IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGetting Ready to Send NVC Packet!!!!!!!!!!
QUOTE (imaisha @ Jul 28 2009, 09:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm not sure what you mean by misc. tax forms but NVC is pretty clear about what they need. They want the return and the W-2 for each year (if you are submitting for more than one year). Do you have the W-2 for 2006? Are these misc. forms the actual returns for 2007? And yes you will absolutely 100% need the W-2 for 2008. Without it the return means nothing. I could fill in the form and claim I made $900 million dollars. It's the W-2 that backs it all up. If you aren't able to provide a return and a W-2 for all three years for your joint sponsor then you need to order transcripts for him.
Well, I mean like Tuition Reimbursement and some other misc. stuff...I see a Combined Tax Statement for 2007 from Bank of America, a doc. from the NJ Dept. of Labor Unemployment Insurance (??), and two forms that say "Continued Claim for Disability During Unemployment Benefits"....for my sis-in-law. Do I really need to send in all this stuff too? They claim that it goes with their tax return, so I'm not 100%...and I have this feeling that NVC is really nitpicky and will find any reason to butcher my case, so I just want to be extra careful in regards to what I send....

QUOTE (imaisha @ Jul 28 2009, 09:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The paystubs and letter from your brother's employer are great, but do you have those from your own job?
besides a temp gig doing paralegal work that I had back in March, which is nil anyways, I haven't worked since August 2008. Hence why I am using my bro as my joint sponsor.

QUOTE (imaisha @ Jul 28 2009, 09:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No need to worry about being under the poverty line for 2006. It's what's happening now that matters. That's why it's important to show proof of your current income, not just what was on the 2008 return. You say "now defunct job" so I'm guessing you're no longer employed and that's why you can't include your own income. Fair enough.

QUOTE (imaisha @ Jul 28 2009, 09:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You absolutely should not submit the IV package with the AOS package. It sounds like your DS-3032 has not been accepted yet so the DS-230 has not been generated yet. You cannot send anything to NVC until they ask for it. Read the LingChe shortcuts again more carefully please. If you want to hold off on sending your AOS package, that's fine. Once the DS-230 has been generated and the fee shows as paid on the website then you can feel free to mail them in together. If you're able to it's best to send the AOS package ASAP though. They could be processing it while you wait for the DS-3032 to be accepted. This is especially important if you consider that you may get an RFE for the AOS, in which case you'll want to be on top of that sooner rather than later so that you don't delay the completion of your case.
ok here's the thing though. I already paid for the IV bill, and the cover bill has already been generated and sent to me. I did not, however, get any forms from NVC yet. Maybe I should call them back to ask about that? The operator I spoke to today did say they are waiting on the I-864 AND the DS-230 I am sort of stuck on that..well, I guess best to call. But I will follow your advice and send the packets separately. Better be safe than sorry. My main issue is the AOS packet though...just missing these damn W-2 forms...

QUOTE (imaisha @ Jul 28 2009, 09:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You don't mention the original birth certificate of the beneficiary. Make sure you send that as well. Come to think of it, you also need to show proof of citizenship (or permanent residency) for your joint sponsor. Do you have a copy of his birth certificate or unexpired passport?
oh good one! Yeah I have that already as well, and it's translated and notarized too! I also asked him to copy his entire passport from front to back and I've got that as well. And wow..didn't realize my brother had to show proof of citizenship....jeez! Well, guess that I'll have to ask him for that too.....ugh.... wacko.gif wacko.gif wacko.gif

QUOTE (imaisha @ Jul 28 2009, 09:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And you do not send any proof of relationship in to NVC. Save it all for the embassy. And save all that organization for the interview as well. Just make a cover letter for each package and stick a binder clip around all of them. They're just going to take everything out of the binder when they go through it all and send it to the embassy later, so don't waste your postage.

I think that was it...
Sounds good...thanks a mil....I had a huge stack of emails and my itinerary tickets and what not together, as well as over 60 pics of us together and one with my mom, 2 with my sis, and about 6-7 with our wedding guests....guess that's enough right? Don't want to piss them off with bombarding them with snapshots but whatever...

THANK YOU, you don't know how much your advice means to me. Thanks to the both of you for replying.

