CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

Well i won't have a long form birth certificate, i leave tomorrow... anyone know where i get one ??

This thread covered the ways to get a long form birth certificate: You'll probably have to get it afterwards and mail it in, if Montreal allows.
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-07-31 13:09:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

Photocopy of biographical page of passport for Fiance????

I didn't see this on the checklist page? I don't have this, and I have only copies of my portion of the 1-129F application, not the entire copy of it, my fiance never sent me back his whole I doomed? :help:

For the package, I'm bringing it because I have it, don't know if its a make or break scenario if you don't. And I remembered reading you needed to prove American citizenship for your sponsor/co-sponsor, so that's why I got those photocopied. I can't remember where I read it though... a better safe than sorry situation here, I hope. Though in another thread people are mentioning we should have the USC's original birth certificate? That's under discussion here atm: http://www.visajourn...items-montreal/
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-07-30 22:23:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
Interview checklist time! Those of us on the 3rd are up first from VJers for K1s I think, so let me know if I've forgotten anything! :) I know I'm bringing more than I need, but I'd rather be over prepared.

-Interview Confirmation email (showing proof of payment)
-Entire copy of the I-129F packet including NOA2
-Copy of all P3 documents
-2 passport photos
-Police check + copy
-Long form birth certificate + copy
-I-134 for fiance + supporting documentation
-I-134 for co-sponsor + supporting documentation
-Medical + XRay
-Proof of relationship (Photos, Phone bills, Wedding Planning Stuff)
-Signed letter of intent from fiance
-Photocopy of biographical page of passport for fiance and co-sponsor
-Self :)

I sat here staring at this for about ten minutes convinced I've left something off... Hopefully not! :\
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-07-30 18:38:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!


I was checking consistently up until a couple of weeks ago and nothing sooner than our August 3rd day ever came available. At least it's soon! :D
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-07-22 22:21:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

Is the interview letter the same as the confirmation e-mail you get right when you schedule an interview on the CSC website? Cause that's all I got...

CR1 gets an interview letter since their date is shceduled for them, I think. K1-wise I'll be taking P4 and the printout from the CSC site confirming my date.
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-07-21 18:31:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

Cool! :)

We booked our hotel last week. We're going with the old standard Hotel La Tour Centreville and we're only staying for one night, so we saved a bit of money (although any hotel in downtown Montreal is going to be on the expensive side, IME). My fiance is driving up to Ontario and then we'll drive to Montreal on the 11th, which won't be so bad - it's only about a 6-7 hour drive from my area. It will definitely be a lot of car time in a short few days so I feel badly :( but he says he doesn't mind. I have such a wonderful guy. (L)

Getting nervous/excited! We have pretty much everything all ready except for his pay stubs since we're waiting for his most recent ones, and I want to go get some photos printed for proof of relationship. I realize Montreal probably won't even look at our proof of relationship stuff but I'd rather have it and not need it than have them ask and have to send it later.

Aawh, roadtripping can be fun at least! We're driving from Michigan, stopping in KW for the night then driving out to Montreal. Not nearly as far, but considering we just drove to Minneapolis and back his poor car basically hates us :)
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-07-20 12:30:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

We were just scheduled for August 2nd - just over a year after our NOA1 but we are SO excited! Have just scheduled the medical too. Now booking flights to YUL.

Congratulations! That's quite a lengthy journey!!
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-07-14 13:01:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

OMG!!!! I got super lucky and August 11th randomly showed up on the CSC website! I managed to snag it :D :D :D Before my interview was on August 22nd.

Congrats on moving it up!! :D I'm in the states now until just a couple of days before my interview, it's getting here quickly!!
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-07-11 12:19:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
Allright, we are *officially* done trying to reschedule. (I mean it this time!) Booked a hotel and everything. Based on price and distance to the consualte, decided to go with Hotel La Tour Centreville. Anyone else making those final plans yet?

ralyseFemaleCanada2011-06-30 11:24:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
I did a separate thread about my medical since it got pretty complicated, but I was there just before 6am, was second in line, and out by 8:15, which was awesome!

Good luck with yours tomorrow, pocheros!
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-06-20 16:33:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
Haha, that's an awesome story! Having VJ and things like that happen makes the entire process feel a lot more comfortable and normal, I feel like. Sometimes its hard to be out here in my life with people who don't really understand what we're going through to be with the person we love.

