Middle East and North Africatraveling to Saudi Arabia
Hi everyone,

My finace is Egyptian but currently working in Saudi Arabia. I know KSA has strict laws concerning women traveling alone, I'm curious if anyone has any information on this or if they have traveled to KSA without a male relative. I would like to join my finace for his interview but I'm not sure if I can get a visa to come or if I will have a difficult time while I am there since we are not married and I would be traveling alone.

Thanks all
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-05-12 14:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgypt - AP

Hi Mandy
My husband is one of the few that actually made it through the interview without AP. Now why did that happen? I don't really know. Maybe it was because I was there at the interview in Cairo, or maybe it was because the CO was having a good day.
The chances for AP are very strong. Whether it is for CR1 or K1, again who knows.
I really do think me being there with my husband's interview did help tremendously. I don't know if it is because they saw us in person how we react to each other or because mine and my husbands back ground check came out clean with no name alerts or what.
Now with your husband working in Saudi Arabia, he will need to get a police certificate from there, along with any other place that he had live past the age 16 for 6 months. And if you do have him go to Cairo for his interview so you can be with him during the interview sounds like a very plausible reason that they can understand.
Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with. You will find all kinds of help here, there are some really great people on VJ.Posted Image

Thanks for the reply. He is already working on getting the police report from both Egypt and Saudi (he lived in Sudan for 1 yr, but according to the DOS website police reports are not available for Sudan). I'm glad to know you could attend the interview with him because that is what I am planning on doing. Initially he was going to do the interview in Riyadh Saudi Arabia by himself, but we both felt his chances for the visa were greater if we went with the Cairo office since I could attend the interview with him, and I'm sure KSA sees less K1 interviews and maybe they will be more strict or difficult. I'm hoping we are making the right decision. Also, I asked in another forum about a letter my mother wrote giving her support of our relationship, do you think this will help us in any way? One more thing, what evidence did u provide of your relationship? When I sent in the I-129F I included copies of my cell phone bill, chat log, text messages, emails, 6 chat conversations (1 for each month), pictures of us together, and pics of me with his family, and I plan on sending the same information when he gets his packet from the embassy. Did you provide anything else that you think is important or does this sound good?

Thanks again for the advice and congrats to you and your hubby :)
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-05-15 18:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgypt - AP
After reading many posts it seems that most people in AP are married and trying to bring their spouse here. I know there are some doing the K1 that go thru AP, but I'm wondering if AP is more likely to happen if you are doing a CR-1?
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-05-15 11:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgypt - AP
I'm just curious if anyone knows what the percentage is of cases that go to Cairo end up in AP? Also, if AP is additional investigation and security check, I thought this was done at USCIS prior to being sent to the embassy, so why would there be additional investigation. I'm new to this and although I have read many great stories, I have read other not so great stories. My fiance works in KSA and was going to return to Egypt for the interview and so that I could attend the interview with him, and we both thought that shortly after the interview he would have his visa. But now I'm reading about this AP and I would hate for him to jeopordize his work in KSA and end up in AP. Is Egypt considered a "T" country, and what triggers AP? Or do you guys think it would be smarter for him to take his interview in Riyadh and not have me there. Also, how long does the actual interview take, and does it make a good impression when the petitioner is there at the interview?

mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-05-15 09:24:00
Middle East and North Africapolice certificate & birth certificate for Egypt
Thanks for all the info everyone. My fiance went to the Egypt embassy in Saudi Arabia today and they told him it would take 5 months to get the police report and birth certificate, so I'm glad to know he can easily take care of this when he returns to Egypt.
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-05-22 17:08:00
Middle East and North Africapolice certificate & birth certificate for Egypt
Thanks Egypt Lover, this is some great information, I will forward to my fiance. Do you know if they will translate his birth certificate as well or does this need to be done by the Egyptian government?
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-05-22 14:59:00
Middle East and North Africapolice certificate & birth certificate for Egypt

Hi Mandy, my husband is from Alexandria and only took him about 4 days to get his police certificate.

