Middle East and North AfricaThe Uniform of a Good Irish Girl
I liked it wahrania. good.gif
monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-10-16 18:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaTragic Love Egyptian Style ENTA OUMRI
QUOTE (wahrania @ Oct 17 2007, 05:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-10-17 13:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaToday my mother left for Heaven

Sorry for your loss. I didn't know your mom or about her illness, but I wish you comfort and tranquility while you deal with her passing.


monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-10-17 19:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaVisa in Hand!

Where was this? Cairo? I thought they didn't allow anyone else at the window? :unsure:

You can attend the interview in Cairo. You can also speak with the consular if you have any questions.
monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-06-26 11:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday in MENA
Thanks for the video, Olivia.

Congratulations on your grades and your new video shoot!!

I am awake as usual... waiting for my husband to get back from a job interview. I am waiting for good news. We are so bored in this house. I wanna rip someone's face off!! girlwerewolf2xn.gif

I am trying to put together an updated résumé so that I can send it to a hotel here in Cairo. I need a change. Especially since all of the visa estimates I have looked at so far say that we still have months of waiting ahead of us.

In other news..........
Tomorrow, the family is going to an amusement park here in Egypt. Last year, we went the day after I arrived in Cairo. So, the whole thing is nostalgic but depressing at the same time. Who knew I would still be here after a year!!!!!!!!!?@?!?!??@!>?!@?!@??>@

15 days until my one year anniversary of arriving to Egypt blink.gif

better news
26 days until our first anniversary (of marriage laughing.gif )
monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-10-18 02:54:00
Middle East and North Africaspeaking of breakups...

Good luck with your future & making your OWN life with your new husband!!


I am so happy for you. rose.gif rose.gif rose.gif
monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-10-18 14:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaJackies Big Adventure
I know this pic is corny & cheesy, but I did it for JJ!! It's the love that counts. laughing.gif

monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-10-16 22:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaJackies Big Adventure
QUOTE (just_Jackie @ Oct 17 2007, 03:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Mexico. I can see me in Mexico watching a sunset from the beach....

Jackie rose.gif

I used to live in Los Cabos! I have several friends there. We can hook you up! They all work in the hotels/resort business!! Beaches are fabulous there, and the water is an amazing temperature! The night life is neverending, and the people are friendly.

We lived at the southern tip of Baja California Sur, where the Pacific Ocean meets the Sea of Cortez and each night, sitting on our doorstep, you could hear the huge waves crashing all around us.

Do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!


monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-10-16 22:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's Saturday!!!
Thanks Sarah, Olivia, & Cheryl.

Dream Park & Magic Land are 2 parks located on the same road in Egypt. It is called Oasis Road (Shaar3 El Wa7a) and it is between 2 highways; Alexandria/Cairo Highway & Fayoum Highway. It is in Cairo; near 6th of October City. I hope you and Medo can find it. laughing.gif

Dream Park is a little bigger and more like an amusement park, while Magic Land has the dolphins and it is inside the City of Media Production.
Dream Park Pics & Such

Egyptian Media Production City (Magic Land)

The Pharonic Village is on a road called Ba7r El Azam (Greatest Sea Road). It is in Giza, on the west bank of the Nile.

Pharaonic Village

Has anyone heard from wateriswide??? I think she was supposed to arrive here today or yesterday...... give us an update somebody!!
monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-10-21 02:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's Saturday!!!
Ok..... everyone is too busy to post today.. I guess I will try to kill some time by posting new pics for you guys. I tried to post them in the gallery with my other pics, but apparently, I have reached my hosting limit...... only 1024 bytes..... that bites!!

We went to the theme park yesterday and had a good time. It was like our anniversary because we went there in November last year (right after I got here). It was a nice and sunny day, but it wasn't too hot. We saw the dolphins & rode some rides & I got henna put on my hands. Just like last year!!

Taken on the first trip to Magic Land , NOV 2006.
This is a picture of a picture, so it looks rough. But, if you look closely, you will see Mina is all tensed up & scared out of his wits. He told me that he didn't want to disappoint me by refusing to take the picture with me on my 2nd day in Egypt..... he didn't want to look like a chicken! laughing.gif

Taken yesterday
Funny clown & the crowd at the water show

Well-trained sea lion ... I think that's what they are called ( in Egypt, they call them sea dogs?!?!? )

Sooo cute!