Best wishes,
meowmeowmeowFemaleSyria2009-07-28 21:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGetting Ready to Send NVC Packet!!!!!!!!!!
QUOTE (canadian_wife @ Jul 28 2009, 08:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If you have 3 years worth of tax information for both you and your co-sponsor then you should be OK reagarding the I-864

For the DS-230 you will also need to fill out part II but not sign it. The beneficiary will also need a birth certificate listing parents names. You should submit originals and 1 copy of each, and make a copy for yourself.

Has your choice of agent already been accepted?

We sent out I-864 and the DS-230 packets together.

As for WOWing them - I don't think it matters. Have it organized and well put together but I doubt you will impress them.

Print the case number and name of beneficiary on the back of the passport photos in pencil.

I wouldn't include the affidavits, but that is just me. OF COURSE you are going to say it's for love!

Good luck.
hi there.

the only thing we're missing is the w-2 for him for 2008 and my w-2 for this case, dunno what to do...i do have my tax trascripts though, and i guess we can order my brother's...would this be fine? can i get away without getting the w-2 for me for 2006 then? my brother just moved to texas as well and his stuff is still in disarray and would take a while to get me his w-2...that's why im stressed. do we really need all this...ugh.

i got all his stuff, but didn't realize i needed to get copies too...ok i'll get on that as well.

then i'll just send the affidavits to my hubby so he can hold on to them for the interview...

thanks for your reply, that's great.
meowmeowmeowFemaleSyria2009-07-28 21:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGetting Ready to Send NVC Packet!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, so I had been waiting forever for my brother to send his docs to me (he is going to be my joint sponsor with the i-1864)

i got:

his filed taxes from 2006-2006 in nice neat little binders done by their CPA,

the 2007 w-2

some other financial #######...misc. tax forms for 2007

his paystubs from April 2007 to present

an employment letter from his boss stating how much he is currently making (fortunately well over what we need)

he unfortunately did not include his 2008 w-2, and per my conversation with a surly NVC operator, i would need that too, or my case will be delayed (not that it hasn't been already with freaking waiting for everything to come together...)

oh and the i-1864 form....

as for me:

my tax forms from 2006-2008, as well as tax transcripts that i had sent to my home for those same years.

w-2 for 2007 and 2008.....but don't have this going to be a problem?

and the signed i-864 form
1) is this enough?

i made well over the poverty limit in both 2007 and 2008 but just barely that in 2006 because i had started my now defunct job in october of 2006....

no other assets, nothing at this point

a) can i send these in with the ds-3032 and ds-230 forms TOGETHER?

and going to that.....i have:

the signed ds-230 part i form (we altered the barcode and what not using lingche's NVC instructions....i hope that this is the right way to do it....NVC also told me that they wouldnt be sending me anything and that i'd have to print everything out on my own, OF COURSE without specifying that i'd need to change the barcode or anything....$^$#&$#&$#!!!!!!!!)

the choice of agent form..but frankly, this was already done via email, so would it be redundant/annoying to send it again with the forms?

original marriage certificate (with english translation that is notarized) in this case, our "aile cuzdani" (turkish marriage book)

original police certificate (with english translation & stamp from the translator signifying that it was "notarized" although syria doesn't really have notaries per se for this stuff...)

original military certificate (same as above....but we managed to get some stamps on it via some government office to signify that it's valid and true)

my divorce papers that are already stamped and from the original office in Alexandria, VA

his 2 passport photos


they told me that the emails i had stacked up, my itinerary info, ticket stubs, photos, and more affidavits from family and friends would be given to the embassy if they require it at the interview.

so should i just send this stuff to my husband before the interiew?

it's pissing me off because i've read a few times in this forum about how people have sent this stuff in with their why is this woman telling me that i don't need to send in this stuff? WTH? sad.gif

any help sorting out this mess would be appreciated...

i am also thinking of WOW'ing them by putting everything in nice plastic folders and putting everything in a binder and labeling it with color coded that going overboard?

thanks......i want to get this ####### out the door within the next 3 days so any help would be appreciated....

p.s. should i also include the affidavits that we wrote ourselves that we are entering this marriage for love purposes and nothing else? we have already done this, his is not notarized because syria as i said doesn't really have notary offices and i got mine done at my local bank...

should i also include a cover letter, besides the one that i printed out when i paid the IV bill??

meowmeowmeowFemaleSyria2009-07-28 18:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLetters from friends
hey finnlove, try this format:

Third Party Affidavit

In re application for a Visa for the United States of America

Evidence in support of a bona fide marriage between [NAME], Applicant, and [NAME], Beneficiary


[NAME], being duly sworn, deposes and says:

1. I am making this affirmation in connection with the application of [NAME] for a Visa for the United States of America. The contents of the affirmation are based on my own knowledge and are true.