We also had everything translated in english. Best of luck in your journey!!

Thanks for the this something they get at the police station?
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-05-22 11:01:00
Middle East and North Africapolice certificate & birth certificate for Egypt
Does anyone know how long it takes to obtain an Egypt police certificate? Also, my finance's birth certificate is in arabic, does he need an official birth certificate in english, or can he just have this arabic one translated by someone authorized to do translations?

mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-05-22 08:02:00
Middle East and North Africagoing to bed in hour, our interviews in the morning in cairo!!!
Good Luck, but I'm sure you will do GREAT!!!! You're in my prayers. I would say good night but I'm sure you're not going to sleep. Let us know how it goes ASAP!!!
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-06-22 12:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaGUESS WHO GOT APPROVED!!!!! CAIRO EGYPT
I'm soo happy for you and Hossam...enjoy the rest of your time in Egypt and have a safe trip have to give me all of your tips so when its my time our interview will go well insha'allah :)
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-06-23 10:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow long to send back packet 3

Ya know where to find me!!! BTW...just made reservations for Disney for a couple of days...Sameh's first "official" trip! We are going this weekend to get his annual pass!!! Whoo hoo!!:luv: I think I am more excited about Disney than he is !!!:thumbs:

I know I love Disney too, I'm going back the first week in August for a couple of days..I guess I should make reservations :whistle: I seen your pics on FB when you guys were at Downtown Disney, how did he like that? When Mohamed comes we definately all need to get together and go (We will get Mohamed an annual pass too :) )

How was the process of getting him his DL?
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-07-07 07:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow long to send back packet 3

Congratulations on the approval!! How exciting!! :dance: I don't think you have to worry about the NOA2 expiring, it's more up to how quickly the embassy receives your paperwork and how quickly they get the packets out to you.

I am sure you will be getting some good input about the k1 visa, but off hand, I don't know!!
Congrats again!!!:star:

Thanks Andrea :) I am very excited. Just yesterday Mohamed and I were talking and I said I have a feeling we will be getting an approval soon, and later last night I got the email :dance: At first I was scared to read it because I thought maybe it was a RFE hehe.

Hope all is going well with you, I'm sure I will need your help when it gets closer to the interview!! :)
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-07-07 07:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow long to send back packet 3
Hi everyone,

Well we just received our NO2A - Approved for our F1 visa petition :) My question is once my fiances receives the packet from the embassy, how long does he have to prepare the documents and send back to them? I have read some places on here that he has weeks, but I also thought that the NOA2 has a expiration date (I do not have the hard copy yet).

Also, any advice or suggestions from ppl who have gone thru the Cairo embassy that may make our interview or process go a little easier would be greatly appreciate.

Thanks everyone!!
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-07-07 06:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaHump Day again!
Happy Hump Day All!!

Sorry for all your troubles Andrea, that is just ridiculous. Hope the rest of the week is better for you
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-07-14 08:05:00
Middle East and North Africareturning packet 3
Hi all,

Does anyone know if we return packet 3 before he obtains his police certificate from egypt will they still schedule our interview or is this something they will require prior to scheduling?

mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-07-15 10:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaSweet Saturday!
Happy Anniversary Aya & John!!! Hope everyone else has a great saturday too :)

Edited by mandyu1, 17 July 2010 - 03:08 PM.

mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-07-17 15:08:00
Middle East and North Africapreparing packet 3 to return
Hi everyone,

I am preparing the documents to return when my fiance receives packet 3. Since he will be interviewing in Cairo I have been told that I should front load both my initial petition and also his visa application (and also bring all supporting docs with me to the interview) So this is what I have so far that I will be sending, please let me know if I should keep something out or if I forgot something:

Chat log - May to present (they will aready have from October-May)
copy of chat conversations - 4 or 5 (They already have 6 from October-May)
text messages (again they already have about 10)
phone records - we talk daily on the phone (they have from October-April, and I will send from April-present)
letters from kids stating they like him and what they talk about when they speak with him
facebook communication (posts back and forth to each other, etc...)
letter from Imam at local Mosque stating he spoke with both of us and will perform the marriage when he arrives.
More photos of he and I, and me with his family
screen shots of us talking on webcam
screen shots of us playing games (sometimes you just don't know what to talk about :) )
I-134 with 3 yrs tax returns and w-2's, letter from employer, 3 months paystubs and child support court order along with copies of checks I received for child support

I think that is it, I don't know what else I can send to them to make our case stronger so if anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it. Also, do you think sending all of this will make us seem too desperate or like we are trying to hard and raise any flags? I also have a list of over 100 questions that we will study for the interview and I plan on going and spending 2 months with him in Egypt for the interview and traveling/seeing family (thankfully I work from home and have the ability to work while I'm there).

And 1 last question...does anyone know if he can submit his police certificates at the time of the interview or does this need to be done prior to scheduling the interview?

Thanks in advance!!
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-07-16 15:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Sunday!
Happy Sunday everyone, hope everyone has a great day!!

Andrea have a great time at Disney with the family :)
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-07-18 12:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaGoing to different consulate than home country?

Hi everyone,
I have a question. My fiance is from Morocco, but he has recently been trying to find a teaching position in Turkey. If he is successful and starts working in Turkey, will he go to an interview there or would he have to return to Casablanca for it? Also, if he does interview in Turkey, is that a red flag since he isn't living where he is a citizen? So many questions...not many answers...

Also, I forgot to say that if you file the petition now and he moves during the process, he can request the file to be transferred over to Turkey
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-07-20 10:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaGoing to different consulate than home country?

Hi everyone,
I have a question. My fiance is from Morocco, but he has recently been trying to find a teaching position in Turkey. If he is successful and starts working in Turkey, will he go to an interview there or would he have to return to Casablanca for it? Also, if he does interview in Turkey, is that a red flag since he isn't living where he is a citizen? So many questions...not many answers...

The embassy that will issue his visa is based on his current residence, so if he lives in Turkey he will interview there. And no this is not a read flag as many ppl move outside of their native country and process their visa's abroad. Also, from what I hear, Morocco is a very hard consulate to get approval from so I would consider yourself lucky if he can do it somewhere else. Good Luck!!!
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-07-20 10:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Thursday!

Good Morning! Adam got home from work alittle early tonight and hes working on some old computer for my mom. Im watching CNNs breaking news on Arizona :)
Tomorrow we start vacation for 5 days. Going with my grandparents in the motorhome. Going to caverns, wildlife safari, aquarina, something about floating down a river and some other stuff. Should be pretty fun and will be taking alot of pictures!

Hope everyone is doing well! Enjoy the day!

Good morning MENA, hope everyone has a great Thursday!!!

PalmTreeGurl - that sounds like a lot of fun, hope you have a great time and enjoy your vacation!! :)
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-07-29 08:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday
Good morning MENA!!

Hope everyone has a great day :)
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-07-27 08:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed some advice about Divorce in Egypt

Anyone else get that gut-feeling that Pumpkin loves Bear is a stalker???? Is it just me??? :unsure:

Yes, that amoung other things :whistle: and the more she/he comments the more I understand why the case was returned to the US, maybe if they (meaning pumpkin and A) talked with a little more intelligence and showed that they knew what a committed relationship was they would have their visa right now...something to think about
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-07-30 15:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed some advice about Divorce in Egypt

means we as women arent stupid and can figure out what she is doing. she never wanted him to come to begin with and she didnt think he would really get his visa so when she knew he got it she backed out and had to come up with and excuse and im sure he doesnt know she talks about him here or he would defend his self cause no muslim will let someone speak bad about them if no proof to back it up

you're right, we woman are not stupid, however you're the ONLY woman who thinks this is what she is doing. Are you implying that you're smarter than every other woman who is supporting her decision? And second, he didn't get his visa, they have been in AP and we all know how long that can last, so good try with that one. I'm not buying this, you're either A's woman, or a man dressing and living as a woman. No woman in their right mind, regardless of religion, would defend a man she doesn't know to the extent as you are.
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-07-30 12:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed some advice about Divorce in Egypt

Are you sure you're American? If so, are you a's woman? It would not shock me if you are for both your ignorance and failure at utilizing the English language properly.