Mina's tormentors!!! laughing.gif

Surf's up!! I sooo want to do this one day!

Us on the Nile at night...

Us at the Pharonic Village.... a different look for me... blow dried hair.. unsure.gif
monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-10-20 21:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow is everyone in AP doing? How's your SO handling it? how long have you been in AP ? How many "flags"
Well, according to that article, we only have #2. We only met in person once, and we got married 11 days later, and I had a one-way ticket so I have been here ever since. laughing.gif

We do have an age gap, but it's less that 10 years. We are both still in our 20's (just on opposite ends!) but culturally our ages are reversed. Usually, in Egypt, the male is in his late 20's and the female is younger. So, even though our gap is not huge, it could be considered socially abnormal in Egypt. (Hey... there's that word "abnormal"..... laughing.gif )

As far as AP goes, I could choke someone. It is definitely being stuck in limbo that is the most frustrating. If I knew for a fact that we were denied or would never receive the visa, we could start to make a life here. But, we don't know anything. This is why the EPT was invented...... who wants to wait 2 or 3 months to find out if they are pregnant or not when you need to know if it's safe to drink margaritas TONIGHT!!!!! laughing.gif

I am just saying...... it's cruel to leave us waiting.

I can also tell you that being with your SO doesn't make it any easier, IMO. Well, maybe I should rephrase that. Being with my husband in Egypt doesn't make the wait any easier. Because we still don't feel like we are not accomplishing anything. Also, there are people who are together in the US, but still waiting unnecessarily. Their waiting doesn't seem to carry the same stress. So, to me... the waiting is the difficulty, not the separation. Easy for me to say cause we are together. But, I really feel it.

On another note, every time I talk to my family or my friends about the process and try to explain to them what's taking so long, they always reassure me that it's for the best. If they have to take all of that time, it's probably for a reason. And, we are better off not knowing why they do what they do. Is that just blind faith in the government?? laughing.gif I am not sure. But, I can't change it so I might as well accept it. huh?

Good luck to everyone......I mean it. I know that even weeks of waiting can cause a lot of stress & tears. Months can be painful & cruel. Years.... I can't even imagine what that would feel like. I really send my heart out to anyone who is waiting right now.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~rose.gif rose.gif~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Edited by monnik, 08 October 2007 - 01:22 PM.

monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-10-08 13:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaI Got It Today
Welcome Egypt!!! smile.gif

Enjoy your trip. good.gif
monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-10-19 01:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaBullies on the Mena boards
Just about the best post ever, Sara!


And, bullying does happen. But, it's usually because comprehensions get skewed and then it all snowballs into a dissection of what someone implied and wanted to say and has a tendency to say and dictionary definitions of the word sarcasm and bigotry and don't forget generalizations!!! until pretty soon nobody remembers the topic, but everybody remembers the insults.... laughing.gif But, it all starts because it is a written forum and there are many different personalities and opinions here.

I know that we all can't be nice or coddling or even agree all of the time. And what would we learn from eachother if we were all coddlers, enablers, and aggreed on everything??

But, I know that everyone is intelligent enough to be more tactful. Some just choose not to be. That is their right, but they are sometimes referred to as bullies.

We all have the sole control over what comes out of our mouths (keyboards).
monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-10-16 23:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaSunday
I have been trying to post all afternoon, but my connection has been going in and out. cray5ol.gif

Jackie, I love that backsplash!! I am sure your customer is very pleased!

Sara - wow!! It's official.... Baby is coming this week!!! Alf Mabrook!

I am digging all of the ribs recipes. My mom makes the best ribs ever, but I have no idea how she does it. The meat falls off of the bone, and we usually wind up eating them with a fork. *drool*

amal & Jackie, nice pic! amal, your son is toooo cute!

Hi to everyone else here & happy Sunday.

Can the MENA forum get a flippin visa over here????!?!?!??!!! ranting33va.gif
monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-10-21 21:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaSo, any men in here?

Well, you've got rclouse, charles, wael, jasman, dipsticks' husband and...... I can't really think of any other guys who post on a regular basis. Looking for some Hot Wheels buddies, Kyanwan?? vroom vroooommmm laughing.gif wink.gif just kidding
monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-10-22 03:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaToday is Tuesday.....
Some Tranquilizing Drugs:


I can't take any of those medicines because I will pass out cold... I would have to be really nervous or upset for it to help me at all. ( Which, doesn't sound like it's too far into my future!! If we (my husband and I) continue to stress out over this process, I will be slippin' something into his Kool-Aid!!! )

I used to work in a HIGHLY stressful sales job & I was the only person on my team who wasn't on anti-anxiety drugs or anti-depressants. I didn't think I could be cracked.... until now!

monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-10-23 23:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaToday is Tuesday.....
QUOTE (wife_of_mahmoud @ Oct 23 2007, 05:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OK you made me do it....

