Middle East and North AfricaTUESDAY'S THREAD
Greetings from SC !!!! kicking.gif

I haven't been checking in much lately because we were so busy ! But, we arrived safe & sound. Mina is enjoying the cool air and the sunshine. He loves the weather & the food. I will post a couple of pics here.

Randomly, does anyone know what happens next ? We went to apply for his ss card, but they said he had to be in the country 10 days before he could apply. I got him a driver's manual to study for his license. What else do we need to do ? I will check the USCIS page today and work on our resumes....

Hope you all have a great Tuesday !


my nieces on the baby's birthday

our arrival --- my sister wrote all over both cars that came to pick us up !!!

my grandmother when she was younger... she's 82 now...

mina, grandma, nicky, and my niece

mina with my niece

nicky, my sister, mina

That's enough, folks !! Talk to you all later.
monnikNot TellingEgypt2008-03-11 08:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaAmerican's view on Islam
QUOTE (Ganja_Girl @ Feb 28 2008, 02:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Why does god - a perfect being - have negative, human-based emotions like anger and wrath? blink.gif

No... why do humans have God-based emotions like outrage, love, pity, peace, gentleness, despair, anger, compassion, curiosity, inquisitiveness, confusion, affection, frustration, passion, zeal, distrubance, excitement, faithfulness, satisfaction, etc ......... NONE of which are mutually exclusive..... ???

and wrath--divine wrath, that is--when used to describe God, is not generally used as an emotion. instead, it is synonymous with the carrying out of his judgment...

hope that makes sense... and i hope that by you asking questions, you are open to answers, cuz i don't want to push anything on you... rose.gif
monnikNot TellingEgypt2008-02-28 11:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaAmerican's view on Islam
Thanks for your insight, was a random thought I had anyway....I will think more about it later...

monnikNot TellingEgypt2008-02-27 16:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaAmerican's view on Islam
QUOTE (ta me go hiontach @ Feb 27 2008, 10:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
since when does prohibiting divorce=prohibiting polygamy? polygamy is not mentioned once in those passages.

When a divorce is not permissible, then subsequent marriages are considered unlawful...

Mypoint is that God's feelings about divorce show that to enter into polygamy is to be an adulterer....

Jesus replied, "Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. 9 I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery." (NIV Matt 19.8-9, pp. Mark 10.1-12)

So, if Jesus states that improper divorce does not nullify a marriage, and if the first marriage still stands, then a "second" marriage is adultery--and NOT just 'polygamy'! The point applies to polygamy (having more than one spouse simultaneously), polyandry (woman with more than one husband) , and polygyny ( one husband having more than one wife )...

On the flip side, because polygamy was essentially considered adultery, there were not many direct passages about polygamy.. except when it was authorized by God in certain situations... monogamy was emphasized instead.... church leaders are to be the husband of one wife (stated in 1 Timothy & Titans)... and the reverse phrase, a wife of one husband, is mentioned in 1 Timothy when talking about the godliness of a widow....the importance of following the examples of the apostles, disciples, and leaders... etc.

Pointless information really for non-Christians.... but, it's out there nonetheless...
monnikNot TellingEgypt2008-02-27 16:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaAmerican's view on Islam
QUOTE (bridget @ Feb 27 2008, 07:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Where in the new testament does Jesus, pbuh, say that man should only have one wife?

Better question would be: If it was said, would people believe it ???

Matt 19.8-9, & Mark 10.1-12

It's also mentioned by Paul in Romans 7

Divorce and polygamy are:

Hated by God (Mal 2.16)
Prohibited by Jesus, except in extreme situations (Matt 19).
Permitted by God because of human failings (hard hearts--Mt 19:8)

I was just thinking..... not sure if the concept is the same in Islam, but I will look into it... but in the Bible, Jesus likens the relationship between man & God to the marriage between a man and wife.... if the man is a polygamist, would that make him a polytheist, too ??? blink.gif
monnikNot TellingEgypt2008-02-27 15:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaAmerican's view on Islam
QUOTE (bridget @ Feb 27 2008, 08:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I never got what the big hoopla was over the virgins in paradise. After about a month, maybe less, they're no longer virgins so then what?

