
Oh my God, I finally get it! Had to read further into your thread Ralyse. LOL!

so you just send out the checklist and mark off the things you will bring to you interview. but you don't actually send it with packet 3. Boy the DS-156K sure is confusing. I didn't receive my packet 3 yet, but NVC did tell me it was being sent to me, I'm sure the packet that comes in says something about this Checklist.

Without this site I don't know how the in the heck me and my fiancee would be doing this. Sorry about this mess of a post. I've answered my question, but thanks to this forum of course!

Have a good night!

Yup, that's it! Don't send anything but the forms in with packet 3 :)
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-10-12 23:26:00

Hello again,

Still working on my Packet 3, and on DS-156k it says to provide Proof of financial support.

Now in I-134 this is required, an affidavit is also required for this form. My question is what kind of proof should I provide in packet 3 for DS-156K. Do i need my petitioner's/Fiancee's tax return? Pay Stub? and affidavit from him and his employer? This is so confusing. Can someone please give me a clear and definite answer.


We didn't send anything with P3 except the forms. They didn't ask for our financial support stuff (The I-134 and supporting documentation) until the interview.
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-10-12 22:04:00
CanadaDocuments for interview

The DS-230 is what you faxed in for packet 3. I brought mine along though, but you don't have to bring that form. You need 2 copies of DS-156 and 1 copy of DS-156K.

Unfortunately Montreal doesn't take documents via fax, so it would've been mailed in. It seems so silly that the two consulates in Canada have such different procedures sometimes.
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-10-13 01:29:00
CanadaDocuments for interview
Just for another perspective, I brought copies (doubles actually) of all the forms and they had the ones from P3 so they didn't need my copies. That said, always better to be overprepared, I had a copy of everything from the original petition as well.
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-10-13 01:14:00
CanadaIs e-reader Kindle allowed in interview day?

Don't bring ANYTHING besides the papers you need for the interview. I saw one guy get turned away for an electronic key remote on the day of my interview, as inky mentioned. No cell phones either! :P

My husband had a giant hardcover book with him (The new Game of Thrones one that had just come out - that thing isn't small) and they were fine with that. But yeah, I can't imagine an e-reader would go over well.

Edited by ralyse, 14 October 2011 - 12:10 AM.

ralyseFemaleCanada2011-10-14 00:09:00
CanadaIs e-reader Kindle allowed in interview day?

Dear all:
I checked the prohibited items of accessing the consulate in Montreal, which does not cover e-reader such as Ipad or kindle.
Only says computers and cameras and so on not allowed.

Does anyone know or notice other applicants using this during waiting time of interview ?

Thanks so much!

Sincerely Yours

I'd imagine it falls under "computers", to be honest.
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-10-13 22:49:00
CanadaToronto Medical
It's so bizarre that people have such opposite experiences booking with them. Maybe they have different receptionists on different days or something? Not like anything in this process is ever super consistent for all of us :P
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-10-16 07:02:00
CanadaTry to schedule a medical exam in Toronto, no one answers the phone?!

The email address you used, is it Thank you.

ralyseFemaleCanada2011-10-05 15:50:00
CanadaTry to schedule a medical exam in Toronto, no one answers the phone?!
I did mine over email as well, had everything scheduled within ten minutes.
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-10-05 15:19:00
CanadaAffidavit of support/Evidence of support

Oh so you can get a co-sponsor who's already retired? My fiance and I were thinking of asking his grandparents to co-sponsor but were unsure since they've been retired for a while now.

We used my then fiance's mother, who makes 90% of her income through her retirement. I think as long as you are prepared to prove that income, it's fine.
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-10-17 12:06:00
CanadaAffidavit of support/Evidence of support

OK so i have a question is about the I-134 and I-864! what are the steps? what i do i need to bring with me to
interview? What paper work or supporting documents are need for the 134 do need to bring the 864 with me to the interview? If someone can answer this with what they did! and also my baby is going to have a co-supporter what does that person have to have for information and what does she need to have to information! :bonk:

Montreal only requires the I-134 at interview. I brought the following:

For my fiance (now husband :D)
-Completed I-134
-Tax Transcript for the last year he filed (Which was 2009)
-Letter of enrollment from his school confirming full time student status

For our co-sponsor
-Completed I-134
-Last three years of tax transcripts
-Last 12 months of statements from her retirement, as it makes up the bulk of her income as opposed to pay stubs (Would bring a few recent pay stubs and letter from employer if the co-sponsor makes the bulk of their income through work)

All they took from me was both of the forms, my fiance's letter from school and our co-sponsor's most recent tax transcript + most recent retirement statement.
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-10-17 03:00:00
CanadaProof of Chicken Pox?