For WOM , Sarah, and any other pug lovers:

Yo, Olivia! I really am praying for you. rose.gif

Cheryl, I am glad to see that your stress is reducing.... I wonder if Xanax are available in Egypt????? And I love homemade chili. Do you put beans in yours?? Cause if there are no beans in it, I won't eat it. I don't want you to waste your time. laughing.gif wink.gif JK.....

sereia - You and your new husband seem to have a perfect excuse/reason/sign to go to NYC. I hope your plans get worked out & he gets his GC soon.

charles - love that pic!

Becky - I admire your patience. Especially since it seems you are waiting for NOTHING. Alas, we will never know

... and I seriously hope that Cairo gets their act together!! For all of us!
monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-10-23 22:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaToday is Tuesday.....
Check out this web-love cake for Halloween!!

Star Wars doggies! laughing.gif

And, my favorite:

I have an interview for tomorrow!! It is with a local company that is right next to the CIB bank where my FIL works. (Which means I would have some transpo.) Wish me some luck. It's only a part time job, but hey! I would chew somebody's toenails off for a living if it would get me out of this house and get my head out of USCIS's ...........well, you know. blush.gif

laughing.gif laughing.gif

Get out of bed, everybody. Tuesday has got to be one of the dullest days of the week, but at least the agony of Monday has worn off a little by now!!

monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-10-23 05:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew MENA addition

I saw the pics. Cute stuff!! Congrats. rose.gif

monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-10-20 01:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow Many Times Did you Meet Before Your Interview?
This survey was tough for me to answer, amrssnowangel...

I voted that we met only once before his interview (one LOooooooooOONG visit from November to June wink.gif ) because I was guessing you were talking about how many times you had met in person. We only met my vote was 1.

I also voted that we are in AP 3-4 months. (Really it has been a little over 2 months, but no option for 2-3) Which, since we are still IN AP, still isn't very definitive.

I don't know if anyone has seen this site before, but I just ran across it yesterday or the day before and I learned a lot from it. link

It is a compilation of the questions and answers from a previous thread started by a former NSC worker. He explains that some of the cases get picked at random. You don't necessarily get worked in the order you filed. And, he explained that some cases get left & just sit around for a while. He also said that the Service Center workers who approve petitions (and such) have a quota to meet. It doesn't really apply to my situation of DCF, but it is a sneak peek at the system from the inside. I am not sure how much of his information applies to people waiting in AP either, but he does give us some insight as to how backlogged the WHOLE system is. I enjoyed reading it.

If you guys have seen it before, sorry for the repeat.
monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-10-22 17:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaWake up sleepy heads!
QUOTE (sarah and hicham @ Oct 24 2007, 05:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (monnik @ Oct 23 2007, 08:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>


My head hurts! I don't even know where to start with this one, so I won't even go there.

Don't do it. If you do, then they have beeten you, girl.


monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-10-23 23:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaWake up sleepy heads!

monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-10-23 22:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaWake up sleepy heads!
OMG.... Fire & Ash!!

Anything like this??

monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-10-22 18:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaWake up sleepy heads!
Hey there, early birds!! I didn't even go to sleep.... Happy Monday !

I have been up all night...I am still looking for jobs.... I applied to Vodafone Egypt and DHL online..... I also have to fax my resume to some other businesses in Cairo... the problem is, I have to download Microsoft Office to update the resume & it is taking forrrrrrrrrrever!! Only 3 hrs & 54 min until it finishes.... yay blink.gif then, I can continue my Great Job Hunt!!!

Hope ya'll are feeling good on your Monday morning.... rose.gif

monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-10-22 03:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaJinns anyone?