I'd rather be on the beach with no fear of burning with a nice good book. That and the ability to eat whatever the heck I want all day every day for eternity with the promise of ALWAYS being a size 6. THAT's paradise to me.

smile.gif I don't get it either... besides, as far as i'm concerned ... is heaven really a place to be making whoopie ? That whole concept just seems very carnal and gratuitous and not very eternal/spiritual.... IMO

I like your idea of paradise, bridget... although I have no idea what a size 6 would feel like... laughing.gif
monnikNot TellingEgypt2008-02-27 15:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaAmerican's view on Islam
The early scholars knew that the mother has more influence over the children than the father.

I feel like this is true... I also think this could one of the reasons a Muslim man may bring up the idea of his non-Muslim wife considering becoming a Muslim... he sees it as making rearing the children easier and more fluid.... Usually interfaith marriages are perceived to be harder than they really are....each side has to deal with their own faith and be strong in it... and to give their children a positive and beautiful experience from each religion so that they can choose their path... that's all... it's not that difficult...

btw, if it is reprehensible to marry a non-Muslim woman because the man cannot guarantee his children's paths to Islam, then wouldn't that mean that the continuance and spreading of religion is the goal ?? I couldn't tell, VW, if you were disagreeing with her whole bolded statement , or just the part about the religion following the father.... the part about spreading religion seems to be consistent...
monnikNot TellingEgypt2008-02-27 09:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaAmerican's view on Islam
Ganja... God is love... it's very sad that it's hard for us to see that in the world today. rose.gif

Re: The example of God's commands to kill

God's mercy & compassion are much greater than any punishment or wrath that He has or will ever decree. Please understand that God takes more pleasure in loving his children than in punishing them. Nevertheless, there are punishments and judgements that He has to make... even if our minds can't justify it. His compassion is extended to "a thousand generations", while the extent of his moral outrage is only to the immediate household ("to the third generation").In biblical history surrounding Israel, the amount of killing ( read: intervention) is tiny compared to what might have been expected and the biblical record is filled with cries of innocent people asking "why don't you do something about these malicious oppressors, God?!"

"Say to them, ‘As I live!’ declares the Lord God, ‘I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn back, turn back from your evil ways! Why then will you die, O house of Israel?’" Ex 33.11

But don't take my word for it..... (hey, was that from Reading Rainbow ????? ) wink.gif
monnikNot TellingEgypt2008-02-26 21:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaWish me luck
QUOTE (Y_habibitk @ Feb 22 2008, 06:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks everyone!
I went to the interview yesterday after work.. they loved me, but the job would be a step back in my career... So I was thinking I would just tell them so when they called.
Well, they called me this morning and wanted to talk about "offering me something more suitable for my skils"
They created a managment position for me!! ha ha ha yippeee
So I went big with my salary demands.. and they met them smile.gif and my commute is going from 30 minutes to 10. Im so excited!
Im gonna give notice tommorrow.. weather permitting smile.gif
I told them I wanted to give 4 weeks, we comprimised and I'll give 3, that way I dont have to leave my current agency high and dry.
Anyway, thanks for the well wishes guys!


That's great news. I hope you are happier in your new job.

monnikNot TellingEgypt2008-02-22 06:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaWish me luck

For luck ! rose.gif
monnikNot TellingEgypt2008-02-20 08:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaNagishkaw - Visa in hand !!!!!!!!
Hey, Nagi !!!

I just ran across this thread... and I am so overly excited for you !!

I hope that you and your SO have a very lenghty and God-filled union
with the finale in His eternal kingdom !!!

God bless you, girl.... do some dancing... !!!!!!!!!!
monnikNot TellingEgypt2008-04-01 13:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaMaggie had surgery today

monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-09-12 12:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaInteresting Pork Topic I saw
My husband hasn't stopped eating pork since he arrived. He wishes he could eat it at every meal.... it was one of his favorite foods in Egypt, but it was so hard to buy and find well-prepared. He loves polish sausages, ham & bacon!! Those are his favorites.... if it's unhealthy, then he's in trouble.....
monnikNot TellingEgypt2008-04-01 15:58:00
Middle East and North Africaafter mena husbands get here on cr1 visas
We went to the office a couple of days after he got here and they told us that he had to be in the US for 10 days before he could apply.... so we went a week or so later... after we applied, he got it in about 2 weeks....