2. I was born on [DATE] in [TOWN, COUNTY, COUNTRY].

3. My address is [TOWN, COUNTY, COUNTRY].

4. [NAME], the beneficiary, is my daughter.



7. I have visited [NAMES] in their home in [PLACE], and found them a very happy couple and obviously in love.

8. I was a witness at [NAMES]wedding on [DATE].

9. I have personal knowledge of the bona fide of [NAMES] relationship. Their marriage is legitimate, viable, and not entered into for any immigration-related purpose.



Sworn before me this _______ day of _______, 2008


i got this from here:

you and hubby you could also use the other one above it as well for your own affidavits....and i found this link as well:


believe me...i asked this same question a while back too, and got directed to these as well...i hope it works out! good luck to you smile.gif))


p.s. i would just edit a few obvious details in that format, but otherwise hope that will help!

meowmeowmeowFemaleSyria2009-08-10 23:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLetters from friends
i wouldn't worry too much, try getting her to rewrite it might be a good thing. i believe there was some kind of format for affidavits from friends/family that you can use on here. i will try to look for it and post it.
meowmeowmeowFemaleSyria2009-08-10 22:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWE GOT OUR INTERVIEW DATE!!!!!
congratulations...and good luck!!
meowmeowmeowFemaleSyria2009-08-13 13:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI Did It!!!!!!!
congratulations, that's great! i hope you guys will be reunited soon!
meowmeowmeowFemaleSyria2009-08-13 21:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMy I-1864 Paranoia Thread
QUOTE (imaisha @ Aug 13 2009, 07:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (trailmix @ Aug 13 2009, 01:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey you know, on questions 23 and 24 - these are not necessarily the same number for your brother. You said he has a wife and child. Question 24 asks for household income - that is how it is different - they want the income number for the entire household.

No, they want the income of anyone submitting an affidavit of support. It specifically asks for, "Income you are using from any other person who was counted in your household size." Since the sister in law is not submitting an I-864A and only the brother's income is being used, 23 and 24 should be the same. You could have ten people living in your household, but if those ten people have not promised to support the immigrant then they are of no interest to the government.

thanks a million, you've been really a great help for me rose.gif rose.gif rose.gif
meowmeowmeowFemaleSyria2009-08-15 15:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMy I-1864 Paranoia Thread
well, thanks for your help guys.
meowmeowmeowFemaleSyria2009-08-13 16:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMy I-1864 Paranoia Thread
what's the income number? oh #######, we put the same number????

i just called NVC again and they said don't put w-2....#######? the other operator supposedly asked her supervisor and she said i did...but im not going to send...

damn. another glitch...
meowmeowmeowFemaleSyria2009-08-13 13:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMy I-1864 Paranoia Thread NVC told me I need the W-2's along with the tax this right???I was told by 3 other operators previously that I did NOT need these....anyone???
meowmeowmeowFemaleSyria2009-08-13 12:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMy I-1864 Paranoia Thread
QUOTE (imaisha @ Aug 12 2009, 10:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
He only needs to check off the citizen box.

Don't forget proof of his citizenship. And people often include recent paystubs. Maybe not 100% necessary for NVC but I'd definitely want to take them to the interview just in case.

oh...should i sent my brother's recent paystubs to my husband then? and i've got my brother's birth certificate...

so i'm good to go then? biggrin.gif
meowmeowmeowFemaleSyria2009-08-13 11:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMy I-1864 Paranoia Thread
so now i've got:

both copies of i-864 from me and my brother (hopefully properly filled, i also called NVC today to ask about some stuff)

our tax transcripts

my brother's employment letter

do i need anything else?

oh and a cover letter that i wrote

meowmeowmeowFemaleSyria2009-08-12 20:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMy I-1864 Paranoia Thread
QUOTE (imaisha @ Aug 12 2009, 04:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (enraptured @ Aug 12 2009, 04:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Edit: I see what a stupid question that was. So Question 23 and Question 24 is the same thing too.

