Asia: East and PacificOMG, PINK!!!

Today is one of the happiest days of my life! My wife who I haven't seen in 10 months passed her interview today. It's an incredible feeling that I hope you all get to experience soon.

Recap for those who care:

Her appointment was at 8AM. She got there at 6:30 and stood in line until 7:30 when they let her in. From there, it was more waiting until she got called up to the window. They asked her approximately 20 questions from "How did you guys meet?" to "What does your husband do for a living?". They didn't care about the phone bills, 400+ pages of chats logs, pages upon pages of emails, cards, or gift receipts. The only thing they really examined were my 2006 W-2's and 2005 tax transcripts. After thumbing through all of our pictures from our honeymoon in Hong Kong, the CO smiled and pulled out a pink slip and directed her to another window. My wife was out of there by 10:00AM. She will have her visa on Friday!

congratulations!!!! :dance:
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2007-03-07 08:57:00
Asia: East and PacificPink Slip!
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2007-03-12 08:32:00
Asia: East and PacificThis is a sad sad day!!!!
sorry to hear that...but did they state why? Is there anyway you can claim this decision?
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2007-03-23 08:22:00
Asia: East and PacificPink Slip!!!

Success! :D My wife passed her interview today, and we'll get the visa on Thursday :) Thanks for all the support!

congratulations!!!!! :dance:
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2007-03-06 08:35:00
Asia: East and PacificPoint Of Entry

Dear VJ,
Sorry for the long absense. I'm back in the US Saturday night. Here is my review of the interview. Our schedule time was at 10:00 on March 29, 2007. We got there about 7, We got every thing label from 1 to 18 but not in the same pile causing problem for my fiance in the first round of document review. All the documents was there. During the interview a young american gentlemen and young vietnamese lady. They asked about 7 question.
1. How did we met?
2. When was our engagement?
3. How many people was at the party?
4. How did I came to America?
5. What's do I do for a living?
6. What's level of engineering am I? (she's said she don't know)
7. How many times I came back? She answer 4 times and they asked what's kinda engineer go back to vietnam 4 times 15 months with a raised voice she's explained calmly and they give her a blue slip asking for income verification. She's got out at 11 something. I was disappointed and a "Co of An Do" get us as they saw the blueslip. I read the blue slip and all it's said was income information but because I was freak out they charge me 500K dong to put together taking out the 2004 & 2005 1722 form from IRS. "An Do" Service also claim can get me to meet with Consulate Officer via a form, which we can all make all you have to do and state your name your fiance name and case number with a paragraph requesting a meeting to ask question on your case, and when you meet with the Consulate Officer pull out your blue slip. They charged another 300K for that. I was stupid and rushed I paid got the form when to each, walk around in the mall where you can get "Finding Nemo" for 13K dong, my fiance love that movie. At 1:00 p.m. I present the guard with the form
they said CO doesn't meet with American Citizen about K visas on thursday. Their schedules to meet with American Citizen M-W and F after 1:00 p.m. I was upset at "An Do" for misinformation I came and return that's form and want 300K back. "An Do" is terrible they told me to wait for them to finish napping and another 15 minutes when by they woke up and really take their time to give me back my money. If you guy in trouble used "Anh Anh" it is also right next to "An Do". After my fiance bring the document back in we got the PINK and schedule to pick up on April 3, 2007. "Anh Anh" booked us the flight that evening for $730 one way with POE in Chicago. We sat together the whole way when landed in Chicago, Custom asked me when is wedding I told him don't know and he's smile told me I have tile July 6, 2007. We got upgrade to first class sitting in row 1 to come back home :). We were the first to get off the plan. She's still tired.

And now... to the next step... Thanks you all for helping.

congratulations and welcome to the States!!! :dance:
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2007-04-09 08:43:00
Asia: East and PacificGreen
sorry to hear about that. A question in general, do they justify their decision??
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2007-04-11 08:13:00
Asia: East and PacificPINKS or Not? Give us the news......
congratulations to all those that got pink!!!
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2007-04-12 09:52:00
Asia: East and PacificFinally, PINK.....