He arrived on March 6th and his greencard came about the 24th or so of March.

Hope that helps.
monnikNot TellingEgypt2008-05-24 09:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgypt AP List
Thanks, bridget... It's so nice to see it finally !

monnikNot TellingEgypt2008-02-20 10:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgypt AP List
laughing.gif Very funny, bridget.... Don't make me change my siggy back to *u know who*..... wink.gif

Edited by monnik, 12 February 2008 - 12:15 PM.

monnikNot TellingEgypt2008-02-12 12:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgypt AP List
Thanks, Faith !!

Here is the mail that I got from the senator's aide......

Good to hear from you. Since the embassy just received the info a couple of weeks ago, it’s really in everyone’s best interest to wait a bit before we inquire. I don’t want to receive an answer from them simply acknowledging receipt and have to wait another 60 days before we can inquire again. I will send an inquiry sometime after the end of the month and before the middle of March. That way they will have had 45 days to move on the info they received

I didn't know that there was a time limit on the senatorial inquiries....

monnikNot TellingEgypt2008-02-12 10:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgypt AP List
I got an email today that said :"The case is currently being finally reviewed for issuance."

One more put-off until they issue the darn thing !!!!

Good luck everybody. It seems like people are just flying through Cairo recently !!! Spectacular !

Edited by monnik, 10 February 2008 - 04:20 PM.

monnikNot TellingEgypt2008-02-10 16:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgypt AP List
elwalk-- thanks... that was definitely the most exciting line of the email !! "AP FINISHED ??!?!??!" kicking.gif

but, lucky for me, I am already with my husband....this news just means that we will be travelling soon. which is great because i have missed a lot of baby birthdays sad.gif (my nieces')
monnikNot TellingEgypt2008-01-27 09:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgypt AP List
Cheryl, that is exactly how my husband feels about it. But, if it's not too expensive, you can get Medo to do it again and have it waiting in case they ask for it. But, who knows, because some people don't get asked for it even after a year..... I hope they don't ask you for it. **fingers crossed**

BTW, one of the dr's said he doesn't need the passport if Mina can bring his immunization record with the # on it, so we won't have to wait for that. And, he will go to the exam today at 3pm..... so, I hope we will get it taken care of quickly.
monnikNot TellingEgypt2008-01-26 04:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgypt AP List
That's a funny pic, ganja.

Yeah. Apparently, JP, they have both expired.

Becky, even though they didn't request a movement certificate (and i don't think my husband needs one anyway cuz i think it's only for people who are exempted from the army) he will request one when he gets his new police report.

That way, if they ask for it, they will get it !!


Thanks , water. We are taking it in stride. It's just an inconvenience. It's not difficult. But, still, we have to get his passport from the embassy and redo (and repay for) his exams & x-rays plus the police stuff.

I hope to post some better news soon !!!
monnikNot TellingEgypt2008-01-25 21:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgypt AP List
Who knows, bridget.... It has been a year all together since his first physical.

It took them 5 months to schedule his interview, and then 7 months of AP = 1 year

His first exam was done Jan 15th of last year, so they just now reached the one year point. I don't know when they become outdated, but my husband is peeved that we have to jump through yet another hoop.
monnikNot TellingEgypt2008-01-25 19:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgypt AP List
Just a little update on our AP nightmare.... my senator's aide emailed us this pleasant news yesterday.

The administrative processing on Mr. xxxxx's immigrant visa case has been completed. He now needs to update his medical and police reports and mail them our office before we can issue his visa.

Once we receive the required medical and police report, we will process his case to conclusion.

I guess AP is finished, but his medical exam has expired. He's going tomorrow to talk to a Dr.
His passport is at the embassy & he has to present it to the doctor. What to do ? What to do ?