I read somewhere on that we can provide "verbal declaration of chicken pox"? Just curious if anyone has ever done this and if it was sufficient? Basically all I have to do is say "Yes I had the Chicken Pox when I was in Grade 2"?
Thanks for the help!

That's exactly what I did at my Toronto Medical and it was fine.
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-10-16 19:15:00
CanadaAnyone ever drove to Montreal from Toronto for Interview?
We drove from Brampton back in August and other than some construction on the 401 it was fine. A little stressful when actually in Montreal, but not as bad as we'd been expecting from what we heard. I think it all comes down to your comfort level with city driving. my husband drove and he's a relatively comfortable city driver so it was fine.
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-10-13 12:50:00

So if go with two people and arrive that early, parking outside is a possibility. But someone would have to go out before eight a.m. to get a parking pass and put it in the car. Maybe we just got lucky that there were spots there that day. We had brought a bunch of loonies and toonies in case we found spots that required coins. Maybe someone else has more information on these parking spots.Good luck, the medical part was very efficicent and everyone was very nice.

We parked right out front as well (in June), though my worrying fiance loaded up the meter anyway. Which is probably for the best since he fell asleep in the waiting room and was snoring his face off by the time I was done :P
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-10-18 09:50:00
CanadaFiancee Letter of Intent
Completely! I would've been compeltely lost without VJ to help me :)
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-06-10 20:50:00
CanadaFiancee Letter of Intent
Using just the lockbox address as mentioned above should be fine, that's what we did. And we sent it via UPS ground.
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-06-10 20:36:00
CanadaVisa approved!
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-10-22 05:06:00
CanadaProof of ongoing relationship (interview)

I brought some (not very much at all, just phone records, chat records, and a boarding pass or two) but was never asked for any of it.

Same here. I felt better for knowing I had it, though... although I also had my fiance with me at the consulate, which helped ease my mind on that particular topic.
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-10-24 10:38:00
CanadaMontreal Consulate Review
Oh wow, that sucks about the number screw up! But congratulations on your approval!!
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-11-02 11:14:00
CanadaK1 was approved Yesterday
Congratulations!! :)
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-11-02 11:12:00
CanadaWe're Approved!!!
Congratulations!! :D
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-11-02 14:01:00
Canada2 questions about I-134
1) That's what we did. He put that he's a student and included all his school information and we had a letter of full time enrollment from the school that I brought with and they took at the interview.

Not sure about 2 or 3, though, hopefully someone else can answer.
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-11-03 16:41:00
CanadaPassport delivery from Montreal
My email was from CSC, yup.
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-11-04 11:47:00
CanadaPassport delivery from Montreal

Hey guys!

I'm just a little confused about this process. I had my interview on Nov 1st and was told that the passport will be sent to me with the printed visa within 3 business days. Well I'm not holding my breath for it to be sent out today or even Monday for that matter, but I'm a little concerned after reading different answers on VJ. I've been checking the CSC website at least once a day to make sure that the waybill number hasn't popped up yet, I'm assuming that the waybill number will be right on the summary page! Once I have that number, I'll head over to and try to track it down? Is this the best way to do it! I have read some where that in some cases the passport arrived at the DDL location you choose before there way a waybill number on CSC summary page. I called DHL (loomis express) and I was told that they don't get any updates from the Embassy, once the passport has been provided to DHL, a waybill number will pop up on CSC's website and then you can track it on using that number. I asked if there was a way to pull up my account using the reference number that I gave them when I sent packet 3, she couldn't pull up my account. What was the significance of that reference number if they can't pull me up baed on that! When I asked her why, she said because we can only search our system based on waybill numbers. Something just doesn't add up. delivery

Here's the key question that I have: When Montreal hands over the passports to these folks at DHL, they will populate the WAYBILL field in their system which will consequently reflect on CSC website (our summary page which has applicant's passport number and MRV receipt number). Then we can use that waybill number to track the passport! What are your thoughts on this? Those who have recently gone through this, please clarify...thanks in advance!


More than anything else with Montreal, this seems to go differently for everyone.

-Mine never appeared on the site, but I did get an email with the waybill.
-Others never got the email, but the waybill appeared on the site.
-For others, neither the email or the waybill was received but they got a call from DHL.
-In some really rare cases they never got the email, the waybill or the call and just stopped by their DHL location and it was there.

So, I think in THEORY you're supposed to get the waybill via the site and the email and then the call when it's at your location... it just seems some steps get skipped for some people. Nothing you can really do except wait. DOS can tell you if it's been printed but not if it's been shipped and really, there's no way to find out the status if you don't get the email/CSC site update without going to your DHL location and asking if there's a package for you.

Silly, really :( Good luck!
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-11-04 11:02:00

I will be entering the U.S. at either Detroit or Bluewater Bridge with a car or two full of my belongings when I use my KVisa. I have yet to find what form is required, I do not believe I fill out the same form as goods coming after I am there. DO I just make the detailed list of my belongings to give if they ask?