Haha be nicer to yourself! This can be scary, I know. But yeah they should be the same.

it's know, i think i'm fairly intelligent. but when it comes to things like this, my mind literally shuts down. i feel sad and scared i'll make one tiny mistake and they'll delay my case for it. hence, my extreme paranoia biggrin.gif
meowmeowmeowFemaleSyria2009-08-12 16:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMy I-1864 Paranoia Thread
well, he was born in jersey like me. but my thing is: does he check off BOTH parts, the first one where it says US citizen and the other one stating US national (for joint sponsors only)? I suppose I can call them and harass them lol.
meowmeowmeowFemaleSyria2009-08-12 16:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMy I-1864 Paranoia Thread
Imaisha, going back to your answer for post #7, my brother is filling out the i-1864 now. would question 23 be his current yearly salary?

Edit: I see what a stupid question that was. So Question 23 and Question 24 is the same thing too.

Edited by enraptured, 12 August 2009 - 03:53 PM.

meowmeowmeowFemaleSyria2009-08-12 15:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaSyria Cracks Open Its Frail Economy
  • SEPTEMBER 1, 2009

Syria Cracks Open Its Frail Economy
By JAY SOLOMON <h3 class="byline"> </h3>DAMASCUS -- Syria is accelerating its economic opening -- boosting U.S. hopes that its tight relationship with Iran might be weakened.

For decades, Syria has been defined by its rigid socialist economy and its military ties to Iran against Israel and the West. Trade sanctions have taken a heavy toll: More than half the 16 jets in Syria's state airline can't fly for lack of spare parts.

But President Bashar Assad -- heir to his family's political dynasty -- has started unshackling the economy by permitting private banks and insurers to open shop and by letting Syrians hold foreign currency without risk of being tossed in jail. In March, he opened Syria's first stock exchange. Nearby are a Ford showroom and a KFC restaurant.

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Reuters Syria's President Bashar Assad.

His four-year-old overhaul is now getting an unexpected lift from Washington. This fall the U.S. plans to name an ambassador to Damascus, its first in years. And in late July the State Department eased some sanctions set by President George W. Bush to punish Syria's support for militant groups Hezbollah and Hamas.

"Now we can begin to pursue new projects and improve our commercial ties to the U.S.," Syria's central-bank governor, Adib Mayaleh, said in his office, just hours after the sanctions rollback. His first step: Order some Oracle Corp. software to help run the central bank.

The Obama administration's policy shift on Syria is contentious. Just last year, U.S. special forces raided Syrian territory to disrupt alleged cross-border terrorist activities there. Iraq accuses Syria of helping orchestrate last month's massive suicide bombing in Baghdad that killed more than 100 people.

U.S. officials say their policy is aimed at weakening Syria's ties to Iran as part of a broader push for Arab-Israeli peace and a stable Iraq. In recent weeks, Pentagon officials reached agreement with Syria to more tightly police the Syria-Iraq border as U.S. troops withdraw.

President Assad's changes face pushback at home. Top members of Syria's ruling Baath Party say he is betraying the socialist agenda of his father, Hafez Assad, who served as president for three decades before his death in 2000. Liberal economists, meanwhile, say he isn't going far enough.

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Reuters Travelers inspect the goods in a handicraft shop in Syria, which is trying to reverse decades of underinvestment in the tourism business as part of its economic makeover.

Critics of the Assad regime claim the changes could simply be a tool for transferring state assets to members of the president's inner circle. Rami Makhlouf, an Assad cousin, has come to dominate the Syrian telecom and tourism trades amid the economy's opening. Last year, the U.S. Treasury barred American firms from doing business with his companies due to charges of corruption.

In an interview last year, Mr. Makhlouf denied the charges.

Mr. Assad's overhauls lifted economic growth to above 5%, on average, since 2004, according to the International Monetary Fund. But money is tight. In recent years, Syria swung to an oil importer from exporter. Twice in the past year, Damascus cut state subsidies on diesel and fertilizer, triggering inflation.

More recently, Syria's growth has been slowing again amid the global downturn. The economy will expand only 3% this year, according to IMF projections.

Perhaps the biggest challenge Mr. Assad faces is dismantling Syria's bureaucracy. The government is the largest single employer, involved in everything from energy to tourism.

At the same time, democracy activists are agitating for political reforms. Nearly 50 years ago, amid a flurry of coups, Syria declared a "state of emergency" -- which has never been lifted. To this day, Syrians can be detained and imprisoned without trial.

"How can our economy thrive, when we don't have functioning courts?" says Ammar Qurabi, a democracy activist who heads the National Organization for Human Rights in Syria.