Also, I don't give a ####### if Sandra's husband cheated or not. If she no longer wishes to be married to him and does not want him in HER country well then that is her choice and I support her 100%. Doesn't matter why.

hahaha according to "her" profile, she is a man and missing her man :rofl:
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-07-29 08:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed some advice about Divorce in Egypt
If that is what she wants to do is get out of the marriage early then that is her business. She simply said she found out information she did not approve of and she was divorcing him, and asked for help on what she had to do. Also, you don't need to tell a judge you want to divorce on grounds of chatting, the only time he would laugh at that would be if she was accusing him of an affair and going after him for alimony, which in this case she's not because he isn't even here. In the United States you don't need approval from your spouse to divorce, and all you have to tell the judge that the marriage has fallen apart and cannot be restored, you don't need to give details, they don't care, they see enough cases in a day and don't have time to hear all the details.
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-07-28 20:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed some advice about Divorce in Egypt

this is th most stupidiest stuff ive ever heard of everyone chats on yahoo or msn or any of the chat places nothing wrong with it as long as u are friends you dont know what he is doing or does he know what you are doing .who's to say u arent chatting with other men u shouldnt be mad i love my husband and he loves me he has friends there in egypt but id never divorce him cause he talks that th most stupidiest thing i ever heard of and the biggiest laugh thats just and easy way out of being married i love my egyptian man we been together for 3 years and i trust him. you maybe dont trust yourself thats why u want a divorce egyptian men arethe best men any woman can get the should be proud they are honest men more than the american men i know i was married to them. but you should sit back and think maybe u chatt and found someone else thats why u want divorce cause u have no proof he has and he has none u have. so when u show everyone proof here then we should believe u anyone can say my man chatts with other women big deal god knows you may also noone here can say u dont they not with u or not with him so dont make him out to be a bad man when u probably doing it yourselfand if any one feels sorry for her well i feel sorry for u u dont know her or him so dont judge them or judge him muslims r good men and honest.

This woman did not come on here looking for your approval. What you and your husband feel is ok to do in your relationship may not be how someone else feels, we are all entitled to our own opinion. Maybe you're chatting with other men and admitting that what her husband is doing is wrong would make you look like a hypocrite. My fiance is Egyptian and I know he is a good man, however if all egyptians men were good & honest men then why is Egypt such a high fraud country :whistle:

Edited by mandyu1, 28 July 2010 - 08:18 PM.

mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-07-28 20:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed some advice about Divorce in Egypt
I had a friend who divorced her loser husband who she could not locate, and all she had to do was testify that she tried everything she could to locate him and publish her intent to divorce in a newpaper. After 30 days or something like that she could proceed with the divorce. It also helps that you do not have children with him, that would make it more difficult to do, but since you don't and you don't share any assets with him this sounds like a pretty simple case.
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-07-28 18:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed some advice about Divorce in Egypt

Understanding the reasoning of the CO's in Cairo more and more in regards to your case.. :whistle: kudos to them for looking out for your fianceé

my thoughts exactly!!!
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-07-27 08:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed some advice about Divorce in Egypt
what the h()el are you taking about man !!!!
everybody speaks ad chats thats not a reason for devorce and rember we only hear the story from 1 person you , did got that bro

So you would not have a problem if you found out that your fiance/wife was chatting with other men?
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-07-26 15:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed some advice about Divorce in Egypt
Sandra, I don't know you well but I am sorry to hear that you are going thru this. As others have said I think you are a very strong woman, and making the right decision. I hope nothing but the best for you and your son, stay strong!!

