United KingdomFeatherB Flies To The States!

Oh I'm sooooo excited for you! That is hilarious about the last kiss ;) I so want to come down and visit you, maybe help me stop missing Paul so much! Want to meet in Columbus this summer?

Sounds like a good plan to me!! I think (hope) we'll be spending quite a bit of time in Columbus this summer.... and going to Comfest, definitely! How're you doing?? Other than, I would guess, going crazy waiting for your NOA2?? Looks like it should be any day now... fingers crossed! :)

Hey I have been going to columbus alot recently! Its bout 4 hours drive away but we go there and come back to give this kid from our town a ride (LOONG story, just know we go there and back again)

So whens the BIG day?! :D
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-03 09:35:00
United KingdomFeatherB Flies To The States!

Yay! Glad you arrived safely Feather! Was slightly jealous regarding the chocolate you got given, then realised it was Hershey's. :lol:

Welcome to the States! Enjoy and enjoy! :dance:

I was thinking the same things mags! :lol:

I'm SO glad you got here just fine feather, really I am! Isn't it just the best feeling?
Hope you get the bank thing done!
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-30 17:23:00
United KingdomFeatherB Flies To The States!

Welcome to Ohio! Meet ya at cedar point :)

I LOVE cedar point!! :D:D:D I went 2 years ago, its soo cool.

Its about 5 hours drive for me though :P

I know, its SO amazing. Only 1 hour for me... Lets have a VJ par-tay there!

That would be awesome!
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-29 20:55:00
United KingdomFeatherB Flies To The States!

Welcome to Ohio! Meet ya at cedar point :)

I LOVE cedar point!! :D:D:D I went 2 years ago, its soo cool.

Its about 5 hours drive for me though :P
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-28 21:31:00
United KingdomFeatherB Flies To The States!
:D :D

I'm SO excited for her! WELCOME!:D
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-28 11:59:00
United KingdomUS Embassy goes on sale for £90m

Ooh, more inaccuracies:

"General Dwight Eisenhower is said to have worked there [the Embassy] in the 1940s while planning the invasion of North Africa in World War II." (BBC newsitem)

Now, I knows me some London architecture and I knew this had to be wrong. I mean, there was no way that building predated about 1955, so how could Eisenhower have worked there during WWII? So I decided to look on the Embassy website (as our hapless correspondent might have had he/she done some fact checking) and there is a very good little potted history of the Embassy there: http://www.usembassy...k/rcambldg.html And indeed, the building was designed by Eero Saarinen (who designed an ice hockey rink in my hometown, of all things) and completed in 1960. Eisenhower was indeed in Grosvenor Square during the war, but he was at one of the old Embassy buildings, 1 Grosvenor Square. I see what the writer was aiming at -- Eisenhower worked at the Embassy during the war -- but it was not the current embassy. Should have been clearer...

Hmmm...I really should do some real work... :whistle:

:lol: Thats funny, you can tell your boss isn't there!

But seriously though, thats one ugly building to want to buy.
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-01 07:58:00
United Kingdomwhat to wear for the interview??
Don't worry about what your wearing and don't worry about the interview either, it'll be fine!

I don't even remember what I wore :help:
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-03 09:33:00
Congrats! told ya it'd be fine :D

And before you even say anything, your POE will be fine :lol:
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-04 20:01:00
United KingdomLondon medical price rise
I thought the cancellation fee wast already 80....well it was in october!
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-23 09:33:00
United KingdomWhat's the Weather Like Where You Are?
Crappy here too, had a ton more snow this past week, snow and snow/rain mix expected the next week.

I want my 75 + plus back! :crying:
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-11 10:12:00
United KingdomWhat's the Weather Like Where You Are?
I see the bright glowing orb!!!! :D
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-25 17:04:00
United KingdomWhat's the Weather Like Where You Are?
Oh my gosh.


Today we drove 9 hour round trip to pick up a friend of ours...left ridiculously early but thats besides the point, driving through Ohio today was AWFUL.

Fog and heavy rain at 70miles an hour on in traffic is SCARY! :help:
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-24 15:23:00
United KingdomWhat's the Weather Like Where You Are?

You saw the fabled warm glowing orb in the sky?!?!


What do you do when you see it? :unsure:


Put on the dark sunglasses!!! :lol:

I don't have much luck with sunglasses, have a bad habit of running them over! :lol:
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-23 18:44:00
United KingdomWhat's the Weather Like Where You Are?
You saw the fabled warm glowing orb in the sky?!?!