Also, mmm mcdonalds breakfast. We plan to get some when we leave my mom's in Brampton that morning, hopefully traffic isn't too bad.
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-06-15 20:14:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
Thanks Kayla, that actually does set my mind at ease a lot!!

And Pocheros: I feel the same way about having a month and a half between the medical and the interview, lots of time in case I need to re-clarify anything or there's any problems.
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-06-15 11:17:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

I'm somewhat worried about my vaccination documents because although I have an official one that lists most of them, a few were missing. So when I went to my family doctor she wrote in the other ones I got by hand and signed it and wrote her phone number on the page, rather than fill out a new sheet. I suppose that should be good enough but it still makes me nervous.

Can you get a new vaccination sheet from any office, or does it have to be your family doctor?

I'm really worried too, because my doctor is a bit of a ####### and all he gave me is a sheet showing MMR/Hep immunity and proof of my last tetanus shot. We'll see what happens Monday, I guess.
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-06-15 09:04:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
Mine is next Monday, we're going to stay with my mom in Brampton the night before so we don't have to leave KW as early in the morning. I'm pretty worried about my vaccination documents, I just don't think I've got enough... we'll see what happens, though.

Let us know how it goes! :D
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-06-14 12:38:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
Not required, no. :)
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-06-14 02:16:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
We're really lucky, it's only 5-6 hours depending on the wait at the bridge. So he's going to go back after the interview and come get me once I have my passport :)
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-06-09 19:24:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
Oh, I hear you about the uncertainty. I was finally starting to feel relaxed about everything and having a normal experience from ehre on out, and now Montreal is having all these difficulties again... POE isn't as much of a concern for us as Ramon is just going to drive back and get me once I have my passport but I don't have anywhere to live except a friend's couch between itnerview and POE so that has me pretty worried...


Oh Montreal, just when we're getting less stressed out...
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-06-09 18:38:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
I'm not sure exactly where we'll be staying yet, but probably one of the ones from the hotel rec thread. We'll be driving, so that's something...

As far as via rail goes, I can't imagine they don't run on Sundays. All the routes I've ever taken (Kitchener - Brampton or Kitchener - Sarnia) run on Sundays, albeit not as frequently. Hopefully they get that sorted out for you! :)
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-06-09 15:07:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
So, has anyone started thinking about/planning where they're going to stay? Just curious. We've officially decided to stop checking for a different date, which is a nice relief. Getting all the plans together now. :)
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-06-09 14:33:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

Are you looking to move your interview to the left again?

I'd like to move it up just by a week for the sake of spending less time living on a couch, but I'm not too worried about it if I can't.
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-05-24 11:05:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

I can totally relate! I'll be camping out at my moms and I'm crossing my fingers for an earlier date! The soul sucking job is coming to an end of us though. Are you quitting before or after your interview? i'm seriously considering before...

Well, its a gamble... but I have 2 weeks vacation booked in the middle of July for a camping trip and if I take them only to come back and work for like 2 weeks before quitting, I'll owe back a lot of hours due to how vacation works at my current job... it's barely any different to quit before I leave for camping and just bank on things working out... I'm about 90% leaning towards quitting for mid-July as it stands right now... plus, when I get back from camping I'll have a couple days to finish packing up our apartment and get all my stuff into my friends garage... and I guess get comfy on her couch until I have my passport in hand and maybe visit a few friends/family that I won't see much of after I move.

But if the vacation pay weren't such a factor I would've given my two weeks notice the day I got back from the interview because its the responsible thing to do... apparently.
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-05-23 15:54:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

ours is looking at the 10th but im looking every day for one sooner lol

Yeah, even bumping mine a few days sooner would keep me from having to live on a friends couch for *too* long, but its nice to have an idea when it'll be. (And to have an idea when I can quit my soul-sucking job, LOL)
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-05-23 15:31:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

We're now scheduled for August 12th at 8:31 am. :) I will be stoked if I can get something sooner, but if not I am happy to finally have something concrete to work with.

Congrats! I thought I'd be more upset about how "far" away the interview is, especially booking a couple weeks after a group of VJers that had like 3-6 weeks of waiting, but now that there's something concrete like you said, it's a lot easier. Things are starting to come together.... :)
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-05-23 15:23:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

How long do i wait to check back or can I do it as many times in a day as I want???