And who knows if they'll have to do more AP after we send that stuff in. Oh, well.... here goes another step.
monnikNot TellingEgypt2008-01-25 18:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA User_names
I like this thread. I hope it doesn't die. We need some more people to contribute.

Side note: The user name KyanWan - every time I see it, my brain automatically says Hayawan. laughing.gif No offense to the user cause I like your name and love that you shared what it means. And, Kyanwan (as a dog's name) is technically the same thing as 7ayawan.

7ayawan = animal (I've heard it mostly as an insult. That's why it grabs my attention.)

But, I guess my Arabic lessons are kicking in when I see that name. laughing.gif
monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-09-21 01:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA User_names
QUOTE (ME~n~HIM @ Sep 11 2007, 04:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jenn! @ Sep 11 2007, 08:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (allousa @ Sep 10 2007, 11:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
"allousa" is my husband's nickname for me. It sounds like "ah-lou-sa".

It all started when I first started talking to Hicham's family on the phone. His mother couldn't quite pronounce my name correctly and it came out sounding like "ah-lou-sa". Pretty soon the whole family started calling me that and still do to this day. smile.gif

I thought it was like "Allo, USA!" laughing.gif

hahaha... I always did too, Jenn! laughing.gif

Me, too. I even thought that the USA would be pronounced ooooooh-sa (because of how my husband says USA like it was a word smile.gif )
monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-09-11 11:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA User_names
Well, amira, mine is boring........but here's the explanation:

Mon - nickname for Mina - so is Monmon, or Monna (I told Mina that "mon" means "my" in French. He's MY MON , MINE MINE, or just Monmon. jest.gif )

Nik - short for Nicky or Nicole, or whatever I get called.

Online, someone usually thinks that Monnik is like Monique or a play on that name.

Thanks for asking Amira.

monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-09-11 02:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaME/NA pictures
Henia, your pics are so good and interesting. I like that this thread was bumped.

Here are some pics of ours:
friends at the triangle thingies
Posted Image
Posted Image
husband kissing the sphinx
Posted Image
anba ibram monastery in old egypt
Posted Image
hanging church in egypt - where my husband was baptized (we have a pic, but it's not scanned)
Posted Image
view from the citadel in alexandria (i posted it in another thread, but it fits here, too)
Posted Image
monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-07-04 15:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaJackie needs your help!
QUOTE (jmagayreh @ Sep 13 2007, 03:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh my, I am touched by your suggestions, and with a new screen name, I might as well stick around here. Every time I try to leave, someone has an interview. So as long as you all are hanging around, I will too.

Am contemplating my new VJ name and will announce it in Thursdays daily thread.

Jackie rose.gif

Cool, Jackie. Looking forward to your new name!!

Any hints? cool.gif
monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-09-12 19:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaJackie needs your help!
Rising phoenix is a great one! good.gif There is a member named RisenPhoenix, but she will still be unique.

couple more:
sobrevivir = to survive in spanish
no llores por mi = don't cry for me in spanish
irresistible (same in spanish & english)
Marco fan
Jackie-tastic! (like Jenn! hehehee only, Fantastic!!!)
takemyhand (because of her supportive nature)

Does anybody know some of Jackie's favorites?
Colors, songs, groups (besides Marco Antonio) , cars, movies, etc.
monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-09-12 17:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaHuman Rights in Egypt
I read about that, Olivia, in my Egyptian Gazette.... It's printed in English & my husband brings me one every morning to work !! I love it.

That article was interesting ! Thanks. good.gif
monnikNot TellingEgypt2008-02-13 01:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaHuman Rights in Egypt
Human Rights in Egypt

In the same category as Tooth Fairy, Keebler elves, and painless waxing !!!

I agree, Olivia. You're doing some great investigating and reading. I like your articles !
monnikNot TellingEgypt2008-02-02 06:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Birthday Tamara !!!!!!

