Australia and New ZealandThe big move - is it really going to be worth it????
It's totally fine to visit. Just be honest when your going through POE and take plenty of evidence to prove ties to OZ
Travis and MeghanFemaleAustralia2012-04-10 19:02:00
Australia and New ZealandThe big move - is it really going to be worth it????
lol, miracle whip is so disgusting :/
Travis and MeghanFemaleAustralia2012-02-29 14:25:00
Australia and New ZealandThe big move - is it really going to be worth it????
Mmmmm, cremation definitely seems the best option, lol. I always wanted to be buried but now that I'm here.....doesn't quite seem the best option.
Travis and MeghanFemaleAustralia2012-02-27 14:16:00
Australia and New ZealandThe big move - is it really going to be worth it????
lol, I was actually thinking about that the other day! I've been thinking i would rather get buried in Australia, but i'm not so sure Travis will like that idea. And the whole process could be difficult.
Travis and MeghanFemaleAustralia2012-02-27 13:31:00
Australia and New ZealandThe big move - is it really going to be worth it????
hehe, close enough is good enough these days :)
Travis and MeghanFemaleAustralia2012-02-26 13:07:00
Australia and New ZealandThe big move - is it really going to be worth it????
Ohhhhh, babe ruths are like picnics??? thankyouuuuu :) I have to try one of those now, lol.

I think you've got a great idea there :)
Travis and MeghanFemaleAustralia2012-02-26 11:54:00
Australia and New ZealandThe big move - is it really going to be worth it????
haha, we're both total opposites, you love heat...ended up in a cold place. I severely dislike heat..and I've ended up in a ridiculously hot place!It does look really beautiful up there, so much amazing scenery :)
Travis and MeghanFemaleAustralia2012-02-14 19:53:00
Australia and New ZealandThe big move - is it really going to be worth it????
Seattle?? SO jealous!!! my husband and i are moving up that way later this year. can't stand the heat of Arizona, lol.
Travis and MeghanFemaleAustralia2012-02-14 17:48:00
Australia and New ZealandThe big move - is it really going to be worth it????
yeah, and after all of the visa and moving is really nice to do something that's not stressful so a small wedding is kind of perfect, lol.

ahaha, yeppp, ihop, they were great. They set up an area outside for us all and let us bring our own cake and have music :D
Travis and MeghanFemaleAustralia2012-02-11 19:57:00
Australia and New ZealandThe big move - is it really going to be worth it????
If you want to have a big traditional wedding or something like then then i would probably plan on having two weddings, a small (possibly courthouse wedding) when you get there so you can file the paperwork etc and then a bigger one later on. A lot of people do that, it's so hard to plan a big wedding when you don't even know when you'll be back there, lol. If you do though, don't make any plans that aren't refundable :)
My husband and i just had a really small simple wedding about a month after i got here. Even though i only had a couple family members there it was still wonderful. When i got my visa in hand he went ahead and paid the deposit for the place we were looking at and we just sent out a facebook invite....reception was easy, we went to ihop, lol
Travis and MeghanFemaleAustralia2012-02-11 18:32:00
Australia and New ZealandThe big move - is it really going to be worth it????
I'm really in two minds still. I loved Australia, Love my family and i miss them more than anything, more than i even thought i would actually. I've become a lot closer with my Mum through all of this. I also miss the healthcare and great wages and employment i had in Australia. On the other hand, despite the fact that we're so poor here and we don't have a lot of family support (okay, that's only half true, they are letting stay here until we save enough money to move interstate and Hubby's Mum did, in the end, decide to be my co sponsor but they treat my Husband like's a complicated situation, lol) like we would have back in Oz we're probably better off being in the US as there are so many more opportunities here for us. Travis is a musician and i have a few business aspirations so there is much more of a market here for what we want to do and we just wouldn't have the same opportunities in Australia. We decided that it was worth being broke for the next however many years in the hope that we'll at some point be able to make a living off of doing the things that we love.
Travis and MeghanFemaleAustralia2012-02-09 16:38:00
Australia and New ZealandInterview date
and the reply paid envelope :) 3Kg express or platinum i think it was.