They like to play arcade games!!! YAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-10-23 21:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaJinns anyone?
QUOTE (sarah and hicham @ Oct 23 2007, 09:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No, No, Yes


Although, we can use stories of the jinns to scare the kids (11 yrs old). But, they are big scaredy cats! They get scared when the lights go out, when they hear the name Dracula, or when I hide behind the door and then jump out and scream while they are all quiet and watching cartoons. laughing.gif devil.gif laughing.gif Bwaahhahahahhaaaaa! Bwawaaahahahaaaaa !!!
monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-10-23 20:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaFrance Comes Clean About the Mining of Algeria

monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-10-23 21:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaIts freeking FRIDAY!
QUOTE (just_Jackie @ Oct 27 2007, 12:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

A park near my house.....beautiful Fall colors

Another pic from the park...who's beautiful 2007 Nissan Sentra is that? blush.gif

crying.gif I miss fall foliage!!!! I miss walking around at the county fair in a big jacket and being able to see my breath when I talk! I love fall weather! Nice pictures Jackie! The picture of Lexy is tooooo cute!!

It's getting cooler here in Egypt. We can't leave the window open all night anymore. It starts to get very chilly around 3am. It's almost time to break out the sweaters!
monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-10-26 22:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaIts freeking FRIDAY!
QUOTE (doodlebug @ Oct 26 2007, 05:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ayesha4akram @ Oct 26 2007, 10:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good morning everyone! kicking.gif Today is my daughter's 15th birthday! Wow another birthday! Going to my mom's to sing happy birthday this afternoon, we're eating pizza (her choice) then it's off to a girls night out!! I told her, we can eb0dfafc.gif go to the movies and you get to choose, and she said: "I want to see "SAW IV"!! girlwerewolf2xn.gif Oh well, it IS her birthday after all, so I have to be a good sport about it. LOL

Ohhhh and I got her a beautiful 14k gold ring that has a rose and the number 15 on it! luv.gif Her first ring ever! She's so excited.

Anyway, have a great weekend all!


Ayesha rose.gif

What a great idea for a gift!!!!!

YEAH! I have seen a lot of those 15 year charms & rings. You have never been to a party for a Quinceañera before Doodle? You know that show on MTV called My Super Sweet Sixteen?? In Mexico, the show is called Mi Quince Años (my 15 years). 15 is the milestone teenage year for Latin America and Spanish countries.

Google quinceañera jewelry or gold & you will see lots of cute things for the 15 year old girls.

My favorite rings for the 15 años are the motion rings. They are so cute! (Just wait until my nieces have their quinceaños!~~~~~~ I am already thinking about it.... only 10 more years to go!! laughing.gif )
My sister's husband bought her a motion ring for mother's day that had 3 layers. In the middle was a rose, and some leaves that swung around with diamonds. Very pretty!

Edited by monnik, 26 October 2007 - 11:59 AM.

monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-10-26 11:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaIts freeking FRIDAY!
Good news all around, sparrow!!! kicking.gif

Don't forget, we want pictures of the wedding!! plzzzzzzzzzzz

Edited by monnik, 26 October 2007 - 07:23 AM.

monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-10-26 07:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaIts freeking FRIDAY!
Tatto party:

She is a tattoo artist. She is probably working on tattoos for a group of people or at a gathering. Just means long hours & hard work.
monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-10-26 05:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaIts freeking FRIDAY!
Well, Cheryl, girl....I am up. I had to start adjusting my sleeping times because I will start my new job soon. I am so excited!

The boards are usually dead around this time. Hope you can keep your energy up for your work this weekend!

Happy Furr-iday everybody!

Edited by monnik, 26 October 2007 - 03:14 AM.

monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-10-26 03:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaHalloween in MENA
Sarah, here are some costumes that look very easy to make.

I don't know when your party is, but if you need any last minute ideas....

I like the credit card idea on this site. And there are some other simple ones.

This site was fun to read. They even have 60 second costumes. Corny, but hey..if you are in a pinch.......

Let us know what you decide to wear!
monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-10-27 03:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaHalloween in MENA
QUOTE (yassmine2878 @ Oct 25 2007, 06:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (allousa @ Oct 25 2007, 10:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I JUST have to post this pic of our little munchkin in his Halloween costume. He's tigger!

I could just PINCH him he's soooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not that me and Hicham are proud parents or anything!!!!

As the old Southern saying goes, I could just eat 'im with a spoon smile.gif

Yep yep! You are right, Yassmine! I didn't know you spoke Southernese. wink.gif

Allousa, he is a little sugarlump and I agree with Sarah; he is about the cutest little boy I have ever seen!
monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-10-25 17:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaHalloween in MENA
Here's a link for couples' costume ideas:

click here

Are you wanting to create your own costumes or buy some??
monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-10-24 04:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaInteresting things to do while waiting for an NOA2
Yeah. That's the # of the forum for MENA......