We had been approved yesterday after 1 time received blue slip...

Because we had prepared all paper and not the same family name, The Interview happened as normal with:

What the petitioner name?
what do he do?
how did we know each other?
how long we know each other? on what day?
Did we have a engage or wedding party? on what day?
is there any one in his family attend that?
the proposal day?
how many time did he come to VN?
any evident ? on phone, mail or email, picture, or others?
Did he do this procedure before? who, what happened, how, where, when?

I thought that they had found the thing they need, so they asked us to claim about his former woman... :P

Fortunately, We could find the Lawyer that help us to do that paper...

After, showing it to the C. Officer, We got pink without any more question... :)

We would like to thank everyone who pay attention to us, and thank for the encourage, helping us. And wish luck to you!

Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2007-04-11 08:14:00
Asia: East and PacificWe got married!!

Thought I'd drop a quick post to let all of you, my friends here on VJ, know Nhu and I tied the knot on Wednesday 4/11!!! :dance:

In a beautiful civil ceremony, we were married under a flowered archway outside City Hall across from San Diego Harbor. My family all came to witness and with everything we've been through, it made for an emotional day!! We have a larger party planned for another month from now to celebrate our union, and a honeymoon set for when her green card comes, but for now, Nhu and I couldn't be happier and each day I spend with her is another day in heaven!!


Thanks to all of you here in helping make our dreams a reality!

Congrats to the newly weds!!!! :dance:
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2007-04-15 14:09:00
Asia: East and PacificInvitation to wedding reception in vietnamese
Thanks chuckandkim. That was the word I was looking for but I was not sure how to spell it.
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2007-04-24 08:54:00
Asia: East and PacificInvitation to wedding reception in vietnamese

Do you know exactly what you want to say? We can translate it for you- one thing about traditional Vietnamese is that they like to speak in terms of
"The son of so and so, and the daughter of such and such" Their traditional ceremonies are dedicated a lot to the parents and grandparents of the bride and groom.

So you would have the names and addresses of both families printed on the invitation, maybe in the upper left and upper right above the happy couples', then you'd have:

"Trân tr?ng báo tin l? thành hôn c?a con chúng tôi" (I have the honour of announcing the wedding of our children)

_______ Groom name _________________________ Bride Name
Tr??ng Nam( eldest son ) or_______________ Tr??ng N? ( First daughter ) or
Th? Nam ( younger brother ) _______________ Th? N? ( Younger sister )

L? c??i ???c c? hành t?i t? gia (The wedding reception will be held at)
_________________ Residence
Vào lúc ( time ) ngày ( date ) tháng ( month ) n?m ( year )

Thank you very much dalegg. This is what I was looking for. :-)
And also I need the part : Ong Ba (name) tran trong bao tin le........ BUT since my father passed away already there is a special expression. Do you know what I mean?

Ngoc Anh
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2007-04-24 08:19:00
Asia: East and PacificInvitation to wedding reception in vietnamese

Have you thought of buying Wedding Invitational Cards? It's easier.

Well if this would be that easy....First of all I do not know where to get a traditional vietnamese wedding invitation.
Second I need to get the invitations in 3 different languages (english, vietnamese and german) therefore it is easier to write it on my own.
Also I guess you do not know how a traditional wedding invitation looks like. My family is very old fashioned and traditional so they kind of
expect that kind of invitation and I would like to get it also.
Therefore I post it here because vietnamese people know what I am talking about.
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2007-04-23 20:08:00
Asia: East and PacificInvitation to wedding reception in vietnamese
Hi everyone,

I hope I can find someone here that might be able to help me.
We are planning our wedding reception at the moment.
My problem is that I do not know how to write a typical traditionel vietnamese wedding invitation.
Anybody here that might be able to help me?

Thanks in advance!
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2007-04-23 15:11:00
Asia: East and PacificMy wife gave birth on Wednesday April 4.