You really should never book tickets until you have visa in hand. Unless they're totally refundable or changeable....
Travis and MeghanFemaleAustralia2012-04-03 22:48:00
Australia and New ZealandDS-156
I've heard of quite a few people having problems with using google chrome for it actually, guess it just doesn't like it, lol
Travis and MeghanFemaleAustralia2012-04-06 13:27:00
Australia and New ZealandScheduling Medical Appointment In A Different State Than Where You Live?
No, it doesn't matter. I lived in South Australia and when i wanted to get my medical done there was no doctors in SA to do it ( i don't know if they have since gotten a new one). I think the guy retired like a couple of months before i had my medical, lol. I went to Melbourne and saw Dr> Okraglik..or whatever his name is....he was excellent, highly recommend him! I booked my medical a bit over a month in advance so i could get the time off work etc but when i rang to make the appointment it didn't sound like he had long wait times.
Travis and MeghanFemaleAustralia2012-04-20 01:43:00
Australia and New ZealandName change in AUS after marrying in US
My that by the time i get to visit Australia i will be a dual citizen...and am hoping that i can just travel on a US passport so the maiden name oz passport won't be an issue...and then change my name while i'm there :)
Lainie, i'm the same as you, really can't be bothered doing it from here, lol
Travis and MeghanFemaleAustralia2012-04-25 01:49:00
Australia and New ZealandName change in AUS after marrying in US
I decided to not even bother changing my name in Aus until i go back there again, wayyyy to much freakin hassle :/
Travis and MeghanFemaleAustralia2012-04-24 12:10:00
Australia and New ZealandSydney has us waiting

Hot in Arizona? um yeah some part of northern CA can be very cold in summer, like San Francisco city, man it was only max 18 degrees C last summer I was there. i only wore my dress twice from July - Oct hehe....

lol, hot is an under statement! it's in thirties with killer sun everyday already. Even winter wasn't cold. Summer will be awful 110-120F basically everyday with not even cool nights :/ Northern CA sounds nice though, that's my type of summer, much better knitting weather, lol
Travis and MeghanFemaleAustralia2012-04-05 20:49:00
Australia and New ZealandSydney has us waiting
oh nice. I haven't been to Cali yet (well, technically yes but i don't think LAX really counts :P). At least you'll be somewhere nice for summer, it's already too hot in Arizona, lol.
Travis and MeghanFemaleAustralia2012-04-04 01:16:00
Australia and New ZealandSydney has us waiting
Which state are you moving to Athena?

I hope you guys all get interviews soon. Seems like they're really busy at the mo
Travis and MeghanFemaleAustralia2012-04-03 22:50:00
Australia and New ZealandGreen Card in hand
Travis and MeghanFemaleAustralia2012-05-03 14:15:00
Australia and New ZealandShould we marry first then apply for I-130 or go the K1 route.
Mhmmm, your interview will be in Sydney, it's the only one in Oz that processes immigrant visa's
Travis and MeghanFemaleAustralia2012-05-02 00:37:00
Australia and New ZealandMy K-1 interview. Approved! May 1, 2012

And just for my own curiousty..what's the whole profile thing? I don't recall having to do that when i was going through K1...just curious :)
Travis and MeghanFemaleAustralia2012-05-01 01:13:00
Australia and New ZealandShouting it from the rooftops, I have my visa!
Congratulations!!! And congratulations to everyone else getting their visa lately, so happy for you all and welcome to America :D
Travis and MeghanFemaleAustralia2012-05-16 12:37:00
Australia and New ZealandDoes 'not age appropriate' count as 'missing'?
I had a bunch that were not age appropriate and therefore my DS3025 was marked as incomplete eligible for blanket waiver. I sent it in with my AOS and had no problems at all :)
Travis and MeghanFemaleAustralia2012-05-25 14:53:00
Australia and New ZealandNo Medical Douments for AOS Packet
before you go and get an I-693 done you could maybe try and call the docotr who did your medical and ask if they would be able to send a copy of your Ds 3025? Couldn't hurt, would save you having to pay for the I-693, it can be such a hassle in some states.
Travis and MeghanFemaleAustralia2012-05-24 12:55:00
Australia and New ZealandNot Sure If We're Approved OR If There's An Issue
lol, Congratulations!!! Glad it turned out alright :)
Travis and MeghanFemaleAustralia2012-06-05 19:51:00
Australia and New ZealandNot Sure If We're Approved OR If There's An Issue
I had fingerprints done at interview in sydney. just real quick ones though at the window with the officer. I wouldn't worry too much, nothing really sounds dodgy or anything. I think if they were going to refuse or put you into AP they would just tell you while you were there.
Travis and MeghanFemaleAustralia2012-06-05 03:10:00
Australia and New ZealandDV 2013 Australian Winners Post Here

