sure the blood pressure thing will be fine. Anyone's would have been raised in that situation. (L)

Did Dr Seiden's office explain why they wanted the second tetanus shot? Is it because technically they don't have a "first" tetanus shot on file?

They said it was because they only had a record of one (I had the record of the January one) and that they wanted to have two dates on file, even if they were close together.
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-06-20 18:34:00
CanadaTrouble With Toronto Medical

You don't go to Dr Casey do you? He's my parents' physician and he totally sucks and he's a knob.

No, Dr. Bruce. Who is also a knob. :)
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-06-20 16:58:00
CanadaTrouble With Toronto Medical

I'm sorry that you had to go through all of that, it is stressful enough without a hassle.

For those who still need to have a medical done and have incomplete or can't obtain their imminization record I would higly recommend that you request titre tests for all the vaccinations that you are required to have including varicella. The tests do not cost anything in Canada, and they only require a few blood draws. It will save a lot of stress. I had this done, and it took about a month for my Dr to get all the results, so it does require you plan ahead a little bit.

I am sure that everything will work out fine for you.

I had the blood test done, though not varicella. They took my verbal assurance that I had chicken pox in the past. Apparently they don't do a titre test for tetanus/diptheria/pertussis in Ontario anymore, or so says the "required immunizations" form they gave to my doctor. (There's a place to check to have that titre test done, then big bold letters saying NOT DONE IN ONTARIO).

So, make sure to have a tetanus shot, I guess.
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-06-20 16:28:00
CanadaTrouble With Toronto Medical
I had my medical this morning, through no fault of Dr. Seiden's office (mostly) it was basically a nightmare.

So, I overshot traffic estimates and we were there at 5:45am. Good call, because we were second in line. They let us in at 6:30 and I was out by 8:15 with only a bit of waiting in the actual exam room. I *really* recommend getting there as early as possible because by 7:30 the waiting room was standing room only and there were lines for every part of the process.

So, they did my intake and took my forms and money. Then chest xray, which was fine. Then took blood, which was fine. Then I went to an exam room where they did height/weight/blood pressure. Then I was asked to undress and put on the "gown" (Which, I will note, was incredibly tiny and very difficult to wear.) I waited a little while before a doctor came in, took my medical history and looked over my vaccinations. That's where things got messed up.

All I had in terms of vaccinations was a blood test showing immunity for Measles/Mumps/Rubella/HepB and a record of my last tetanus shot (January 2011). I had tried calling Peel Public Health a couple of months ago and they just weren't able to obtain my vaccination records after a nearly 2 hour phone call. The doctor said what I provided was fine, but even though I just had one in January they wanted me to get another tetanus shot. She then gave me a form to take to my doctor and fax in. Then someone else did the actual exam, which consisted of checking my eyes/ears/mouth, a stomach exam, reflexes, a breast exam and a quick check between my legs. She did my blood pressure again because it had been a little high (but nothing unmanageable) earlier in the appointment. They decided that because I was seeing my doctor anyway for the tetanus shot, they'd get one more blood pressure reading from him to see if I were more relaxed at that appointment.

So I left, woke up my fiance who was snoring in the waiting room (Sincere apologies to anyone who was there) and we headed back to Kitchener. I called my doctor as soon as they opened at 9:00, explained that I needed a tetanus shot and blood pressure and they told me just to stop in any time that morning.

We went right to my doctor's office to get it dealt with, they put me as a walk in just to see the nurse... and she came in to take my blood pressure and said she wouldn't give me a tetanus shot because I "didn't need" it. So I gave her my form from Dr. Seiden's office, explained the reason I was told to get it (They wanted a record that I'd had more than one, even if they were close together) and she stepped out to see the doctor. A few minutes later, my doctor came in and was incredibly rude and unhelpful about the tetanus shot requirement. (We have a bit of a strained relationship anyway, but he was being outright rude). I'm explaining that I was told to get this done, I have the papers showing they want it done, and he confirmed to me there would be no "harm" in getting one 6 months after my last tetanus shot, but he refused to do it. Kept saying it was bad medical practice, shot is good for ten years, etc.

So I try and call Dr. Seiden's office, but predictably go to voicemail. My doctor makes several attempts to call them and I send an email from my phone. My doctor gets very high and mighty about it and proclaims that I should just get my vaccination records from Public Health. He knows I've already tried that once because he fought me on getting a blood test done for immunity when I was unsuccessful. So he sets his nurse to calling Public Health and leaves me in the waiting room, admittedly upset because I'd been up since 4:30 and I just want this dealt with. I get an email back from Dr. Seiden's office, saying they're going to find the doctor now to confirm what they want me to do in light of my doctor refusing to give the tetanus shot. The nurse comes by to tell me she's gotten my records from public health. A few minutes later she comes back and says it was the wrong "Laura Clarkson" and she gets back on the phone with them.