Delivered by C section. Baby was breech. 8lbs 12 oz. (big girl) She looks quite a bit like mom. Very good baby..hardly cried about anything..very calm and serious all the time :)...and she was born with ALOT of hair.

congratulations!!!! :dance: :dance:
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2007-04-06 14:57:00
Asia: East and Pacificpersonal appearance for interview
you cannot influence their decision with your look!!!
Good luck!
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2007-05-02 22:25:00
Asia: East and Pacificvisa step coming here
first of all, congratulations to your visa.
As far as I was told you can downgrade anytime, which means you can go to the non-us-citizen line but not the other way around.

Good luck!!
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2007-05-03 19:25:00
Asia: East and PacificSSN when entering on K-1
Hi anh Map,

I also checked that box on the K1 application but it somehow means nothing.
When I got here, I got married after 4 weeks and after that I took my marriage certificate and Passport with I-94 to the SSA and applied for SSC without any problems. I received my SSC 2 weeks later.
You can apply for the SSC before getting married as well but then you need to go back to change the name. So if you do not wait too long before getting married, I would just recommend you to do it that way.

Good luck and welcome to the States Linh!
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2007-04-19 10:33:00
Asia: East and PacificVN interview date rec'd
Good luck for your interview!!!!
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2007-04-29 19:27:00
Asia: East and PacificYay! I got the NOA2!!!
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2007-05-06 10:30:00
Asia: East and PacificMissing Document for Interview?
congratulations!!! :dance:
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2007-05-15 20:03:00
Asia: East and PacificGreat news!
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2007-05-15 20:03:00
Asia: East and PacificHere comes a good news!
congratulations to your interview date!!!
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2007-05-19 10:43:00
Asia: East and PacificInterview Complete!
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2007-05-21 17:19:00
Asia: East and PacificBuying Property in Thailand
can you buy a house at all since you are not living in Thailand?
I mean of course you can buy it but legally is it possible to put the house in your name then?

I know for Vietnam that you cannot buy a house in your name in Vietnam when you are not living there!
And to put your property in someone elses name is always tricky in order to get your property back later on.

Good luck!!
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2007-05-27 11:29:00
Asia: East and PacificMy I-129F is in the mail
Good luck on your journey!!!!
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2007-05-26 10:34:00
Asia: East and PacificUpdate!

The only happy thing here is to live with my husband. Life is never perfect, we have to loose somethings to get other things.


You are so right Hien.....I fully agree with that. :thumbs:
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2007-04-30 20:26:00
Asia: East and PacificUpdate!

Over two years later and it hasn't kicked in for my wife.

Well your wife must have disliked her homelife heh. :P

My wife has a very loving and closeknit family. Plus her family is quite well to do in VN. There will be quite a few things she will homesick for, I'm sure.

I am pretty sure that she will be homesick especially she is so closed with her family.
I was (and I am still) homesick really bad. It is different when you are used to have your family around you, not only immediate family but also aunts, uncles and cousins and all a sudden you do not have them around you.
Hope it will not be too bad for her!
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2007-04-29 11:09:00
Asia: East and PacificVietnamese: Engagement party


A proper Vietnamese "dam hoi" ceremony would be held at the girl's place.

1. You, your close relatives and friends meet at your house.
2. You and the people carrying the trays get into a car and the driver will drive you to your fiancee's house. The rest of your party could ride with you or ride separately on the motor scooters.
3. When you arrive at your fiancee's house, somebody from her family will come out, greet and invite your group in. You will hand over the trays now, which will be carried to a table in front of her family's altar.
4. Both sides (one designated speaker per side) will take turns introducing their family and friends attending the ceremony.
5. Both sides (usually a parent of each side, maybe the father if available) will take turns making speeches.
6. Both sides will light up large candle sticks that YOU brought on the altar.
7. You and you fiancee will light incenses and bow to the family's ancestors and God/Buddha.
8. Your side will show the goodies and the jewelry being offered.
9. You, your mom, her mom, etc. will help her put on the jewelry.
10. You and your fiancee will pour wine that YOU brought and offer to the elderly relatives of both sides.
11. Your fiancee's family will invite everyone to eat. They either cooked or had a restaurant cater food to their house.
12. The guests will leave, and your fiancee's family will return to you the trays with portions of the goodies in them.
13. Your family will return home.