I haven't actually rebooked, but I refresh to see when the next available date is all the time. Like multiple times when I'm sitting at my computer.
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-05-23 12:49:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

August 22, 8:31am! I'm really happy I got a morning appointment so I can get there super early and be first in line! Unless there's some other VJers coming who will beat me haha ;)

I guess it's time to research the POE and AOS parts of the process! I'm eager to cross the border but at the same time 3 months is a good amount of time to prepare and not too long seeing as we're (presumably) used to long distance relationships hehe.

I'm glad to have gotten the morning for that same reason! There's quite a few VJers scheduled the same day as me though, so it's probably going to be rpetty corwded pretty early :D
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-05-19 16:25:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
I'm resigned to not rescheduling earlier now, and things actually work out really well with the date we got. I know there's a lot of us with August interviews, when will everyone be around?

Mine's August 3rd at 8:01! :)
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-05-19 16:04:00
CanadaGreen Card Production
Mine's green too! :D

ralyseFemaleCanada2012-06-22 17:51:00
CanadaI am frustrated with the U.S. Consulate in Montreal

not true--up to the POE officer. Many have crossed without "activating" it, but it all depends on the POE officer!!

Allright, noted! I definitely thought it was the other way :)
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-05-17 17:13:00
CanadaI am frustrated with the U.S. Consulate in Montreal

I know I have 6 months (5 in my case) to cross over with my Visa. However, can I physically move into the US within 6 months of actually receiving my green card? I think it takes 2 months for the green card to come once the Visa is stamped, thus potentially giving me 8 months to move into the US after my Visa is stamped. I may need the extra time to move for the reasons I described in my previous post.

I also want to know, if I go on vacation to the US in June, can I decide not to have my US Visa stamped at that time?


To my understanding, as soon as you have the visa you don't have a choice in activating it. The first time you cross the border after it's issued, you're using it.
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-05-17 16:30:00
CanadaFinally mailed off AOS!
Oh yay, I'm really glad you were finally able to file!! :D
ralyseFemaleCanada2012-11-10 17:38:00
Thank you everyone for the replies, I am feeling a lot better today now that things aren't as raw. It really helped to be reminded that what I'm going through and feeling is really normal and expected when making such a huge change in life. I'm still thinking about the possibility of going back home, but I'm also looking for work again here... I really can't thank all of you enough for the support, it made such a huge difference is making me feel better about everything.

*hugs to all of VJ because you are all awesome, supportive, wonderful people*

ralyseFemaleCanada2012-12-11 11:25:00
I've been having a really rough time.

I don't have any friends. I've never been very social, almost all of my interaction with anyone was online before I moved here, outside of the fact I had roommates. My husband is very much the same way.

When I got my EAD I applied for a lot of jobs and had no luck despite a great resume. I finally landed a position in a call center with a bank thanks to a family friend of my inlaws. I started there in March. I did very well, was a top performer... I just didn't like it very much. I didn't have anything in common with any of my coworkers and I wasn't liking the banking industry as a place to work. I just wasn't happy. So I kept looking for a new job.

Months of nothing, not even so much as a call for jobs I was qualified for. It's fine, I *had* a job so I know how lucky I was.

In August, I got promoted at the bank call center. Pay raise, better hours, new supervisor. While my supervisor was nice and I was doing really well, he and I had... not clashing personalities or anything but we just didn't seem to click very well. There were no fights or anything, just... awkwardness and difficulty communicating. That sort of compounded my unhappiness and I went back to looking for another position. In addition, I had some really bad health problems and had missed some work.

So at the start of November I got a call from a job that was basically doing exactly what I did back in Canada. I interviewed and had the offer right away. I gave my notice at the bank and started there three weeks ago. I was really enjoying it, was really excited about the company and was getting really good feedback.

Today, they let me go. The short reasons were about how I was obviously very intelligent and well versed in the industry and the questions I was asking were making other people in the training class feel intimidated and that they had gone to HR saying that it made them uncomfortable. There were some other things going on that I'm not going to go through the headache of getting into... but I now find myself unemployed, without insurance (my husband doesn't work, he's a student), without friends... and just really wishing I could go home.

I had so much trouble finding another job and to be let go after three weeks without so much as being told there was a problem (and there were a couple others let go too, its... complicated)... And I was already having a lot of trouble dealing with isolation, unexpected culture shock (I'd spent plenty of time here before I moved here) and just... general unhappiness with things.

I love my husband, but what happened today just solidifies a lot of doubts that I had about me being here. I don't fit in, I don't seem to have the right kind of... something. I don't know.