Syrian leaders cite China as a role model: Economic opening married to strong social control. Without a tight social rein, they say, the risk is political destabilization. "We need to invest in political stability to promote economic stability," said Mr. Mayaleh, Syria's central-bank governor.

Mr. Assad, a 44-year-old ophthalmologist, assumed power in 2000, following his father's death, and immediately stirred hopes in the West that Syria would embrace serious change. His inaugural speech outlined a softening of his father's one-party state. He spoke of bringing Syria into the information age.

Julien Barnes-Dacey A billboard advertising Western wares outside a Damascus mall.

Washington's hopes faded. Mr. Assad's speech spawned cries for political freedom, a moment known as the "Damascus Spring," but then a government crackdown. The U.S.'s 2003 invasion of Iraq led to years of direct confrontation between Washington and Damascus.

U.S. officials charged Syria with helping usher al-Qaeda fighters into Iraq and with supporting anti-Israeli Hezbollah and Hamas militants. Israeli jets bombed a Syrian installation in late 2007 that the U.S. believes was a nascent nuclear reactor, a charge Damascus denies.

U.S. officials also believed Damascus ordered the 2005 assassination of Lebanon's former prime minister, Rafik Hariri.

"We always made it clear to the Syrians that we were open to changes in the relationship. But they were knocking people off in Lebanon and providing the main highway for jihadists going into Iraq," says Elliott Abrams, President George W. Bush's top Middle East adviser during both his terms.

Syria denies any hand in the murder. It acknowledges some senior Iraqi figures from the Saddam Hussein era live in Syria, but it denies supporting actual insurgents.

Damascus's conflict with the West aided Syria's economic opening in some ways, Syrian officials and businessmen say. Mr. Hariri's murder fueled mass protests in Beirut that sent thousands of Syrian entrepreneurs back home -- bringing with them financial expertise and money.

Entrepreneurs are returning from America, too. Among them is Louay Habbal. A former Citibank and Merrill Lynch executive, the financier returned to Damascus in 2006 after 28 years in the U.S. The 49-year-old has established a private bank and brokerage firm, Pioneers Securities, which managed one of Syria's first public stock offerings, a cement company.

Operating out of a one-floor office on Damascus's main thoroughfare, Mr. Habbal's 14-person staff includes just five stock brokers, a computer specialist, and financial comptroller. If trading is light, there is a good reason: The Damascus Securities Exchange lists just 13 companies. Most of the listed companies are banks.

The Boston University-educated Mr. Habbal believes Syria's nascent financial opening is already breeding a consumer mindset that will provide fresh opportunities for foreign investors.

"The train's already left the station," Mr. Habbal says. "It's going to be next to impossible to turn back this economy."

That nascent consumer culture in Damascus runs counter to the Baath Party's socialist mores. High-end boutiques and coffee houses dot the upscale Malki district. A new Four Seasons Hotel has opened across the street from Ottoman-era tombs. Teenagers cruise the Cham City Center mall chatting on cellphones and driving European and Asian cars made affordable by big reductions in import tariffs.

President Assad's moves to loosen Syria's system are apparent on the campus of the Arab International University, 45 minutes outside Damascus. The AIU is one of 15 private universities accredited since 2004. Students and faculty hail from across the Middle East and Europe. Courses are virtually all taught in English, a symbolic move away from Hafez Assad's fixation on forging Arab unity.

On a recent afternoon, construction crews labored to build new dormitories, classrooms and basketball courts in the Syrian desert. The school is preparing to enroll nearly 5,000 students, up from just a handful when it opened in 2004.

Traditionally, Syrian universities required students to memorize the works of Hafez Assad and the dictums of the Baath Party. At other Syrian schools, classrooms often hold 400 students, rather than the average of 40 at AIU.

"We're now the best university in Syria," says president Abdul Ghani Maa Bared. "Our methodology is different."

Syrian businessmen say new schools like AIU are crucial to providing human resources often not available inside their country. "People are no longer happy with their standard of living. They realize they need higher education," said Rateb Al Shallah, a former president of the Syrian Chamber of Commerce.

The stirrings of life in Syria's economy aren't benefiting everyone. In places like the Mohey al-Din souq, a traditional Arab market at the foot of Damascus's Mount Kassioun, vegetable vendors, bakers and butchers line narrow alleyways that feel far removed from the Benetton boutiques of up-market Damascus. An influx of more than one million Iraqi refugees into Syria since 2003 has helped drive up housing prices in the city by fourfold..