I didn't know it was a trivia question. My bad.

Where's my prize??? laughing.gif

monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-10-22 18:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday
QUOTE (yassmine2878 @ Oct 25 2007, 07:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ill go ya one better. I work for Professional Medical Services. And yes, you guessed it, our website is giving out my email addy has never been so entertaining laughing.gif

Oh and Doodle, I think Tranny came to my office.

HEHEEEE.. One of our neighboring schools changed from Pacolet Junior High to Pacolet Middle School. Then, after they realized what their new letters would be, they changed it to Middle School of Pacolet. laughing.gif
monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-10-26 03:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday
Happy Thursday!! Hi everybody.

WOW!! Doodle, you are so lucky! You get to work with trannies!! laughing.gif

And, dipsticks.... I love your pics. The wedding was beautiful & you too!!

Sparrow, I am so excited for you!!!

Happy Birthday Charles!!!!
I found this cute Halloween costume that could work for your birthday.

I went yesterday for the interview and they gave me a 3 hour test! blink.gif My husband sat outside in the reception area the whole time. He finally got bored & called me out of the testing area to give me his cell phone & said he would be at the cafe with his friend! laughing.gif laughing.gif
We weren't expecting such a long test. But, God! How I wish he had never given me that cell phone! It rang constantly. His mom calling, his dad, his friends, and even him calling me to ask if I was finished yet. I turned the phone on vibrate, but every time it would ring, the computer I was working on would make that noise!! Scratchy, bum-bada-bummm noise in the speakers! ANNNOOOOYYIINNNNGGG! I was so embarassed. Finally, I turned the phone off. Can you guess what happened next?? My husband freaked out! He came running back to the office & called me out of the test (AGAIN) to check on me. blush.gif laughing.gif

Anyway, 2nd embarassing moment----- today, the phone rang & my husband told me to answer the phone because my FIL was supposed to call. And, when I answered the phone, a man's voice said "Hi, Nicole?" And, I said "Hi ya Baba!!" wacko.gif "No. I am sorry, this is Ahmed."
It was the company calling to tell me that I will start work on Sunday. Whew!!!
I am so glad to get out of the house! The only problem is it will put a damper on my nocturnal habits. No more sleeping all day!!
monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-10-25 16:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaWarm Fuzzy MENA thread
Wow, another one of these lovey-dovey threads!! hehehe

I had to think hard to find something else that was "WARM & FUZZY THREAD" worthy. laughing.gif

Today, Mon had to go out to buy another mouse for the laptop (cause he dropped the other one and destroyed it! ) and I asked him while he was out to bring me a KitKat bar to eat after dinner. He came back with just the box for the mouse and told me that he only had enough money for the mouse, but that he would go back downstairs after dinner to get the KitKat. Ok. It was no big deal. So, then, I opened the mouse box, and it was filled with KitKats and toffee candies. He had the mouse stashed in his pocket.

He likes to trick me sometimes. He says he just likes seeing the happy surprised look on my face. I thought it was cute.

That's about it for my sweet stories this year. If anybody starts another thread, I might not be able to participate. jest.gif

Come, on hubby. Gimme something to brag about. ClockWatch2.gif
monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-09-04 17:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaAaaaand it's Friday
Yay Melinda! Have a safe and wonderful trip.

I am hanging out today. Friday & Saturday are my weekend here. I just completed my first week at my new job & I feel so much better. I haven't spent so much time worrying about our AP, I am getting exercise everyday, and my husband got a job, too. He works 2 buildings away from me. Our stress levels have plummeted.

As our luck will probably have it, Mina's visa will arrive and we will have to quit our lovely new jobs..... or maybe that is just the "it happens when you stop thinking about it" theory.

We will see. wink.gif

Happy Friday to everyone. Today (actually at 3am later on tonight) is my 1 year anniversary of the day I arrived in Cairo! I honestly never thought I would be here this long, but I thank God for small surprises.

MHandMB - I love the Biltmore House. I can't wait to get home (SC) and drive up there to show my husband the whole town! Bring back pictures of the fall leaves!

Sarah, did you dress up for the Halloween party or not? I never saw anything posted about it.
monnikNot TellingEgypt2007-11-02 08:20:00