I hope you have an amazing day!
monnikNot TellingEgypt2009-01-31 15:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaLET'S TALK ABOUT YOUR RED FLAGS
QUOTE (LisaD @ Oct 18 2007, 08:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (monnik @ Oct 18 2007, 02:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
As an outsider, who doesn't know anything about what happened, it looks like a frightening or strange situation. The thing that grabbed my attention was the picture of you wearing her engagement/wedding robes. Maybe you would like to pay tribute to her memory or show everyone that your fiance is moving on, but it can be perceived as one girl being brought in to finish what the first one started.

That belongs to the deceased wife?


In the 'mystory' new thread, BL wants to adopt the deceased wife's child.


Not the blue robe in her engagement pictures. Sorry for the confusion. The robe I am talking about is pictured in Heather's wedding photos and in Aimee's flicker album. It looks like the same robe, but could have possibly been rented from the same shop or made by the same tailor. It is a white/cream colored robe with flowers on it.

This is actually the only thing that seemed out of place to me. So, Aimee, if there is another explanation, I am sorry. But, as I said before, to someone who doesn't know all of the details, it looks like you were wearing her robe and taking pictures in it and that brings to mind the replacement factor of a possible fraud.

Peace to everyone involved in the story; past, present, and future. rose.gif
monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-10-18 14:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaLET'S TALK ABOUT YOUR RED FLAGS

First of all, may she rest in peace. heart.gif I, too, feel bad that she died so far away from her family. I try not to think about what my family would feel if I died here in Egypt. I surely wouldn't want them to take it out on my husband, but it is a tempestuous scenario nonetheless.

Your case doesn't have a red flag because of her death. It's because of the previous denial. It will be very hard for you to prove the first marriage was real, when she herself had trouble doing it. That doesn't mean you can't do it, but you have to realize what you are up against. You should be well prepared for the types of comments or questions that the consular may bring up. You should also be prepared on how to handle them.

I, at first, thought that this was some inside joke or fight from another board, but now that I see that the situation is very real, I can empathize with all sides.

Please try to see things through the eyes of a consular whose concern is that a young man from a high fraud country filed a petition that got denied, then his wife/fiancee died in his country, he found a new love from the same country as his first one (probably in the same way as the first one), and he would like to petition again.

As an outsider, who doesn't know anything about what happened, it looks like a frightening or strange situation. The thing that grabbed my attention was the picture of you wearing her engagement/wedding robes. Maybe you would like to pay tribute to her memory or show everyone that your fiance is moving on, but it can be perceived as one girl being brought in to finish what the first one started.

Good luck in all aspects. rose.gif

Edited by monnik, 18 October 2007 - 01:45 PM.

monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-10-18 13:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaLET'S TALK ABOUT YOUR RED FLAGS
QUOTE (sarah and hicham @ Oct 18 2007, 01:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That girl that died in Morocco last year- was that your now fiance's fiancee or wife?

Is this coming from another Moroccan board that we are not hip to?

monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-10-17 20:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaLET'S TALK ABOUT YOUR RED FLAGS
QUOTE (amira_ordonia @ Oct 17 2007, 09:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (amira_ordonia @ Oct 17 2007, 01:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (just_Jackie @ Oct 17 2007, 09:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If the America divorce rate is 60% I would venture to say after being in many MENA forums, not just VJ, the rate is much higher, I would put 83% on a MENA marriage. Would knowing that number have affected if I had married Mohammed, no. I was head over heels in love at first sight and no one could have waved red flags in front of me. I was told repeatedly "habeebti, we are different, our marriage is different,,there has never been a divorce in my family, I will not be the first.....' Well, we all know the end of that story.

Jaklen rose.gif

Wait are you saying that 83% of MENA marriages break up? Do you mean a mixed MENA marriage, or any MENA marriage?

First of all, Sparrow...calmmmmmmm...breath....your man is Coptic...if he is real into his faith, he doesn't believe in Divorce. Most good muslim men wont treat a wife in a bad way. IF MENA marriage divorce rate is higher...its because of the parties failure to truely understand and adapt to the cultural differences. WE can not take the information from the break ups here on VJ alone. This is a SUPPORT is only for those that NEED support and those that want to give support. Its not really accurate to account for breakups here. We dont have enough MENA members to give us accurate data.