"Everything, from food to rent, has increased in price over the last five years," says Faruk Azzat, a 40-something vendor who runs a shop selling pirated DVDs. "Life is getting so much harder."

Nearby, taxi driver Jamal al-Hariri says the cost for meat has jumped in recent months to 700 Syrian pounds per kilo from 300 pounds, in part due to the slashing of government subsidies. "I can't afford it any longer," he says.

Any semblance of unrest is quickly tamped down. Dozens of Syrians campaigning for an end to the government's nearly 50-year-old "emergency law" -- which allows for detentions without trials -- have been arrested during Mr. Assad's tenure. And while most have been released, a sense of despondency has crept into Damascus's human-rights community.

On a recent afternoon, Mr. Qurabi, the democracy campaigner, nervously monitored his cellphone in a Damascus cafe as he drank coffee with fellow activists. The government had just launched a crackdown on his organization for operating without licenses. One member had been arrested. Mr. Qurabi worked the phones to see if others had been detained, or if he might be next.

"Now I'm nearly hopeless about political change here," the 40-year-old said, between drags on a cigarette. He said the Obama administration, by easing sanctions on Syria, seemed to signal that "other things than democracy are more important for the U.S."

Senior Obama administration officials acknowledge that human rights remain a major problem in Syria. But they argue that the Bush administration's attempts to isolate President Assad only made the regime more repressive. The White House, in returning a U.S. ambassador to Damascus, will be able to more directly press democracy issues, the officials said.

Underpinning U.S. policy toward Syria is a desire to isolate Iran. Syria's economic overhaul, and its appetite for Western technology and money, could push President Assad to shift his foreign policy, U.S. officials say.

Syria has a strong military alliance with Iran since that nation's 1979 Islamic revolution and the overthrow of the Shah, who had military ties to Israel and the U.S. Syria also backed Tehran during the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war, breaking with other Arab states. And Damascus and Tehran have teamed up to arm and train Hezbollah, Hamas and other militants fighting Israel. Late last month, President Assad traveled to Tehran to endorse the scandal-plagued re-election of Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Despite these ties, Iran is a relatively small player in Syria's economy compared to Arab and Turkish investors. One of Tehran's biggest investments: In 2007, Iran's state-owned auto maker opened factories outside Damascus and Homs to build a sedan, the Sham (the Arabic word for Damascus).

Members of Mr. Assad's government say that while they are determined to improve their relationship with the U.S., they are also keeping their options open when it comes to Iran.

"Syria's a friendly country toward Iran. That's not a secret," said Fayssal Mekdad, Syria's deputy foreign minister, in an interview last month. "We believe we can play a role in solving misunderstandings" between the U.S. and Iran.

—Julien Barnes-Dacey contributed to this report. Write to Jay Solomon at

Printed in The Wall Street Journal, page A1 Copyright 2009 DowJones
meowmeowmeowFemaleSyria2009-09-10 20:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaCR1 approved
congrats!!!!!!!!! great news!!!
meowmeowmeowFemaleSyria2009-09-14 15:21:00
meowmeowmeowFemaleSyria2009-08-18 15:34:00
Philippinesupdate of my baby that have no hearbeat
my condolences rose.gif rose.gif rose.gif
meowmeowmeowFemaleSyria2009-08-26 23:09:00
PhilippinesHelp me please..
damn...i am so sorry. i don't mean to sound callous, but document all of this behavior...prepare yourself for anything.


good luck.

p.s. where in the US are you?
meowmeowmeowFemaleSyria2009-09-01 23:56:00
PhilippinesFrom U.S. petitioning a French nationale..anyone?
First, not sure why your topic is in the Philippines forum?

Second, don't stress. Everyone's case is different. Mine was approved after 3.5 months. It depends on the Service Center you're going through and what not. I also suspect it depends on your country of origin as well, but let's leave that for another discussion.

I suggest you do try to call USCIS to calm your nerves but otherwise, don't be alarmed you haven't gotten an approval yet.