Thank you so much ..

Just a detailed list, I believe. We weren't asked about the contents of the car at all at Bluewater in August, fwiw.
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-11-05 13:06:00
CanadaGetting Ready to Leave

Utilities - you might want to call and setup a cancellation on a certain date. I know a lot of places have a "30 day notice" clause about cancelling services, even though this is never mentioned when you set it up. Calling to ask won't hurt anyway.

It's usually in the small print or terms of service on your bills, for what its worth. At my previous employer back in Canada I spent a lot of time getting freaked out at over 30 day disconnection policies and it was completely unwaivable and system-enforced. Worth it to read over the small print with any service provider, really. But yeah, annoying.

Edited by ralyse, 07 November 2011 - 11:53 AM.

ralyseFemaleCanada2011-11-07 11:53:00
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-11-07 11:46:00
CanadaTo those of you finally home (US side)!
They're putting in a Timmies right down the street, not many West Michigan... won't be the same, but still.

And homesickness is hitting me really hard lately. I think it's a symptom of not really having anything to do all day.
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-11-08 17:38:00
Congratulations!! :)
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-11-16 21:20:00
Canadafinally NOA2
No idea about interviews, but congratulations on NOA2! :)
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-11-23 06:46:00
CanadaJust Engaged - Best Course of Action?
Congratulations on your engagement! :)

We chose K1 for a few reasons, the main one being that we didn't want to be married and living apart. While in the K1 process my fiance visited every couple of weeks (He was only a few hours away in Michigan and I was in southwestern Ontario). It all really depends on your priorities since there are negatives and positives to both. If you don't mind being apart while married and want your work authorization right away upon moving, CR1 might be the better option... It's really dependent on your own situation and priorities.
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-11-23 21:31:00
CanadaMontreal Interviews
Congratulations, all of you!!
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-10-13 14:12:00

what is the address to send packet 3 to??
also - can we just send by canada post??

The address is: ATTN: Immigrant Visa Unit
315 Place d'Youville Suite 500
Montreal Quebec
H2Y 0A4

You should take a read through this thread, it answers most questions about the part of the process you're currently in:
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-12-07 14:07:00
CanadaBringing Goods to U.S. at detroit tunnel
Yay, congrats!
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-12-07 08:49:00
CanadaCR-1 DS-260 Supporting Documents Question

Thank you again, we followed your guide and it was soooo helpful that's why i thought i would ask you ;)Hope i get a interview date in next few weeks...fingers crossed:)

I have a few questions about the actual interview.....

Can you bring cellphones with you in case their is a long wait?...some to do...i will be a lil what floor is it on?

I hear it is about 10 minutes long or so, first wicket is where you hand your paperwork in and the second wicket is where you get your approval and so on and they ask a few basic routine questions?

Not allowed electronics of any kind, so definitely no cell phones. People have been turned away for remotes on their keys, even. Your best bet to know what to expect is to read reviews of other CR-1 interviews from Montreal, which you can find here: http://www.visajourn...&cty=&dfilter=5
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-10-17 03:02:00
CanadaOpening a Bank account in Michigan

Hello if there is anyone from Canada to Michigan inparticular...I am here in Michigan now, and today my USC husband and I went to the bank to add me to his savings account.. mostly for AOS purposes. We could not get them to understand that I am now a resident of Michigan and do not have a canadian address. They insisted even after phonecalls, that I needed to sign this tax form saying my permanent residence is (my former residence) in Canada and that my mailing address is my new home's address in Michigan!!!
We finally withdrew all the paperwork.

We will try another bank, however, that was the one where my husband has his accounts and his mortgage.

Anyone else have a similar story??


We're with Fifth Third in Michigan and we went in, showed my passport with visa and my SSN and they added me to my husband's account, no problem. Only thing I can think of is if it's a smaller bank or credit union they might not have clearly outlined policies about it?
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-12-13 16:18:00
CanadaMontreal December 2011 Interviews

Hello all,

I had my interview today, in Montreal, and I was APPROOVEDD!!! :D
Thank you all for your help. I greatly appreciate it!


ralyseFemaleCanada2011-12-12 21:04:00
CanadaMerry Christmas...
Merry Christmas!! :D
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-12-25 10:58:00
Canadasarnia/port huron poe today
Woot, congrats!

They need to clean up that mess right as you get off the Bridge into Port Huron, its crazy confusing to get onto 94 LOL.
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-11-10 18:39:00
CanadaFlu Shot

Anyone have issues sending off their Medical info without the flu shot being completed when filling AOS? My medical states that it is incomplete due to inappropriate age... Medical was done in Montreal by Medisys in August..

Nothing here, but our interview isn't until the end of January. Got an RFE for something else, but not that!
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-12-28 13:57:00