What do you do when you see it? :unsure:

flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-23 16:45:00
United KingdomWhat's the Weather Like Where You Are?
actually, we are thinking of moving there! :lol:
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-23 16:10:00
United KingdomWhat's the Weather Like Where You Are?
:huh: Rain.

flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-23 08:24:00
United KingdomWhat's the Weather Like Where You Are?
Our snow has left us today! :dance:

Spring is insane here, I'm not keen.

For months now we've been buried up to our noses in snow and its been at low at -25F at times but its slowly gotten warmer...then snowed again but today we broke the snow mold and cold and its 56F here in northwestern PA with a bucket load of rain, but I don't mind the rain! :D
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-22 15:04:00
United KingdomPacket 4!

Oh honey, I TOTALLY hear you about the outrageous airfare. I expected it, but that doesn't make me any happier about it (esp. considering AOS fees will need to come shortly thereafter). And you have it worse - you need two tickets!

Chas is only going to bring through 2 suitcases and then ship the rest. Have you considered doing that instead of lugging it all with you? With the prices they charge for excess baggage, you may not be any worse off shipping your stuff.

Thats EXACTLY what I did. Two suitcases then a crate was shipped out. However, watch these companies cause they do "biometric" weighing at the airport and they tried to tell me my crate weighed about 300lbs more than it did (and it wouldn't cause guys were picking it up by themselves!) and sent my dad a big bill about 3 months after the event and he told!
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-05 08:36:00
United KingdomPacket 4!

This is totally off the subject (but its my thread so I can do whatever I want! :P - I just cannot wait to marry this man.

SIGH. (L) (L)

EEE! I'm so happy for you :D
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-02 12:15:00
United KingdomPacket 4!
I remember when I went off looking for the embassy, oh its kinda funny now. Wasn't lost, walked in the general direction. The map told me it was about 3 streets down and I look to my right and see something about US passport holders and police with guns and I was like. oooh, I'm here! :lol:
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-01 15:14:00
United KingdomPacket 4!
Congrats! I'm so happy for you!

See, I told you the visa god's had it all confused :lol:
Really glad it came for you though, now its not too long!

As for packet 4 thingy, mine did have the thingy included but that was december and it sounds that this year they aren't including that anymore and all the recent interviews have been pay on the day - so don't worry!
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-21 20:59:00
United KingdomFiance Flying Home Tomorrow!!!

Woot! I'm excited for ya...brings it all back when we get to this stage with other people. :blush:

I was just thinking the EXACT same thing :P
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-04 17:08:00
United KingdomFiance Flying Home Tomorrow!!!

Only one more day to go for me, Andy flies in tomorrow night! He comes through Cincinatti, and I hear tell it they're giving away chocolates and everything [though, maybe just to pretty female K-1 holders like FeatherB, but we can hope, hehe]. I'm so excited. Going to give him a huge welcome home meal with homemade BBQ ribs and my Mom's potato salad. W00t!

In other news, I was finding out all the stuff about our next step, making plans for the marriage. We're going to do the quickie at the courthouse first, and save up for a bigger wedding up the road when we can put something together. The county requires that we read the 'Family & Marriage Law" handbook & county marriage info before we can apply for the marraige license. I read over it, it was very interesting. Most interesting was that same sex couples cannot marry in the State Of Florida, but FIRST COUSINS CAN. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Of course you can marry your cousin! But not if your cousin is the same sex, because....well that would just be gross" *Zilla shudders*

The irony is that they would prefer us to go in for a weekend long 'Marriage Preparation Course" before getting the license, if we do they will knock $20 off our license fee and we won't have to wait the 3 days it takes without it. I think we're going to skip it and wait. Don't know how much they're qualified to teach us about marriage preparation with laws like that, plus I think the K-1 process is marriage preparation enough!

Wonder how they 'prepare' first cousins for marriage? "Your respective Uncles may soon be the Grandfathers of your children, not everyone has a 'Great Uncle Grandpa' and we need to talk about sensitivity issues......"

*more Zilla shuddering*

My dad is married to his cousin :unsure:

At least I already knew my step mum! :lol:

Anyway I'm sure he'll be fine coming in through cincy! I've been through there a few times, two times were the best most wonderful passes through and one was freaking awful, but hey it was actually a customs officer that appeared to be training someone and grilled me forEVER and then finally let me go cause "well, immigration let her in so I suppose we have to". Strange
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-03 14:27:00
United KingdomLondon Rocks!!!!
Woo! they are speedy right now! Congrats!
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-30 17:13:00
That is fast! Mine was about 2 weeks after Packet 4 and I thought that was soon:P
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-10 20:38:00
United KingdomI couldn't help myself...
I'm crossing all that I can for you! :D
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-10 13:03:00
United KingdomYummy Yummy
I have got a bread machine and I DO love it. I have tried to explain to my husband about crusty bread and stuff and he doesn't quite understand and says "well you want stale bread I can just leave the bag open..." no no no. Also, why is it so tiny here? I don't understand.