Be patient, it will come.

meowmeowmeowFemaleSyria2009-09-04 23:38:00
PhilippinesDress for embassy interview.
what about a blazer, a nice sweater/dress shirt, and pencil skirt or pants with nice shoes? like you're going for a job interview, or a funeral smile.gif
meowmeowmeowFemaleSyria2009-09-02 01:02:00
PhilippinesQuestion on DS-156 form
no, it's for people who are immigrating with him/her.
meowmeowmeowFemaleSyria2009-09-07 03:26:00
PhilippinesWe need prayers for Haley
good to hear she pulled through! hope her full recovery is swift and painless good.gif good.gif rose.gif rose.gif
meowmeowmeowFemaleSyria2009-09-09 19:05:00
PhilippinesWe need prayers for Haley
sorry to hear sad.gif will say prayers for her sad.gif sad.gif
meowmeowmeowFemaleSyria2009-09-07 09:29:00
PhilippinesOMG! i got the VISA just now!
meowmeowmeowFemaleSyria2009-09-10 05:11:00
Philippineswho do you choose?
faithful. sex is important, but love is more important.
meowmeowmeowFemaleSyria2009-10-02 00:36:00
PhilippinesWe get pink!!!!!
meowmeowmeowFemaleSyria2009-11-09 03:54:00
Philippinesstressful situation Fiancee's interview
QUOTE (charles! @ Oct 29 2009, 06:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (enraptured @ Oct 29 2009, 04:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (AbbynSheryl @ Oct 28 2009, 02:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If you want special treatment I suggest you go live in the Middle East. kicking.gif headbonk.gif kicking.gif headbonk.gif kicking.gif

and i suppose the philippines is better? smile.gif

see post #26 before restarting that subject again.

it's all good. i just find it funny when people make such comments without realizing what they themselves are dealing with.
meowmeowmeowFemaleSyria2009-10-29 17:17:00
Philippinesstressful situation Fiancee's interview
QUOTE (AbbynSheryl @ Oct 28 2009, 02:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If you want special treatment I suggest you go live in the Middle East. kicking.gif headbonk.gif kicking.gif headbonk.gif kicking.gif

and i suppose the philippines is better? smile.gif
meowmeowmeowFemaleSyria2009-10-29 16:56:00
Philippinesfilipina living in Carlsbad, California?
dude, go to mira mesa in san diego, there's a HUGE filipino community there if that's what you're looking for. there's even a restaurant or two on mira mesa blvd. good luck good.gif
meowmeowmeowFemaleSyria2009-10-27 15:03:00
Philippinestourist visa for spouse
QUOTE (Bob 4 Anna @ Nov 23 2009, 09:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The real question is what is the chance for approval of a tourist visa for the filipina spouse of a USC?

She will need to demonstrate STRONG ties to the PH to convince them she will in fact return.

Having a USC Husband is a strong reason to suspect that she will attempt to stay in the US.

good point. i had my husband apply for a tourist visa back in march 2008 because we couldn't stand being separated any longer (i had not seen him in 4 months at that time). they rejected him, of course. it didn't have any seemingly obvious impact on our IR-1 visa though....i guess you can go for it, but it might be a sticky situation getting approved.
meowmeowmeowFemaleSyria2009-11-23 22:05:00
PhilippinesWe Bought a Castle In Texas
congrats, nice house. maybe i should move to TX, no jobs in NYC sad.gif
meowmeowmeowFemaleSyria2009-10-05 00:31:00
meowmeowmeowFemaleSyria2009-12-01 00:26:00
God forbid you hold off having sex for a few days!
meowmeowmeowFemaleSyria2009-12-01 00:05:00
PhilippinesHow did u present your pictures during the interview?
hubby put them in an album, we had over 100 pictures...
meowmeowmeowFemaleSyria2010-01-23 21:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa Just Arrived! Excited and Nervous!
congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!! hope to be in your shoes soon enough!!!
meowmeowmeowFemaleSyria2009-04-01 00:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportspregnant fiancee
Is she pregnant now? Or trying to get pregnant? No offense, but why get pregnant before you are united? I would imagine it'd be a lot easier/enjoyable for the both of you to experience this time together rather than apart. In any case, best of luck.
meowmeowmeowFemaleSyria2009-04-01 00:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow can we help Estadia (Sara)??
Not to detract from the previous posts, but why are these security checks taking so long? Perhaps there is a way your fiancee or a lawyer from India can get in contact with them to help push this process forward? That's silly.... sad.gif

Steph: Again, I'm very sorry for you. I would lose all hope for living if my husband were to have died without me next to him sad.gif rose.gif
meowmeowmeowFemaleSyria2009-04-10 17:44:00