I'm sitting in the waiting room, overtired and upset and just making a sobbing #### of myself in the chair when I get another email that Dr. Seiden's office is trying to call my doctor now. I then get called into my doctor's office area and he gives me my immunization records that they *were* able to track down from public health. He's kind of a jerk to me about not being able to get them myself when I tried, gives me a lecture on how it's "terrible medicine" to have asked me to get another tetanus shot for "no reason" and basically accuses Dr. Seiden's office of not know what they're doing. I'm hoping (but not sure) the vaccination record will be enough, crying again because I'm really emotional and overtired and that's when he decides to take my blood pressure again. Needless to say, the reading was really high and he starts to go on about wanted to monitor it over the next few weeks, etc.

He faxes a scathing cover letter with my vaccination record and blood pressure reading and sends me home.

So, for several hours I have had no idea if I've passed or failed the medical, if they still wanted me to get that tetanus shot, if my blood pressure getting so much higher is going to be an issue, etc. I finally got a voicemail from my doctor stating he spoke with Dr. Seiden's office, the vaccination record is enough and he "told them I was really upset" when he checked the blood pressure.

I'm still not entirely sure what's happened, I'm pretty drained and upset (Not to mention super proud that I broke down like a child, sigh.) and I've put an email in to Dr. Seiden's office. I've paid to have my results fedexed to me, so I should see them the end of the week if everything is fine...

But I felt I should share that experience, on the off chance it helps anyone else. I don't know if my doctor was just being a jerk or if they shouldn't have asked for another tetanus shot or what, but it was a couple of extremely high-stress hours when the medical was otherwise quick and painless and I'm still unsure of the outcome.
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-06-20 15:16:00
CanadaPostal strike

do you have a list of documents that Montreal needed recently (for Packet 3) for K1 visa...we are in the same situation for the past few weeks...pls help!

This is what I sent about 6 weeks ago:

Signed Checklist
DS-160 x 1
DS-156K x 1
DS-230 x 1
DS-156 x 2

Outlined here: http://montreal.usco...ument=visa_pkt3

Edited by ralyse, 23 June 2011 - 03:29 PM.

ralyseFemaleCanada2011-06-23 15:28:00
CanadaPostal strike

Does MTL not give you the option to fax it in? Vancouvers checklist says right on the top to fax checklist along with DS 230 in, makes for a quick turn around time, you can email them and tell them you just faxed it in and ask for packet 4 electronically :)

Nope, Montreal doesn't operate that way unfortunately. They are also very slow to reply (if ever) to emails, so it's not an option with that colsulate :(
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-06-23 14:47:00
CanadaPostal strike
ATTN: Immigrant Visa Unit
315 Place d'Youville Suite 500
Montreal Quebec
H2Y 0A4

That's the one we've all sued recently! :)
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-06-23 12:22:00
CanadaPostal strike


I checked our k-1 visa status with the NVC and our approved petition was sent to Montreal on 6/20. Doing a DHL search it appears that the package was received and signed on 6/22 although calling the DOS they claim it has not yet been received. At any rate soon Montreal will be sending my fiancee the pkt 3. We are concerned that the postal strike will delay receiving the packet.

1) Does Montreal send pkt 3 via Canadian post that is currently on strike?
2) Is there an email notification when the packet is sent?
3) Can we just send the forms to the consulate once we find out that pkt 3 was sent?
4) How are others sending the forms to the consulate to get around this postal strike? DHL?

Thank you,
-Paul and Jennifer

1) When i got mine in may it was Canada Post, I don't know if they're doing anything else in light of the strike but I doubt it.
2) No
3) Yup! You can send all the required forms in without ever receiving P3!
4) Not sure, hopefully someone else can answer :)
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-06-23 11:45:00

Anyone know if its ok to complete a form if the expiry date on the top right hand corner is out dated... can't find a new version any where... The form I'm talking about is the DS-156

Previous versions are accepted, should be fine.

Reference: http://www.visajourn...expired-ds-156/
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-06-24 13:45:00

Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations!! :D :D
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-05-25 15:56:00
Good luck!!! :D
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-05-24 14:22:00
Does anyone know if there's a limit to how far in advance you can take the medical? I'm definitely thinking of doing it as soon as possible so I can rebook the interview if necessary. Given that it's Friday night, I assume I can't get an answer from the medical place until Monday... :)

Edited by ralyse, 13 May 2011 - 06:39 PM.

ralyseFemaleCanada2011-05-13 18:38:00

Well I refreshed my brower to the actual site they requested on PKT4, and lo-and-behold, a block was available, but the first one was August 3, which I took. I also changed my option to the K1 option and that may have been the reason. So THANK YOU, but August.oh my goodness that is too far off, but maybe it is a blessing in disquise, I can really start the packing process and selling stuff off now.

I'm currently August 3rd too :) I'll try and move it up since I'm homeless as of August 1st, but its still nice to have something!
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-05-13 18:16:00

Now I have been entering "Permanently Immigrate to the US (Ready to Schedule) " not "Permanently Immigrate to the US (Fiance - K1/K2)" do you think this is why I am not seeing any appointment dates?

I just went on and there were no available dates, did you just see check recently and see a calender of dates? what oh what is happening....