ANYWAYS! Exciting news, went to my nearest Wegmans today (an hour away but happen to be passing by :whistle: ) and LOVED the british section! Not the price though, lol. Some of the brands in the british section was strange but I got some custard powder, salad cream, brown sauce, knorr chicken tonight, NAAN BREAD! and some other little things and didn't let my husband see the end total :lol:
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-09 13:11:00
United KingdomYummy Yummy

Can't believe you didn't get your birthday box, Flutter! You were so looking forward to it aswell... :(


I know, I'm so bummed about that actually.

F'ers :angry:
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-08 18:06:00
United KingdomYummy Yummy

I was a baker for a few years so I know how to make my own.

The only complaint I have about American food is there seems to be sugar in everything (or sweetners).

Regarding weight, I was a lean 150 lbs or so before I met my wife, at 6 foot tall i was a bit of a beanpole, after meeting her and eating properly i piled on weight, and after visiting america (consuming around 6000 calories a day) I'm sitting at 205lbs, I'd love to say of lean muscle but its a mix :P I definately prefer the food over there, but its so easy to not realise exactly what your eating (in terms of nutrition).

I was like you (I've only been here about 4 1/2 months or so) and thought I wouldn't really miss anything.

I am now missing food I have never even LIKED before. Like brown sauce, hated it in the UK, want to get my greedy little hands on some now! :lol:
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-08 15:11:00
United KingdomYummy Yummy
At easter my mum sent me a huuuge box filled with mint areos (mm yummy! ) and lots of other fabulous things.

It never arrived :crying:

I bet some ####### is sitting around with my box full of goodies! :(
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-07 16:59:00
United Kingdomwaiting for passport .....
See! Said it would come!

Now I look forward to seeing you panic and worry about AOS ;)
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-10 14:05:00
United Kingdomwaiting for passport .....
I hope it comes soon.

I DO understand, however mine was slightly different situation....big work up for the interview then bam, an RFE but it was ok,...only a two week delay for me and I had a REALLY quick delivery after they issued my visa, just was two weeks after the interview. As soon as I had the visa in hand I called the airline and booked my flight :lol:
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-10 13:02:00
United KingdomTreats!
the good thing for me and the revel game was how everyone else did NOT want the coffee one, where are for me, its what I was looking for :devil:
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-11 20:35:00
United KingdomTreats!
:D I DO see after eight mints and terrys chocolate oranges here alot in my tiny home town - and I live in RURAL pennsylvania.

I hear ya mags on the revels.

I bought salad cream and stuff yesterday and made a freaking HUGE snadwich
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-11 18:23:00
United KingdomUpdates From Zilla
I'm sorry hes in pain, but unfortunately I'm in the same boat as him, it hurts :crying:
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-15 18:41:00
United KingdomWent to interview, but...
I did indeed experience something similar, I had to send in extra support evidence. It was a tuesday, my fiance fed-ex'd it over to me, got it on thursday and then the courier got it on friday and it got to the embassy the tuesday, they issued the visa wednesday and I had it back on friday!

Speedy - I was lucky.
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-20 10:08:00
United KingdomCalls to UK phones?

Is anyone else having issues with dialing a UK mobile phone? We haven't been able to get through to any UK mobile phones recently (i.e. within the past month or so).

We are dialing as follows:
011 44 7XXX XXX XXX.
Calls to landlines don't seem to be a problem. Are we missing something?
In case it matters, we are trying to call people in Reading.

Could be your phone company is blocking these calls for price reasons, perhaps you should call whoever provides your long distance? I call people's mobiles in the UK every day from work and apart from the outside-extension thing, I dial them exactly as you did.

Thats how I dial them too, the only time it didn't work for me is when the company had that option closed off for price reasons
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-24 14:51:00
United KingdomSeen on the BBC's website
McFunny :D
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-26 09:46:00
United KingdomInterview Date !!!!
Congrats! I'm glad it didn't take long!
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-24 14:59:00
United KingdomIn Less than 24 hours...
Oooh how exciting! I hope it all goes well.

Newark was my POE - was SO easy. They weren't overly friendly with me, but they had a lot of people coming in, so I can understand that.

Happy reunion!
flutter95FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-26 09:45:00