Being Coptic doesn't mean you don't believe in divorce, the coptic church, along with others do have a means to divorce your partner. I hear this quite often, that Catholics, Coptics, Orthodox, don't believe in divorce. Not true at all, times have changed and the religions have evolved.

This is true. Divorce is allowed (in certain situations), but remarriage is the problem. So, if you marry a Copt and the marriage is recognized by the Coptic church, remarriage is not an option. You get one shot at a marriage(in the church). The key factor (to not divorcing) is that he must be a believer and follow the guidelines of his church.

"Divorce is not allowed except in the case of adultery, annulment due to bigamy, or other extreme circumstances, which must be reviewed by a special council of Bishops. Divorce can be requested by either husband or wife. Civil divorce is not recognized by the Church. " Taken from

"Marriage in Egypt is legally registered, Anba Bessanty, Bishop of Maasara and Helwan, explained; this makes divorce through a court of law standard procedure. So far, so good. But when it comes to remarriage, the Bishop goes on, "it is the church's business, for we follow the words of Jesus Christ when He was asked, 'Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for [just] any reason?' He answered, 'whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery; and whoever marries her who is divorced commits adultery' (Mathew 5:22)." article in al ahram weekly

Another reason for the "Copts don't believe in divorce" mentality is the cultural and family influences. Because both families are intertwined, there is a very small probability that the couple will divorce.

That doesn't mean they can't get remarried in the US of A. They just won't be able to marry again in Egypt or in the church.
monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-10-17 15:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaDHL TRACKING
QUOTE (bridget @ Mar 3 2008, 08:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (elwalk1965 @ Mar 3 2008, 12:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ahmed N Cheryl @ Mar 3 2008, 07:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Okay for those of you who are having your will receive a DHL tracking number. You can use the site below to track your package. Also you can see under more options Track by e-mail where you can sign up for email alerts and everytime your visa packet moves even within the embassy the DHL package is scanned and you will receive an e-mail noification from DHL.

DHL Track by number

However, if the pick up date does not change then it is still within the embassy....even if it says DHL Facility - Cairo Egypt.

Hope this helps you all.

Cheryl rose.gif

What is this tracking? I am confused.

It tracks when the embassy sends your visa. If you look up the number on the receipt your husband would have received when he paid the dhl fee at his interview, you'll see a pickup date maybe and that will correspond to the date the fee was picked up, not when an item was picked up. That is what I saw for a few months but now it just shows my number but no pickup date. I used to check this everyday and then gave up. lol

Don't give up, bridg !! We had about 3 or 4 different DHL numbers that we were tracking & for months, none of them moved... then, one day we checked and that's when I posted the DHL package was being picked up from the embassy. DON"T LOSE THOSE TRACKING NUMBERS... ok ?

The one that they wound up using was the one that we used to send our packet 3 with... not the one from his interview! So, make sure you guys keep track of all the different waybill numbers.....

monnikNot TellingEgypt2008-03-04 11:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Birthday to Monnik!

Thank you soooooooooooo much Tammy!! I can't believe I just now saw this message... I am just not here as much as I used to be. We don't have a computer right now. Most of my stuff is viewed from my phone.... But, WOW~ you are such a good friend!!!! Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes. biggrin.gif wub.gif
monnikNot TellingEgypt2009-12-31 08:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaJust wondering....
QUOTE (~PalmTreeGurl~ @ Dec 29 2009, 06:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Jan 22nd will be 3 1/2 yrs kicking.gif

You are always gonna be 4 months ahead of us!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!! mad.gif Sometimes, 3 years feels like such a long time! So much has happened.... wacko.gif
monnikNot TellingEgypt2009-12-31 08:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaAny info on taking S.O on a cruise
How's the vacation searching going?? I want to go soooo bad! We're waiting on Mina's dad though. Once we find out what dates he will be here, it will be easier to plan a vacation!! I'm gonna do some searching, too. :)
monnikNot TellingEgypt2010-04-16 19:02:00