As for the two men that advised she think twice before following thru with the divorce, I wonder if the tables were turned and a man found out his wife had cheated and he was filing for divorce if you would feel the same way and encourage him to stay and try to work it out?
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-07-24 16:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaTGIF
Thanks Tammy, Jeanne, Andrea, Olivia & Wonderful (I'm slowly learning everyone's names :blush: )

Andrea enjoy ur time in Tampa, I keep telling Mohamed that it gets REALLY hot here, but he doens't believe it can be as hot as Egypt hehe.

Jeanne I'm glad you got some rain (I'm guessing you probably needed it :) ) I LOVE Thunderstorms, thats why I love living so close to the beach.

Hope everyone else has a safe and fun weekend!!!
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-07-30 11:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaTGIF
Good Morning MENA, and TGIF!!! :dance:

Hope everyone has a great day and weekend. I have a 4 day weekend :dance: A great friend I have not seen in over 4 years is coming to visit me for a week this weekend, and Monday we are going to Disney World for 2 days. This should help to keep my mind off of the visa process for awhile :)

Edited by mandyu1, 30 July 2010 - 08:54 AM.

mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-07-30 08:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaSaturday
Good morning Tamara and MENA!!!

Tamara sorry to hear about your husbands wedding ring, thats aweful!! Hope you feel better

Hope everyone has a great weekend? :) Time for me to do what I've been putting off all week (cleaning the carpets and the garage, along with all my other household duties). Idk when I will learn, I keep telling myself I won't procrastinate anymore, and I do it everytime :bonk:
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-07-31 08:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaSunday

Awww have fun!! Are you staying at a resort? I told Sameh today that we can either go to disney for his birthday or go to a concert, his choice but I am hoping disney!!! LOL:lol:

Sorry Andrea I wasn't ignoring you :) Yes we stayed at the Caribbean Beach resort, it was pretty nice. I hope for you Sameh picks Disney too, I have been there 4 times this past year and I never get tired of it!!
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-08-04 10:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaSunday
Andrea - the west coast is the same as it always is :) I will be heading to Disney in the morning for 2 days :dance: Enjoy the rest of the weekend...whats lefts of it :)
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-08-01 18:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaSunday
Hello MENA!!

Wendy hope you get everything you want to do accomplished, but I'm sure your husband will just be happy to be with you and your kids!!

Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend!! :)
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-08-01 11:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Hump Day!!
Thanks Andrea and Jeanne!! :)

Andrea I was taking a while to write this thread too, I kept getting interrupted and was thinking someone is going to post a thread before I get this finished lol.

Jeanne I have always wanted to come to Arizona or move there (I drove thru it once on the way to Vegas but I don't count that :) ) I love cacti, the heat and palm trees, so Arizona would be perfect for me. Stay cool!!
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-08-04 09:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Hump Day!!
Happy Hump Day MENA!! Hope everyone is having a great week. Got back from Disney last night and had a great few days there, but it was sooo hottttt!!!!! Also, got great news that our case was sent to the embassy, so we are finally out of AP @ NVC and should be getting packet 3 soon :dance: . Have a great day everyone!! :)
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-08-04 08:50:00
Middle East and North Africadivorce rate/mena/couples
wow Olivia (F) thanks for sharing your story.

It is very sad, domestic violence is a vicious cycle and it hurts all those involed. And the case of your school counselor scaring you with the things she said, is just like I said, when people hear of domestic violence they don't want to get involved. I think things have some what improved over the years, but its still hard. Its especially hard for women in your moms situation, maybe with no money or no college education to get a job to support her family, you feel trapped. That was one of the issues with me and when I finally left him I said to myself, I will never NEVER be financially dependant on a man again, and from there I returned to school for my degree.
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-07-30 14:02:00