He graduates next December and we were going to leave Michigan when that happened. Go somewhere else in the US that's more suited to my values and beliefs and the sort of atmosphere we both enjoy... Go somewhere where we had friends. But now I just wonder if we wouldn't be better off if I just went home and we went through a spousal visa process for him to move to Canada when it was over. We did the long distance thing for years and we're only a few hours apart if I go back to Kitchener...

I just don't know. I've been so unhappy here.
ralyseFemaleCanada2012-12-07 19:10:00
CanadaPOE POrt Huron/Sarnia
We never paid for it either, nothing ever came of it :)
ralyseFemaleCanada2012-12-30 21:03:00
CanadaPacket 3 Checklist - Montreal

Oh, maybe we don't need it! It might only be for people whose petitioner is also in Canada, because then they'd have to show that there's actually a home waiting for them in the US.

Also ralyse, how did you address packet 3? I know it's
315 Place D'Youville Suite 500
Montreal, QC

but did you write anything else, like K-1 VISA or PACKET 3?

I wrote my MTL case # on it as well, but nothing else. and i included a cover letter that again outlined that case number.
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-06-24 16:04:00
CanadaPacket 3 Checklist - Montreal
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think evidence of domicile is required for K1. I marked it as n/a.
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-06-24 15:41:00
CanadaPacket 3 Checklist - Montreal

I checked off everything that I required for the interview (even medical and letter which I didn't have at the time) and n/a'd those that I didn't need. Didn't get a RFE, so I assume everything was fine.

That's exactly what I did as well.
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-06-24 13:48:00
CanadaWaiting for our passports from Montreal

Eeeekkkk... OMG, just got the email from DHL with my waybill number!!! Woohooo!!!

Congratulations! :D
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-09-13 20:13:00
CanadaWaiting for our passports from Montreal

Now we have a new waybill number! I wonder if it will be ready for pick up tomorrow?

Awesome! Hopefully :)
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-08-30 21:24:00
CanadaWaiting for our passports from Montreal

Hi All!

Just wanted to let you know that I received my DHL waybill number tonight after having to submit additional documents to the consulate on August 4th. I called DOS this past Friday and was still "in administrative processing".

Also, on Friday i had sent an email to the Montreal Consulate inquiring on the status of my Visa - I was getting concerned because I hadn't even gotten an "approval" yet when I called DOS. About 20 minutes after I sent the email they actually got back to me with this:

Good day,

Please note that all mail addressed to the U.S. Consulate General in Montreal undergoes thorough security clearance procedures at an offsite facility. This creates additional delays for the mail to actually reach our office. The date you claim the mail was delivered is not the actual date our office has received your mail. You may expect your case to be reviewed within 4 weeks from the date that the mail was sent.

I hope that this information may be useful.


Correspondence Assistant | Immigrant Visa Unit

I did put in the subject line "PLEASE PRIORITIZE: URGENT Case # XXXXXXXXXXX" I'm not sure if that helped. Also, they wanted my husbands 2010 tax documents which I sent in the day after my interview on August 4th. But, I also sent in his recent job offer about two weeks later. The Consulate didn't ask for this specifically but, when I spoke to a lovely agent at DOS (Beth and Matthew are the absolute best there!) it was suggested that if it could help my case at all and was relevant to the additional required documentation that it wouldn't hurt to send it in. 12 days later I have my waybill number! Not sure if this helped but clearly it didn't hurt.

Thank you to everyone on here - this site was a Godsend! And, I'll continue to follow for the next steps! If anyone has any questions at all around sending additional documentation to the Montreal Consulate please feel free to message me.

Good Luck all!

That's great news, I'm really glad you'll be able to get your passport back soon!! :D
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-08-29 22:19:00
CanadaWaiting for our passports from Montreal

So after refreshing the tracking page all morning, I logged onto the CSC site around noon to see if it said anything different, and it had changed to 'Available for Pick Up" again and a new waybill number. :D We checked that waybill number out and it told us that my package was NOW at the location it was supposed to be so we went and picked it up! I now have visa in hand! :)

I'm really glad Montreal/CSC came through in good time. I was surprised that they corrected the issue so quickly. Looks like Montreal is on a roll right now. :) If it weren't for that mix up, I would have had it yesterday, 4 business days after the interview. Even with the confusion, I got it in 5 business days.

That means, though, that I have it in time to go home with Andy and I won't have to fly down separately plus ship all of my ####### later. :dance:

That's great news Kayla! I'm glad it all worked out and you get to travel together!! :)
ralyseFemaleCanada2011-08-19 17:19:00