United KingdomIn Less than 24 hours...
Oooh how exciting! I hope it all goes well.

Newark was my POE - was SO easy. They weren't overly friendly with me, but they had a lot of people coming in, so I can understand that.

Happy reunion!
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-26 09:45:00
United KingdomCan anyone help me out with East enders?

My Lord that's old!

Just what I was thinking - bloody hell, that was way back when I actually used to watch EastEnders, something I haven't done in a loooooooong time!

I was thinknig the same thing! Infact, in my mind thats still where I'm at! :lol:
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-30 16:45:00
United KingdomHow long should we expect?
Basically yes, but I was nagging them because the guy at the embassy told me that as soon as I sent it in it should take 2 days or so, so I called the courier to see if it was in their system, and it was, then it arrived
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-01 11:35:00
United KingdomHow long should we expect?
Not really. I had the interview the week before, had the new stuff fed-exed over and just sent it back right away, that was all.
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-01 10:26:00
United KingdomHow long should we expect?
I actually did have something similar, I got RFE'd at the embassy and had to re send in the I-134's and supporting docs again, however I was very luck. They recieved it on a monday, issued the visa wednesday and I had it on Friday!
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-01 09:16:00
United KingdomLondon K-1 Interview
Congrats! I'm so glad it went well andy ou were approved - kinda funny about the drill! Ofcourse...after the time it happend ;-)
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-30 19:26:00
United KingdomHoly crap
Oooh, thats good news, congrats!
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-01 09:09:00
United KingdomWe had the ceremony!
Beautiful pictures, honestly.

Funny tale too!

Congrats, I'm very happy for you.

Your right about the saying the vows part, I didn't see all the people sitting to my right, I just saw him :)
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-02 19:24:00
United KingdomWe exchanged!
Thats good news!

I didn't have a house, so I can't imagine the stress of sorting that out but I do remember packing up my room in about 2 days, there was am empty spare room next to mine - not by the time I was done with it, filled high with black bin bags! :lol:
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-04 09:45:00
United KingdomVery nervous!! medical and interview in nest 2 days
Good luck Lina! You'll do fine.
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-05 15:03:00
United KingdomGood luck tomorrow to kins and Linababe!
Goood luck! I'm sure it'll be fine!
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-06 16:50:00
United KingdomHome Sick
I'm sorry to hear your feeling homesick, it happens to us all. At first I felt really bad but its getting easier.
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-17 17:30:00
United KingdomWhy did you choose the US?
For us really, the Uk was never a real option. We sometimes talk about living there - but not for any long term basis.

My husband has now graduated from college but he hadn't at the time, and that was a major pull. Also, cost of living is alot lower here and could afford to own a home alot easier, plus my husbands dream job couldn't work out so well in the UK.

I do miss the UK, but I love living here, and always have wanted to live here. I was never worried about leaving my family as they are scattered about and was used to not seeing them.
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-02 14:26:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....

IMO, the quintessential Americanism is "Awesome". We, like, say it all the time. LOL

Totally. Awesome. My pals in Ireland were always teasing me by saying "awesome" every other word, which I never knew was Irish.

Anyway, :waves from Latin America forum which is not nearly so fun: this thread has had me laughing out loud quite a bit. One of my best friends is British and my favorite things are the simple things. I love "sorted" so much.

But on this thread, I learned she's actually saying "can't be arsed".... :blush: Thank you for educating me and entertaining me, UK forum!

Hiya...ya I like sorted as well!
Chris uses it daily so I've picked it up.

Come back any time!

Thanks, PS, I meant which I never knew was AMERICAN. Up there. I don't think there's another country that uses "awesome" like we do. Juuust ignore me. Thanks for letting me lurk. (We're considering a move to the UK next year.)

I like to think we're an equal opportunity forum! I always love your input Alex! Lurk all you like!

I'd love a move to the UK but with 3 kids, its just not practical, so my honey is moving here! There's another total Amercanism "honey"! Griff swore he'd NEVER use it and now he does ALL the time!!!

I'm also guilty of the honey motion :blush:
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-22 14:51:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....

Hehe, I've got one, I've got one!!!! Take your kit off ;)

I wonder if all the UK halves gave our American phrases what the list would be? Totally awesome man... :lol:

haha I would say:


God, I know there are more, but I'm completely stuck :wacko:
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-18 11:34:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....
You know whats I am reading this thread so many of the things people say they think is cute that us UKers say...I didn't even REALISE that its only something we say.

Now ofcourse the obvious things like cheeky monkey and the like no but "having a row" to me I didn't even realise that was a different way of speaking :lol:
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-18 11:11:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....
I always say I can't be arsed...Lol can't be "asked", I always thought people were being funny when they said they thought thats what it said :lol:
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-13 17:41:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....
oh I use silly sausage, and "you spoon" :P
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-12 17:36:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....
This thread is great!

I say "ta" as in the thank you ALL the time, I get the strangest looks! Haha.

I used but hate "minger" or "minging", I dislike it but its stuck on my tongue.