I wouldn't advise moving to Arizona, tooooooo hotttttt, lol
Travis and MeghanFemaleAustralia2012-05-30 23:55:00
Australia and New ZealandSponsorship struggles
Try not to stress out too much. I know how hard it is but you'll get through it eventually :) If you're worried about it then maybe email the consulate, explain and ask if it's okay? I don't know if you could do this before NOA2 etc but you definitely could once they have your file.
Travis and MeghanFemaleAustralia2012-06-29 22:48:00
Australia and New ZealandMedical - is it too early?
I did mine before i got the case number too. I think i got the case number the day after, lol. The quicker you get it done then the quicker you can get the P3 sent off and interview scheduled.
Travis and MeghanFemaleAustralia2012-07-03 20:33:00
Australia and New ZealandMedical exam
Ohhhh, I understand now. That is pretty odd. I'll be interested to hear what happens with that....
Travis and MeghanFemaleAustralia2012-07-15 20:40:00
Australia and New ZealandMedical exam
I saw doctor Charles too and I didn't have to do the urine test either, lol.

The only reason I could think that he would make you have a shot you've already had is if you didn't have the acceptable proof that you had already had the shot or are immune. Maybe your doctor didn't give you all the papers you needed to prove you've had them??
Travis and MeghanFemaleAustralia2012-07-14 19:56:00
Australia and New ZealandMedical in Melbourne
I never took the results of my last pap smear. He asked me when my last one was but never asked to see the results....not saying that he won't ask though
Travis and MeghanFemaleAustralia2012-08-03 01:43:00
Australia and New ZealandContacting the Consulate in Sydney
If you can't get through on the phone then try emailing them. It may take a few days for a response but I've had to email them a few times when I was going through K-1 and found them very helpful when they replied. I can't remember their email by heart, don't have time to find it right now but it should be on their website somewhere. Hope you hear something soon :)
Travis and MeghanFemaleAustralia2012-09-10 01:23:00
Australia and New Zealandx-ray for the interview
I sent in the sealed envelope with my packet 3 and didn't take the X-ray to my interview. I bought it to the US with me but, thus far, have never been asked for it.
Travis and MeghanFemaleAustralia2012-09-26 22:29:00
Australia and New ZealandSponsor I-134
As far as I know (and I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong) once you fill in the I-864 and it is approved that takes over in place of the I-134.
Travis and MeghanFemaleAustralia2012-10-16 01:49:00
Australia and New ZealandInterview Tomorrow - Do I need an Aus Post envelope, and passport photos?
I did K-1 buttttt...I took new photos with me for the interview but when I got there they asked if I wanted to use the new ones or the ones that I submitted with my medical. I think the issue is that they need to be within 6 months old or as recent as possible. I had my medical only a month before my interview so maybe they were recent enough.

....oh and good luck with your interview!!!
Travis and MeghanFemaleAustralia2012-11-04 22:10:00
Australia and New ZealandHow Long After Your Interview Did You Have Your Visa In Hand?

My gosh, Flanders, it took you 15 days? What kind of post did they use?

there may have been other delays, not necessarily the post. Some people have had to wait up to a month a more for theirs for a various reasons
Travis and MeghanFemaleAustralia2012-04-26 16:43:00
Australia and New ZealandHow Long After Your Interview Did You Have Your Visa In Hand?
I got mine the Monday after my interview :)
Travis and MeghanFemaleAustralia2012-04-20 01:02:00
Australia and New ZealandBest hotel to stay in for interview
My Aunt came with me to Sydney for my interview and we shared a room at the Mercure. I recall it was less than $200 for our shared room but can't remember exactly how much it was. I caught a taxi to the consulate in the morning but walked back to the hotel afterwards. It really isn't far from the consulate but I didn't want to risk getting lost. A lot of people also seem to stay at the travel lodge on....Philip street??.. which is also really close.
Travis and MeghanFemaleAustralia2012-09-11 21:13:00