Steps may be out of order due to my disappointing memory. Of course there are countless variants. It depends on her family's religion too. For example, her family may not have an altar - there's no need to light incense or bow. And other things.

It's a long answer to your short question. But as far as I know the ceremony always takes place at her house. Now SG-Can Tho is about half a day on the road (right?), so in your case you and your party could arrive in Can Tho first, maybe 1-2 days earlier, find a place to stay, start your final preparation there (wrapping the trays, buying fresh fruits, etc.), and start marching to her place early the next morning or something like that.

But your folks and her folks would know a whole lot more and give their inputs how they want to organize it.

Yup, this is how I know it too and how it took place for our Dam Hoi...
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2007-06-01 07:53:00
Asia: East and PacificYen's sister doing a dinh hon on June 14.
congratulations and good luck for them!!!!
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2007-06-02 08:13:00
Asia: East and PacificStarting Round 2
sorry to hear that.
Good luck this time!!!
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2007-06-01 15:48:00
Asia: East and PacificInterview date received
congratulations and good luck for your interview!!!
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2007-05-31 13:19:00
Asia: East and Pacificp o e

since your wife enters on a K1 visaa it might take longer than 15 minutes because the immigration officer has to look thru the "brown envelope" before letting her go her way. Mine took about 30 minutes because I had to wait for him going thru the documents. I entered thru Atlanta. The immigration officer was very nice and friendly. Good luck!

Every immigrant on a fiance/spouse visa has a brown envelope ;)

I know, but just want to make sure that his fiancee knows and try give it to the right officer at the immigration because as I read from some treads
the fiance(e) was not sure and still have the envelope when they got home. Just a reminder :)
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2007-06-07 17:03:00
Asia: East and Pacificp o e
since your wife enters on a K1 visaa it might take longer than 15 minutes because the immigration officer has to look thru the "brown envelope" before letting her go her way. Mine took about 30 minutes because I had to wait for him going thru the documents. I entered thru Atlanta. The immigration officer was very nice and friendly. Good luck!
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2007-06-07 10:21:00
Asia: East and PacificTks to my Jesus: I made it
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2007-06-14 08:10:00
Asia: East and PacificK-1 VISA APPROVED
congratulations to your approval!!!
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2007-06-08 08:09:00
Asia: East and PacificCancel interview
sorry to hear that but at least you found out before she got to the US! Good luck for your future!!!
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2007-06-19 13:53:00
Asia: East and PacificAbout My Income- Need your advices !!!

In 2004 I made about 25000 , in 2005, I made about 26000$ . In 2006 (last year) I made only 5500$ due to 4 trips to vietnam. I left the company as absence (didnt get paid while I was away, and I can come back after a period of time like 6 or 9 months something like that) . so my situation now is full time employed by IBM Corp, I also have a letter from my manager stated that I've been working for the company since 2004 and my rate is 18$/hour . so when my fiancee goes to the intview, can she bring my income tax of 2004, 2005 and the 2007 pay stubs plus my bank statement ? Do I need a co-sponsor for this case ?

Thank you in advance .

According to another posting it was said that HCMC does not accept Co-sponsor. Not sure how true this is. You better check that out to avoid bad surprises!
Good luck!
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2007-03-02 09:06:00
Asia: East and PacificGood Luck Kym on Monday

Thank you to both of you!!!

He has now had the interview and I am so very happy to say that he is approved.

I'm sooo happy.

congratulations to the approval!!! :thumbs:
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2007-07-31 08:32:00
Asia: East and Pacificwe got the blue slip!! help!

My fiance was denied her visa and they returned everything back to the USCIS. M.E. believes it was because I had made only one trip over there. He said they hardly ever issue a visa if you have only made one trip. He said to send in another I-129F and start over. I mailed another I-129F to the USCIS on July 26. And I will make another trip to Vietnam hopefully later this year.

sorry to hear that! Hang in there!!! (F)
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2007-07-31 08:31:00
Asia: East and PacificFinally!!!
Ngoc-AnhFemaleGermany2007-07-31 08:28:00