Occasionally I sound VERY chavish and say "thats WELL nice" husband laughs at me :blink:
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-12 17:02:00
United KingdomGood Luck TracyTN!
YAY!! I'm SO happy for you guys! After all the ####### with the long delayed NOA2...its about time!
:dance: :dance:
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-08 16:54:00
United KingdomGood Luck TracyTN!
Good luck! it'll be fine! good to see you around a little tracy!
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-07 20:56:00
United KingdomMy hair is wavy
My hair never used to be as curly as it is now...its not real tight curls but curls all the same.
The humidity makes it SO much worse :crying:
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-07 20:54:00
United KingdomCr*ppy birthday to me

Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes (and the drink in my honour, LisaD!). We ended up going out for a Thai meal (mmmmmm) with deep-fried ice cream at the end. I now feel like I should have worn my elasticated trousers! :blush:

The garage got back to me and said they'd bring the car round tomorrow while I'm at work, so all is muuuuuuch better. If a little dyspeptic (*hic*). :P

Glad it all turned out right in the end...the deep fried ice cream's gotta help too. :P

You know, to be quite honest, I've never actually tried deep fried ice cream!
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-05 17:41:00
United KingdomCr*ppy birthday to me
Happy birthday!

Hope the ice cream and er, birthday "fun" cheered you up! ;)
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-05 15:00:00
United KingdomSemi Approved at the Embassy today
I had a something like that happen to me, I had to re-submit the I-134 and supporting docs again. My now husband and inlaws filled them out and shipped them over express that night ( was a tuesday) I recieved them thursday, sent them up to the embassy friday, they got them tuesday, and they issued the visa thursday, had it on friday, and was in the US sunday! :P

I hope that you have just as quick a turn around!
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-12 21:02:00
United KingdomWe bought flags today
My husband has an interview coming up in Houston, it'll be cool to venture that way and see my brother who lives in San Antonio :)
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-12 20:58:00
United KingdomWe bought flags today
Wow, thats pretty sad.

Isn't it illegal though to tell people what flag they can or cannot fly? Free will and all that. Well, thats what my husband tells me anyway, and it would only make sense.

When I actually have a house (not a box called an apartment) I'll be flying the american flag, union jack and maybe even a pirate flag ( I am some what of a rebel).
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-12 09:25:00
United KingdomInterview...DOHHH!!
I was RFE'd for the I-134, I had to re-submit the forms (my husband was a ful ltime student then also, and had little wage) and some extra documents.
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-12 20:59:00
United Kingdomafter interview
IT really can depend but I'd hold off on buying it, you never know if you'll get a hold up (I got RFE'd at the embassy).

Good luck with your interview though!
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-12 09:26:00
United KingdomCadbury pleads guilty in salmonella case

Cadbury's guilty? Next you'll be telling me cats aren't real. :o :lol:

.... :whistle: they aren't :blink:

flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-15 14:09:00
United KingdomCadbury pleads guilty in salmonella case

I knew nothing about this - I must live with my head in a sand bucket :blush:
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-15 10:25:00
United KingdomOur new addition

One of my cats, okay it's Sassy (had to be really) sits on my lap while I am on the loo. I was there for ages once because I didn't want her to have to get off me. I think my hubby got a little worried at one point and yelled "are you okay in there?". :lol:

:lol: :lol: thats too funny

Just last night Braska yet again raced me to the loo :yes: and the daft ####### actually tried to grab the loo paper outta my hand as i was about to umm wipe my ### :help: all my hubby could do was laugh, i was like DANE!!! its not funny :crying: how would you like it if she tried to run off wif yer quota of loo paper :lol: and then as i was about to flush the loo she stuck her head down and tried to play with the toilet paper while it was floating in the loooooooo :unsure: mad i tell ya maaaaaaaaaaad :lol:

:lol: :lol: Thats hilarious!
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-15 09:50:00
United KingdomOur new addition

Awwwwwwwwww so cute :goofy: I too have an addition to our family, we adopted her from the Humane Society mid january.

Hubby and I didnt have any problems finding a name for her :lol: we both agreed on Braska coz he's from Nebraska, she's not right in the head i swear LMAO ....She follows me to the toilet and sits there patiently until am done then she tries to run off with the loo paper, maybe she was an Andrex puppy in her previous life. :diablo:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Thats too funny.
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-12 21:02:00
United KingdomOur new addition
I wanna play with her!

She looks just like my cat I had a few years ago (she got hit :( ), her name was Amber....this kitty looks just like her, I hope shes not pooping on you! :lol:
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-11 20:34:00
United KingdomIf anyone remembers my 'stay or go?' dilemma...

Do I hear the patter of teeny tiny feet? j/k :P

Hell, no!!!!! :o :o :lol: :o :lol:

But if that's what the people in charge of the Redundancy Purse-Strings would like to think, I'm not going to correct them!! ;)

(edit: oh, I just saw the 'j/k'!! ;) )

:lol: :lol:
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-15 09:47:00
United KingdomIf anyone remembers my 'stay or go?' dilemma...
I remember! Thats great news! :dance:
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-13 18:09:00
United KingdomElephant & Castle in PA

The only think I've ever been desperate for was Scottish sausage and since the hubby's been here I've had my fill :X *hide*

:lol: :lol: :lol:
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-16 17:57:00
United KingdomMedical done
It'll come soon daisy, won't be long!
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-07 10:02:00
United KingdomI need some info pls
I'm sorry to here this! Them having the passport is pretty good sign though, I got RFE'd and it held things up a week but I still got to keep my passport.

Hoep it gets resolved soon!
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-20 21:41:00
United KingdomGuess what? I'm getting a divorce.
I don't want to sound like a broken record but I am just so sorry to read this, you have every right to be angry!

What a wimp, pathetic coward!
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-21 09:10:00