I was using the K1 option, and it would say when the soonest appointment was. Because there was an appointment (I assume) It let me go all the way to the calendar, but the only date available on that calendar was May 16th and that just isn't enough time for me. Now that that date is gone, I don't go to the calendar, just see "There are no available appointments at this time." On the page titled "Applicant and Family Summary"
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-05-13 16:27:00
Looks like someone picked up that Monday date, because it's gone now
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-05-13 16:14:00

Monday I'll take Monday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tell me what did the message look like when you saw that a Monday was available?, all I ever see is "There are no available appointments at this time",....beginning to doubt I am doing the checking incorrectly, if every time I enter and all I see is "there are no available appointments at this time"

Under "Appointment Information" Is says the following: Next Available Appointment is in 3 day(s)

So if I click continue and go through the check boxes (that I'm approved to schedule, that I've registered for DHL) and I get to the calendar, it's the only selectable date.

I have my trip purpose set to: Permanently Immigrate to the US (Fiance - K1/K2) and I already paid my fee, if that makes a difference?
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-05-13 10:50:00
For the interested, still no interview dates other than Monday :(
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-05-13 09:02:00

Are there no available appointments once again? :blink:

Nope :(
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-05-12 11:02:00

Great, thanks!! I also found a list, which is provided by our very own VisaJourney! haha


I don't know how accurate that is, I've heard many times it's just 2 in Montreal, 1 in Toronto and 1 in Vancouver... hopefully someone else can clarify.
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-05-05 20:19:00

Would you perhaps know where I could find information on who my fiancee needs to schedule her medical with prior to the receipt of P4? Just gotta minimize the delays as much as possible :)

I've been given this link here before:
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-05-05 20:11:00
It's my udnerstanding we're not to book the medical until P4 has been sent... so I'm waiting until the interview is booked and then scheduling a Toronto medical accordingly.
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-05-05 19:56:00

That is definitely my plan, though I don't know if I can resist not calling tomorrow, haha. I know its pointless, but what if.... :P

You can probably reasonably start expecting them to log it tomorrow, but more realistically early next week! A lot of timelines I've seen seem to indicate about 5-7 days. So close!!!

I won't lie, we called today for that exact "What if..." reason. Can't hurt, I suppose :)
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-05-05 18:46:00

Excellent. My packet 3 was delivered to Montreal this morning, so I hope it won't be too long until I can book. Its just so tempted to book right now!! haha.

HAHA I know! Ours was delivered on Tuesday and I'm already anxious! Hopefully they get us all processed very quickly! :)
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-05-05 16:38:00

Thanks! I'm so happy. Matt and I havnt actually spoken today since hes been at work since i got the appointment, only texted. Cant wait to hear his voice and talk about it :)

And Thank you for your help! You responded to my post of the general K1 Forum.. and cause of reading all the posts on Canada's i realized that checking in a few times a day wasn't gonna cut it! Been online hours and hours since monday. I think i did 7 hrs straight monday morning (woke up at 730 when their doors open), this mornin was lazy and just feelin like we were never going to get an interview.. only logged on at 9, and voila :)

But for the first 10 mins the system was telling me their was a date, even made me pay but never gave me a calendar to choose my date. I was getting so nervous. After clicking Mr Account about 10 times and trying over it finally gave me the calendar,

Hahaha, I'm so glad it worked out! Ramon and I have a systemr eady if there's still all this refreshing required when we're able to book. I work evenings so I'm going to get up early and refresh and he's going to come home (he sets his own hours) and refresh after I go to work. It's almsot sad how much time we've devoted to discussing this! Hopefully it won't come to it, though :)
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-05-05 15:05:00
Congratulations everyone! Especially those that had been waiting for so long to get a date!! :)
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-05-05 14:26:00
CanadaPOE Today!!
Congratulations on finally getting your visa!! :D :D Good luck with POE!
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-06-25 11:08:00
CanadaDS-230 vs DS-260
I'd follow Montreal's instructions directly: http://montreal.usco...ument=visa_pkt3

So, still the DS-230.
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-06-24 13:47:00
CanadaNOA2 arrived today!!!!!
Congratulations!! :D :D
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-06-24 18:49:00
CanadaVisiting U.S. while waiting for interview

I'm going down on Friday with a one way ticket (*GASP), but I am hoping that a letter from my employer, my interview appointment and an invitation to my engagement party in Toronto is sufficient - but I'm pretty paranoid!
My fingers are crossed

Good luck!!
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-06-28 16:11:00
CanadaVisiting U.S. while waiting for interview

Ah yes, and I suppose if we get a plane ticket to Montreal for the interview that could also be proof of ties. Although we probably don't want to get a ticket until we are satisfied with the interview date in case something opens up earlier.

A return ticket/ticket to Montreal would definitely be a good tie, I hope it all works out for you!! :) I'm going to be trying to cross on July 7th via the Bluewater Bridge at Port Huron, I can let you know how that goes.
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-06-28 12:35:00
CanadaVisiting U.S. while waiting for interview
No visa is necessary, but she will need to show strong ties to Canada at the border. This is what we're planning do do for most of July, so we're hoping that my interview confirmation will be a strong tie in the eyes of the border officer.
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-06-28 12:22:00